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The Chronicle Telegraph (190101), 28 Jan 1909, p. 1

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iN ', ‘ Wgr m- " ' Fth-atdr, qtg V arm-Ir MIN "up no. , ' l up! " -_ [WC . 3“ _ F tttiN ilk' - I f; "1 on “a An an wh .; , " predate ttt "In._ They are a; "' ts nd best C" Lad rth $1 a 4 J 'wny. v _ " Yozjought to _ " " Fl nave: e My” they will go at 3 ’16" 51(3) 0-- " Luvvtewtwtuttttewweeewweee. , Clearance of Men's Shirts . Au' n who knows B good shirt will teciate the hummus of this "In. Thcy are periectly made in the it C nd best fashions and patterrrs, and rth $1 and $135 In the mum“ '1‘ season's smartest and sweuest 3m in chariots and tweeds, beauti- y tenured and trimmed, broad simmer diet-ts with close fitting utifully tailored lapels, Saturday my. Y ought tu stock up at this gun; " t never do better. Saturday they _ 'ill go at 3" ru- ml blush; cal. and and; {on}; in not“. 01m, into th-tde quell, mpondvo how... Are pom- huo loaned that only WS', has our 0. K. for rolhbmty no! duh-twin a I lulu that I'll no. The goods altered will do that on hiking put up their _ upon thou (too valtttte, do their own selling 5nd otm%tttsq you ot w: wont: by “mp1: about»; mount-1m Coma Bound-y cm than b' WI. but than in "otr V” potable. _ _ utire Stock of Winter Merchandise at Cost and Below. is and " so Boys' Suits $3.95 iorfolk and three piece suits,' ml: 'ery latest models, made from dsumc beavers and cheviots begeu- 1y finished and tailored, extreme m and conservative styles, in _ gums, Saturday sale price - Y1 -_- v, - _ Trousers $2 85 ported English worsteds, good FCS and nice appearance dark and Iium grey striped patterns, side and watch pockets good trim- ms, sizes " to " Saturday sale Men, Shoes and Fumiahm. Sole Ageenm for Shun- sud 2Wlt Show Store next. to the Dominion Bank. tlin. Cash and One ce. Such as Overcoatis, Suits,fancy Smoking Jackets, Gloves, Mufflers, Ties and Fur Collars. .. “Hahn“. __,_; gprnz-n Ge "mm-date dress. ' Special I will give one-quarter off " goods in store. That is 25 per cent. These are bargains. Come. " Ment Ulii; broken' lines, neat dark ”II-MM!“ tun-luau! um l, and young me many sale price of clothing and Furnishlngsj iuary Clearing Sale bvcnything jun "rit"-'"' ' Call and see our steak. t styles for wantcr and in fine twcuds, in hand- m‘eaves and cut correctly " Maxis N04 St & 00; Berlin. M. WILDFANG, _ r 95 Men's Suits $4 95 Relentless Cut 0n Stock GOLD STAR Overcoats ' 95 bvercoats $7 95 Great Sale WESELOH & co, BUY NOW A store that gives the best service ill the year round, neturnlly given best values when clearing days come. It's the time of all times to shoe up the entire family. We now propose to close out all our winter footwear of every description wd get in Order for spring stock. We appeal to your good judgement and to your purse. We never carry shoes from one season to the next; it: had bunineee to do so and it's poor policy. We close out each season's trtoek-- even though we do it at a. loan. This ie a shoe opportunity thnt comes but twice a. your and lute but a short time. We have still a lsrge letock of Felt Boots, Felt Shoes and Slippers, Moccasins, Heavy Rubbers and Socks, Lined Shoes, Cardigans and Overehoee to choose from. 1 the styles are good-no old stock to work ofi. AlYou can save from 10 to 60 per cent. if you buy your clothing and footwear now, during our Januuy Sela. en's business $5.95 #95 285 690 mixed tweed: and navy bluo and black worsteds, sin hunted style, Italian body lium‘ngm 21 to 33, Saturday sale price $5 and $5.50 Boy): Women's hunts, dongoh. Much”, and lace styles, patent tip, extension soles, sues 3 to c, angular 81.50 Sa.. turday sale price Another big day in., Fine English Ldng Cloth, even weave, very sort media finish, good general purpose cloth, " inches wide rwsur 9tt md 10e per yard for a- Canadian printed Wrapperotte, cashmere finish, many patterns colorings, 29 inches wide, regulu per yard, for " Women's tmots, Victoria. quality Goodyear weltod, also some Ameri- can lines, broken sin; vicl kid, sizes 3 to I regular " and $3.50, Satur- Men's boots, lim- vici kid, box (‘all 3qu patent cult boots, goodyear welt- ed sun-s blucher style, broken lots, sites li tn 10, regular tf, $4.50 and $5 Saturday. T $350 " --_'e_ YJ'J‘ -- -. - Y Overcoat: $3 95 Bull: on snappy school lines in set- viceable ueat grey and am materials the elm-crest little coats you‘ll see anywhere, Saturday sale pritar. " " MORE GOOD BARGAINS IN FOOTWEAR Women's house shoes, a fine line of house shoes in red, black and blue colors handsomely trimmed with (It regular $1.35 Saturday day sale price off regular price on all r cent. off the dollar. 3m. ONT The-tstaple Section $2 50 fine and 13* 25 " wannLoo. ammo. News Notes-Mr. Nelson pun, qf the Royal City, Sundayetl with his ‘paronts here.--Mrs. Williaml ltravrr thus returned lo her homo lo Zurirh, I up" Hensall, alter a tortuights' vtsit tif her aged lather. Mr. Cart krrrir. pets. at the home ot her tn'htol'. Mrs. E. BrN:ker.-Mrs. Joe Saundrr. at “an Visited her cousin, Mrs, A. oherttolt- let last week.-Mr. My, (limbo! is somewhat. indispomrl again and is at present under the dortor's vare.-Mrs. Taitum in on the sick lisi.--Mr. John Fame” and Mr. and Mrs. H, Knack, at "under, visited at the hontr M the lonnn’s brother, Mr. K. Cornell on wvsuttdtsy,--Wr are pleasol lo Imam that Mr. ('arl Krrmpvnr. has almost "covered from his recent sum? spell at mnesrr,--Mr John lluplt‘. st, is my law. as thc result. "In wound stokr at paralysis which he has nautly suthiml, and owing lo his ad Iced ago. an». In“ -_, "'4"- t‘inctl as lo his runway. DUd.--Near this place on Summing My}; Marr Jane Waggonrr. Funeral 0n Tueaaii Mttsrtutott to Freeport Con- gmguunnl church 11mm lo River- hunk cemetery for interment--, The tternt January nun-s hare mum-d the in. on the Grand River to break Mt, 3nd move oft, which " did on Satur- day Ind Sand-y. during which mm the water was tytHe "tot-are-mt News h'otes.-.Mra. Peter Nicol of (hit is visiting Mrs. Bulgin here- Mr. and Mrs. A. (I. Williams, who have spent several weeks with triads in this vicrnity have returned to tin-ir home in Dutott, Montana~ Mr. M. Woichet is making preparations to build a new residence adjacent to the house of Mr. Oscar ttupped.-- Mrs. Braun of Listowet attended the lust- eral oi Mrs. Oswald last week.-- ML N. Riirer and Mr. Appvl spent last Sunday with friends in Waterloo. - About forty Elmira young people drove over to tho home of Mr, and Mrs. George Miller, near West Mont- rose last Thursday evening and spent u tew hours in games. music and so- til Chat All report having had a very pleasant time.-Mr. Edwin Uru- bachcr ot Carstairs, Alberta, spent last Tuesday with Elmira friends. - Miss Jessie Stichvy has returned trom a months) visit with triends at Port FUgin.--Mirss Eva Peel oi Whitby is spending several weeks with Miss Edith Behrens-Miss Watson oi Tot- onto is visiting her brother Mr. Fred is spending several weeks with Miss Edith Behrens-Miss Watson oi Tor- onto is visiting her brother Mr. Fred Watsott.-Miss Mary Ann Steiner of New Hamburg visited her sister Mrs. Narry Cress last week-Mrs. J. W. Ford and her sister Mrs. Smith of Port Elgin, have returned from their trip to Chicago, Webb, and other points, Mrs. Smith lelt for her home on Wedncsday.--A week ago last Fri- day evening Mr. and Mrs. J. S. Wei- chel rntertained St. Paul's Lutheran choir and a number of other friends. Alta a program of solos. choruses, orchestral and piano music and gram- aphone selections a sumptuous lunch was served and at a late hour the guests departed, voting Mr. and Mrs. Weicitel capital entertainers. - The Elmira Upholstering Co. is.tindiug itself unable to meet its payments as they come due and have called I meeting at creditors tor Thursday, Jan. 204h, for the purpose of prestmte ing a statement of its "airs and Cort- sidering what is ttto best. course to pursue. under the clreuatsuncqs.--4hte of or" tl landmarks has been re- mo' d in the old “Mile House" which ha. hit‘il bought by Mr. George Bur. :in and moved to Factory street west. Mr. Bulgin intends repairing it and making it t t for habitation-hs Rev. Hamilton is not yet. ahle to take his work Rev. Mr. McIntosh of "eltwood occupied the pulpit in the Presbyter- ian church here last Huttda.v.--tn the Methodist church. last Sunday CTt'tt- ing the pastor Mr. Roadhouse preach- ed a splendid sermon for young men on "The Christian Ministry, The Field and the Call." Next Sunday evening a second discourse on another phase of the gonerirl theme will be 'tlvrn.-- Mrs. Will Utlley of Berlin spent last Faturdar with Mrs. John Christnian. -Misses Laura Aurnan and Luiina are spending a few days with friends in Guelptc-Mr, and Mrs, W. L. lladlev visited friends in lngersv-ll over Sunday-Miss Belle Sheen, “he has been confined to the house by ill- ness tor a couple of weeks is again ahlo to be outs-Last Thursday even- ing the Christian Endeavor Soeiety of the Presbyterian Church here were entertained at the home of Rev. Hamilton. Winterhourne, and spent a very pleasant evening-The manag- ers of the rink have decided to hold a carnival on Friday evening, Feb. 5th. --Miss Jessie Cunningham. soprano soloist ot Drayton, will sing at the Shredded Wheat Banquet given It the Presbyterians on Friday evening, .lan 20th.--Mr. Edgar Otto of Guelph, spent Sunday at his home here. 6:06"!!! hum: “PM give rrmrnnl to the" homes in C'siedottia, meld.“ Ila “will" “In! Iettqe's Petal. 'ttet to M's mu uer up! I "Attp. I! may “I my: News Notes Gathered by Imam Coe-ttdes- in County and District. - Our Busy Neighbors FHIEPOIT Death oi Mrs. Kirsrlwl.- Last Nab Inl'day, Jan. 23rd, Mrs, ('amlina. Kir- schrl passed peacefully Away, Mrs. Calcium Kirschet--nee9eGki, may born the 23rd Jan. 1826 in Crros,s Gitvv-kreuss Mariam", tier Prussia, 5 sons and one daughter are Iv" lo mourn UN, loss ot a kind uni brim- tNI mother. leliam and Christina ot Unit. Frederick and August, at Tor- onto, (knurled ol Shallow, Louisa at home. A wide circle ot friends t.xtend lboir deepest sympathy hr the twrcaved lamily. The luncral‘ took place on Tttenday afternoon at 3 p.m. 10 the Lullwran church for sor- vim. then to the vlllage common tor truriat.--Mr. Abram mun of North Dakota, il ul present Hull-in; his Mum»: mam“. 3.7.. cr? "W tmb,,! Schmidt of Millard: spent Sunday} Schmidt of Mlllmnlt spent Sunday WIth Mr, (I F. Wino. l'rrwnal -TIw Mlssvx Imam ot Wa- terloo mat Sunday at' ihr home ul their brother. new tiaatz,--htr. Srhmid' of Woolwich spent Sundly at bite home ot Mr, and Mr». Wrtkpr,-- Mlas Mum-r at Upper Wimlwlrlt, is pinyin; with w. and Mrs, WeWrr-- Ihs Wstt, Heaths ' spent a val gm 'ere" “AA!“ lee- Mild weather has again done for the slrighing, hut we hope nut tor long.-- Roconb visitors:-Ofr. Gottlieb Haas, merchant, Hamilton. Missionary “all, ot Toronto, Mr. Chas. Hoehiwr of Elkton, Mich,; Mr. and Mrs. Mir, Weidman and daughter. of the l'.um- dian Northwest, are calling on friends and acquaintances here.--" is phasing to note that former rrsidrnts do not shirk to frawl such long diSIaucvb "t 1mm miles and over, to rcwisil than btrtner friends and we the old famil- iar Iattttmarhtc-31r. Henry Marun,a farmer located ohont a mite trom here, lasl wruk brought some eggs to h. Rugglc and Son's store, aumm; which was a rvtuarkubly large nnv, measuring " m. In circumieremyr, lengthwise and 6; in. around the Ct0t- "c.-Last Monday Mr. and Mrs Tho- man Quicklall celebrated [heir Golden Wedding in the presencv oi their chit- dren and other n-laiiws and moms They were the recipients nl many n.)- mum, pmcnts. including ssvvrtalpur- SN filled with gold coins. Both Mt. and Mrs, Quickhll are still halo and hearty. Mr. Quickiall has iho mm tract for carrying the mails twivu‘vn litre and Elnira and can be luund performing this service six days in the week, no matter what the con- dition ot the weather may.tre. Winnipeg, Mm, UtMt.- Unkss all signs are miakadiu. “can: metro- polis is springing up on the pnixlca ot Western Cumin. f. year .30 tttere was I strut on 950 line at aairuc, tion at the Grand Trunk Puma R.M. without a name or any spegial signlikattce. But on this spot has sprung up Melville, the operating an tre tor nearly 1,000 milks of the Grand Trunk Pacifk. system, and " rc-udy its population annual-{rs over l,. 300 people, with tully modern bows, stores and hotels. In six months its population will have doubt“! and by the cut! or the present year it is coaftdetstly cxpcctod 1,000 people will be living in the lnturc distributing point. of Canada West. Its lutnrc as n great city is assured, 'ior it is the centre ot tho rietwst larhing country of tus%stehewtuc - n branch line to be constructed this spring. it will be connected with Begin, the, cap- ital of the Rmvincc, white Bnother branch will stretch northward to Hudson's Bay, for the Grand Trunk Pttcifw has selected Mehtlk- l t the junction city tor its Hudwns Bay line, the operating ccntrr- ior nearly 1,00” miles of main tine and sumo 1,000 nun-s at branch lines. Eastern manufacturers arc already beginning to recognize the importance ol Mol- ville as a dis'rihuting crntre and during the tt min; spring several huge warehoums nil) be erected as well as all" nal divisional shops for the In: ny system. FIN! Melville lo Europe, via the llm: va's Bay, the mule is [ally 1000 nun-s shorter than by the all-rail routs to Montreal, and the cheaper water rates Will be the means of the bulk or tho exports ot Weston: Can- ada going out ot Canada via Mel- ville. The American cilia west of Chicago will also Mile a consider- able reduction, in reduced rates, by shipping their exports via the Bay and can]: ton oi this height will be shipped through Melville. Trrday, Melville boasts of daily trains, but within two yearsnrrarwhrs will he Mulching out in all dirmrtions, reaeh- ing tor passt-ngcrs and lreighl and distributing supplies. IILVII-LIJAOI. " JABOII FLORADALI N 9031mm; JAIUARY .20. p0 Briettt.-Mr. Williun Courts. " old Pro-sh"! bot, but tor the last twenty nuts I with“ ot Manitoba. spent a few any: taunting acquaintances hcre.--Mito Mice Hating: ot Brant- lonl is spending n In holidays a! Croeutitl.--htr. John A. Hammond ot Newdglo, Multan, wu u visitor lu-re one any list ,ree1.-Mr. Vim-s and Minn Lucas ot Atwood were Tisis mm at Mr, Jul-mm Attticir's.--Hiwt 15m- Hhuu entertained n null-r at out len,',','."': In» Wain-lay tm.trtg.-a ttte - girl hi one " guy a a. by! II. M th. Odin Dylu-man of Benito, Man , 'wasa visitor at Mr. Jas. 1ii1tror"'s last, wool-Some litmus were doing their "rrinter" plowing on Monday - Thu mild spring-like weather “as too much for the ice, on the river and it cleared oll on Sunday morning With out the usual Mod.--" ice cutters were at work a kw days last, work on the Woollen Mill dam. but they do- cided lo stop their operations toe in white and are now waiting tor more treasonable weathcr. “with '01 Jntertst--A few of Mn- Iamily ul Mr. Fred Yellow an otrt- med to Ute house with {hat tin-mi disuse diphtheria, b,utr Wt' understand they are progressing Iavorahly and we hope to hear of their rocowry Very soon. As one ot the boys had been attending school it was thought ndvisoblo to have the school house disinfected whichnvas done on Monday morning and as a consequence who"! was closed tor one dun-Mr. and Mrs, Israel (loo t Pmetrustt, visited m Mr. 1,to8dVel'. on Sunday last, items of Intcrvtir-msst.s Tum [st-(L lord and Christ. Allcmang spvul Sun- day at Caooro.--Nr. and Mrs. Ja- cot, C'ressntan spent a few days at Wilmot.-Miss Maud and Miss (:ctllv llcdlord, Berlin, Sundayt-d at home Itere.-oriss Alice Dinguman “my! “‘va "rsday last al I1arristrurg,-Mr, D. A. Balms, Toronto, culled nu his umllr cr last wme-Miss Elsie Shelly I" turned lo Berlin after spending " use): with ber sister, Mrs. Fetrtamlo syiydvr.--The sale of Mr, 1. E. “it-hm held last Walnrsday, was very large, ly aitertdmr-.h sleighloart M young people journeyed in the leotur "t Mt. and Mrs, Fernanda Snydvr last Thurs» day evening and were Tory pleasantly ctttertained [or n few hours, (Too ht. " tart use.) , The (“nah “in. at the I. B. Ir. CHM in “I " Brut“, Sa- turday and any, Jan. ml: And ttth but. Ree. tgieseeteiper, Pl). ot- kitted. There was an (air atttxt- "Mo.-Mias Balk]: Dealer who took I turn tot - I.“ Friday, is im- proving again. We hirpo she may soon will be entirely ,reu...-Mr, J, R. Sch is stock-taking» "unity- or and ttichett are ImpruVlllg thett More by adding more ta'tures and getting ready tot the spring trade. - I'. and C. llallnun took a buslness "in to Aylmer last weck.--Mr. nlid Mrs, Joe Howls ut llldsbury, Alia. visited at Mr. A. s. Ueigot's this napkin Allan (loud and family, visited lriends in the \illugo on Sun day.--Mr. and Mrs. Hot t4cttieh4exis. "ed at Elias Bingcniau's on Sutriay --Tue regular meeting oi the "reslau 'Literary and trvbatiug Society " th held 'er.s.day evening. Jan. ttth 'l he debate. "itesolrvd that war has chum mum harm to mankind than hue-num- Inee" proved to be \ery iuiorestitsg. The speakers made wine wry “no“ points and were chi-cred to the echo. While the Judges wue weighing the points, the crowd was entertained with songs, lecitaationx and readings. which were all well rendered. Mt Cuyue. the new school teachers, ga'" a very nicely-worded address concerning the benefit derived from debating so- cieties. The society is glad to have Mr. Cog-no asa member. The judges awarded the decision to the aMrma, the try a very small margin. Hamburg. llrrlm, Waterloo, Kusmnlh, and almost every part or the county The ladies furnished vxcetlent lilWi-x which were sold at the rate of our dollar and as high as. four dollars null [my (-rnis. Mr. Alyert Alicia's handled 1hr sale Tory salisiaciory, and William a doubt had " not Inn-n for Mr. Mickus the boxes would-1'1 have Ttect, sold at such " price, Tlw famous Dtrders orchrslra furnished the music for lhis social and loo much praise cannot be given for llmr excellent music. The society was phased that the proroorls ol this so- ciat paid for tho new seats and the platform for the hall. There ary rumors ol an apron social that is to bo held in the near future, The next meeting of the Literary Mo- civty will be held , Jan. Mth. Evrry- body welcomed. Be the": as the So- ciely has the host ll accotntuodaturn. "sr.x '4ocial,--The Iirst Box social that ChWT was held in the historyoi "reslau, proved to boa great titWCr.Nti, Thvre were people puscnt from A)." MIINIDALE “CHILI. lull These blocks will hold the load at any point without fau- ening the rope. The break is simply a wedge that drops t gravity between the upper sheaves and is absolutely nut in its action, No. 4, No. g, No' 0. No. 3, to be used with i in. topo. (me an lift mo New!” MM Wottradoth-qrrt.ahaeemt7g-t- ”A -tYqtt88tt42,ttte-eortotu. 'llttgtItgt " Sum. "terraitaitmot-ett-ttat - umumomlu. ”momma-rm m. "tttt walnut). _1pottiteottttieitms “32 " O tro " 6.00. 10 " " " " in 42. 010.00 " a ar. " " " " 8 In 48. 'tLott u Mo. 7 u u u a: “u .124!) " 8.00. 16 " A " " an a " $14.00 " 9.60. 12 " " " "to " Weishels’ Weekly Store News We extend to you a cordial invitation to come to our Mom, what. you will find the beat, and biggest assorted stock of book- and In» tionegy and fmcy good? that I?” over hgen 1tr"rtx_iny" Twin Qty. 'rtu tuneu- Buuerick Putter" always on hind. A largo m. d to tat. eat Wall Piper. And don’t forget that we no Mum tire - "It! lnmoul Edi-on Monographs und the latent Room]! out, man. Em welcome to come In md hear the newest record; Rambo: m phat. Accept our Wvhationaatd come and see it. We have will: for eVerybody. We pride ourselves on heving in our We hr,“ and newest in book, and stationery. odittts supplies, school gthtt fancy gobds, purses, handbags, combs and broshoa,hair goat, . Ill beck combs, card cases, mouth organs, fountain pens, music talk and Indies, Companions. We else carry I. complete Went ot 1hqitiiA and German Bibles, Testaments, English and German Pnyc Boob. Rosaries, Crueifixets, etc. We carry ttdat what of deli. bozo, all kinds of ttple and cups, post _ , of. every deeerintign. _ _ Doepsam’s Bookstore, Waterloo. Jllmlllllll AND DRESS PHONE " 90 King St., East. Dietrich! Block GOOD GOODS We want to make 1909 a profitable year to our add readers. W e are here for business and we want you to share some of the benefits. We can at present sail you granulated sugar at 4.50 to $4.75 per 100 pounds for cash. Oatmeal per 90 pound bag $2.75. Cosnmeal 8 pounds for 25c. TDDea:taect=i.'e, Eockstore 866.00 Coon Coal- tor 46.00. 2 do“. of tilt qqatttr. ((9 ll? Coon Cttat to! 65.00. 1 out ot tttig quilts. WB 00 Coon can for 65.00. 1 tttttrt at 'dNrdl'i £3.99 guy dog mu for 15-59: __ {only this me. '30.00 ttia" union cost for .2000. 1 out o! “In. “6.00 but fur lined can. for 37 00. 3 now of!” tine. $66.00 black Run-Ian "" lined cook, 9mm hub collu- lot “.00. 3 mu ot an. lino. SMYTH BROS. AT HALLMAN’S No. a. 'eetod without braking to 2800 panda. No. t, TERMS GAS" AND ONE PRICE CHEAP CASH STORE-J7 KING STREET. BERLIN. Inn's Fitte coon can and htr “It. HALLMAN'S GROCERY, The difference between the two is how- ever very slight. having [M cut at the present time to describe to "Sure Grip" 'Packle Blocks one of the most serviceable articles afarmer_ can own. This cut illustrates the _e . tention to SPECIAL SALE OF Tackle Blocks Canton Hoist In this issue we want to draw your at. WHOLE mo LOW PRICES price V Berlin, Ont. if!

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