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The Chronicle Telegraph (190101), 20 Feb 1908, p. 17

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; e question of securing addit 7 C y a e t aruaty S0l e COs . SA ‘%, ‘N"‘tk S i « o lk o n s hi "aore the y Of Nigge‘ra nower 3 wcx;um:la. , tintenden , who recently at~ tende mm;mn of« Electrical and Ca§® Managers in 0}0.;:. stated hat it was the general‘ opinion that ib was useless ‘ to expect â€" Niagara power. | delivered: in ‘Western‘ Ontario until after the next Provincial ~clecâ€" tion _and that the question will{be a "tpolitical football" during the camâ€" _ Commissioner‘ Lang was . of same opinion and stated that the lay in distributing Niagara power *;z: ipt. Philip : submitted the . folâ€" win report / to. the Commission, which will be interesting re}qu to Berlin ratepayers;â€" * _ Gentlemen:â€"As ordered, I ‘herewith m on ‘the: cost of moving _‘ the Street Railway plant to Gaukel St. . “O problem of providing power | B!lfln growing load is one that reâ€" guires serious consideration. _ It was stated by the Hydroâ€"Electric Power Commission two and a half years ago, that Niagara power would be delivered in Berlin inside of two years from that time. The time has gone b{, and they are as far away from the delivery of it as they were then.‘ ‘They are now contemplating the disâ€" tribution of the. power . at 120,000 ;&oljo. This will require the developâ€" ment jof apparatus for this : voltage, §, it is not manufactured. They also ~#ast year that if the various 8 carried, they would be buildâ€" "the Tine by the first of March, reas the Government has not conâ€" d the matter yet. They . see giving all their attention }2 nlo. If they would go abead and ly ‘poer to the ‘western municiâ€" tics who want it, or show that they:intend to deliver power, the Commissioners would know what to do. es + We have got to the point of either refusing to take on more consumers, which is not in the interest {‘.li the plant, or in the line of good siness management, or the town must furâ€" mish more morley to provide machinâ€" ery for the increasing load. The elecâ€" tric end of the business is in . such ghape that it is not necessary to worry about it paying its way, and it additional plant were installed, it would continue to take care of , the additional capital costs in the revenue Arom the increased load. ~If Niagara power is finally deliverâ€" ed to Beriin it will be necessary to spend about $30,000.00â€" for machinery 2 slistrihute it, and this would be e\ end of capital expense . in . the 'fi%wet house. This is the only thing in favor of Niagata , power. It the ' ission spend the same amount of mofey on â€" additional plant, . it rould take care of the load for . six â€" eight years, when it would be sary to provide more plant _ if town continues to grow . as it in Th ,*:tion as it looks to me is Commissioners â€" made ; a pt with the Steam _ Heatin; ).tide them ovér until Niagara Superintendent‘s *Report when raised on pure, nutritious Made entirely from the finest West o e riost modern mills Boys and Girls Grow Wit i PURITY FLOUR Retailed of ~‘ the m throughout the Great Domin 1 That‘s why Purity EKlour Makes Bread that Builds Bone and Muscle Making a tot sary if the €d ...23:ias. Under‘this _ last arrangement , 1 would be necessary to ascertain the |, cost of power at the plant . as . ICâ€" |j arranged, and operate it as . a part |; of the plant in general and charge |, the street .railway with its portion |;j of power at the cost of malong | it. The balance would be chargeable . to |, the lighting end of the business. In |, this way, the railway power â€" should |, ;cust as little as it did or less in |, proportion to the amount usell, =as th> same help would be used for makâ€" ‘ing more power ond would cost less | per H.P. for ‘fixed charges. | _ Yours truly, ost ol new were mov were moved ...... .cul.ccl.. $ ost of providing room to inâ€" stal the present . generator on the Yand at,the rear of the present railway â€" power house, so as to provide room â€"to instal the emgine purchased in the present enâ€" gine room, . with its generâ€" ator, on the land at rear in the same extension as . the present generatof ...« loving engine from Preston, nw foundation, piping, ctc. ‘xtra copper required over what is HOW UP .....câ€"sece. Western Canada Hard : mills in the world. . Bread The North American Oil anl Gas ppany asks for rights to distribute d London .. Youwll MW Bread the children will butter," by baking with f al expense necesâ€" plant were movâ€" chimney if plant E. J. PHILIP, Superintendent Strong and Sturdy Wheat by latest improved methods in the $1,550.00 1,000.00 $150.00 vnnuzcuda FLOUR WiLLG C3,, Limited Wills at Wianipeg, Coderien and Arandon 600.00 000 .00 400.00 P0 q PARMTCCE DC of the Publi 00 |ed with the â€"| Trustee R: M!ccssal‘y to e it was not i gt in teac! he |are most nei Câ€" {pupils. _ He rt |chers forh &° |and securc a OR |instractions it. | Principal : to {ore of the In |not receive ild |other subjec Mâ€"[fact that a S |tions onlÂ¥ "Rani hrnada P fl 1 Board _ Tuesday . ‘6l } enlage it was dee "",' j the teact ’& all . the: assiftance possible by>‘s "tor . *.; ,‘: ‘ cient number . of coples of a ©mouth y . periodical ‘on Imfla 4 emeéent and in additfon an effork wi made to urggglw; class of he? teackâ€" ars ~an4 . mm: competént Thstruc tor to give"lessons on the eagicst fuoâ€" thod to acquire. and te&h the snatsâ€" cular ‘movement . in the schools.: Th: Board " also passed a resolutign" askâ€" ing Athe. Education Dopartebt {20 in wrease the number of marks Bi€en for _ Trustee Euler introduced. the subject ‘and poinked outthat the writing _ of the _ pupils from the Public 8 s very inlerior ~and the.recgnt. To fort . of ‘High School \Inspector draws abtention to the ‘fact that.there:; it poim â€" for improvement. Mr; Eloler swas . of the" opinion that | writing is RAiven a secohdary place and»very (ow Teachers give‘ . the subject the atten tion it deserves. . In his opinien WKFilâ€" ing, was: more importgnt to tha syel: ige pupil than grammar; . a pubjeci ivhichâ€"abhould fot beâ€"taught until the highar ~rooms ate feached/ is 1d6a 5t the Public School systemias â€" it hould be is to give thc‘fiil'wha\ ‘s "neededâ€" m{uh‘auer they" leave school. As‘ ib is at presont atten tion is devoted ‘to fitting the ~ five ver cent.. of the pupils who attend the High Schools and allow the 9 jer cent .. to get along as best. they tic cb th se ‘Trustee. Schilling questioned wheth: er the Board could legally make this expenditure. He,. however, . agrced with ‘Frustee Euler that something should beâ€" doneâ€" to imptove the wii tliug at the Putlic Sghoo!s. He re ferred to the fact that he has notic ed that boys entering the factory ard wnable: to do the Simplest form. 0 bookkkoping and .in the*majority .0 eases afe very poor writers. _ | Trustee Pequegnat said he was as (hamed of the writing of the pepik of the Public Scheols wheh, comP4T od with the writing of other school | Trustee Ruby ashed why it was n l(l‘sSal‘}r to have business colfegs it was not on account of the â€" nog ct in traching those subjects whic lare most necessary to the majority 0 {pupils. _ HMe suggested that the: tea Achers fowh themselves â€"into a clas ‘an.. He suggested that tie Boatd encourage® the teachers in acquiring the musoular movement by subsctibing or a sufficient number of copics .. 0 the best joutnal om Muscular Move ment and have them distributed aun ong the teachers ofâ€" the higher divi i0nS. The ind secure a competent teacher to give instractions in muscular movement. Principal Suddaby pointed out tha‘ one of the reasons «why writing doe: not receive the same attention _ a other subjects is on account of (the fact that at the Entrance Examina tions â€" only 50 marks is allowed . fs writing while 100 marks is _ givo on other subjects. _ Trustees Hilliard, Vogt, Hett. an: ‘Snttler also spoke ‘on the ‘question afte» which the Board instructel Se cretary Pequegnat to subse(i;)_e o optes . ofâ€" teachers‘ edition _ 0 the‘ Muscularâ€"Movement J ournals. Want Marks ° lncre\as,cd. It was moved by TruStees Rub ase.the miu : subject o equivalent subjects . a dis wC OF SPECIAL he h6 & *eat without tha xamng rabl t mabwte i. + 43 .{;‘_,,&;J. nion jof . thi on o xk tn6 io: odode ot" allowing. the teaching. of writing in: the Public Schools to be ueglesues ans that u*;“;-:fiif‘ tac 51â€" tninyyibject the quihber of . inark Hooe" *ve raimed To Tere or un marks . altowed" for . such subjeci as Arithmetic, grammar, ete. . . an that a copy ‘of this résolution . bt sont to the minister of education. â€"The following réport was submitta by the special Music Committee ) . Music Committee‘s Report. To the Members of . the Public Sehoo) Your Committee, appointed: to 1oo! into }he teaching of . mu§ig . in tb public sehools beg to" repott as ‘fol lows:= PP . N e ie 20 UE SE TD Nacsd T s to give the scholars quite a thorâ€" ugh elenn&taw knowledge â€" of the Theory of. Music, a less satisfactory nowledge of Sightâ€"singing and‘ . too slight an acquaintatite,with songs. In hort the teaching of" the science of nusic has been given primaty‘ im» "ortance, _ whereas in â€". our opinion <ightâ€"singing andâ€" its practical appliâ€" â€"stion‘to somgs should gecupy the ‘rst place in any system of musicinâ€" . truction in. the Public‘ Schools. Whil> there is much to commend â€" in the program at: present followed, . we »elieve _ it could be advantageously banged in some ‘Fespedts ard would ~ecommend that ~a Cp%fifl@m‘ be ap« *ointed to make such Fevision s _ â€"â€" In thus pointing out â€"what we â€" beâ€" leve to be shortcomings of the prcâ€" .nt system ‘we do not, wish it underâ€" ‘tood that there‘asâ€" aby reflection on he alility of the music director. On h> coutrary it gives us great pléaâ€" | irc to state that we consider him" a lt at eomtelentious . and capable in; Princl ack of uniformity oi {oliowsd by the teac ous schools and an riven of: One teache iours per week to inotber teacher of 1 tevoted 7â€"hours and .\ours\{zr week. The iâ€" contmittee of the arious schools and arepare a ino ind . to report iext, meeting. H M The repor as reccive h olsc sfrcicns J. Walker .. W. N: Betzner Miss Day. :‘ D. Weir J 1. â€"Kaempf A. F. gfim E. J. Wood C. Hamshaw A . Eby Suddaby Martin Fischer . Scully. _ \0‘ Cowan ‘on Neubronn fasu Ogram °. «. Reid D. W }os ber ) Zieglet al Suddaby. w&‘ instrucicd e and obtain furthar: inforn music andâ€" submit recomui : to Board. .â€" Attendance at Schools Bird F. KRESS, CHAS. RUBY â€" 3109 Coul lland Avens* King Edward. * No. om Roll Av. Att P 30 86 * Â¥%. :. 46. ie e is es ind the Central. % No. on Roll. Av Att 41 38 d out that th ths Musi Ti No~«wm Roll Av. AAt 84 34.\ ifort ho 1 th B 523 48 . 538 45 30 49 50 s8 34 3% 44 55 the tin ts in t xamjf evofing 4: hmctic, while same «grade ther 3 to td appointed cipals: of the â€" Euler / to i timeâ€"table oatd at th Sehoo! io loo! in tb as ‘fol mitltce nmitic 40 A4 4) 27 ted 16 to Haviag bqnfi:t a lot of Furniture from the Factory : ill give the public the benefit of same, <The following is a | O M Kro ; Bed, regular $3,50, now Leon Welors galy M Cn motion®of â€"Trustees Ruby jaw échilling, the Chairman of the var TGus Dehool Commitltees was appoint »d tolook intq the matter of increa sing the presmt school accommnsa ticn. * s Miss Jessi¢ Walker forwarded kc resignation as a momber of the sta to. tav» effect at end of March, wiic was accepted. The: Central Schoo Committee was instructed to engage ; cessat ~and aswing her to sti( fesignation. Miss Day is in health: Accounts . were passed aud « to be paid amiounting â€" to $2 of ~which $2300.85 was for =@ The Board adjourned _ at uccessor. The Secretary was inst write Miss Day, that the inder the necessity D app .. The ‘closk Richard Catle‘s musical comedy hit the _ ‘‘Mayor.of Tokio‘" will be seen here <a Saturday March Yth. This widely heralded musical comâ€" cdy. comes here with the stamp _ of New . York and.. Chicago approval. Jolin L. Kearney heads, theJist â€" of a large conipany.~ Seats on sale : at box offices~ ~~~ / ~ © One of ims smany featums of Rich ard Carl®‘sâ€" musical comedy the "The Mayor of Tokio‘ is the grand finales. â€"The compahy is headed«. by John L. Kearney and numbers 75 pgo= G. Smith F . Waugh L. Archer Reuter _ Downswell H. ‘Waugh H. Ayres HH. Countney ple. TWO S Icon Bed, regalar. 7.50, now ‘The top ofia carriage wheel in passâ€" inf ‘along the road moves more quickâ€" ty through. g'yn atmosphore than . the bottom. "/ sounds â€" aimost. â€"â€"foolâ€" ‘gh, but i absoltitely sound. â€" It is lte to the movable axis, or axle. the top of. the wheel has forward ‘notion plus: forward revolution. ‘The sottom of the wheel has the, same Lun’xi motion jiminus bacisward: â€"reâ€" olutton.â€"LOndot ‘Saturday Review. Every article in this store at big 1 reductions. Bedrcom suite, reg, $15.50 for Kitchen Cabinets, â€" regular $6.00, Oouches, regular 5.50, now The téport of the Quabec Bridge Commission ds in the | bands â€" of the Minister of Railways. Â¥ MAYOR OF TOKIO 5 plece Hall Ra ks, Austin Hinman Thomson F. Carmichael Tiemdericith Kennedy Riddell Broadigot Tib t P of SPEEDS IN SAME WHEEL Margaret . Avenuce Parlor Suite,reg: $19.00 for No regular $ 6 75, now 337 59 54 47 19.0J. now 48 48 49 401 13.00, mow regulas 7.509 16 50 regular 12. 50 12 Rolk A $0.00 for 26.00 for *b J% yfi‘,fij Li ) Tok 46â€" 10.50 now Edward Lippert, now for 21.00 for 85 00 for 43 19 d 41 12 354 now #1 11 36 47 Corner King and Young Streets, Berlin ATt , nOW to WEAK, PALE AND f wWORN OUTW OMEN Can be Saved From a Life of Misery by Dr. Williams‘~ i Pink Pills. / Women, are called. ths ~‘weaker sex"! and yet nature calls upon them to bear far mote pain than men. With torin why &A did not try 4 Pills ard mentioned which she knew of Tat® had followed some urging I decid and had only used when I â€"began to fc from that Aime on was ‘steady, and ~by vills 1 was. again eMOY‘nE 10 ing > of good health, â€" I cannd strongly urge other discouraged ots to give Dr. Williams‘ l?lnk t Atrig@t" . .0 930A BEC ; {Uorea: ‘Daily News:) Owinz to the vieeâ€"magistrates of An Byen, Chung Pysing and Kap San wot having yet out their hair, the governor of the province has risen in bis wtath and has strongly. requested Th Home _ Departiment to dismiss them from theit positiohs. ring, ~but began to ed $2.05 #12.00 § 4.25. 15 10.00 AUSE THEY WOULDX‘F CI THEIR HAIR: 6.00, $16.00 25 00 m‘v. % ‘?,- "M. ind wh' * NBAE LEA S adalch $ed oR 1075 about i to feel tiat miy Conditicr s. One ‘day a friend aske did not try Dr. Williams‘ nd mentioned several cas he knew of the great b had followed theit use. rging l decided t try the 1 onlv used them a few \ 22.00 0 $.00 The public is invited to call ith K %»4>1 OBaire, reguiar 5Du t fork | Dining Dining cha njoyl Pinitig chairs, quartered oak, r. â€" Peg, per set $19.50 now ~ . fi tered oak, leather, e $25.00 * es Dining chaig!qu’:: 0J " now % Extension Tables, reg. 86.50 net Quartered Oikâ€"Extonsion Tabses _ reg, 15.00,. now Quartered Oak Extension Ta ales ho benefit After 1%, tyuartered oak, : per c'wt $16.00 n& Pil ed me DOES NO HARM ‘Ahe fellowing i ks o m ce Ts . Fluid. Exctract D (ounte; ~Compound K Compound \â€"8 ounbes\: A ‘Jocal dn thotity that these ingredients can be inat cost from > ou The Scranton (Paâ€") Tit " lik to print this rem;z?!ll_t; 3 in October, of 1906, sincs wh the leading newspapers 3'1 Boston," Philadélphia, Pittsbu other â€" cities have mado. mig nouncements â€" of it i0 theit : THE NEWSPAPER MAN This is the product ofâ€" ; fl}w% o itor‘s brain and it is good / s teprint in these column$;} ts o Did you ever think of st?. Suppé every Lbusiness man jn town tooR . much interest in the upboilding th: community and. forwarding . | public interests as the newSpaper }He works for manutactories, . 80 «ail churches, good ,.,.;“(...’*‘;'2._ ;wn]k»,, urges, plui't and "’0;1-?'* p avorts around generally, imag e {eclings then when some. fe ‘(,,;,Q was ncvct,knnfiq to W 3 PeC in anything, reproaches ",'l‘l c doesn‘t boom. things: enoug ho the towt does grow and pr the prices oi rcal cstate ‘advahce, the owners grow ‘nich -‘a,,mt; of his libors, he makes nothing it. He is like the poor boy MÂ¥ rural show, who lacks ten cents . ihe Auaiter t» #ain adiissio® ositively â€"__ ove ack,clears . th nd regulates and few, il ~any, comme@nd@! expect to be éalled, a cowa he »does. not “pllth;hjo" that <some u&w*& and a fool it he speaks o 1y on other occasions; to grind some other fell turn "the . ghindstone M's we ‘think it is not: the worst, sion on earth; one <in, est man can do a groat C tor his fellowmen, and fot‘ thunity and country in W No trouble to show gopda. ural he. 4 TB« $18.0) for his liborts, he makes o enih He is like the poor boy @ al show, who lacks ‘ . quarter to gain adtaission. . ho , man who ‘edits the ay (spanor cannot weH avoid t somebody‘s© corns, ‘at ‘times;. rect to be centnred for.. uhi al failures, must: expect Ward i few, it ~any, €6 ctions 1.00 â€" for 1.50 10w 25 00 32,00 for coward NB 44

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