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The Chronicle Telegraph (190101), 21 Jan 1909, p. 8

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“'5. gtgtgpt.tdtt,T as may. $5 mec- were well Ilium-A .' 'muek'a level» tor Wuhan- k - _ _ in! upon nub. they . C, to can cl O um. tor the if.) 7 and cannot qualities. _ V" ' A good proportion ot the manic olefin; no not well . P and shippers complain thyt 2f - being brought out too early, _ thet in the old country markets " the want, time them, cattle would Ion them money” 'hrtiU.iUt Phihpstmre to Mr. and Mrs ”and “m9" to Mr and MI dnulxhlrr. Dattietrs-At Ar" .to.Mr. and MI Bel Voeiker--At Berlin, Jan. 10th, tu MI and Mrs. Albert 1'oclker, a (laugh ter. 'Waters-At Ulcnallan, to Mr. and Mrs Waters. a son. uoos- At Spruu- (ilmr, 'ltrruta, January lilll, mm, lo Km. and Mrs. J. Gums, a um. Maier-m, llt‘ldvllwlg, Jan. llillv, to Mr. and Mrs, John Maio, a sun Martin-In I'm-l. Jan. Tth, to M: and Mrs. ll. lk Halli“, a my, 'Wetrcr-tica, 1'onestrrao, Jun, path, to Mr. and Jlis, Mull: “(~le " ,,,,.V..--...... a] "M," Baum-per poand...... .24 .2,, Eulpudoz. ......... .25 10 ”Apple- ..........1.00 1.25 ‘91:]..th ..m.-.... 11.50 Potting": Mg, ......60 .70 BTRATFOBD MARKETS Swami, Jan. 21st, 190 Whemt Bmdud)...... .90 Bulg.... _... ..-.-. .43 01h(tandud]...... Pea...“........... .75 hyper ton.......... 8.00 Empa- ton.......... Short-potion........ “voHogI............ 6.00 Boot, front gunners. . - . .06 M, hind qwun. .. . .75 St!itntttc-u--.". .25 ter-at "a.ssvitir. Jun. ”(In It. and Mn l-Iph "an: a N em, $1.09 (11.09;, No. 2 northern, fi.08 b 81.08;, all rail; No. 1nortle on, 81.13:. i; $1.tl; No. it northcrn, $1.10; it $1.lt, delivercu at imt-. ario points. Barley, No. 2, inst (a Mc; No. 3 extra. Mc " 55c; No. 3, Irgc (1, 53c outside. Oats, Unlanin, No. 2, white, “In tt Hr, outsirlc; No. 2 mixed, 39c tr Inc, uulsidr, No. I Western Canada, 15c on track, Lake ports. Porn, No. 2 yrllnw. my " Mc Toronto frvighttr, No. .5 ycllow, 67c Q my, Canadian, MC & 1551-. Buckwheat, No. 2, 550 tt may, out- side. Itye, nominal, No. 2 1571- tr new, outside. Pvas, No. 3, Mic (n sir, out- side. Flour. Maruioha, ttrst patcuts, $5.80; shrouds, $5.30; taming iraivrs, 85.10; Ontario Winn-r wheat 'patents 33.70 er, Ft.75, buyers' sacks outsiav, Mititeed bran, $21 (1 $21.50 Per tun, in bags, outside. Shorts, $23 tr $21. in bags, outside. 11;-" Turunlo, "an. J9.-Wiivat and oats In the strong pumts In the local grain market. The former art. hung, held lor Mic and thr. latter for tic point oi shipment. other grams 2m- dull and tu1changed. Local dealers,' quotation: ()ntanu wheat, No, 2, whiti, 'J51.c 1: 'Mic; No. 3 In], any Q Mite; No. 2 mixed, 'hh. g 9541-. Manitoba “heal, spot, No. l north- Btockers-Good demand and market steady to Iinuvr at $3 a 33,75, 150ml navy leaders. :1 g “on. Hogs-Market steady and unchang- ed at 3625, Lo tr, and $6.50 led and watered. Btttcher- An active demand iot choice butcher cattle, but market on . little for common butcher. 'Neir-Market steady. Eioh- There were 3 lew good loads of upon cattle Menus, the md was brisk and prices good all strong nt 85.30 (i 85.50 tor the Choice“ ofteriugs. ”The ml wn it loads, with 1,8lU - ot cattle, l,l40 sheep and lambs, 50. hogs and 100 calvcs. kat& W. I'm. Jan. at, mute. on m Made: a. 'mar-AN-rich--.; 71h, (Inn [smmm ot Kim Ilanmnrz, MIG-I (Humid). of “Hum: -nt Philunhuru. Jan 7th and Mrs "and ”mint-g. a .AIIIACII "I'll "" .At Ilamhm p haul)”, a o'rrtn, Elm. Jan 5ilr, “and” fteinhatd At Iltrrie, on.l 39M: Job-w, \llrnluun, thr, Sci-um of I~IL Built-I ' ot I?) " I‘m W 1. Jun 7th thumb, ' 24 a sun no?“ 9.00 22 00 25 00 6.10 to .9; .55- 90 .45 . 37 iorin--At \hllrllum Jan, wig Grein, aged " yrs-m r'cr,nerAt Waterloo, Jan I bel trim Ttary, ther l and Mrs Jun-h F?!" ' . I trtonths and mun t', "s vWelrru--At Lunlglr‘ Jul: ' Nam “Mn-v, my"! sl um Crrttrtan-, At Ilrusall, " (’hnxhnu “Ilium, Ivllrt u Iv‘rvtlvnrk “rum, [mum llamlmrg. mud M4: it The Muninpal ' ty of “ull'rlml _ 1'ourt llonsr, "erii Jlnuary 26w, mm) "ru, k-- It l nun-Into, " .n Honk. a rhuruer n ".'cn .ngvcl " Hans. Gehl--.Nvar Frrrport. ton ard mm, and 88 wan _ 'VAaq"...---....--.-.... d"! I, [iiai'i"iiiart:::'. .85 1 Burley (uniting). - . . . _ .45 " PM ................ .75 I Oats.................; .38 _ Rye..-.............. Aio ", Buckwheat" M-tt .... .55 - Corn per on. ........ 1,40 , Hay ................ 800 - Button“... ___.-.__ .24 't Eggn...... .-........ .25 ‘. LivoBogc--.. 5.75 s sheeynklnu...... ttMt .25 ', Tallow.._... ........ Ah , Dried Apples ........ .04 . Hamu................ 12k Shoulders .......-.... 129 Bacon.......... .--_.. 12k Inn-boon per bag...... .50 Metz-At lIl'nlrJlnIg. Jun. mm. Nu phia Schultz, Him! of the lair Hy Metz, aged ”in yruré. t'rcssman-At Arr, Jamming, Jun 17”.. "ishop Amor, ( rcxsunm, maul about 75 years. Nahrgang--in Wilmot Ty , Du: Illsl, Mrs, John Nahtgnng, ugrd "d8 yours, F'torkiord-At Galt, Jan. MI], Mrs. Murk Sluckfnnl, agr'd " yam. .'sh'rvor,--At tit, 1'atharmvs. Jan 12th Wm. It. Svnus, failu‘r of Mrs. F,'. . bl Moyer, 15mm. _ Johannes-At Hv'rlln, Jan HUI, "or, mm of In. and Mr,. “111mm J0- lmlmh, agt'd 2 yl'ars. hm tnan-At t Wturdhvn--ncdvls--At invipeler, Jun. 15th, Chas. Woouiou, oi Dakota, lo Mary', Urinals. dauglllu' of Mr. and Mrs. John Dcdels;, ol llcsprler. NEW HAMBURG MARKE'IS. New Hamburg, Jan. 2m, 1909 Whost.......... .._. .90 J Oats............ .... .38 o' Barley...... .... _... .50 .i Pen...... ...... .-.. .80 .: Corn.--.-...-... .... .75 / F10ul’................ 2.80 5.1 Butter, per lb .-.... .. .24 J, Eggs, per dozen ...... .25 / Hay per lon.......... 8.00 10.1 Lard, pot lb...... .... .14 .. H:m..........-...... .14 .. uiddlings, per ton.... 24.4 Run-............... 20.00 22.1 Pamper My...“ .60 .7 Low grads Flour...... 27.00 28n Banal-...... ___.-.__ Egg-...... .-.... LivoBogc-.... shee,»klnc...... ttMt Tallow.._... .tt__t-t Dried Apples ........ Ham-................ Shoulders.......-.... Bacon.......... .--_.. Pontoon per bag...... Flour.................8 2.80 2.85 Manitoba l‘lonr....... 2.80 290 Bran ___...-----..--. 29.00 22.00 Mlddlinga....l.35 ttwt, or 20.00 a ton 8hortc-...-...., 22.00 24.00 Whoat.......-._...... .04 .95 GooaoWheat.......... .85 1.00 Euloy(Malting)...... aft} .56 llddling. " . . . .. 1.30 1.36 Stunning. " .... 1.20 1.25 Wtteatpor Mann"... .90 .93 Barley " ....... .50 .55 On- " ..-.-. . .40 A6 Pontoo- por bug. . _ _ . _ .70 .80 Hay par lon.......... 10.H, 12 60 Woodperoom........ 650 750 Butter per lb ..wt_.t.. .25 .28 Eggs por dozen....... .30 .35 Winter Apple per ML. . 2.59 to 3 b0 flour per 100 lbs. 83}.th M71112 ILL; 8m. per tmg........ Irood, tered .----. yeiipattu,.--. ISM. c. . . . . ..1)".. . .’ .15 Amigwbunl ...... MI) Bahhen' daitiCC' 'Giro;........... gown, deed..,.. m--. Bunnie"! lb......... 'ta-eos..---. 'irUNTh "F lk' \TI'JIHANI HERBERT J, BOWMAN. l - can cum. oi u-....-, ._.. ay..-... ._._ _... ircriC.C.' or, per lb ..---..... u,perdozeu ...... per Ion.......... ' pot lb...... .... iiiiiGii. "can . . . . NOTICE ELMIRA MARKET" Elmira, Jun. 21 It, 1909. _..,........-" 2.80 BERLIN MARKETS. Berlin, Jan. 21st, 1909. DEATHS. “nursing" Iwil ' on Tummy at 2 o'clock p 'il of llu~(‘mm " mm at ll" yrars ot It 27.00 2840 IIHh, I.Iul M h. Rich ylll .50 .40 .70 10.". 6 50 82.70 1 10 1.30 1.20 1S.00 180 3.00 .24 .25 25 '30 8.00 10.00 .14 .16 .14 .15 5.75 Ht, Mt lb, M" I "HI Iw lalx Hrmoy ltr, lm, g;;:;; I llllfBlilhWlill4 r",',," "i Shoo Home IHh Jun. maul 24 .00 22. 00 . 70 1.50 10.00 .93 .55 A6 .80 12 60 7 50 .28 14.00 .30 6.00 1.15 2.90 .90 .40 .55 .85 AO . 80 .15 .60 .15 Mit 05 05 TM .28 .30 '16 just to M the shape bl your sham Women‘a “no dongola kid moon. blucher cut, ale ant Munr- nml reliable, $1.75 Cn'.'l.ll'. Merchants. Daisy and Kaur man's Lit. Bony Rubbers 52.imo ,.,.V_.__ m "w,” ... m"... Wm... Something very 'ulylish in woman‘s nun-o kid "A M" unoc- jut u: newest cut: and styles " Kt And 53:4). Situated i I Wilmot Townshi " mile west of Erbsville. comprising 'll acres, more or less. good woodland, lo acres of which is clear and suitable for a farm. For further particulars apply to LOUIS H. HERGOTT. . MARTIN gERGUITC Men'. ‘pnte'm "rlhl"iiGii," nu? ettoryttt, Md line-all new Myles, cm-r cum. can 'tttet'.) new M rims, regular l.?" to 's.o"proiy fun). Menu velour calf shoes. Mu- cher cut, cream vamp. stylish. maul" $3.5” tn $1._~po_xinlnc_ Ft. A "at clues [arm comprising 22%! more: at, mu viiingo of Kowuth, 8 miles south-“Lot Berlin and 4 mile! from Preston and He-ter, with frame home, hank barn and driving shod MI ingood condition Also a good wall Mada-4 of an acre in nLrnwberries. Good for fuming and 'rardesnintr. Apply to. CHRISTIAN YOUNKIE. Whno Preston. Ont, For women uxclusi vol y at £2.50 to so 50. In the Mutter of the Estate of Henry p Schmidt. Into of the Town at Waterloo. In the County of "stat-lilo. Fnrmer. Deceased. NOTICE IS IIERBBY GIVEN that I" per- uons having claims again" the saute of the laid Henry D. Schmidt. q dlod on or nbout the 111th day of January . D. 19118, are requir on! lo and YE not! we a or deliver to than un- dersigned. neuter: of In. Est-6e of the and banned, on cr before the 15th a" of .Febru~ an. 1909, that: new”. wares“- and I full statement rt ',,e,,th'glagt, of their alums or and the untun o the security. it nus. held by them duly verified. and Altar the sti dug the Exocutors will proceed to (Ii-tribute the "not: ot the and Danna-ed among the parties entitled thereto having regnrd only to the claims ot which ""'r/llyy/til",'i' 113;;9 notice, _ F (A '. I JACOB scmmm 'iExoeutorts, Dtied at Waterloo this 21” day of Jun unry A. D. 1909. " Broken Farm Implements and Broken Machinery of all kinds. formerly thrown lwny as upmspairottrte, can now be made as good as new by melting of the "Wei. aarino" process of welding. Bechtels Limited. Waterloo, Ont. has added to its machinery department a. special blow pipe equipment, by means of which broken castings can now be welded, so that the repaired piece is as strong, if not stronger. than the or. iginal one. No more vexttious delays waiting for new castings or new {nieces to be sent, froma long istance. Vrite to or can on an choice Barred Plymouth Rock Cookerall. Egg: secured from Me. Donald College, St. Anne de Bellevue. Extra laying strain. Apply BEGIN!“ UNITED, .athrioo. L31. Phone No. 219, AApietrptAiApitpetAApeeeptAptiptiAftN9tA Notice to. Creditors 50tf WE ARQAGENTS I will give one-quarter off regular price on all goods in store. That is 25 per cent. off the dollar. These are bargains. Come. SIGN OF GOLD STAR, Speclal Farm For Sale Such " Cutouts. Suits,faney Sucking jackets. Gloves, Muhters, Ties and Fur Collars. Everything you require for up-todate dun. Call and see our stcok. Bush For Sale Shoo Intel-mu B, Jest- For Sale of clown; and rural-Mm A. C. HALLMAN, melnu, Out. FOR M. WILDFANG, pox (rt, ieiierloo, “850 New house in North Warm? nmms and [caption hall, Int mum. Anda list ul others, l’ruvmim link-d tree Money to loan on good [arm and town property. with all in good loath)" man settlement arranged, 5 am 86100. tibto will bu: 5'Larro farm, all clcar, well Ilv‘plln- rd land adapted to gardening or [run ronvrmient to church and school, gum! lurildingts, terms easy $3,000. . an tho credit of the ttnlnpany, ' amount nnl excrmling $10,110” at lo h.vitrrthvcate, mullgagu n-r pli‘clg all ot' any of the real “I prrsord property, rights and [mm-rs oi I', mmpauy to tN'cule the Mun or Nlll so hurt-mu! bn the purposes of tl mmpany. Hated at Waivrloo (his HUI day t human, All, ISNIEL I The general Ina-ling of Hm Toron- 'to-Waterloo Oftice Fixture Company, Limited, will In- hold at, the Com, pany's oirice, on Slmntz Axe, in the town ot Waterloo, on Mummy, 1ltc 25th day ot January, AHL, 1909, at the hour ol two okuock in Hu- .xl- telmmn lor the purpose of tranciHt,rv. mg a hy-law authorizing llu' Allin-v- tors of the Company to borrow f I the purposes at [he company and nix All chm-s ot Inlukncu arranged NOTICE OF GENERAL MEETING l TEHMS--Hay, grain, roots, and all sums of $10 and under, cash; m‘cr that amount 10 months' credit on approved joint notes, or ii per 'cent. per annum otf tor cash pay- ments ol credit amounts. ALLEN KNECHTEL, Prop. SHANTZ BROS., Auctionccrs. H. S. HERNER, Clerk. I-2t Plus-Brood saw to Iatruw by time at sale, brood sow, to (anow by April Ist, 6 pigs 3 months old, 6 pigs 2 months old. iMPuEMENTS, ck-Deering bin- der, 7 foot cut, (nearly new), Max- well mower, steel hay rake, hay rake, combined Wisner seed drill, Massey llairis spring loom cultivator, Cock- shutt. disk, 20 inch plates; iron har- row, land roller, '.1 single plows, (one nearly new); tluec-iurrow gang plow, 2 sculllers (nearly new), wagon with box, bob sleigh, Chatham ian- ning mill, with bagger (nearly new); hay rack, light carriage, buggy, cub tor, counter scale, capacity 240 lbs.; set heavy team harness, set plow harness, root pulper (nearly HEW). and many other articles too Itumt'r- ous to mention. GRAIN, etc.--About 700 bushels oats, about 10 tons good- mixed hay (if not previously sold), quantity of mangolds and turnips. Cii'TLE- It', cum good dairy cows-- fresh cow, cow due to calm: in February, 3 cows due to calm In hlarch, 2 cows due to calve In May, p, cows due to valve in June, 200" due to cute in September cow due to calm in October, twin-r supposed to be in call, l yearling haters, 2 calves 6 months old, 2 cal-ms 3 months old, bull one your old. ..,..v.v..., 7-.--..“ ”Hum”, m... li0illtiEs-Bay team “5mg 7 and 8 years old (weight 3800 lbs), bay homo rising ii years old, good drum, colt rising it years old got by aic- City, colt mung 2 years old, got by Carlmont, ll sucking colts, got by Carlmont. Commencing at 1 o'clock Parr, iollystrins, valuable property, m. F arm s tack andHmpiemen.ts There “in be sold by Public Auc- tion on we Iarm ol the undersigned, Lot No. 5, Bleam's Road, north, one mile west at Mannhenu and 2 Index southeast ot Petersburg, on Wednesday, January 27, 1909 Auction Sale Real Estate Hlv'Atils'A1t ent, larg" UuiMings, Bell norm hush. balanretlrai, buy cut, (nearly new), Max- steel hay rake, hay rake, isner wed drill, Massey lg tooth cultivator, Cock- 20 inch plates; iron har- l'rvsttlvnl BERLIN, ONT F. Wrir.'h Hrcrrtat y the at “chemo! r t8 o'chrk p. m. In Hm EFL!!! Py1fitt. ngorlpo. lo;_tbo lulu Build! ' Waterloo. for th, pm of IWall the Annual Rap on mom“ f “nylon JaTm'l'h1UP. - - "__-___ _.--..vv t Mrs. Aux. Form-i. alien for "I. Mr henna» {any Ann-M mm at Hump-wad hula! the "out. hut of be: Number Manon "IU,,", but Number Twenty ind', thet 'ionih nos-non of the Township ot orth Kulhopo, The farm in in | high at.“ or cultlntion. veil found, wail wavered with the. min And windmlll and Inducted. mm wooded. Id mm- ot had wood bu . the Minna. Mill. undo: tattttvrt, “on. Than " a owl-modic- than. hon-c with fuming Ito-u- driving And napkin-oi. building husk burn with sand mm“ hi] ploughing a t done And than mm of (all 'hm. The farm adjoin: Hump-Levi P. o. with I (hi , mg". lobed and ohumh and in within nix mile! of t5Nshes.oara, 1mm" Maths" Fur mm: And harm-r when“ arrpty to , The 36th Annual Mcuin . the Noith “lulu-loo Fumon' {Anal Fire laminae. Oo., will he heleon 1husth Wabbit-Inn u so. an " “but mu Cort. KIN“ AND Surrr STE. BERLIN Julian», mum. Jun. 2005., loot, lat f,i,tm,'egt 3t some. situated one hl'l mile View o PI? 8llt Alon 2 “in. of mwhuhd tsad ms nu: . to rrr at a no on” all]: 8 rooms. 'la%'%f. amt um driv- an ','l'.eh hard mid to". water and running mg. plendld turn for mullet gardening. wrung. Apply to Atht' AUG 081' VONDAIAL'. ., The best on tho market Farmers’ Mutual Fire . Insurance Co. Annual '8eetintr “in“... "0ttgtam . Ww_nuvh_gouuu ho bteiiiuttrtauiiaTaGi; ' the" a.“ tttit' '?aLugt." Mailman. on W St. $88N Bar. 2 - brick house. sll scum Terms to can buyer. ttm Buy- T um the [mica [and on which n story fume home ind bank burn convenient to Wrath» and Berlin Marketa. Elly Terms. Lota Ut all puts of the town. ofBice: King tit., ttttove. Fischer's Billiard Pillar. 1850 momtnonatnvi VETERINARY SPECIALTIES tr"""""-", tr!i1!i!!s?iii!ri.l MFtt FARM FOR SALE IRS. armicii/GTt mnnm‘r. ' llumvstead. P. o, ?t.A,tEtt13tetht.spr Repairing and oiling har- new neatly and promptly done here. E M; WILHELM. SOLE AGENT IN BERLIN Stock remedies of no in. " 1uuMuir1, t KING STREET, NVATERLOO t lool "on. Munich, Bull.- lo not)“, lather Mitts and Bolts, Etc. which are being offered at very reasonable prices. Should not {all to call and see our tine and large stock of wt . L. F ischep Farm for Sale “mu; LIE." Ban 1 non rod but but 01%“ " A cup-must b e 150 Acre tits, Pagan. Ont " on want - a,,',,',.',,', -I‘ln .loer, 'ttItem! con "aa"i"i"a"a="=r-rrr="=rJrirdCr'rarl'a"rat't The haunt-Juno (Arm. run we snmma nous mm» m Â¥EL¢o-:'2?S?':.~f..“3‘ 'tiiii1i the but In it). 10'0“;me _ ' not” log home. ' rooms lulled, BADEN trdBert henvllthlvnnllcd I "when comm ' can»: It! ----- -- T.ttJo1,eee'ilf.ui'ii,'iiSif,,ii ”an "III!!! unumno. mm '1'lJarlrx"llhdA'r1'll, b. m. wall “new. In)! drum-d Ind If“ Higher: who: prloopsld. Loud "or: am. of oumwlon. (Jud but nomad Monday Non shipment "nj.i)r3t,.'T,r,vtlt.'i'uiidie,t,i'F2,ii “It 26th. mac. ind on... baton In: 'liiile,t Mann. 'l'clvru': tcmntlo. Foe (In w . "n""'"""-------- w "w“ KMBttb'UNC.Boytt ' rents-I UM. D. RUDY Auction“: 'ru. m om Situated in the village of Petersburg comprising i acre 0 land on which I is a " storey frame house»! x 2% feet, ( nearly new. and bun 32 x 3% feet, near- ily new. All kinds of fruit trees and I berry bushes, and good well on pro- l pray. Terms reasonable. Ap'ply to I JOHN EVERATT. I 531nm Petershurg. Ont. The nndmlaned II 13an to do all Mao of Capone" And Mt. trwuul work in tho Chantry and town. Plum and ttttet-ttut. drawn nu on nhon noun, limimulenuho tur. niohed or painting Ind muon wcrk. Phone at residuum. 36mm. smmmmm Ms CANBORO. Having " ken orer the bush 1‘. of Audi-mot r formerly Mr Hed on by my father the late Joseph Mlckm t mu ptepared to conduct .aleq in ',ll'Lrp, of Wslerloo. Wellington I Perth Gauntlet. The patronage of 'y-rr-tFt-l hm. attic. Itt, to I!“ {Nut Tieai. - 71w "'â€" -- ic We havea number of TCLY attrac-tive tarms right class to the villAg‘ of Canboro. These tarms are ullchy loam. Ourrpuntty is well adap- tod for the raising ot all kinds altruils. _ During the last two weeks we lulu-sold mm- 1100 stems of lull in t . ' 1tcirtity. " have alwaysa laigcnumbcr at larmslot sale, but ft I impossible to advertise than uIl.Parties intelestcd in any of out P positions and wishing lo see the courr-try ior themselves would do well notify us and we will be pleased' tomcat them at tin static-h at C T For lurther intermation apply lo _ 1 100 acre farm; practically viwtrame house; common ttarns; atamtl arms d bush; about five miles lwunhc 1illage of Canboro; a great bl gain; very easy terms. Price $2300. A 110 acre'laun with a large hri house, cellar undrr the kitchen; alums Woodsmd; fairly good an: new drilled well; one mile hom thevillage; a snap at $1100 Another 150 acres; frame house onsarm/; dunno-n barn; bethn'n M 40 acres of troud bush; right close toschoul; about a mile from the Inge ot JUtercliii; also a great bar-gain' at $3300. Another 100 new [arm right closeto the 91111331: ot e, Lis.' Hume house; common barns; dnllcdwcu, with power well [or 9 acres of good bush. Price $3000. 50 acres between Cannon: and Can-field, dust: to the main rot mun buildings; Al acres ot good bush ray of the land very nice- bought by paying $300 down. {uncommon}. ' Alu,thef 50 51ch [arm close to {haulage ot C'aititorviliet; good E house: luirly good barn; well iencedivrcll watered. Price $1700. DAVID RUDY, Tuvmock Ont Another 100 acre farm with a turcethousiuut Uouar brick house I barns; about 8 or 9 acres ot goodbush; right; close to school .in township; about three and a halt mil-as from C'arAeld station' Uii and a hall miles [rum Canbom. Tuisproperty can be boush't by $700.00 down. Price $3700.00. . A 100 acre Iarrn with a large imme ham, shed; drive house: house; these buildings are all new ;lt) acres of bush; G" splendid; this tarm is in Scuccatouhship‘ Price 83100. ' A good bargain, 150 acre larin "Seneca township about than mi from the village oi Canboro and lourmilu hum the village or Calla good frame house; common barnapiriiled well; 20 acres of good bu also a fiowireg spring on this iarm.For quick. sale $3700. 1 A 225 acre [arm with large paimcdbank barn; Vary lartm bou.‘ new; cellar under the whole building very large orchaul; ' any 'illagc ot Caubolu, containing tstose,blaeUmittt shop, school, ttaii . es, cheese factory, chopping mill, sawmill; about two miles to the . 7 station, two other stations about lmiles distant. Tttig in. home commanding a tine view oi thesutroumiing country. Can [9' on a quick sale [or $7000. i A 185 acre farm with a fiug rootuyhousw, a very pleasant and n . live home. This tarm has iairiygood barns with two straw _ drive house, hog pen; drilled wellwim tower on; small orchard; ._ nice laying tarm right close to “millage at Canbom. Price 35900. Another 200 acre tarur, lairly goodbuildings; well watered; “nut. 20 res of bush containing a large uni-aunt ot tie material; fairly well " ed; this is also a very nice layiuglarm, about three quarters ot n 13 irom the village of Canbum. I'ricc,$6000. ‘. Property For Sale Licensed Auctioneer NOTICE " BUILDERS 1-H mums run SALE E JOHN HILL In Haldimand Bounty. REAL mum tht" Watch this Add chum? LOUIS HOLLK, Ton came, Ont pawn iii'i"bl7a1'tG'l,' Ff. M“. and cl, c In, loSmf irtrdiiG'; Li; iaTA,"Grki: tion, 8 acre- bull: And I In. will ll [all who» Fatt ploughing a 1t.?te.tttttely 11-; a!!! - Thu umlusignod ofters for MI. farm 1i7//,,'t,Pcfd tot ncru in Township of ell-sky. eon. u, can notion. Atttated about I south-cut. of Linwood. lht tho t in Met', brick homo and bank . n_nd pplmgt thud. Turottu I Now is the tinm to buy. Many Homo- Iboaden proving up. I hove may! choice taunt, wild and improved ad. ioining new town. on GER. and 14.T.i Paoitio. Price. "one to tmsettr-it" dollar: per our. Cub will buy aha-1H or. Don't who thu. Coll or who. Gunny. imiiiaiiJ. ' s. TB. BIEEN l, Land! Land" Farm for Sale Farm For Sale new .

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