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The Chronicle Telegraph (190101), 21 Jan 1909, p. 10

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w" '" \unuuugu munwAn-u‘. : QUEEN'S W00 SURPLUS. That no Action bl! tail-n on the i. At “'ht “In; of ti) 1m 'rttggestmt motion submiitcd hr the L - council ot Guelph, Fin-Ice Chi Ivor of Out-Iva “ling the Legisla- F; mm H. (Minder pro-cum the tune for assistance in eottittrrtctitttt i' g. In": annual-Ewen. 5' aa") $0 the (a me That 835.00 In mm to monon- Je [ Inn, to lov- pm! tor Sick Chilton, Tel-mm. . " , bouillon, the That the m be and tor f..'.',;,' A hand mmmiquxmmym on: g M rss-i,_eg,u-c."e T mama-III; " .. w. J. Awlsw, Clerk and Trea, qt Ninth and all! I :33. a! ION-(ion Conny " I: via-it: in Berlin on Saturday. Mr. “V4. 141% bmol in (out) E4, but I lulu-gun my: eon- ltr.' 'e tqqtHMqteettr-it an”: elm-.1 Wa,, ,,.thc.huutihl and wull-culliuhlltrn in» [ which has bun m the unbmlw. 10559» 5;... “sun at the Laulaw family tor over In apply years, log sale. . I TN '9 u ut " m.” ~. .5" - I.....'." .. ”an...“ BM"" "ia ort..tlte “111nm the Peninsula! ,9“ ("dual Liner Britannia. If it ,Imdcuthhn Mr. King's hut-tiara "preito:4rroogtd immediately to Cal, PGN the sent ot Goveratorrtt. Mr, Jig-c1 In in‘mlknt health _ Cum? are an annuuncin‘g the gor. in wedding ot Mr. and Mrs. Thom, u QUICKIOI], ot F1ortutale, the same to like mam Berlin on the 25th ul Jammry. ', .. atrs'y J. W. Lewes and the Mines Loves uve tanned Iron an ex- "etetrs.tit with triends in Dayton Hid (29mm. , jWonf‘Ji‘as been received ‘by Berlin trieMiht Mr. W. L. Mackenzie King MP” my I! grind at Bombay, In.. John Ferguson appeared belore Judge Chisholm on Friday tor sen- tence on the charge at securing board: try tal.se prance and was sentenced to one your in, Cantu] Prison. Mrs. Levi Keller, and children, of Button, Mich., returned to their home ttrdaty, having spent some time at the home at her sister, Mrs. R. Skier at! Qatar); relatives. C .Mrs. Wesley Herott returned to her home in Toronto on Sunday, af- ter spending .3 week with her sister Mrs. E. Martin, King St. West. A New Hamburg correspondent wri- "tes:-.?" Hamburg's social season was very suspiciously launched an Tuesday evening last, the event, Hang att."Atmome," given by Mrs. “an and Mrs. Hartman who joined forces lot the occasion. The friends of the 'twityadies had, curly reason to sup- pose that no pains would be spared 'that could in any way conduce to ~the comfort and pleasure oi their guésts unitin this expectation J1, is almbsri 'unnecessary ta state they were aut) disappointed,' and one ieit in sayingI that. the historic William Tell Hall, the scene of so many brilliant gath- erings, these. many years past has never resounded to the mirth ol a more representative gathering ot people whose names figure prominent- ly in the business, protessionalaml sioeial lite 0Lthis and adjacent towns and villages.,Among those present from Berlin were-Miss Dunn, Mrs. and the Misses Krug, Miss Lang, Mr Bier and Mr. Linnea. Mr. A. J. Prime, manager or S. II. Knox a Co_,’s More, was a Ber limit: in the G.T.R. wreck near Gaul-och on 'Thuraduy and was in the ithteaSmL He'. escaped with- out serious injury and was able to proceed to Iiytiqlo. .He returned to Berlin to-day and tttuit that he is sufrenag from internal injurirs cans-l ed by the serum shaking up and will undergo a medical examination this afternoon. l Sir H. Montagu Allan, President of the Merchants' Bank of Canada, Mon- treal, paid a ttying visit to the local branch on Thursday. Mr. Joseph Gibson, of Ingersoll, will be the guest of Mr. and Mrs. J. Kaulman and Mr. and Mrs. M. Wild- fang during his stay in Berlin. Mrs. A. Rielier, of North Easthope visited Mrs. M. Mayer, Irvin Street this week. Mrs." Geo. Pdtter entertained her Iriends at an alternoon card party on Friday. The engine on the Toronto express dues in Berlin at 11.15 mm. jumped the track 'betu'een Moshoro and Bres- lau on Monday. Very lime damage was done to the engine and nobody was hurt. T' I " " _ _ A number of young people attend- ed the tea given by Miss Moore, Wa- ttrloo, Thursday anemoon. Mrs. H. J. Bowman, Margaret Are. is visiting Hamilton friends. Mrs. Thibodean, Niagara Falls, is visiting Mrs. H. J. Bowman. Mrs. Herbert G. Bowlby gave a de lightlul masquernde skating party on Tuesday evening which was thoruugh- 1y enjoyed by all present. Mr. Alma Hilda-r and sons ban purchased P. Heimun's livery business and have already taken posses- sion. They purpose increasing the present equipment and intend kerp- ing an up-ttr-date livery. It“ Strange, Toronto, is the guest Min. Harry Strange. Vanadry St. In. Ross Alums gave: Berrghtfu' alternoon a; on Wednesday. In. McCarthy, Barrie, Is the guest 019m. Totten, Queen St. ' mu Elana} iviniiunr,, visiting Irma: in Ottawa. . mu; 131m meme-u is vle kind: in Windsor. , T '. I! ,arittr_ - “Ch-i no.“ to NW tttt u- rem; lam” : Ar: "P g . in MID-0‘ , Ito _ tamor " In 'eu8rut,'2,,tu, " the lion“ mum: but] w” committed to That the Municipal World be may; scribed tor, for ouch member of the Council and the Clerk. That no action . “In on the nuggcsted motion submitted by tho Mayor ot Oahu!- utlng the Legisla- tare for “mum: in eott"r'trtitt% The Finance 0 ed as '.thrws:-. lull "I k .l. H. Mact'allum applied for a re- fund of his husiness tax amounting to $13.96, Is he is exempt on account of his Transient Traders license. Wants License Reduced. fix-Md. Wm. Slum“ ol Toronto, owner of the Roller ilk, appeared before the Council and asked that the present license ot 8100 be reduced to Mo, which is the amount paid by rink: In Toronto, which are larger Ind more liberally patmnized 'than-' Chuitmln Gross,' o! the Nukes Committee, stated tut arrangements have been made to have the root re- paired,” soon Is possible. The qurStion of Fwd-:86} the lic- ense was related to the Finance I'ouunittee. in Berlin. He also stated thtt the Harlan Committee last year promised to remit the root and "201) the leak- agt-s which has not been done, Accounts were sent trom Herman Miller, August Meichel and Joseph Scott for Inhor in connection with the tuberculosis exhibit, amounting to $10.2ti, John Forsyth asked for a refund of his income tax as he was unduly assessed. Regarding the. money Iry- laws submitted on Jan. 2nd Mr. Forsyth wrote--"You hove been com- [plaining that the citizens of the {own did not realize the necessity of pass- ing these by-laws. I might say that I am assessed as a tenant on Mar- garet Ave., as a property owner on Frederick St, and asa business on King St., hut was sent down near! the Grand Trunk station to vote, and then debarred ol my right to rote an the money hy-laws at issue. During the last 25 years I have been: travelling throughout Ontario, and have seized every opportunity to boost Berlin. My business gives em- ployment to about 40 people, and I am deprived at my privilege to vote. I think it is time to eomplain." Mayor Huber sent a bill claiming £100 as salary for Mayor, ot which he received $344.44. The balance due him was 855.56. I would respec0ully request that you give this matter tour considera- tion. That this munig‘Wity join the Un- Hue U0uncil an mnmice in the matter of bowling alley licenses. Messrs. Kettle & Montag pay $80 for five alleys, while I pay 850 for two al- Ieys. Pool and billiard tables pay a license of $10 a table ind bowling alleys should be on thp same basis. Mecretary Lutz ot the Board ot Trade, forwarded the bill amounting to $91 incurred by the Council in connection WIN] 'nterswitching appli- cations. l w. F'. Tawhlyn, Registrar of the ‘Westeru University, notified the f'ouu- ‘cil that the recent Act of the Ont- ario Legislature (1!!th) respecting the Western University of London, that, Berlin is entitled to appoint a reprer sentative to the University Atmate as newly constituted, Wm. Lutt asked permission to har- vest his own supply of tce on the town gravel pit pond. He gunrgntees that the ice will be used for cooling purposes only. name placed-upon the 1154; ot ting; myth! to exemption on farm lands. I, m. M. Bowman, an Church street. wrote stating that his name was omitted trom the Voters' List through an omission of the Assessor and asked to have the error rectified. lie was deprived ot a Veto at the Inn- nicipal elections. The knowing communications were ma by the L'lerer- The tnat-- which was largely Btrtrtitte-ot the Town Council at At. min meeting on Monday waning was transacted m a quiet and M- 'tess-like manner. A goodly GTG] ot reports Were ream-d and adapt“! nammously and a " mmor muonj were disposed at Mayors Hahn 'NNNF pied the chair and teil the when were present excepting L‘oum‘illor Wmlerhalt. Mt: of t ”as ltte and I P. w. Sheppard asked to have his .. A Citizen Complains gunman“ inhuman...” Ptmutre Committee Wants Uatuatlzation Commtmieations 5hrmmit.tee recommend- $35! should be audited by the tovn audi-, ion. The Light Communion "an. the than ot '" . month in too, big. He Ind Inch to Mr. South; um VII told he could not do " 10:] Ian. . “at " " Moved by E. W. Clement, seconded by D. Gross, Jr., That the proposi- tion of L. A. Kuehner to my $61, Iin full ot I" claim; which tho town ‘mny ham: ngainst him, arising out of ‘tho state of his accounts us Market Clerk. be accepted, and that without desiring to interfere with the Crown, in the opinion ot this Court“, no good purpose will be saved by the further prosecution oi mm! pro- ccedings Against this mun. Appointment ot Auditors. The Mnyor brought up the qmtion ot the “anoint-re» or. “mm of the books of the Light slid the Water Commission” According to kw the} The [allowing resolution will likely close the Kuchner market clarkship, shortage matter that has been drag- ging on tor some tirntr.u- The chairman ot the Water Commis- sion presented a report, already pub- lished, showing the work done by the commission during the ten years of mrnicipal ownership. A rrport'h'om the St. Ry. Dept, tor Detember showed a net profit,, over all outlays, ot 340.44. .‘ l The report wigs miopted, I Court ot Revision. The Court of Revision tor Assess- ments lot the yea; 1908 begs to re- commend than the matter of R. E. Bush's complaint, and also that of Mrs. Ehy. be again gout-"‘into and considered by your Court tyt Revision for 1909. T That the Clerk be instructed to communicate with the cemetery com- mittee ot the Waterloo Council, in- forming them of the necessity of tencing the whole cemetery and ask- ing that they meet this committee for the purpose of discussing the mat- ter. _ The members ol the Council diwus- sed the matter for some time. Alds. Bornhold, Schilling, McKay, Asmus- sen and Clement taking part, and the question was left in the kinds ot the Town Engineer and Boart ot Works. The report was adopted. , [ . Cemetery Committee. _ The cemetery committee recommeh tied as tollows:- AN. Am.“ "reed that m Ihr. “mule, sh. 'tto due to Int my it no. C “any“ Tit cm...“ mm held up t mug.“ _" this, an... _ ”also” Mesrtat, 'tgllulTu"rr1hmos; ef. treeu wJI-t he] That the Engineer's reeommenda- tion regarding the basis of assess- ment for sewers be adopted, "I. - That the total cost at sewer con-- struction in any Fear be assessed pro rata against all the properties bems titling thereby, instead at each street being taken separately and the cost thereof assessed against the proper-, ties on said street, and that a By-; law amending the present By-law In that respect be passed. l, That Crooked Sidewalk. I In connection with the Board ot Works report a communication was read from C. D. Bowman; C. L. s., of Conestoga, who was engaged by the residents along Louisa street for the purpose of deciding whether the cement, sidewalk on that street has {been laid on a straight line or not. He reported that owing to there being no stakes between Edward and Glowski streets to guide him he could not make a definite decision whether the sidewalk was laid on the street line or not. He sent a bill of ti?, tor expenses. The report was adopted l 'lihat the account ot a proportionate part ot the cost of removing snow trom King street last winter, cure- ed to the Light Commission, and which WIS related but to Council by that body, IS 3 Just claim and should be paid by the Light Commis- Moll. l That field Storm be 'advertised for at 8100 per cord delivered at the colporabion yards. That the amount chrmble against local improvements for engineering be at the rate of 4 per cent. on the cost ot the work for 1909. I That, in View at the fact that the_ ”Town Engineer -does not think the' report of U. U. Bowman, 0.L.S., se- gutting the limits at Louisa street, definite enough, no action be taken In the matter, but that the rights of the complainants be Bot prejudiced, and it they think proper, lurther any dence may be submitted. 1 That a. Mum:- tro- D. sf Bowl" re women to Mm. My commute-uni from the Ontario MM be related to the Town Solicitors. 1 That no mum be taken on M nit-inn] “sodium: re petition to reduce responsibility ot 1'u"t1eli1ittt where injury results. trom non-repair Pt highways. , as 'ouowtc.-. cunts A tthr tho puma“ Commission Matters report was Adopted. loud ot Works. Board ot Worn momma-cu Will Accept $81 unuu.~.'.. Nun It. l ”we Ins nothing deftnite done, Mr McKay having desire only to an the lptttrtic's “(cation to the existing Accounts Passed. The Fin-cc Coo-13mm momma-- ded the payment ot mom.“ “mum.- In. to 87.8.13, of which 85,122.30 gm _-trw - to gun! shun-Ire: t val he - to A an Shoemaker a tlir._.tisr. an, India” duo tlt - N'Mlo l ' “may Ald. Clement in reply aid that the Light (‘ommlsslon has absolutely nothing to do with the litigation now nor had they with the purchase of the mud. rut body simply took it over, hi. the reql'st ot the Council. te,', it was bought 1nd Agreed to page“ for t town. Mr. A L. eithsopt Ills Emu-d tiiiigit'?, . have nny'thln 0 do with the P- _ t situation. Harm-Hy Mr. Clem- ent lulu that nll the commlssions siitrtttd be under one mung-nut in Mpyor Hahn ”announced that a meeting at the 40m Railwny Corn- mittee will be held this evening. Aid. McKay called the council'svnttention to the position bl chairman A." L. Breithaupt ot ue Light Commission. He is financially interested in the street railway and .on the one,sidt he is seeking to secure more money trom the town for a utility thnt he has been appointed to manage tor the: town. As a member ot the Berlin a; Bridgeport thr, which buys power item the Light Commission, he is selling power to himself, He is also ‘renting to himself running rights over ”he road. A large amount ot Work is done by councillors and members of commissionk, He wondered it there would not be some propriety in separating the street rtilway trom the Light Commission. lt Would make the latter's duties lighter uni there would not exist the peculiar situation ot the present. On motion ot Aids. Gross and As- mussen the Council appointed Mr. J. M. Scully to audit the books of the Light Cottunission at a salary of $300 a your, amt of the Water Com- mission at $100. Ald. Euler, who with Mr. Norman. audited the Light Commission's books last year for 3100, said he knows now that was too low a figure to do the job properly. He would not say whether $300 was too high. 1 (fuel . - when we approached the crossing. The this will): t"lu1'iiint'cgtritrt,t horses stopped suddenly, and wheeled nation of his elders, "lvitt, thq 'y.ytt!, a/ui then the.etytines crashed two-und-a lull-year-old son ot Chrisd lull tilt into them grind-tr; the poor tum Kloepfer, ex-WP., this morning holsts “Pd" the_yoTctsteher. set fire to the curtains in the family Psrreetts suul thet the only re- restdence, Woolwich street, and short- collection 1the accident.- that is!” ly afterwards the whole interior ul had was being titmg 1hith terrible the room was in Barnes. The firemen force through the ai.r. 'Pe 1rpt?t tried hard to put it out with the snowbuk and sank into l Miss PM. chemicals, but when the tiames got ter “Pied after the 00,",de of Sr.: into the fiooring above and spread to don Nelson on the arrival oi the train a bedroom upstairs water had to be at llamilton, but she was not told turned on to extinguish it. The turn- until later that he was dead. ishings of the lower rooms were de- Buried at Grimsby. [ stroyed and several hundred dollars' . worth damage done try smoke and Grimsby, dan. 18.--The bodies ot water. George Teeter and wife, who were among those who met death in the ------ crossing accident, which took place 't+Ft+Hqer+H+t+Ft.a..q.oq. near here early on Saturday morning” were interred in Queen's Lawn carne- a MOTHER'S " tery this afternoon. A large crowd mm “many followed them to the grave. Gordon - Nelson’s remains wilt he buried to-) liven mother should be able morrow morning, the funeral taking to unit the minor ailments of place from the home of N. H. Gar-l her little ones. Prompt action In, brother-in-law, and to-morrowai- muv prevent serious illness-- ternoon the remains of “the other perhaps “We child's life, A victims. Mr. and Mrs. W. Wilsrm will simple remedv always at. mm be buried from the house ol Mr. Wil- is therefore in absolute new» son's father. 'iu eve-r known may. ‘Ju. “A,” In chin-I . be one at the "mucus- ”or In“ tor u y will ruin “nu-mu Mic: ' tomorrow in mull-n ot tt Puma Howl. “Jill than t _ our" to‘ Humane“. The cure in nearly a: my“, the “at w tMt the“. um I? trt glyoguntcrolptol. will MM " tho Mn; qt Links P. McCain. or,Htuo.thne, lawn, to list All“! "aett at“: tit Will“. R. Davis, toilets“): ot Gino-u At tho port or "awn“. Jan. 37. man are to be six hundred guests it the wedding reception 3nd Mr, MeCoim, ave Frank Cohan, steward at the ca' Put-inc, instructions to make the largest wedding rake this country y [EARNING 1'0 SMOKE A bud position. 'NretarteItFr.., nu. hip tl Stratlord Aeraui.-mr. Jacob Fri cker, who for some time conducted the Royal Hotel, one of the best ir the city of Stratiord, was In towr quay and it was learned that heis about in take up his residence in Lind, say and act as manager ot the Corn, nell Brewing Co., says the Daily Warden Mr. Fricker has had mash derable experience with the Hum-ed Brewing Co., of Berlin, tmd is well, and favorably known. He intends t more to Lindsay in the course of a couple of weeks. While in Stratford Mr. Friclmr was a very enthttsiastit lolloWer ot hockey, and was on and executive of the Stratlord hockey club two winters ago, when both senior and junior (MIA. champion. skips were lauded by the Classic Ci- ty teams. There in on thin that will can Itrurer't Httr Vigor. It Is a rad!" twp-medicine. It quickly dottrors the germ which an“: this «can. The unhulthy scalp hem” heath-y. ' The dam-n! c2343., vein, had to dime-5r. A, ttt rotr--tteatttrr but: no du- drul, no pimple, no caption. ttttret-it-uae-. i The Hamburg Independent (now thr 'p'ew)'1umtsurg Jadependent) has tak- h-n‘a step lorwatd "in advancement with the spirit and progress of New Hamburg," as it says. " now ap- pears as an eight-page paper, just double its iormet size. Mr. Ritz,. having sold his German papa, wili‘ now devote all his time to' the In-' dependent. l _ The members of the Brantford Cor legiato Board, who were recently. turned down by the ratepayers in the request for tl00.000 tor a new col- tegiate, have decided to take a con- ciliatory course. They will ask the rounsil to present another by-law in April, and in the meantime will get tiermite plans as to the site and chap acter as well as the cost of the pro- posed building. . ' I'INLARGED THE PAPER, WILL TRY AGAIN. Mr. J. FRICKER IN LINDSAY. Miss Teeter said that the only re- collection ol the accident that she had was being tittrtg with terrible force through the air. She strucka snowbank and sank into it. Miss Tre- ter naked alter the condition ot Ga! don Nelson on the arrival oi the train at Hamilton, hut she was not told. until later that he was dead. "We Were.all in tho hem of spirits on the homeward trip, and never saw: the danger ot the Hacka thought. I was sitting at the hack IA the rig, near Gordon Nelson, and the itrst ilk. (imitation I had that the express was: layman-hing was than Mr. Wilson," who was driving, stood up and “A. Manual manna: horses. Iv... knew the train was due " 3 o'elry tut did not think it was that lam when we approached the crossing. The] horses stopped suddenly, and wheeled around, and then the engines crashed lull tilt into than grinding the poor! horses and" the cow-catcher." l Hamilton, Jan. 18.-- Hi“ Louie Teeter, u survivor ot the Gnu» futility ot Saturday Millu, who. was brought to M. Joseph's Hospital passed: "and night, and 10-day; talkod tteelr oi the midst. Her story at an collision is'u {album} ls WIRING NICE“. " ' - U"r _ N... aiiiGGGii no Whit? District News "The malignant mmu under‘ ..' oi ' .-m ttttit b",'il,irir,ii' gaunt-Mu ail Ottawa, Jan. 18.--TU annunl re. port of Pt minute! of junior MI in- wed um: that the Henge “Hy. .populaMm, trf me Canadian peniten- ttaries for the titrctt your was 1,418, Mt compared with 1,933 the previous Pear Durilw "to War 215 nrisoners tere released an parole, " were pm pinned and m camped. _All the a» lawn occurred at the British Colum- “hiu penitentiary and were due to lack, of discipline Ind disregard of prison Regulations. Canada‘s Penitutury “In V tin but Fin! rear a Mn, a 'tttht Nerease. l have inspected the stores along King St., and I make weekly inspec- tions of the alleys and the back yards of stores. I have called the attention of our merchants to the danger ol permitting rubbish to collect in ,the‘ “rear of their premises and also im their cellars. They have endeavored as nearly As possible to carry out my suggestions in thls regard, although there are some as yet a little ctrres less in the removal of rubbish and useless paper and dry parking stuirs. The garbage system' works well along these lines. I S. Anthes have sprinkling systems in- stalled tor their protection. Others- have no protection whatever. I have- inspected the Public and Separate schools, Hospital and churches. In the Central school 1 find the double door in bad shape. I have called the ’attemion of the trustees to this mat- [ter. The Gourmand Avenue school door, I am told, has been fixed by Mr. Foster. I have tested gangs and the children to tire drill. I must sar it is surprising how nicely and quick- ly the school can be cleared of chit.. dren. Practice mikes perfect; let the principals keep on at the good work. I also report that I have inspected all the factories. I find that most of the"factories have some sort of pro- tectiort, hydrants or standpipes and hose or chemicals. The Lang Tuning Co. are 'especially equipped in case of fire. I find they 115331600 feet ot, lgoml hose on reels close to their |private hydrant in 'the yard, which t leonsidcr is a grand idea. I only wish more of the large manufacturing con- cerns would follow suite, as the W.' G. & R. amd the Berlin Felt Boot Co. have done. These have seteral bun-l died feet of how constantly attached ready in case oi tire. The men in the. building can do fore duty until the department, arrives. I ttnd other tae- tories have the sprinkling system Mandpipe and hose connected always ready. The Bertin Button 00. and J; The causes of greg were 3 by light-, ning, l shoddy picker, 1 hot box, 1 spark trom furnace, 2 stove pipes, too close to woodwork, 2 unknown muses, 1 ignition of gas, 2 combustion in coal piles, 1 boys and shanty, t smoke only, stove pipe came apart, t careless handling of match, lspnrk trom cupola, 4 dry leaves and pass, I carpet too close to pipes, l igni- tion on oil stove, l gasoline stove, carelessness, 2 rekindrittg at or re- starting or, causing second alarms, I supposed incendiary origin, , calls where only the hose wagon responded when calls were received try phone. I ,V __ ." "'""'* my. ".'.., ..... r The Arst matter ot which I would make special mention " the "tant CII the tir. losses in Berlin durl the put year ending Dee. slut. M. " is Intisbctory to note that our bys.r, town has again been very fortune; in this regard despite the not an; the Department was celled tttOB tol respond to no iewer than " alarm-1 during the year. The total losses ap- iroximate only about 815,000, This leannot he considered, " other than a most gratifying record and while it may be Iiue to tavorable circumstan- L'es in that there were so sweepihg or disastrous outhtenh during the year, I fancy all will be willing to accord due credit to the department tor the excellent results trehievmt. " responding to the all; the depart- meat tru'elled 32 miles and kid " 350 feet ot hose and 407 feet of lad- ders were ereErted and 5t gallons of chemicals used at tires. Flu Hull. lulu. Dem. 1m. The “or and Min-m at tM, Town at Harlin. , I catholic-l. compliant with, “In rules “ovum; be “I" But. I lug the honor to herewith uhm't my tot'; out wand "Port at u» apartment: tor the yur ":qu Dec. am. It“. A ii I Mu on Wt'. w.., tl wan-tuto- {in mm: a nun-'- “11M“ 'rat by m doc. an contain l teeta ot mum: to Beetin cull-u, " van a toMoqvtc-. 4 ta. “can; p.189. 2.. ‘tiu is2. when, M PM“! it! a! Systematic Inspection Fire Escapes. Causes of Fires. The mokt mum lncmu is in Que use ot Italian ConNeta, There a Mi Romn CMttortea, 519 Mullah. 151 woman“, In ",,'r,t,',',ti"t and 68 Baptists, " Lutherm, t "Mound. a "-, o "rr-ci:, it Unlinrltn tUtd 20 Wino“ n 'ttr. lesm-d tread in the pram-mm: , W. P. Archald. Dominion wok other, report. thin. line. "" ‘0 less that 1,135 prim- In. 0: plead their ankle. on Oh; "re “in m; In L.'I'l L'L' 'coptimtea " per cent,, while it ‘M-nitobe it. than]! 3.8 per 'Nits From theie Mures it would - m: Jttdieinrf d Imam ml. mom 1tu tmrwmnomy of 'rgti. tmaart etWironments tot lttrertite ot- toman." . It ttttords me great plasma to iR able to report to the Cami] a the ' loyal support and able annual» which I receive trom every duct! in 4' the department and to a: allite- (, tory manner in which both we" and men perionn their autlu. 7 t wish to than]: the onset: d the police lorce for their hen-tr (lo-open- tion and assistance. and the was int i the way in which they report am}. kind things said that the verbal C the departmedt during the your. l Lastly, bat not dieting I.“ l my sincere thanks to the China-n and “has!!! the Fire ml Wt Committee, It the when treat- ment I hate teeeiqed at thedr hula. ' and lor the interest they new ' y in the ‘wellere ot the departrtteatt Hill" f' ing the put year. . V Au ol'whici is rettpeettrtlty led, . The r m: maturing l and the rapid growth of the Ward west ot the.0.t.tt. " the extensions ot tutor“. district make it my I: a branch fire swam is _ ed to serve these action recommended to 1908, tunderstand they have uh- ter up and are submitting to the general punk: to In at the coming election for thi sary funds ior um [row I mu and equipment. I feel at the matter is one ot urgent In The new ore. station should be er, ed and established thir yeur. l The building sum he a m_ in every way, with new and lip-t date equipmat, wig) all addi,tt _ firemen. It will cut A mm but that should not be ‘3 wig consideration in the [we ot I; _ necessity. With all: mm:- to an present dtpartmmt, I con-ill! i would be able to cope with m _ that might break MRS [know 8tt, the manufacturers uni cilia!” _ agree with me that this Mali} , hall tot the North Ward is very memory. By all may should have more ilre alarm he: Concluding Remix. In conclusion I would and health of the members being 5 sickness none, accidents none, but a tew cut thtgers, thongh mall only slight. sliced in our work. t that the it culty could be overdone by - R. system tor thyir ‘o'l 'dt'.", F constructing 3mg“ ”many toe C hose to pus unda- the Ma 'i,',1) streets, so that in use ot an train service and the work of ME men would not in any way new cred. , The my tratAs'tatd sheets by ratNar link. - extensive mm, the with is 'no longer 158MB, to My norms the "will, Wally G.T.R, crossing on In“ ttti, Weber mud Ahrcus stunt. nuts are so phoed " than (but in a are on enter Illa railway the hose mm be all the trucks, us a result the ttate vice is blocked or In In new in ducal. Fikr, d, , e I" tho law mm. = I ,m¢n would how "NI I“ by the up. I ' ted S'tt m... I ‘ IF loss, . _ " "‘3. v' would and an: ' ,' , - oil pus tr-Br-uw my“ i] _ to erect " - a , > inn. Thiiruavirr 'el'q, _ and may be the my! a Fire Hone my; . ro- nmniy mum. I! . law [not t1g'ptu'1't my out , u , 1 tbat the - MOI 'ii'rh'lit'iitiA. to 'U'dtg',, . 'glrdl'l'pt I. not " Additional Branch Fire Sta; Jti LC?

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