ur, A, B. “mic, whose [mammal-sin- aim†ot a very happy and humumm Mule. I“. LIt‘lIfnmu who msnguu‘ I mid ruilalim on "Rithrnstrin" which was thoroughly enjoyM, mud Mr. (ldlnkly M“ a To. lccuon very smutâ€. Mrs, II. M. - m‘rlbntml . mun numbn â€to! Van mil-h wpl'uiurd and irtt mum!“ m. oomp'oml M Miss B. L. M m â€an. Cham Us “1 aatd my. M. Be.rs n-ndorvd wt- .9 rt.eeCi, and Myle. The lunhrlay wrml gun-u m (hr M, Hindi“ cltutvlt “Mm lhr "uspto', , "In Epvmrih [mang nu Mtmtloy mm tate trrtttltted a nu happy but hm" tor ltte In" numb" in aIIonrhnu The Wugranu"" Much “as .u. mm] lent “1% itariiripatvt1 III In hit Teachers' salat um Caretakers salau l C. A. Boehm, insunun'r Water and Light, Commission Rev. Mr. Lytur, rent Mr. t'has. thgk mm puma-pl showed Nam. for Ilu. Iuoposrd Ichool. The monthly lint-rung ol “Ir Water loo School Board was hvld nu Tucs- Ilay art-lung. There war pruwnl In. C. T. Notker in the chain un" Mes- M's. Wm, ('nnrall, c. F'cick, (I w, Schiedcl and A, E. Iresttt, An exciting mummy took place on Tuesday when the liorse and Hg of J. Ziegler, growl“ wax " stand- ing near the public school, The bin-so took fright and dashvd down King tstreet, breaking away from the wag- gon, and made a spectacular jump clean over J. Fischer's horse which was standing across ilw load in front of the butcher shop. The horse continued his mad lush down Xingu Allan and Bib strerts, cinching aUiifi) several blocks. The horse was brought) to a stop by F. Hilliard. catching the lines, he being thrown tn tho stde- walk with considerable burr. and it†lace severely injured, The, harm was considerably bruised and the shaits oi the rig were broken. WATERLOO SCHOOL The Telegraph Jnius in “ixhiug (hr newiy married couple a happy wvdd. ed tire. _ The many gifts remixed n-slilicd lo the esteem in which the bride and groom are held, A quiet but pretty wedding took place Wednesday . at the 11mm of Mrs. Mina Urstadt, Albert St., Wat- erloo, when her youngest. daugluct Christina was united in marriage to Mr. Nelson Irotiman. The tu0te Wits given away by her brother Mr. Fred Urstadt and was attircd in a navy blue dress and carried tt bouquet of white roses, The parlor was prettily decorated with palms. New. M. L. Wing otticiated. _ - Mr. and Ms. mtirtnBtt Inn on a wedding trip to Hutfalo and “pun their return will reside in "crlitt. The Following .Il‘l'll‘llllS were [was Addresses illustrated by vieus will be given every cvcnmg until Friday evening, but a more eareful inspection ot the exhibit is secured by visiting the hall in the afternoon. A nuulbcl of the pupils at the Central tSchool have been visiting the hall mm} morning to we the exhibit, and ad- dreascs are delivered to them by mem- bets ot the medical profession. HAPPILY WEDDED Much Interest is being misttiteaited by Waterloo citizens in tho Tuberculosis Exhibit. in the Free Library Ilall, Mr. Hodgetts, Secretary oi tho Pro vincinl Board ot Health, was to have delivered addresses Tuesday allernoon and evening. but he was unable to In preterit. In the evening Dr. Hilliard, Secretary of tho local league " tin Prevention ot 'l‘ubeiculosls. addressed a [use large audience in tin: Library Hall, and cited many interesting lacts in connection with the elrort being mode to arrest the progress ol this disease. He explained the purpose or the various exhibits, which included devices for assuring the patient fresh nit and sunshine which were two essential considerations in addition to good load and test. It has been lound that consumption was cttrabh' and was n communicable disease and in many cases took yours to develop. By means oi views placed on a canI vnss an idea was conveyed as to the various stages ol the disease and the appenunce of the lungs. THE PREVENTION OF TUBERCULOSIS Interesting Exhibit ',i"l'lr,i,5 Lib. nry Hair-Large umber in Attendance. We! oua--rttttunuthu "d-tut/th-trd-ooo. Pgmhuttirt Inn-numb. - “My noon. Own-l deu-Wupw Wed. Gif. - 7.36M . at.“ tiiii% aiGFiuGuoi EXCITING RUNAWAY BIRTHDAY SOCIAL t. J. rayaty-e'titttr acted n '01 the was". attain“! the III;- ON WEDNESDAY BOARD MEE'I bteteulcc-' tG8 37 IIP, 10.94 .ulll Jill 50 30 - John (M‘ ‘...'e'.. 'm GiFFrii's 1iir.' :1 “mum. ill-m to Ian. ';.hT1ltUd.Yni (Pl- [kw ..=...-__--.. _ __ “Hex h l Michacl ittru ll I Mis Il I".I~h nu hand C)" put , ".1 i 'l‘;' ft'nnumd pant m- umllgagrs . llnmcsl nu Imuh deposit amt mongayus ' Irma colleutul during war “this other than "Iv human!" John Jonas, steer ki'lod By lightninrsp. Ins. Fianna H, Palmer. "ver lulu-II by lightning . Mrn, C. Schneider, hcikr killed by “shilling _ John Phair, dame m barn by lightning _ "Mu-rt t'athcart, dnmugl' In barn by lightning . Wm "aluminum 'it"itagr to hog sunk M lightning H Artchoson, dinning" to barn In lightning ., 1trtos Mttrtrmakrr, hog and colt killed try lightning Ilrnry Krlly. damage to km hy “gluing _ _ John Farms, 401mm to Inn: try lightning _ _ Henry F. Batu. row huue by light-lug _ .rr_PF.N .. M. Mehedewi ' dnattagm to hon-a by 11mm; .‘ trN» a. R. Tarc Ion-p to Inn '. this. ..,,,d.. John (M. than I. m In" mm.- ,luhn Tututnm Hettts “opplvr A I. Slumâ€. Wm. Lockhtird, “hirll “ass gunning midwa- the mnlidunn- "I ilw insulin-g put Sprn'lws “(Tr Ms , drhu‘rul ht directors and otlit'ts prawn! in wl rvtervrtve, was mull:- lo tite Sp)†standing of Hu- (‘nmlmny and hvalllty Azimuth and plugu-M 1mm 3 to year. An intprrv,irri :Illrmldnl al 1hr In iug was Mr. -I.ll'u|| llallmun, ut , Ilric, Alia., “In: stain! that hr .‘ Total 14-06th for , _ Ihssrs YI. N, “mm: and Hymn: N Snyth‘l' \\l'l’L' tlviml auditors rot thr .yth'tr UHâ€). . A lit-all} tou. oi thanks was Inui- nul tlte â€(and "I itirrctors aunl ' Managvr lor Ilu, rlhrivnq and Lulh {Nun's}. 1sith which I!!!) had nli‘rlnuu ml their until-s dining lln- It".". Tim writing pit-Mumâ€, Mr. Lvuurlvr Human." in l‘nlllsr oia Inn-I SNI'I‘II, mm!!- rvtercncc Ihr 131- Mucn- "l, s of the Company during Ill!‘ 31-.†hulk. which mm- nnuuannMe- and un- plan vi laying umh- " pul‘lmn oi lhc surplus each year was " gum! um and aided in prodding fui lossrs such as had Itven experriencvd this 315-111 The had In?" experriencvd this 5eenr. The Company at the I’m-sent lune was In a syls-ndul posiliou and erv was il sieady incrrast hum yr.†In )mr tshich “ass gunning midvnu- U! the outtideuuv of llw insmn-vv lull-“r 'rhe vlcction of bo tlitvclots "il' unt conssiderpd, {um gunHl-uu-n lit-in, norrsinauui, bldi-- John 1lurttivlt Hatrtlrt'rtt: Thus: Marshall. Elm-:1; Ja rub F', Ilullumn, Pturrrstrurg; Jor.. " Harper, Ptvtitoti, vim “no dvchirt-, rim-ted. “HI, "atakerg; A. I', llnllnmn, "res- lan; S. Fl. Herucr, Mannheim; Jas. Hill, 1'reel'oank; Tlos. Marshall, bit- um; G. W. (hunk, Kossu1h; John Amos, Strasburg; Aug. .Innwn, F'nv- pore; C. Rankin, Amos Hurst, Mumm- Ingdnlv, Valentine rl. Wagner, Wcll- esley; A. L. Shaun. Ilcidelherg: T. Deutinger, Atrritv9 Livnlvardi, John IV llvst-r, ll. 1cac!iuer, Linwood; Mar nn H. Snider, Blummngdalv; A, Den- linger, Atulrcw Du-lml-lt. The mining cumum! at I "Huck, the tauirttss reports bung pn'sruu-d, including the Dirn'lnrs' Rum“ and Fiuant ial stairwell .uul Auditors' Kern“ which urn nunninmusl} adop- 10th Nr. lwalulul :inumml, titcl're sideut pn'sirh-d. The vlcction of bo Illl'l't‘lnh. “an nut considered, foul .t,reutltmttwn brill}. t'o., held on Tuesday in the Beret ot Trade mum. To“: Hall, Wa%ttoo, was unaided by u iargts representa- [lull ul porteyttotders, The you Nut! as 13th by the reports was main one ot subatuttau magma and t'et1rwted a healthy tut! Meaty growth during the yen. am increaee ol 3500.- mm met the plant»: yen: in the am- ount " lunar-mm canto-l mnsttlth tum tery satislactury tenth-nu: that the Company retains the coaiidvnce oi) the insuring public tn a marked th- I site and us a "null: to the soutut mhm'natlw, and eqwtuble policy purl to'.cd try the ttrauaIemcut. The amount of loss the past yr.“ was $bi'/t30 85, fat m are»; ul mutt lust the Company espersvururl in any our year, but despite tltls fact the t‘t-mpau) “as able to linttuu- uittr. out iucreirsmg Uw atSSl‘bblllt‘lll and tp- ported a surplus at $1M,5l5.51. Tlic jtutul numhl‘r oi policies lit force ls All“! and the amount at nah “Jul, 'rrs, " which the l'umpauy hunts tut-mint" ootes, lace talue to the am- uunt of $3tii,383. I‘ht- assessuueit1 oil thrve per ctatt. dvclattNl till Srpt, lat,t “NIH, “m sumcieitt with the catuisut-i ilus on hand of lost 3r.†lo um‘tl all liivhilities and _ ll Valance Int cash and surplus amounting to tel,-. 5t5.1,5. The 35th atutual Insulin} d the North Waterloo Hutu! Fix: lam Mr. Goo. Lacknor Elected President and Mr. Val. Z. Wagner YiiasoPres.Miratltyittg Reports Presented.†pl. II tm' Furl)“, dauragc vl Fiirs, dumm- to II thavlu, thunmzv M Lr'viortutrky, tr, Inlulnlng __ “and", tttmt bl Ium I. [Jule], inlay, m 'I‘qulmll. cow LI'INI I“. 0' lupus!- "ml ruIIH'IIN In 1hr lung", tr, Ivan: bv Mailman: cot, LIHNI In: luhlnmz lob of hull. and rmnvnh In iixhinimz Ion ul lull! and mnlrnlx by "ginning tm, horses killot by hghtnmg T ., insulin; public drlnvrul ht Hu- rl'l'N‘Hl in which In th- sph-mlul mil-any and llw ugu-m hum ypur In trout," and ulnnlvnlx by [in n II1I‘IMS of lmuw In ftre In hump and barn by lightning "I uagun II'I'IN' um] tworrMrttb"ht EXPENDITURE RECEIPTS A in hm} “was MUTUAL!" 11-mmn‘pl Vai.tuivriwirr, who i slaw-mm]. All of which is u-sprnfnlly suluuit ted [rum gear to “an; that you still have Ilu- mnlulcncc of the puhIir in grun- "l Although your tlirecttrts haw nth- "o special mutt to autumn-ht its 'tresin-vis, we are attic lo show an in- l'I‘PJSI‘ m risks (It 5520.330. hirtrr dirvctots 1leclarvd .In I'ist'shi nwntt " " lit' cent nu all premium notes Jn fun-r nu the lint any ot Sop» 10mm}, MUN, wllit'h was 'sulticivr". with the cash and surplus 0n hand oi last war in met! all hatrilities of lhv t‘um-..n-y and ieit a 'balance “I cash and \unllus anlounting to $2L'ilr5i, In witclusion ete Dog to call you, attention to the nu) pritwipal object, " yum Int-chug Iwre to-day, \iz.:'l‘hr dixpvmd of the [wants and shun imuA, abut-l. to fre rand In yo" and (In- rk'utlun uf tour directors. “IIHM' ll‘llll oi ulhvo has expiu-d, viz, -- Jhssrx I It, Hagvv. Vid. ("lulu-m. Thos 1r.trshall and Jan S, llallumn. ccd in any one ymr. Ilowever with Ilu. great, increase In Iorcws, Pr"r dir- m-lurs Wt're able to foance, without iucrcasiur, your ab"sessment, and aft ul,le to rcport lo you still a surplus to the credit of thc company. aiu- outuing to 831.5155], and "ucollcct- ml assessment otuountiug lo tl,ir'i9.0. The total number of policies 1n force is 311!) the amount oi risk ts $r,tc'.7.tt3ti [or which the l‘nmpuny hoids i'tvutiutn miles, racy mluc lo lhv- .zm-vunl of $354,383. II ix clearly shown. by the new; tin-name " the ('ulnpuny's luminous [rum gear to “an; that you Mill have Iln- rururuicnce of the wthlic in Lrt'ttt'r- Gvntlemen.--we your directors in submitting this our 1hiri.v-iiith annnai report, Martager's Financial Seatcmeut and Auditors' Report ttrcthe year ending Dee. 3151, 1908, would Congra- lulate the Company on the steady in- vu-asc io its business.aml tho large amount of cash assets on hand consi- dering the great amount of loss we have to LWport to you. ()ur lusgos this var tuialed up In 'l7,339.s'5 altogether in mass ol ally- thing the company has ever exirvrivn- Fstaulier, Manager. The Executive Cotumittee [or 1hr year was is composed of the Presl- dent, Vice-President and Mulmgrr. Mr. Levi Stank! also widus.wd the meeting and referred to the many )enrs he had been ideuttiied with the Company, which he had always rude..- H'lt'll to .tierve lalthlully and well. Screw] years ago the wuuuny had inaugurated the plnetiw or laying aside each year a certain sum to be 'Iny,vd in Ease ot heary losses full“ the excellence of the Mea was apparent at the present time “he†the Cosuparry had sutiered heavy lumes. He has been hemtily in Law: of this course " sunn- Yeats hut " was not until re- tentty that. all the members of the lunumny had been convinced of the .nlumttnltty of dump; so, lie predict- ml still mun: pruspemus. years {or the Company and “as. eunlidoul the insur' sure at 1isk in ten years more would, he \ely substwttiuily increased, Uttn'exs Elected. The Manager caltvd " meeting oi the Board of Dime-tots at the t‘lnst" of the Annual meeting and the lulluw- l ing ultieer.» were duly elected, Tit'-- Geo. P. Lackner, President; Val. , Z. Wagner, Vice-President and l.l'\l‘ To Mr, Thou. Mchlwl ut Dundas, said he had Lea-h an agent at the Company tot many years and oograturated the mamatyrmettt IND the 351]:de shoal»; arade trom year to year been 3 WM " the Company fos “out mm years. He and the rates, in tho t.0wt were much higher than in ttte But. My was glut to return and nut-ct. " old hit-min here and was pleased to law. that the Company “as prosper" f unl‘snall and Jay, .s, Ilallumr d whom am- vllgllbh- fur Ttsch, euvpt Val. Ullvlhl'i", “In: i the Mommas or the North Ita. tertou F'armers' Mutual Fiu- Ins DH'sr'A'TO1t'y4 IU‘II’UK'I' s mug“ LI'IA N1Milt â€(HY)†N. Prvsidvut Io rvporis and shut " be read In you an tour directors. “hum 'e has “pin-4L Viln- Irogev, Vict. [HM-r1211" f 2,ritlt .50 1,9001)" £51.11 In" "" if) in? I 12 175 36.00 " m) 17 on 13.00 16100 a M 15.00 7100 12.50 35.00 10.00 T3 tiircctors,. “hum “pin-d, Viln- Vict. [HM-r1211" Far, S. Ilalltuun 5.00 "o It" cm an) M [m 1m 33 H? ZRJUIIJH We the underlined Amman, hue "tttttMed the Book! ad Venom ot tht Non. WM!†an' In“) Ile, lttttty. My, All had Mr. Gillan, Supt. of the Middle l Division of the (man. and Mr. Cr. M. Mitchell. master oi Juidgcs and Irraiiiiiji,' were in town this morning and inspected the new gates erected on Ming street. Vt amuum hrf Prermtun Notes Inf-w l‘nrnilulo Total Assets torwr Liabilities none l'm-ullwlcd Assrssmrnt Itrittrn on _ No ot policies in'rom ttms. am, was Amount of Risk Cash un hand Muttgagcx Total umtrnllahk‘ expenditure Normans Iuuvhasvd T l'nsll nu hand . V _ Hxecutivt, Cotnmittm. tees _ Two u-ara' business tax r. (rt T .. _. _ Refund on Assessments 8 cc VrrF Post oifice box rr "'r'..".rrr. Bree.. 1Ulice -ulim and expenses _. Assi: anr "drlrvssing and mailing r Lin-l . _ -itwt T _ Couudit rlr nun [or annual tmviing \liucvancous items _ - t it 'ace amount ot Premium N will beheld at the head oMett of the Company. Wnerloo, Out., on at l, 30 o‘clock in the like: noon.{cr the purpoee of receiving the unnunl unto mom, tor the election ot they Board Directors and for such other bushes. '"U"" properly beteonaidmed. By the; V Ge" isGTiiWiiomaus tee. Theta, llllllard. "My, fepyugry lith, 1909 Expense-s collrxriing Assessments Travelling Expenses _ m........ m..... (H1100 rent _ _ _ Telephone rm! and mmsagvs . ' Attending l'lldt-lwriim‘s Assoc. and Flu-1 V . Is hereby given that the Annual Genera-l Meeting of the Musreholderts ot the DOMINION LIFE â€sumac: _ 1 COMPANY, Jialaries,-directors" {rm and auditors,' foes Agcnls' fees Fr, ' _ 're-m r_-..t, ' t'alvnders ' T u Tr, 'rt . _ 'Vrv. -___ Postage ace-null . . _ rrV_ .., Ftp. Printing, stationery and advertising _.. -. Adjusting chums and investigating losses Interest T VT _ .. .. Statutory Assessment and License Imam _ m. A qt-tq1t-T+ip In“, Pt% Out 81mm I‘m,l‘ob.lo. tannin-Tonia!) Hull, no. at. 1eee:'..trfrl"t,, In. 10th. Spe- egw.--w. U. Slum, mum. Speck! miie-dates 5nd tspeah er! not yet arraid:-Hawemwille, Heidelberg, Mondale, Wexrt Mention Manna“. For tulle! inluruntluu bus ["0me mos. A Jay or more went at tum mummy is time well spent. . A. Ducting. Pres., t‘rouhill. Josiah Stunner. m Vice-pres. Waterloo, i-tit Total uxpmditurv on losses iii-iii. Bye, horse killed by lightning.†_.. "_t.rt 'w""'...... Pwr. Jas. Davis, horse killed by lightning ."_""'ttr.-_t. . "__rr... . Menno Koch, loss ot ham and contents by lightning "'-r. llvnry Newton, damage to barn by lightning Nrt V. 'Ft . _ Luanda Montag, horse killvd by lightning -"tr.r_ "r_r'er__.t_ Geo. "whmetzer, horse killed hy lightning t. 't't.ew _-ree J. Wilkinson, damage to barn by lightning 'FF 'rv NTte . ,. A. W. Devin, d'amage to barn hy lightning ._Frtwr. l wr. ... ll. and E. Bock, horse killed by lightning Sp. his. [ i. . Samuel Davis, damage to house by lightning .. i. i. .. G'vo. Ii. Bowman, loss of barn and contents by lightning L. J. "nodding, loss ot ham and contents by fue N-t_-N.. r. Geo. Wehner, loss of barn and cuntcnts by.lightning .. __. Prior Walter, loss at horse by lightning, Sp. hrs us-..., mr... Robert Manon. damage to barn by lightning .._.._... ...rrt.. .Il A. Watt, horse killed by lightning...WWW. bm-ure-v..-.... Allan S, Snyder, loss ot barn and contents by tire W........ Jus. Connor, loss of house and mntvnts by fire ........._.. Thos. M. Wright, damage to cow hy lightning """"mtwetrr..... John Ewen, damage in barn by lightning . .i '...r.. "'C""tr, Adam Jenkins, loss of house by tire., 'v.. i mm. “canon, damage to barn by lightning John Weir, damage to barn by lightning .N.. . J. Archibald, colt killed by lightning. v.. 'wt (V lh-nj. Bye, horse killed by lightning.†,, Bung. Haustqu, damage to barn by dal rwe"ditrue and Li-iia-.iiAmiii " 1iS?ih' "in: as; mum-Jug. mu. . 4tt. St Jarobq-AN-t's tun, Fob It. u. any. Tommie. Local -herr will he added win-n um its». )1an w- M at. Notice M. L. “that, 2atd Vice-Pres, St. Jacobs Allen Shaun, Sum. Waterloo MANAGER'S STATEMENT OF ASSETS STATISTICS 31m! ending Dee, 31 M, 1908 mush on hand 01m President. Bunk. Waterloo, tttttttttttis In " 015.5]. alt-mints l Miuc, Ives Mr. Cecil B. Smith, chief engineer ot the construction of the Government power transmission line, stated yes- terday, that the tirsd consignment ot telephone poles to operate along the system had been shipped. The new machinery and equipment will all be tested a second time on its arrival. About seventy-tirc tront the Turin» (My gathered at the Alexander tlouse Waterrloo, on Monday evening, (he ov- casion bring a Scotch Supra and concert in commemoration of thc an- uiversary of Robbie Burns “Stut- lund'.s Greatest Poct" the event lining colebrated in loyal style. Following the supper a. tew hours were given or. er to speeches and song and the var- Inns toasts were heartily proposed and happily responded to. Mr. Wm. M. Algie of Alton presided very ac- ceptably and delivered an oxcrllont address which was Very appropriate' to the occasion to which Mr. Itichardl Reid of Berlin responded r CELEBRATE!) The Misses Ptulp gun: a piano duet â€Grand Gallop dc Concert." which was played in good style. The concert was one of the best t'Y- er given under the auspices ut the Ho- any and the proceeds' “ill go ih aid ot the piano (and. Mr. .ilt J. White who is I coulo- dim d lplen‘id ability, kept the alt diam in continued merriment uni his numbers were: source ot enter uinmcnt to all present. "is music songs we" exceedingly minhlul and produced much laughtu. Kiss Fun- cu Wright proved In this second to Mr. White, She sang several solos which included “Soldier Boy" and "Wttert We're Together" which were well received. The duet sung by Miss Wriglg was also an entertaining num- ber. by m on It“. ol t at can by a. ll. and, h on." $ie.t.itbMr.qrtttJ.tmiteeeoe- tun Ad In: hm Irish! 'ttyt may». no Win-o lulu“ le- Iecuou by s Qunntb mm a Mum. “any Mutt and Herbert Phitp, solo corn“. It. F. Bow: toto W. Mr. A. low-Ill. win hor.. Tb um, “Th Baum ot Spring," nu “Baum (rum open “luau" were otucfivel3 played and u» gunmen: were obliged to w spend to mom. _ 'ht'tmmt%tttraHM . 3.119 F 7,027,80ti Mo, . 36i,0M " LEVI t5TAUh'PER, Mgr SAMUEL s. HERNER name B, swam. ' _ 28.32013 LEVI STA (TFFER, Mgr. m 3i2/ttt; 19 2.10 oo 6.800.00 1015 5) . 5.50 786.95 1,764.75 1,300,00 If0.00 11.61 63.66 2,280.88 391.00 10.00 3.00 250.ht Jilin“ ,5mum 4.00 5.15 75.00 00.00 50.00 3,000.72 .. 4.50 100.00 100.00 10.00 V 10.00 150.00 1,008.50 807.50 199.00 IM.39 79.50 69.50 55.05 49.74 46.75 41.50 37.50 30.50 23.60 10.5! 10.00 9.91 ANNIVERSARY 33.17 1.00 115.75 3.50 17.5ft 8.00 101m 9, Amie". 312,296.â€! 367,851.35 36 £35,512. :35}: First Shipment. of Spring T rtaiuingoui- now 1n stock. isis'. a piano mm t .4. :#‘*‘l:‘m:"l':‘ji Ashtop‘s Ifrints _ C' _ii'iist"ii'iitir'/ V firurp s Prints l P Demms _ - Cottonades v IVERSARY Ginghams ; £4222... 31:1,: 1iheistiryrs _',." :zm'wgrg; . Towellmg 'e ICI, 1l1;ryrt , t Shaker Flannels i, , “:19511‘3311222' ' Dupks l §:2%§2;a::::;;» Drills ': _::',:,':',,.,,':,')'),-'),';'.,';",:.":'.",:',,),','-:); Assortment 31,5155] Moreno in Rink Ityl 520,330 I JM9,Cr 2,565 57] 17,339.85 7U In“ 't..-rarm s , mums." fiat-E331“ - â€WWW. Much 4.--F'ttrm Huck and Implrn menu ot "eott Hans, coo-hall mile MRI- ot at. Anna and 5 mites rm: ot Waterloo. Inch $rd.--hurm stock menu of J. It. Lichly. 2 of Wellesley, lot to, con Monthly line. March g.--Farm stock and Imple- ments of Mrs John K. Snyder, I miles south of Wellcsloy and s tuilve north of Eden. Feh. 2tuv--F'arm stock and imptrr ments ot Samuel S. Snider, Jr., 1 mile west. ot Wuterloo on the road 'rtmrrer te, GO lawn». Feb. 16Ue-Farm stock and Implo- ments ot Geo, Martsz, t runes south. west oi St. Clements and 3 miles northwest ol Humbug. manta, of Ben. Shoemaker b' miles northeast of Elm and 4 miles southwest of Elm 13, lot " Pilkington Township Feb. 10ttt--Farm stock and moms at Peter M. any, one northwest or Waterloo. Feb. Ilth-Furm stock and imylc- u.ents at Henry Sl'rchel, 5 miles northeast ot Wsllesley and I mile. southwes¢ of St. Clements. Fob. 8_-r5" acres of land ak 2mm Hausa, .EInura. ALBERT MICK US, Auctioneer Berlin, January 25,7909. Only about $500 worth of furs left and these will B, told in a few weeks. Sablescarfs and stoles, mink scarfs, "tgt lssabella, fox, etc. all cut to nearly half paice. This "our opportunity, buy now. Women's coats worth 10.00 {073500. / T " " " 15.00 " 7.50. .’ ,E. " " " 18,00 " 10.00. _ 5 ' Fur lined coats, fur coats all at greatly out. prices. 15. 19.00f 25.00, 35.00, 38.00 to 850. FURS! FURS! FU S! All Furs and Winter Coats are going in our, Sale at tremendous cut prices. If you require anyti warm coats and furs this is your opportunity. Children’s coats worth 3.00 for.81.50. " " " 6.00 " I' 2.50. " " " n 7.50 a; 3.75. The last of S. B. BBICKER & Feb, 49y-Farm stock Auctlon Sales Ladlea’ Ladiea' Ladies' IrgggmBros. a Go.,-: krrner King and Erb Streets, Waterloo, Collars worth 10 00 for 37.50. tr ' Fur Scat-fa and Buffs at 500, 6.00, 7.00 and 810.00. . Persian Lamb Coats, worth 135.00 for $90.00. 4 ' Newest Patterns Spring Stap Remarkable Bargains am! impte miles M's! I, on the lilnum, More, fun: and inn) hs a Winter 0 implm mile I Petr. "--tuoek and Implement. of John Inna. on Hum ' Inna not“ a! New M ' Petr. 'sc-Port, Stock - Imple- mont- ot anl 0cm, ttm miles "I ot Melton, and two In“. southwest ot Freeport. Man]. 1l,--Farrn stock and Implo- Jnruts oi Meth lhuman about 2 mites snuth M M, Jacobs and l mite west of Fit JM'ohs, March 24.-Farm Slack gm! 1m mmls of Tuna s. Kolb. i tttttet M n! Berlin, on mud leading trem BeeSq, to Hit-slam . _ t ALEX. ARIES, Autumn" ROBT. â€RICKN ELL. Am‘ lot with burn in the “duff-THEE- any"; at 2 p.m. "e Pet. 17.-Farm a moms o't B. F. Sh , mile wait ot Man in: SUANTZ BROS, Auctioneer: March MF-Farm stock and it' meals or John C. Shantz, k southeast ot Berlin, north of FEM Road. . March i2,-Farnt stock and t _ moms of Christin B. Roth, l Con. 3, ' mile east of Bimbo: Jdttd 3 miles southeast of St Cle H. Petr. 1suh-msifisiiiii,ni F'. Shall. one In" Elli a. 1nd (btl Ci,)