'itNt'tiial.v,-r- Died at the H T ,‘Berlin, on Sunday A“!!! Vila of the late Fm . fraud ttrar In. own and tattw 'IBN ' ‘ I' [suing 2 to-g"rlrrromr 1ia Mila' a; tot Walérlou (-L...-my. " 'il ' “In Liteeaty and imbu‘ug 'iiiilF)? will hold their next tuisetivg BrEtr, "i Anne iaa4 wtinglhc Mlet!t pmgramme was rel-dam! rititi Ir' wtal music, by Earl Full“. gm tion Its, Bossier. "s Eat _ tr-RasoUed that more know- 1itlll if?, gained by true! than by $13; Atrtrmatéve speakers '_ C. , -, ", I, A. Meyer. Negative _B. .?9'uti 3nd J. Axt. Won " Atrlr- b9tio by one toirtt. 1llgliaft't, cl (Kinney had a j," 's' but! humk‘ud as - “and .mp2] of water at IME 1 doutbuhdou trom here " ‘ . flag in a rock tor their Immu- t A. . we wtiot me an and at? twirling? owr th ' ' one“ has heed co . ‘ ‘ E. E. Mosiman, Milton Snub ‘ 'ti, “(Enact Edwmanr Judges. n :by‘Earl Fuller. . Bp,tltiisir, " (has.somewtiere bysev- Ih ..:Wh¢“- _ , {HM J. Schmidt. , Inâ€: try Clayton Biehn. tf, .. FN?] " T Messrs Rudy, Kolb, Shun g’, Wat. "i'iabtM!tm ‘by s. u, mean. A.“. T ‘ tth. "ist' Sue the King. $431, nu, S. B. Biehn. law, . B. Jr. Lehman- tl 4. society has: now . membership TN - th. 'ttttsta Claus is main visiting at IB We ot Mr. o. J. Stciss. Leave m, Xmas orders with.him. 5X Evangelical Church will hold 1 mm: imam on the 24th inst. ht M plm. , , . Ind Mrs. John Schooner and Mtyter Mable at N. Dakota are 33 " triads and relatives here. " ite, d. Steiss, Broadhagen, is '1†relatives hem, Tl}. . b Zimmerman, North Dak- E " has been absent from his I Jot tire years, is spcnvlmz sew. "e under the parental mot. - Bhrisfmas festival ottle Lu- _ chum-h will be held on Christ. ‘Tfigun 7 M. Jun, stock of pure ground flax Iv; ma oil we ai Hmhn’l "ard- "‘ m. ' l it 1. mi 5i'iji: m R' Md', f ' f Shanna; to , " . c3t . {tutu-m h) mum“ ' IllRg"ir'-1.)piC1i, dtryrv-asut tbro 5a ., , â€gum-nee win be war Mt 'h. â€is ' , -t 7 o, C. Klpg my: K, K. tvit- > 7. ‘ - r. ttesiirit “all to smug E) tk', httkt hut wick. _ IllB, {2. B. Gingrich ot Haunt. Hasit J71 'tttit to hi! hmhru Ira, ' ".asrGierrr jingle M. Cotter I. the now prnsl _. d tho Pen Marquette Rai'.. [In Tomb Daily World will . ., t ilxda" 1 week for YOU“ iii?? to any midi-ecu in the 't "o! Cand- for the sum Newspaper (llhr thirty-Me Med had attained the ups dd ot 98 years. The remains xxx-Le rted.irrthtr Lutheran ctmehry on 'itprubrterttoort, after whiéh wr- tc, were held in the Lutheran 'trm GENTS. 'ry6,e Only hold. good foe a _ In don’t 'neglect .Mcnd mu this .1 1.9 {may in which HEIDELBERG. in given to Agrkn? t1,tl'ld 1080 {in id of, the huh ms. AI: "let, muting I autumn tab bl: Ni. tid iitt12,ept not his PO, “nin I who] Us " ot The hunting won passed very jn Ransom quietly, not very many deer being Mrs. F. C. Ltam killed. There are‘plenty Mt tet. tt St. Agauia last , Not mny door. are uled and hunting Mrs. Ahrens spew is dimoult owing to swamps, Mm 3erlin Inst weak. and rocks, which give the deer a Mr. Jas. me Mr chance to avoid the bmur and {pent Friday in on: dog. A sad accident hnppenul to Miss Mchenn an Wm. Elliott, Sr., pm of the am 'terlttt spent a few 1 settled at mama. while out hm Petettsoet's. ine partridge: near lulu home. _ It Miss Mary Ann tl apt-mu he was attempting to an "terloo Menus. , mm Rome logs and brush when he an Mr. Henry Stone ', hack and the gun was dimrnd. the “it: went. f hut wintering the‘lolt aide below an A number trom " than which earted “Itâ€: death." 'd the Winter Pair let report of the gun as heard my last week. shout ii o‘clock tmd the nelghbon There was a heat .mrncd out to burnt the body we m day Sunday m not loom! um." the next day nboul ll seTerisl inrh‘s M lone o‘clock. There were ahout on! ho Izrnund, and tht hundred men on humans for the ' heard everywhere. respected resident 1nd a good nelgh I 's- wish all the I body: Mr. Ellie“ val l highly oniiNhgraph bin. m was " yea- nld and -t, and u hm N to the Island " years ago. Ills v": --- prniocoatcd him to the MM In Jilwnrd Batman's sum " you: airs. 110 [am one and. in still . n , son, mm.» at hon-3.1m:- itt Hm - ' Hugh (In. Wadi» at Dow lrnborrmon will " inâ€, In. Join Bock " Spring my mum in "mum Janit- nml We,“ home. . TIN - [Rynpallxv ot mammal†la n Peterboro' comei Iympluw "I "W‘Wlllll [tended to the mounted There [1266 been a 'largo number ot came. sheep and bags shipped from the Island thit year. After a long delay we will again give the fPotiflt1?ty'tr,t a law items trom our great Manitoulin. The poople on the Illand in genenl are prosperous and satisfied although we had a. dry summer and swarms of grasshoppers. We hue had mild wee- ther since September, with nice showers and the pasture for cattle, sheep, and horses was very good, which help-d to improve the condition M all kinds of stock. lie have had only a few snow storms and no sleighing yet ot any account. This is a Hood country for stock raising, and cattle and am he ottt getting a pawl living. ( Jluy is selling at 820 to 325 per, tom oats 50 to " cents, pen ti.00, potatoes 80 cents, pore 87.50, butter 30 cents, eggs 25 cents. i, Part 2nd. iuniior- Dora. Albrecht Lavina Kipier, George Leichty, Au on Rnpp, 'Fimmalona. Schwlnt. . Part lst., junior-Edgar Chad-men Olive Riley, John Hulk, Peter or [my “Min Chalmers. _ Ilu. munmng gut the full quot ui s: 2H Us.) during the monthe-. Gemur H. “halmers, Walter Nes melsm: ihrxurd Mayberry, Agm Geoma- Ft. “halmers, Walter Nes melsm; Howard Mayberry, Agm Band, Eh Albrecht. llighust attendance str, lowest ae, tL-ndunca 51. R. Mayberry 72 ' Arthur Man: i? Jun Chalmnrs 70, Oliver Yost 67, filial Alhovht 52, writ Fetter 51) 'Lenia Swimmer .u. . 2nd Class, junior-Walter New moister, M, nowuur Maybury u. Agmwj Bond 77, Elm J. Rik) 73, William Opper It, Edwin Man]; T. Anna Arrtreek 7irt m, Opper 59 Ella Seigner 58, ll Beigner 5f Lily Mam. 57, Eli Mbrecht " 2nd Class, senior-George H. Chm mcrs 100, David W. Fergumu Sr Laura A. Opper, M, lane Kipler 83 Amy J. Shearer 81, Hilliimi Mag wood 80, Bun Spenter 73, William R. Mayberry 72 ' Arthur Manx i? Ham Mun, 8. . Iird “an, atrtiao-9rear New“; in M, Martha New" I“! 27, Clara Mans 52, John K. Clemens 60, ‘Eva Riley 54. _ 3rd Clan, junior-Fiore" Come! M, Leptts Schwint M, Rural-1 Rite, M, Herbert! Opper 63, ‘Helena Oppc' 49, Herbert~Schmidt 47, 'Ernest Witt 40, 'Louis J. Schmidt 36, 'Theodon Fetter 86. n- zouovh. ET%t mad: d m pttptta i the Panic 'lull, aetimt lor We nonfat Noumber Irma mutation: more held tt CW History, Grammar, Geog“ "r, Arithmetic. mention and Com MW. animal in Rudin‘ The number t'f,"'lli'Sltr,t,'r the poi cent: token brfli" In in the an (exam czm.;Whaea star precede; tho nun. militia that the In been mm for onto: mm:- ttls Clan oor_-Pr,itseith “It " JIM Canon N, lawman in 78, Pedal Chalmers tll, Stmrrt Mammy 29, am Cirrct' Ce, Wu "DEW I,' T T “at ii If; ttRte',',?" T " I“ the mu; a,,l,1',,t; you when and nit/other busitttat (rumba. , took hing 1mm. Ha was Magic and June-mm; wit Iettotr I, tor mum itt_Po1imt,Aayrk(r,'" m _ a, SAM J, MORROW, Teacher MANITOULIN ISLAND mind “it: J,1vat, In: at Quad "h M. who in in I! luv. In ytriti i non w." Misc Annie Hahn is visiting ‘MMI Jn Henson; ", . t" Mr. Jas. Fonton ot COM amt Friday in out village.; . Miss Mchenn ttttd Miss Heist 0! mm. spent a new day; " Mr. Aâ€: Petettsoet's. T Miss Mary Ann Domldji with; "terloo Menus. ' There was a heavy tall ol snow dl dar Sunday which lelt . blanket " sew-ml helix of the beautiful on ht? ground, and the jingle ot hells , heard everywhere. l 'e wish all thehrfndots ot the l "amt“! a m Christ. _i"iiiii a in" New Tg'. Mrs. Mucus spent n W din V in Serlin last trettk F _ “ Mrs. F. C. Ltarter mma- mam- tt St. Agatha but wank. A "number trom our village attend- . the Winter Pair held in the Ttoral lily last week. 'Miss Curkarhl visited i Mr. Dttmm’s last we&. ", Mr. Henry Stone has returned from be m. Peue-o' ermett'rr Mud: wil "ttut Sum!" human. ' _ Mrs. Doemm and dnugilter Miur' lilda Doetsam, ot Waterloo: Spent "daesdar and Thursday' with the osmer's daughter Mrs. A. A. Wit.- Jer. . A surprme party was held at Mr. 'ltrert Witmer's last Wednesday (New ng, in honor at their son Arthur {ho was presented with a‘handsunm -having set by the young people. 'Ag :xcellent supper was served by Mri .Vitmer, and games and made were 'njoyed by all. Mr. Nelson Gottshbm at Berlin atlled m friends in this vicinity last geek. V ism Hilbom. . Mr. Ezra Embargo: ‘ls eoq1ined to he house atth Jheumatiim. The teacher and pupils 'ot our ,'chool expect to but their publm ex- mination Friday, Dec. 20th. Ladies remember the Imrtitttte ttteeV " Friday alternoon. Ihr. â€it. at t {clock at. the helix: ot Mrs. / B. W. human, Preston. _ If} the tem “in; ot . M. Bung“, with 'llult'e and laminar: tU hope to“)! All out when. “Mn- ing “an: touioNere aspiratiou‘ arid. ma lower my a} ‘. . The opening services 0! the new. Congregational Church win Jake Mace on Sunday, not. 28nd,. there Icing three service! on that occa- ion. On Monday evening a- general ilatlorm meeting wfibto addressed ' Reverend; Humiltdlj, Lynn, .Unlm worth, Behotield, Waiter and others. Hr. E. P. Clement, K. C.,ot Berlin, .vill preside. A grunt time ottieiir. med, and a liberal collection; I Andie“! m_muc_ than: 'e t slum. Loni Olli- trtiq,r' M" Itu'l In the new clad- av, 'mme, hue paced hub MIG I' rt, Land" 1nd their - has a l _itstrata.earth no moreJBut. an vou- Jrou, magic word I". h the“! dd ot promise. trio Reyna“ who†the symbol ot grader reunion . can! a Worn and my!“ helm i-[old ot men an!!!» Fun their not! _to to“. _ Hrote whose (m gtrys - As the sun‘s doth that. ‘ct thr sun-{Maw hoe 43th time “.W Hem beneath my last" T lid our peace immune, Phou that mam mam; " oppressbu - a lid the night be we: Bid the " be but!!! 2w , w) 'tejFb"iHtrqqtii" m g~ no; we]: at Ma Ihrb. ~ in! “(my a"ekwilr9o 1, " with“ a. mnttonanfib.: I " .. From - dun, you; , tattd In. 'rtltA-r'trit* rp' when! and to “my“. old. lie" when had: my '11:?" and tteta - throbbing _;ntlct- hum meet on no“. a Rheum naval; od turns: ties aid. My don. The *tro6aates. oCUreettorr wirtg luck the by: at can“ years ma old and you: no aim/upw- cent with the [std delithol Etttan biotin lawful ‘ -. been “at“, In! 'ati,Ctt'liSe,' 'entre, My In an an at the no" man plum. ot wot-hip In I. (and may. and loan". than! Batman's alumna-Iver [unveil is still . mystery. Light not born witti not]: Dr her ttrm than, nan, mun-m; Among those who attended this lueIph Pat Stock Show Were Mr. F'. Mast, Mr. Levi Hager, Mr. John Elbow, Mr. Israel Good, and Mr. Labor; mg: Avril! run .ldormnnlc an HAWK ESVILLE. LIMERICK. The Evangelical (hutch Sunny achml at Wnllacevillc are holding their Xmas entertainment on Thurs- 1ny orenina. Dee. M.,, pr'ofnm is to consist .ot 'iieiiiiih'iitii'i', 'ulrlrmn, Mr. _ cunt): hon have mus-Mall to ttmgdlt' the music tor (It event. . The Xmia entertainment: as Id numerous in this notion tttta ma- that time and mm will prevent us from giving a druiled account (of not: TJ',; d; _ Butt in“ the order. the, r. tr'ggs, 'Herr nt york ghtt "I! lm in believe; may tter, we div-Mm o! the ttt ma Rev. J. W. Stewart. EAL, olmml auto. MM "OK it ttt on 'tettrodtit dwrchy I on Sign!†M. detiteririe . w elm gum armed in mun-rm M ml.- tlov. an aim in my nun.- civil; latched to by a urge eon- Mon, and ttre earttetyt don d the Rae., gentleman will no that be proiiéthé ot an increase In “an! minionny altering. Ber. has. FAford attended the Lar- mt-n’l Banquet held In Strattord a: Wednesday owning last, and reports a most lsr/able time. A few (mum were won (â€Ming rAr.day last week, he; the â€pur- men of mm: has manly put a my to tttis work": . A H19" Christmas and a‘prosp- emu: New Year to " IM readers ot the Chronicle'l‘elegxaph is the Tish nt your Waltace 'sore-ttdesi.;,"' T ‘Dobtsipdd ....1...., mun. ite', q.'."... ...re.... M.....' light A....... ......... L.. §‘Clothing ..p._t_._. r'........ V “loom: and Wm: . School supply .....~...... Htred labor ..........‘.. i,, Repairs .*Be.'.....t ..s...,..? Sundries .rw..r$.. s.'...,.,.,.' Tm. m mttairfisfhfitgt'iitts vii. timid A _ "_ .' r,' Jueeipts-. ' -. Pr GPVWt out â€mug... 8508,06 Caunty M ...,...5 ...........¢,. 400.90 Bequests, trutrmeutioastt Aid do. Another petition was presented trom Geo. sl. Fowler and 126 other lmhoiders ind tenants ot the min- corpdrutpd village ot Baden, praying to be not “his as a police village. _ Home .ot Refuge Report. The tortieth annual report of the House of Refute tor 1907 was laid on the table at this morning'a BNF- Sim. which contains many items ot Interest. It tpltowed.u- Waterloo TIL. T; Wilmot It' Welles!- er 3; Woolwich O; North Dummes t; Gait 2; Berlin 5; Waterloo 1Mress ton tr, Hamlet f; New Hamburg I; Ayr l; Elmira 0; from outside std countxt, total M. . Nnminr who have not resided the County 2 years 2; number i2,tett Swarm ot the St; Attattia _ _ 't Home mtg may tun Watchman! chum tam ml» ’jnn'. Aid Society. . “Mutton In mttUsd to $1.90 yet not tor - van! ot the Society. During, "" we were " 'tNidryat (muted. “of which ammo mm an Sammy, bi whorttrsoeiuaidttaatqm rp- nation. A-v:... .......uo.i.. 3758.1! ColhseumteoirorGts, em. J.... 1020.00 Admitted during the year from the sword. munieiptdluear: A petition “I récetved trom Wm. Madonna , large number of other ratepayers of tlttowrvrhtp at North Dumfries asking the Councn to pur- chase ma Part; and Ayr toll road. an: P. thu, CW out at Wind and 1tttguae iatmitue â€at.“ as wt... tim A-tret/p' qtitatd to am of W 'emgrt. mdimira, uh, in; tttart" Ari Io tlT1,t,'dti' no panic; at unnum- col mu be Adam. but Hut mu amount received M be dirtdt4 muons-t we "trrat who; municip- lit_bs within the plum _ . ' El. Hum-n59: tho Berlin Pitt, had, ' tor - onthe, poo: ter by!“ a!!! '1uPrer" , The Chris ot, mm: County .10:- mad n accumulating tto W “are bx " harem p! pant: In good reds. - _ Inmates in the House " Inst report 87; admitted duripg the year 23; deaths 13; discharged 8; now In house V, V SRtuet, . In“. “an. w it “50;!“ iit'ii;ii'iiiiig' tCi,',.!; tn . (h d mum! h; upon _ â€turn 0. t i'iiit3,i', mm in VI uh. F Bananas?- WALLACE. $1285.10 35681.12 81800.09 1559.05 .. 40on ".500.†.. 200.83 .. 411.09 .. 116.23 d 70.7; .. 479.68 x 1335.59 510.09 in ot Mr. Jan: Umâ€: Itaet, j.'* mt an Watch! My. Jung! than. . "t.' r f -‘.~ tk, mu 5. coa- ALA“... , ho _ Mum 1'l'lulrt'sl"el'ggr' ", “a t,liI' um. _Nelaon' ileum, JV“, Nick. is vlultlng his parents to! I M m in the with“. “on hit mm m Inâ€. a 'tgt', dtiuait,t from here. a l . q F, An- Corn Sum. hither B, B. No. e, Jaime, returned to her home near Moorettetd to spend the touchâ€. A: the has mined her position he: any 'ef (egg. he: (Nurture. _ We are pleased to sq the Chronicle: Telegraph so “that!†tts It: holi- day attirttti whl'ch it inland In the M issue. We hope the “bunker may not only null: tho patrons. ot " any friends. but - Ah.“ . Israeli 1mm mm». "tst _ toe non. . _ Mm,¢dn1n lighting ttf. my the at“: ot the ,plectonf- tr an; t.mtsMppaitmttth 0"» tho when the!†tum in it†“we had. It ls man which? ï¬g number ot "hrartte for the position of move or councillor will be as large as at some former yarn. Thom ~who ham returned (you tic vaincm winter In: " (incurre- Fort the show as W the but at any previous year. FT“! aha! would he attended by "ttr' cumin; tuner " " u the has “ammo ot its khtd on the mtimt. to provide time-Ives 11th» itt- creased meat supply. We may try the many heavy 'qattbts tut have been slaughtered. ' r, Expenses pie week my: Made with itxtetiUt on investment, $2.88, F, Crops Mind in 100?. 155mm when .........- ...n. 8155.00 213 M. oat. ...qe'.....' ......d.... 110.04 300 Mabel barley and oat. s....alRMo 803 bushel pea ...'........ "y-o 112.55 225 bushel potatoes ...'.".. ...... 148.50 44 tons “Iâ€. beets o...."......... 231.10 Mo tttttdet ......... ...... 108.00 700 bushel p8 ........ ...... 105.00 " bushel earrota ..'r..... ........14.w g the amount can“ on mud mm woo-nu: u moyrtc-. Hired no: Arr m‘m Inn. mum; INhtun. “a human-mtg 8005.14; mum. mono; Mimi may attd medicine. $fthtw, book: my! summary. mm; pursuant im. plements“ “245,“; mm on bulld- ing ud,mmitlro $86143; products Ill! be! W15; clothing $406."; ittM6,tyMtii, 3333.58; tending inmate: to Heat sun; Water, light and the protection. 8824.75; total 814167.57. Expands in my: mute " dhig product 0011M 81.93. The mum... were mterred to the ttritrtts gamutq's alter which {he Ctttttrlridirmrrstyi ttttttir 1.30 o'cloek this afternoon to allow the _commltto¢'s to complete than work: t ' â€slant. what .........- “M. 8155.00 213 huh. out ........... r.......'.... 110.04 300 “the! barley and at. ......255.00 80.3 bushel lieu ...'....m... .........l12.55_ 225 bushel potatoe- ...'..'.. ...... 148.50 M tans not, beets o....'......... 231.10 coo t'fartttttt ...'..... M..... 108.00 700 I)!!!†ptt...a.... ...... 105.00 " bushel earrots ...r..... '........M.b0 7 was eortt,r...... ...... J.......... 140.00 1500 he“ cabbage ........ W........ 45.00 35 tom hay ............. p.............. 525.00 118 bla. apples "L..,...."......,.. 286.06 Other apples ... ..t...... G-...,... 5.25 Cameraman .......~... 'F..rrr..q..p.. 35.00 8 machine 5111:: ted 5mm 40.00 " cows .'rr.m..... l bull "....B.m... 7 Young cams: 5 horses M........ 67 pi .-e.p...r. 15x has ....u. Calves ma cattle sou ,.......,...m4.57 7030 lbs port w...........' r--'....... 486.95 my chlckenii‘f...-..... .........~ .c.... com Pigs sold ..'/.,,,.u... ............ ...... 31.00 1504 lbs. “an .‘....,..>...‘........'. 330.88 802 dozen m L.'.......,,' .,..'...,. I76,“ 10 cords wood .'...i.... i......,.... £0.06 L't)herttpattftttr"H 77.. " ", ’ PM" s ii ' Ir. it N I iilrttt'i(tt(f1 qt: on Mt WM; trr: you,» an: do». "tttti M. in“: dry pu- and alum. “it“; bum clout: In how's hull, 818.83; pro- drfbtt of km you, 8955‘": your "tui-, â€01.03; bk], 810831.10. Amt usually one“ tor tbs "wort ot the. inn-tel duristg the put year, $6808.11; making nor-go than“ per wacky)! cub puma, $L40; avenge we. not you tor ugh puma. 812.30. dat Adi-aim mum, dott- a" on, on MM " last upon tt,t8; W '1in. _ T l 81245.84 Inventory ot (and Mimi-s 8500.00 Live Stock. Q Total _._V. .,. -. - - _ "r57"itt11" .0: ..... m tor ..l r,,Li"i'ii,'iii7iii, mm» (it than was Produce; yrp: in mm mummm 'iari'TT,h, 80045.88 $1974.40 $2325.64 tt90.00 124.00 800.00 450.00 60.40 Milton, Doc. IN-or. Rotpertn, medical heath ofBeer, um advise that " the Public School Childrtl be “min-ted duping .ue Xmas mm" a u wanna! “at the Tttt Scourge, Wh ‘ ' WProvhminl an hors tim tear will new over the Pro- Vince m- yem _ t mum Cathleen,0’Donohoe tutd tur. ulh Allen spent a day in new: vi?ittttg, trieMs and relativesr ms:- Ella. {Baring is spending a low week: " the home cl Mr. _ud Mrs. A. K. Rowan, Watetloo. _ Mi- Moimro'Dortotute has returned home mm a week’s vacation upset in Berlin. ' c , Ins-'Kath Alles ot Bloomingdale ty 'hitirtg her brother, Mr. Goo. ADS. We are phased to hear that .th Erhsville mmégntion has can“ a choir and are preparing tor' am entertainment. One mote week ind Christm‘ will be here. ' The lat heifer shown at the Win- ter m: by Mr. Israel (non. sutur- at second prim The Miami Va: sold trt a high figure. T A HANDSOME PREMIUM will be wind-‘5' , anon who pay toihut. lit, 1909; . _- f jik'ii WHEanDERING BY um. plea. mustoq. 1e . Mrs. _Hlltrorn and daughter, '0! Roch/mo. s'pent. Sunday with $timdg hero. T gun for - FARMERS will find in the thrriioumy-ehu sil Atteteetitt Hel tlst M996 M Won-wk Age 6n premium. Mrs. linden, of 'Listowcl." is. spending". lew“weclu mm Mend: in Elmira. er _ _ ws. Jot. Rpm! swag . Sound.“ with her siitir, Mrs. Geo. {Miami Mn. . ' , Mr. W._ Bechtel and Mgixfer Waterloo. span Tuesday with sister, Mrs. Dr. Rum. Priming!» C'orrigil ut 'ht '.slmira Public School was: vim“: to3tes- lin last week, misting in the rum bastion ot Model, School sludeuss. Waterloo county's Best In?“ Mr. and Nrt. Harry Luchnardt ot Bowdgm, Aim, any visiting the' par» ents of the form. _ . ermtaints the most irstpoettmt,itorm of '/tt,'ft,(/,rt (amnion " well as the fulleatueounh of “PM“ , . â€NHL--___; -_. _ - _ i A; " - _ j _ thif [d.llj0IMlrltllllijiljrlljri? ' ham“ thigh l was: tGia' I. Manly-("n- gnd mic-ac, and. t. Will bt sent to nay.gjdihu_ in cm tlit " PM! tho yet: 1908, with; with I 'arte-ip, 1mrfmtoyrpurmreuPr, , . high“! 15.. I. {autumn 'R., mom "rt-a" baiiii'rGaiVi"'i.viiiG an?" "iGG7hiiiFi,t .4 Hum ortr"T the Ste 'tttiii) tgt','it2Sri"tht f2'i7r,tltuh'atltgti V . Ll manna-4am. m “and." in.†no In!" what we theqF-otte m III " _ _ tgt"t"Si'i7iiii'sH'4 a... m .....m - or . t, Ron: mu an Imam, at t . "t an: "nth. one Inna-one vi": a. . . . vill- Poll Evil. lam will“ RetqMt'- ' pang my norm much hum-MN. t ran -d '. KENDALL’S SPAVIN cm It" 29"s_m'_m Aert_tghferrepr In In: ERBSVI LLB. ELMIRA m “VIN â€It SPA%at II moon tt ONLY ONE DOLLAR quilt!- -. «In. noun .1 In. a! My... We 00.. . - FOIL ml. :K “I†when. "‘33-“! 'Pt' 'fdNfd'lftt= Tilt IoIl Emorrw%oro h The Oran nonbin- at his _ Manon will hue. tor. The re8tort'cem9uitss u . i'isai " of labial have“ “IO X% 'ttttiid . F, al and the Millet; Im M.'t0th'e's: " I ting to an mun; - iiiiqil , . per cont. ot the WW‘IEW'L’ Itor some 25,000 Itâ€. _ RlliliMll . f _ - RSirrilE try the Department. in. , i. . " w 'oral mined in trt Ry "M14; ixe 'tttrut,. Mn out tor L " I . on this mount. oi no? 337:; the comma ' Lfh, . Ly? the unwlwgum m Mia' “'"' Fi in the matted t. 'm u,' .r!St'l'sth, ’ order in Council had been ; 't r, I 9 ri' August, extending an time" " "e g the delivery ot tht 'ttteo, tttE".' ,', tor-Genergl'l ‘embugo . on ninth! It Vance! wu man. Al Ui mttMr; now “will. 15.000 ttttas an to“ delivered Mom..JSvg-u m, _ ma," nd 10,000 before In l, 1m.~"w.- Reeve Carton Vol otite. , l I " k In the Common: two t iittthttl , us. E. B. Oslcr Land)“, " . , gram, drew 'N 1it'ksity)"ruitiKy, Ii . session owing to shadow; - most all-the unannut, , - Auditor-General?" iirdiip)t ‘ ' , I, the Commons mu? P, Bllllil . the “Pentium". ., 23:1,; . cal new in the Be', um um Murine. bum: MMM. Senate expenses tug conga} t , per House to the 1min] " ‘1 . placed at $269,075. Att '1rirttM. , . 130 is tor indemnity and up: tation. The “one tt't, _ m. 'gli' nensw aggregated sm,n_s;“z moms sew-rs . l but L 'tr. 'ih' 5Mi. The cost. pl WM, M, was 31.324074. '. -' _ wrerti'j.' MN M) INDEMB LAST Ottawa, Dec: "ath'i6't'dm uncut. autumn: an was Main; ttest Timmy is an“; my! to gm F?1ti EX": 58“ Fig“ ‘1. J v 5.x: