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The Chronicle Telegraph (190101), 21 Jan 1909, p. 11

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]:"'|FURNITURE ' :“JP‘At 3 o’clock the deputy to the Gov- ltr.., nor-Gene 1, Sir Charles Fitrpat- ‘f LL; ee,' wi attend at the Senate f'"- mher. minon the Commoners and I,.'. f d them ack to elect a Speaker to - ( t Ire G ernor-fhyersl m Thurs- -',. "., The C' mods mu then retire e" . ,the green lumber and win elect . Charles arcil as Speaker for the _ rliunent, with Mr. McIntyre, of an“. as Deputy Speaker. W wand“ Afternoon and . In PM a: “an: “(in be Read ._ mun, "c_'.N.--rto thrst new): F . Q th Parliament ol Canada T k “In human and members and g; ' a already arrived In the ts" _ numbers. " will take ' get the mum ot ‘ __ _ to motion. Ttrihrilt l k U the selection of , Spot: hum; Commons, and on 'Thurs- Qty“ "nor-General will receive , '* ' House and in solemn state r tir..', . unkate to them the pro- ' or the session in the speech _;. 7rr T T/tGi "tri, in lllursar - _ Sir Wilfrid Laurier. ': Lord Strathcona. l Sir William Van Horne. .f . Dr, Goldwin Smith. " . Mr. William Mackenzie. . Sir Charles Tupper. ", . Hon. W. S. Fielding, . f . Sir Thomas Shaughnessy. r . Sir Sandlord Fleming. . 0. Mr. R. L. Borden. 01 these Sir, Wilfrid Laurier, Sir 'Charles Tupper, Hon. Mr. Fielding and Mr. Borden belong to statesman- ship; Sir William Van Horne, Sir "mornarshaughnessy and Mr. Wil- tthm Mackenzie are railway presidents Sir Sandie“! Fleming is a publicist and uientist and Dr. Gnldwin Smith Faiiifii literature. _ heTanadiam Courier, published at' monk), has announced the result of balloting contest which " conduci- on the question "Who are ttMrten iuest Canadians?" The voting was risk, over 120 celebrities being nonr ted lat places on the role of idjii-l or. The only restriction was that ttie names should be those ol living; GUiiiGi/. The tirst ten resulted as bllows: I t Cty W. h: fhe GovemmenQ's Programme a in the Commons chamber from i 1 o'clock. and after that time m; who come late will have to tough the formality of signing .11 in the Cterk's omee. , swearing in ot the members in at noon to-day. Three sioncrs have been appointed the Great Seal to administer .th, The commissioners are Dr. Clerk of the Commom; Assfs- Clork Laplante and the Ser- "-Artsts, Col. Smith. The roll Speaker and Deputy. BIGGEST CANADIANS. »rincipal items of legislation overmnent's programme, as windowed, will be the 'trs- _ ill and the bill to amend act, which is due this s decennial revision. There a bill to enlarge the Pro- undaries oi Manitoba, the minim-ring the Oath mm loam: $2.50 up. WI”: Sat lockers 32.” up. gym-gm! my Chairs tttt ". -aiGU," which commutes ll opening ot each session. have a big line toselect from. Justys few of Finer Couches $4.60 up. hilt! Suits. that pics: "I.” up. Ballroom Sluts $12.” up. Sidebar“ 'tt.00 q. We have also a large and “sorted line of "cetr1qtlm--Day Phone. 37; Night Phone Mr. L. Scibert's House 653. ttttht FARM! TABLES, CHILD’S mm on. Em PARLIAMENT wt" onus Ill OTTAWA BARGAINS: The Government contemplates some reform III the rules of Parliamentary debate and procedure, with the object ot expediting business and shortening the sessiunx. There Will be a bill placing the control at power rates charged tty private. companies along the new Trent Canal waterway under the jurisdiction ot the Railway Com- mission. Some anomalies have been lound in the civil service hill .ul last session, and these will be corrreted. The new treaties with the Vnited States will come up for ratification. Hon. Mr. Brodeur will have some legislation allecting the marine and shipping interests, but it will not be at a radical character. There will al- so be the promised bill to create a separate portfolio of Labor. The Government has given a'good deal of attention to the estimates, and they will be found lighter than tor several years past. It is 1imier- stood that there will be no le'gisia- tion in reference to the all-red route project or to the cable scheme, neith- er of these project's having yet ad- Vanoed ton point where they can be embodied in definite legislative pro- posals. , The address in reply to the speech from the throne will be moved by Mr. Frank Todd of Charlotte and se- conded by Mr. Turcotte ot Quebec Centre on Friday afternoon. A movement has been started in Ingersoll tor the establishment of a “tie and Quebec, as loreshadowed in the "aolution patted last wisdom Therein] Be a mu Ina-king it nuimv inn] one-ice to otter or accept a so- cret commission, whether in connec- tion with business ot the Government or ot a private company. general hospital. It is the expectation and the hope of members on both sides that the session will lie a short one. and that Parliament will be prorogued early in June. WANT A HOSPITAL. Ki. NINE SKELETOHS WERE WEED It was Rear this locality in 1812 where the army of Gen. Hull and his American soldiers were encamped, and the same ground also marked a rend- ezvous of the Ojibways some years previous. With the skel- etons were also found two stone drinking mugs, and a pipe. t Windsor, Ont, Jan. 18.-A'he remains of nine bodies, pre- sumably those ot Indians were uncovered near Taylor's Point in Sandwich to-day by work- men engaged in excavation work. Four ot the skeleton? were in a fairly good state 0 preservation, while ol the oth-' ers, only the skull and larger bones remained. Moving the Address Estimates Cut Down Reform in the Rules our “He has never seen a Canadian paper,” she continues. “When you have finished reading your newspap er could you send him one trom time to time." Then some questions: "Are you near Watiord and Womb "Does L, A. Gallaway still live in Woodstock?" “Does G. S. Pepper still liw in Woodstock?" "Does k. L. Sawyer still live in Mitchell?" She begins by explu'mn; that she saw his name inn New York tndt journal, and explains that she is a helper to “the oldest undettaket in Calcutta, over 70, blind, that. In- firm, toothless and totiteritrg trom heart trouble." " "Are you a Canadian" Are you of Scotch origin? WerNyou born in t'ate ada'.' Are you willing to help poor Scotch Christian people?" C‘Can some at your women folks send me a cloud," is the next re quest. "How is it worn? Round the neck or round the neck and head?” Then more questions: “Have Canadians a distinctive dress? We Would like to see their dress and cloaks or whatever they wear. Please let your wile send us some clothing, it is only to look at, so it can be ever so old. But explain what they are, and how they are worn so that we may understand, You need not send underclothing. “Have you a Canadian emblem? We would so like to see it. You might cut it out tor Us in plain wood or common metal such as saie ty pins are made .ol. "Are you British subjects?" Ns Canada a very nice place! Is yours a big town? Is it a country town? ls Ontario a province? is On- tario in Quebec or Quebec in Ontario? ls Ontario close to the United States? Have you backwoods? Have you farmers? ls Ontario a big place? Are there many towns and villages?" stock” . Ottawa, Jan. 19.--With the single exception of the Yukon the figures for the votes cast at the general igec- tions are now all in. Owing to the number oi independent, candidates in the foeld an absolutely accurate clas- sification ol the vote is ditticult to get at. The following table, howev- er, indicates pretty fairly the trend‘ oi the voting. 1 Lib. Con. Ind. ontario. .,t'v _223,501 235,509 2,730 Quebec _ .. “150.844 126,4M 10,753 Nova Scotia 56,588 54.500 None New Brunswick 40,716 M,940 None P. E. Island 11,496 14,286 None Hannah. 30,915 35.071 2,078 Total , was“ mum}: 21.893 My ser Independent Column include; il,9rll "I A k oN ville (Labor, Maisonneust, .hw" ii a k Martin (Iixclusiunist), Vancouver; alli Are vulture tttat he m’m ._ . _ . In"! um. gin-u," The London Free Press "yr-Aid. Dan. stay.“ I. o union“! in the "to! B m which to ranked on. hum'lrom "(Si-H)!!!" 'latte, Mining" ot Cdculu, Ind'u. "Sister, Hay." whoevet use my be, m: the dds-rm say: In new: hard ot her More. has an “outing curiosity in regard to Canada ami all things Ca-, mun. _ P. E. Island 111,496 Manitoba 30,915 British Colum- Ma ..r mm" Alberta - . . Saskatchewan the Suciaiist candidates in British Columbia, and Independents, Labor- ites, and Socialists elsewhere. "Do you use sleighs and snow- shoes? What are snowshoes like? Do you eat horsetiesh? I have heard you make ham of it, but have never seen it out here. Do you keep Christmas? Do you eat plum pudding? We never see it, let alone eat it. Once a Feat we get cake to eat, on Christmas Dar" For Liberal tandidates 587,000l Votts Vere Cast ml 503,000 For the Conservatives. 1 FIGURES ILLUSTRATE BATTLE OF BALLOTS “a, M... W"... "a The popular majority of Liberal votes over Conservatives is 24AM. In Quebec ttw Liberal popular maiori- ty was 21,420. Outside ot Quehec the Government actually received 803 low- er Votes than the Coaservatives. Coun ting the Independents as opposed to the Government, the popular minori- ty is 718. The fair unknown concludes by wishing Aid. Stewart 3 happy Christ- mas and New Year. mun ovum: Inn. “ mmvmuhu. '._Nhrqtn_8arbint " THIS ORIGINAL DOCUMENT IS IN VERY POUR CONDITION I. .0 ma... a a m “can. In. -tstr' a " ecu-In- In... Ittgllllte,i,"t" Pehlnlnhr" In an ideal mp In I In]! kitchen. 30,915 35,071 23.777 19,746 33,115 25,563 13,412 17,503 T"'1tf,5t',t"l.ty..r:, Wm I'", 'e-rf-We" at II-. It gives the convenience- of the bert and film with the and adv-nun of being cut-iron sad mutton - Gamble. The "Idnl" hurt" either wood creed and “aerate tt-rbeehahgedltsuit I minute. 0,453 2,439 duh-nineties ht . k 4 to In. ni'ir.e',i'-ii,?.; Fg'ie'd'ii'rii'ie'ih?i'i?. 'ee-ne' ore. I all" hm "ft" sArworor't"-oa_eh0t_tt The assembly hall ot the Berlin Cul- legal: and Technical lnstitule.lu crowded TuEiidgy evening try" A representative iruditutee from both towns. Thcxogcamon was the Col- tert given by _1.he students, assismd by some others, to help the young ladies of the l'luapital Auxiliary to raise lundu [or this worthy obiect. The members of the auxiliary worked hard, and the.bouse Was practically sold out bet r the concert began. The grass Tights will reach tun and as the eEpeo W('l‘c very iitrtst,ttte ladies ot the Auxiliary were well re- paid tor their tyliurts, Mr. W. M. Schinalz, chairman u! the Hospital Board, presided in a vFry efticient manner. The program Selections tly the BIKIV Orchestra. Piecolo s'olo--Mr. N. Stroh. Vocal (a) Songs MrMother Taught Me-Anton Dvorak. (b) ()uvrcles yu-ux Nous-Jules Massunet. Mrs. Herbert Snyder. Recitation-Mr. Charles Weichel, Piano 's'uio-Holheig-Suite--Gricg -. Miss Gertrude Wells. Vocal-Tis May., Arthur Hruhns. - Miss Bessie Dawson. wan; wry tuuch enjoyed, The Culley- ate Orchestra showed splendid train- mg, Mr. Slruh was heartily munrml lur his solo. Mrs. Herbert Snyder, wry kindly took the place of Miss Greene, who was detained lhmugh illness, and dehglttvd tbe audience with hath ber mugs. Mr. t'has. WeicheCs selection was ul the humor- ous variety and Illaplayed marlin! talent as an "entertainer. Miss G. Wells gate an excellent piano snlu. Miss B. Dausou's line voice was heard to good udmntage. an}! voi “one I" TO CELEBRATE TWELFTH REVENUE “EARLY W. The play "A Box at Monkeys" Was possibly put an in. a bettet manner than before. All the members were quite at home in their parts, and kept the audjclwe in continuous laughter by their" clever aceing. All tmowed the mum; OI carelul train- ing and the merutriis ot the Auxiliary feet much indebted to Mr. Williams and his troup, fur repeating this numbch At the conclusion MI. Schmal'l, thanked the perlormers, and the I'ollegiate Matt for the aid they had given the Auxiliary. Lighl re- Treshments were then served by the members of the Auxiliary. M.A. 'ee. Chauncey Ogelthorptr-Mr. o. Master Mrs. Undegu Jho"esi-Miss R. K. London Orangemen are arranging for a big celebration to be held in the Forest City on thu 12th of July. UV» er 15,000 members of the order from Western Ontuio are expected to at- tend. r Whiteman. sierra Bengalinc (her niece)--Miss R. hover. . Lady Guinevere Llandpooro, daughter hf Earl oi PaymruRht--Miss Jer- rine Wells. God Save the King. Cast of Characters, Edward Ralston-Mr. W. H. Williams, Play-oA ads. my cilia- my The (allowing is the programme - WATER!“ Box nl Monkeys" in Pwo Part I. Part " -W.rtsqh' Ottawu, Jan. Mr.-The annual re- port ot the Labor Department tor ti. tut titttal year is on at the ttest at the senatorial blue boots to in tum, The report is signed try oat-Deputy Eli-iota W. L. I. King, IR, and in its on put-319cm I comprehen- sive review at the Inlay-aided work of the department during the yur.‘ covering owru were " importantl investigation, alerting the interacts qt labor, a meet; ot articles pub- lished in The Labor Gazette. in state- ment oi the result oi the tirst yettr'si operation oi the indutnrial disputes; act, and statistics of labor unions, strikes, etc, throughout the minim! ion. in respect to the industrial dis-, putes act the report says that it was the means at eliminaitig trom the Car won or strikes and lockonts pun-1 tic-ally all disputes alto-ting public; utilities. There were thirtrtive trier-t "tttyi to Boards ot Conciliation Ute, der the plurisions of the act. The? number of men concerned was snoutj 30,000 and the amount ot capital irr‘ volred -mauy millions of dollars, 1m only our case did a strike follow the' report M the board, and in this sin-i xle instance, alter a strike lastin‘ thirteen Weeks, the men returned to work on terms recommended by tho board. The total cost of administra- tion of the act during the year was Within $20,000, 's, Pinon, Jan. t9.-A'hree deaths in one familv is the sad story that 'comrs lrom Harris, Sash. An epi- ldemic of typhoid pneumonia prostrat- ed the entire family at George Kyle, a homesteader, formerly ot Picton, consisting '0! 'one daughter and six sons Bo tar three sons have soc- 'cumbed--Arthur, aged M; Clare, aged :18, and Rnlph, aged It. _ M tiMtiUdit0 RECORD Ottawa, Jan. l9.-Mr. R. L. Bord den has written to the Carletoni County, .Conservative Association. thanking them for their support in? the recent election, and announcing: that he has decided to sit tor Bali! [am and that he will resign his Unila- ton seat. The total number of labor organi- rations in Canada on March 31 last w..s 1,681. The number ot local trad: es unions was 1,593, of which 753 were in (Hilario, 256 in Quebec, 193 in British Columbia, Pctl in Nova Scam and 70 in New Brunswick. Totem), Ohio, Jan. tg,-- Detectives have located Rev. Evan T. Evans,: who is wanted at Sarnia on a big-i any charge. He was traced through his simmer ticket. "iss Canadiau.l wile is said to have died tram srrier.I, He is said to have a wife and elm-l dren in Engitunt. ' 4 Brantford, Jan. 19.--Joseph Cope! laud,a painteremployed atthe Mas-1 sey-Harris Works, dropped dead late last night at the Eastern Hotel, into which he had gone to procure stimu- lants. as he had been taken in su¢ denly on the street. Copeland, who is about 40 years old, came here to- cently trom London, Ont. Washington, Jan. 19.--The United States Senate to-day adopted the amendment increasing the salary oi the President to $100,000, including Ill travelling expenses. The Sennte 'ised the satiny ot the Chiet Justice M the Supreme Court at “5,000 and hi the Assomte Justices at $14,500. Windsor, Jan. 19.--Word comes from Woodstock that Ileo. Smith has not frt drrldrd yawn-tr he will award the position at junior’ judge ot EM. turn Ottawa, Jan. 19.-The Equnl Sul- lrage Association cannot, get a definite unswt-r on woman sumage from Mr. R. L. Borden. They wrote him a " weeks ago asking his opinion on the subject, and he asked tor n tur- ther explatation of their grievance. A letter gfving the necessary explana- tion was then sent him, In answer to the last: letter he sent nn acknow- ledgement at its receipt Ind nothing more, c. i mom, oi Chester, wn Appoin- ted, um mined holore he took the gnu Police Wnte We, of am, bed " mm.- at the town an "no“ on" to: dim-3 Mr on: mun an”... In All!“ but are m an! Ion: - DROPPED DEAD IN HOTEL, THREE DEATHS IN FAMILY. WILL SIT POR HALIFAX THE PRESIDENT’S SALARY. GEO. SHIT“ UNCERTATN MINISTER IS LOCATED MR. BORDEN, SILENT Mo turned out to pay their int rapt-ct: to her. -Mr. Hy' Whom. an, “I no “It“. a to bred his leg but Wyn-lb Herbert Whitman, ot WWII. in home to mend purl. ot the wbssr.-' Mr. Chas. Cult, ot Shoal have, Mum, is renewing old ncqualhum la this comrmuuty.--Nisti mm Sch- eilele at Burton. Hitch, in "win; with her sister Mrs. Peter s. “us- ulmu turn visrit.-Ahtr Fun-an" Club here will hold an vatvrtaio- ment on the evening oi the Mth mat. In only to pay on their Indebwdusss on an orgnn which they bought last tall. As this Club has given us sew ernl excellent was tree at chug: we hope that the people will patron- ize this entertainment and show by so doing that they appreciate what was so generously given to themle prugrnmme will exrttsist at music butt, instrumental (on stringed instruments as well u organ) and vocal, lecith- tioos, dialogues, etc. There will aisoi, Bea detmte between the conestocol (‘luh and the West Mantras: \ZFuh,4 on the subject: "Resolved that in- toxicating liquor has caused tnorel sunning than war." A rich nuns in store tor all who mwy attend‘ this meeting. Remember the We. Jan 28th, 1009. _ In. tl. a. Bo-tan as: 3 M9" in; “has ot will“. deearlad this We on the I M. Hot bul- m took place on My than»: when a luv mail“- a W Persomils.--Mrs. McAllister and lit- tle Marian, have returned from their holiday trip to Toronto.--Nrs. Myers trom Saskatchewan is a gunshot Mrs. Ben Suydtt--Mr. and Mrs. Kenn ot Glenallan, Sundsyed at the home ot Mr. and Mrs. Levi Erts.-Mrs. Donald Bemis is spending: tew days at T0- ronto.--Mr. Elliott ot Listmvel Was a guest of Mr. and Mrs., J. A. Mc- Allister last wexk.--Mr. All. Snyder went Sunday under the parental root. --Mr. and Mrs. Peter Shirk ot Bridge- port spent Sunday with their daugh- ter, Mr. and Mrs. Addison Snyder.--, Mr. Amos Sitter ot Cottonwood,' Assa., and Mr. David BruhaCher ot Waterloo, called on Mr. Levi Erh, on Monday. _ 7 _ n .. .. " Briefs.-- Mr. Louis Unknown or Markham occupied the pulpit of the Mennonite church on Sunday, and) delivered a very impressive sermon.i -The funeral of Mr. Jonas Snyder.i was held here on Saturday afternoon Jan, i6th. Services were conducted? by the Rev. Mr. D. Shirk and hush Atautter. Deceased had reached the age 0181 yrs. and 7 monIhs.-A. sleigh- load ot young people trot ihidge port very'pleasantly surprised Miss Ada Meyer at her home on Salut- day evening. After a lew hoarse! ‘social chat, music and games, the party broke up, all declaring thcy ‘had spent a very pleaeaul evening, eral iotrs.--Mr. Peter Insulin-1n is making preparations to build a. t,trtii shed next Sumner-Rem P. (Hunt is conducting special services in the New Mennonite church hetc.-A daeguiun trom the Jerusalem S. section wait- ed on the township Council Lust ses- sion praying to have the road run- ning west past the school hone {ah _ -. “A; A» a... '1. Mr. 'iikrrirruro in looking tor contracts ot mason work tor next summer. He has Ike-ad! Wed see- a"... n... r-“ m- ened all the way through to that-21- mm. road. The con cil decided to deter the matter tor a session or two. The remains of the late ttichstd Oehl were interred last Monday 110 inst. The cottage wan followed by many trom In and near. Mr. Och! was ota quiet disposition, kind-huh ted, osmium (O the poor. His new bots and {Lends will ruin his pres - very much. Hr. can was or the Roman Catholic him Ind: Re-, tonne: in with. I "Min F'rerport, JAIL Mk. mo, Rtettard 00.”, god " want. Mr. Israel Ermt has sold his 50 acre tarm to Mr, H. Mshnke, ot Kurtsvine.-Mr. Ernst intends to locate in New York state and ts tak- ing a trip ovCr there this Week to look (on place.--Miss May Elltott, the popular clerk in H. Fatum‘s store is under the doctor's care the past week and her many friends wish tor heru‘speedy recoverr--Mr. W. H. Anderson moved to Walton tart week where he bought a large lam. --Mr. John Strong moved hm bis house tn the - “I; ll- ‘uud by Mr. Geo, Noun, who novel 'lnto the house with NI women _ Married-At he! “may, Jun. 13th, Chas. Woodson, of North l7:- hota to Miss Mary Ann Mela ot Kossuth. The Mint coil - a ton ot Petr Mu, unman- nd tutu-gs wk. -age00,000httrtrdsia M "t.in--.M$tBrts-, m. Partl's Wu! wu built -..,. - Mr. Louis iariiiaoruUc ori WIND” GOVAIS‘I‘OWI wot In. an: The parlor was ”“11tu _ ed with carnation: und the at - a was performed by Rev. e. E _ _ lander in the presence ii,ai,; _ immediate rel-Mus ot the , parties J . The bride, who wu It“ wns becoming” "tired It I ol ivirrr "Mime ilk m60t It T can styl. and were the m slippers that were worn by k a and mother at her . "srriett n Wm a Jh"gl!ltd . Amer no ceremony ud.‘\b ; T ormrart+thiortrr “to party {it 'to an - latch-m. 15 ' mph! Mt on the " trdl ' ' Emma“ trip to eaten. ”his“ young mm wan-g . 'dress at Burgundy It.“ “k mm. Ott the“ "In C hie up their redeem:- att log!“ when l, “ 3 The numarous gifts MM n A. mm In. Aha-u was: an,“ wank ‘4' '0 “T Mr. M's - . . -Ttrr. D. B. tttm' 0| k' ' 'tC.in m,,u.a. Church Iaat eves#g.-Mr. Amos “than” on the sick list the 1m in ’u A load at you; pcoplellon ' and viclnny drove to Bah tsaturday evening Ind Atq! night's mm; qt tio..', " report a. good thBe.- Ariat:. J. w. Hilborn and 'p,'ttp4i, visited at the home qt m, and " Mr. A. Minot-1 'ttli dar-Mr. and In. ttttas _ have been on the M ttst-ttit tew days. -Mr. A. Hilts“! '" busluess Visitor to 31.33913” News 'otes.-Nr. itittl mum-u Inn to: _ 1 last week. .-The Union qerTieeB held in the U. B.' week, were id! man it. Hid-r tetirqM..ar. sold his shop and human to If. Thomln ot _Beetttt. no “I roan,- ,ln March tor Bertittp.-T% V” Literary Society val hold 2"idlt lar monthly Win; an the-16¢ _ A ot this menu). IiNerftoty ,rtreoetii., Persomu.-Mr. Wm. neared" _m wearing a smile these days. an ' bor-Miss Mary Newbury Mt 'tt week tor Kingston, where is 'et attend the Colman naming} Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Schindler ”'01! turned from a trip through #1 3 --Mr. L. W. Tremain has ”I; _ lourth year In teaching school!” sectton.-Miss E. tttehttt - day with friend: in towns-Ira Schulz is spending a. [cw ween menus in Aytvonw-lx. W. 1“". and Mr. H. Stockle ire “Hug short course mr stock and shed it'diF ing at the 0.A.C. _ Iluitea number ot the ttttttit of this quiet village have “in; the streets the It V _ search ofa newly Q'f,dt, ' . -. were reported to hue wig time ago. As is calm h occasions my ed.‘"M “: _ plowshares, etc., was” " air with most enchanting In“ a to enraptme all wttttttt'titerittg, tl as nobody tum: u they son”! their operations J b-ttr In! ttMr - ”tend their hath-m 5 long “I ham . 'l uiiiiru. aging; or. ME,“ in town last wet.-o.iNtrtly wreck on the 0.13. their 9 Monday our mil did an m til after 5 o'clock Inn. As a rule 'tter swally at” tt money, but on this oceuw- (15" nothing to nuke merry can l luppy mu: was not [and and” are wondering how they “Mat " dry drinks. Kinguou, Jun. ".4 ' _ ty 5.000 about“ mu _ t' uction- ot - WWI . terr-natty-a-to" : hon-uni cl '0” was , AHRENS-HEULER, " "r A quiet but pretty Juan!“ ding took place at the laid.“ "a Mr. and Mrs. H. German. " ate' sion street, at 2 o'clock this Mir. noon when Miss Clara A. (, daughter ot tho late Herman . ' was happily waned-to Mr. Cr”: yr. Ahrens, son of Mr. and Mrs. 98.. A. Ahrens, ot this town. _ ,3 ma LICENSE scum...“ ciiiiaG; 7’: , Elli! .3q88, . at Berlin, .. "IX-m7” M. unit i5td did m k rut , , p.m. . . ot an 10M go have . the re, V q . have been” t', mum-3m it .mm “in: ttsretry _ numb; and“ , wtthtttnitarittg, St ‘d they soon _ morally at“! , s omen thy. . merry on in rt Inland and w they amiid ‘ my, 'tiifii gas-3‘1: a... a. T Ar'0AP. I " mfg WI.- "rdtgt In" Mr, "at: 1‘." MM Th, 1Tl'i ar,

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