[r-rr' "ifiii't""iii'iiiJifmtri- _ _ i" iiEik ) _ 14t9,ttit tttttttrt'. " PM†,,iirr'7G s ',,1tfstt4fiti'i'st?.t a I " ', 'iti Tho favorable standing ot the Do- minion itseli,was also eficctjvc in promoting good prices for the Cana- dllu municipal debenture. Culgary " per cent. detrerttureB, "tsued at L8 were quoted at 103; Edmonton 5 ppr can!» debentures issued at lol, Wcre quoted at' 107; Montreal 4 per cent. stock, issued at 90, was quoted at 105; Regina 5 per cent. debentures is- lued " ml. were quoted " 107; Sas- katoon 5 per cent. detftnturcs, issued at 101, were quoted at 105, Vatwou- vet 4 per cent. debentures, issued at 97,were quoted at IGI; and Winnipeg 4 per cent. stock, issued " M, was quoted a 1021. WEBERS WILL S',','."",'; Jan. 2ir-Hrt'lvgates at- ittg the Innual meeting of the mtorrr-y. "‘“"', y'h-t- .ce, 314‘ c: Auoclmon of Canada. Much is tm- In Mid'hete to-day, Mated this (*an h: that than Mo no likrhhoud Ll deems. in the pride of rubbers m. "t comm; yea, It had tern m .that he via to be a de- m a 20 In! cent. The mislmd~ ' “ ya INN by I decision of " - xr, 1'0 that thry wonll a a: P. tum can, " 3;, [Inna-nu at . Es gum and am N! - w" ' - t0 ttF There does not seem to be anythi g the matter with Canada's credit n the London money market. The . pa cent. loan of ‘£5.000,000 issu last year at par was on January I quoted at lol, while the 3; per ce . stock also issued at par, was qu. ed at 100 5-8. 0n the other hand Bri- tish South Africa " per cent. deben- tures, issued at 100, were quoted at Mr, the New South Wales " per cent. stock, issued at loo, was quoted at "r, and the Western Australia a; per cent. Mock, issued at 97, Was guoted at 96. While this Journal, in com- man with others,. regrets that " was found impossible to secure a senatorship for this riding, It is n satislaction to know that the Hon. Senator Ratz is an old Water- loo county boy, being a son of Mr. Jacob Ratz, one of the pioneers ot New Hamburg, in which village he spent his 'hoyhood days, There is no reason to believe that the interests of Northiaterloo m n'atvrluo county will sufier in the least on account, of what may appear to some as the lo. of a senatorship by the riding In Mr. w. L. M. King, M.P., coming Minister of Labor, North Waterloo will have what is perhapspore im- pottant,‘ not merely a. voice in Par- liament, but a voice in the Counsels ot the Dominion Cabinet as well, and: the surruknowledge that its rlghtsl and interests will at all times have an nble and fearless champion. In may tht appointment the Government no doubt had to consider the claims of a large num- ter ot applicants, all of which were mole or less vigorously pressed. While there may be dtsap- pointment in some quarters on BC- count ot the appointment not again coming to this. county, there is rea- son to believe that it was not through any apathy or neglect on the part ot the present member in urging the claims of local candidates, not- withstanding the fact that he was en- used in the service ot his country {I a member of a most important commission; and which necessitated his being thousands ot miles away at the time the appointment was made, but rather, we suppose, that exigen- ciao ot the political situation else- when had to be met. In this connection it might be pointed out that the number oi sen- ators is after all very limited, Unt- ario's representation in that. body consisting of but twenty-four mem- hers as compared with cighty-six members of the House oi Commons, and this means or necessity that a largo number oi counues must be without a representative. APHNNTMENA. fully representative The apeolpttment ut Mr. Valentine Rats ot Pukhill to tin the salute my, caused by the death ot the "to Senator Mamet, will be received with â€pron! by a large section at Oumio's German speaking citizens, ot whom Mr. Rata thar be considered CANADIAN CREDIT GOOD (Ottawa. Free Press.) '63:. a- -ii.iiuiiii. NOT BE CHEAPER ott MR. RATZ Stratford, Jan. 2!.--Sidney Smith, discussing his conduct oi the Meir trial, in an interview here, referred to the case oi young Tea no, convicted oi murder at Brampton some months ago. Tearee was an epileptic, and de- spite the fact that will the presiding judge and tho king's counsel favored a verdict of not guilty, on the grounds ot the prisoner's tendency to epilepsy, a verdict was brought in against the accused young man. The executive pourcrs. however, inreivened, and had the sen.tence commntul to life im- prisonment. Two or three weeks later, during a fat of epilepsy, Tearce made a murderous attack on his guard, and has since been remove to Hamilton Asylum, tlutsame in- stitution to which “or will be sent. "What will be Muir's f te?" "In Moir's case ne wrfl remain in an asylum tor the rest of his lile,"1 declared Mr. Smith. "Do you age. with the “Mn C the jury in this case"" In my opinion it was the only pos- sible one in Justice to the man on trial," concluded Mr. Smith. M, Jan.i.-a. Kayla-v ruckus. om ralrgff"tt up mm ttt In†[ tut pm. mag-â€r _ m. III voted _ " pe t',NM11"'t ot eh. m A“: 3.. u M tNe.' n can. Hon. C. R. ' a iaurr ot ooloNxation, mines and . the; tor QM, Mendel the policy at his government u: leaning an» ties to cluha tor tUhiag sud hunting purposes. Quebec had strict gum laws, and they were aatummt, he “Id. So tar as the clubs were convened, the most. that wu given than was a [use ot ten you-1' duration. He ha lieved in provincial autonomy, and ‘would take no advice trom people outside ot his own provmoe. ‘ Mr. Townsend ot Philadelphia and Mr. Richards, gnome: United States member, also spoke against the Wau- lution, in reply to which W. Evans declared that these gentlemen were intelcsted In these private game clubs“ __ _ ASYLUM FOP Moi.? The lollowiug otricers were elected‘ President A. C. Meehan, Philadelphia; secretary-treassure; E. T. D. Uhane hers, Quebec; vice-presidents, Hon. u R. Carlton, Augusta, Me.; F. S. Hodges, Boston; Henry Russel, De- troit; Hon. U. H. ermmer, St. Ste- phen; A. Kelly Evans. Toronto; Dr. J. T.. Finnie, Montreal; F. G. Butter- field, Derby Line, "L; S. A. Mr- Graxh. Franklin; Dr. George E Por- ter, Bridgeport, Com, Next year's meetmg will be in H) iadelphia. f E. w." Meehan, eouunissioner ot tuheriea for Pennsylvania, reported on the conservation of the ncn-nest-build- ing iitrtt of the great lakes. The cost of gathering these tish and their hatching on an extensive scale was comparatively small. Pennsylvania, tor example, hatched over 250,000,000 white fish, lake herring, yellow perch and blue pike annually at less than $5000. The supply of these species was increasing, and ne recommended that Canada and the United States give the fishermen a tree hrnd and abolish the close season. All that was required'was to see to it that. a sufticient number of ltatctteriey were provided to develop all ripe eggs taken from fish caught in the nets, The months of Juiy and August might, however, be made "close." A paper on "Wild Lite" was read by U. Wanna, in which he scored Roosevelt tor the character ot his sporting achievements. " Scott's Emulsion does ALL it does by creating fiesh and stmith rapidly that thé mes: cf the disease is retain? and often sto ped. It ts a wonderful IQ builder Ind so easy to digest that the you-ages: child and most.Metieate adult can take it. If you are losing flesh from consumption or any other cause take Sean‘s EMULSION. It will step the wasting and strengthen the whole system. Be sure to get SOO’IT'S htu-udmnmnllr.w- teeer-as+ mun-lam...“ Irmolnmtmwu "warmth. In“ ha nun-l..- muwm’ I. waiaa -- "H we - Aribrr-h.- LONG, _ng 1str, Wash- "I can testify to the great merits of your Emul- sion, especially in all diseases of a pulmonary nature. It has saved many lives that otherwise would have yielded to consump- tion . . . we keep Scott’s Emulsion in the house all the time and all the Emily ington) R. I. Ara. DRUG sun SAY: PROSECUTOR Gg Sir Willrtd mud that when leader oi the Uppoaulmn he hm; ss.stsccstctt to 23A: mum A. Alm‘uonud um auoe- ; twn o. LIA: nrmsn system, out tus {ploposal had not. new adopted. lit :had also ulscussed the qucsuon mm Eliot}. It. F. Sutherland, the tan: 3 tspeaker, who had penned out that l Mme the honor would be great, the I Mama-s attached would be gleatu, lbcuause under We Brritistt system the j bpeahel‘ must completely separate i tumseu Item his avocauon. Pam-um“: tuar Mr, E. A. Lancaster contributes the frrro tv"tty" trt raw.†r-"--' 9.? tices on the order piper. He will re introduce his write-killed bill provid- ing for the protection at level nil- war crossings in cities and towns, am: will “no propose n resoluuom “king for the tbolitlon ol the Sen- ate on the ground that the upper House bu outlived m uselulnm um bu betrayed bowl“ rink. Ttte-motion to elect Mr. Marni having been adopted unanimously, the new Speaker was led to the chair by the Premier and non. Ni, Paterson. lnalew neat "sentences he mpnm hi: apprrtitttiott of the honor whirl, had been mun-â€ml "pun him, and 11-- spgke the co-opetaturn of the 1 n- hvn: of hnth sides oi the Ilous, In am- ng bull to maintain the [was mu! ugulations. me noon until 2 o'clocA the mem- bers at the C'ommons went through the formality ot taking the custom- ary oath to hithlully serve the Crown, signing their names on an illuminated volume prorated for the purpose. The tlrst Iour numcd on the fist were those ot Sir Willrld Laur- ior, Hon. A. B. Aylesworth, Mr. It. " Borden and "on. Sydney Fisher. Mr. It. L. Borden was inclined to agree with all the premier had said as to the superiority ol the British system. He realized, however, that conditions in Canada were somewhat diflerent. He trusted that in respect to the dignity of the ofrice and im- partiality ot betusvior, Canada had not been much behind the mother country. Mr. Marcil, in the past, had always conducted himsell with dignity and tact. Some allusions had been made to Mr. Marcil's methods of conducting his electoral campaign. Mr. Borden did not' propose to aftirm orAny the statements made, and he did not have proof in his possession, buffhe would say that the practice ot offering bribes was a vicious one. Tho. system would, howevcr, be brodght up and discussed fully later on _irrthc session. Br, In Englanu, said the premier, the Speaker was given a large Sammy. and on his retirement rewarded mm a peerage and pension. Canada. could not. gnu either the large salary or the pccrgige, and he had a vivid meuioryot the lact that pensions are not popular In Canada. It had been the custom in Canada to promote the deputy-speaker, and ior that rea- son he would propose the name oi Mr. Charles Marcil, ‘a man oi the highest character, who had In the past performed tlw duties pertainmg to the otiice with dignity, impartially and a marked ability. . Ottawa, Jul. '0.--CH - ks and . tttll am at M witnessed ttte mend-uh- mm with we opening ot “to A!" “on ot the eleventh Podium“. Early in the day a. Puuuncu buitdugs In] their precincts assumed that and ot summon winch Is moaned with the xesumpuon ot the Work ot the legislators, a large proportion ot members. new and old, Wining the House ot Commons and inspecting the venous room reached tor than use in the new wmg. mute my old mem- bers unmanned and congratulated one “other on their return to the scene ot past legislative battles, the 1:er comers wandered thou! the corriaors, making iriemts, securing tatrottucttong ,lo thor lemma, ouuLgeneratly caden- onng. as it were, to had that rur- liamnluy teem. - ' stood bi: Wtittid Laurie: m umlouu. When the house had been when m 0mm Mr. Speaker hén nose, and in a law sancuccs anuounu' ed that the lurmal opt-mug oi rema- ment would Lane place to-morunv, Mum tus bxcchency the uovernur- ueueral would attend to denver the speech 1mm an: throne. The members ot the House ot Commons then Ie- turnod to the“ own Slumber to wit- new the mu. act ot the new Fania- ment, the clecuon of a tspeaker. Both Houses assemmcd " 3 o'cloce. 't he memuers ot the Commons mm mm handy mm: to acute m that places when tho tsergeant-tlt-arms an- nounced Lne auluu ot the Luau Ol mu mums Mott. tn solemn sumac Laplam Mummers, wuu um mgmty and page which are Ansepamme non: his omuc, annuuuucu that we ammu- anw m the members was reg-men m the bruaw, wu unthu: they mm In a body. tn the banana chumue: the plocccumgs wan: Intel. at! Luann rttarav0cas, Doputy Ca0Teraoc-uet1cr- ai, ounpwu we ununu, Hunt! un tuts M" "’â€""‘“""' ---. The provision ol the Dominion J w "0. TI": [fund-An ot In" “In!" than!» my u. u. :1.- It w n 0 WW. an VIM to. '.,itLrAcetit Me "a. '9 tet?ee3yre.rryetrtt,tte Unanimously.--lloue oi Cannon: and Senate Emmy 'hilrll Open for Balms: by Grey. Swearing in Members In the Senate Chamber Mr. Burden 1lephes Elm-tang the Speaker Exploratory surveys tor. railway ttran the Western wheat fields to'Hud, son's Bay no hem; pushed energeti- cally, Four puck-s but been at work since August Int, Upon the report n will be possible to ruch . deer-Ion u to both the route to be [allowed an! the svproximau can. The rapid settlement to the new) Provinces calls tor new lines at trans-i pol'iaiion. The comiruction ot the trats-continental runway ha teen; vigorously pruned forward during the) inst year. The line WIS open tor the; carrying oi the crops trom Winnipeg to the Battle River, a distance of 'l'il'/ 1 Irate much pleasure in announcing In.†a treaty relating to the great Janos and other international water- ways has been agreed upon between his Majesty and the Government of the United states ot America, and is now awaiting mtilicalion. Both coun~ tries are to be oNtgratulated on Itav- ing arrived at an amicable settlement, which I trust will remove during the lifetime oi the treaty many vexed questions trom the lield ot coutrmeb sy. The treaty and papers relating thereto will be laid before you in due course. The appalling calamity which has beiallen Sicily and Southern ll:ly,a.nd caused a total destruction ul liie and property absolutely unprocendented and unequailed in the long series of historic disasters, has induced my Government to otier assistance. A little more than a year ago, the whole civilized world entered into a rcriud of commercial, industrial, and liiuncial depression, which may not yet have completely spent its toree; signs there are, however, that it IS gradually passing away. While it is hardly disputahlc that owing to the abundance and elasticity ot her Iv- sources Canada has tn1ilered less than other nations, this depression has Ber- tously artectmi our trade, producing an appreciable shrinkage in the public reu'ntte, and calling lor exceptional caution in the administration ot our national affairs. with whine-ah no In! - tnctd non “I but!!! in - "t mom a a. “Idem?†mud We M in! ‘tho‘ Million! at tho att the mu chm. A tare crowd. uni-blot on tho tnrram to with†tho gum uni nurture at tho Vietnam puny, an mum" tor wt- in tho gu- leriu of tho . “late chamber we" tar II execs: ot the â€comm-datum. His Excellency the Govunoraenenl old party. “handed by mounted military "eort, leached the Pulit- rm-ut mum shortly below 3 o’clutk. their arrival being proclaim- ed by the boom at cannon on Nepali Point. A guard at honor train the msvernorAletternl's Foot Guard: Je- ceived his Excellency, who It once proceeded to the tsaatt_4ysypAptre_r, which was packed with a brilliant assemblage. on the right side ot the throne stood Sir Willrid Louder; on the 1ett Sir Richard Cartwright, both in Imperial Privy Council uni- lonli, while grouped beside them were Sir John llaubury Williams, the Govemor-General‘s secretary, his Excellency's ttide-de-camp, and a number of military and naval om- cers, all brilliantly attired. Sum- moned by the Usher oi the Black Rod, members ot the Commons, head- TLe generous support given to tttts national celetmtmu try me Federal Parliament and Provincial Legisla- tures, and by the peoples at Canada, ot me other Dorciu1cns, and ot the. Muted Kingdom, umptrasized the (20m- m-JHIL)‘ uf sympathy wtuctt binds ttre. unions pans of the unush har.pire tu each other, and to the throne and pawn ut his Majesty the king. Ttte pxcwnqc ot representatives Irony mu Luucd kingdom, Australia, New 'aea- Lmu, boulu Aluca, hewtouua1an0,ana 1mm the great and lncudly tupuohcs m ' runcc and the United tstates,w1ut the ships of war ot the three muons, sawed not only to add lustre to tue usmsmn, but to provide an a",su1'anc'e ot mermsmg aunty and peace. The speech was as follows: In welcoming bou to the perform- 'tnee ot your duues at the lust ses- sion ot a new l’aulamcnt, I desire t'o acknowledge, gith devote thanidul- ness, the abundant burn-st. with which uisiue Providence has again blessed us. The Quebec 'revcentenary Iestivitics in July, which were honored by the gracwus presence oi his Royal High- ness, the Prince of Wales, as repre- swung his Majesty, marked an epoch In ttte history of the Duumuuu. nun, lucmuwo v. ...» yu....-..-, __-ee"" ed try Speaker Marcil, and intended by the sergeant-at-arms carrying the mace, proceeded to the Senate cham- ber, and alter the customary lot-mali- ties, Earl Grey, seated on the throne, read the speech. , Depression Calls for Caution " Coven Coet at ".8. [Au Port ot G.T.P. Working Assistance to Sicily Imperial tsympathies Text ot the Speech LS. Twaty Ready l A moasurc will be submitted to you f'tmsod upon similar legislation enacted .in 1906 by the Pariiarnent at the Un- {tied Kingdom, aiming at the repres- sion ot the payment of secret com, GiGnii, and gratituttlcs both in putr 'lie and private business. scrvlcv. imrnigruiGriiiGaiiritu,' and other subjects. in pursuance ot an announcement made during the concluding session oi last Parliament, a commission was appointed to examine various lines vi iailway connected With the luirrreol, enial Railway, and whi.ch might be- come valuable [coders thereto, The report of this commission has been re- teited and will be placed hotnre you. The commissimm‘ appuinlml for Hi- You will be asked ii-lon- nwa- snres relative toninsumnce, the civil Bay without burdening the ordinary revenue. From September lst, when the Act came into force, until Jan. Isl, sales ot prc-emptions and pur- chased homesteads have amounted tc. omr two million acres, all subject to homestead rules. \cstigating the conduct ot officials in the Department of Marine and Fish- eries has concluded Ins labor, but has not yet reported. Ilia report, how- ovv-r. is expected at an early dato,and when received will be placed in your hands. Womanly pains, head pains, in fact any pain anywhere can be completely strapped in 20 minutes with one of Dr. Shoop's Pink Pain Tablets. Ask Sour Doctor or Druggist about the formula. It is printed on the box-- and it can't. be honored. Try one dose and be convinced. Box inc Sold by all dealers. Dealing With Individuals. With regard to the individual oi- ficials of the department, in the main he reports simply the facts of the evidence, leaving the question of proswution or dismissal to be dealt with later by the Minister. Those who come in for the severest enti- cism are practically all appointees at a prevrous Administration. Deputy Munster Gourdenu, he says, must be held accountable for tailure to rein- edy the conditions shown to have eil- istid at Quebec, Halifax and St. John, and his evidence was in many cases declared to be unsatisiactory and contradictory. Mr. J. J. Fraser, Commissioner ot Lights, comes in tor the most severe censure, it being shown that in direct disobedience to the Minister's order he continued purchasing supplies Iron: Messrs. Mer- uin and Brooks, and gave no satis- factory explanation of numerous sus- picious circumstances. A clear case was_held to have been made out against Commander Spain, Agent Gregory at Quebec, and more than a score ot minor officials. No wrong- doing was shown by the investigation to have occurred in connection with the Sorel and Montreal Agrncirsi Before taking action with regard to the omcials implicated by the report Mr. Hrodeur will look carefully (nor the evidence, but it is certain that heads Will lall. main. maven «at “to! Art-tr into the ithetttet,2t, odtgtl " tttr no that bid on tte - ul '" Hen-rm by no; w. Brutus. m up“. I“ cov- an two lulled typewritten mu, slim (mum Iteer, ot (on:- In hr. volumatnidam, cov- on'n; tho mini-Alum ot it: Mar- lu Department, " mum: during the Inquiry, which be.“ in my lust and concluded last month, The sal- ient. [attun- ot tho report, .whlch has been looked lorwud to as being likely to provide one or the chief Lop- tctt ot debate tor the coming lesion, are, in brief, n follows: Mr. Justice Canals tinds that noth- ing has been shown which would In any way rcllcct upon the past or pre sent Ministers ot the Government. So tar as was disclosed bolero the Commissioner, nothing was shown which might in any way impeach the shutter of the has Hm: Mmpmr. Sutherland or Prelontaine, or of Hott. Clillord Simon or Hon. Mr. Bro- deur, all of whom were concerned In the transactions investigated. With regard to some ot theabuses shown to have existed at Ottawa and In the Maritine agencies at Quebec, Hale tax and St. John. Mr. Justice Cas- sels notes that Mr. Brodeur has u.- ready tum action to remedy them, -namely, by the abolition ol the patronage list and the creation ot an adequate system ot purchasing sup- plies, thereby enacting .it saving ol about a hundred thousand dollars a year in the departmental expenditure. Practically the only recommendations in his report are that these two sweeping reforms should be applied to all departments of the Govern- ment. Other remedies he suggests are the appointment ot capable and elli- cient oiticials, who should be remun- muted, and the awakening ol the public conscience to a stricter demand for honest administration ot all pub- lic moneys. IO C . The latest a-cc-ii-iii/itil.'. Feeders tor I.C.R Pia Rt. Thomas, Ont. Jtucag.--A. Oui- man, a how: ot Lawton, has hem comb . tora mad lime ot falling 1iqttotcytthtmt . lkmu, and trrrs% prepared for examination a Fromm Donal-Yum: y of mum on.) Toronto University. mudien-- Gout. "ratert Waterloo hafnium-pin Building. King Sheet 1:. - bu the Honor (induce Tam» Connor" '.tory of lute. TEACHERS or Miss A. B. Man, Miss E. L, Man Chroniolo- I'm m My Glob. ...... o.-....." Chrxmieistmsutrrtqh and Toronto Daitr _ ..... . .r G'tuoniuomr1etrrapts and Toronto Dally 'un.......... Chronicle-Telegnph and Toronto Evening tun.... a... Chronicle-T legroph and Northern lmngor...;. L," ... T * grammar“, .mp1: minimum amid-{mt [ Ctsronieio-Tetetrmph And The New. (Dally) M . . .... . . . . . We recommnd our radar: to when» cc the In. and Homo Mag-nine, the but. agricultlul and but» m In DASH must accompany all orders. M ake re Postal Note, Money Order, Registered Letter, Order to . PI David Beanmm and all 1MlKhi'Hiutiiiibso' Telugu-h ham-twin math-minnow I!“ nth allotuethnaduroatdaris- no. '2,tygtihe,,gtem Biol!“ 11yjetuatotutp-toepostaid Waterloo Branch, J. Moorman, PIANO ORGAN AND THEORY ".il'r1E CANADIAN BA? OF COMMERCE ii,',, B. E. WALKER, President ALEXAHDER LMRD, (3:236:11 Maze! In Ttie, line of bathe-mid. Inu- mu, such a Bologna, Wiener], Pork 2httt and Chaos, Liver San-ago In Summer Sumo. am an s trlnl and b0 convinced Ora-n promptly demand in all part! the town. Phone 243. John Fischer Proprietor 9 C liv facftlit ffordedt f n COUNTRY B0l"tWE88 'ltrhye)lTlyt1l',ot"l'i12t'i'l,r,"'i',l, banking business. Saks notes wit} be cashed or taken for conga way with equal . f. BANKING BY MAIL A an the reputation of supplying “in numerous customer-II with the choice“. and but of menu all me you round. In the “no of mean, to has Beef, Pork, Veal, Lamb, Bug-r- Cnrod Hun. Ind an (our own saying); 0900 tegtod, than and. Branches throughout Canada, and in the United States and [SW tyatud'ikiik- " /iirii aiGiiai'ii HOTEL MA N J A ILI‘ZD Ohm-whim 1!! was: _ out. in WW "or-trw'...........:'.'.?.) “To“ And lulu m put Way] CMTWn-l Fund-m .........: uranium-gnu and um - mm ""e1eer-"homat.ainmD-rsaa. 1lhrrmteuaue-+ - on (its: t Giannini-3w at Country W" HEAD OFFICE. TORONTO hriiTtaidr.T.T." - _.. _.'-....- tr a": Reserve Fund, - ""e' mounts may be opened by monies deposited or withdrw I Paid-up Capital, 310,000,†EY--., Du“: ft nan “I mm manic; COMPANY moonmum mm mu nun am mambo/é 34.20.303.17. f . Pm’ L mu} 7.7 has!“ 0. A. Don): Ithtgtgt A... wmrloo. cum mum MUTUAL Ink-hum.“- Baum-g. _ .1.me Ann-mu. an... . MM.†. 3|- "mu-Ia. emails t - mm BOARD or 01330103.; non usual-u. Wm f M EMU. luau. Ion.:........ "i'".t I' I ma ....... y?,' 4 Indian..." N Ti y“...... A" ESTABLISHED "" , Water] â€an“ IR'. by