Ttsl The avenue value of 110st at (In and of the you is $16 for omv, undm one year. $100 tor ones of one In under pad three yours and $1111 to: one tH three your: and owr. Milrh cows have an awrago Value In the mum of $34. Other horned cttt- The usage value of {arm Ln! f all 'the provinces is $3510 per acut In the ot the provincos " is under tM, being $27.30 in Manitoba. $25 L Nova Scout, $2r.40 in NW Ttrung. wick, 820.40 in Saskatchewan arm t18.20 in Alberta. In Prince Fai. ward [shad the average is $33.20 pm “re, in Quebec "mo, in Ontario $47.30, Ind in nritish' (‘ulurnhin 878.10. Values, are high in thc last named province owing tmthe mm- paratively large extent of land _ in orchard and small fruits. Ottawa, Jan, 15."-The census and statistics ottice issues the results of a report lot the year ended December .il ultimo on farm land values in the Dominion, the values of the farm, ani- mals and the averages of farm and domestic wages. .' q “of!" " for ones undct om year, 80t tor one: ot under three yrnts and “I [or ones of three your: and 'over The avermjnlue ot toritte is girm 3.33;“ Re Mildred pound», live The Mutual Life Assurance Coin- pany oi Canada has just hllul the vacant-yon its'. Board oriitsuoncul by the death of its late President, Mr. Robert Melvin, try the appumtmsnl UK Mr. It. o. )Icl'ulluch, 'Hcctctrv.ty- Treasurer of the weU-linouu Muuuf.,c, turing f1hn ot Messrs. Goldie will McCulloch, Galt,IrtA. The m-w du- cclm' is nut orrly " very mlu'vsnlkll h‘usinrss man but has shown a tlevy interest in the welfare oi his town being an ex-President or its; Board pi Trade, a dircctor oi the Gait Art Mun] Company, a direct-rr of Ilu. Gall. Gas Co., and he has bun Chute man at the Parks' Board from in inception up to the present time. Mr. McCulloch is also a. member vi thc Executive oi tho Canadian Manufac- turers' Association. In lhe wider tield ul .polilics he takesn public- spirited interest, hahing filled the pus- ition of President of the Liberal- Conservative Association of South Waterloo during the past (“The years. Mr. McCulloch is in the prune ot manhood and being wide and favor- ably known to,all sections of the cum- munity, will tuakea wry vthriont member of the Mutual Life Hoard. Thr Company " lo tk, congratulated on his appointment. CANADA FARM LANDS WORTH $36 hh ACRE Mr. J. Faskin, V.t4., oi Paris Wht it once wiresrior, and upon his au- rival the head was severed from in: dead dog and sent to Ottawa ior Ph' amittation. Mr. Faskin pronouncedi a rather had looking case, Mrar. while every precaution is living tali en. Ars, Jan. 13.--Enriy this morning while Mr. Ju. But, who "sides d couple‘ol miles welt ot the town ac companied try his non and a mummy Mr. John McVittie, were attvndiug to the live stock, Mr. Black was tes- Vanished to tind a has with its nose almost entirely chewed on, and whilt mining in: noise was heard m m be a tht harm, “mm a ierucious strange dog was engaged in comlfat witu Mr. Black's dog. It being still dusk it was hard to see tist. animal. In a minute or two tht. vicious brute made a descent oi I‘m stairway and ran straight ior a num- " your Stomach, Heart or Kidiwyt, are Surah, try at least a tew (Inns only of Dr. Shoop's Restotatire, In. tim or ten days only, the result “m surprise you. A low cents will emu the cost. And here is why help mm» es so quickly.. Dr. Shoop down} mug the Stomach nor stimulate tho “le or Kidneys. Dr. t4hoop's llcslma tive goes directly to the weak an! tailing nerves. Each orgah hus m own controlling norm. When m 'ns nerves lull, the thTending 1)rl',ilnh' mu " ot necessity (alter. This plum, wt vital truth, clearly tells "hy hr Sheep's Restorative is so linl~CIaJi iy successlul. It's success‘is {cum druggists everywhcre io give it uni versal preference. A test ml! mum tell. Sold by all dealers, but ot calves, snapping at then heads. Mr. Black lounda pitchiorh and with a well-aimed stroke draw the prongs ut the-[01k into the inhu- iated brute, holding him captive wlnh- Mr. MC. McVittie, secured a SImlgt hammer and 'despatched him DOG ATTACKS VACANCY HAS BEiilrFlLLED _,," KWWEQ..." w ' u. 'lttMi M! at“? 3.13% q but VIlno'ol farm animals, w on the topping mot-gr: mm ot animals on larms Masts tn $530,000,000. The June I U '00] tor the Dominion was ' ml. Th - ' :91 Ion-m up ttte 1.. mum n annular“: th. 'itigtlttttfht2h'f,' noop._ kRirk7diirriGire,e an Tao-to, a... n.1,. u a. We. and. new] on qe"'tefc, 1tprtes" page WI MAW FARMERS STOCK EFw Went, This School tviii a eilities of a regular ior Provisional Ulhcr ficers to qualify Inf to-the l'onlmandm Ileg,iment, and a " at the Annmirs 1. post' ot organimth This School mil 'd 11ml all the eilities of a regular military s ior Provisional Uttictus and N. l' ficers to qualify ioy Hunt rank, Full military tliscipline will wall and a successfl-l mum» c, result. “all lityoiiti. - Srlmul u: insitrurt "wed. in mnnoclvm Waivrloo I'oyiitrtol menus haw ln-vn k carrying on of sum Irrsrrvctor Itingnan Milled by the Mslit Ottawa as Inslruc Halls remarks new [gm-Hut with wants and cheers. 't than thc police value. bumcune shouu'd “Let s stick," but the mob movmi (I: slowly, invec- luvs and threats “snug at any step on the way lo “abide Pam, the. hang-out 01 many out ot Wurk. ma “I when the I sion. guns, to show 1131.1, and than: woulu Imu- been a not thc 11m: of which has not bect: yet.. Thu unemployed Cuutc ituau every, um-rc and “no sliaip on trme at 10 oclock. Albeit Ilid, who wanted a tag may [or the uutuuployrd, but was tun-mi dun" by tlm mount ol control, the din-1' speaker. “He am ieit to stusrr," Inc shout- gsl. “Mme the ctty rmmcik has a big spnMat Nct'cathcy a at your EYE- pense. lie are an uruaunmd mob and drluand a hall to hold meetings." HI tl wrrc tho "Hlug the poliev," was the slogan ol hu$0lkll of the mob when requested to move on. All than was nccucd tog a bug Lght “a; bun“: tcd hustled lug mmuglam, as gcutial oi [he Almub guns, to show 1131.1, and than: woulu Imu- been a not thc 11m: of which has not bect: yet.. Thu unemployed Cuutc ituau every, t! M. Bayude Park iuttttcsscd by Mum] unkind than to Co Mun-s and get tood [launches and tlt. tuett laughed at the iuKiit. *' ‘w‘ vul- “Wichita-Halo gta'.'tg Inc-gym! with: who. __. “L Tho Itmomm ot but a Show ot ugly new w“ the hundrtd and a mu“ m semblcd In trout " Pf, pit] ._ steps this mormng wad ilthai, wl- ul mucus and mm the: mm: the an was blue aroma the bu, buildmg a tew minutes lates gallium; lunar lo be Jrspcrscd by mspccun Undo) and a squad ot pdhr, allows clearly the tram us at 1mm, 10: um: is the mud muons mun SCHOOL FOR NI Scot;":; Emailsmn Air thm It' We “n 2111' Let‘s "After taking three bottles of your wonderful medicine. our baby was entirely well and needed no more medicine. At six- teen months of age she weighed thirty pounds. She had cried eight months. night and day, and nothing did her good until we tried scott'shmuisirsn."--MRS. E. C. SMITH, Villa Rica, probably and this child's life. Four do , V _ 'rad been tried. Scorn? FH'JLSION seemed to be ," t '.he thing needed, and it ks just the thing needed A); llama-Ids of other chihhn. 1' s so easily digested. so pure and harmless, yet must powerful in building up the most deli- cate chili or ad lit. But be sure to get Scorr . , Runyon there are so rm: y worthless and harmful imitation. A tot. my? " up, um». . VttM «A In†1-th " uni" "at, HIM m V? ml ma or my r-trri'ttq Hm" n â€ma chm vull 1. an Inn n- on" a you.“ “a “I .332 hc to lt Ivan Imiiun for - thnult'l". ___ A u: insitrurt 1er h u mnnoclvmu wi I I'oyiitrtol All†ale ln-rn k maph Lu ngl u ld Slug the Police. ALI. DR c Sou" uh uh hull It l upsh n2: Is it d tlr S Gut won. brick ralL hm mob. Park Lster the mob was so-cus d soclausls who to Co out and loot the Hood aud donning tor ll. ot I)†B ' Mm has born de, " Hrpmtnunt at 'it, has rcported A; omcer oi Ihe “ling; “ill be held Hugh: for the pur- I y hail.'? , ' the remarks be- trs-d and gathered tt.t' un :01}:th was trs, The ,polko JTARY MEN sing's t Iamnlus. The advice. .mum'ul anotifr r nnurow at. 11.30 nun-n] is m mli- nu-," Inc shout- rwuucil has a big a at your EYE- icklmts A i'rocisioual has hm'n auth- with the 20th uni ail arrange- :ph-u-(I for the (L M. '1crgeant galhumg Inside "tspectur Cuddy v, shows clearly , to; this is the " " nstration aw a bullet than hare to and the club ituau crew.- un lnne at 10 ho wanted a high“ a mgs hr icmtol 11m tti- llmmllon. Jan 13.--At the m- sionk last month, Wm. Ihirkholder, middle “in; of the Tiger Foolhall Team, was sent down tor "new: months for perjury commuted at the police road in A gambling “so Friends Wlnlely circulated a pe- tition (or in Mono. ’l'hll nor-lug maximum. when wed from on». M as mama-m did mag-mm link†you! up» lurch. ran bumping along the trcs for a short distance, and then turned m‘rr on its side, being dragged a dis- wine of a hundred yarns before thr .nuplmg broke. The passengers in a grunt measure owe tlu‘ir saivty tn the iact that, the coach “as lwa'sy and solidly built. The seats held mm, and this, too, contrihuted not a little to their mixat'uluus escape hom death. . 'Ili train, which was due to Ivan Guelph Junction at 10.11†am. In. Hamilton, was a little late. There v; a down grade all the way to ilvs, pelvr, and the speed of the train Is mrunmly (-sluuated at from 25 to m mllvsan hour, the (‘nmrmus ut opim ion being in iavur oi the latter. The train was made up of a light engine, a baggage car, combination mail and arnoker, and one heavy first-class day coach. It had proceeded only about two miles, when the rear car, in which were 57 passengers, suddenly gave a Thtorips as to Causc, “hat rcatly causal llw “will†is a mystery, though various causes are ascribed. One of tho crow said that the steel tire amusing one oi the wheels ol the rear truck had in some “any fallrn o:f, and that the so†m- ncr metal 01 the “hm-l brokv, mus- h: the upset. Another man, l-‘lx'd ht. Human; of t'rtlruph, who “as ht. Human; of t'rtlruph, who “:18 2mm": lm- Hum-NI was [mum Hal the incident was¢auscu try In. an: 'rlwr . hung in son" unarTox 1mm: “up separated from the body ot fizz car. He wau positive also that t is tnnk was fully four hundrmt yards hack (mm whrre 1he car lay on its sidv, He did not lake kindly to thy Irrtrkcn-flarwe theory, as acdepted by the other passr'nkers, and hrld that the dropping ottot the truck was the u-sponslhlo iartor. As it io corrobor- ate this theory, Brahman R. M, Kmms, in Montrose Ave, Toronto, wasr-crtain that the win-ch in ques- lion had been inspected both at Palmetpion and (hmlph. and it there was anything wrong when the train I“. u w-.. â€a; "w“.-.a an... th' not ina critical mnmm he will he dctainul in the :iospital for a few days. Guelph, Jam 11.-One of the most peculiar rallroad accldvnls in the IW- L‘OlltTUUll of the residents oi this place occurred near Gourock,a small sta- lion tour mlles hum Guclim, on the old helhuglon, Urey a Bruce division ol the Grand trunk, shortly alter ll o'clock this morning. Happily the imured, while numerous, are not in a onions condition, except. Mr. Gauge nm of Acton, who is lying in ht. Joseph's Hospital here in rather " critical condition, and his physician, Dr. Savage, ls mum: doubtful as to the turn his injuries may take. He li mJurcd around the nape ol the. neck, while his head is badly cut, and tiue doctor act-mod lcarlul of concus- sion, though he is not unconscious. Snother man, Mr. AIM. Stewart, druggist of Guelph, who at iirst was lhought to be seriously injured, Li not ina critical condition, though, vac injuries to the spine, on the hush and at tne new", the cxtent oi injunm, me not yet, kuown, but he is m a ul- lical condition, the worst oi those injured. $1155 .\U.\LS HULML, nespt'lu, shaken up. MR. JOHN KN()\VLES,13G Pais- ter street, My», hand m _ Mit. “ALI EH. DAIMLER, Brantford noun-y player, mum and nine“? ot mguds inlured. Mtt. Jung MARKS, Brantiusd, “whey player, six bit-abs lll Jught hand and wrist. Mit. THOMAS SMITH, Braullurd, hocsey player, nose cut. Ioro, [non-n tusger Mr. t. ll. M'CUX’JIAL'K, 'ULtlpb had cut in head lequmng eight st1t ches, leit cheek bruised, right sbuar tit' hurt. MR. WARREN MOORE, Batten- Pau, tNorth Dakota, slightly itqurcd. mu. G. ts.ItYAN, Guelph, 'cry badly shaken up and suiiering irou. shock. MK. GEORGE BILL, ACTON, su Mundcs these probably as many mule were slightly injured, but tin-y went to their homes in [Stamford and Hamilton lo he carcd bor. tstiatcrsstAN 31mins, w Mont- lusu avenur, Tolumu, brmscd back and right nun. _ .u and two uh- hum. Mu. J. M. DOhtuNu, Caileader, Um ' northead “a nun mulled. Jitt, J. A. R. ANDERSON, 21H. Lam urmuc noun, “summon, cut in ttcad.. mm, R. it. URYUON, Guelph, bead cut tit trout, right leg bruised; now at In: home. MASS ANGELiNr'. HOLME, Itesp- an, loot sputum, unused on haw. tradry shaken up. ttlas gone home.) MRI JAMES BRADLEY, Bum No PAROOS FUR TIGER " Coat ll l'lllnL'll on its Sult- THE INJURED [IL-M, the son- Wm. liurkholdrr, , Tiger Foam-ll ism-11h "t might any that "am y. ttetHe "'1wa was, - "Hut company rtysdt, no consulte- " uniting (hung?! lot the better In their method: ot mutants“. um why Bot the Consultant "In? "I do not rant this widmprnd discussion, because It tends to a bet- ter understanding: ot a Drohlem whirh " not as generally understood " la desirahlr. "It. isa mistake lo think that the idca of any than" In the working of thr Hill. was inspired on account of the "tll'tnx all In trnmc this your. The lrulh Is that the tlovtrrnnteett line in this respmst in like all other roads, in; rortditiott ls certainly no worRtr, ' 01mm). Jan. ir,.-), connection “Alli the discussion which has hetin proceeding of hall in the press of Can- ada relative to the futuxc of the In- lcu'nlnnial Railway, Hon. Geo. P. Graham, minister of railways, made th,, following statement toMetrt "ttt course, I have been deeply in- lvnstcd in the newspaper discussion and the unions policies which have luv" outlined tor the Ink-momma] Railway system. These articlrs have rnniaim‘d considvrnblo information, which has not Din-n "unwind. Mtv.n purs and knew a good deal innit optleptiss. “hilt a resident, of Hurlpli, he treated Muir and had no m-mnlum in saying that, the prtsort- cr has an epileptic. In 1901; he was (“Had lo St»: Muir at the Alhiun In, id, Guelph. The man had dropped It. tire strrct and was Pmcottsctotts iroL J o'clock in the evening until ttu! no“ afternoon. This he called epileptn ovum. The particular form of epilcps, which Moir had would be readily ac celerated by the use at alcoholic h gum or excitement. In his case it tt was hereditary. Speaking ot th, crime Dr. Rniiiiixun said, :‘In knowini the prisoner as I did, having treat ol him at Guvlph, and the absenci oi any mutin- for the crime, I an. cunnnccd 'lhut the man was in a her} aged or dual condition when ht committed the crime." An attack may ham been troughl on by excitement or drink, hut in the attack m which he had been caller, Muir had no convulsiuns and was in "es irost vpilcplic coma.- _ IJr. Robinson consirlrrud actions In crih‘plirs “we purely nulmnnlic, and in [\lmr's mm he regarded it as our ul 'crrspotrsu'oility. He could not say this vsuept on his own prism“): lummudge of the man and the nature of lhe disease. NO SALE OR LEASE 0F GOVERNMLNT LAND Tm- dciermining evidence, howevtT, can...- hum Dr. hubinsun, s'uperiaten- dam of the London Asylum, Who in t'.i0t; was in practice in Guelph. Ex- amirwd ior the dcienee by Mr. Mc- tuvoy, he said he had practicvd fur J "No other verdict could hue been gnu; than the one that you have ar- rival ht and my duty is to (item, him to be ptaced in close confine- ment. The evidcucc' we haw hearl In this case indicates that the public isIL'uuit vety.Wyao danger trorp_per- hons who hate been epileptic., It ire dicates that they may be moving about in the community without any knowledge by those with whom they tome in contact that they are epiivp- tic, and that at any moment a homiv Cid.†mania may be iiescloped and with such a result as happened un- fortunately in the case you hmchoen investigating. . “bud mg vegdict WM given and while Moir 'sat, while to tho lips as its moaning came to him, the Judge said:- j'nsmmcnt. tor life. Until medical nuance has reached a stage-l donot think it has teamed that stage-whoa persons who am whirled with this Ionu of disease can be cured, there 'g'tft M, J". It.“ “ï¬t My itt lg a but me- uh- :M m. .11“ ric- dlat “min“; Jlilti, In qt 7 Lloyd 03A " 1m, It . new»; “Am... Lloyd byettteaMrr.aatttrt â€WWW the jury ihtd in!!! WI. m it†it Wu committed. The result ot this verdict tor lair is namely Ian tesrriti> than a comic“. tog "-. ie mus.'takeu in magnum with the subsequent remarks ot Chief Justice Meredith, that Moit as an opilepth’ will be Confined tot Me in In asylum. yi think that the medical evidence males It clearly the duty ot those 221:.) are nsponsible for the adminis- Malibu of the affairs of this Province u of this Dommum to see that Fer- uns epilL-plic, who have been acquit- ted at such crimes on the ground ol msamty, are not permitted to go .14;an at large. Practically the gui- derree in this case dvrnonstrates that Ahc safety of the community demands {but cpi'.eptics In: subiected to im- rrrsutmertt tor life. Until medical Must Not Go at Large The Decistve Tcstimony evidence t those adminis- Province that Fer- At the same hour Sunday morning when Christian Friedman, a tnecha- u, of Guelph. passed away. the dearth took place in [horny of Bul- lalo of his brother, Clrorge Fried? man. Telegrams conveying nt‘ws to each crossed on the wires and noilhrr‘ "cod to receive the news of um nthcr's death. Relatives at Berlin; and other points received the "m" sagcs at the same time and thought some mistake had hem made, but enquiries only Confirmed the roinci, dance. Both men are 2ttrust ruhldfe age and members of an old Elm- lam- ity. BROTHERS DIED After hearing all the l‘..ilcnc.‘ , day Mr. Justice MacMahon rrs'r.t judgment." Toronto, Jan. 1.5_--"i'iutt threats ol esiormnunication still have pmur to 1'Miucroce the souls ot men was c.1- dcuce in an interesting suit which came beivrc Mr. Justice Macyiahon in the nun-July â€use court I-ttat', Three months ago Benjamin Lemma, oi Altona, a huncaback laborer, a": l ()rval Hester. a. tanner at Mum.- nlle, " the seduction ohms daugh- tcr, (mm, and got), $1,200 damage; item Mr. Justice Magus. Mum m l.“ men arc members Lia MemmmL gnurrh at Altona, or which Lain...“ was caretaker, After the trial a meeting ii tn Jams ot the church was held m which it was dealt-d Lehman tta, committed sin in bringing the action It being against the rules ml In. church for one member to sue anon: :rtntan. Lehman thereupon was call all upon to make public coniessioa l ais sin and to drop tho judgnmu the penalty tor nun-compliance wr. to be excommunicated from t: church. Asa result at this Lchmx In company with Resting Elder Hoo, er and Bishop Wldcman, of the an nonltc church went ton lawyer alt signed a document releasing Rosie trom the judgment. Lehman subs: quently signing the paper and appca ed to the court msvt aside the doc; :nonl. alleging this rruduccd "hr th fraud, misrepresentation anal "who u fluence of Bishop Widcman and 1le Hoover" acting in cnnurt with F.e ter. FEARED '1 hi: tsisuop AND’UAH: up ACTION tavk oi LaGrippe, and I hare ire, quéatly proved it to he very Giana in cases of Inilammatr.tu. The promoters stated that in two weeks they would be able to give CX- act iniormatinn as to the route, cquip- ment and the class of service they were prepared to give. With this as- sistatwe, the council decided to [MCI the whole matter to the railway and transportation committee, at which Mr. J. It. Macdonald is chairman, with instructions to confer with the promoters, sttureinrorrnation Midget in touch immediatcly with E. A. “rich ot London, who is promoting a line from the Forest City in the in- tercsts of the Southwestern Traction Co. The committee will also com- municate with the St. Marr's people ttho are promoting the extension at the FDmbro-Woodstock line trom the Name Town to tStratford. Milmrd's Linimcnt ( Livatlermra.-Last 1vmtcr I real c meat. benefit trom the use of Mm. ARDN LINIMEIVI‘ in a scum .L A “it d h. d to 8W Bout cl a in m Mal-v“- m at - m‘ In -taes a! W Pee plo’iw MI . . A. Bug. JOI- ' u. in, A. N. Vags ldd, andâ€. we present, all kid a. m we tho o'oundl. MBWttr- Inll taror numberol question in connection with the proposal road. y ha been atatpd ' the Beacon. it b’ tgttart0od do man. [he hon Guelph to Bttattord, um thence to Woodstock through Baden, Berlin, Now Hamburg, 'ravish And othel in- tervening points. sumo kind of radial railway COtMtpc- tum in the near tutttre. While the present proposal might not be ideal, thp, city was in such great need of a railway of this kind that it would be foolish to turn down the proposition mthout Investigation, and turther it would be the height of lolly to sit still and, await some perfectly halls factory scheme. Solicitor Rod pointed out. lum- her of the teaturen ot the plan, wind. he considered woubr9rove very ad- 'antageoutr to tho municipalities to be counted by the line, " was ex- parted to tell $300,000 worth ot stock to the municipalities, ot which Strat- bed would be expected to subscribe m t60,000. While there was a wide ditrerence or opinion in thy cougcu asr-no 1hr. advisability or possibility oi the city taking $50,000 worth of stock, yet it was felt that Stratford must have “Biggest and Boat" Plug Black Watch W. A. HI 'TCHINrit9N Yours, Limitol I; ",, 3»... W080. m6 m m mam anon-u Toronto Conn". any of lads. TEACHERS or up“: pruned for oxmlnauun a PTommu th niervutm y of nun-av pm TOEâ€!!! UBLVI-rllt).r A - A . tiiGiiqC-' Gkirge' Ntrret Gaterlc, gh',?.'-" Building. King Shem f I. Miss A. ll. Bean, l . Miss E. L Bean/ ouora, Jul. lik-.. At this ulter- ootN Mn; ot the Cabinet Council Sun . 3, c. Ken at Toronto in “and, III-hr or no - tit ' B. B. WALKER. President Waterloo Branch, J. Mourman, new the {Mug "hem, in itqIttttt T'?kgmrh '0' on P" It -hthr low iihi6', Mofmyoufmhmn _i' ' with .11 on... ma.- and 2u1l'd'ettt cion. BOMNN residing in the United Ite, linblioatlum hunt my on]! for MEL Mtut must accompany all orders. Mike rel Postal Note, Money Order, Registered Letter, Order to " . I . PI Ithivid Beanmm. has "waidrC"T..TC.Tr..C.7."."r..C. â€in". ..,' . r. Uhmmchv'l'oleguph we Weakly an. (n a... , . Gunmen-Telegraph an! Camry Gentle-um... : Chroniclo- Idem-up}: nu] Duly Globe .....m t)tuoaticua'esletrraph ma Toronto Duly World a...“ Ctuonieu/relrttraptt And Toronto 1).in tuB...sri%s Chronicle-Telegraph 3nd Toronto Evening 'rdtbeit7ufis.i, chrouicie-reirtmeh, 13nd Pt-aus-Lit)'.',,,""; Chronicle -£elegrsph Lad Toronto Sun-thy N35941:: Chronicles-Tele-pts and The News (fully) . .. ..., c. .. :I‘Ve recommend our readers to tubal-(be te (A. In: Home Magazine the but agricultmnl and home papa In A.» PIA no ORGAN AND THEORY John Fischer Proprietor SPEAKER or Tnp, SENATE " $30 a u These Orders are payable at par at 6eve"Y (except in the Yukonynnd at the principal bar are negotiable at $+03 to the K stchng in G. 1ln Leading mm Mm They form an e,otpivp, method of n and at sma'.t cost. ttr' H' n 'v, nbm tTr' l , Ti-'-'rri,.li (, LinLDIAN‘ BA OF COMMERCE mans): LMRD,Geaeral Image: l Reserve Fund, - 6,000 Branches throughout canada-GL/i-ir/Ge United States and Eli in the hm: ul mean, W; In _ soot, Pork, Teal, Lamb, an.“ Enron 8mm and “noon (on! as ' raring»; have batted, in"). um tn we dm, ot Mme-made In" "ste, Hum. u Bomgna, " nous _ For; Bi'.1a.e.tpr, haw cum“, Lav _ sung:- mu aumuu I “Image. Give an I mm In“ tte comm-m- (mm. prompt!) Ipuvama In .w path! we own 9mm 243. ' In we repuw‘xm m "I!“ " mama-um canny-Ian CHM .aolcan. and but of may» sr on round. 0!:er “Hum, u. ......;... 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