EN. abakins Â¥ink 2 Waw: 2 RPeri0O0 SX&WRE IULSC TE m us ‘xWYWi- i C , f.m : O oolitinn quaciv Artie t x"’«{f parke. P o e 4 e e o es _ o c s h this week‘s Issue the Chroniâ€" ;\' ‘begins (a. new â€" serial entitled ‘‘The Litile Smflmerd1 adom Come." s . W.D. & Mris. Lee were :"At: * Friday evening, to the memâ€". ‘bf the Bible ‘Class, in connecâ€" ';, fith ‘the Presbyterian Church, @ miost pleasant. eveningâ€"~ was s new shoes make useful gifts. irty of hunters comprising Mesâ€" ‘A. Hergott, L. Winkler, G. Â¥, and .. Winklet ‘returned. from oting trip near Listowel . on tsday. They were very sucéessful ging home with them. 62 hare. Idren‘s Rubber Boots at Zick‘s. B Ethel Hinchélifie of (Ottawa; 31’;" ‘in the Methodist church day evening. She is the possts: of a volce of fimne quality and ‘golo was givenâ€"an effective ~renâ€" ;â€Â»x‘ Addiso "Taylor : who â€" was ".';“ e ~m od;Wednuday evâ€" !';:'Il‘«,;*; ;:’.Wh" and~ cwilt ‘ be able to resume bis dulies staff of the: Waterloo Mutual Co., â€" in 4 tew days awh. the new jeweller ek‘s block, for . your watch reâ€" sells Legxgings and . Overgaitâ€" Eï¬;of the discourse _ being .\ Mr. Elliott of the Methodist i exchanged {puipits with Rev: / Lee, â€"of \fli‘ Presbyterian h, Sunday" motning, . preaching t impressive and pacticularly F. germon : for . the season ‘s Shoe Home for Christmss heremc 4 d 404 l }~ Satisfaction guaranteed, _ or E.:‘fmm preached the third series of sermons. on ‘‘Finger of the Bible Suniay evening, WATERLOO & m source:. of . ACEE®E® for passersby at presont. By f“ w‘wt lttlo me are kept in motion, throâ€" F4 1 current of air supâ€" 9’â€,' %noflve powe! ~ furmi & gmiall : electric slippers 10c M. Devitt, Y DLUG STORE. play with ce and procute same Beutsche Apotheks s in the store are also | ~ â€â€˜d “,†es ‘at Devitt‘s $10.00 a bottle: to $3.50 â€" at y draped, tile also being used PDwi ESS i0 en cokl CReALARH 14179 A+ Print flg: ?1'&‘(1;*‘ ‘?% Yebentu ‘~‘#'~?‘NN» do Â¥* x †4 P : Amagn * s > dl Cemetery â€" euses â€" < :/.‘ :‘= ©19.00 Telephone _: . . . e iA se 1308 Refuad Taxes: . _ â€"19.00 Cement walk acct _ . 406 79 :m Dept. s 30.00 Roads and bridges 74.13 Branch ~sewer, acet 25.43 Charity 449 ‘Town Hall improvement 81 4.146 Sewer Farm ~maintenante Cash on hand Dec. 3ist Sewer Farm maintenance Cash on hand Jan. ist, 1907 372.77 Faxes ‘roll 1907 . 39143.66 Tax arreats > _/ 503.61 Taxes cement walk commuted 313.v m ‘hï¬ul ol . 13“-1, Licenses, sundry â€"__ ~< { *.; $85.85 Fings, fees and rents 320.55 Water Commissioners acct. deâ€" bentures . ... Â¥ Light Commissioners Acct de ‘bentures T o uie ath Government school gramt.‘‘ Cemetery lots Loans < repaid Park receipts R J. Hogg, re. Hogg, Metcalie ~â€" byJaw m » MOMnertt Treasury dept, railway taXx / 282.06â€" Ground, _ planks,sete 57.00 Debenture sales â€" ~35259.29 Debenture sales accrued ; inâ€" e terest $ 875.08 ‘Overdrait in Bank 16857.8. Mayor‘s salatry Town clerk‘s salary Treasurer‘s salaty ' Assessor‘s salaty ‘Tax Collector‘s salary : Auditor‘s salaty _ Deputy â€"Returning officers Calculating debentures â€"* G. T. R. Watchman r,Rt;gistutiOn of births ‘Revising Voters‘ lists and ~.court appeals Sundry Allowance + Law â€"costs Printing andâ€" Advertis rig Polite service _â€" * Board _ of . Works _ FINAL SESSION TOWN CoUNCIL Mass Meeting to Discuss Niâ€" agara. Power:.. Question. + Court of Revision to be Held Jan 9th. The Council of 1907 held their last session of _ the year on Monday even ing . Préesent the Mayor in the ¢bai ard Messrs. J. B. Fischer, L Gray hill, . Suggitt, B. E. Bechtel D January 1st to A detier was réad by Chairman â€"o! the: Fire Committee from J. Ball & Son in which figures . and tates were submitted : for. insuting the firemen against : a0¢ dent. It â€" was â€" decided ‘bowever. 10 leaye . the matter. ic mt year‘s â€" Councii for consideta â€" A letter was read â€" from &rï¬ dian Fire ~ Underwriters‘ Association in ".‘gï¬: to "the â€" necessity . of â€" look ing . _hydrants and otherf mat ters in connéétion ~with Waterloo‘® fire protection so as to guard agains! the cold â€" weathor. Jan. 1su to Dec. 1i Expenditures Ekpenditure ales; accrued in @ist 0_ $78. 9 iteriance ...‘ 872.77 ..>""‘ > $14,056.00 Dec. 15th, 1907, $105291.2) 15th, 1907. " <€14700:09 w2 14956.00 1233.20 85700 238.00 $400.0 211.50 118.4 814.46 32.16 79.58 22:79 239.96 496.08 884.50 2116.36 131.34 400.00 250.00 250.09 110.00 150.00 6446 22. 00 183.%6, 30.50 C 5.4o .50 Insurapce County Taxes Hoakd ‘of ~Mealth Cbarity : . :3 _‘ Street lighting «;. Hydrant Rental & Fire P Stabtinn." 2: 5 <~ .. > j eR . porto *i*"* 3*¢ .o c ca9g: 5 wibe n oorker ogn i. KB Bank: Interest || _ "~ > 800 efund ""%m ..“l “’F‘"’ , Telephone _ ) > * _ ="~> Thae Land cemetery addition. _ ~. _ 250.00 Land extension road . > 153.18 Fire Hall improvements 8144,07 Park Board 1088 .55 Water : Commissioners "debenâ€" * ture sales . , 5006.50 Light Commissioners" balance 3260.40 Grants 800.00 Cement walks A 481,68 Town property t 626.27 Town ‘property against debenâ€" C# s s s s e in c d Etreet Sprlnklin{o PA Cement walks 1907 Eundries as Sewer Commission Loan to Toronto Water:00 Fixture Co. Tash on hand Waterloo, Dec. 16th, 1907.°_~ PB ‘â€" Assets and Liabilities Dec. 15, ‘07. "O-x-x’u.f é'.,l A i ; it Peiicctires to be issued for _ _ local . improvements _ 1210690 Outstanding taxes for 1907 f Cpllectable : 1300.00 Qutstanding taxes previous =â€"_ _ _ Water Commissioners debenture paid 4390.71 Outstanding wccounts 150.60 Cash on hang .. 1644:32 Lisbilities in excess of assets 4001.96 Overdraft in Bank _ 1&34%.33 Trun‘k sewer acct wacl . 410.3¢ Echool endowment Fund _ 545.00 ‘Due : Putlic school f €61.97 Hydrant Rental to Dec $1..%/122.06 Debentures due Dec. 31. 3 3§8.25 Due Sewer Farm Dobenture _ 18§6.0) Taxes â€"Commuted to be paid~ on the â€" question: ;Of Niagara Power and ~it was decided Ao atrange . {0: a . mass meeting to duacuss . the to special acct Outstanding accts subject A Byâ€"law was â€"passed to provide tor â€" Court of Revigion respecting loâ€" cal improvements duflnï¬ the "year 1907 and â€"to provide for the first sitâ€" ting ‘the said court to comprise the Mayor, Reeve, S. Stauffer, G. Suggitt and .D. C. Kuntz. .and. to be held on Thursday, Jan. 9th, 1308 8 o‘clock «t the © Council Chamber. : At the. conclusion of ~the . counsi‘ meeting â€" Monday »evenin3 C hairman Grapbill of the Fire Committee invi ted . the Countil to ‘ins;cct the varâ€" fous ~improvements ‘which have boer made ‘at the Fire Hall. FAREWELLTO Sixty ladies of the Waterloo Prig byterian Chutch assembled at the 16 sidence of Mr. Geo. A. Bruce, â€" Al len street, on Moniday evaning : to Say goodâ€"bye . to Migs Neltic Stuart . and ed ATTACKED BY UNKNOWN; MAN While Miss Mary Spitzig was, re D turning from Mr. J. Baumgaertners 6 store recently, she was attacked opâ€" A"'ED RES'DENT DEA LEAGIJB ! posite Mrs. Wm. Young‘s residence, bnsiie . $ ly â€"Unksown man who stiruck het in| The death of Mrs. Godbold, an the fate, breakinig het glasses, and S‘Md Waterioo occurred at | The members c throwing her t6 the sidewal\ The] her bome on Foundry street on Saâ€" | gie of. the Met young lady called Joudlyâ€" for h»lp,| turday. She was 80 yeat ‘of ~ age. y eventng wheroupon the rufian made _ Mst osâ€"] Her fand : preded "-f'l W 1,- * “. .PC. Le , ,.-; in c m ts * *1 ® 4‘“ y 'ml“' t Fovéral ladics in the Sqith‘ Watd| Tuenday afferm %&- k | mntg on were glso badly fright â€"by a m 3 The residende . MJ UUT.. ME j Cvening n "‘V f 4,{,' AyR mire:l h o 3 'o o â€" th * ‘ ,:":. ..QW:‘ ‘ &g ~a53 ,,?,‘¢~ : " ~ preo ’ . Wl & â€" A w i s Lightand" Heat of es db CExP Current Liabilities Court of Revision s ; 10526134 FORD S. KUMPF, . ~â€" MISS NeLLiE STUAR] Town Treasurer E.’u 11:3.:: 7 859.66 & 128.598 7*85.244 1%.46 y u‘s’.?n $23,893 89 10,000.00 1644.32 $23893.5¢ 962.23 £13.50 ‘sans.00 80.28 28279.91 n::’.:? arg. 91.92 250.00 153.18 8144,07 1088.55 ‘3“‘ ENA H~> S ee _‘ : ; Very SC 200â€"09 | ~prom present indications. thete Pro 4390.71 mises to be a . lively coatest . be 150.00 tween various ‘candidates in the cainâ€" 1644 33 ing municipal . elections, NMr. John 4001.96 Letter upon the solicitations of his friends has consented to be. a candiâ€" ) 893 .59 dat e for the Mayoralty. Mr. J.B. £ *1 rischer is also an aspirant for that position. Mr. Levi Graybill, deputy : â€"| Reeve who has setrved in the: . 4own be4z so | and county councils for a long tertm 110 3¢ | ot ~ years â€" is in the _ field" _ for si5 06 | the pesiticn of Reeve end a number g¢1.95 | of _ tn‘s year‘s (aldermen will also in~~ ar| seek reâ€"clection. %. 543.81 1400.00 17 __~~‘You can save money by buying furs at this store, _ Only good furs find W Letus show yop what a saving to you our marked down prices mean. e .3 it plain and fancy dress goodsâ€"this week at reduced price MUNICIPAL Reeve Fischer and Mr. John Letter Candidates for Mayor. Levi Graybill and A, Weidâ€" enhammer for Reeve. Mr. _ A, Weidenhammer has > â€" also innounced himsclf â€"a . cardidate fot the Reevesbip~and Mr. Geo. . Bugâ€" gitt will bea candidate for . Depily Reeve. WILL ASK CARNEGIE FOR ADDITIONAL GRANT The December meeting of the Wat: erloo Free Library Board was> ~held on Monday evening. : Present W. _H. Riddell in the charr, and Messrs. C. A. Hachnel, Rev. Theo.. Spets, A: Weidenhammer, J..G. Stroh and C Huehnergard. €>~ 4 Moved by Rev. Theo. Spetz, seconâ€" ded by J. G. Stroh _ and ~ resolted that this Board authorize the Chairâ€" man ‘W. H. Riddell and Secretaty C. A, Hachnel to overdraw the current account of the Board in the _ Mol son‘s Bank to the extent of not more than $150 until such a time .as <the Board receives gither the whole or some Part of its annual grantâ€" for the year. 1908 from the Town Counâ€" cil. . Cavried. , "\ K.\ anafiat meetineâ€" ol the Watorlo Pu Tan old . W Febi c R h Cs "-’ c acancy caused by tho resignation of “":;;- Fa L. Brown.~ The a-‘:-te adt vertised" for applicants for ‘ the. ya~ eancy ‘and received cightcen appli tions. which were conteded to‘be the best received in years.. Twelve ol these had excellent recommendations, After careful deliberation the Board appointed Miss E. Beaven, of Hespoâ€" ler, who . was very highly recommendâ€" 1d .by Inspector Thos. Pearce and had â€" testinionials of the highest charâ€" acter as to her ability as a teacher. Miss Bearon has signified her accepâ€" tance of the position and will comâ€" mence her duties at the beginning of the new year, the initial salary Moved by A. Weidenhammer . _ and C. Huchnergard that this woard reâ€" quest the Council ofâ€" 1908 atâ€" theit first moeting to ask Andrew Carne gie for an additional grant of $2,000 to complete improvements and furâ€" nishings of the Free Libraty. ~per yard. J.â€"UFFELMANN being $400 sainly ploass you, / o0 0 O ZINN‘S SHOE STORE Furs Marked Down Waterloo NEW â€" TEACHER ELECTIONS of FOOTWEAR ;is, wo â€" beliere, worthy of your notice. â€" It is mads ap of the bast things Mnlhboxu. and great cure ~has been observed in the selection. ~ We are always op the alert for things to please our customers,â€" and we sjare ho paing to get them. _ You will And it ratisf.otory to of us.â€"â€"The quality of he goods the prices are right every time. * ~Of Meats Renry Reuel Price List of Candy Bohlender‘s Royalâ€"mixed 84 Ibs, for 25c %h«yï¬col)&veoï¬ub’mpa }gc‘ ‘s Own mixed a O::n'n Bon Bong Â¥o Complete your Xinas Di .with ;nm:‘zoup!t?tofgqmbc c’?:?. fire DEATH OF JAMES WOOLNER The following despatch which apâ€" peared. ~ in the . Globo â€", recording the death of Mr.Jas.:. Woolner | will be read. with regret by his many friends in â€" this community where â€" was a former resideng. "A son ‘of deâ€" Cmm cars . w y ul c near Berlin, and another son, Mr. Jas Woolner, _ a member of the %" Interior â€" Hardwoodâ€" Company. â€"_He was also ‘an uncle of Mr. â€" John Devitt who also tcsides near that town. Palmerston, Dec. 12.â€"Mr. .. James Woolher, a farmer ftom neat Mooreâ€" field, was driving across the G.T.R. track about a mile east of Moore field at noon foâ€"day, when he was struck and ~ thrown â€" some ‘seventy or eighty feet wup the track. When picked up he was quite dead. . The horse .escaped. The train was ‘In charge of Wni. Frost, conductor,and George Hamilton, enginser. The late Mr. Woolner was an agont ?“Noflh Waterloo ~Farmers‘ Mutual was about 70 years of age. The mémbers of the Epworth Leaâ€" gue of the Methodist Church .. on Monday eventng took possession ol th pluï¬;' and spent â€" a few hours fl AMly .. in mu;‘n-b. i& I were serv p WA‘%‘-&"""& :. Choicest Alexander House Groc LEAGUE ENTERTAINED Prop. City Meat Ma ket,. . WATERLOO Bohlender‘s (Duerirg‘s ~Old Stand:) OUR LINE Best FOR THE AND Ontario. buy and â€"‘A large stock of dried fruite, candles, nute, stc. . Bought Come and 260. +A se on 1 Finest select raisins 8 Ibe. for 25¢. Raw sugar for Xmas Surocce sounds tor de. â€" _**> _ | ~for L0 .. j 5 please, As we are going out of business we are selling our . 8 Day Black Marbleized Clocks worth $7, for $35,. _ â€"~= $ Day Kitchen Clocks worth $3.75 for $2.30 Musical Alarm Clocke worth $3.5 for $2125 °_ _ â€"â€"__ _ Alarm Clock $1.25 for 93¢. : ied t M All others Clocks reduced in price in proportion cash only, E. J. Roos, H. WOLFHARD &£C0. Hardware and Mecha nics‘Tools, Stove s a d Heating, Plumbing and Ti“"“;‘"""f x,g{ F Highest market price for all kinds of hides ?‘nd m at the Waterloo Tantory. broi put in a neat Christmas: box for the asking. % PERHAPS YOU _ WOULD .LIKE TO SPEND ABOUT $1.25 TO $1.15.â€" each Kid ho. .Â¥ French Ki# Gloves, _ Â¥Fine Painted Opé ‘ Ladies TA + or" Gents‘ mumww ols done up in .4 dozen lots, We bought & lot of Half Linen Five O‘clock mm% Runners for the Holiday Trade. They are embroidered and _ B drawn. All exhibited in 2nd booth. Special each ,...... ..,.aÂ¥ DON‘Tâ€" FORGET We show a full assortment of High Grade Umbrellasâ€" for Ladies and Gents from .......... 28 ol $9.15 to $10.60 FURS ARE PRA_C‘PIâ€"G% x XMAS. GIETS. We guerantee to sell you the Best of Furs to be had at the very lowest legitimate prices. LADIESI!! ‘Are you awate that we carty an extensive range of Gentlemen‘s Initial Linen Handkershiefe? _ â€" (__.} ) _ |_) _0 With narrow hem, the finest of Linen and the finest ofâ€" Inif work in them. > * v<€s s ii1.t x w oae One line we sell at 35¢ each or $1.25 ol 4. %ï¬h “ NYA e Another line at 35¢ each, or $1,85 for $ doten in box. _ _ . Also a number of plain, hemmed Linen Handkerchiefs at populat prices." * isE o. o2 ".}; > Visit the store. Our store decorations nï¬luyl%ï¬m ds. > CLOCKS Great Holiday Sale _ ; {Great Sale of Jagcob C 8troh, Prop A Speotal Attraction in Our Linen Booth . _ J. R. SCHIEDEL, Breslau. G. B. Ryan & GO. Skinsg Wanted J. R. SCHIEDEL‘S, Breslau be Raw sugar for Xmas cake 23 Peninsular _ Ranges _ shades Different Styles includ« ing Some New Lines to Choose From. As Tamalines â€" and yards makes a in a suitable 1 for w LA en Fine Linen Tabk %0, an assortme to choose from, , In the new town» . ‘ (IU.""!|< w . MWt To. Thves _'i_-l. *n, w:'houb- afl y RUG AND. CARPET sible Xmas Gifts, on all Rugs in the house. _ Are also practical and 10 per cent Discount Jeweler, Central Block TAE NEW LAND OFFICE uct noutsha dn Jxk at igLtp! e s {‘{'z-,fl