_‘ Gables For Cattle Firmerâ€"Hogs: Are fe :: Lower at Buffalo. * ‘xï¬zmon, Sept. %.â€"London cables for 4 are steady, at li%c to 130 per ‘ ~pound, dressed weight; refrigerator beef ‘; ""g“;"b)t; is ... Hay,per ton ........ 10.00 â€" Straw per ton........ 4.00 gwd, per cord ...... 4.50 a port Cattle ........ 425 * Butcher®‘ Cattle..... _ 3.00 _ Liverpool Grain and Produce. t L, Sept. 29.â€"Closingâ€"Wheat ï¬:nt: ‘No. 2 red western winter, - ;* No. 1 Calif., no stock. Futures « +â€"Bept. Ts 84, Dec; Is 3%4, March Is ‘“{i umt Vokep SSA _,___ _A §08. ï¬ 64. land cut, % to % lbe., i Snyderâ€"Near Floradale, Sept. 22nd, western, in tlerces, + t s k . â€"8 a B16;" American Teï¬ . “..dnnl szn.hflr and Mrs. Ed. Snyder, .\ is quoted at 9%c to 10%c per pound. Toronto Live Stock. ‘TORONTO, Sept. 29.â€"Receipts of live stock at the City Market were 66 earloads, composed of 1057 cattle, 1996 hogs, 1191 sheep and lambs and 57 calves. The quality of cattle was far from beâ€" img good, only a very few being classed =,-;6h by the dealers, not half enough 1:2:1’ the demand. was dull all round and prices in ‘@ll classes were easy, excepting for milch ©ows, which sold at firm prices. East Buffalo Cattle Market. EAST BUFFALO, Sept. 2.â€"Cattleâ€"Reâ€" q? 3% head; slow; prime steers, $.15 to $.3%. 0000 00 2 2000 2000 cc. _ ‘ td Hogsâ€"Receipts, 600 head; slow to 10c to Mc lower; heavy, $7.10 to $1.40; mixed, :-: to $1.20; yorkers, $5.75 to $7; roughs, to §6; grassers, $5.25 to $.50. Sheep and Lambsâ€"Receipts, 2000 head; active; sheep steady; lambs 10c higher; lambs, $4 to $6. New York Live Stock. NEW YORK, Sept. 2.â€"Beeyesâ€"Reâ€" ceipts, 758; no trade toâ€"day; feeling steady, with light supply reported for Wednesday‘s trade. Exports toâ€"day, 53 lh&r; toâ€"morrow, 3000 quarters of beef. vesâ€"Receipts, 733; veals â€" steady; westerns firm; veals, $ to $9.50; no very cmphere: westerns, $4.75 to $.50. and Lambsâ€"Receipts, 6421; sheep steady; lambs in fair demand, but a shade lower; sheep, $2.25 to §; culls, $1.50 to §2; lambs, $.50 to $.90; culls, $ to $4; MWM"&'% fecling steady,.but , 222; & â€"â€" mo sales reported. > port, and inspected the work being _ éone. by Foley, Weich and Stewart. _ They have between 1,000 and 1,500 â€"men at work, and they are pushing \ the work at great speed. Returning * fte Vancouver, Mr. Schreiber went up ‘ to Edmonton, and drove a consierâ€" ‘mble distance to the westward. There, " also, good . progreâ€"s is being made â€" . the‘gradi Back to Edmonton, € QK“,““, C.P.R. to Hardisty, and Mrove eastward as far as the i Minttle ‘River : bridge over the CHICAGO, Sept. 20.â€"Cattleâ€"Receipts, estimated at about 9000; ‘market steady; steers, $4.40 to $7.40; cows, $.45 to $.2%: heifers, $3 to $3.%;. bulls, $250 to $4.50; calves, $2.50 tto §8; stockers and feeders, $3.00 to. $4.50. ~ Hogsâ€"Receipts, estimated at about 14,â€" ©00; market 5e to 10c lowar; choice heavy lh-lgplnx. $7.15 to $7.20; butchers‘, $7.10 to §$1.20; light mixed, $6.65 to $4.80; cholce t, 3.90 to $7.10; packing, $6.70 to $6.90; igs, $.7 to $6.25; bulk of sales, $.7 to Sheep and lambsâ€"Receipts e?umnted at mwbout 30,000; market strong with westerm bs 10c to %c hi; â€"r sheep, $150 to £.50; lambs, $ to $5.5) veé@rlings $$.% to New Wheat...... TFionr, Soln ...... .â€" .+ wIOUL, ARAUC w« eWV Â¥lour, Seven Lilies.... 2.70 thate ___ ___.___lllcll.s. 0 40 CAMPBELLFORD, Sept. 22. â€"At a meet« fng of the cheese board, held here toâ€"day, $05 were offered: 740 sold at 125â€"l6c; balâ€" ie her ied .:....! Bran per ton ........ 20.00 I.Id.fll?glporhn «... 27.00 New Potatoes, per bus. 1.00 Butter, per lb......... 22 Eggs, per doz......... _ .18 Apples, per barrel ... Mlogs Hive........... Hogs, dressed.... . INTO EDMONTON Ottawa, Sept. _ 28.â€"The Grand Trunk | Pacific will .be running iis trains into Edmonton by New Year‘s Day.â€" That â€"is the statement made by Mr. Collingwood Schreiber, C.M.G., epfisulting engineer of the Dominion Government, who returned to Ottawa %fl alter a trip over the line _ of the Western section of the new Transâ€" wcontinental Railway. Mrove eastward as far as lhe reat Buttle River bridge over the M , Whete twontyâ€"one spans wore found in position. The : brilge Mr, Schreiber went up the Skeena REse HKe â€"YON ssilne Tram Drince Hnâ€" WATERLOO MARKETS Waterloo, Ont., Oct. 1st, 1908. mm;mmh quiet; Oct. 5e $KÂ¥4, Dec. 5s onâ€"Cumberland cut, 3 to 3 lbs., ;admm Futures Lowerâ€"Live Stockâ€" â€" Latest Quotations. Toronto Grain Markets. CATTLE MARKETS. .mqu“gqnoud ‘s on Eim io Chicago Live Stock. Tuesday Even wheat . futures Cheesa Markets. BY NEW YEAR‘S DAY khoat stasef : bid, . October 6.50 8.50 10.00 82 0 14 0 14 27.00 12.00 2.90 «40 .85 5 75 78 .24 .20 ‘16 82 70 c * In ‘ Mr.: _ an s nds n n .4 sdites :4 mithaipeâ€"as 6 m e thauptâ€"â€"At Berlim,: mond .: N Mr. and Mrs. J. C. C A daughter. : ) .loya-M.swm Sask., Sept. 21. to Mr. Mrs. 1. W.~Moyer,. daughter. Evelyn. Py Emt CCC . > ue B Steincrâ€"At S1.. Jacobs, Bept. .Mr. and &M m: & ~ Kuntzeâ€"At Hamburg, Seph to Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Kuntze, daughter. Davidsonâ€"At Berlin, Sept. 21st, Mr. and Mrs. Henry Davidson, Cornfieldâ€"At Berlin, SepE:..3200, . "W Mr. and Mrs. ‘Al. Cornfield, a »On. Shuert.â€"AÂ¥t Toronto, Sept. 5th, : to Mr. and _ Mrs. Thos, Shuert, (nee Myrtie Trussler of Wellesiey), @ BUT. Kaufmanâ€"At Berlin, Sept. 2ist, to Mr. and Mrs. R. Kaufmann, 4 daughter. Stumpftâ€"At Floradale, Sept. 14th, to Mr. and Mrs. U. Stumpf, a son. Kochâ€"At Conestogo, Sept. 22nd, to Mr. and Mrs. David R. Koch, . a daughter. Brubacherâ€"In Woolwich, Sept. to Mr. and Mrs. Henry S. Brubacher, A@UEOApEPeCCRY REWEZTDY O COPCOg O ECZS RPRT OA I Mr. _ and Mrs. R. Kaufmann, 4| rooms, hall, # clothes closets, . panâ€" J daughter. wwy and summer kitchen, and . the J Stumpftâ€"At Floradale, Sept. 14th, to| whole house has been newly painted, Mr. and Mrs. U. Stumpf, a son. repapeted, and piped throughout fof j Kochâ€"At Conestogo, Sept. 22nd, ‘Otutuul gas guch_u «ised for fuel Mr. and Mrs. David R. Koch, & and light.. Good hard water ° wellf daughter. | at house, and cistern upstairs, the Brubacherâ€"In Woolwich, Sept. to water being. piped to kitchen. Large Mr. and Mrs. Henry S. Brubacher, hipâ€"roof barn 40x60 It., 18 ft. posts, | a son. on a stone basement with 8 it walls | Snyderâ€"Near Floradale, Sept. 22nd, and cemented floors; shed and pigger} to Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Snyder, . a 40x60 with 24 ft, posts and on ston( son. â€" . wall, with silb therein 9 {t. in dia | MARRIAGES. meter and 26 ft. high with _ ‘cement : bottom, cement floor and trou; in Spiegelbergâ€"Warnholzâ€"At Berlin,Sept piggery part, and all manure j#/kept 21st, _ Arthur Spiegelberg, to Marâ€" in shed; driveâ€"house 30x40 wi 1: tha Warnholz, both of Berlin. ft. posts, on stone wall 3 \feef higl Brownleeâ€"Hilliardâ€"At ~ Minneapolis, | feedâ€"house 8x12 ft.; machine shed 20: |â€" Minn., Sept. 25th, James Browwlee 30 ft.; hennery 14x14 ft., with | car formerly of Waterloo to Ella Hilâ€"‘ penter shop above; sheep shed 10 : liard, daughter, of Mr. and Mts.} 10 ft.; there is also a hay fork an Thos. Hilliard, Waterloo. 'track in barn, lightning rods on . #} Brubacher â€"Staufferâ€"At Hamilton, | the buildings on the farm, and . g00; Sept. 23rd, by Rev. Dr. Williamson,'ortesian well inside the batu. Th formerly of Berlin, Heury M. Bru-;house and outbuildings are all firstâ€" bacher, of near Berlin to Lena class and conveniently laid out, with L Stauffer, of Chicago. la fine row of shade trees in front Seeburgerâ€" Schwartzâ€" At Berlin,‘and _ on sides of house, and | larg« Sept. 23rd, by Rev. G. D. Damm, lawn. Thke proposed electric railwa) Jacob Sceburger of Waterloo, to‘ will run past the property, and ther« Edith Marie Schwartz, of Berlin‘‘is a daily mail route and stage past Fergusonâ€" Secordâ€" At St. Cathar-:property from Dunnville. The ownc ines, Sept. 17th, Andrew C. Ferguâ€" keeps some 25 head of cattle, 7 hor son, of Galt, to Etta L. Secord, of ses, 33 hogs and sheep; the land | ‘is St. Catharines. ‘all‘lree from stones and snags . anC Fleischhauerâ€" Mickusâ€" At Weltesicy, under _ fine cultivation. The farm i Sept. 22nd, Simon Fleischhauer, tos about square, and conveniently divi â€" Edith, daughter of Mr. Albert Mic-’ded into fields, all of which can b _ kus. | reached by a lane running throug! ‘Mercerâ€"Whit&-z\t Galt, Sept. 23rd, the farm. There . are over 360 rods Arthur W. Mercer to Ethel Rose of wire fencing and the balance is } White, both of Galt. j board and rails. There are 24 acres. ‘meadow, 30 acres pasture, 12 acres PEATHS. | wheat, 20 acres oats, 20 acres plowed * ; land, and 3 acres of an orchard, con Muchenbadhprâ€"At Gravenhurst, Sept. sisting 0# 6 peach, 6 plum and 4 21st, Peterâ€" Muchenbacher, formerly peat trees, 4 grape vines and the bal of Berlin, aged about 60 years. ance of the trees are apples. The Ryanâ€"Near _ Breslau, _ Sept. lBth.'PYmPel'OUS Town of Dunnville or the ~Thos. Ryan, in his 75th year. , Grand Trunk Railway (Buffalo & Keachieâ€"At Beverly, Sept. 23r1d, Jas. Goderich Division}, with a populat Keachie, formerly of Galt, in his ion of over 2900, is within 4 miles 56th year. § _of the property, and has one of the Fleischlrauerâ€"At Welleslay, Sept. 10, best weekâ€"day markets of any town infant child of Mr, and Mrs.. Chas. in Ontario, high and public schools, * Fleischhauer. , churches of all" denominations, storâ€" Kilgorcâ€"In aPeel, Sept. 19th, Susanâ€"‘ °8 of all kinds, 2 banks, 2 flour and na â€" Kilgore, widow of the late Erist mills, 3 knitting mills, cream Samucl Kilgore, aged 80 years, 3 °TY, 2 woollen mills, canning factory months and 15 days. apple evaporator, vinegar factory, â€" . Liphardtâ€"At Berlin House of Refuge, | planing mills, sash and door factories, Sept. 22nd, Florence Liphardt in lumber yard, hammock factory, foun her 33rd year. | dry, 3 machine shops, 5 blacksmit] Rotharmelâ€"At â€" Berlin, Sept. 22ngd, ShoPs, express, telephone and _ teleâ€" l Miss â€" Susannah Rotharmel in, her graph offices. The Grand River and 50th year. | Welland Canal Feeder runs through 1Sagcrâ€"z\t Preston, Sept. 21st, Carl the town, with fine boating and fishâ€" Sager, in his 831d year. 'ing, and Lake Erie is about 5 mil McNallyâ€"Near Blair, Sept. 21st, Flâ€" °S distant. This is the best farm in mina Huber, wife of Isaac M(‘Nally;‘ the Township, and the owner is comâ€" aged 51 years, 3 months and 14 P®Ued to sell on _ account of illâ€" days. t health. Possession in fall. Terms lone-hnl( cash. Price, $8,800 For furâ€" â€" -â€"â€"â€"â€"'-‘ % ther particulars write or call on | TOO MANY FLIES. â€" . @EORGE MUNCE, Muchenbadberâ€"At Gravenhurst, Sept.. 21st, Peterâ€" Muchenbacher, formerly of Berlin, aged about 60 years. | Ryanâ€"Near _ Breslau, Sept. 18th. ~‘Thos. Ryan, in his 75th year. P Keachieâ€"At Beverly, Sept. 23r1d, Jas. Keachie, formerly of Galt, in . his 56th year. 1 § Fleischlrauerâ€"At Welleslay, Sept. 10, infant child of Mr, and Mrs.. Chas. * Fleischhauer. ? Kilgor:vâ€"[n"ea, Sept. 19th, Susanâ€" na _ Kilgore, widow of the late Samucl Kilgore, aged 80 years, 3 months and 15 days. Liphardtâ€"At Berlin House of Refuge, Sept. 22nd, Florence Liphardt in â€" her 33rd year. Rotharmelâ€"At â€" Berlin, Sept. 22nd, l Miss â€" Susannah Rotharmel in, her 50th year. !Sagcrâ€"z\t Preston, Sept. 21st, Carl Sager, in his 831d year. McNallyâ€"Near Blair, Sept. 21st, Flâ€" mina Huber, wife of Isaac McNaily, aged 51 years, 3 months and 14 | days. The country during the later stage of the drought which has just been happily ended by Monday‘s rain, was troubled with an epidemic of small minute flies, which swarmed about in clouds and whose presence was the caase of much unpleasantness. Many are wondering from whence the flies came, and why they came,. The hot weather was the cause of the preâ€" sence of these millions of little inâ€" sects. They are very prevalent out West in the American states and in the Canadian Provinces. Never beâ€" fore were they so plentiful in _ these districts, however. _ They germinate in sewers, sloughs and stagnant : waâ€" ter. Medical men said that with the first breath of cool weather the little insects were bothersome to horses zud men as well. They flew in one‘s cyes and on one‘s clothing. In the ‘disâ€" tricts where they were more plentiful, it is necessary for men to wear nets about their hats to keep the pesky inâ€" sects from their eyes. * LOST.â€"A Red Cow with haiter and chain. White spots on animal. Apâ€" ply L. Huehnergard, Butcher, Bortin, Ont. 40â€"t, Comfortable u Ihetp Bro on the Tromines a gaed rough cast and Mrs, Carl Home For Sale Berlin, Sept:. 22nd, to Jacob Kuntse, . & P * ~~ 3 Aimiahi, wi t. 26rd, t0 M*~] mites â€" of 2 Â¥ ‘28rd, 0 m.l Eé-v\ 4| chopping Sask., Sept. 21. m c W.~MoyeÂ¥,â€" ~*] on .the road. 120 a obs, Septâ€" +9) good hardw Steiner, a ~$CBâ€"| ,f beech al Ne 42, of beech and maple timber, Soil «48 tlay: loam .{very. meliow), with . some good black‘ "ground; land is * lrained byâ€" »uriace drains, and water=] . ed by four ponds, of which three have water the whole year rowid, with an artesian well and two dug wells at house and outbuildings, and land has good drainage. \ etv jatZe and attractive buildings; the dwelling being brick, 14 storey, 20x20, 20x36x 20x830 feet, on stone wall, with good cellar®© thereunder, 6§ ‘feet high . and cement floors. ‘The housg contains 9 390â€"tf Eaus SPECIALIST WILL VI8SIT: GUELPH, October 15th. GALT, Oc W k HOUSE, sATURDAY, ',M‘l- uï¬â€˜ï¬y All day and evening. | still anger quantities of time searching for the remedy that I offer you hore. ' id MEN OP ALL AGBS BSUPFRER v‘alcocElE M'lh-hmmm : Mm + _ RUPTURE is heir that so completely uniite him for the duties or pleasures of lifs as Varioocele. on'&-.- To mp 'E: vitaiiy t "it in doing o now and it not spoubed wih =. lï¬ m-mmmm,mhcrhofl- Eâ€;â€" in to be cured by medicineâ€"free trinls, or belteâ€"my will curs you ; .-'ur-y": return to l.nrm:‘m‘lmh o mmode benetit, mt‘.u'nm ic -u..-q' :P:::"...... Susinest. i pou _Mu@'-gfl.umnï¬-m-gflgm,w sume 0f Momy and s "aw time 7"‘-1“" consutt -1 :n-ua- at inï¬--d-vnâ€m“ “-'::u.“"":dw;â€";ï¬. m 7? "““‘-Wï¬%amm,m young. D BEOTHERS "Look t your thildren â€" Now in Whe time to bare them cured, while young. . Y. EGAN, Specialist on‘t them up handicapped in the race of life, with â€" es "_MY CHARCGMS ste within reach of all, the poor ‘man as poll as the rich. Terms can be Established 1866. _ Over 30 Years of Success in Toronto, Ont. M.C.R:, 1 14 miles Dunnville, Ont & Ruptur And 20 actes th a good lot §EE DATES BELOW. a Alde ' Parcal ~No. 1 c@nshts of parts of ‘Piots 14 and 15, Con. 9. and pa<} ‘fot lot 14, Con. 10, Township . ef Normandy comprising 1674 acres :of which 60 acres is a good hardwood oush. The buildings are a good ban‘ sarn, _ 72x82, centre posts 36 feet high. Stone stgbling underneath ta pable to accommodate 50 to 60 heyd i cattle and 8 to 10 horses. A zood frame sheep stable and wagon |shed, a good pig stable and a ;,00d _ frame house. A strong spring of fine *l"w.ux near buildings, so that acithâ€" ez jpump nor wWindmill is necessary. \| This parcel is bounded on Wes! \|ay G.T.R. and Ayton station _ 0.. ; said R. R. om North by ‘Saugeen River and Village of Ayton, on ‘ | East by Wengers Mill Pond.â€" In order to wind up the estate of the late Noah Wenger, of the village of Ayton, Towaship of _ Normaud~, and County of Grey, the followifg :::n lands are offered at private €:â€" Farm Lands for Sale Parcel No. 2 cousists of East part of lot 16, Con. 9, Tp. of Norman1/, comprises 50 acres, half of which is bush > ~ This parcel is bounded on West y Wenger‘s Mill Pond, on North 5) Village of _ Ayton on East by Sideâ€" road .. No bwildings on this arcei having heretofore been farmed wit] varcel No. 1. These lands are goo!l warm soil and do not require drain ing. s Apply to Aaron Wenger, Ayton P.O. or to A. G.‘Camppell, Barrister, Harriston. H. H. Miller, M.P., Hanover, Execi tors. There ate many advantages _ wit, these lands such as nsarness to K R. station, to mill, to market, t« zood school and churches, etq., full«: particulars _ of which, and other ad ‘antages will be given by letterâ€" t: intending vurchasers on Chquiry. Voters‘ List Court Notice is hereby given that a Cowm t will be held pursuant to the *"Voters List Act" by His Honor, the Judge of the County Court of the County of Waterloo, at Grasser‘s Hotel, Bridge. port, 02 the 12th day of October, 1908, at 10.20 a. m. to hear and determine the several complaints of errors and omissions in the Voter‘s List of the municipality of the North Division of Waterloo Township for 1908. â€" All persons having business at the Court are required to attend at the said time and g-ce. lllg.ted the 20th day of September, GEO. A. TILT, 30â€"2t Clerk of said Municipali ty. GALT, October 16th 192 West King St. ; P.0. 539, Toronto. : Oct 17th. SATURDAY ~~©b0 meh‘whnd boys‘ suits to be slaughtâ€" ?gz 27 ; (uk Her mpoaeraie, o n a * a All “'â€M gm tsA ‘"_ _ All 5.00 Buits» going at 375 _ ~*1 ~All .6.00° Saits going at 4 50: All 10,00 ‘Buits going *at 7.50 _ ~ All 15,00 Buits going at 11.25 :‘ All 20.00 Suite?going. at 15.00 Come Saturday Sure Men‘s and Boys‘ Suits â€" M. WILDEANG Star Clothing Store I Farm Headquarters 1 make a specialty of Michigan Farms. Write for Bookiet. CHARLES D. FISKB Chamber of Com. DETROUIT, MICH J. BALL & SON, Mutual Life Ass‘ce Co. of Canada Real Estate and Insurance Agents. Why pay rent when a home can be bought so cheap. If you own a home you‘re lucky! If youdo not, come to ns and you will be surprised how easy t is to own one. Look over the following PARTIAL LIST. $1350 82100 Buys 8 room brick house on William St. szsm Buys 2 storey brick house, ali conveniences, Terms to suit buyer. 88800 Buys 7 acres fine garden land on which 14 story frame house and bank barn convenient to Waterloo and Berlin Markets, Kasy Terms. Lots in all parts of the town. Jffiice: King St., above Fischer‘s Billiard Parlor St. Jacobs Cider Mil} Cider mill open Sept. 22, 23, 24, and also 29 and 30 th, and every day durâ€" ing October exceptâ€" Saturday‘s. Appâ€" les for evaporating will be taken in on and after the 25 gept.emher for which Purity Flour _ Glydesdalo Stock Food A full! and fresh stock of all kinds of poultry food is always kept on hand. J. H. Schnarr Consisting of 30 acres choice land, new house and barn, also chicken house. s'prlng water on place. About {} miles from Waterloo. A ain taken at once. ~Must be sold. terms. â€" For further particulars call or write to A. C. Bender, Mackie Block. Trespassin Trespassing strictly forbidden on the rcnhu of 5.. nnd.ynlgod.- All d.? ound on propeflé will be destroyed. mR A. E Quickfall\ _ T would inspect stock the stables, _ , _ , . T high is toorgughly upâ€"toints. |§'§§:€m&'&"‘ it may be sure of baving their wants satisfactorily Alled here. Moderate . Prices Sole Rarmers requiring a set of Prices are within reach of all, Farm For Sale Buys 7 room red brick house on Queen St. A snapâ€"â€"must be RGood LCoods Geo. Ers St., WaTERLOO. aent for Purity Flour and ydesdale Stuck Food. NEW HARNES8 siennews $y J ‘reomicuss 10 King St. W. . Berlin, Ont. orbidden ’ Mr. Moses Jantzi, Minnesots, 100 acres. Mr. Pierce Farrwell, St. Clements, 130 acres. ' Mr. Bobbery, St. Clements, 186 acres. 4 | Mr. Guilt, Hampstead, 1CO acres. Mr. Hagedorn, Berlin, 100 acres. ; Mr. Knechtel, Mannheim, 150 acres. f Mr. David Hillgartner, New Dundee, 50 acres. â€" ~Mr. Strow, Conestogo, 150 acres. f f Mr. McCrady, Canboro, 100 acres. Mr. Harvey Dilts, Canboro, 205 acres. Mr. Conrad Wettlawfer, Buffalo, 130 acres, Mr. Culver, Cosby, Canboro, 150 aeres. s Mr. Urias, Sneider, Detroit, 150 acrea. Mr. Daniel, Gerber, Minnesota, village property. a\ I feel almost positive that I will sell auother 20 to 25 the next three months. Also have some farms to rent. The followini farms have been sold near Canboro, Ont.. by John Hill, most of which have been disposed of in the last four months Mr. David Gasho, Wellesley, 2094 acres. ® Mr. John Schwartzentruber, Wellesley, 80 acres. t Mr. Salomon Leis, Baden, 85 acres. Mr. Daniel Jantzi, Tavistock, 145 acres. Mr. Heury Hostedtler, Wellesley, for Mr. Steubing, 75 acres. Mr. Adam E. Ratz, Tavistock, 285 acres. Mr. Allemang, Berlin, 200 acres. a Mr. Abram Cressman, Berlin, 95 acres. «3 Mr. Méyer, Berlin, 205 acres. Mr. Hallman, Berlin, 140 acres. , Mr. Kufske, Berlin, 150 acres. & C Mr. H. Wagner, Philipsburg, 100 acres. i \ Mr. Werner Yungblut, Tavistock, 190 rcres. FARMS SOLD . â€"â€"JOHN HILL _ A beautiful farm consisting/of 126 acres on the main road to Blooming: dale from Bridgeport. 4 mile south of Bloomingdale and 4 miles from Berlin. On the farm is large white brick house and kitchen and a beautifullawn,large bank barn, driving shed, and all necesâ€" outbuildings in good condition. SOil clay loam, 10 acres in fall wheat, 13 acres in graes, 5 acres in bush and the balance in fl)od state of cultivaâ€" tion. The land is all level and easily worked. An orchard of 2 acres consistâ€" ing of fruit bearing trees of various varieties such as apples, pears, plums, etc. Good supply of water with windâ€" mill, This farm is one of the most deâ€" sirable properties in the County. For further particulars apply to | MRS. WEBER, _ 40â€"1mo Bloomingdale, Ont. sirg 31 aores, s‘tuated one ha‘f mile v.n_urm%:.Amln;-dm hard and pine:buch. 3 stone house with 8 rooma, muxm and drivâ€" ing n..a“;ud aod soft water and running m., .u;#fm for matkes gardening. teraee, Apply to _ ___ _ _ _ Now is the / That very valuable farm bolon;lnf to the undersigned. situated three mi. from Auburn station, six miles from Blyvb.’l)mu.nhoolumeroflot. 2 acres of bardâ€"wood bush, 2 acres of :schud., flnt-eh-i tmfldlna ;ï¬ fencâ€" , well wa 6 high cultâ€" ivation udmhn& soil, one of the best farms in the country. Termseasy. Apply to , Phone No. 552. 35 $m0s, FARM FOR SALE The undorsigned ofers hie form contal Breslau Cider Mills Farm For Sale IN THE VICINITY OF CANBORO, ONT. Farm for Sale Farm for Sale For further particulars apply to Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. THOS. BROWN, Blyth. #4 WiM, J. BTINBON, AUGUST YONDRAU, E. SHANTZ & CO. , Ont. The undersigned offers for sale his tarmcomhun&otu 101 acres in the Township of Wellesley, con. 11, Lot 9 east section, situated about 2 miles southâ€"east of Linwood. (Un the farm ilnqood brick bhouse and bank barn and implement shed. ‘The soil is of a clay loam. 85 acres are under cultivaâ€" tion, 8 acres bush and 6 acres sown in fall wheat. Fall ploughing nearly done, never failing spring creek runnâ€" ing through farm. m reasonable. For further particulars apply to George W. Lichty _ _‘ _ _ The a ed offers for sale his valuable oo NoiA ie q en ie ie us beizuot ie ::E.::Jc oulti on mrletics" T orogh nao thghes _ Tor baring tg apply on the 841. Now is the time to buy. Many Homeâ€" steaders proving up. I bave many choice farme, wild and lmx.rovod adâ€" joinlug new towns on C.P.R. and G.T. Pacific. Prices twelve to ".x:'r‘ dollars per acre. Cash will buy er. Don‘t miss this. Call or write. Land!â€" Land!l Guermeoy. _ Real Estate. Sask g. B. BILEEEXLN SHIPPING 8068 WANTED 6â€"tf e ns Ti O o want s ‘sgont Farm For Sale AGENT WANTED Farm for Sale PELHAM NURSERY 00,, A Coronto, Ont, SXVL aenoen, , 185 acres. aterioo, Ont, , All stock is s >: