ks E Make Your , _â€" _ _Own Bargains â€"Ernst & Co Fali Appare!l Now .. If you have not met the new members of our Fall Clothâ€" w Family come in Saturday and we‘ll give you an introduction the way rounid. â€" The new models are just the kind you‘ll want to know and wear. We display in pleasing diversity of styles and effects men‘s smart fall suits thit sponser all the brand new features booked for 1908 Fali and Winter Fashion, Then there are the Fall Overcoats interpreting the newest fads in over garment work. Raincoats that are lacking in "Cravenâ€" ette looks." Garments that combine their ‘utility with a rich distictive style, All the new models are readyâ€"â€"â€"that smart attire with individuality expressed in every stitch, The clothes of character and refinement, A most igteresting showing of men‘s aud young men‘s fall suits in all the new woaves, cut in the latest style with deep centre veout, all the new style innovations, every garment extra well made and finished 38 Men‘s and youtb, men‘s pure wool suits in all the newest fall modela, colâ€" orings and patterns, some are cut in sonservative styles, others in more exâ€" treme to meet the requirements of {mï¬gul'lmon, no; :!deu throughout. u th‘s line you ‘l fin just what suits you at 1 2-50 Dress ruits, black, clay, twill worâ€" sted and fancy tweeds, ling&reutod sack style, best Italian Jinings, knee p“,n;g, sizes 28 to .;13, r;gnlor 6 50 and .50, special to clear Satâ€" rany 4.95 Norfolk suite, two piece, dark mixâ€" ed tweedsâ€"in *fsil weights, â€"coats box mud and Souze;: "z%"‘" linioge, pants, s‘zes23 to .,..Ihl’ M,'Snmrday 7. 298 Many lines under regular prices in shoes and clothing. For real bargains come here Saturday and aave money. We are giving a 10 m‘:ont. discount on all regular lines of Slater and Empress shoes. ‘s #5 patent colt, blucher style, in three different makes, all sizes, 6} 10 11, IOF.......:a¢cceccrerecnsrecerresererssserers enc« ©0,.06 Men‘s $3 beavy calf lace boots for.............................. 245 Men‘s $2.50 box kip, blucher cut, bals for ...... ................ 195 Men‘s $2 dongola lace b9ots FOP.....]........................... 169 Women‘s $4 McPherson patent colt, blucher etyle, lace boots for 2.95 Women‘s $2.50 lace baots, heavy soles for...................... 195 Women‘s $2 dongola lace boots for.............................. 1.89 All kinds of boys‘, girls‘ and children‘s shoes, under regular prices. Also all kinds of clothing, bhats, caps, and furnishings, under regâ€" ular prices. * &mo here Saturday and save money. 4 King St. West I mean exactly what I propose; that is that you may buy any articlé from the beautiful stock of Millinery and Faney ooo.{-. ATt Yourn Owx PRICEK. I simply shall close out my business and am willing to let you have uny hat trimmed or untrimmed, baby bonnets, any langth or . pisce of lace, silk, velvet, velveteens, allovers in black or colors, flowera, feat quills, osprays, "bird of paradise" cspreys, lates of all ruchings, velvet ribbons, appliques, hose supporters, fancy ecombs, fad hdrwl.phinhdrplu,dmn trimmings ete. or any Hower, ,> ornament, ete., *as much of and as many as you wish to purchase at your own reasomable figure. All you have to do is to name me what you think is fair to me. There Will Not RBo Any Diokering Regard u."m.. Think of The Magnifiâ€" sent Stook in Store For You. R â€"‘â€"â€"â€"While it asts. Hurry. ‘ Boys‘ Clothing 2. in mSmLOoEE 4& CO, Saturday Cleanâ€"Up Bargains Men‘s Suits and Top Coats Come, Buy and Tell â€" _ Your Friends ‘THE UNHEARD OF OPPORTUNITY OUR SMALL P2OFIT sYSTEM I} A CREAT SUCcES$. 4 74 Next to Dominion Bank Has the Floor Men‘s Full Orerconts, the finest lot we have ever offered our filends Thess are a lot‘cfnew fabriss, and the new colors are more varied and attractive than ever. If you are aOX fous to se the styles of discriminating men, if you want to see the greatert sversoat value ever shoxn s 1 o in Borl‘n, sce them at Men‘s Suits, strictly bhandsome tailâ€" ored bighâ€"grade, smartest styles in u>â€" toâ€"d*.te colorings, three or f>ur button front: new fall mode!s, eyery gatmont is beautifully tailored, and apy man sbhould be proud to wear one of these suits & 10-00 Our men‘s popalar Albert shoe comes forth in a pleasing diveraity o new models and smart serviceable leathers. The sboes with a brillisnt past and a glorious fature. _ New Fall Women‘s Victoria boots, laced some biucher, dall tops, vieilukdld and donâ€" gola kid, good year we! lizuSu') 7 250 4.00 and $5.00 «4 Berlin. Footwear 14 BERLIN. Personal and Local. â€"Mr. Ed. Bisâ€"| â€" Briefsâ€"Mr. and Mrs. Allan Bechtel hop, ofâ€" Hamilton, Miss Kate Bishop dwmwmw ard Mrs. , of Brantford, visitâ€" / day. a number ol our leading ed their , Mr. Wm. Bishop last Liberals attended the Lautier denionâ€" week. Mr. | we regret to state, ‘ stration ‘in ‘Berlin last Thursday and still «continues seriously illâ€"Mr. bpeak well of the Liberal candidute, Ralph Murton, of Toronto, spent Sunâ€": Mr. King and Premier. Laurierâ€"The day with his wile and infant daughâ€" ‘Conservatives ol this district attendâ€" ter here.â€"Miss Olga Schi has returnâ€"‘ ed the convention in Waterloo on Fa&â€" ed â€" to her home in â€" Waterloo, cfter , trday last and have as their standard spending some time with mmm.‘m, Mr. R. Reid, of Berlinâ€" The Mrs, Harry Brudorâ€"Mr. and Mrs.! moving picture show was again held Jno. Ernst were visitors to Toronto last Saturday as: announced and was last week.â€"Mrs. Campbell, who spent a great success;â€"Mr. King, the Lib the past ten months with friends in;cnl standard bearer held a meeting Cisma Park, near Chicago, has r¢, in theâ€"Opera House on Tuesday evenâ€" turned to town. She is the guest of ingâ€"Mr. John Gascho spent a lew her sister, Mrs. Wm. Plum.â€"Mrs. F.\ days in Canboro.â€"Mr. and Mrs. John: Grubn, of Berlin, visited her sister, | Gehman, (‘of _ Lowvilie, â€" N.Y., who Mrs. D. Ritz last week. â€"Miss M'lpant a few weeks here with friends, Rats, of Baden, is looking after lhe;lhrud on the return trip toâ€"day.â€" bouks in the office of the New Hamâ€"‘ Mr: and Mrs, Wm. Schimadt, of Tavâ€" burg m;..;o. during the absence of istock, spent Sunday with his brother Mr. Davi® Eby in the West.â€"Mr. Peter.â€"Edward Kochler is spending a Pattinson, of Preston, was a visitor week in _ Wiarton.â€"Miés Tena Frochâ€" here last Thursday.â€"Mr. J. Morley,oll lich is head milliner at the Rose Smithuille,spent Sunday. with his (amâ€" millinery in Kelterborn‘s store. â€" ily hege.â€"Mr. H. ‘S. Waret, of Anaconâ€"‘ ‘Miss Mary Lauer is in Berlin for . a da, Montana, is visiting his brotherâ€", lew days.â€"Miss Flora Strome after inâ€"law, Mr. W.°H. Sutherland.â€" Mr. spending a week here with her uncle, and Mrs. Wm. Woods spent several, Rev. Battenberg, returned home â€" toâ€" Aave of dast week with friends near day. eets . MV ERCH TY OCCCL I Rats, of Baden, is looking after lhei boohln!bcfloeo(theflewihmâ€" burg mg..fo. during the absence of Mr. David‘ Eby in the West.â€"Mr.. Pattinson, of Preston, was a visitor here last Thursday.â€"Mr. J. Morley,of Smithuille,spent Sunday. with his (amâ€" ily hege.â€"Mr. H. ‘S. Waret of Anaconâ€" da, Montana, is visiting his brotherâ€" inâ€"law, Mr. W.°H. Sutherland.â€" Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Woods spent several days of last week with friends ncar Mannbcim.â€"Mr. George Morley nas taken charge of the electric . light plant and will look after its interests El lint hib hi id i2 dlfobitbuiiatsh io iietentPh in n en in the absence of his father in Smithâ€" ville.â€"Mr. and Mrs. _ John Witwet, have returned home after spending two weeks visiting friends in Alberâ€" ta.â€"An organization meeting in . the: interests of Dr. Sylvester Moyer, the Liberal candidate for South Waterloo,} was held in the Amecrican Block last Monday evening. Dr. Moyer was yre-‘ sent and addressed the company in his usual _ pleasing mannof. Another meeting of a similar nature was beld in the Independent Block on Thursâ€" day evening in‘ the interests of Mr. George Clare, of Preston, the Conâ€" sorvative candidate for South Waterâ€" loo.â€"Mr. Solomon Weber, "of Waterâ€" loo, sonâ€"inâ€"law of the late Senator Mernét, _ called on New Famburg frfends last week.â€"Miss® Mon;gh‘an,‘ spent Saturday and Sunday at her home â€" in â€" Brantford.â€"Mrs. Sumlel‘ Cassel and Miss Winnifred Casscl, were visitors to Stratford last Saturâ€" ‘day.â€"Mr. David Bean of the Waterloo ‘ ‘Chronicle, Mrs. D. Bean, Miss Fry, Miss Rich} and Miss Hyatt, were the‘ guests of _ Mrs. Henry â€" Bean last . week.â€"Mr. Henry Ruchl and Mr. Wm.. Betzner _ have returned bome â€" from: the _ North West, where they spent: three months. in the interests of the New Hamburg Mifg. Co.â€"Mrs. Pfaf has noved into the house on Louis Street, which she purchased from Mr. Ed. Sweitzer.â€"Mr. Wm. Kerr ind family, have moved into the house on Huron street lately vacated by Mrs. Louis Pfaffâ€"Mr. Wilbert â€" Clemens went _ to Perlin last Thursday . to hear _ Laurier.â€"Mr. and Mrs. Frank Schumener, of Linwood, former resiâ€" dents _ of our town, visited their friénds here last week.â€" Mrs. Gideon Weber has returned to her home in Monkton, after spending _ several weeks with her paronts, Mr. and Mrs. Jno. Schuler. Desslerâ€"Baldwin Nuptialsâ€"A pretty wedding took place on the 22nd ult., at Spring Brook F«rm, Breslau, when Jennie Belle Baldwin, nicce of _ Mir. and Mrs. A. C. Hallman, was marriâ€" ed to Mr. Harvey Almer Dessler, of Breslau, The wedding daywas auspi ciously bright and in every way in keeping with the happy occasion. The ceremony took place on the lawn unâ€" der an arch formed of ferns, blended with white and pink asters. The serâ€" vice was conducted by Rev. Sanford E. Marshall, of Trinity Chureh, Berâ€" lin. At 2.30 pm. the bridal party appeared on the lawn to the strains of the wedding march rendered . by Miss C. _ Bechtel. The bride leaning on the arm of her uncle, Mr. A. C. Hallman, â€"was attendedâ€"byâ€"Miss Seliâ€" na Bean of New Hamburg, while Mr. Leonard Sauder fooked after the interests â€"of the groom, The bride was becomingly altired in cream silk Henrietta, with allover lace and agâ€" plique trimmings, carrying a sheaf of white bridal toses. The bridesmaid was attired in cteam Brilliantine with white silk blowse, carrying a shower _bouquet of pink carnations. After the ceremony and congratulations, guests from _ Camsvilie, New Hambutg, Hawkesville, Berlin, Waterloo, Hew Dundee, Bresiau, and vicinity numberâ€" ing about 70, sat down to a sumptuâ€" ous repast. The tables on th>. Jawn were gracefully decorated with white asters, white roses and pink carnaâ€" tions, The _ bride was the recipicnt of -my~ in‘mll‘n..“hr tfl ; cesteem .dmutdd‘mld_tnï¬l_. Our Busy Neighbors NEW HAMBURG. BRESLAU in County and District. FleischBauerâ€"Mickus _ Nuptials. â€"‘ The marriage of Miss lda Mickns, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. A. Mickus, | to Mr. Sim Fleischhauer, was quietly celebrated last Tuesday afternoon at the home of the bride. The Mev.‘ Holmes very securely tied the nuptial ‘ knot. Miss _ Bertha Mickus usiltedl the bride while Mr. Charlie Winkler, acted as best man. The young couple have the best wishes Of the communâ€" ity for a happy wedded:life. To New ********* Subscribers . mm ame Briefsâ€"Mr. and Mrs. Bowman _ ol New Dundee _ renewed acquaintances here last week.â€"Mr. and Mrs. Backâ€" vs are spending a few days at . the home of Mrs. Braendle.â€"Mr. and Mrs. Levi Erb, of Formosa, passed the week‘s end at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Erb hereâ€"Rev. Mr. Walker is spending a few days with friends at Sherkston.â€"Quite a number attenâ€" ded the Conference held at West Montâ€" rose last week. â€"Rev. Mr: Walker, our former .pastor, is again stationâ€" ed here for another year.â€"Mrs, Stone of Toronto, is a guest at Mr. and Â¥rs. J. M. McAllister.â€"The barn of Mrs. Menno Koch was raised last Monday, about 175 men being present. Everyâ€" thing passed off successfully in spite of the rain and very unpleasant weaâ€" ther‘â€"Mr. Floyd Shepherd left for Guelph, where he intends to complete his _ course at the O.A.C.â€"Wedding bells ars ringine. . More later. BORN.â€"At _ Rouleas, Sask., on Sept. @ist to Mr. and Mrs. 1. W. Moyer, a daughter, Evelyn. BIG THING FOR SANDWICH A . Sandwich despatch says:â€"It is announced that an option has: beer givem to New York parties on 78 actes adjoining the Saginaw Salt & Lumber Co, premises and on what Js turnaces :ll'?o‘ w?,"" wi: close . touch with the n;ï¬m. Here is an opportunity to ob tain a live newsy paper at a small cost. On the payment of we wiil send the Ohronicleâ€"Teleâ€" graph to any address in Canada from now until January 1st,1910, In addition to this liberal offer we will also present you with com| rhlnfl. book of 100 plofl‘:.d' lustrated, concornin; Chronicle â€" Telegraph of the latest happenings at home wl \poch m( i Baiin c 9 vadniend and abroad, and upâ€"toâ€"date marâ€" ket reports and a large staff of comc{:ondanu provide mlnmm letter each week from the various districts in the county. Those who are not now uh-atlbef-annflordo;lb:-pocid opportunity to secure .tardue.{lmudlnsdm obtain a book which is alone worth the subscription price. This offer will not be duplicated. A Handsome Premium rofusely illustrated, con he County of Waterloo, WELLESLEY, BLOOMINGDALE,. '?’)/'." wo Uma x fil (% k 8t JAacoBs. â€" .. News â€" Notesâ€"Mrs, â€" Albett Sitwh .mm with lu-n(ï¬-. Jac. .â€"Mre. G. Heller and Mrs. Herb Helier, spent a week with friends i; Detroit and ‘Elkton. Michigan.â€"â€" Mr; confined ‘to her bed.~The stork pail another visit to our town last week and before again departing he :alled on Mr. and Mrs. .. Geo, Steiner and presented the home withâ€"a bright litâ€" tle baby boy.â€"Mr. and Mrs. Filsinger of Mildmay are spending & few days at the bome of the former‘s brother, Mr. Jacob .. Filsinger.â€"Miss Moogk, Waterloo, was the guest of Miss (ies over. Sunday. home here.â€"A number of our« "‘most loyal â€" grits‘‘ attended the campaign meeting .. in Winterbourne on ~Friday evening.â€"We regret to report that Miss Lovina Weaver is laid up wiss typhoid fever.â€"Mrs. Puttoch is still Keown, V.S., has moved to the placs next to the Lutheran Church, â€" where he ~will have â€" his office in. future.â€" Jesse Filsinger, spent Sunday at fls paign and we are pleased to siate that North Waterloo has two candiâ€" dates, Mr. King and Mr. Reld, worâ€" thy of the support of ~every elector in the constituency.. However, we â€" in St. Jacobs, intend to adhere strongâ€" ly to our Libers? principles, and exâ€" pect to roll up a splendid â€" vote . for Mr. W. L. Mackenzie King, because ol the reasons given in the following acrostic of his name, each line being a typical characteristic of the canâ€" didate we intend to support: Willing to labor and to wait. Interested in our welfare Literary in tastes and habits, Lonfln; to serve his country. Initf tice in good reforms. Ambitious for autonomy. Mediator between labor and capital. Liberal in his views. Youthful in his mind and beart. Obiivious to scandal + Naturally endowed with ability. Magnanimous to opponents Anxious for race and creed harmony Canada first, last and always Keen in good judgment. Enthusiastic in his work Native of North Waterloo Zealous for a pure election. Influential with the government. Exemplary in life and conduct. _Knows a move or two. * Ingenuous in disposition. Not an angel as yet. Gentlemanly in his bearing. . _ of Mr. Mawood, of Peterboto.â€"Miss Josephine Brown, a nurse at the genâ€" eral hospital, Guelph, returned last evening, after visiting her parents.â€" Mr. Ben. Hamilton spent last week in Atwood visiting his friends and reâ€" latives. M.s. James Forrest, who bas heen staying with ber son, ltobâ€" ert Forest, ior the last 4 months,has ‘gone to visit her daughter, Mrs. â€"Mcâ€" Gregor at Nassagawaye.â€" Mr. Morris of the Traders‘ Bank, Elora, spent list Sabbath in Winterboutne.â€" Mr. and Mrs. J . _ Betchin were gucsts at Mr. M. Millard‘s last Sabbath.â€" â€"Items of Interest.â€"The Senior deâ€" partment of our Public School opened la_at,__ wqu under the superintendance The Laurier Demonstration. â€" A great _ many from here attended the grand _ Reform demonstration _ last Thursday beld in Berlin in honor of Sir Wilfrid Laurier, the Leader â€" and Prime Minister of our great Dominâ€" ion, and everybody was loud in wheir praises of it being the best meeting of the kind that they had ever attenâ€" Mr.James Hodge of Windham tre, ®pent Friday, 25th inst., friends in Winterbourne. Liberal Meetingâ€"On Friday evening 25th inst., a very large and enthus~ iastic . political meeting was held in the Hall at which the Liberal canâ€" didate for North Waterloo made his first appearance in our midst and was very . heartily _ welcomed. Walter‘ Veitch presjded and addresses ucre‘ given by A. B. McBride of Watarloo, J. Lang of Berlin, Mayor Huber, of Berlin and D. Ratz, of Elmira. Mr. Mackenziec King gave a very able adâ€" dress on the public questions of the day. Mr. King is believed to be the right man in the right place and is expected to occupy the chair that has so long been vacant in the House of Commons at Ottawa as represenâ€" tative of North Waterloo. Briels. 1.*â€"K.â€"Weber _ has just ~reâ€" turned from & ten days‘ tour amm;h‘ the counties of Hastings and North umberland.â€"Mr. (Glover Tanner, of Milbank, spent a few days with Mrs, John Tanner, lagst week.â€"Fannie Ba}â€" lard, of Berlin, spent Sunday with friends _ here.â€"Mr. Ben. Ballard, of Toronto and Miss Mable Ballard,Berâ€" lin epent Sunday under the pagenitat rool.â€"=Rev. Edgar preached his fareâ€" well sermon on Sunday moraing in the Presby,tdrian church.â€"Quitag _ a number of citizens attended theFlâ€" mira show last Wednesday, while a large. number were in Berlin Tharsâ€" day to ‘hear the Premgier of Canaia. All report : having had a good and profitable timg.â€"Wili« Lackner _ was succossful last week: at the llml: + being awarded a number :._.-n- fine shower of fain on fonday ‘was welcomed by the We â€" are again _ in WINTERBOURNE HAWKESVIL Li with ‘Fine Shoes muul-omnnmd,mg)ml“‘ nder :dmmz'MWu. v:.yg h ‘_‘ carry you through the seasont them at once; ";‘ c the first cold snap strikes town. 'or«rlnbomd L "’: storms in the Northwest. We shall soon feel the wintry blast, the pre the time to prepare for the cold. We found Mannfacturers anxions to . trade was dull. WE BOUGHT THE BEST, We bought overmakes, bought odd lines at our own price. bee the bargain in our show window | *lm.....................'rfle 1 doz. Children‘s Ribbed Draw size 10, regular price 206, m::_'l_ Pdd sizes in Children‘s Ribbed Vestd‘und Drawers, sizes 22 to 28 Now Fall and <Winter Under Women and Children 3â€"doz. Children‘s Ribbed Drawers, sizes 20 to 26, regular price 25¢, This is the finest lot of Ladies Fall Underwear we have ever shown. It will pay you to look it over. * ‘E SMYTH BROS, * a 1 bushel basket at 400. 1} bushel bas ket at 5q. ~2 bushel basket at 750. Weichel‘s Weekly Store News FALL SPECIALS IEOR FALL BUYERS Medium stze at 60. Largesize at 80. Good Axe Handles at lw.ynuuc.u d & 6 150 and 250 ... 3850 a Batt.. .. . . .. . These prices will prevail until October 3rd. _â€"._ Solid steel cur cloged baok, iR y n Gand 7 inch flat files at So. 9 inch flat files at 180. 4 and 4} inch 3 corner files at 5o, Axle Grease . . oo o P‘ i dag * Shield‘s Cylinder Oil, with can at 750 a gallon. In boxes worth 25¢, during Septem r ab 210 Mediam size burners at 70. Large size burners at 180. Large size lantern burners at 180. Furniture Varnish Lantern Chimneys is balk proy tiaw ai 19e "" Apple Parers The Genuine Hudson at During September 4 for 250. Lamp Chimneys Hoof Ointment Lamp Burners . Root Baskets Curry Combs Axe Handles Cylinder Oil TERMSCASH AND ONE PRICE. CHEAP CASH STOBEâ€"27 KING STREET, BERLIN. Saw Files WHOLE Odd lines of Children‘s To reguier price i4% 25 doz. Ladies® Natural Fall Vests: and drawere, sizes 32 bll."ï¬ 25 dos. Ladies‘ White Ribbed V at and drawers, sizes 38 to 42, spe, _ Balanc» of stock. 1 ply regular $3 a square at $2.60. 2 p'iy regular $4 a square at $3 50 a square. The celebrated new Blackstone with new gear at $7.00. L 18 foot wide in block ana flower pat terns, regular $2,00 a yard at A large size white Sauce Pan worth 2c free with each piece of Genuine Stransky Ware you buy, 3 ft. wide Oil Cloths at 280 a yard* Wb tnigois. hnd n e rgue g8o a matt. _ |. _ _ WOm ARCUIWW . N. We COIBRUE . MR special price.........».»..«« .008 Kemp‘s Cold Blast Lanterns, "very st" at 150 Large size worth 25¢ at 15¢ Washing Machines Good Old kind at s R Steol chains at %‘% All sizes, large and emall at Good size double Roasters at Mortise Lock Setts Flintkote Roofing Double Roasters Night Lamps Granite Ware Cow Chains Oil Cloth Linoleum Lanterns $1.69 a yard. Clevises