j|f£nv 3 moms $003 HESPELER a? his", Waterloo r anch I' tf I»: 4,, fi-ttjet',':.',':::'!, ...... ....'... Minna E3“ policie- gunman-ed by the London if}? Lsasshies Insurancw Company gain Alien of $16,516,033. Mr, 'iii/i',:." _ . ma Wright. Secretary L). x. H. Hall, Inspector ',rii,if,2ett."g,irlttttul'l",t _ 'it,rx2l'lttl don-aging 'r'ft'iiltiiiarqytroe er . ri,ll))hvrtuis BANK g DEPOSIT _.y,ia,ii, 111mm 011mm tft'TiCfiiirtk was. Ii'"i/ EWanoo Company if? moonpogyp‘ln 1375 J,_Utettrt 011109 - Waterloo h" T In“ lirteof gent's furnishing Eu? 5 ", kept in stock' F." -llrt I Ila I in... at IO many xix-u th: t has Wind Capital . ii", msposit with hA 80mm l Waterloo. Ont, â€do. Wstrrtoo '..oo.o-ot-" Magnum! l n '; muss. Otrieec249, Huuse 209. M.- solicited for thest class 'r) ' v, compauim. Will Repay You {Dr’ess Bats If You hin A We“ Made Suit .Y M an...» m m I!“ Dun use. We mud 00km 3nd _ _ "up. Como In "I's 'ltiAi, mm goody mlercantiie Fire my. Swot hum-m“ -sattt Tailor, hurl» 7mm m: a, (liittryis Molsons Bank ‘v - -- iiliiiita?2if2ii2v,'tat buu-L annulus-luv“ ttrerPa-.rereAef " iiitieiFst9e*ttAtt, " to Ruck _ertort [gamma-94 BI. was maximum A. BOEHM .... m-.- - m m nu 'Tnn'm riiniiiiifSiiii)ii'2i King St. suran- c Agen', visit to us EARNED a". mu- c.u, uln- Mutwsl Building, the Dominion ....... 3117.140 atath- In in! ground for a m, qretraestttettt not. and pus“ to cm in an! look DiAriet Ageynt Phon? 249. 230.000.“) Berlin Mun Bl no: wan tu __-___'- ' and installation, and claims to haVe sold the appliance' to Jacob Morley, of New Hurting; Casper Braun, ot Berlin; the Elmira Furni- ture Cor, C. Stuart, New Hamburg, Peter Shirk Baden and others. He asks that he be paid the sum ol $136.50 and interest. L. S. Weber vs. Ed. Derul. is 2L action to recover $491.65, principal ‘and interest an a $400 mic made On Dec. 30th, 1902. Mr. Dermul dc clams that it he cvcr gave the '1th it has been paid. W. M Reade tor puitttitr: McBride a Flitr tott tor delendant. 29 culuTkEN IN 0itptih?iMiii Owing to there being scarlet fever at the Berlin Orphanage the Board ot Directors met at the home oi the Secretary (Mr. Taylor),.on Monday evening, Dec. 2nd, to transact the) regular monthly business. The President, Mr. Peter Shupe, took the chair and opened the meet., ing with Scripture reading and Mr. Strickland led in prayer. In the absence ot the matron, Miss Snider, the President read her report which shows contributions amounting to $65.55 and that there are twenty- nine children in the home. Dr. Bu- chanan was the medical attendant during Nov. F . . . A LA 1.-....onunmnk (luring Hut. The Board desires to heartily thank the Breslau, Bridgeport and Stras- byrg schools, the St. Andrew's Pres- byterian Church, at Berlin, the St, John's Lutheran Y.P.A. of Waterloo, lor their donations, also tor the amount received trom the Elmira iUnioh Thanksgiving Day Services. hum. ._.__7,n v V The matron's and Trisasurer's re- ports were accepted as read with pleasure. . . ___-s-... " can: RR wrtre P"""""" Accounts amounting to $205.38 were passed and ordered to be paid by the Treasurers GIANT TRiPLETB-- "Bobs" and "SHE" cl cocoa, In big plugs. (tn m and. STRAIGHT SALARlES NO FEES The Ontuio Governmcni has unuun onsidersstivs1 A compwiiensivvy"T"r tor the general abontion ot the icc system, particularly in relation to senrHudiciit1 omces. The Toronto News has been in- "ormot by: member ot the Minis try, that, in view of the consider- ation and investigation which must necessarily precede any legislative ac- tion, it was doubtful it any pro- grun would be "tticiently matured lo present to the Legislature n its com- int session. It is not improbable, however, that indications at 'he Gov-mment's plum may be submit- ted. _ _ - ., -a-sasA The object in View In “nuulaumu to be ttte payment to all such um- cuts a anemia, rest-tun and LouB- ty Crown Attorrtep, ot straight sal- tries, {noted ot the existing mom tice of vrthoPiBy than ta mum . Kt A um aims-mo (on. " is believed that Ute than“; rm do any with any “um. be‘ mum and Jun. to the annuals, and In may van be ot Muir-Ho no municqnlmu. It In "cognac “at the retmmeration would have to ii, datuminell ton Inge Meant up. tut the retmmeratiott would have m be determined to- Inge "smut up- on local etgtditioo, :nd the un- .33 mount cl work the o"dvner is “lied “on to perform. The adap- ‘uon cl In equlhble node of uh!- iei would be one enhlllng ' not: minimum ot my mum-.1 unr- (I in whim. ezmetrtmsl drawstri- can exist. Some union my duo be "Info" to masttrauatt th mama " eosmtrr lulu" mum .1 the - by: ups-I. AW “an ' nu Malo- II the n 'tr at MM can 1'ttllllt, in! â€if; ll I viii: Id. Asma- we a. at.» my all M Mg. layer uh tog W ot the NW W- M'- ad Chum go tor my rTtEI'rB-- "Currency," mag" chewing tub» plugs. Quality “in†Ed. Derul, is o, $491.55. principal $400 trote made , Mr. Dermul do our gave the - bra Cirset - sUrh mat ' . “I. notrotrtt- I COW." Cryhtt be lake' in my Punt In EAL-S! ’0‘) composed 'ot Messrs H. J. Hurd, "l Jos. A. Good, ind A. U. Meyer. 'm- Several members expressed th-ir rg, opinion that the Association was de- He serving ot more tangible considera- ol tion at the hands ot the Berlin and AP, and no: at tte V†(may but!“ Pet - A.. webm- in d In ,W l ii."ti2ittdrl.ttM ' Wm- _ All» _ "r _’1 _ Vanna“ d_ Inn at “a _ _ in MM in-tttn 1.95m. Prev J-u “dim prodded. m Maul mum In: ttt no: showed and.“ M5 to MM, all he “manna, which included: low outstanding may.“ wmh mutually-Mam with; mummy ot a mull bum, md, “(mun were - an with a: mum 91 the "gegtt exhibition and will tavasake u the but and mu," “PM" It tho all In“ pu- try not Pt'. ti'ii'It,', The ole-u “and ensuring yes: vote a (allow: Hon. Prt--Je.tt. Hanna. . Pre.idetst-A. K. Devitt. _ lat vieo-pres.--A. C. Mayor. Water- e ac- will pro- the rd lo loo and, vi-rea.--". A, Men. I Sew-Trend. A. "Good. Etxeutivs-3. T. Underwood, 1. Helm “a J. Huron. The tguperiitundent will be uppoint- ed It; future meeting. ... "GiiieiiGui" A. "K. Devin. will have: his Ipwgunl when at the next monthly meeting. _ - _ -A%aunitiee wu Ippotntcd to so- cul'el. permanent mince of meeting. It was the unanimous opinion at the members present tut in order to increase the interest of the tletter- a! public in poultry breeding an ed ucgtlonal ca‘mpsign should be con- ducted during the year and the as- sistance of the local press will be solicited to publish items at inter, est tram time tonime to be fur- nished by; Publicity Committee ‘compoaed 'ot Messrs H. J. Hurd, Hos. A. Good, ind A. U. Meyer. nit- An automobile cum rushing round the corner, mad the etwteur an: in ood front at him. nun with a nun u "itV his side. The mu lumped to onn tttteb- side in good time, but the den sal- was killed. The curttieur stepped "-10“ down and contemplated his work. "ect "II thah your dog?" he "hed, br4te . "Yer," hid the man , tre “Will you be “timed with twenty i,1s, mull?" County Councils which refused to give the usual grant: this year. It was the general opinion, however, that as- sistance will be received next year in view of the excellent quarters than are now at the disposal ol the As- soclntion in the new tsrket building, the use ol which was granted tree of charge by the Uoa.eil this year. he. best and most cleverly-play?) per-l formances ever seen in Berlin. was] presented to the theatre-goers oi; the Twin-City at the Berlin Opera' House on Saturday evening in "Mrs. Temple's Telegram" one of the lead- ing laughing successes of two- continents. The audience was large md fashionable and seldom has-any company captured the hearts of their [ auditors as this company did on its first appearance in Berlin. l The play was clean throughout and the company was compos::l ot artists iof a high standard. The illcrc hinges about a little rm told by Jacu‘ Temple to his wife, which leads on to another until there isa tissue ul falsehoods that is simply a batllr- tangled skein. Temple takesa ride on a Ferris wheel which becomes GU- spended in midair, where he remains all night. On returning home the next morning his wile threatens to leave him unless he gives some good ex- cuse.'lle tells her the truth,.tot she Te- luses to believe him,and tun he tills her he sprnt the night with a lie- titious friend named John Brown, at: supposedly fictitious address, in the meantime Frank Fulltr, Temple‘s friend, arrives and icsicrsortates Brown and this' leads to innumerable complications, for the real .lrhn Brown, living at the address girth, shows up and then come: his Bile, and then Temple's ettorts to conceal his lies t,ecomGrexeruciatinsiy funny until he ends by telling the truth lfath character was almect per What was odoutrtt1ily one of tectly portrayed, esp-(man cult roles assumed by C: as "Jael Temple" Alan? “Frank Fuller" and Mit Gaunt as “Mrs. Temple", members ot the cast wen in their respective roles pry 1nd costumlng wast It is probable that Mar will arrange 0. return eng ithe near Inture. IxttNotay-qtMqStrrtt Berth, 0., ttee-Me 8rd, by Ree. J. T. - . mm. In. um Am" tad _ in M V '1“. bett M., (LEVER PERFORMANCE Ala min chug!!! owners, uni the driver gull climbed into his ca- riag6, . . ' "I a we" lorry I lit you plenum in hunt-l tor he ml. in he sown†AK“; ., I one! -. an; m, were you eotstg to with no 6eq a! the tun'," "t w" iest - our Into huh yonder to "bot tAe dog.' From Bette. Mil. HIT THE MARKS t "in; hunting ycd, csprcially the dilti- sumed by Carl Anthonyl mple" Alan Mummy: as r" and Miss Francml rs. Temple", The other he cast wen also clover lective roles. Them-en- vuming was excellent Lblc that Manager Cohen 0. return engagement in excruciatingly funny r telling the truth was almect per "idress. In " Temrle's crsonates ‘numvrablc real Jctrai "ass shun, his “ital to conceal hue - lor Mu." M! to .tart “M the up]. '.u'.rlk'taU"rtfd1"l'rj'li .'e. mm- t't.ittet22lt'tu't' 'C' ilt Town sonata:- to: nowh- 0! the POW". d “I. Boqrd h - "a... we P.. It mm, pm ttHts- , . Jon. L. w. Bu. Berlin, Ott not: 'o"gii"tgt'a't'", today it In. - ; the gut-tic- ot vaccination swan to be m and " C Te Mir ot the Rev Butane! ot Kate which "with anon; other shiny that Osmond} “Iv- Tr.'-- -, _ _ ot may (3min, 1‘0va All Import!“ Vim a can“ untrained to contract Vila join- lowly gunned ma comm-II and? ‘cd pzwmlout or pmetitioise" tar ioggq fur uni Iron rear,to you tor the “cannon u the expense ot the Manieiptstitr ot I.“ poor venom and Rat their own expense ot all other per- sons wildcat. in the Municipality who " come to Inch medical pmuuom or practitioner: to! that purpou. It the council new doing thin the mod Bond ot Hum: my employ n. medial prasstltiontr tor that pur- pose. The Comm“ at every city or ion: is to appoint I convenient pine in each ward memo! tor the perionn- ace," at least once in one): month, ot such vmimtion sud are to give ‘public notice thereol. - A I _-_-e-_. ARIA p"..- ..--._- "W, The (other or mother of every child horn in tho‘lunicipality shall within- three months alter the birth take the . child to the medical practitioner to he vaccinated unless previously yond- nated by some legally qualified medi- cel practitioner. There is provision Misc made that upon the eighth day lollowin; the vaccination the lather for mother or person hailing the care 'ot the child is to take the child to the medical practitioner so that he 'may ascertain by inspection the re- [sult ot the operation. In every Mu- nicipality where smallpox exists, the Council may order the vaccination or re-vaccination oi all persons resident or high school to provxde that no children shall be permitted to attend any school without producing a certi- tieate at sueeesstul vaccination when {demanded ot him or her try the teach- 'er. By the Seventeenth Section, in Hill execs where it is deemed necessary Lby the Medical Health Officer owing to the presence or threatened pres- ence ut smallpox he mny with the _ approval oi the Board of Health re- . quire certificates ot successful vacci- ' nation, or ot insusceptihility on re- w’accination‘ within seven years, of all _ students of high schools, collegiate T institutes, colleges or universities in 'the Municipality, to be presented to l the proper authorities ot the said s' institutions, and no student refusing i to present such certificate on demand a'shall be admitted to further attend- , “on nntil such certificate is tumiste in the Municipality who have not been vaccinated within seven years. The Sixteenth Section of the Act ', provides that it shall be lawful tori the trustees ot any public, separate. vaccination" within seven years, of Sl Toronto Dec. 6.--An order mm, students of high schools, collegiate by Giiiiiili Referee Kappele fixes the! institutes, colleges or universities in 'commission lor the National Trust the Municipality, to be presented to Company on the sale ot York County the proper authorities ot the “who“ a Savings Co. at it percent. institutions, and no student refusing (The amount ot land sold to date is to present such certificate on demand lslightly over $350 000. This is the shall be admitted to further attend- in“, charged now hr real estate men. ance until such certificate is tumish- .There used to be a scale whereby m; ed. rate was 4 ter cent. on the first It would appear therefore. from $4,000, " per cent. on the next the foregoing, that it is quite within six per cent., and 1 per cent. there- the power of the trustees of the after. Now, however, a straight Public school to provide that no charge ot as per cent. is made unless children shall be permitted to attend there is a special arrangement. without producing acertifmate ot sue-l The liquidator is allowed to fix cesslul vaccination when demanded. his own costs ot the application tor The statute does not say in terms the order and to pay himseli out oi that the trustees may close up the the assets in his hands. school but the provision made, we would suppose, would be tound quite The Order. 'as eilectual and that is, that they need not admit any children other The order 1. " (allows: than those who can produce A cer- "It is ordered that the liquidator tiftcate of successful vaccination. he and is hereby authorized to .. r’~- - - -_.__a..-|n.. at Hm rata n! I; bresent éuch certificate on shall be admitted to further ance until such certificate is iiiriUiiy {he Vioregoing will give the desired infatuation. Yours truly, - __ - .... IN? The annual Christen" bazaar given in St. John's Church on Thursday alternoon and evening by the Ladies' Aid was a pronounced success. [ The attendance wu very large, ee- ( peeially between 6 and 8 o'clock when the high tea was served. at! i which was thoroughly enjoyed by those who pnrtook ot the abundance at good thing provided. i The inncy mods booth wt: prettlly gdecorntcd and the large supply at (beautiful and useful nrtlclea wu com- ‘pletely sold out st an early hour. The orange tree also attracted con- !Iidenhle attention and proved to he a protiutrle leaturo of the shit. The energetic society under whose auspices the bazaar was held will realize a hnndnome mount in the re suit ol the enterprise ot the mem- hers. Elan. Doc. '.--Thin alternoon mme' boy. noticed I man‘l hand pro- }wung through the ice in the Irvine River. be‘weu tulem .nd Etors,i and on investigation it vu [and to be the body ot Ed. Klein, I tnits) " you! ot “e. Klein to been In the employ ot Thou. (imam. I ‘htmet nest this may. He ma been pot uh may! on Summit]. Nov. mm. lime which “no be but not been an aim today. w: "In. llv- manna. Alon! “0 Hm mat In tM mu'l -.htt Mutt will In W mot-row. H AND PROJECTED Mr. at In. Almond Kin-0| Ma. nut My In Duh. NUAL Bht thit HILL“ & SIMS 233933 ABOVE THE ICE BIG SUCCESS 'til Peter Who. . mm "fer"Wl ' by Alex. Heegott; ot all Ml, â€a 'd,", pound “them comm-maxm " in; on two charge- at target! an per- one ot 1.1-. mm. It in and rho that he torged m m ot his mb ' "l player to two cheques muting to I'ii mace-ohm mud the the money: He plagued guilty to the, Nor Charge! at tor6err and VII “mulled '""rtor a week on the cum ot mm .13.: an' . __ . __ -l u..- -mt nun-Mm! yum...“ . The inner: ol the recent amateur photo contest conducted by F. l. Weaver a Co., hove been Announced by H. R. Sallows ot Goderich, who acted as judge. Ch B. Clement, ot Waterloo, won tirtrt prize with . view of Idylwlld Park. Elmer Hyatt, Bee- ond, picture ot a. group at geese, and I. B. Rudy, with a View taken in Bridgeport. "in his R. Knntz, ot Waterloo, and All. Wintermeyet, ot Berlin, received hononble mention. l Mrs. W. G. Cleghorn, Water street pelt on Saturday for Bay City,Mich ito attend the funeral ot her sistes in-law, Mrs. Dr. H. M. Gale. . Mr. and Mrs. J. Scully, ‘Fredenck .St., entertained a number ot their Ptle lriends at a very enjoyable progressive euchrc party on Friday evening. The hot)â€: was prettily dec- outed with car etions. Mrs. W. H. sums“ won the ladies first prize and Mrs. Ed. Scully the gentletssen's tlrat Lprize. Mr. Marrin received, the prize (tor lone hands. r I Miss Snyder, Matron ot the Berlin . ' __-_ hut "" IUIIV -.-__ Miss Snyder, Matron of the Berlin Orphanage, desires'to convey her thanks to the Ladies’ Aid ot St. Paul's Lutheran Church tor the timely donation Jst about a dozen quilts and comlorters sent to the in- stitution on Friday. The gift is \n-mnv .nnreciabed by the little ones. ara' i2Tlorntorters sent stitution on Friday. The greatly appreciated by the The order la " follows: "It is ordered that the llquldator be and is hereby authorized to charge a. oounnlaslon at the “to ot '2} per cent. on the amount ranted fe all sales ot real estate of the said company in liquidation made tiy llhe liquidator. 1Peeeyt.e'.='Paer, no» in: as my "ref thy CHARGEZ 1-2 PER GEN “And it is further ordered that this amouat of the commission tor the sale ot real estate, as atoresaid, up to and inclusive ot the 15th day ot October, 1901, as shown by me sched- ule tiled and attached to the “Matt of R. Home Smith, he and the name is thereby allowed at the sum ot $8,035.65 and that the liquidate: be --.u in Mum authorized to tortle O0,wd.uu mu. v..- ...~ - " and is hereby authorized to tortte with receive the and sum ot $8,035.85 out ot the assets at the said com- pany at his was." . -i.--a." “F†iiimGuititt11eCee!e.'t, "And it is further ordered that in the we ot " ales ot reel acute herealtcr made, the llquldnot he end is hereby euthorlzed to receive " the conclusion of the It]. out ot the proceeds thereof or out ot the new! of the company in liquldutlon. the Mmmuninn on such scale, "cording oi the company in nquuuuuu. u... commission on such mle. according to the rate specified in pongnph one hereoI. . I "And it is further ordered that in‘ the am M n specinl order to greater commission thou tut outbox- ized by pony-pit l, hereof, null bu received by the iiquidaior, "td tilt in over-t ot the “widow: parlttg to any other perm or carnation n commode: in - oi no we ot Jul estate the “noun ot Inch com- ,ttt-itttt shit be deducted from the mount. of comminlon which the 1tquidator u annual to mom was: and " Virtue at tho term: oi thin aiu" Thai . " tm no (ninth [bout You know it have. And an doctor will “V 86. "And It in further ordered tit.“ Wilt M m nun-I w w- eonu ot and madam to this up- banding in m. which " [ “mum. be Med and pad by thtt the no“ out“! "Mot" n mum»: out ot the an“ in It: .0. tio oortti-tt. 11-. panel 'G"ii'"iaTGiGa.tttttte,r 'i"u"iiiiirtee'e2t"2 'll'n1"GiGiaay-e" IGiFuirti""""1"'" mm, B teortrttr yawâ€? 1iiii'ii)'t).1) BERLIN NEWS Gets Puy " Chat rm- Itl Own CO.“ 6.--An order magic r real estate men; scale whereby the rt. on the first . on the next 'i"f,i'iii, Hockey Skates, 7 (ll 313;? Hockey Sticks, _r,_idll 'it'ji'jtii,, Hockey Pucks; Berlin her St. : the Show». hams In. M MIND-m m trtit, would“; lumpy right. . _ l 'esastst-trhsmator...., mom‘s-meld“ -"aitiirk.'................. SIMMIWWIR .."'..... 11b- ncw cleaned Ola-nt- for... Successor to J. A. GOOD & CO. THE CANAmAN BANK 2g OF COMMERQEW wwurumq and BtrBAunrRN 7m 1 given uiiiiibaiudutibiui-'i . 215:. mum, 6mm manger A. B. IRELAND, Superimendant of Bunches The Town Councii is being criti- cized tor the manner in when the by-laws appointing the new clerk and treasurer were rushed through this week. Time seemed to be the essence oi the appointments which apparently would permit of no delay. We do not purpose discussing here ith.e qualifications ot the men appoint- ed, although the members of the Council themselves were not unwi- mous on this point. However, in titl- ing important municipal positions of this nature, it would surely have been good business to have advertised lor applications for the positions and to have choserk the best men available. We believe such a course would have been eminently more tsatisttue tory to the general public gnd re- moved cause lot criticism. BANKING, BY MAIL.---Deposits mail. oupof-towruaccouuts Bunches throughout Canada, Tue late Israel D. Bowman, who [or twerrty-se.vert years so ably and honorably discharged the duties ol Town Clerk and Treasurer, and later those ot County Clerk and Treaxurer, will be remembered u a, model ot- nclal and whose exunple other qnuni- lcipglmes might well strive to cum- _ . "___-A, “A m“ uyunv-w -._.,... .V, ma in their Appointments. He was in a gun more ot u: “IVS-er to the council than a men Imps: ot records, Min; u gunman ot aettto1- arly ntmnmu. . J1ne' rennin. and master at every detail ot town and county Mminl-kntion. . Is the town council not: than wns nut I mu ol this type Animals when they man up preterit â€wink manta? T - facility afforded Farmers for their be: business. Sales Notes cashed or taken for collection Day photo siiiiGGiG, kriit PM: Mi L m tere ' . Waterloo Branch J. [doorman Manager Toronto, Dec. T.-. The cti.et'd Sch-puns ot the city Ian decided to build a put temph In which they" will worship. A committee which has the matter in bud MI, " In understood, secured n splat!“ the in the northwest "tttinet of the city. and on this site the 60mph '11! be â€and. The plus we and to In an wowed, n“ the an“ ol tte building will nosed $150,000 All " rt prob- .uy .11 be we so: â€or. n . tedt.. cued. n u and am an mph will b. immune-nu o! no gnu banding in m. which " on. ot tho - - Met 1teeh't Hardware Stoves,Tinware, Plumbing and Pipe Filling! Store near Post office, Phone 142, Balm. BERLIN COUNCIL A GENERAL BANKING R. Weber a Go. . E. POTTER omen. TORONTO The Right Kind at BOTTOM PRICES Market Grocery the m1 ttt we .w... -__""" Balm. which n on. 'iiliG; at! h pinata a any undo“ le.""','.',.'" and. mm 1 um. mpmcnt eon- LB. _'-tdtt a chain Nutm- - "I!†...._ President FARMERS' BANKING air run then 1,â€. type nvnilnble up patent "point- an. m.t.tsauaa-rrm1t-qk.a't'; "CCY, A" tUrdu-Bain-ta'..-'.,..' T are, We nudism v rtiM', .260 onâ€. . _ "i', and in the United States and England Deposits may be made or withdnwn by amounts receive every attention Paid-up Capi' Rest, f - BUSINESS T RANSACTED :53:in Assets, - 111006.000 Halifax, Dec. 6. - Dr, Alexander Graham Bell achieved a amid no- cess this alternoon in the NM! flight of his first airship, m Gym . The event, demonstrating n it doll the possibility ot the We! principle applied to Bring mums, . marks an epoch in the solution ot the problem ot aerial navigation. - In the afternoon the huge contrive-e- ol innumerable silken cells VIII ecu- veyed to its cradle on tioard til. db- mantled schooner especially was!“ lor the purpose. The schooner III then attached to the stunner mu Hill by means of a: towing line, and the whole proceeded up Brag d'Oe Lakes in the teeth of n strong nonh- easter. Upon the Blue Hill Im a speed ot fifteen miles per by!!! “I! signal was given, the frl',2= and the Cygnet. exposing" ', ly her immense area ot “Hum qetgtg, soared gracefully into the air. The tlying line connecting the m 1‘ the steamer directed the coll!†" ' the former, also supplying mm, ' power necessary to keep it In Btght.' ' After a hall hour'l trial the W' ' was allowed to descend. " all“ I grnmtully down at " “alto! M _ twentyANe degrees. and tailed lt ' the waters at the his by new . l it: three hung“. tt van “ ttshed up end ed he! to 'trtltl) , Brush leboremt /1r,t DR. BELUS AIRSHIP THE CYGNET FLIES Cranium. Out, Inc. 4.. M..- entered nine residence: on 1rrWtWrs'i, name. the moat whimsâ€. at ot the city last nigh and _ J, about 820 in mm at! Brtirtes. Katine" was " each we thmugh the v!“ "N T The houses antral - â€'1" _ J. C. Flaming. Jul. HM W Bell, F. D. butâ€). J. R. Usâ€. '. s. Blair. W. J. loan. B. 'r. 5‘ and Judge Hallw- M I Jud;- "otatoa" has» I“ _ side- thedittg name anâ€. tMr-. germ the Judgc’u cum-u tArt) puking. They u. an: “I a. _ mud. numb“ ot oaadta.s, nu....u|hndllethlm Ter."il zsrmusuw "" BERLIN, ONT ml, 310,000,000 - 5,009.99? WMCK dean M t. a and M 4..-. WI £2