w t c.?, For the hi tCi. I sup; . . r.) de his way _ = and it 'e l we required _ N, an head. I ,' "r ‘ a short [ tp., he textul tf, B, was at body ' u, at t ed M ‘ " I I rich. .w e tt vat ‘ “an a, P #eri ' t a creel-r m u r "q nan _ WE urph tact _ . splel "r' “ . apped . a, Darro _ Fe- .' led the w _ It. , t bud dis ," 4-7.": steam. C 51‘. "us back nu 37>: " from m " "4: their two , 7;?- 1we found u "tdill m a fearful . ~5,5 . from a 32;; 39 was In Cial we salt. P", “ ottnenrt ( ..; two Pen /jir 'nd was wait Be eyed us s" [mica] glam A . . hlnk the , ' he inquh (si,' u. it mm to", re's “he iiii,i.itri; He. You il,rrj,Yi'lut, umber of 3%; Be. Bette, ;’ at three , 'ir,:: y're cash â€it k by noon :3: _ eset tom [jg/‘15 enming talk l, j: " about us. 2 LIVED in the place tor three is, weeks. We were afoot shortly _ ‘ , after daybreak. under way by rdir lnnup and at work before the ii 'N' wt! began. Three of us worked on 35%;, ' bulldlngs. and the rest formed a "t.')jl't" ‘ min carrying all norm of Itshttrs J '55., q u the shore to the valley, The men F " sr" "rd blur! 'htvstr ttt â€wig, My? Danni» f" , ‘ drove them wlth slight mm " for uplnlous or feelings. "In?! tting double guy." was his “I, wont Earn It!" “Din, a my earned It during - than um. reeks. Ttte things they l brought were astounding. Besides . O M cannula apparatus and cheats ct ch: 1 lupplles. everytblng that _,'t-M, " from me gathered their courage (“f their two hands and proceeded. N _ 'ce " hung that the tfrst veil of steam It, , ME a fearful stench of gases proceed- v§- S , from a miniature crater whose '7t'a use was heavily incrusted with a 3;†bite salt. Beyond. clqse under _,the ‘23: 'sis, ot me nm, was another. Between â€a“ w two Percy Darrow had stopped 33:". ad was waiting. _ He eyed us with a half lazy, half _. ical glance as we approached. .3 . Ctr', hink the place is going to blow Eff: " ' he inquired With a tinge of irony ijl's',' V l, it isn't." He turned to me iF'; t te's when we shall stay tot 592.7; te. You and the men are to eat 59:11:: umber of these pine trees for a Ri; Be. Better pick out the little ones, J'- V t three or four inches through. .133“ y’re easier to handle. I'll be Jfi by noon." ref: e set to'work then la the roaring. 52545:. earning valley with the vapor swirl- }1._'»,"’.‘ng about us. sometimes concealing us. C: S' sometimes half revealing us gigantic. p2Furaiat in the ultcmvss or crimsure , . lhowlng us dwindled pygmles against M, il the magnitudes about us. The labor T, 'l r as not dlmcult. By the time Darrow if; ri turned we had a pile of the saplings cgi' s, at); for his next direction. ;_'†lie was accompanied by the nigger. 'cm'" ry much terrified, very much bur. , , cued with food and cooking utensils. "t.c"s g he assistant was lazily relating tales ci',,'a of voodoos, a glimmer of mischief in g4 hit eyes. it 11iiirieil? sen-s the grass h' T the onenln; or the us:- _. . El and lo on back htto the ‘w way of the bed through _ the sulphur stream. The 1:l ‘ I. badly eroded. Moat of " “A T mantle“ between perpen- , .,. is about forty feet high. ' ‘ occasionally broken by , .m an snows of the sums ‘son. It id have been lmpmnlble ; B the) level ot the upper mn- "g trp. 'Br, of the main arroyo wan "" _ n with grasses and herb» ' up at xtrnordlumy Vh'ldum, due. H to tue_tiuus'sur water, .1th E†. " n “wandered aimlessly e broader bed. " steadily ', “Vt r and the sulphur smell V - ceuble._ Above us we could ‘ "' ky and the sharp clay edge of 1 yo. I until-ml the tracks or and Dr. b'cheimerttortt made the before. , a mite of this the bottom ran up fly to the level of the sides. and W. ' pped out on the tloor of a little ". -, almost surrounded by more 1‘ canyon, deep red and blue black. qulimr in the cone of a smoking vol- MO. The other seemed quite closed br the sheer bills. In fact, (be only spit was the route by which we had me. firm the hills were utterly proclpl til'. I suppose a man might have , do " way up to the various knobs, _ and Inequalities. but it would " required long study and a care- head. I myself later worked my ma short dlsmnce merely to exam- ..' be texture or their marvelous col, ' was at once varied and of great trode) ' kt at all like the smooth, gloss ed M qt If most rock. but soft and rich. r e seen painters' palettes. tt B, like that, pasty and Cat. M, F, reds of all shades, from a merit ' i ariet to a red umber; -irv'd '" sen green to emerald; , _ . ads of blue and an indeter- Inland. urple mauve. The whoie er- reed 5 _ splendid and barbaric. T lt' 1‘ -pped and gasped as it mt our Mgr, Darrow None was unmoved. -' led the way forward and in an in. ' t had disappeared behind the veil steam. Thrnckles and Perdosa V " back murmuring. but at a sharp " round and nearly encircled by It t palatal hills. From Its tioor _ steam and a roaring sound. The blew here and there nuluug (be u the tioor; rose to eddy about aked painted hills. At one end w traw trstermitteutl, a broad ascend- It; as In extraordinary place. and. V much happened there. I must I“ on an Idea of it. " round and nearly encircled by Edi {PM} â€Illa“! I907. " I-CLUII. PHILLIP. . m Mrg,' the chine that Into: no mm tt tut-jut I few rubs. You 3 ll',' " lack King!!!" it "stir the ohe. d your dock 0“ 2.44.1. 1tf,'i7irt3ttiqaw4 Eli NYSE??? - f 2' l k slf th had £53 ,t?,rirc'd2'vc'irt'Jaer'yrhh1?c"ol'eerourr' wit "Black Knight†Stove Polish. CHAPTER Siv, tjriltt1 Bu STEWART EDWARD WHITE And SAHUEL “OPENS ADAMS hum! wo'. 2' WN,' . h' (S) c, " l "n tttf,' 'iatj ll, . he We rowed in. constructed a hasty tin-mare of stones, spread our bltut, RM! and built an unnecessary tire near th,, leach. "Clean her!" grumbled Tbmckles. "My eye."' "I‘d rather round the cape," growled l'ulz homh-csly. "Come, cow, it i"att't be as bad as all that." l triol to theer them. "It ean't be move than a week or ten days' job. own if “e can-on her." "You don't know what you're talk- lu: about." said Thmckles. "It's worm tle vu the yellow jack. It's six weeks " to wt. Mind when we last 'cteuned luv? " he Inquircd ot Handy Solomon. "You can kiss the book .Ott It." rr .m " 1m. "Down by the [me In In†:itt‘e swab of a sum] island. My eye. lv: dor,'t I reme nber! I Bweated my In, tle lo iw ml We built the stoukade in a any. w, en it was tin'.sheJ, we marched to th, ben-‘h. and 'teh'trr save In the three his name or whlch I shall later ten you tlid I see the mile-y again. The next du. we washed our clothes and moved nslam with all our belonging“. "i'm not going to have this crew aboard." stated Captain Selover posi- tily. "I'm going to clean her." He himself stayed. however. w, th, his din! "w um" he unruzz'cd in orntp!ettt re" am to his "tndiinxrent unmann- "F Mimic " is. [letter make it of human: foot logs shined out. In; a hr "'11 MTGSS, plan" your logs 0113m- or fm r rent. him! than] :1: the top. That's hi» any iticatimt for it. Go at it." "Hut," 1 expoctulated. "wttat's the u-m of ft? lisp!) it the men were dun- W' ms Ihat would just make them tid I: you did have something to Crt J11." - new}; for ' nslttutt rel ' No IVV," rt" 1:11 to “S wkmtc I far,.rtreu for UT n'h :u-ros fm r fest bi Irc. spur"stica Ho magma: us with him to the nar- row part of the arroyo just before it We to the level of the valley. “Here we will mud the stockade do- reuse." he :Innnuuoed. narrow and l stared at each other bluukly. “What for, sir?" inquired the assist- tum-ow nod-1m to me aud drew his bum-mu] aside. They ('ou\‘or:'wl ear- cusdy for several minutes. Tin-n the maiamnt returned to MO. Dr. Beher"terlaoru had turned with enthusiasm to the unpacking of " chemicnl apparatus. Almost Immedi- ately " the close of the Irelght. car- rying he had appeared, lugging " precious chest, this time sullerlng the assistance of Darrow. and had camp- ed on the spot. We could not induce him to leave, so we put up a tent tor him. Darrow remained with him by way of safety against the men. whose measure, I believe, he had taken. Now that all the work was titsistsed. the doctor out 1n .n sudden nlymurnhce. tr "Percy.†said Re". “new Vu'e‘ will‘ have the defense built." After the laboratory was completed we put up Bleeping quarter- for tho two men, “uh wlde porche- well screened. and a square. heavy store- nmm, its the end of the third wash we had quite tiuCstm1: "Darrow," and l. "there'B one thing you‘ve overlooked. You forgot to bring a eupolu and a (In weather cock for this couuam." coma poulmy In mum ind an provided by that omniscient you... man. After we had built I has. low structure, windows wen 1tsrttboomtrtq sin-lug, tablet. links. tune-u, for“ burners. all eat out, and ind my to put together, each with it! w arrow». nails. clamp: or pipe. may to our hands. When we ind uni-bod we mm command " comploto A laboratory on n small acne " you could Md on a college clmpul. "on to the stone pillar down to bed rock for delicate microscopic experiment! and hot and cold water lad tron: it. springs. And we were utterly undilu- ed, " was In Percy Dam. I was toward ttsd Int pug-zed In urewlng on a ttxture for the canon- tion ot acetclyne gas. - or lightening the ship. tre de. w .d the nigger and Perdosa for spe- u duty. ‘ "I'll just set- to your shore quarterl," a -quenked. "You empty her." All dav ton: we rowed bark and ' know that. Orders," replied Per. ' Ja rrnw. _ 'oistl I but nan! . white." my smoked In zilenet, bars a main queer cmnrlvnnr‘e of §§~ how hot the are. n nine: min a big at. toe an none) at you an buy 02mm: l c. - .I\l tlw t'olue for, sir?" inquired the assist. , he undisturbed." an {an with owl-mm. Ted. ma I will not be dies. hmmmmh.†how. as. We aw in. midi'... and no mn- tumbling on: m net out!“ iwkiGr"iiiijFiaiiiaTmiTifGFTe' mmmmofnuwm We-ttto-trotor-tandthe domtssrrdttser.tmr-bttsrr.h" built an of W W And that van m. The Maud Inn-world. ItttMe"ntttg.oartettrtta.rr.ittrt unmannamamnm odr.oftttett.aeb financing: â€gammwhm bounce)“ â€In!!!“ nor-mum onus-mob ei.etettqht-t--t*t-. mmnmuotwuumun- â€dam-magnumâ€.- mum “mm-lam 55 919.339! 2!!!! Fir-t we scrubbed the Laughing Lana. then no painted her and reamed and tamed her standing mung. to- used and rove her running gear. slush- ed her mash, titnt11y careened her and scraped “Diluted her below. “Kw! and gum mum‘wo’ an the anchor chain dealt out to n- In fathom; and scraped. ponndod and polished that. These were. indeed. days full of labor. Captain Selma took charge at as when we had reached a period. He and the nigger and Moss Ind long since thushed the Damnation of the permnn'mt camp. They Ind built us huts he“: the wreck. collecting shre- rn' ', I doors for the sides sud hatches for the roofs. huge and solid. with iron rings in them. The human and iron vtqt.i.itt.tiop 2721.139 to magnate-gave us grunge: or we coast tnrougl'r fret- work, The rich inlaylng of woods surrounded us. We set up on a solid rock the galley stove. with its rails to hold the cooking pols from upsetting In a seaway. In it we burned the de- bris of the wreck. all sorts ot wood. some sweet and aromatic and spicy as an Incensed cathedral. l have seen the nigger Boiling beans over a blaze of sandalwood fragrant " an eastern shop. Being buy from morning until night. we knew but little of wlnt vu- about And how we did clean her. Wo stripped her or every stltch um! - until she tiot1ted tsigh, an ame hull even her spurs and running rigging ashore. I understood now tho mw’s grumbling. We literally mt at tor with a nallbmsh. The allence that followed and its. sullennesa with which Pardon rend- dressed himself to his work was sig- ttiiieattt enough of Captain Balm-era past relations with the men. "Why don't you kick to the old man. then?" veneered Thruckles. “For mos. eet " too niooch work!†sighed Pardons once. . forth from the ship to the cove, inna- lag the contents or the hold. Then by good fortune we did not have to our; our tho nook or and. tor jut abuse the and beach was a wide lodge on which we could pile the stores. We ate aboard and so bad no opportunity ot seeing what Captain Belovee 3nd his men were about un- til evening. Then we discovered that they had collected and lowered to the beach a quantity of stateroom door! from the' wreck Ind bad trundied the galley stove to the edge, where it awaited our assurance. We hitched a (WHO to It and lot it down zmtlv. The men and mum newâ€: in their blanks". and with tho long dar. Next morning Captain Solon!- wu ashore only. He had quite recovered his mil-its um altered me I drum of French brandy. which I refused. We worked hard again. Again the mute: returned at night to his vessel. this time without a word to any ot us. Again the men. drumd by toil. turned in early and slept like the dad. We became entangled in a mesh ot days like these. during which thing! were accomplished. but In which wu no space for anything but the task- imposed upon at The men tor the moat put had little to say. 'ThAt-a-ttre." an tsaaanqttq. M- can. they cure the mo. of m- uons; "Fruit-a-ties" Act amoun- ttto (hm an: all-Instill; -- bowels. kidneys ud Illa. “Fruit-A- "v..t',Cttryt1tertttm (m ot when W, V -- --_-'-. -.-- -". WM.-- “mu-rum" come tn (no MB-... 25c and We. " yam an!" does not have them who to mun-un- wanna. om". It tho howd- d. not It!" "I“ A: than u pun ll the Ian . m who 00in! a. It). in a†or â€hand with plum-u mu clearly what In ecu-Inc the mu. “an...†- tho artttetrir, m. “My.“ wake-“blood. non-anyt- “51“.“.me u. an. Input“. and.“ no 10-.“me hum-am not manly mil-AM was? It nick lint. bowel; in " tum". tr _v" N TW‘K"“1 , _ _ - hum-I Iii" " CURE um 'l."2rttt, humumswu magma-hr." h,“ I "new. back up!" I and to him "ft V. 'Thm'l nothing to be [cued or. ' If tt come. to a row, there’s three of his. and '0’“ got guns. m, could ( an. all the uhoouer " I pinch and lean than: here. You're stood them _ on before." , "ttset believe they'd ttppreeiate the 'm’ outtd' I laughed. "Better let l them make tirttt call. They're the _ longer established." This was lost on ' them, or course. But we all felt kindly 1 to one another that evenlug. â€That's mo.†arid ho. t could not mull- a. am: for what I new Mm to ho. a. my“. "ogtqtnttt.tur*ttr-a-tgrttgtta, am out oe Its “one!“ ind plant! on the lands. Gonna had liven plus to fur, deem to 'rarertne Ind sluic- I. am co I divided com-l. 30 who no no tummy dogBttgf%6 an ettttrq ship my new at New at no. a no Mt W rut cumin t In and ot-M-. Nym lmnnnthm had Srrqqmd an: hunt w M. " Fy - q"e.t'et. - 01-1-1.“ Ho Ihook " ttpad. Tho and had completely run out of him. Yet I In) tNyuvittmd that tf he could but felt the he". and roll of the deck be. neath him he would In" need three than tho “can†ho now toured. flown". I could no readily enough the wisdom ot towing the men at work. r' “You can wreck the Golden Horn." t summed. "I don't know whether than“ anything MI worth ulna. but It'll In something to do." no cupped In. on tho mm. "Good!" ho tried. "t - thought oett." _ "AW thing.†an I. “you new .vttttemaearoft.mr-. That curt but than, and It’ll - Jun that much an time.†"All we.“ and 0aotatn lam. “Another thin; yet You know I'm not In). no It ain't that I'm my to (loan work. But yn’d both: In no oil. lruunnmmlwm "Well, they don't know tint. Dott't let them see you've lost your new. this way." He did not can when It the "tmtuttion. "Pat up a trout" "Not “bore," protested Captun Sel- over weakly. He would have mandated on. but I melted ttin um and led him out of possible hearing of the men. “Eugen." he Squeaked. “can you think of anything more to be done r' I straightened my back and laughed, “Enven‘t you worked us hard enough'." I thanked. “Unless you ttild the cabins I don't see what else than can be to do." Captain Selover stared me over. "And you I naval man!" he man-el- etl "Don't you see that the only thing that W this M will Ket- fin' revue†W' keeph'rg they way? I’ve swat more with my brain than you hare wlth your back thinking up thing! to do. I can't we anythlnx ahead. and then we'll have trouble. Ott, they're a. sweet lot-l" " don't feel sure here on this may ed land. It ain't like I dock where a man has wine Show. Ther can seat- ter. They can hide. It ain't right to put a man ashore alone with such a crew. I'm doing my beat; but It ain't goin' to be good enough. I wish we were safe in Frisco ttarbor"- I whistled, and my crest tell. Here was a ncw point or View and use a new Captun Ezra. Where was the eontidemeo In the might ot his two hands? I curled the glow of " with me over until the next morning and was there- mm somewhat dashed lo meet Captain Selover with clouded brown and an nu- certain manner. He quite Ignored my greeting. He seemed to read my (Muslim and went on. “The devil'- a preacher! I wonder?†cried Handy S‘nlomon. "Wonder how the old doctor ls gob ting on?" ventured Thucklel after awhile. The nigger piled on mom wood. We drew closer about the are. All the lutemts in life. no long held in the background. leaped forward. eager for recognition. We spoke of ir" ialities alum-t for the tirgt time since our land- ing. fused into a temporary but comv plete good fellowship by the relief, "net‘- 1125.: c 'em a call." suggested Pub. The etteqt wan electrical. m, all sprung to our feet and fell to talking at once. llnudy Solomon wu coming In hm. Instead of dropplnz to his place he straddled the are. stretch"); his mn- orer his and. 80 tet them an with a tsharp exhuladon: "'"att"tr by do“: tho Jolly bo’l’n c . Blow huh. New low, will! on. In! mock "ted. "oots, nun. look urina- "By God, were, through!" cued Pull. "Pd clean forgot ttt" So neemtrtated ttad I become to “no routine In which we won Involved. to mutated to ttathhmtitstt tho comm; dns II my I!“ ttm A'as triad com“. an: an cotnp%tthht"if . ttm caught me quite by lurprlu. I Ind thrown myself down by an on pry pared tor the um old but hour ot atom am. to In (wowed by the accustomed he!†IIQOD and the and only rum; to toit. The owning was warm. I In†cloud my "es. "I. ".woeBtttrtttea.tutare ,retu.tettts.tretattt-tr,s. that an: at: cm won to do m a th- Mou mu of out In- nar. And an we Md fully half the were. to out away an“: “a the oth If In! to unaware palatully our the not of had from the cow. to the wanna-bunk... “Mil-mu. “Schumann-Iowan. not. U-umrww 'uMrt_.-Aa6tFr-' TN-Yee-rue-e 't.mqqrnq_.bstdetsattaatt.ttrmt VIM. hick I-loo.’ - V H V - Down on the com og the hub Bu. DIM-M" "t hope as how you're getting on well there above. Bir?" ventured Handy Solomon insinunllngly. "very well. I thank you," replied Percy Darrow dryly. "Remember those vampires, doctor." Behind n: bellowed the sea. Over against us In the sky was the (hill threatening glow of the volcano. About in were mysterious nolses ot crylng birds. barking seals. rustling or rush- lng wlnds. I felt the through; ghosts ot all the old world‘s superstition swirl- tug madly behind us in the oddlel that hunted the smoke ot our tlrtr. We wrecked the Golden Horn. For- ward was a meted out donkey mlne. which we took to pieces and put to- gether Iglln. It was no mean job. tor all the runnlnz parts had to be cleaned smooth and wlth the encep- tlon of a rudimentary knowledge on the part of Puts and Perdoon we were lgnonnt. In fact we should not have lucceeded " all had It not bun for Perv; Burrow and his Intern. The In: ovum: we took hlm over to the cur! edge he laughed aloud. "lore, boys, how could you gum lt " wrong?" he wondered. Wlth I tew brlet words he sol no rlgbt, Polo. Pardon and t lutenlng in. tently. the others indiiterent In the hopelessness of being able to compre- bend. Of course we went wrong again in our next day's experiments. but Darrow was down two or three “we: a week and gradually we edged lounrd a practical rosulL He arose and began to light his law tern. "We've been cleaning ship. Jult tintshed yesterday evening." “What next?" "We were winking of wrecking tho Golden Horn." "Quite right. Well, it you want any help with your engines or anything ot the sort. call me." He swung the lantern and departed without durtt""agroeeta!y We 3011(1qu the spark of it triitir If dlsdppeitred If: the arroyo. _ Thus we came gradually to a better Icauuiniance Trlttt the docior'u lull!» mt. in runny respect: he remained ‘iu-uys a punk: to me. Certainly the non never know ltow try inke him. lie nu widen": not oats unafraid or bun, but genuinely mdMrerrsnt to ham Tet in displayed ' cart-ll was!“ 1) their need- nnd this. Ell practi- ttl kuowiedn run enormous. I think have told you of. tho camplotewa of Is arrangement Everything bad mu faucets from crindltonu to " dppr'rs The can. nullity of commie pacuiniion allowed him what We lack l wi In our own liven. l “By the war, Eugen. have you no- ticed than big bats the last few even- ings over by the cliff? I can't make out in the dusk whether they are vampires or Just plain beta." De di- rected his lemurks again to the nig- Ber. "Next time you see any of those big bats. doctor, Just you notice close. If they have just plain black eyes they’re all right, but if they have gray eyes, with red rims around 'em. (berm vampires. I wish you'd let mo know if you do and out It's in- teresting." _ "Tbttt'tt mummy What have' you been doing?" HI: explanations consumed but a tew moments. After they were an- tsttert we adjourned to ‘the are. “Don' get Iris near no bats" growled the ulnar. “He stays aboard." I hastened to any. "Wing to keep pp eye on the ship." "Where’s Selma?" Inquired Dats row. "DeriN are." replied Percy Dan- low brtetU. “The island's a mu. queer. I've noticed it before." "Debbtt lire." repeated the nigger. Darrow turned directly to him. "Yea, devil's alumna dentin. too, toe all I know. and certainly vampires. Did you ever hear of vamplron. doc- tor?" "No," growled the nigger. "Well. they are women, wonderful. beautiful women. A man on a loug voyage would Just slum-k his lips to use them. They have shiny grny eyes and lips red as raspberries. When you meet them they will talk with you and go home with sou. And than when you‘re asleep they tour a little hole in your mark with their ,'iciatt Claws mid they stick the tuba; “mi the-if red lips. When they aren't women they take tho shape of big bats like birds." He turned to me with so beautifully casual an nlr that l wanted to clap him on the back with the joy of it. “Northern lights." hmrdod Puls. “I've Inn than: almost ' that In the Bering an." _ “Northern light! your on!†â€and Randy Solomon. "You mu have teen them In the Bering was, but new" this In south and In August; and you can kill m. book on that." "What do you think. sir)" Tiara-Ha. Inqulrod of the mutant. that!" Out on. followed tho auction of his (mum. Ania-t tho dark but. of tho only: In ttt northwud glow- od I “In: phosphor-canoe, arch “up " from which "tot. with painting mum. long mm ot light. The, but almost to the ulna: and back nun I-hnll amen ulna: than tho who). “limitation disappear“ with the Inducing- or [II turned out. "Now, I you“? qrltat inflame bet" mmolod Tum-kl... - an an: r on thwbuntd mum-mm With-Cmuulym ' but... . A “allâ€. bott"uuu.“bun'hlul* s"fbv" â€F."- ttrr? "who and: Inn-i tiituiiiiaiaTiiaauTi 'trl'""'"'""". my my! gamma!» t thtor " H. Stsr. Cari sotfrrirait, Mk“ do he coqttttttte'tt , tot: " "'0'""fy""1"", mum-nu-mwu unwit- tio braid tumors. 1 km», Itil, mine nnd 'fa/LW.) In. PInklnm Invitu an ugh Women to write be for ad%ee. BBe In. [Inland Ibo-undo b but; mm“ " It han curd me of att my trouble; Ind I did not have to have the 0mm Hon Mter .11. The Compound also l, '.. _? Mm,.- A- -b..- a-.. - Ohwn‘n For thirty {ears Lydia E, Pink- Utn'g Vegeta le Oomgmmd, made from roots and hertm, as been tho standard remedy for female 2t and has positively cured thousandan mumcn who have how troubled with lirpWyute.tuq, irtfUtrt tqatiotvihMm. " I wu sick for tive yeu‘s. Ono doc- tor told Mt? it Wu ulceration. and an» other told me it was I Bbrerid tumor, Ind “Vlad an operation. No one known what I Buttered, and the bar In; down point were terrible. Chain a Life." . FACTS FOR SICK WOMEN. "I wrou to my ulster when: lt, Ind she advised me to “kc Lydia E. Pinkhun‘l Vegetable Coup-Ind. Mrs. Letitia Blair, Gammon, one, writes to Mrs. Pinkham: Toronto. Jan. 13.-The departmen ot education is sending out cum; letters to the principals oi the g ad public schools of the province, as 'r, ior advice in selecting the malaria for the new part second reade.: which will soon be published. Th principals are asked to consult wit their teachers and offer suggestions ar to what lessons should be included i: the readers, and what selections th teachers like best to teach. A SURGIGAL OPERATION we witness lunch, and, taklng tur " her Arms, said she would sit thes mm the day or Judgment [more an would give her grandson up, and Bu Lmount ot persuasion on the part of lawyers or oitieiah, could shnke her determination. Then someone turned out, the lights. and tn a minute there wasa regular scnmmage among the wmeu tor possession of the boy. s'ina0y the mother grabbed her SJ)! m her arms, and was domuitairit and .rut of the building like a flash. The mother managed to reach the Print: t1'.dward House, where she was lul [wed bye large crowd, and the boi 5 now in her possession. FAKE COUNSEL OF' TEACHERS WHO, Jan U.-AB exciting " an took place st the oonoludlon at I Pom. Court can yesterday alter. nooa, who two women struglod des, 90::th tor to Mn on nine- yur-old boy, the mother anally win. aing, In. Stalin Young ot Toronto hanged Mr mother-su-taw, Hrs. Cor, neliuu Young, Ind his sister-in-law Mrs. Emma Ostrom. ot this cm. with assault, the waged ounce ta ing plum on New Year's Day. Air, eating the chums his Wortshi, found the two deiendunts guilty, bu: reserved his judgment. until the Mth tttst. At the conclusion ot the can the complainant aarsett tor tho pos tension ot Mr little son, who ha can living with his grandnwthe, [hen the excitement begun. Tr gundmothor took the boy one: l $1 health department is organizing n anti-tuberculosis campaign, that he province Is to act in seven dis- ricts and through seven associations. Toronto, Jan. 13..-Sir James Whit- AW, in I. statement toaiay denied the eport in the Globe that the provin- WIS: 39mm women Favour FOR ' Bonn P0LIE coum h. Sh N0 CAMPAIGN. " L DEALERS" "--t. A. muaatut Lt' 3 Prne um . ' All brunch. of tic-um Jy.yr'tAs!r4 wag-J our: . VHDIIIAN J h hoe! oil-munâ€- "tBoo-Pt-m 51. Junta. on. ,,,,._.- -_.e. us- Iâ€-. th a. Dad trt u in N: m MW d WI†"-. gi.tieexretesrsy?t'it"riA' -"_-..e. 1"“ - cum College " lie-um a. 'PrHf/t!iretrutumaaFiii 'wa "mstau0tBmtatrorotgr. J. UNI-uh an. VmusAJ-cohmlnnd " I’m-l a... M". M...“ --- _ - ’ strum. L73). tr. _ 9, B, 01500 Open My. For mutual womb-a p: tram a distance .1. 1 quested to lull. â€JIM“. Dulce: Over am nun-mn- l wuuq) "I!“ wn1 m .I Hm. tho-00nd Thur-any “a. toqtrth â€and†nu may at 9lllpftg 1 run his!†I la. 1 ED tpr â€I. [an unann- no Willi "Ta '65:; “Imam. nxnnumczn with“): any amazon W: 5' ms! :xxr' ., funny Ion-tom!“ an on. memo“. ‘ T? as. J. . am. runway. ', AND 3mm ti . . We". mum. â€not.“ anon!“ oppo.ltacouet locum or], Poconon'n otlloo. Berlin. ' ." F u. Hogans. _ Dentin. Oddfollow'l Biol. Convoy“. no. odid. 15tiei, St. North. Box-Ila. Tom 1, A. L. BITZER.B. A. “an†to Gnu-4 Inc.) Bari-u ' Solicitor. N I etc. lone; to loan. 9-2..â€- -""-. __-._...... mu... etc. Honey win». an.“ otBee-. at'. Block I new ird'tit R'trl,u' 'ii"CNi' giriiii'i'i?aar.iiiii f.tia'i'argptrblttj taunt-1.30. . a Fluent. " u. tst t,tge t a 1"me 6mm. lune â€than; " Ohm: none Pinon. MN (mm: 81 Continua Lunar â€on Viewâ€. Put Gun. north, Ont. ' B. IILKIIIIII,L|. a, " Specldty. No». my“: and Bad tihatt. htttet.ttl ', M. can: '.tr. nuns; c. - - "lull-l loin",- Knox. (Inn-t Q â€will wznna. L as; Over link ii satan-, purl-71;. - .w-‘ . in. “nun We. f ., will In that: - t: “chm“ EDEN?!“ Fee 'ttp.. _ _'", - ---- 'u-i. 'ttMt,iydtfrT.iP.- “a. .o-r'