Klipmt III my; lo we new Postal Ltw - into elect, May 8, 100fi, m, In the amount ot one cent _ to" ol tho ctsronictu-Tchr bil [I [waited on all papers nail Aer 011m Stale: poian and we - I I been obliged to in- ' ttfatal',') to United -ribeo to $1.50 per year "in†In “Vance. Undead: ayet" _ In, Secrets ry I: M. B _ Inlpoctor A BORE! District Ags m HY 'staHoo, T Phone 2-19. _' aAT 'tjig"";:; WINTER United Stine: Subscribers MM linminrr LgNEBY 3% Mutuat Building Were " â€.0‘00 Mil, H one an. i,' .orubusa for first dun Co‘pamiea. Lttg turned out ally by the mole ~Telograph bl) Booms ‘hn than n n blustery M -rirot--rtmMrtr mun“ than: in physique and vig- ttlk tree8trtB out tttr, mo. at: mm - iSTIG OapitAl........ 2mm 't. with the Dominion Ir.?, ........ $117,140. teed by the London mnsuranco Company Brier’s in Campany :POIATID 1876 ms Fehrenbaeh g St., East Berlin, Ont. “We! “3.313.688. us your next and be con- kisg Ct I' 'd Embalmer' day and night tt warm. Ont. manual: a, Cu. .ntllo Fire - Waterloo 'EHM no Acorn. II um N ml. man: I“ a an Br. .9. “an! I, 'rt'ts'e',',is:i'tiii?eiue'l 'idi.rid'll',ttaM'gt "a ' udqim- mm. l The appointment of Miss Clara Lochwad, of Hamilton, as teacher at , the Courtland Are. School was rate- '. lied by the Board. f The regular meetings will be held on the last Tuesday evening ol each "ninth. Mr. Kdw. Yrmy th will represent the Hoard on the Berlin Collegiate Its- stitute Hum-d. 'mtl were not invaded to mittee not. than mm. Another needs t. to mum and up“, but one can! to chl- u Ion a a lane" untold “any In nuance. It “no wonder to. it un- uhie wEen her but aches trom nora- lng till night. Her kidnap an wrong n A m romancing [or tttat TIRED. Sum": LrhotstyytCd1.rttPAttytt Trustee Ruby was appointed Ciuit= tnun ot the Finance Committee. The various Schoul Committees are composed oi the to0uwing's- Ueutrat-F. Kress, chairman, Fi. J. Stucbiug and A. Mega“. The new Chairman thanked his lei, low-members tor the unexpected how or and stated that. he would deliver Ins Inaugural address at the regular nueting next Tuesuay evening. King Edwardrw. Herttclder, chair- man, o. Ruby, J. L. Meisncr. Courtlaml Ave-L. Sattler, "ttr. I Is'. Iitrtt, C. Ruby. Margaret Aw-J. Ii. Vogt, chair- liLHi, Dr. llxlliatd and J. L. Meisner. PlLLS. They-re whip In Tin 30!. and In told by " . Magic" and an)": at? :1 box, armc- -7-'~ Bee tttat km: get the 'tr. DR. s'Roor's ID " A D LIVE! an edort was made by the mason- ty ol member; lo have Trustee Hen.- leldex to accept me .tta'ttausuit1tp on account ot his long and tannin! sew me on tttg Board, but owing to pan Donal reasons, he declined the honur. Ex-Lhaimxan P. Kress also declined lo sane A second year, and Trustee ' Puquegnnt was unimousty elect- ed to the chairmushlp. Rev. W. A. Bradley was appointed member ot the Free Likrary Hoard lur three years. There were three numintiuu (or the chanrmuhip. Tntsteo Wm. Hat;- tester was would by THEM A. Pequeuun and J. L. Helmet; A. Pe- quo‘nal. was proposed by Wm. Hert- Muu' and L. haulâ€; F. Kress wao proposed by Chas. Ruby bud J. E. Yogt. Trustee Hunteldct was appointed Cisairman ot the Property Commit- tee, composed of all the members oi the Board. The Wu] mun; olth Putt. At_tt-tse-tttqoett.uttr tast5aoutNmgdqmattdduat0d1te- incubul'duym rm. day uni-g n which an the member» "at in I“. m. at-tre “to new“ excepuu Tlulltel Hon was very hit con-Had“ a. m m Hurturd. Tu new when. and con:- “W. ther 1mm- E. J. swam; and J. L. Alter the mill: at a. “W! New»: took mat seat. um were tto Chi periodical, Dr. W cordially welcomed by the lump: took the - all mm .. LI- uwmbers ot the Board. 'ttd Tilly's ot Pe brr I“. 'eepleu tervottt Ind din “Olin . he and. on. ttoops k'Mh'h "ND LIVER PILLS. The, will MI" :e kidneys andgve new " e ind en- ‘s: Thouun can testitrto “In. that you get the â€who DR. VaAous places in Ontario have sent in to The Toronto Mai the lists oi fatalities [rum liar! crossing accidents in lhvir district during recent years. The record is startling. Summuri ing the figures al- ready reccihel, and avoiding duppiruCtons, the total number " lives wiped out within Phe rss', tir" years-mot, to speak DI the multitudes maimrd and the countless narrow e'seapes- reaches 115. And this is ne- cvssarily only a Iragmcmtary record. Here are some de um: Hrampton-8 aged mvn 1ntled, Iravtv1ock-.3 persons killed. Amlurrs'cir, M in Essex. orangerrrle--t killed in vicin- ity VICTIMS OF THE RAIL In box or “0110*. iilBt Aeitii, W need f . not l suffer? Mother. / do you _'iiii! know that you The maxing Mature ot (he rustli- lion ol the sweeping was the tart that the solo work was wrlmnml tnlirely by manhu- of the chair and all ot "mm dld remarkably noâ€; AM we»: "L, took “Viv p.11. were Mo. J. A, Hilliard, Misses M. Hullmun, Edith Funk and E. J. Wood. ttgtd M‘s-n. " A. Km, R. J. Dormer and Wager-ask. Each ot the told-ts an; In splendid voles Ind are duel-VII; ht praise, but "no Mutual man in which Min Funk tendered “Thou Art Fairer than _the Children of Men" (a dun-hing ot m vial melon. mu Funk has I IO- pnlo voke ot ran "mm- and In arcane“ control. The oratorio "Salvator," while it cannot, beginsscd with those com- posed by Handel, Gounod and others, is welt arranged and gives ampm op- portunity tor choral and solo apn- bilitios and the mum" In which it was interpreted try Trinity choir, under the leadership M Mr. K. M. Shildrick. rNtected great credit on the conduclur and his chorisiets and non fur them tuttering cnconmms from the audience and the ink-Mod mm- poser, Mrs. Haney, who was pre- will. tu, malaria "t%Naior" composed by Mrs. Gardiner Harvey, organist of SL George's Church, Guelph, below a good-sized audience a music lovers. The inclemcncy ol the wuilm- wo- Tmied many trom being In attemr ance, and so (ll-lighted were those presod with the manner in which the choir acquitted itselt, many rrquvsts hare been made io have the oratorio repealed ut a later date. Although the rebellion was an ap- parent lailure it brought its results. A great many people although entire- ly opposed to the rebellion itseit were in full sympathy with the movement and openly expressed themselves as such. even harboring fugitive rebels. The result ot the rebelllon was the passing ot the Act of Uttiotr, “hich indeed redressed numerous grievances of the people. tt must then-lore be conceded that although the methods employed hy Wm. Lyon Mackenzie may have hem questionable, he still will ever be remembered as a true iriend of the people and a delander ot their rights. The choir of Trinity Mtoodisi Church did use" proud on Friday t-vrning when It rcndcn'd (he beauti- , This brought matters to a head. Mackenzie with the assistance ot "r. Rolph and other men held public meetings throughout the province and aroused the people to actual rebel- lion in arms. An attack on the gov- ernor's residence was plotted, the forces to congregate at Montgomery's I Tavern, four miles north ot Toronto, Ion Dec. 7th. The plan would have meant certain death to the governor had it not leaked out and in their eagerness the leaders changed the date to the 4th of Der. The result was that only a portion oi the troops had gathered and after a few skirmishes were defeated. William Lyon Mackenzie escaped to the U. S.. and there aroused the sympathy of many. la Btritalo h: won to his side many lollowers and with these took up a position on Navy Island above Niagara Falls, ada at some point along the river. The people loyal to the government ot Loyalists, as they were called, became aware at their movements and stationed troopir along the shore app: ..in the, island and during a co" on night sent out a handlul oi mlmteers in a boat, who cut loose the "Caroline," a boat used lor the carrying oi prisoners lrom Bttruuo to the rebels. and let. her drift over the lane: This event seemed to put a damper on the rebellion in Upper l Canada. Blankenzie remained in U. 8. until pardoned by the English: government, when he returned to Can- C ada a good citizen and still a cham-' pion of the people's rights. , Whes Mackenzie Cttw' to um the country wall in a state at dis- turbance tor leverul roman. Rate jealousy was slums. All important other: were filled by Englishmen and the French excluded. The govt-morn were worthless men mat out trom England and held great iumtctwe our the imperial Podium-lit in so In that a petition lor redress to the English mrtttoritieq m Willy mat-less. The Exmtlve Council to- gether with the governors had an extreme power ot vote, no that the electors lound it time wasted to attempt legislntion Ivor-hie to themselves. in Upper Canada anoth- er grievance w“ the Glory Reserves trouble. Wm. Lyon Mackenzie had settled in Toronto sud conducted a drug store and printlng one: about where the King Edward Hotel now stands. He possessed 1 strong sense ot justice and soon championed tite cause ot the people, vsptwially the people ot Upper Canada. In a paper which he published he denounced the prevailing system ot government and so incensed the authoritiu that they seized his press and supplies and threw them into the bay. AM Tim-u ot WI). Lyc- I“. Tudor!“ washâ€!!!- “HI the undvidcd Bttqqttioet ot att. III commenced with “I very earrteut It at Mackenzie in NI boyhood I. Scot- land. his mm. uni-ll. by I 300d. devout mother and his many boyish pranks. h RICH TREAT IN BERLIN If your Hammett, "can or Kidmys are weak, try at least a tew dusu nulv M m. Shoou'l neuwtauve. is tfeet ut ten days only. the mun. um surprise you. A low can will cover the cost. And here In why he"! com on so quickly. Dr. Show doestr't drug the 81.0mm not nun-mt. ttte Hem or $udatera. Dr. Shawl Restore the goes directly to the mt ttatt mun. tenet. lunch an“ In its on controlling nave. When than met In". the Wing organs must a -esaitr Mk. Thu pmn. yet dbl-An“, chat"! Win]! In; SW. RMrrtt IO "es. ' --. ttt ~_b may A man bog'mning at an wars ot use, and paying “3.5 (rnls a “wk un- til he ts 60, may provide an annuity (ur income) 'or the unwind“ of his lite ot 8129.91. : A man beginning an 25, and 1min; 25 vents a week until he is 60. will receive $99.31. at 60. A man beginning " Mr, :25 cents a. week until he receive 874.73 at 60. A man beginning It 20 with acash payment ot tio, paying 25 ream a wrek. and adding no every .5 years until he is 60 will receive an: annuity ot 8151.96 at use of 60. h hearty mm of thanks was ten- dcred to Dr. Samson on motion ot Messrs. E. P. Clrment, KA'., and C. H. Mills, each of whom expressed live how that Dr. Sam»: would [mum and deiivet another addn-ss to a much large: audience. A man beginning at 35, pm! paying " cents a week until he is 60. will recehc 354.90 at so. Thc milowII-g illustralmm were gin-n to demonstrate the vastly groa- ter advantages ot an anntu contract over any other kind ot invvs1mrmt as a means of tuakiag provision " old any. The doctor's closing remarks were among the most eloquent passages oi language ever heard by a Berlin audience. He dmribt‘d what he was pleased to term the saddest picture he cw: saw-a group ol old men sit- ting in front of the York courtly house of retuge. Tho doctor said he would rather see his dearest iriend at the bottom ot a river or in a mad- house than in a poor house. It has provided by statute that you cannot be deprived at your annuity in any manner, by a0rperson, or by any process of law; and Sou are pro- tected against possible pressure and the manrtetnptatioas to withdraw your contributions, in order that the intent ot the act, which is solely to enable you to provide lor a wintert- able old ago, may not be 'tr4eatcrl; That the annuity cannot ho seized for dent. of any kind; and That it cannot, be forfeited. It is unalienable. In this case, however, the pvoplo were purchasing annuities ot the gov- ernment and there was no better so- curity on earth. The scheme was ab- solutely sate and the cheapest pos- sible, because the government paid tor the operating upcnsos. Dr. Sm. who is " 't'rumtatly Clever syntax, stated tint he had w pet-tad to address a and larger crowd in this industrial centre and was somewhat disappointed. lie intended, troteever, giving a “sensible tah lo u-nsihie people on . sensible scheme," The annuity legislation I'll the OIL was; ot that eminent thunder, Sir Richard CUrtwright, and when " was brought down in the Noam, of Com- mons was such a comprehensive and 4: plate win-me that it was passed um unanimous voice, Vanda “as the first country in the “ill†to put such an act upon tlw statute books. Tho doctor spent some time ta- plaining exactly what was meant by annuity imidcntally .sayng he did not intend to frown upon insurance companies, which were comparatively safe. but he could hardly recommrnd benefit milils, because they wore not lomn‘wl on a scientirrc basis and wore do' :ned to a pronmlurc death. This act should not be co' luau] with the pension scheme ot than old won“). The doctor said he _ hoped the day would never come when tun- ada Would be obliged to introduce any pension legislation. There \\ as no possible excuse for such country like 1'arrada, p1 traditions we have and natural was)“. In the ftrst place, the annuity act was passed tor the common people. It is a subject ot national 'import- ance. The smallest annuity any one can purchase is 850 and tht largest $000. M M ilk-h Indium; to tr " “an "rg' 'se' . rm u . tlt I'ln'lt.'atreet fauna; and in T at gnarl In“: “was. , an: I'll tally m by Mr. Edw. itl,,tr3',,"gLt cl the Bond cl Tub. ste, "We! his “gm, that owing to the numerous counter guru-lions no crowd "u toga-“urge an " expected. A ml (in. no - a iA"d,'.11',' - by Br. J... 2tt't “a“? at...†“U t Mt, u the Si-tt As...“ an .is-i'"i'-iGiti, a..." “mun-cm Feiss Not a Pension Scheme, Tote ot Thanks No Heuer Sunni†Illustrations Some Facts , lor such an act in a 'auada, possessing 1hr have and and: gum. Evan/39:! .5 #1.!!! o? his 'ef we: and paying is M, wilt In conch-ion Cot. Cluk mum to the mowed. in the very gar hum ot knowing the camp}! ot vulwu Mates In Mann“ the eritttttt.t lite ut um prowl-co and mucus the co- ntention a my â€Mom Cumu- h a. a--t. A in this Pro'ince tibm he wtttte, plum. " would pr this country to spend m “an a much u a Prer- oat to new“ the unread ol tuber- culoull n! it should he geatt with ttom a bushe- Itudpolnt. 7 Col. Chrrk amused [rum his tutte ioct tor a anon. "me and related to the spread at tn'.terrltM_ in “and. a“ it: punk-co in prisons. He staid that it then- is one thitttt that needs retortsratiort m um country " is our method ol drilling vim taber- adult The “any: value of n “It: i. 3:3: ar.". -y fpr m muons die in this Ptovinco how no wtttte ol I'oi. Clark was enthusiastically It'- ceived and in his opening Iain-irks expressed his, pleasure at hating the privilege ot addrestiin, the t‘unadian Hub of this prosperous town. l h.- tact that those pit-urn! were tttvttthrrs of the Canadian Club was an indica- tion to him that they were satisrtcrt nith ('anada as a name and astoun- uy. "It in an ahsolute fact," hr Natal, "that it is impossible to tle, ticritw the i‘mouru's of this great (In minion" and in an eloquent manner Col. Clark spoke ol the progress that is being- mado in the development of tbrse resources. " was thought some years ago that there were thousands of ants in this country that would never be inhabited but in recent years people have ttern nix-king to the Al- gonna. Nipibsiug and olhvr districts of New "Mario and an- 'utearthing tho wealth that is to he (Mind in this Province, 1'tytadiams un- cnlith-d to give their host for the development ol this country. their host public men and their best services hr the man- agomonl and govvrtutWrtt of its public institutions. ' IN" “a†I. - Imuhklhhcn.‘ 'tat" ?rtdM"reMattt.Ct.aain"iiia !t'y_ttti-e'okiGGirt on 1he-tii'wisii%GTiaiei" â€than.†ILChrI In Int-hat 'ertrl'hoier.co- President C. ll. Mitts chair and the gut-u ul at at his right and IN his left. The [wast Nt' erer Winter was very tit the service was all that bird. County man tt, J. ttowttstut, who was in "qualntasrce ot tht, Hark, in the days of their young manhood. introduced the speaker in a suitahh- manner and u-fon'od :0 the tact that Berlin was greatly mien-Mud in tht, scheme tur Prison Reform. - -t . c., _." ' "In“ was». iieA' alumna-u... flee) N“. m M (h mum: to w: the ur- mum and to lot-atone: h United Ntues and - u and on u WWI sys- ten ot I'M a. criminals ut this Province. an Udgetu, showed that he had given tho guano- cow aiderabH study and his hcueu were given n preliminary reriew ot the ret port to be mutated to tho Legisla- ture at the ttext smsttion. ee' 'tteu, - in. It. Milk occupied tlw L of the evening ' In. Samson u t noned by t'at, y satitiUetory and tUt could be de, Stella. which was supported by Rev. H. E. Martha", Judgc Chisholm and “on. Say“, all ot whom Mn brief “dram, expressing their ap- prmiulon oi the oxcelttttt Iddrm tttry had listened to. . l A particularly sad and Mulder] mum! C'aUM? to the home ol Mr. It. l‘uxsry,’ G.T.R. agent Iur the past ti years all Dublin, Ont. Mr. Cusscy who was a middle aged man. had not horn In the, best ot heath for some limo past, but Ills illncsa was not murmured m» iuus. He was at his other: as tttmaui. Tuesday morning but was compelled: to quit in the afternoon when a phy-l sicinn was called In who pronounced the lrouhlo acute Bright‘s disease. Mr. Cosaey continued to grow worse and passed away the sauna owning, llo leaves a who and tour children to' mourn "Mr loss. The funeral look place at Shakespeare on Friday. Agent It, twisty. ot 'Watrstrad, Conductor lt. Cossey of Sarnia Tun, net and Mr. Ralph Conny, ot Berlin, are lather and brothers respectivNy, of thet deceased, Mr. Wing was a Invmlwr of the Chosen Friends, and had also recently taken out a paid-up life atihurattee policy. Mr. Ring Md several l'ulll- mendable traits, among which a warm heart tor olhors was not the least. l "ire am! Hum.- children survive. If rubbed batwn‘n the hands and inhaled Ireqtlmtly. It will new! [all to ('Ill\‘ Cold in the head in twenfo- tout hours. Darlmuuth t4its,-1 haw used your MINAIIIYS LINIMENT [or the past 25 yr'"rs mu! whilst- I ham ocvusionat1y used "U" r tiniments, I can safely say that l have new: used any equal in Fours. It is also slll‘uinx, do As church-r,oers “we returning from the evening scrum-s on Sunday night loud sounds ol irightcned voices were heard turning trom tite rcsidrm-o at Mr, J. k. Wing, gl‘m'l'l, (mm-r at Cedar and Weber streets, and rushing to the M'l‘llc the prostrate lurm of Mr. Wing on the floor, showed thr cause. The family had just returned lttnn Zion church wttcre the dwensrd was noticed by his wile to join par- ticularly hrartily in um singing. tle had just wound the clock and 1loue other little tasks at home previous to retiring, Cven including the turning back ul the blankets, when a dull thud on the "our alarun-d his wire. She wrnt to the rutnn and found her husband lying on the "our and Dr. 1tousherget was hurriedly sent tor. On his arrival lite was uxlinct. It would .HN'ttt that the dectwwd had a prr'seutintent u! the cw"! urn though his health swim-d normal. lle had been speaking during lite clay M the week's services and scvmed to hr preparing to ntake the most "I lhrm. having spent in considerablr tittwdur. ing the day perusing thr words of Holy Writ. Minurd's him-um Co., Limilwl SUDDEN DEATH OF l SL‘DDEN DEATH Successor to J. A. GOOD & Co, I. a " - Yf'Vf'vw i "'"“" "evii1kihrstiiFiiiiiircG' " t 0...“ am In}... 'nag-trits COTTAGE BAROMETER POTATOES! w-tk/iii-tu-hue) Spin bed with G' -6Fhiiri- church-mer., wvm returning the evening scrvicrs on Sunday loud sounds at irighlvned voices hoard cunning trom the rcsidrm-o r, J. K. Wing. gnaw, (mm-r ot - w-w-u-u nun-aw '"m""itl$. m ", GIVING. " ' IEPIIJ’III'I’ Hardware stoves,'rymmrepniuiiiae and Pipe “MI. Show near Post oiiies, Phono 142, Berlin. Regulus: value. This cold wavelhu dram" "s"'",' them to . " . " cents. See them in our, Window. "L-r"""-"""-'"'"""'""""----- a null-unh- '-umu-riitiGriGiu- _.:"., J. R. WING, BERLIN the Yovrs lruly. I G. 1.1251.†R. Weber& Go. G. E. POTTER in.“ am d.'ittratttat'e'i'ii. Per Bag 65 cents- Nest [or lu‘niws [111m POTATOES, . Dr. Wm. Steele. ut Strauurd, has been appointed xeterirtary medical in- sprclor tor the Getterat Animal he suraucc Company ol Mountâ€. TU. compuy insures lire mock, ham. and 1raftie foyslckncss, acudmtl on. fire. Dr. tiete's appointment flit Shannon! and surrounding mu ty. Guelph, Ont., Jan. 2r-.IHvid Mo. Millan, aged 58, a well-known “fur " of Ella township, commltled sul- c by cutting his throat this mum- iit Deceased bad been cottthted In Guelph Sanitarium to! several weeks, and Wont home last Monday. He lone-n widow cud many womb- nent renting in South Wellington. IMPORTANT A PP0iNTMis'ht Joe Weiler put hisuHespeler man ott' in the 125 pound class and that gavtt a good exhibition with “PM Hewitt. Weiler was Immirr and longer in the track thay Ilcuitt. but 1tapit Transit stayed to the fmisli. A. Wood, of Montreal, got tite do. rmun um I'vrcy Arnold, in two mums out of three in a wrestling match. M. Vernon was announcer. Dr; liett medical examiner, and W. Sclln licman timer. The no brim-MI Geo, [inn-non an: W. Mitchell, at 158 pounds was a burlesque, Milcm‘ll making nu do“ lo let Ilium-ll out. limo-son was dob dated the Winn-r. _ In the 115 pound thus .JucReevca had the Indian Sign on his opponent. Harry Clare, and them wore loud ori- (leva ol 'ltsapproval when Referee Svhiiling declared x [are lite winner. The hout tor the county champion- ship hetween l‘layton Wildfong, oi the Telegraph office, and Ben Burn- ham, y'as the Mg (WWII or the even- ing. Tltcy sxeittlttN1 in at 13tpouryhr, There were to lw three or [our rounds but they weren't. mentality. Burnham was no match tor Wildlong, who gaunt mighty clercr and impres- sire exhibition. [lo isa young kb. low of magnificent physique, is hard as nails, quick-tooled, andn hard hit- ti-r. “More the first round was end- ell he had put Hun-ham fo sleep. so that he was rout-led out, and had to he helped to his turner. Wildlong had bctore that punched him down thru- times in the roumi. “ildlullg‘l victory was greeted with great; ao- claim. He at once challenged Tour my Daly, the traim-r at the pro- tvssiotvaf hockey club, and csvhumpion si Canada. Duly promptly tuft-pm the dcti, on condition that he haw fuo “mks to get into condition. "I said that any bets trout 8100 to 3500 would be taken care of by his tnends. Sam Bailey and Irvin Axl, bothot livrlin. put on a close four rounds in the 115 pound class, Bailry gMiirttt the, decision. The lamml rrowd that has attend- the various boxing exhibitions in the "pera House um: m-asun was [to- vi0ed,pvith some interesting bouts on Saturday melting and there was con- sidm'nblc mm temeRt . BOXING TOURNEY AT BERLIN OPERA HOUSE A FATHER SL'll'lDES. BERLINDNT Dag.