Egg Star Clothing Stem. l BERLIN, ONT. _ , gNew 0vertoats at , _"i,i_"sii,-i,. ' Big Reductions _.'gii,- -v C, htreg. than coats no all our own nuke made this 'rirt t _itt' F its! ninth. not old coat: that have been held for _, 'r'r"t " ' _-tft' am “My. First choice is than the but. at'trArtro WHEAT , A .= ' lit 'sooi mom in Itii amen can get it o 'ttte h prices. Since , _ w tterected blended m 13’ to reason why ou air r E buy Western Flow i, li‘(eon$tinin5 Ontario g M SEM is .good money in wheat,and w: tttmet'! Can get it opt by torc- ,. , 1tP prices. Since our miners M ' tainted blended ttours tbvrel Ta it) xenon why our int-mats -tet buy Western Floats. Blended‘ . 'tbteoeruiimg Ontario wheat and 'iittrthn quantity ot Manitoba wheat) us better both tor tread and pastry, [Win my tiour milled ofa single kind "ttttt One ot the leadihg baker- . [t at, Toronto has tried out the blen- 'Cs'9'tdferf,,ard it has been the minus fd doubling and trebling their husi- S' vtsi"'ttoirteynadt bread." In the er, time Provinces blénded tiottrs are 'g .tho market and have urtv- -_,yh "Weatern,ttard patent f1ours" oat Elli many stores entirety. "V l l, Bert is your chance to buy a new overcoat at a big sarihg before Kass. We are pheiig it sale this with, fifteen lines of this season's most stylish overcoats. Ire,' that are not â€any mule till “my on in January. But we ire bound to clear out our overmts the and: - " bought - hence this curly start ---F. here are the redaeturts,--- ' . M181 . me Thornton -jjt" Douglas, Limited. bel 'e? Men's trtash Melton Over- cost, mg: up with raw A edge tp lord style, serge mug, Iq broken ulna, reg. 323 for wr....... $15.00 Mqtthr, - Mack over- in," made up In Varsity was, as. no lot ... “.50 new: light with duh Inâ€. 'IW? “on, n t mt-ttbt', on». "gum;- q A 31s tor :52 ti'iltt,ét"ittio mam q ", _ Ian’s Heck Surfs 50c to $3. Fancy Hdsiery 500 and 750 Fur Caps 50c to 10,00 Handkerchiefs 50 to 1.00 Fancy Underwear 50c to $2 M. Wildfang, Call early and select bargains 14.50 try our own miller: ot our.own Ontar- to what. In this way the mom-y which now goes to the wheat grow" ers in Manitoba and Alberta would stay right here " home. And asthe j temarrd for blended ilours increases the demand tor Ontario wheat will incmase and higher prices will be ob- ,talned lor their crops by therarm- What our tarmers should do is to stop sending their' money tor Western tlout uni buy blending tlottrs, milled try our own miller: ot our.own Ontar- to what. In this way the mom-y which now goes to the wheat grow" ers in Manitoba and Alberta would a“, rhrht here " home. And asthe It is the farmers' innit too that Idairymen and stockmen are paying ’such high prices tor- bran and shorts. When our mills do not grind mucli‘ lgrain there isa corresponding short- age in the Luount ot bran, etc. for sale. Those who keep cattle and hor- ses must get their feed from Mio- itoba and Alberta where there is; plenty of wheat raised and where the .mills are grinding out great quantities of teed. With a good healthy demaud for blended tiourg) out mills will-be running to their full capacity, plenty of bran and shorts would be produced and with no freight charges to pay, the prices would necessarily go down. . ers Five wheat-carrying boats u up at Thotold, and their carw have to be cartidd to St. Cal Store open evenings Men's plain blankinymoau made up in both Oxlotd pm! Harvard styles, reg. ' $12 tor ..nr__m.. ..,....$|0.M Men'srbiack Overcoat: in Vusny style, nice hncy you. as. tVo tot p.. ll Men’s Inner grey check , overcoat“, speck! "we, Melon mu, tag. 315 hr nuke made tins season in the very litcst styles, in we bun held for anson after season, but coats [that A B.-- " . t _ w I"! , a Win j _ . _,',/.' _ an em: T _ the sky at I resen itsl cityB wpurn. _ 4 mot as SUCH AS an- tied rgn win Jathat in- ftgitt 11.50 "At Christrmustide the open hand V Scatter: its troupty o'er â€and land." ""e Public attention wlIl naturally by arrested on opening the “es otthe magnificent Christmas number just; issued bribe Fermat's Advocate and Home mane, oi Won. oh. with the article otv"Eleetrkal Wy velopment in Ontario"' by Prof W. It. Day, ot the Ontario Agricultural College, who has then an exhaus- ‘tive and illuminati 3 study of this vital suhjeCt which concerns tarmers as well as captains oi industryin the towns. Besides this there are articles on the National Live-Stock Records, by Jas. B. Spencer, tt.S.A. the English Dairy Shorihorn, try Proi. H. S. Amen, B.S.A.; the course .ol Made in Canadian dairy products, by Geo. H. Barr; the reviews of Cana- dian live-stock and farm iadustriea/ Maritime types, by A. Fl. Burke; the beatttifreation or rural homes and highways, by J. R. L. Foster; and the omeial .rcport and awards III the split-log drag competition. for lwhich (ear'y in the year) Wm sets of cash prizes were oitered. hr, the Farmer's Advocate. The suirervisiors of this unique contest wes assum- ed by the Public Works Departure!“ oi Ontario. W. A. McLean. C.E..,,ol A CHRISTMAS G BEETING Fancy lon’s aniiAP' Sweat- it's 500 $03.00 Fancy Shirts tfo to 200 Ken’. Suits from $5 to 820 Men's outcasts $5 to 820 Men's Pants 82 to $5 Men's plain Oxford grey, reg. tN (or. ...] Men's dark “my strum W lord, rig. :12 tor ...i,. I Mert's.trr", grey and line! Oxford, "it. tur [or '... . I'd- pldl gay cum. reg. 35.00 [or ...w.."'"'" 38.00 M‘Highmys Bunch, writesa com 'prehensive mien, Including We minds ot he eompetitior vhxh will give the: $tBMSe at road improve- ‘mnt. a tremendouo imfetus.' There we masterly articles on way bfanch M agriculture, from last horses and mm amputation to a “taking" Loran by "The Km.†UNIQUE SCHEME“ 'qs um mum and Noimm and: Elbert Hopkins were tound guilty this Wernotm of fratrd. u“... Tht three young men hula te rietrquiek scheme, which was not on: ty 'dt iqce but risky. They would ride? on the rear c! a street. car and while the c..." was iu'motion one whuhl‘ tall cr. thr' 3131mm to the 'pave- ment. We supposed injurul then entered a claim for damages. Be- ing insured in. an accident company they were able to- collect 8100 . in this way besidcl‘an amnion] 8250 trom the street car company; They were remanded tor “Manx. Assigne°s Notice ' Creditors. IN Toront tr, Dec. ITS-, Notice is, hereby “ghove momd . A. .madc an assign?“ " étiiéhd efticts lot of all his tredJurp- . o, In ma yum-W--. A meeting a the creditors will be held " my ottim, Numbex 19 King street. West, Berlin, on Thursday Uzi 12th day ot December, E.D., INlf,l, “the hour of 2 ticket mm. io re- aive». summon ot Ms Mrs. tol “anoint Wham uni inputs: or- Gem of the Gtateaeeseeaitr. Creditor! no rm to Me ttMr will! with‘ use with th- ptooh/nd‘ ptr'tlculm ttteeeot a; Giioivrttseaaid Act.oa or to- foe' the thy ot such meeting. . , . . _-_v... - “Int - Wâ€? _ My“! unmann- therttt ta W tribe and Act, on or *4 M the 1M ot such meeting. Ats6 noticé is hereby - ttmt m tht 15th dsy oi Jumpâ€, 1908 I will wound to distribute' in ,n- at: M the insolvent among†the India entitled thereto, “Vin; re- gard only to the claims at which notice shall then have been meivvd and I will not be liable lor “no assets or my part merely! to diss tributed to I? poison or persons of “m“ "H! attait ttot thrn hart assets or any Pit“ tributes! to a; 'Orson whom, Cl“ attnit I bad notm._ - q Dated " Berlin this omttrer,n90T. - " Int-m. THE MATTER OF THE ES- TATE OF A, B. SCHIEDEL OF THE TOWNSHIP .OF NORTH ayUMFtttES, IN THE COUNTY of WATERLOO, FARMER, 1N- SOLVENT. _ . Iss7. dimmer SC ELLEN & A. B. POLLOCK. hereby given ,tturt the l . A. B. Sctttedel has mncnb to me nah! R. tattUr lip, of all "Cecil Elliott; Elbert Hopkins Bern-VOW Am. WEIR. Solirltom Mn. is 4th day ot De an mom. 1'o 1oz" j a. it. _-'-.' " ya! " the tttth9ttq, ti:rr,,iiil a. mtg ail-00Ԡon u the My. ‘0‘ ts. " I10" "ad â€VOW W“ tare" to a. duvets! in. T growls. '4 army Mink; w" - T 't mm ta.. nut am VIII u'teh, tumour Nd. to. Freda“ Mil mm. Mr. J. I. 691M, but d the an, d Wt “New n m (um ,rehtutetst" b “shot! an Istanbul to than on Irma-’01 tho city. In mum at In “that: be re Jetted was - a! gm cm ot Ottawa .muwctumy u to the mat that thou W.b ma:- M. I]. d. rs'aiai'Wri' T , " _ m“ tttey any of ttttAb.), " - 's Wt iyMrl ' 1tti 69 Km to“ it! you'll“ T ' I; iaMEit. 'o".-"; ' 2x- cm. beamed Elwin-shou- 1.139“! a 'rv"q.r.rPlp, 'q. vtfd., tom: tot" amalgam at can“ 1.iE' t1iFitir.'"; .qt mun mum-any " the and his! jeiittrifiq,rt, ' 3'! Jam an no. tx-t.ttt te. 'iriiiiit?tgett'2iititJ; Ct', mm tttia-ttstun" “A ttFl, “I. _ nit. . or oidtitrrtttt- utmwmmwwwv .- â€We! mum: won“ In in A/ . C (mind - mum beenâ€! this»! ther het'; _', My! - so M tmrnsetaast banding: mu- _ otttBe mom-134‘ if I Mer cultmotion or to be com P. l ‘m in the nu! lawn. The Govern- w†Not W‘ _ " {mt In mind“; “was!“ ngdl- Misses -Davttt.- Thom-on. ‘m’; ‘uonl'to tho Pulhment tratietii- Karmpt and sonny, who only - The Victoria museum. n government tid '3“ More.†in my in the u. Minna: waI kins constructed. cently when thank. wrote e:- the Y. M. C. A. $300,000 building Erasing their dusatiabMiors with the Ma the toumUtioa built, the Ottawa ammo, in - ot no not M Instance ban just been completed tsad the majority or other “when media the Gum! Trunk Ry wns also about ed 350 increase. mm 1ttt Ina to ungertake the construction ot a keen on the stall when! than tho maguiticent station and hotel. one". The Minister ot Railroads and There was oomideublo duel-hi Canals Hon. Geo. P. Graham next remains the request. and none of .. ___--.-. -..i-- Jinn...‘ 6n hlnlnn "fiiis We: Manda ‘ugc ,Qalllli Hon. can. P. Graham an ttit?", 2t convention exuding; co did w m to the “than. Ap- ntopriato telponm were nude GI President B. J. For. Boutstonrt,,1 ‘Mr. P. Alderman, Wilson uni Gem-J Cum, Beamsville. j The President, Mr. John B. line: next delivered his annual address ni Cause ot which he 'm.-.~ia rrlemncc- to the stunning prosperity utter.)- ing the maautaeturers ot clay motivate. He and atwnugu to several par Moms vet cvmitiuy. a. solution, viz., him!!! yet awaiting a. solution, Hz, the production ot the beat brick possible and the delivery ot them to the customer in the best ponlhle condition gt the least cont to the manniassturer so as to provide mast l dhy possible not tar oil when cost may not be materially réduced,buli selling prices may have dropped. He who touched upon the imbject of the possibility suggested ot brick being. supplanted by ce- Inent. iron, etc. “lain; from the claim that it costs altogether too ninth to have the brick placed in the wall Wer being delivered on; the "wort 'and that by using these other materials a cuss of labor wholly “skilled can he utiliud. Tttis was: question which allowed load tor _ serious thought tor the purchaser, the bricklayer. and the helper aid he thought were _shonld he; mongble and sitishuetory solution. _ . The Sgc-Treas. Mr. Chas. H. Bach: ted of Waterloo “(wanted his an- nual report tor the year 1900-? show- in; a balance ot 'ir3ritherreiyr- m, Belcrenpe was made' in the "Mn on "w panda being made report to (be worth: being made! in the direction ot securing g Cir-1 nilc School tor the Province ut, Ontario. Two or the members ter." gather with Prof. Ellis ot the Un- iversity a Toronto Ind been seat by the Outtrio Government to Cot- nrnbus to look over, the school gt ‘the University ot Ohio uni other [observations were embodied in SIB-l . . A LL» -_rr_'-"' Wwe'.- 7,, port what wu wanted to ttte", Ontario Government. _ The regular programâ€: then lol- Iowed which included interesting pa- pets on topics having to do with the (lay working industry. A han- quct. v.3 given to We delegates at “to “also" Home trhietr was thor- oughly eaidred. The visitors were when“ to a theatre party, "Nes- day awning, the vnudevillo performers millinai number oi hit- on we vist- ti brick tmuusmsurers which corp 'dlUll much to their enjoyment. . The drive noun the any given by was loud committee Wetland“ mom In; also proved an enjonble at. tair J'iVrtr vats- d tttasm, were ex- W to the on." ntottaf'artttt- "6B', tar minim hospitality 3nd hammer» ot the Mathilda for M 1.1mm mum. dpechlly to the Secy, Mr. C. H. Bechtel, who had served the Association lor the pup tour years or more and use "a these who contributed papers tttd ‘otherwise assisted. V The following otBCertt were tor thp ensuing Yee-r, -- 1st viee-Ptesident--Henry June: Demure. ) Stand Vino-Pravda Consult, cm. sin Vice-Pres.-S. M. Manly-n. To roam. "Prada-i.'" g. McCanvell ttta. - -- 'it'"'""""" o. McKinnon, To- m . Among them in nttmndunn- trom Wattloo were Kr. B. at. Immn.. “I ML James Item! Rem. Att imp“ ' Fi tho 'imiai6'M'* t'PrU1,rl',: , A W 'ded'iitit"t'lli0'iiiiii' an.“ m but m m: in: in! "I W- ttho but a“ ie " Irdt 't . mum nun T In. he hm he: 2a,ll'l " Nam Hm ,qu ls, _ A. m. Mil "were vu consider“ (lion-hi l res-talus the room. an! soar ytt the meme" were that!“ to Nylo- tghe disaatiattotioa on the mgm that the immune! received by tho temNttsem were published in a local WI. The Board decided to grant the re- quest And tho salaries were - viirereased trom $500 to $535. _.', ' Tr'ii'iriiiGG '0} teaiskrs holding turd-clan eertitietrtes were mod tt $875 Will: magnum: ot Miss swan ms weaned. "s . ter [ha-I"- W “v: "w _ Trustee Ruby thought that the Board should resclnd up resolution respecting vaccination. The law in the statute books ot thls Province regarding ventilation is old and out T ot date. It we: made More sanita- tion Ins been maths s science.- It is a well-known M tty" Sin-11w breedshst in dirt and glth, but to- say deaths from luau-pot ls less than one per out. ot the general ddrth rate ot the province. It W wrong tor the Board to insist , patents to itttliet disease ‘on that: children, and in trying to mores . dad law. I Trustee Pequegnt contended Out a tsw on the statute books is ttoti dad until itsirrepealed and it thes) Pronnclnl Health Authorities con- tent that children should be "iirciGi/ edjthe Board was compelled to en- forte the law. ' j Several members were opposed to rescinding the tor-met resolution un- til a report was resolved from the Medical Health Officer and ns than were only two more school any: no action wss token. ' ' " who decided to reopen the . schools on Mel-why, 'annary 6th. The Board “burned until Satur- F day. Jammy Mttc MAY SUCCEEB . C EX-JUDGE .‘CLEMENT Windsor. Dec. 1t.--A 61mm from? Rename up that V. C. m. tt and solicitor. ot that any, sh ly will be anal-M to an! '1- MM position of junior judge at East County," amend Judge E. P. Clo- mom. retired. In View ot the {at that In: many you: ant but bean customary to tppoittt a Ion! mm to thrjjudgeship ot the county, the re- port that Mr. Michel In to be up- poirttol, is not regarded with Int! hr Windsor citizens. . "iieso an. ttalt "Lo pmmah ot the mating, Mrl,Chtur. H. Beam. Whrr-tteg- “I: ot the amnion lot the†ton gens or - "t It. " Deport. (km Fischer ,_ f I New foam-ilhnld- Mid“ tho I“?! with" m not: .rtirM, MRS (l) he. in , ‘ E E; i was dun. use F 3% . tiusUa'ltdd "il, ' w L A. Amyot, the Gama: ’ mm who W â€14;?! upon It " W": "'s. C'i: 1 _ No. 1 is WM via Ar.fe.W' (iate'stiW oritthc “’4 J _. _ No. a sum cum.» m noIatl “â€3310"! tett', I may mm! “"9 ItC't T "-223.55: WM No.3 -tttgttr in trom up Vina-loo dun. In; - mm â€cannot.†â€LT†. been! contra?“ EEW‘" MI OFFICERS ELECTED. i"e"CiortGumtiiis mar“? rm name: mxwm.w At the htte 'tst-ttqt if Iliill" Lodge No. l ' A.0.U.'., Huffy - ram. thtfoilofr ofteett tLf, . “95 mallard Wm. Vogt. is organist-latte sank. r sts' _ Representative to (not help "ii:),' John Edw. Vogt. I 2% Atterrurto-Cr, H. Sodium _ f: OFFICERS ELECTED. At the regain meeting cl " . Rui Berlin No. 154 I. o. P., has 3 'qMt'if evening the following '3tqtth Mit' duly elected tor the ya! 1* , Ba was a good “and†a! 'tt ', .}z bets ot the court ML..,_Z;'W?; "it, decided to hold . sum iirifittMfq3, " otBeers M the Omani» ef: g . " ordinate Courts on Jan. mi» w, Vrc, when some ot the High Court "y'?J! ,3; wlllbe "udtotrsspr-t% - F a [the saloon. _ .. 'e In}. hector. . _ L Fin. Sea, Bro..Uotat ‘R. 1ft_ttM. Tram. Bro. Adam Shut:- : " Orator, Bro. Peer Ann" l, S. w., Bro. Fred Snow J. W., Bro. F116;)“. S.B.,Bro.Wm. . 'trt'-. J. B., Bro. John o. ML. ‘ Phat, Bro. Dr. H. G. W‘ .. Auditors., Bros. S, F. calm! Pt?; J. Luna. ~‘j‘ ' Trustees. Bros. J. In met' up: Worm. main. 2‘; Foreman-thm. tur. "T "ii' omemer--,r, HM. Z msoordee-43. mm . 1.5 nnasteiesr-rJ. P. Benz“. (rd Tr-rer--Dr. H. e. W: E“: auide.-Ed. Baa-lax. ', " . ', Inside Wtitctusttueaattri' mean,. .’ Outside Etttytte . m' t' Trateesr-0. H. hum. “can? ind A. mun. The new: oexturredAt he“ 55 stead on the 8th Mon if, It!, tg eily, on Tuesday night, or, C 7 a i'st; Scott, one ot the plunger! at; . 'Cs','?;,, lr township, In m 'tislet/r, Lc..' l u "N."--.' -.- -_" ,, _ - N ,, The accused's pants own-m 'ii,; from Seottartd. m was aid ,ittit' /if, and has since continually and :’ 'thqhomeutud. Ho um i-tttll ir'?, Miss Rathertortt, of W‘ I . snip, who died in lay. m1. 1 W' . Pom m been siting Ia: may t ml the m1 sumo- nu at ,2 gxpeetet. " . ; 5 Thu dawned w "strieiitp,s1! mm: the tomt an m. 1 Ho WIS a older in Cerrtrat Cindi an Liberal th puma. ma m 'l! ting chunk: and WW at!» Iiii m tow-with whom he can. in contact, and his (ignite Wilt .9 'l widely regrstted. JN ' I' r "a tr Nine sons and two "item tttBit,, viva, u .lollqwl: John, cl W Mum; Richard, Grutttt6tw, 'etn.,iat David, Hannah; W “‘M‘: uel, 033?; noâ€... Strain-g, ‘ ~, "3; Ayr; Gordon and Thoma, " 'Mit * Mrs. Frank Lloyd, ttratsttordV wk, J. Mane, who mm:- near " homestead. T _ " The main! took "Mi, EN gllernoon n I o'cloa' ". I View mtmeterr. T :3? m gluon“ ot own I on." Rom. mm In". jam; to mun-ya M ' 7min. l . EEK-(gm, Bro. Aug. Toma. P.C.B., to. Asset"!?'"" r.\a.|§., yum '_""""-. "n, C, R., Bro. Rout. WI. _ _ l V. C. R., Bra, Sam]. FIG“ Ree. Sam, Bro. ‘John a. Iâ€! " NM It 'tvs, ll MAIL; 1 David, I Incl, (we ty at. aâ€??? bum mm or iii an 3,.†hr with W, ,'gtk; gi,