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The Chronicle Telegraph (190101), 21 Jan 1909, p. 3

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T). FIE! -- I To United States Subscribers Owttte to the he thick came into elm ”up! to the amt)! .. and: Copr ul the I.” is required on 'd " unm Stanza my 9etgstqt" been w, F II - u.-..._ ,_,, -e 2'gt,'trN' been abused to in- f the strtsscriptltm to United Sum “bomber: to 81.50 per year ppm. “new in Mum. Tomlin), Jan 7 -Alextoder Rose, _ ttog 3nd jml Monk", who W” T laced on Tuesday to Myriam. t to: “It, In" tor Kingston - wnormu In an. a! mule:- My! my: F "r" ARTIST“; 439 Mon mribed Capital. ,Depoait with , llhronicle -Telegraph x Job Booms Deposit with the Dominion meat ...... ....t... 8t17,140. bliste- guaranteed by the London White Insurance Company - of 816.313.6138. Ed Wright. Secretary A . Hall, Inspector (is King St., East t' Berlin, Ont. "an“ Company INCORPORATED 1876 mum: LLINEBY i, BARGAINSE to Buckherrouah & Co. mums.» wit! Uerioo Mutual Building King St. lei-.03!” 249. House 209. noiicited for ttvat do.“ Companies. Misses htrahd Office - Waterloo mmantilo Fire opp FOR k I NGSTON h. BOEHM ls being turned out daily by the Flats and Emb llmers. swered day and night " Elm: Waugh», oot. Give us your nexta "lh1%'lrf Insurance Agent. PMS'.".',)','.',',','?. t Oupnhcun twink amulmmy'anlland Omar two flttitt I do... mbh tu'Mttlt uranium“ I. to the new Postal Law no into cficct, May 8, 1006, to the amount of one cent my ol the chronicle-Tele- reunited on nll papers mail I. Out. ttt,tigt,rtgt,tttttr2t unplahxt: Holm- Mr,?, um] remind that. 111 Ind than Hula pills "lie 'I Mum», III“ lath-Im- III. But-1m III“ III FalCWi'eeTriiriiFiiTi AT lndertakiag :30 BE] tiiitagltiiai [IE Fi-fra,' W-‘E 7; (tiih:'is7:'ii'it,iii't'i'5 ittiruTir- District Agerat Phone 249. WAXIAI Tammw hilt-199.9“ " Thu us a mum mum at an “we-ecudm'lnomot th- unou and“ the ImM'd tho - Ion! Mom Amanda cl m m tit. Andi-vim Prestrr- mm Church on Sunday alumna. Tlw speaker was Mr. Joseph Gibbon. postmaster ol museum, President. tot _ - 7-- “H...“ ..... I'V"---'-- -- "r . the Comic Temperance Alliance and one ot the loremost advoeatea ot maul rdoun in we Dominion, The chair in: occupied " w. C. K. Haydon- in the am ot Mg. Reid Imo had couscous! to act but was prevented iron; doing so owing to contracting a severe cold. Aitar a hearty song wince devotional eTer- cm wen: conducwd try Rev. s. E. Mulhall -riu Chainnan read the constitution ot the Men's Moral Below: Mmmnmm1 mo obgect at which is tor the lesson In; ot annulus, inmmperanm and Vic. in ttus cummuuny. He lunher stated that it the men in um WWII who call themselves L‘hxistlans wot-N be a unit In wiping out these ems. they would soon disappear. - -._- _ _ .st.....gi.q Mr. Joseph Gibson was in splendid turns and in an Interesting and In- sylling manner spoke at we advance tuat " being made in the cause ut temperance in this province. He " luded’to the thrill and indusuy ul his town and was oi the opinion Mat. Bertia's prosperity would be greater it the bar were abolished lu‘mcctms and w" tavomtrly comment- I this community. He stated that ed upon. ' under the license system the hotel- It was unanimously decided to hold i keeper hides his business, while under the annual banquet, “.1 among other I local option he endeavors to sell tsis!questions discussed was the vacant liquor openly. lie was in slinpathylSenatorship, and the Board will use' “1th the man behind the bar on 1tile, ittiluenct, in having a North war-', count ot the danger he is in and erloo man appointed to succeed the' he purposed lo do all ho could to "iii-lat,', Senator Mother. 1 more the name. which creates tlllsl Thirty-tour new members were ac- I danger. He alluded to the tact that _ cepted. l Mien the trig labor delegation re Those Present. I p.esenung 3,000,000 unemployed in N ', Lnglanu, waited on lion. John Among those present were Messrs. _ burns the labor "prescattatise in l J. buns, Je: Scellen, w, H. tue hurtful Ca0inet, mung his as_|bchmalz, Edw. bml'll'-.J- K. Master, s.star.ce in securing employment ton"; b. Weaver, Dr. J. F. Hottsberger, them, he pointed out that last year!“' ll. Leeson, M. L. durum, John 0 er $800,000,000 had been spent in t"'y'u.Au.l?i'.1'11"11t.' Geo. Humid, Great Britain in drink, Over Ir)") .' ". . P: A:..": Heller, ,J' M. tuners of which was spent by tho hrchneldor, G. M. Ivedd, Rout'. bmyth, ,', t , 1 'ties lb. Lutz, A. A. Eby, J. T. Ltuey,'; Tttpr '"C1'e? . 7 . .: . . . H. Ahrcns, G. D. Richmond J. A. Mr. t-ihson gavea vivid idea oi the Hilliard l lu' Rudil It J' , it. . SI'. " . t the lituor trade ' . ' .. u t c... , E. 1u"uf')se titho I'.'. .vr" I Uc Lynn, J. A. Mowat, U. lunue, A. I.'. this country h) returning to t LA new, J. u. Wing, W. M. o. Loo-l tut that the "',".C",Y, value mt Ute head. It. D. Lang, A. t'. Quickllll, itvotiuill o! the Ir.', hotels in ry.)'.'." Geo. Sherk, A. A. Hose, Dr. White-,' I: was s..s.5,uou, and that um my, man, D. s. Jackman, G. R. Dolan, b00,"00 was invested In i'.rtr)r' .‘n F'. L. Madam, ll. A. Hagen. L. Sat; Canada. tiets1tteita"fiiy tins lu- tier, ll. Wippcr, Chasulnnzcn, Geo. ustmcnt the liquor business pays out Haltzcr, W. J. Moody, Geo. the least amount oi money mung. “unless, C. Fonyth, John cs oluny industry in the Dominion. Forsyth, C. ll. Mills, u. M. De 1ieierring to thc.reccnt local optionl Bus, A. H. Dcvitt, It. F. Bolton, campaign he pomted out that thunk. J. E. Iiett, J. llcheekin. A. law is being enforced in Owen Sound Wescloh, K. u. Gardiner, Chas. Ger- us at present Six hotclhccpers are man, kr. D. Lang, A. Bricker, I. S. serving terms in Jail and the other K. ,ss'tM?r, F. I. Weaver, w. A. Clarke, tort the town to escape similar pun- A. J. Gabe], C. B. Dunkc, w. D. mum-ht. He stated that out of 150 Euler, 11. W. Brown, F. W. Shep- “was where an attempt has been Pam. W. R. Wilkinson, E. W. Clem- I made to repeal the local option law, out, Mayor C. C'. Hahn, C. K. Mage 't only tour were survesslul and at the dorm T. A. White, U“). Harrison, tt. recent municipal elections an out oi wF. Dormer, and others. l at places where local optiOn was in . tome carried the by-laws by double Communications. the ma otity. Mr. Gibson stated , . that. the people III the province The G. P. a H. Street Railway Co. wero aroused and the bar would torwardcd to the Secretary ll pass be abolished in the very near future. Elia“): oi Mr. 1tyerson, u. s. Con- Alter the regular church scrum-s in . ' the owning Mr. Gibson dclivered an- se, f.'yefet"/., oi Trado and (P5P ' outcr address in Trinity Methodist mute wrote stating that it MSW” l, taurch and urged his beams to air to seek the Ctr-operation and assist- late tur local o Itlon in Berlin. ance ot Canadian exporters and manu- q t _ _ lwturers with a view to the further ' Church Notes. extension ot Canadian trade abroad, Large congregations attended the and asked for suggestions to the toF services in the Benton St. Baptist. [owning questions: a) What would Ictsurch on Sunday and listenvd to two you adviw should be done to increase : excellent and scholarly addresses by the export trade at Canada? (b) What t not. Louis Kaiser, of ltoclmtor, N. improvement or change do you think ' l.. brother at the Iormcr pastor oi desirable in the .e.e.ee,iltlit?, Of the AA“... _...,..'..,.."-, “um...- M in: thin (In I rot. Louis v, bLothvr [Lat churety Ontario architects complain ot the c stem whereby United States archi- Vets are allow-d to do business in Canada. You ii, Edit I Can’t f , , - Work Like ', This And You Need Not Suffer Every little household tnslt become: I burden when you suffer with kidney trouble. In- stead of being the bright, hapgy trout nature intended you to e you are becoming I nervous wreck. This nee not be. A few doses of DR. ROOT'S KIDNEY AND LIVER PILLS will demonemte this. The! are the world‘s upecilic for idney and liver trouble. Sold by all drugs" end more denier: In tin oxen at 3Se. Pa In with"! tho no out]. junth ttfr"'" 1a,i,e,egttettutttd,ittrh: 1iiiiee tttlr, l', THW RM” Built“. Bel&tt a u. Mwmxauml Banquet and Elects New 0mm hr 2.. 11'r,'la(i7w"iifii'i'tii- 'insaltttt Year 3:: tMtuigttt the constitution in apleudld PREtuDENT-Edw. sum. VICE mum-w. J. My. BhittBTARY-at9on mu. TttEAUURER--th'. H. sch-nu C'OUNC'1La-H. J. an... J. Stella, c. H. mm, Dr. J. r. H Gum-er, L. new», 0.)]. Delhi, W. M. 0. Loshead, H. A. Hagan, G. M. Wodd, F. W. Shogun], L. J. Brennan, L. D. Menu. peach W. _H -uioiixiRs-o. B. Wave: um h' w. Shanna. The above BM ot other; wu clac- tad at the twenty-third Annual meet- ing ot the Berlin Board ot Trade in the Council Chamber on Thursday evening which was conceded to be the most largely attended Ind en- thusiastic rally of Intuition ever held in the history ot this enterprising and |vnlunhlo orpniznfuion. There we: 1 spirit ot buoyancy and cotttidettets which was encouraging and the Board got on to e good start at- ter a year that was somewhnt lean compared with previous yearn. The address ot the retiring President, Mr. H. J. Sims. was a feature ot the (mums and we: Invorebly comment- :ed upon. Among those present were Messrs, ll. J. Suns, J. A. Scene", w. H. Schmalz, Edw. Smyth, J. K. Master, J. b. Weaver, Dr. J. F. Hottstrerger, W. H. Leeson. H. L. Janzon. John Querm, A. Pequtwuat, Geo. itumiki, J. J. A. Weir, A. u. Heller, J. M. Schneider, G. M. Wedd, Rom. Smyth, S. Lutz, A. A. Eby, J. T. Ltucy. H. Mucus, G. D. Richmond, J. A. lhllxatd. A. E. Ruaul, itev. J. E. Lynn, J. A. Mowat, U. kincie, A. “cur, J. G. Wing, W. M. o. L00- head, It. D. Lang, A. C. Quickhll, Gen. Shcrk, A. A. tlose, Dr. White- man, D. S. Jackman, G. R. Dolan, F. L. Man-51m, M. A. Hagen, L. Sat- tler, ll. Wipper, Cw.me, Geo. Baltzcr, w. J. Moody, Geo. Wanless, C. Forum, John Forsyth, C. II. Minx, ti. hi. De Bus, A. ll. Dewitt, It. F. Gonon, Dr. J. L. liett, J. McMaekin. A. Wesclolt, F. u. Gunmen Chas. G'er- man. kr. D. Lang, A. Bricker, l. S. K, ~..-ncr, F. I. Weaver, W. A. Clarke, A. J. Gabe], C. B. Dunkc, W. D. Lulu, H. W. Brown, F. W. Shep- pard, W. R. Wilkinson, E. w. Clem- ent, Maym C. C'. Hahn, U. K. Mage durn, T. A. White, (300. Harrison, R. H". Dormer, and others. The Department oi Trade and Com-I merce wrote stating that it desires to seek the co-operation and assist-' ance ot Canadian exporters and mana-', lucturers with a view to the further: extension ot Canadian trade abroad, and asked for suggestions to the lot--. loving questions: ta) What would' you advise should be done to increase; the export trade ot Canada? (b) What. improvement or change do you think: (desirable in the compilation oi the: trade statistics punlishcd by this de- partment? (c) Can you suggest any improvement. in the collection and publication at commercial iulorrna- tion received train the Trade Cone missioners? ltelerrcd to the incom- ing Council. “gm w. A. Stewart, ot the om:- ano St. Lawrence Canals, ot, Com: "CJirili,ieCi lor a completé list ot mauulacturers and wholesale dealers in Berlin. James Samson, M.D., ul Windsor, nolilied the Bond that he would be pleased to give his lecture on "The Old Age Annuities Act" in Berlin on the 20th and let whichever date "ouid suit the Board's convenience. The Secretary was instructed to so.» cure the Council Chamber and will notily Dr. Snmson to speak in Ber- lin on Jan. 3ttrt, A lengthy communication was to- ceived trom the Home a: Foreign Pro- duce Exchange, Limited, London. England, regarding the proposed Bill ul Lading to be again introduced in the House of Commons and asking the Board to use its tntitrertce in hov- ing it adopted. Thirty-tour new members were pro- posed and accrptcd amid the applause ol those present:-- J. J. McKeekin. T. A. White. E. F. Snyder. E. Hun-adieu E. 39mins. Old Age Annuities. Fred H. I Philip “Susie. Henry bum-n. v. Va: Pond J. Bull-u. J. Talt. _ " New Members Colllns. Schilling. K real. Scrunch-r. K mun-n Jr. l The question ot holding the animal banquet was not discussed at any great length as there was not a dis- seating voice against this event and it was unanimously drvided to hold I Board ol Trade Banquet. Treasurer W. H. Schxuau reported receipts amounting to 8439.89, .ot GEE-Tsszuibo was 1min membership has; the expenditures unwanted to $3131.09, leaving a balance on hand ot $134. -it is tvported that about tirty mom- bcrs were in arrears and these will be ttutifted to pay up. . 1 Mr. H. L. Jansen spoke Tery strongly in [aver or the Board taking some hubs in bringing to the notice ot the Government the importance of ihating a representative in the Sea- ate appointvd irom North Waterloo. A lively" discussion took place rc- garding the Board recommending the appointment of a Senator trom North Waterloo. 'Mr. W. J. Moody introduced the question and pointed out ti .t the Galt and Hamilton Boards oi Trade had taken action in this respect and were urging the Government to ap- point a successor to the late Sen- ator Meme: in their respective dis- tricts. He was ot the opinion that Berlin was entitled to a representa- tive in the f‘tnate. ! President Sims intermod the Board [ ithat the Sunday World proposed is- lsuing a special Berlin edition with lillustralions in the near future and 'the Secretary was authorized to give the World representatives such inlor- :rnation as may be necessary. I Mayor's inaugural Address. Messrs. Rom. Smyth, Dr. J. F. "1outsberger, H. L. Janzen, U. ll. "litis, bidw. Smyth and others took '; advantage of the opportunity to cum- .plimcnt Mayor Hahn upon tho cn- , couragmg tone ot his inaugural ad- “;dress. and all of thcm expressed the 1 opinion that it augured well ior the ’iprosperity of Berlin this year. A .'ihearty vote of appreciation was pass- b ed to the Mayor and Council lot tho I il'ildll,,t stand that has liven takui tol ’Qgive encouragement to new industries r as well as giving the "square deal" 1 I to the manufacturers at present Iota-7 - ted here. i Messrs. A. ll. Heller and H. A. Hagen introduced a tesoiutims ro- commending the appointment ot Mr. G. u. H. Lang. but this was with- drawn. , Dr. Whitcman and ytrfueo, Rum- pel were the movers ot a motion that the Board take no action whatever, but the resolution of Messrs. Janzon and Macklin that the Board TCCont- mend the appointment of a North Waterloo man, and one trom Berlin preferred, was carried by an over- whelming majority. The retiring President then read his annual address, as it appears in an- other column, which was sttcntivcly listened to and loudly applauded. M its conclusion he pointed out that the opinions expressed, while not necessarily sanctioned by tho Board, were his personal views on public mums of interest to the town. Messrs. Mills, Janurn and others ox- pressed their appreciation of the re- tiring President's address, which con- tained many matters oi vital import- ance to the Bond aud-tlus town at large. The election ot 0mm- resulted inl the ehrtion ot Mr. Edw. Smyth as President, Mr. W. J. Moody as Vice Preside", Mr. Solon buts, us Ser- retary, and Mr. W. H. Schmnlt, as Tremm, on by and-much. Mr. J, A; SCHIEII. who has been tho cn- emetic Secretary tor three years, re- tircd owing to pressure at other du- ties and stated that he still expected to do all in his power to promote G, wvllnre ot the Bond. The newtreimeted once" delivered brief "dreatretr, shunting the Band tor the honor mutt-"ed on them. The tondrr lent: of a harmless lug-henna; mountainous shrub, sin to Dr. Sheep's Cough Remedy in marvelous curative protrertlrm. Tight, Holding, or (“unsung coughs, qulck- ly yield to the helllng. soothing my“ Hon ot this splendid prm‘tlpliun - Dr. Shaw’s Cough Remedy And It ‘is so "In and good In children? as well. Commuting no opium, )chlnl’o- loan or other Mmml drue, mother: - In lusty any. mud Dr. ”I R M mau- m - “‘ M“ “- .., a. m R. Weber. Wm. comma. Alex. W. Young. M. o. Vogelung A. F. Dummy (loo. Balm”. Banquet This Year Treasurer's Repos l Vacant Senatorship President‘s add ress A Berlin Edition Election ot Ottkers wan-shunnin- M It“). It. rabbinic!“- Bert" loud] ethic. [ u-m:-nmm the eu- w-ummwmmrm sMo'rtst.the'qgrrrrebia tot-Io! canto".- that“ "nuns-nu. rf'Ql'Ul'Jt mmwm-uhuywc buai-u-tedtt'rMqtu yet: I not“ In. my tttue to "r.' lull-'- Kuhn". In my and -et. last year, 1 m ocadon to uln- an I did so with wide, to a. marked eieit. de. velopnlut and ruled“ mammal ac- tivity and you“ ot Berlin during the year that had just cloned. It 1 wu n remuknblc your uni when com- pared with the past year is all It) more Iemuhbb. It reminds me ot the traveller who 6eeiared, “Venice puts me In mind at Butulo; It is so diluent." A nightmare is gene-tally nth. matter ot a law sleeping mums, and in zone leaving nothing but a tnnsient. tear, but when it has " a whole year, and a leap year at that it is awful. . How fortunate it was that the in- dustrial dcprcsnion took place last you rather than at any other timv. We should indeed by grateful that our troubles have not. come singly and that thry art: now passing away to- gather. t ada." I was curious, and I answered it ‘the advertisement. I was a huh-L.i grieved to ascertain that it was nntlm in business tor sale in Berlin, nut in a er progressive and thriving town in CH Ontario under 10,000. c; i Advertised the Town. ly In 1908 the Board spent a consul- a erable sum in advertising the Town. ll i The printing and advertising eummit- ti 1‘“: issued 1500 copies at the Ann-tall " Report. It was a most creditable I Enrodmtion and was very widely (‘ll' ‘eulatcd. In addition 10,000 leaflets l, reciting the resources and advantages n 'ot Berlin were distributed throughout t tthe Dominion. The Town Council u 'very generously made a grant oi ' $300 towrirds this worthy object, but c the Board never got. it. i thte-CCM Rate. f‘ The Board was instrumental lo A 1 “thin extent in having the one-rent I .u‘op letter rate apply to towns hav- l ing a tree mail delivery system as ' well as cities. This is one instance i where the intervals oi the citizens oi l Berlin were in danger of being pre- t judiced by reason ot the toxin not I having been classed among the eities. i Building Operations. 1 It has been estimated that about l j $350,000 has been expended in build- ( ' ing operations throughout the year. . The Kaulman Rubber Company. Line l , ited, and the Hagen Shirt. k Collar , Company, Limited, have eaell exerted tine ltctory buildings and a consider- , able number at private residences have been constructed. We have lost , a number ot our tactories during the a past year. This is unfortunate. liv- cry ellort should he made to retain established industries and sooner ' than have manutaetnrers seek lot-w ' "on: elsewhere. it would be .dvisobte for the town to out-r some reason- able inducement. or grant some ta’ir Indunement. In order to he: 5“": here. " in hard enough to secure. “ includes, but when we got them, it ' mould be a oompanhimly easy unit- , ter to return than. (I Honey [By-laws. [ o " is to be renewed um thr) - money trr-laws rmtly submitted to " the “to-yen did not rem-ire. more " publicity. The trr-us" proridittgtor o. the byline! new pa main-ad tor n the airman may tot the dis- 'r. Ira','.' at luau“ pom Md 'eu m. In. at ?tr_tl, m. 'tt Elm m.m. and. MI. 'a.. COTTAGE BAROMETER POTATOES! with this uurk mm! no“. gas mums‘ are laid. The Town his agreed with‘ the H.vdro-elecuie Commission to' lake 1000 II. p. As I understand It, the town is obliged to pay for tlus amount, whether they tukc and dis- tribute it or not. " cannot be Is- \tributed without the necessary ('qlllll- mom. The amount could he raised by laddiug it to the general rate for the ' Ag ml. Successor to J, A. GOOD & Co. BERLINDNT “...u. .. w ._, TT year, but the proper emu-Sc I think should be to submit Hu. by-law again, t also believe it woud bare been in the interests oi the community at large to bave carried the rrro-hall by- law. The destruction of one of Hm large Iactories in the Nullhur Ir, ,1 Wards would ho a serious loss lo thc whole town. It nppcara that tlu. three try-laws was “MINI a large --x- der tor the ratepayers after the 1.-- cent serious l'uhilic Ownership. l'uhlu: vssncrship bas bud n. l-uplrni ot frre in Berlin and Ira plebiscilr' were taken over the town to-day, 1 am satisfied' the mummy oi ratepay- ers would Favor the principal oi pn- vale ownership so lar as pub‘lic um- ities are concrrrned. The Municiirol ownership of ihe principal public lil- ililics is coitsparativvty unknown in the older American Slates. In the Slate oi New York, a public Sri- vice t'ouunission has been estatrlitslwrl which has control over all Com- panies operating public utilities. It can demand a detailed description ot the plant, works and intruded opera- tions Ma Company and an estunate ot their cost. It has the power to cancel franchises and annual charters " the Companies are incapable oi Marrying on their business properly ‘or do not command public trust and corafrdence. And what is ot supreme corwmiuence, to the uub.ic, the Com- mission can fix the rates and tolls to he charged. This system has worked ndiuirdhly in. New York and will likely he lullonml in other American States, ii ie has not. hem already l .ulnplcd. Therc, is every indicatiI-n that tite' industrial depression which started in the [all of 1907, and which became more unto the early part ot last year has fully run its course. All classes ot trade report a gradual improvcmt. Them isa growing feeling of eonfidcnce in rirta:tcral and 1uaru1facturing circles. Th" textile trade, although comervauw is opti- mistic. Everything points try a gen- oral revival in all quarters nl trade "an IVY-III- ... -re. 17," and Canada should witness a year of unprecedented prgspelity. The enor- mous sum of 890.000,000 is lo tle ex- pended in railroad construclion dur- ing the your 1909, the greatest in the history ot the Dominion. Canadian locomotive and car shops have ord- ers lur many months ahead, Many miles of new railroad will no laid in the West which means the opening out of new lorrilorleu. Indications point in an unprecedented immigra- Hun ot American settlers into thc Provinces of Saskatchewan and Al- lwrta. Figures recently published Ivy the Manitoba government show the tdtal are: painted lot the crop ot the coming season lo be 2,273,802 acres. Last you 1,8i3.016 acres were in crop. All the great American and ('amdlan railroads report sunstantial Increases In mints ower corn-spouti- "t0_t1M9lMlkl1tl1'hit, Hardware 8toves,Tiawtvre,Plurnhing and Pig Bittis- Shore near Post office, Phone IM, . s, h d.“ humumuun. Regulu- $2pralue. This cold was See them in our window, m: Better 'l'iun' -l-""-""""'"'"t-r.r-T= ammonium brush up numb!“ -___-em u... --.....u mm.- cold". at a box " 1"" I!" R. Weber a Ito. ElitE1ri2ti1EEf] inGsiriat dr-pn-ssion G. E. POTTER to Per Bag 65 cents' W ,tsutetf trktete eoW', " iaad one. if your do lh' Cumin " can“. 'G'ii7r'i"loirra4rueu not how»: 'elle 00. m POTATOES" _" lug periods last rear. A lull nae-lure of prosperity is not yet in oriderter, simply ttecause.the returns ot teat year's abundant trarest on this con- tincnt have not yet passed into oom- mercial channels/I will quote tho words ol Mr. E. B. Greenshietds ot hluull‘cnl, a Director at the Bank, ot Montreal, who aptly illustrnten thm present healthy condition ot the can- ,mcrrial and industrial world. "but year at this time there was feel- ing (It unrest, as no one knew how Tar-reaching the qltects ol the pain of October 1907 might be, and every- one looked for tho future with Ip- prcltensiou. Now that a. rear has gone by and it is seen that the coun- try was inn, very strong position and quite able to stand the dint?!“ limes it has gone through, the situ- tion is completely changed. People realize, now that with all the rill'Iy building and waterway improvements that ate going on and with the im- monso, almost untouched natural ro. sourccs ot a. new country the - ience ot the past your in only than» parent ebtt ot the ane ot DIM“! which will return with increased [out in tho immediate More." It is INR.- ndontly expected that Berlin will share fully in the general revival cl trade which now seems to he Impel- ding. _ Mayor and Council Congrnbnlnted. I trust that in the coming your thl l most pleasant and harmonious rel» _ tions will exist between the BOON ot J Trade and the Town Council. The ' Board of Trade is not a legislntive ' body. If is in the nature of; com- i mitten of the citizens st up , where matters pertaining to to - t eral welfare of the town should h. , discussed. Its recommendation! - should always receive the cantalou- J sidcratlon ot the Town Council. Mr. J Hahn, the Mayor-elect is to be con- l gratulated on his eompteltenttirer and " business-like address at the mullet-- al meeting ol the Town Council. an references to the Board were couch- ed in the most kindly words possible. t was also pleased to ttate the - lion unanimously adopted by tho Council pledging itself to the encour- agement of manufacturing 1|:de cal education. It Ins given though “er members ot Pe Council to “In Industrial Committee. In closing I desire to thunk the ot-' ficers and members ot we "riot" Committees lor their mum work during the past year. I Mao wish to thank all the members tor their ul- tailing kindness and conslderattoo CU. ingmy term od one». " Berlin, Januny 1401, 1'09. l LABOR ORGANIZER.

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