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The Chronicle Telegraph (190101), 21 Jan 1909, p. 12

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Pm; A mum u M, E m ' “0 Mt of the-'vrrports," 3 A tailed drwiptinn of the (amt tag E. tihiau'rFstutg, who it a 8%. kiits got um goals " _ In", two.“ which won- gilt, Ldmn,‘ ' ilve in the mm- ittilt $6M! eight in PIC} . dag 50 mm“ work an! . . ”ath Were imposed Ir 1‘” who an excellent to "tcrtiisyii Nut-b Si. Kills hasa tout that has m license to play with the miner {mm in the League, and PM mom-r flu managmmrnl oi thut 1mm oi misfit! imports six or smell players from (It tawa, Munirral, Pitlsirurg trt' v.0 some of Herlirt's last yvar's intmnw diates who are waiting " Jobs, flu better for proiessiunat hockey in tin Ontario League. , Owing to the desvrtion of thrve itr pnrt.e [um Pillsliurg the Hi, Kiln tram was badly diwr anizml. Wm- they Eacht‘d Uerlin 'lik', um tin-j mgaged Lou. Hruvgvr oi Berlin, " till a vacancy un lhn (ll-ionic. but at six o'clock Hudson of “rm-hint arrived and Krueger way, let gr "Lady" Taylor wlm has bran Ktvet his release hy Berlin, was picked mm by Rt. Knits and apprared in he rm " all the him. A ivu' nnnulvs Im tore hall-Hum he inlurnn-d Helm-r Fraser that he was played out am all the ice he skated, lulu-r takirm Ni place. Smih a! mm and Mark Tooze in goal umr 11m slam int ah: visitors while "Maggie" Mdhrmn pluyedahis usual sicariv game The locals had an ms}! nnn- of it The only unmitunlly "my had m letting out vns toward the end " the game when Fit. l’atharinvs scar cl their tth and lib goal and u was necessary to smu- trvm Inner |uu|a ngm u me tierlttt [mm hm been anxious to pile “pa big sum against the aggregation that is no Dimming Mt, Catharines m the Om lario Professional Leazue in a sslmlu 0d Came We0nesday evening, but th locals mun Sullklk‘d with the (lulu; ling the number n! goals scored try the visitors. Berlin-M. St. Catharines-g. The score might have horn times eight " lhe Berlin team BERLIN WINS FROM ST. CATHADINES Berlin: Reinhart' g.“ Boettger Drum Bartz mwr Schlegel lover N, Seihert (-t-ntn Roschman lrh Arnold right Referee-L. Krueger ttide. The Iran}; W“ w-..... \p-ll-.‘. luulur warn l.\ a fast aggregatiun and Mmulay evomng made it three straight by beating out the Waterloos in a keenly mum-nod but one-sided game. The 50qu was 13 to 4. At hair time, HI-rlln was teadittg.try ti to L Haetz. Hm-tlga'l and Schth-l starred for Berlin, and Hatter. Kretm and Sellachl for Wat- erloo. The Berliners played a good team game and checked hack \wll,‘ \Amom of the locals had his hp an! early in the gamr, and the hulanw nff the game was playrd will six mm: al With a Tillie more pumice the Wa- terloo team should giw a better at- cognt of themselves. Reinhardt in 'r/arc. Berlin mud, good stops which looked like goals, W. Knell ot Berlin, made partial referee. The "HUI” follows: Waterloo-Goat, n. Mich sHerter; cover, Kraehrr, rover has; ocular, Gibbons; n’ Sclgacht, leit, 11Tliss. Kraehn, Mickus and Hotter played a strong Came at Waterloo, For Berlin linen. Schlvgrl and ys'vi- hert brothers asstl mum-ally in the scoring. ~V....~..., u-u, nun, ihrlirr-tsoai, Reinhardt Boettger; cover, ”.1141; run-r, SPiherI, Cetttrv. Schlrgrl, right hold; " K. h;eilrert, Penalties-sei) Barn and mar, Berlin; Mickus, Wells and ter, Waterloo. suite 6-t. The locals got the and their last goal on a shot by ins.‘ N. Seibert stored agam h visitors befulc lime and the gm: dud with Balm ahead by 7 goal ht the second halt Hell": shotwdi better condition than tiw huh and! rushed the gammy Mickus an goal making good stops which looked ltlie' ttttre goals. tichiegel scored Herim'.,,,t third goal, F. 801'!)pr tor the J',il'l tors, took the "tat three, making the The Benin ().ll..\. iunior learn is Hahn bldlll" lists muting, .Sclrletwl Making through the Wualuu den-me mud serum} the um goal. Schmzm waned up for Waterloo an a aitXsltot And altex smut- last playing tir both teams, HoeUgrr sscottstl for "Him making the 5mm 2 to l at In)! lime. Berlin's speedy Junior Hockey team succeeded in Winning the local tcam , the Waterloo unit tttt Thursday m- am; in the tint trn A. League gaun- ot th. season by a acou- oi 7 goal, to 'd. FROM WATERLOO Notes oi the flame goal pmm ruwr rover cent rt. 11'" right HOCKEY tearn that has m, 1 the other tearns ( Hu- sumu-r the! I team (If tnisiitF n players from Ht j _raelur, rover, A. mm Gibbons; right “mg In, maue an jab The "ML-up was as n. Mickus, yum! Harm and "HF Wat Itloo, ll, 1hikus, Herier K rehn . M ickus G6tron.s, Hrezi Ila swarm gun)! an goals l had Sicorp t h we pom! “N ttext Mie rr the Hudson Janet: 4ctlittriis 4attitlt ‘omns Ir he crowd cherred. There wcre ahoul 50 enthusiasts present. The Mums: St. Kitts, . "ml"- The Fit, Jacobs ”an inn Inca] (‘ily Hotel interesting garm- of Waterloo rink on Tl the visitors bring drip of t goals to l, Th, tearns is ith tollotvs: Waterloo-goal, Kr, (lrrltardt. Cover, A I Hum], Strung. Brera, 'tarrit. NI. Jacobs-that, 1etgus, mun. Srhn SI. Jacobs-that, Fid1pr, 1mm: 1etgus, mun, Srhoiivlr. forwards leller, Holtz, Leison and Letson. Referuhlz. "wring". ST. JACOBS HOCKEY "nu-um 1mm: made tee Imal '.iCore, I For the rmlms “error, Dohelty, .Saniun! and nmmrrnnm m goal star- Ired and Mai" a gm!!! account of them, svlvvs, "Pvlv" Laydrn was a good u-it-n-v and made tlu' trams play the nu] allu'lo of butler): The teamsc- Hump-(luau, In-hman, point, Ita- beau, cover, Young, "WM, Meilrert; centre, lidmunds, left, Human; right, Qorviss, Guelph-must, llaruwrman; point, <3nfuul, mum, Goodwin; rover, Nan- .un, m-ntrl'. Mercer: In“, "ouxherty, "g,ht, MoGtt. Him half Ill-mall, liuhmu. 52min“! laud Srniw \wu- am the lrlm' In) mint-r nth-Inn's. Shortly after the wound hall was cmumvnu-d “'l'uad" I'hlmunds scam-d the puck in front of Hahn's goal, and dodged the vntire Guelph line and [Stul'l'd amid Iumultuus applause. The teams started to "'rough it" ior a Mime but Itch-for Laytlvn had his any Fiiii and Humaxl, l-ldmunds, Home! and Sanford took a rest. tServiss and l'Idmunds armed Nu more and aitm Duhcau had Isvrrt rarnml on the, ice and Dom-Hy haul “Ml-cl two minutes the latter sown-d (hr [lurk when he _'umpml on (lu- ice and scored. A mimm‘ lam Goodssin made it fol- (hwlph Young made itte Imal Starr, , up rush». and play tlu. boards m most clieelive manner. It was unior, t'tunate that he was imured during the "arst few [mung-s of tiur gun-v v' _ ”Ins forehead " split lipt'll ',' AL.- ‘purk on a “nil shut bsy "olwrty as (it Is almost a cvrtaiutv 1lte Guelph- 119$ wunlll have been whitvwashvd. f Lehman m anal put up a "lost, whim-Mar game and stopped many Hlangvnms iooking shots. Ilolly Young flu“ in the lilm'llgh: all the lime and 'his hard chvcking [alum Prevented 'llw spud} Guelphittss from gelling a tair cltattce to shoot. l A cummcmlahlv (outline of thc PIO- "cssional qarurs thus, tar this \t'asun Lets, been that Thu Man? at the Kul- dcrlisctl limr and m tao minutes " !,ter 11w iitce-ofi Stilton nult'lu-d ths 'rtirst for Hcrltu, (:m!nh um ..... “In I " t'outtttPmlatrle (cull-10 of thc pur "cssional P,amrs thus, tar this \t-asun Was been that Thu start at the ad- u-rliscd lime and m two minutes al- trr 11w iace-ori tirihert notched (In first for Balm. Gut,'plt did not Iakr long In mniu- when " “"15. up against and kept u watchful up an tht. grom- '"vt'atvrrul npnuimlinh H look twere ty minulrs in: limb" In st'nH‘ Hm urn two gums, human and Sum-u doing llus 1'tritnltup,, Hdtrtund, ialhed the [mum and Hun minutes hrium iral! tetttp Humml and NVHM'JI addml In.) mum making thy lulu] Cr-it. In tbout 2m") spectators saw tlie fast- lst and mm! "ttt'rtestirtit gann- of the season and io-day they are hurt. proud oi the Ivam that is represetiturg 1icr- hu In the (Inlaliu Professional Lea- gm. blvery man on the line-up play- I-ll tht. fuslml k. III of having“ Naluh ally all eyes w'#,', -n nubeau, 11-00m- ly of thu lluntreul Shauu‘m'ks, who has 1uwn svgitol l I lake “l'nrlo” Grass place al point. Hum-nu n m)" a spu-tamlal player hut lwcan [mum l They unm- all light, all light, but "he recently ortrouzed ttant 1liscoxer, " that they wtll have to keep up the "dcalth oi puclwes." tsirrote II will in" aNe tn take a [all out oi Her Inn‘s speedy aggregation, lt was not until ailrl the locals had cased up during the last tive "tttttttes and at ter Btuhrr's ttt'V phllll plan-r had beer, struck on the forehead by the puck on Dulzcrn’s stick, that lhe Ttrutors wored their hm goals, and just to make it no" ligun's Rally Young made the last goal and the score 10 to 2. ' Thu pm ltocktwy seam are on In ' "tage a tall out ot Herltn tu-aight, and they at» L'Ullel that tho} will trim" tsith Hutu} pawn! on [hum Ir 'ut'r. Thur has been no than]: practtce the past l two dd [ .r d the Mmh- team an- l making " “tenuous riot! to “at- l taut thc unnvd support ol Guelph I hockey Italians. , Thus “my the Guelph [Imam on Friday vvemng and an” the hair; enthusiasts-void hundred of them at least-ie-ad u they dropped the Taper, alt' then supper and accompa~ tueti the tcam lo “Him, They uatne all light, all light, but the recently mgammd tram (Ingmar t'd that they wlll have to keep up the BERLIN WINS FROM GUELPII Strung. Brezma mm IT right “a. left Whig 1'"fo tollotvsr- I V ‘- ual, Kress; point, G' I'r, A Runs, Iurwards centre point TEAM DEFEATED ”‘ch Coal If leieated hy a Rt'o1Y The him-up uf thr Edmunds "N lin t'ortreau Senn- Soibon Young blue 1 uddvd Cr-it, In San“): d w In! v't-r John Paul-mm ot Hamilton, ha gnawed in mining his [Imps-1m Humllmn, (month MM Wttrrloo Rm Wu, and work will likely he gtartes - In lb. Spring. Already mom , the HIM-dun, ”I has note-Inn in. which ix carrying quarks m nining rnsidrnN-s. Tl." nuildinr: mutants of the Ghrhe Cashett uum- will be an enun- loss. Loudon, Thtt . Jan lit-Fin «wk um thrs morning at 13.3" In Mr Ghme 1'askep l nn‘lpaxw s larlmr, up! nm of linmlas and Adclaide .~:.":'Ms “y t n'rlnrk the root had [burn in and Ihrt building was practically de shunt Thr plan! R mum! at l Kincardine, Onl., Jan. 18.--Tlu rleath o? Mrs. Charles Gnllrhalk, Ml (“unrvssmn of ”men, m‘cut‘rul on Na funny last, [Is-ceased was in hm 2lst your. and hart only horn mar ried three months. Slur was the old ttst daughter of Home Archie Ruhm NON. Kmrarriine Township, and most, highly Pstmsmpd. Hor dvath was tlm m an "ttack of pneumonia. worm, Yours; rover. 'iieltert: cenirp Htllnunds, Eight, Serviss; h4t, Dunn“ THIS ORIGINAL DOCUMENT IS IN mu gm” of tlte game. making "ll score 5 to f. Toronto tried dnqwr ately to lip the game but, Lehman lnnkl'rl an” that part of the plum-p (lit-lugs loo “T”. Pvte Layden u Paris refered, The Mums: tlit' k,rutrte had not Intn well, M.” H-d IN‘iUh' the Tororsros Wt'le hummu- jug .umy at M'hmau's net, but In stopped and cleared quickly and 'sell ”ruin scored first, And thc" Dunn \VHIE Iluuugh fur " counter. Iiclmumls 'ojltrvi fhe man an a mmhhmuun rush, and Hanan lifted one at 1h: Brill" 1:40.11. which Hum-an rmvhc‘l fun And Pam-hm! wnh Ins hand z-nnugh tr deflect it into the Berlin not This ‘guul salon-d of the gmnl fullum which attended the Dulchmon M14“ "ning. With Hu- scnrn. 3 to t.' Rut-uni shot and Birmingham swiped 1be re hound min the ttet in make the tal. ly It to 2 in farm at Toronto m hali-time. - ...“ mgnt. Huh " has mpahlr an.“ dian of the gnml on the Berlin side, tla. Tororrtos would haun- doublml the Dutrhmm's mm:- wilhnul Imuhlv. McNamara and Duran will do. That “as the unanimous decision at th, mum! on the form shown by the no“ Yuen last night. and they ought to im I"','.?,' “km a Couple of practiu-s and a game With their "cw foam man's. s'y?artrat.t ts "cry hut, and dim the right thing In the pinehes. lie is Iricliy, and (Isl-s good judgment “or an is " husky felluw of the l‘urhml: fypp, and all right. l.alomie was surely 11:“me Ab cvnirr, and wlwn In an; back In: tltr, pm 1lse loam “I“ hr " herivr tttttr than than which Won llu r~lmmpmu~hm last was-m. Tlu. gaunt had nut Ill’l'll well, 3!.” " H-d lwiuh- th" Tororstos Wt'le halmnvxr-l illg Jud!" at l.('hm.m'< no! but L., put up M him was the best writ In a local rink in tiome lime. “Chuck" Tyner is stum- goaltender when he is at himself, but he never did anything that outshone the work of Iwliruan last night. With " less capaltie Ell-I1 dian at the gml on the Berlin side, thi- Tororrtos would haun- duuhlctl tlu Dutrhmvn'x mum without truuhlr. McNamara and "urn-- .n-n "as ..-.. - ....... “A“ Huh “I". “It l'lllk' was more than ct"niottabiy lilled-iu tact 1ch Hum] was the largest oi the sea- SOIL There have been better games of lmcfry played here lout last , (rtittltt's was tast and exciting, aml‘ ‘(hvlc was num- to say that he did not get his ntottey's Worth The ysc'tpre, al the thteruiisston was 3 to 2 ll; Law of the t'hamptou.; Toronto dull} outplayed tlie Fly- tug Uumhuwu. and will an avalaucht. l of shots hitight At the llvrlingual. I It A nut exaggerating to say that I Lvhmun stopped slx at eight shots io: l l 1erlin beat the Tomntus at Mutual ‘Sueel Hunk last night, by 5 to 4, but as Is l'wqurntly the case, the better mun did not win. The nuk was more than cumiullahly lilled-iu laet the mom] was the largest oi the beet- son. There have been better gum-s of hut-hey played here but Last mght's was last and exciting, and thvrc was num- 1.. my that h.. rlia .s.wtt I n It want lor that twuiAecpru lhry wouldn't hare wou! That h. tin- }nay the 'rorunto papa» std to AU- muul tot "erlin'ts nanny on Mou0y The "ouble " that the Toronto"- mus cu-dncd up a “duly below the gains and n. was such 4. sore touch when they had to alter the dope sheet that they became just. naturally you» my. Meinwhiie ileum looks With sausiactso" on the tact that the Dulchnwu L.tre "ounce0 the chan, pious twice. Hale‘s what tlwiilotw troi- HHS FIRE IN LONDON DEATH OF A BRIDE SCORE WAS 5 T0 4. Berlin Hockey Club Scores a Splendid “gory in Queen ny. uilfllfhhl'S GREAT f mammals WORK IN 10mm New with " " it lnl'nllgh for " Counter. Iiclmumls "l fhe next an a corubirtatirm and Ronan lifted "ne at lh, gun]. which Itttiwau rem-ml Eu] thinrr, In the ‘urmmznmu swiped 11.1- re the net us make [he ml; in iavor at Toronto at Lehman; point Duhmu u lucky tttsal for ”or h Ins hand z-nnugh t," the Berlin HM. This of the guml fullum high Pnough of r Tynvr's foot Cmttnmtr.-rrtEttttAPta, Hm! AR? 'ttw, IMO. Pm u. 'nm w d t tlu 11'" 'nl The moped} " r/iid' curred m mu- tot, and should the rescued bid be not renew will the: he oi- ll [our hm " than lend”. mundaly of the said lot twrsnty-five hams nirttsiy-two links to the an Lion lines Minn-n tlw Flanh‘rn and Western $00th of the said Town- ship, thence southrrly along “it! sco- utm line to the place ot beginning, 'ottutirtitte titty at, more or lens. __ “Wm“, ......u.. , FOI‘RTHLY: TH: south pan of ot nutntrpr Ten intthe Tenth Corr. 'ession Eastern Salim. of the said rownship ot Wellesley and more par- ticularly descritwd trs tollowsr,--Corn, mousing at the south we.“ angle ot mid lot; [homo vasterly along . road, Mlowance fifty'-throe rhains sixteen: inks to the 'iottttt-east angle of the mid lot; thence northerly along the 'ttstern boundary of the said lot; six. vrrn rhal‘m Ininrly liw links thcrrce - a“ ._.. ... un- "iighut Concesuuon F2astern SIK'tion yf sald Township as acquired by ong user Hit-root. On the above one nundrrd aun parcel ma frame dwell, " house, a frame stable, a good rrchard and some standing umber. FOITRTHLY: TH: south put all ot numhnr Ten in'the Tenth Corr. ( THiitDLY: The west halt of Lot Number Nine in the Eighth Conces- min Eastern Section ot the nlore~ stud Township oi Wellesley, contain.. up; by admeasurenwnt one hundred arms be the sanw more or less, to- ,rether with a right of way or pri- /ale road leading through the above] nt'ntiom-d firty-seren acres to thel tublic mad along the easterly side of said 5? acres and together alsol with the any of another private road cathng to this thirdly described par- 'l'l [tom the public road, called the 'rosshill and Nt, Clements: road, ow. ‘r a small strip oi land. through tarts oi lots numbers Ten in the éewnlh Concession and Ten an the Slil't).\‘l)l,Y; The mnth part of h Lot Ntrotset Nine in the Ninth Con- t! cesn‘mn in the Eastern Section ot n the bald Township oi Wellesley as shown on a plan of survey by Pro- l \‘Inciul Land Surveyor Moses Alt-Fad-t I den oi Record in the I'rown Landl Department and whichys hutted and l hounded as "rllows, that is in say/ [ Commencing at the south easterly; . angle of the bald last mentioned lot! thence north eight degrees thirty-! I eight minutes east astronomical”! along the eantein limit of the said ' lot fourteen chains eight links more or lens to lauds hvtvtoiore granted it) the l'nmn in (it-mgr.- Underwood , in the said lot; thence north eighty one degree» rtity-vight minutes west astrottonurually along the southern limit of the lands an granted iorly chains thirty-muy links more or less to the hmu between lots Numbers _ Vine and Ten them-e south eight degrees thilly-eight minutes west 'dh" trtrrtotmcally along the said limit between lots numbers Nine and 'I'eii,ll fourteen chains eight links more m 'tess to the limit between the Eighth and Ninth t'uneessious, and thence south eighty-one degrees tiity-eight minutes east ustiouorrtically follow, I mg the same truly chains thirty-two E links more or less to the place of ' beginning containing titty-seven au- J res more or less. 1leserving a right ' oi way or private road leading from C e public timelletl road on the ear,- a te y side oi the said 57 acres 1 thr ugh this secondly described pan 5 :el to and From the west halt or lot er number Nine in the Eighth Conces, siun Eastern Section, as hitherto rusiUl by the occupants ol the said "vest halt at lot Nine in the Eighth Concession. The-above 57 acres is 51 mostly bush and has been commonly st called Starr's Hush. It has now y standing thereon a large quantity ot ti valuable cedar-s, and other good i green wood and timber. p FHttiTi.Y.-The nuxth pan. ut lot number Niue In the Ninth Uoitcessioo in the Eastern Section of the Towa- ship oi Wellesley m the County ol Watettoo and more particularly de- scribed as follow; that ts to say"- Cmmm-nuug where a post has been planted at the North HIM, angle of the said tut, thence south eight de- grt'es thirtv right minutes west as- trortomically following the westerly limit of the allowance tor wad he- {tum-u lots numbers eight and nine twenty-three chains srxtr-tour links; thence north righty-unu degrees fifty-eight annulus west astronomical- ly forty dams thirty-one .nks more or lvss to the limit betWen lots numbers Nine and Ten, thence north eight degrees thirtywight minutes Past astronomiculiy twertty-thrvel chains sixty-tour hnks to the south- erly hunt of tho allowance for ntad jhetwrnn the Nimh an! Truth t'on- fu-ssmns. thence vault-fly {Alluu'ing the last nwntmm:d hunt iortyriains thitty-one links mom or less to the place of Int-gunning containing ninety- tive m-t‘rs more or less. I’pon the , above " at'l't‘S 13 in good stone ulwrl- linu' house and an excellent Irame haul with attachments. I all ot the may but land, tun logethm 30: arms, lying near hill and "tscribed by moles bounds a.» iollossu-. I l NDER ad by virtue ot the Power ol Sale calm.“ in . cond- 1m- tuttt ot Mortgage lrom William Wil- lord and wile mil Levitt Willard (whirl: $1” he produced at the time ot all). there will be odettd [or salty by pubhc auction at SPAlllt'S HU- Ttu, 'tl the VILLAGE OF LIN- 'urou, on Tl l‘ISIDAY. the Md day of February, 1909, at It o'clock In the Ioienoon, by J. W Dan-y, Auc- ttoneet, Fttt it VAiA)Atmrm. FARMS IN Itr.'t LESLI-lx, I ttte sam last mentioned lot;! lollh eight degrees thirty-! minutes east astronomically! he mule”: limit of the said) Township it Kiwi, VERY POUR CONDITION mt between the Eighth 'iceysions; and thence mm "egrees tiity-eight astotuomically follow In!” chains thirty-two veyor Moses McFad- _ the I'rown Land whichys mum and vs, that is 11) say, the south eas1erly st land, tuulamiug Ten an the Con- ot as Pro- Further particulars will be mulv known at the time qt we, and in the meantime may be had trom the undersigned. of thr, purcbutr money on the day 01 uh, mm the balance within thirty, duyn Ihorontter. = Hamilton, Jan. 18,--.Urs. Fuiraheth Trim,“ years of agq was tatauyrourrr- ed today at her home,.rackson street east, and her daughter was uithtmr. yy injured while ttying to extlngulsh the fumes. Both are drrsssunakers, Mrs. Tutk was Handing wtth 1terl track to the stove In the sewing mum when her clothes caught tire. Sim ran downstairs enveloped "m flames. Hot Indy was horribly burnmt below the daughter snmlherod the nature "l daughter will probably romer t Osh" Arims, and tour children, RussiauPul- PN, on mule to Alecia, North Dalm- ta, were taken from the (HER. CT- prvss yesterday morning, the young-, erit child, a baby of two years, be-) ing ill. The child was found to bel otteriug from diphtheria, and the family was quarantined in a car in a remote part ot the railway yards. The Nu'ld died later in me day. I and . """N __.. .. bb""' "I Mi,iht act-idents occurred un tlu. steam and street railroads of ‘va York City during 1908, according to the public. commission "rport made public yesterday. In these all'Cllll-IIN 44t persons were killed, 259! mm iousty injured and 35,141" wow hurl Ottawa. Jan. 13.--The appointment was made to-day of lip. Geo. Smith. ex-Mn'. of Woodstock, 10 be County Judge of l'Issvx in succession to Judgv Mickie, who was appointed to the iposition last month, but who resign- ed to continuo in practice after only a raw days' incumbent-y ot the office The Judgeship has been Vat-am rvrr since the resignation of Judge "lem-; ent last spring. _ Itie [”7 life North Bay, Jan " l’illshurg, Pa., Jan. 13.--.v,ilas Il.! ll’uamnn, of Peterhoo', lint, ulml confessed to having shot Jacob Knob»; dior. a merchant bf With-wk Stalin", on the night of Nov. 21, when 1hr? latter surprised him in the act oil rnhbing his stnro. was to-day sr-nicnr»: edsto a sown-year term in the pruiw Initial}: Knoedier will he a 'iiiii-.! “1.. rs.. ML New York, Jan H, L'Ot:Ty' MUG}: 0F FI DIPHTHERIA try TRAIN Solicitor: tor Harm; {Juymsrl Ayah-pg. County uf “Mainland, Wtutut u uni: lets ut school, " miles ul church! 1 mile of potlolnce and Dulnug Ruisd, Isuauum 3 miles trom the Hinge 'fi (‘anhuro where than: no general stop. les, saw, grist and Mur anus, black-f jsuuth shops, cheese factory, lelephoue' ‘nnll telegraph once, and within il miles ol the pruepn‘ous town ol Dunnnlle With a. Population of on”; 3000. The town of Dunnnlle is Neely situated on the banks ot the! (hand River and Welland Canal Pedal-f er, and there are stores and mills of every kind, Creamery, canning 'ati-l tony em, and one ot the Inst week; day markets of any town in Untarlo.’ SEVEN YEARS Valuable Inn of " notes shut. in the Township ot Unborn in the HI'RNI'ID TO DEATH Price $3000. Apirij, Munlz, Dunnvinle, Ont. Farms For E; CPEFMSNT & CLEMENT, Farm for Sale 55,481 A CO0E.NTyt nun": With a. Population of we!) to. The town of Dunnvme is my situated on the banks ot the! and River and W.elland Canal Fedd-l ‘m diphtheria, and the quarantined in a car in a I at the railway yards. 18.-Catheriru. Ite- Ifl.-h mm LN PRISON SEEK to Georg, of I The short, [ytm- rebellion of Mc-l Kenzic in It]: {mind the old hon-(Ira tary spirit active as cvm‘ in {he bro- l thers. Ott, Hm news ofrthep rising of Me. Kwnzie mar Toronto, (‘ulnm-l 'or-l ms " immediately ordered the FIISI‘ {Linuum nut, on the Quorn'w scrum-W (and although Ms mum rxivndt-d mutt 11y itrrty mum, the famous old tom-l 'mertt nswmhlod nr'xt day "it lhts Him-i mom: at Niagara nineteen huutired, strung. The rehellion wa» “INN-WWI 1 at Toronto M mum ulmuxi ax start-', ed, but an the omuymHI-n ul Nary;', Island hy Hranm’. t'olom4 Suns} did duty at 1'hippawa “nth his n» I .' Mr. Servm, cum-i " lhl- lair-(‘01- ‘um-l Jun, M, Nun-mnH-ruiul th2tran, shipmvut of the hnalx "t"rotse, 1hr _ Lind trom the Fulll'illllll‘ Creek to the Nia- Kara Rim-r, nu the nigh1 " Ilu. Huh of Hammer to tummy the troops norms fur the ussault on Fur} My Kara, which took place lusiore day- l hreak on tho morning of the ISM] of Dv.. 'combvr, 183. Six Jays nth-r the burning and (-nlmmtiun of the town of Niagara by the Funny, he and his ltrothvr Hamid wvrv active in the storming and capture of that fort, as their father beforts them hall lwt'n inI its capture from the Frvrwh in 17.15% in» ' ice. I The 11th m-rlurmi on. Tuesday at St. Catlra1ints, “I Mr. “illimn ll. '.'s'vrvos, rim-51 mm of the rate Colonel John It. Sums of Nragara-ou-irue- Lake. Mr. Sums was Ms yam " age and was mm of SI. Catharines" oldest and most resitrtlvd whim-m. He was a mum! _rsrvutluu' " tin- IFS-; "opal church, The. film-ml will he} held on Thursday, January 11th ati 2Cttt p.m. In Christ Uhurch iot wr-I DEATH OF WILLIAM SERVOS "wen plautvd. Ahout In Inna-v. oi ummlhml, over Hm mm in gm», besides tlm Lush, and all in a Jirst- class condition rd frrulily. Tim Is one of the vrly “(‘51 Iarms in llw mummy uf Wvilinpiton and is a sun: iarm Eur grain, grass and rooCs. lt is situ,) ti miles from Curlpl), 'el. miles Irom Mostroro, G.THt., 35 miles from WerseOurg (II "L, 13.1. mile; from N'ew I'rermatry and srlluul is l nulo Iron: the lumsv. Fur tt'rtus and particulars apply on the promises ur lo James and William Laidluw, Guvlph. tri?!.. horsw slablv, slum) humm- and shod beneath. hug and hm. house, din- ing and implrml-m harm swan”? from other buildtugs. An amp-"sup ply of “an-1 pumped by windmill, 'teveriailirig, spring creek Inm'hw one corner of farm. mama, garden and a lot mi Maplv, Sprucr, n-Ir. hare been plautvd. Ahout In Iuovv, oi wtrodlaml, over Hm mm in gm», besides tlm Lush, and all in a fsrst-, That splendid 200 acre Iafi lacing ‘lols IL 15 in the .2rul concession, Division Gun-Iph Tp. The linildings are good, slum- hturw, brain) with iurnace, hard and soft water In kiwi:- on, batik ham Mum with run! house anl Mullins mull-x; Hay "arn BUM“) with Imrxr slablv, him-p hamm- and shed beneath. lung and hen lmusr, mis- - "__'-. “w: "w. "unwilling b' moms, and pantry,, in ri, fairly good repair, and hard and soit (water. Stable, gram“) an] shed. " Fences we mostly rail an! m good Lirepnir. There ale about, " acres . meadow, balance is plowed hudaund iiiiiiGi. 2 ot an uric " orchard, consisting ul applet, pears and piurvec1 This isa very dcsirablo ploprrty tut {one wishing a small Lulu, as there iis no better Luul to hejunud in this 'isr'tion, ()uly reasons for selling is l, that owner is going in otlwr husint-ss. . (This property can be brought an very ieasy terms, $5500 dawn, balance to 1 win purchaser. .' i Price $1irittt. Address mums H. Kirk, humming] ,Ontariu. 'ucar “-v """*"H, a they gm for the Rhine”. It thcre h tumble In mum mnH you hue to get up three or tour times or “(toner during the nigh...“ ag who “but Ind _Hsli1hqt-tutt Pills wilt quickly _ the u... my can an kidney- um had the Irritated bland... loo. ‘ In; "an”. 1PyeetretiiiiiiiGririGii'G.' . t5if-a_.-GG.-2iiiiii='"2'tt'Y?_'1y, - A ’fuund in Ontario. There IS " acres cleared, 5 acre. or wooded land 'lwlth some good sticks ut timber, [hickory, white null and oak, soil " lclay loam, land in lawn, watered by spring creek and never-tailing well In house and drainage natural. Dwell- ‘ing is lrame U storeys, [MN feet, swim at storey addition 18H; feet, "d'd%, Good hum of 50 acres situated " tire Township ot Canboru, and Cm " of Ilaldhnaud, withla ll miles-II sc1toolrchureh, pust-omce and “all I And "Hinge ut 1'antield, '1 miles ot the muse ot Cuban: and eight miles from the prosperous town at Dunn- ville, which town has a population ol 3000, also stores, nulls ul an kinds,“ and one at the best markets to n..\ FAB! Foil SALE Farm for Sale - 7V7. -C"C"'e"""e'"m'. 'er.d.--ittrtritomtattetft mm;- tug best markets to at; 200 acre Iafri, [aging the 9.2m! concession, Tp. The liuildings II. K irk, Illumvillc, 50-tt mm ning Hamilton, Jan. ltr-. Miss Laue Rum-u. at St. Rabat, mrt with a tatat arrult‘nt last night on the Jo]. Icy Cttt She was our of a sleuth; party and lhe "Bob" on which she was riding collided with a telephone pole [Ir-r skull wax tractnred and she died at the City Hospital this are Just as good. 'Y the Bladder _ 'F.. r-._.....u.. with the signature and seal ot Priairr of Wied, is still preserved by ttq ta- mily and is now in the possqghiom ot In. Ittmuie of Hamilton. 3' Mrs. Samuel E. Moyer, a daugh- lvr of thr, late Wm. ll. ue, grrt-ut-ruck William, ol New Wied, lln- reigning Prince at that time, gave Ihem the “11th. honorable discharge hum the military service, and with it it large letter ot Introduction and 11'ctrtmttvrtdation under his own hand and seal to the Governors ot New! York and Pennsylvania. This letter" written in old German on parchment -.rat. AE, _ A luinuvnt until the Practtatiott of the 'ttr, !mel in January; 1838. His brother, ’l'apL, Senna of Barton, led his, “may oi vavalry untlt'r Oe command inf l‘nlum'l Mchul) to the luwnship inf Scotland and put out all sparks “If rebellion in that quarter. 3 Tlu. nun-slurs at this loyal old tam- [ily mum- hom “er1 Wiedam Rhein" Alon] 27, 1726 to New , Frederick William, of tlu. reigning Prince at tl them the [Hoist hmmrn . _ (fr-w - "fur Lind Lil'lll IS in the highest state , [culumllun Good water Iaciliti IBuiMmgs are fine, located near main road, and are large and inn Fri] cortditior,. This tarm is no _ a good Ulrning \illage and ch fiat-tar} umx convenient to four rat road stations. Price right and terms. Apply to Robert More, Hoo,rE, [Lemma or F. E. sham & 00., Berjo; lin. _ w-, 1H acres-to tall wheat, Call Farms for Apply to owner, JAMES Gus, CHELL, Box 164, Water! t. 2-lmo. V." The under-i... . m 'Aerta-8 - itutsts, " um " “will: creek “will; hare, -"------- PlLLSJ. if nature and seal of Prinéo Stl" preserved by tttt ta- now in the posstshiotr ot .t_? New York. Prince aa - - "a ta' 'c-. Miss Laue oe. mrt mth n ight on the Jo}. no of a weighing ' on which she "Li! AA It: [3.5

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