31%;} [fiends i 'rs f} with†g ‘ : in wel I: , . unday 'i?,irr,ri' trt....-'" .1 "rtr' Sc! F)' l, . adale :51 " A 'th a; a" Rev,' " T L I but much 0 Bi ' only ' I a It _ . M am . y al l, camel Evidwu‘g’, ews N . carlo: (- d Maui _'.,' WI; " last. Hr " rdt is v . ' . his in is pending h / ntal root. ' Eganrora to _ . ' ggvery ill.-l Rr 1 News Notes, Born to Mr. and Mrs (' William Sherritt on Thursday, Han. 7 I: a son. --Rvrt 10 Mr. and Mis. (‘hm ‘, Gael: on Thursday, Jan. em, a '- daughter-Alexander Imlay after an tstrsettee, of nearly eight months visit, _ in; his Iamily in the Car west return- ed last WM to his old hunw and ' friends in Wintt‘rbnurno.-Mr. J. l' Holman and Mr. Dav") Fear uf EL _ in were visitors at tiw Methods! "rd, unday School last .Hatthuth, 2lth /,r".,.' trt.--The Woolwich Township Sun- 2" School Mammal meets a r,, adale go Thursday. February lih . tdelle/ia/tg" is provided-The " Rev.' _. Mcintoatt oi Helmxxl preach- _ ad in N Church last Sabbath, naming [ evetting,-uFrederiek Par- her is Via nit, In this neighbofhmut tor . tr t Mme.--Mr.' Frank Hol- F any [my got an aanf‘Y from the Brnttthtrd ibgino works to sell gaso- line eqims. Mr: Helarnrfs termini}- quite a competent man, ht)lit spent emtaiderattle4ittur on the rrol Fy um- in the city M Guelphf ", t y,? a Cu yr tiom A _ T sushi! ttda. Sunday Atr in. all: , , _ pm 1 ' ", tetuiet Pr M . him of 'ks s in his ' N. V, r of Can _', illc, Mm . pr-or-dies ot which 1mm (six ating as pa and Lab: I also well n ' I Bishop Weaver,-lt is with much tl et we chronicle the dvath oi i iq, ias Weaver. Ile Fas II only 'e on time and suffered trout t trtA . Ile was aged " years, ll â€I†and 1 day. Funeral was held " y alternoon to the Berlin East lil r cemetery. TT: W5 Notes.-u'orn is arriving by ' unloads. Mr. 1.. H. Stautier . ml Marni) Mneder each receivul tw, lb" last.week.-Mr. Norman Ileiu, , nit is very busy these days tixiup 1 , his ttouse.--Mr. Wes. Hot-lite! is ftpending his holidays under the par- v‘ ntal root.--Mrs. 'l'ane has gone tk, ti urora to visit his tather who is Tivery i1l.--arr. and Mrs, Lang visitep' t friends at Guelph last Week for afen g dtsys.-Mr. Ira Bowman spent; in Lweeks at‘ihe Guelph O.A.C. College Lurking instructions in judging stcck/ 'u-Res. E. Kilbournc. returned mission 1 V " from Japan, spent a day with. V . and Mrs. A. F.'. Richer! and Mrs.' ' ton, he being an old school indlr‘ Mrs. Richert at the \illagc ul1 irtterbourne where he spent his ty.) d Jayc--Mr. and Mrs, Joe Itobert.sl, _ e gone to Eden Mills, aitpr spend-l Qt iiE, Chm, '6traa.-utied " 53.!Knenh ol Chas Mui-Mr. Chalet I . ‘ v . H ' “it Ca‘mme Towt . Pet' and on Tummy mm " . ". "- THIN! morning, "Gil 2 oclock. lhe lumen] was held (-II “t V; . mil“ Hon, alter a Suturday amt-moon at Littt 00ka at P,riiuiii.' ass ot a tew weeU' aura-“he house, thence lo thr- ilust End t M it at which time he was in iy'fi'Jt1e'ay' ‘Bl‘l'llll. lot 1tteruriat. He ' . ‘wa eoudit.ion due to MINT-e513 wimwuig in: on! that (ret, w“. His iiltwss which :0 f u mourn his loss. Mr. Mun 'tlv, , 11tt . C, - tho attending phy- It,' he,',",.'"':,! an the Order of Cm- ?†, , " it! anâ€. .‘m d ia- â€in†10:11]: nah, le alto u mom- 5“ 0. " mtaplicatimnr, no. “Elba. l l; Ctut2l,1',),',r," h'eta'p1.se,,t; “u I 18 Nov. symptoms addet to friends TI', “in (1’ ' a l" and.) i 'a",),, sustained a stroke ot isar.2l,','eiaer' The â€Ki-21>»H Ill, far and , and†morning, previousto', . pa "'altrs were Messrsw _ S"STra' . . . ‘llahel. Johnson, Polokuskie llolIIn-i 3 - ttre, alter which he sank r" get, Stimuli-n Gaugle all, f the) .'.', “A," pit. the best, ot Inedmllr'umn ii/dir/id “will. Th: in“; ' ‘ - tender nUl'SIHS. tttstil “amines“ of uienTs'rfu' the â€their h _ .1 him ot his sulierusgs "ecea-ihoar l l i '..C','. m mt e W“? s in his 15m Teur and 1vasai " sum)“ and twrvuvemetst was _ F. , . . ' ' ‘ very much amuu-ralrd. Fix» r.et tmdun llonu. urchin" In Mauritian . r rile, also oi the midday-rs I l C . . A_ q _ = _ r . .1 the bets n! fd 1'i1"/.,"l"ul',tl, ol out that father _, or which attended in body at Tl, iri., an. Jst. 1909, " “new (six " the latter society 1305171.; nah hmnv, . ' tmg as lull-bearers) whilst (he Ff: .11 7, '? 'y"1fl".py., I rr i and Labor L'ouncii ul Berlin (hit left', {Mk 1akcn him .- also well reprmnml lie leaves lurk Pi nit-(2",): '00 mourn Ins irreparable loss, . And empty In: l, _ ttoetowing widow and three smix‘, He has 4min to Lwillâ€: . M ot tueithaupt Leather Uoys tio peacglul and ran mm 8:: at Berlin, llarvie and Herbie at Sleep falln-r (i,';, . h e, one brother John hr, ot Cen- TM toils" ar'e Cir.' tgFlle, tour sisters, Mrs. Henry Sui S'wret be thy rest ' C _ l Caledonia, Michigan, Mrs. Bur- (m needed before ' r of Bloomingdale, Mrs. llamlml We all land In“. T espeler and Mrs. Frank Hcrtleot But God loved ‘4')“ more at here. The tttneral was held on He has called vim awai' ' 'gaturday aitertsoot1 to liars! Flnd Wo- To that hrlghl: happy Gore. mourn Church at Berlin and was THE WIFE isn FAMILY largely attended. Services were cun- Brieiss--Mr. Nelson I.atsvh of iT/v,'.. ducted by Rev, S. llnwmau in (ler- ton visited his part-nix "yt'r' Sunday. , man language, while KW. Si Swarm Mr. John .t, Iropel is Vert' ill. lllx dspeke in English attvr which the [tlr/s')'.','.','.',"": is doubtiul.--Thts wi- un lhe "'mains were interred in adjoining wk Grand "iver has biokrn up and In“ , T wry. Heautitul tiorul emhlems The water is not 'pry high »Were contributor] by the ahove nauted "e---------- 'ieties, as well as by other friends NEW DUNDEE In: bereaved fanuly have ihe sincere - ' mpatby ot the curnnrunity in this News Notes.-Mr. Harry Luwv was it hour of sadness. a visitor to Turn-it“ Lu “mi 4n“ There is a t' can; the shirts a few days with Mr. and Mrs. V . S. Geiger-Mrs. I. C, Shal|l1,whu _ s confined to her bed, we are glad report, is up again.--Mr. Vernon Shantz, ot Berlin, occupied the pul- pit in the WBA'. Chureh Sunday PT- wing, Rev. Cober having gout- nu Brussels to Visit his trother, who is very sick. m KIM Mb. Lmhud blqog puma-n no melon WINTERBOURNE gamma OF INTEREST _ a 2t ivi,iiiiiiiiii, T'! , 'AMONG OUR BUSY NEIGHBORS ,'ll'pWf,",',ttt ' BRESLAU Swollen Hands and Feet ward shor ' d blood partner- no use)... Wm 'rutatattintomurt tho llama. m. . 'a'tmers' Club Meeting-tron", Lr- qt the Ptrmers' cum meeting m1 ' "Pt/w evening, Feb. lst. Att-it:'." esthi time is assured, Suhjarns we: “Raising of Nlwep" intrmlucM Ivy Mr. Alcinllaslings. "Menu-s . all Classes" by Mr. Mr. Wm. Havhs. "Coin Uruwiug“ New!†Hrmrrt Docking. The discussions: on mm- subiects should he Interesting and instructive. All invited. Will Visit Wrst Indies -.10ssrs. Wm H. Snydvr and Wm. W. Snider It'll last Thursday morning via New York tor a winter rluim- to the West hr divs and the ylpanisth Main, TM parts ot call inrhMe Porto Rim. Jamaica. Panama, \‘cnrnwh, Trinidad, liar badus. Martinique, Farm and tlwlra hama lshuuls. The trip will In- ot uhmn sie wm'ks' duratinn. M ... r (THO rate " last issue.) Mr. Paul tmlis, who fur llw pust fear has worked in: II. Wagner and sun .5 trlaek'inuth, has gum“ to Ness Hamlzurg, where M has secured a similar Duh in Mi. Morris Iliehm's shop.-Mrs. Christiansen of Pembroke is visiting the RM. and Mrs. L. Lang- hullz, at pusihut.--M.r. Geo, Gulvis spending a few wtvl.s with iriends il lmndun and xicirrity,-Miss Emma Peters has gum lo Mi+mtnk.--Miss l.iz.ip Schmidt sprml Saiurday and uuntiay in "err-Mr. ll. Wagner was in Hrrlm and Hridgrpm‘l. mums» "up tast Saturday, (at Bream", visited at Mr- Oliver-tUr- gey's on Tuesday " last wevk.- Th: special svrvim-s are Mill bring eunv tinned in the U. IL church this week. Sumo wry intm'rsling. sur- mons are being delivered hy HMS. Backus and I'fivfer.- Mr. F'.. Goedke of (Hem-mm, Sushi. is visiling in New Hatmlrurg at prom-m b'ut will l‘rtm‘n here again heiuu- having for his home in the wvst_-Word was 11-- ceivotl on Mummy M the sudden death til Mr. Jacob Wins, oi Hm‘lin. Mr. Wing was well known here and Wt extend our sympathy to â€to Wreaved iamily. News Notes.-Mr. Harry Luwe waa a visitor to Toronto ia.st 1suwli.--TN annual meeting of the New Dutttlee Public Library was iwld nu 'Nesday (Welling, Jan. IO," 1914]. The athsml ante was small and nu change Was made in the Hoard of Directors. - Mr. and Mrs. E. A. " ham†and Mrs, J. Aistand were visitors to lh-rlin m. Wodnl-sdny ot last wctk--Mr, Em; llnllnlun has rt'covered from his re cent} illnrsx and is able lo be out again.--A new lighting plant is bring Installed in the L. ll. Hum-h thi, weck..-Mr. Gordon llallnmn v'tsitcuat. his urwle's near R'aterioo on Sunday rast.--Mr.ranst Mrs. \Vl-mlol 1'iemertri, So peacétui and lair. Slow father, xhrp, Thy toils" are o'er, Sweet be thy rest, (Mt "09de beiore, We all loved you, But God loved you more, He has called you away To that bright, happy shore. THF'. WIFE AND FAMILY. Brieis.--Mr. Nolsnn Latsvit of Pte; ton visited his parents nwr Sunday. Mr. John .t. Dunn-l is wry ill. His, reeovery is doubtful-Th" n-r on the Grtuut River has broken up and MI. The water is nut Wu high. ST. JACOBS cnossmLL a CEITIIVILLE PHILIPSBUBG "we M has secured a in Mi. Morris Iliehm's 'hristimvwn of Pemhroke It it In-imuy (Iceland um poc- teta In skirt- Ire to com. mt. , Gowns must. not only be clinging, but must likewise be shimmering. The arts and on": Nd " raging in Entry. l itriee-Miss Mabel fhnwortitsis" ot Hamiihm is visiting her [He-413%: vyiira"Willets,--The Farmers‘ Club met in the schoolmom on Monday night, _the Ixth. The subject M dis- cussion was "Hog Feeding." 'Able spiei9iirs were gin-n by Means. R. Hitch, A. Wicker and Notmm Sny- der. The musical part of the Pro- gramme was supplied by Mr. P. Zehr with Lb. niwiupholle. 'iev, meeting the subjett will be "Silo Killing."--" Thamet oi New Dun-I dee, preached In the U. B. Church In}. Sunday night e l THIS ORIGINAL DOCUMENT IS IN VERY POOR CONDITION Wedding Anniversary-Mr. and Mrs. Quite a number from Wellesley atten- F. Neumr-yrr celebrated their twen- ded the carnival here last Wednesday. tirth anniversary of their wedding -The Misses ()Iiva (Hebe and Ottmyt (lay, with a china wedding, guestslol Wellesley were the guests of the being [urgent from Pla1tsvilip, New Misses Berlet on Wednesday.-- Miss [hunk-r, Waterloo, Berlin. and uther' Maggie Koehler who has been visiting points. Promptly ct 5 pm. “Phil-ct sister, Mrs. C. Latin. tor the past Mr. Amarhrr, of PrAtisville pvrtorm- two weeks, returned to her home in ed a 51-min- smitahle lo the 'icjiii,ii:1iii,i.,'t'ci, on s'unday.--Muite an inter- iullomng which Mr. and Mrs. 'Neume, (sting game of hockey was played yr'r rerNvol congratulations of ll. here last Wednesday between meoml lurgc'numlwr of guests. The guest and walk-sky. The game resulted in 'were served with a very dainty wed- a score of I-Al in favor ol Linwood, ding dinner. alter which a few hours wrrl- sprint in gums, speeches. and music. 'v May long continued happiness he thttir lot.. Parallel with the highway-rd/Tiara. distance. We trust the public may ’nutu the warning and use their ut- ‘most precaution lest a more serious Misasti-r heiall some one.-Mr. Samuel INouie, 1th Con., Maryborough, is having an auction sale on the 27th .nst. W? understand Mr. Noble is 20mg West in the Spring. Ilis tarm ‘is also bring put up for sale.-- Mr. Peter Kinos is having an extensive _salc of dairy rows on Friday, 29th inst. My. Kines has one at the finest herds at Holstein mm; in this MW- tion, and it is expected owing to the grrat dvmand Mr dairy cows in this section that there cows will bring some fancy priccs to the proprietor. Persortar--Miss Ford McDonald, ot Palmerston and Mrs. M. Hang of Southampton called at the home of Mr. Louis Adolph.-Mr. Samuel El- liot oi Man. is the guest of his bro- thor, Mr. Wm. Elliot 6th Com, Wall: Iave.--Miss Ella Griffith ot Lislowel‘ is visiting at the homes of her broth- (‘13. Messrs. Gabriel and llamas Gril- tith, also her sister Mrs. J. Travis.-- Mr. A. Hahn of Heidelberg was the‘ guest. at the homes of Mr. B. F. Knipe and Henry Fisher at Kurtz-l ville during the past week. I all In mm we to com. Mat. 7 I Noun-all In: " - to an - In". a _ . 29tetdry1trr.erete h .139» with ‘- WM“ showed that the board to Mr. "urgess, present, gave on the care 1 soulial in nu quality rd ch h .. CiTCC"CrrrAa.E TITT, V ROSEVILLE Mabel ttutwortitsis" _ol canomolmruulm. .. mot" II Bummer ' Mr. w, r. Woods new. Roy Lau- d ids: turbine! have again aeturned after yr PS", ' , “Hug. in the two-weeks' course It Farmers Club the ty.h.C5-Mi" E, Buoy and Miss om ."" Prer M. HertterUttendmt the Elotwersttrhotte subject}! an held n #udonald Hall-u. O.A.C-- Netting, Mit Miss I. sum, Miss t9.rWankiirt um " MM" R. ms: P. miner and Mr: S. [mum-m Norman Sat- with.†and Mr. Homer mama the " ot the Pro- (min. mum; ot Mr. m Mu Funk xt by Mr. . P. Newman: of Resume on But-Inlay vrplsoise. 'ic5t', News N'oiee.--Hr. Westo- Bowman wilt be "Rilo at man. " min; Imus-lumen in of New Dun-[me 'teigtttrortiirod.--Rev. E. Hall ttt B. Church hmi 11.:an culled on kinds here Int ' ,reqe--Mt. Md Mrs, J. Human ot - “heâ€. an: spending u shod. time Dad is raging with the tormer's prank tere,-. It. H. S, Heme: um n basilica visitor Fi Waterloo on Tuesday. mm In tummy Bddbeted to [or in". News Notes.-Mr. Alvin Heather ot Toronto spent Sunday at the homeot Mr. V. R. Herlet.-Mr. W.. J. Lytle was a guest in town fora " days last week.-The Misses Lola Spam. Ellie Fish and May Berlet and Mes- srs. Ham and Ed. Spahr, am spend- inga week in Mildmay. the guests oi Mr. and Mrs. Peter Lobsinger.--Mr, W. McRae, ol Campbellton, N.B., visited friends in town last week. - Quite a number from Wellesley atten- ded the carnival here last Wednesday. -The Misses Oliva (Hebe and Ottman of Wellesley were the guests of the Misses Berlet on Wednesday.-- Miss} Maggie Koehler who has been visiting) her sister, Mrs. C. Lanta tor the watt! two weeks, returned to her home in', ThYllesiey on s'undar.--Muite an inter- "ting game of hockey was played News Notes-Mr. Simon Baer is making preparations to remodel his house next summer.--Mr. Aylmer Weicker, who spent the past three weeks at his home here, has returned to Saskatchewan, where he will again resume his position as manager of a lumber yard.--Mr. George Dingwall left [or Grimshy, whore he intends to stay sometime.--" sale of Mr. R. Sanderson last Tuesday, was well, attended and livestock brought good' prices.--Mr. Ferdinand Merner, of New‘ Hamburg, gave a lecture at the Hur- on Road School last Tuesday evening Jan 19th.--Miss Fedora Bricker, oi New Dundee, visited in the vicinity last week.-Mr. A. Lou. has moved into S. Zurgwigg's house. It was.docided to h§ld this year, spring show un Wednesdny, April the 14111, in Baden and tte [all show on Thursday and Friday, Swtemher. , Items “I 'utygtr1t: annual meeting ot the Wiim t Agricultural Society was held at the Queen's lio- tel, New Han-mung on Thursday, Jan. 20th, and was well attended. The fin ancial report [or the plat year was read and adopted. The Society hasa nice surplus left. The ittricers [or the ensuing year were elected as follows: R. N. Kerr, President. A. Kaufman, lat. Vice-president. _ H. Casser, 2nd Vinres. Directors-Hy. Morn, Geo. Fow- ler, H. Walker, Jos. I Ran, C'. Wit- zel, Hy. Zueller, Levi Master, Geo. 1aauttmschiager. _ News Notes.-Mrg. C. and Miss Ilen- new Ottman spent l lew days at Tavistock-Mr. August Kube and his sister Tillie wont to Tavistock, thr latter remaining on an extended visit. -Nuite a number of our yol'ng folks attended the Carnival at Liuwood last /ruesdar--Mr. Herman Koehler after spending a tew weeks m Wiarton re- turned home to-dar-wore had" to be dispensed with fora law days last week in the Woollm Mills on account ut w break. in the itte.-trmers' Institute meeting nex Tuesday. A good turnout. is “put and the sutr _ jecls will be wry in resting. A) KUOII pmgram in the waning. l I Hue%y--our BC . IA journeyed no St. Clements and" In or- ' to play that . team a gum ‘0! hockey which at great excite utent among the cit ot that place and resulted in tr ty tor our boys. The score 5-1 in [not at Welleslcy. The g u league hoc- key match between slay smalln- wood was played on tatt ice at the latter rink, The game was an exciting and hotly contested one, the score bung 1-0 in tavar 0! Linwood. .A‘I‘l" lulu are r ' 1Ean.,tre het way‘ I l “and the: Deco-let I l you no" r in: on F ' dispositio- a very - ‘ f tttMrittetstrmtut., -our 3c ., y: journeyed cinema In , w May in or- " that .w A team a game , which CI LT; _great excite mg the cit ' ul that place tlted in: - uty for out he some 'F' s-l in lava: key. The ; u A league hocw h between 8tesley gnd.LIn-‘ HANNHEI LINWOOD a»?! , PPre the ine.- ' nu Tues expect d and cry in ercstil n the vet-in DEN - Here: The Briefs-Miss Bahia Tale is the!" - guest oi her friend Min Annie banal Messaline, in may attppler and " "oi Leslr--T'tte lninni. Bott ot In. Auruttr waves, is in great inor ioi Austin Huey hos been very low, “Hm-perm. " IQSt report. it is now Trttea-s,"'=====""-====-==== cient-Mr. David Oroh, ot linpeler, in delicate health, hos these lost your: purl a ftyirtg visit to our village 1m been troubled with dropsy, which Wednesday prior In hi. aw... Lure ion ousted her demise. The inner.) will button. Mich,, where he will visit we plane trom the - mum his doughicr, Mrs. Philip Binder, 'tsriruestay nun-om, at halt put one, a month or six weeksr--Mr. and Mrs.iihn to the Prawn“ M, where Snyder, oi Didshury, Alberta, wero'aerviors will he can“ Eng- guests ot Mr. hue Hood's 1tetryil't: than to 'tleltlt, genie- --Mr. Otterbine, ot Berlin, we 'tttt-,'terr.--rrrs. an: Hilton ‘m day with his brother, Mr. Ed. Otter-fthe [when] oi - uncle, Mr. Charla Mae-. Mrs. Oscar Mum" leavetr;Ttoos, ot Gull, Friday alter-ooh. Tuesday tor Gabriel when the will who-e dull: occurred in (hit Jon. Jim her this and brother Mr. Geo,ltirttt, in his eighty-MM rear.- Mrs, Velma. who won wail know. has. IDIVII “any mt I law any! Int '-TSe death occurred Saturday ot - with Mall: in Berlin. My -eud radiant ht It. 'ct- -_r-_-- -tula. [or] Juno _ air In! - - be funny “at, f..t.tPett 1tCt.AtgrE,tt up aim-mm w- " m hel and Mr. J. Debris attended the First place In The “Indian Mags-' Poultry show at Mitchell last week, zine tor Pelr.rerr I? given to tMk il- where Mr. Dehus succeeded in taking lustrnted 1rltt,eeyt/et "Toronto: A several prius-Among those who at- a.†h2,"'s"g'; In: '2,"t'ist',tlttt tended the luneral ot the late Mrs. T e “i we d It "r, d “‘10†o 'li,','.",,),,',',',':';",,":'",;".,'. and Mrs. a'lltrli"letttu'r1"l,'.' 913;): is: J"ld1"'"ill im. en or, r. W. J. Ferguson, . ' s . 'parture In ma ulna work in Canada, "YI son ot “$1105: it; gameâ€? and it is not: hoped that the editor Young of FGTs7aTiHif air Ittriri look tor articles dealing with Fred Weiker ot llaysville Mr TG some outstanding features at other M , W W . k Mr 'fi IN Canadian cities. The number through- rs. It. ere fr, . ay! Ts. l an, out is entirely creditable. One te'ac Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Schmidt, Mr. and ture is a splendid article, tiy Robert Mrs. M. Wilhelm, Wellesley, Mr. and E. Knowles, the Weil-known novelist, Mrs. llenry Schmedt and Mm. Daniel entitled "The Mystery ot Lincoln," Schmidt ot Shakespeare, Mr. Jno. which isa welcome contribution, in 1t"1errJufglip,drsi. Jammgetmtv view ol the Lincoln centenary. Mrs. rs. reu an r. fnsge r 0 Isabel Ecclestone Mach , who is I Waterloo.-Mr. and Mrs. N. Sauder rapidly makings reputation in tictiin of St. Jacobs and Mr. and Mrs. Otto. as well as in poetry, contributes an Mingus. oi Berlin wetxrtlte guests excellent mystery story, entitled, of Mrs. Henry Camel last week.-Mr. "Through the Wall." Other contri- l Henry Rohr has purchased several butions are: "Miss Waring's Elope- l lots from Mr. Leon Pequegnat and ment," I short story, by Richard 1 will build thereon in the spriag.-Mr. Marsh; "A New Canadian History," l Rohr will leave the farm in March a review, by A. H. U. Coloulmm; l and take up his residence here.--Mr. "Dresden the Beautiful," an illustrat, l and Mrs. Samuel Uassel and Mr. and ed article by Charles T. Long; "The Mrs., Manley Mark attended the "y-isarMihiit Stag. of Manitoba," a sketch ' lstal wedding of Mr. and Mrs. Bert ,hy Rodeo Kingsmill; “Postal Reforms Wehber at Glotre's Corners last Wed- in 1787," by w. R. Givens; "Cup- I "ursdar-Mr. and Mrs. J. Kerr spent Plates and Customs,)' by Phil Ives; tsunday at the Kerr homestead Irur-rl "The Taking ol tte-fret," a story, 1 (on Road.-Mr. Wm. Welch of Mt For-WW Archie P. Mckistmie; “Pelee I rest, a Iormer resident at our town.‘lS'3ndil by J. :r, Bell; "on. A. s. I wished lriends here on Monday .rivetrb' l sketch, ' try Katherine Hale; Messrs Bugs and Wantieid of Toronto and - by George Herbert IClarke, culled on a number ot the citizens oilJames Lawler, Margaret OGIadr. our town last week in the interests orlDouglds Roberts, John Boyd and S, the People's Raiiway-Messrs. Jno A. White. _ ' Katzenmeier and s. Cassel went to! --------- I Berlin on Tuesday to attend the lst meeting of the County Council tor'GOING To OTTAWA, b I 1909.-Mr. Brook Puddicombe and _ . Miss Puddicomhe attended the Anna-l The Rtui1,yerctpttts' Association ry ball in Slratlond last. Ttuorsdas.-io' Canada wilt send a deputation to l A number ot the lriends of Mr. army-it on the Government in February, a Mrs. “who Bean met at their home;wllh regard toachange in the crimi- I last Wednesday afternoon and ‘spent 'lf, it',: The [present :“zh prevents l several hours in pleasant social inter-r “(in 1','l1l'lot" 'l', TJJ,",d'i',, T 53:31:; ( 'vet,'irt'i"ii-etu,an'tr,Jld1t,on'2,',' .,',', associatiOn should he nhleas a body t rioting hr! 'd',') ' Mun 1"',T, “Uta deal with the wholesale" regim- t :33: 'ti' 'CCC-grated",",,,,,,',' ling prices, and that it Would molt in t benefit to the public try [ett wet , here alter an nhsenee ola number curate: years.--Dr. Walters M Berlin called on . : lriends here last weee.-Mr. Harry I: Plsilips hits moved into the house be- Rose shades of all materials are to longing to Mr. H. Spahn lately “a†the lore this winter tor children‘s ll ted by Mr. Keller. wear. " at the home ut Mr. and Mrs. Fred tloebei.--rtev. Mr. Elliott at Waterloo, Chairman of Gait District will de- liver an address in Trinity Methodist Church on Friday evening, The sub- ject of his address will be "Moun- Cain, Valley and Gorge." --Mr. Cummin Rennie of Didsbury, Alta., and bis brother Mr. “an. Rennie, vis- ited Woodstock friends last week.- Mr. Lorenz Arnold, rather-us-law, ot, Mr. J. J. Berger, has disposed oil-is tarm near Shakespeare and is com-l ling to make his home in our town. IThe water in the Nina was exceeding ly high on 5s'unday.-Mr. Chas. Fox ~hammer of the Western Bank was in Oshawa last Wednesday, where he af- tended the banquet given in honor oi Mr. T. H. McMillan, the retiring cash- ier.--Mr. McMillan was also presented with a.. cabinet of sttver on this uc- casion.-A large number at books were placed in the shelves of our Public Library last. Saturday-Mr. J. Guc- bel and Mr. J. Debus attended the Poultry Show at Mitchell last week. Library last saturday-Mr. J. Guc- bel and Mr. J. Debus attended the Poultry Show at Mitchell last week, where Mr. Debus succeeded in taking several prius-Among those who at- tended the tunerat ot the late Mrs. Henry Allendorl were-Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Allendorl, Mr. W. J. Ferguson, ou s'4unday.--Mr. Kacey has been ap- Ioirsted teller in the bank oi Com- meta: in Seatorth and goes there on Monday to assume his new position. --Miss Mary Fischer: oi Waterloo, vis- ited relatives here un Stutday.-Mr. Wm. Coon, ot Mitchell spent Mundag .0 um um...“ .J .., . ~- __ is. at†Nolan noun ot Rambo, meat My“ the home at Mr. and In. That. Dutch, “an“ at the Inlet-Ir. Goo. Walnut-on. t Nina, Inn. Mt“ in an: in. J. C. Fox taat week-her. all In. Warner Brodrecht spent Sunday with (friends in Hartsvuie.-aers. Buck vis- iited lriendl in Berlin this week - Mr. and In. tleo, sterliag of Platte Ville and Mr. Horace Feiuk, 0181mm lord attended the Calico Ball, given, by Mrs. Thos, Mitchell and Mrs. Jas, Kerr in the Wm. Tell “All in" l Thursday evettistg.--Mr. Leon Pequo- guat spent Nonday in St. Thomas.-. Mr. Morgan Wilhelm ot Meaiorth is visiting his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Dan Wilhelm,--Mrs. Jim. Messner FltF ned lnendu in Berlin last wcek.-Mr. Allan Kacey u! the Bank ot Cum tnerce star, Stutford, visited his 1trattdirarcntti, Mr. and Mrs. WmJVoods I... " _ s... g ?'let atgttti2dttgf. In. I. I. ttatt-. an In- A. P, “mm at marl-q an In. The. Show ot arm-“van, ta, "'0 "b not at In. "o but Hindus“. Jon Buddha "and In. lieu. who an m:- $bd - daaqbtar, In. .151. an... LIMERICK w _ "v t 'in delicate health, has these mt yum I been troubled with dropsy, which ousted her demise. The Inner.) will we plane from the - rum {Tuesday nun-non, at halt past one, mm to the weapon. M, where Juniors will he can“ EurI in“. than to 'h'lttlt I you» t'terr.--Mrs. Sch: I!» "teoNt who [when] ot - uncle, Mr. Charla "tttos, at Gull, Friday atterBoott, who-e dull: occurred In (hit Jan, lamb, In his anemia. rear.- Mrs, P"." “any â€one I In. any! Int "wee& with Mall: in Dunn. I The Retail Merchants' Association .01 Canada wilt send I deputation to ‘wait on the Government in February, Lwith regard touching: in the crimi- nal code. The present law prevents the discussion ot prices In the tMutoCitt- Hian. and it is maintained that the associatiOn should be able us a body ‘to deal with the wholesale" regent- litttt prices, and that it wank: malt in benefit to the public try get wer, grates. 1†' E. Knowles, the Weil-known novelist, f entitled "The Mystery ot Lincoln," which isa welcome contribution, in 3 View oi the Lincoln centenary. Mrs. _ Isabel Ecclestone Mackay, who is _ rapidly makings reputation in fiction as well as in poetry, contributes an excellent mystery story, entitled, "Through the Wall." Other contri- butions are: "Miss Waring's Elope- ment," I short story, by Richard Marsh; "A New Canadian History," a review, by A. H. U. Coluulmun; "Dresden the Beautiful," an illustrat, ed article by Charles T. Long; "The ,Snndhill Stag. of Manitoba," a sketch ,hy Rmien Kingsmill; “Postal Reforms in 1787," by w. R. Givens; "Cup- Plates and Customs,)' by Phil Ives; ["The Taking ol Scar-Face," a story, 'hy Archie P. McKishnie; “Pelee (island, by J. J. Bell; "Dr. A. sn ivetrbl', a sketch," try Katherine Hale;‘ and verse by George Herbert cured/ Names Lawler, Margaret O'Grady, ‘Douglos Roberts, John Boyd and sl [A White. l Messaline, in many snpph and at- luring weaves, its in great [nor for drttperies. The kid and satin tuning slipper has been oustcd by gold, silver and bronze. a Bishop of the Mennonite church, passed away " his home on Sat- urday night, Jan. 16, at the age of " years, 1 month and 12 days. incensed had been ailing tor some time and his death was not entirety unexpected. He was born in Waterloo Township near Strasburg and settled on the [arm about a halt a mile south of New Hamburg, about thirty- tive years ago, on which he resided continuously until his death. He was one ot the tirttt settlers of that neigh- borhood and was a bishop of the Biennium church. He was a most 8mm! [arm and well and lav- orahly known throughout the entire community. He leaves to mourn his death, a widow, tour sons and [our daughters. besides 31 grandchildren. The children are: Moses, Enos, thrina, Noah, Mary, Lavina (Mrs. 4hhas Snyder). Nancy (Mrs. Eli Good), all of Wilmot, and Mrs, Flea. of Vineland. The tuneral which took place from his late residence on Wed- nesday torenodn at 9 o’clock to Gei- ger's cemetery, Bleam's road, was very largely attended. The late Amos Cree-man, one ot the guly pigmlsgl this vicinity and DEATH OF till. 3111.1. ahead, and had ruched the can!†a! A half down much mull; than“ in. W Iâ€, when the woo-Ino- datioet train trom the east dashed up- huh-o4 taunt-i3;- Fi'uroi oeuoemsrméto-tk 'tte "tt',1'l12,tt'1t2,v'lLtg Ct nu ,'.l'du1ttrdetut 10, ?""sM_iiuom. In on. Tho munch: caught the I“ tom " Hwy Item the horses, And . bun In; - - by trroqM. ted home. " that 1.15 p.11). Tur when an cloning. mud to let to “than be! into the atatiem. {at m It panned Mr, Spoons: drown THE CANADIAN MAGAZINE, AMOS CRESSMAN We, I, J... In ttjig' 2. km. At. it. _ -"e Ono bled non !?itiititAit my and also ova-In. - an; an». a an “a. t', r Between " " ddâ€: P, dent. " not autism _ F * " there is no my I: L.. he†' â€fab-elm com lag, And an the be“ M 7 ods. All “thing to lean [ puuculau be sure to In.“ be Men. We give 11th m; tions with each lesion. my.“ valuable for future ref (tle '!nrCtri_trirm_t [a Wanted, Ladies, to [cm the. will; and making. No accomplishment you can acquire will prove to yol at we. eVery-day, life long value a. a tho- tient knowledge ot tires: muting; '0 lunchyou everything trom ttt phi- (eat shirtwnist to the most Gilbert“ toilet, Ind gunrantee perteet pinho- "ion. We stand prepared to. Mid. $25.00 to any Indymho after am. our course can show I a article in dreunnking a. our not out, " and In“ to. gether, not only the lining Mail the outer goods inmate, skirts, with, sleeves. wrapperl, girdle, “.5 dresses, etc. Charge for lull mum I- t't's'alt tio, including one at the mo" Mung systems in use, which w an tree. All or nay of nuns “on†Saturday, Jan. " " PMâ€? " Next Bliss Will Start M, February lat. After thirty years. during illkh In built up the most extensive Mol- eering business in Ontario, W. Thou. Ingram, ot Guelph, has diqmed at his interest to Mr. James Mon- ald. ' _ 1 In seepy and boggy tthilt/it drainage, in order,to~be ML Itive, should lower the waggmyto ‘not less than three feet W411» road sutlace. It tiles are!†tiny Giaoi be carefully ma, he. to grade. Most tailurea in may“... can be attributed to care] T .in laying, or too flat grade. T less than tour mates in mammal-ml rarely be used . nor mom; ' m of less than six incha to “I no tect be used unless “withâ€. and" say. In a very dense 8011 n it ll- ways advisable to cover the “in to " least a depth of six to trrttte tmh- es with coarse sand or the Fina. AUCTIONEER RETIRES. In many place! the undergo»!!! water i; too near ttte. surface all must be removed belong B' gobd rtud will be possible. In such an: - form ot sub-dummy mint u riWItrt- ed to, usually me drain: (1 Mb! concrete. V . ' As water in Irwin; ma. .6- eighth its volume, the my! Uiia out ol shape, and when â€at (up the road disappears Manx ' . g" tide or mud consuntly'hd br r ' melting snot: “and; .. . . springs. ' -..'t' 'e at: , f I , , LC: "ta GOOD ROADS m -'r. a - I TI! "I†The side ditches should be " enough to can tor the huh» I†with a. tall ot not less thatraU ill- ches to each 100 feet. Franc-m and ample cross-duh: would be construc- ted and every opportunity blur to get the water may from mg road " soon " possible. Theretore, about" or...“ should be raised and the do]. to!“ the side ditches he M will tit one inch to each toot an“. or In that the water will mu Italy on» side ditches and not Horton ah. road or, remain in puddlu out“. roadway. : [ DRESS- MAKING CLASSES Good, de-dru'npd ma sutyruty an importh ho It. w. &ri=' said that pub you n "eeab'of', f 0110 tons ot grater hm tatt/et ", ot rain on every In!†a! 'tttter'! . I , in the United sum. '2ifiiiliiiii/ic.j,, would Show the will!“ of Tt, in _ ' ' ,' ui-u,-"", Both the will“ was; all.“ f; derground water mun he ‘1‘ . 'ctr: comideratiuet in order to - ',2.tt' drainage. The lower my" p , R ty removed, 1nd computetrs “ ‘ t'iil subjecting the road to,-".'. T " or erosion. _ _ _ V y Tu m m _ " ‘ . "' Wat's at In. 8 r an the hospital. teg; w ' Fe" and: In“. . f _ Ri3B, ‘ c, t'dtdlegtiur'u'p, " adhdnwhglulhh‘ TTr An Me“ wttt, h. w. “any. " “a w, ty New. my mama“; all M the Wyn-pm ,"atr.etrm6ia. 'ii mun-duo tHrtsrstrittttg wnmmuomrqun wings-e stsns V, a , u l Mu- new I.†I. Tcl: , an a rr ' In I "it?†ed by n i, M", ;':: aâ€; t" -‘. ou'hii6. ,'