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The Chronicle Telegraph (190101), 12 Dec 1907, p. 9

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. 4:715 ".KMEM' -' ' " _ . , " C65aMil Leia; Il%l5, " K', r as!” 's ma;- ', fig: at!» W”. a _ 51M; " T"' . _ " F .1. - . 'B3iii iii-0‘13? - Tilh"Eii1 alum gym-qua. itEd. pa, “a“. I. Ur fl". 'lr"iiit-'etr"t, " it! il all It "In to only an!) (ll , a bu- to am he! - if; ”I: . crowd-inn“. " 'tttttte! on.- we '" cue- at [H"?. but ot ”or! hppanln; to ce-to who no in tin best ot health mad quits/but one null ttttdt an .‘m’to B foul; WI, and when PM. mam-y Jola am the my _ or WI utrtmliy know of it and keep F null "cordingty. Again, It is POI- dble a girl does not like we pro+ , pct ot 50mg home alter IIIO bu - "my tor a holiday, and lame one with whom she was in touch might “that her in carrying out 3 N33 ot her own. ' _-am-b-ut"'.""'!' a...“ magma» ton-gm. «M b - oagreauae. Atrdit n imports!“ to -- what can“ DEW" - “Dlupmrances are we” common jot only in London but in Pals and New York, but tno public seldom hoard ot them. Not only girls but old men Ind otharl disappear. Gen- enlly them, on not' cases ot kid- noppins; they had to do with lainily or business matters, and as the lamina; as a rule did not wish the police to know the eircumstanees, they employed private detectives. Thus the outside world does not get to know oi ballot the disappearanceé and their causes. The huts with rmgrc? ho tlw.fiv- “Gill and communal position oi the Dominion justriy neither the scnsm “on! outcry in certain quarter 300.0. presot conditions nor the dolelul prcdict'mns as to the future. 'Beyond the nuturnl alerts at the fond-wide monetary st ringcncy Lynch has been telt in London, Pans 1!!an and. every centre or capital ',dttd which has been "1011' pronounce" ll" highly protected l lured States '" Intro: trade Great tuilain,thctr gr will; in the Bnancial or busines tt w wk ol Cumin. to cause alarm . to warm: the dismugtoncs. I a point“! paltlunn are sending IBf, mun; system bu withstood _ " n an al‘ in" ot the Ameri- ,.w JIM”. " ha been proved stable , km], w “I .dsninlatrutiott IElh' 1't.'tu't't,get" and ",1 1|. mom [has - 1pm at when “mm w t't titreett. d the ”nut. monu- " a - ”can to “thaw " I " of 10'“!th mantis: 'rhrttftp,.s0t' tub and um the "' ‘ "we. qriil mun: u - " _. "t Eln' " kai Pr “the Uga- Ilir r . LI " ms the da- km. a?» Ti' . mm ‘ r B' (' I , a, on. rp, T g = ”pun; crdn. "Crimes sometimes enter into these sudden disappearance; A cool head- ed man oi the world who has com- mitted than. or felony either in busi- nm or private lite will take it into his head to disappear and make a lresh start in lite somewhere else. A few years ago a gentleman whose lubily was high in the social world va'nished. He had been suspected lot robbing his brother-in-law during a period ot pressure in the latter's business. The victim knew that it he informed the police his brother-in- taw would stand in danger ot being prosecuted, so he handed the case over to me. It was proved that the man had actually been robbing him right and left, but for the Saba oi his wife he was allowed and even ttgusisted-to disappear. "A husband walked out of his fiat in Marylebone one day and was not heard ot. His wile searched for three months herself then came to me. She knew her husband could not have err dared hardship or adventure, because he was physically unable to do much tor himself. It was a troublesome case, but eventually I lound the hus- band in a nursing home. What had happened was that the man's parents wtrre strict living people, who did not go to the theatre and did not drink "out. They did not think their son's wit-tto did those things--was good enough tur him, and they chose this moons of getting him away trom her." -Lomion Daily Graphic. e' According to the Halifax Chronicle the injury done to business and pulr lie credits generally by the reckless anutions ot partisans and Bent/a- Hon seekers is easily estimated. " "atc--. IMPROVING FINANCIAL CONDK . new. U m». on: $tgtattUn humid h ”that not do t if. blow an mm: ' .... eierf - -"redg'iar the . a. a. mm. In: - ttttttttre tth and “all Iron tbo, _ unlu- and”! And no tef,ll2"d', thlod. in . unwary to“! ".i.tonrNchomtotthCeom- may": buildup lu been “M0"? ad, Gdds Incl impriae" by W" Moaee, .., Ne.'.-- mmumowm chard A“ 2tad My. lyhatprpmqohffou Se, obtdublo Mm Ji'arinlieit- iron: River, " an: oboe. but merged in their madn- groupd wofklnq by a heading and The explosion occurred 'shortly um " o'clock today. Utee “a ttttt Some ot ioamenufiorurtoworeinur two mines mud. Them, mine- as Nos. 6 tutd 8 ot the eomsotidated Coal Conway. located on opposite sides 3:11: $5.33,: i grant nee] tlpple And bridge. The Mding ot the three corpses and the tour badly injured men is the only reward tor the strenuous and uninter- rupted work on the part of the large rescueing tower that immediately set to work. As to the miners reierred to by the rescued men as having been alive when last seen, it is believed that they were caught back at a heavy cave-in of coal and mine moi, and that they could.not survive more than a few minutes in the deadly gases with which the entry filled as soon as the ventilating systeng was interrupted. One of the most peculiar accidents on record happened to a young Woodstock girl the other day. She was playing With the roller trom a window blind, and wound the spring up very tlghtly. Then she put the taut in her mouth. Suddenly the cinch of the spring loosened, mad the spring unwound in her mouth. with great; v‘elociti. The spring " it went back struck agninsthertront teeth and several of them were '0 Windsor, Dec. 5.--me sician, who was also h tused to marry her it her husband seeking a success, Mrs. James H. ot the manager of It Publishing Co. of lh shot Dr. James A. A then turned the pistol the Gsitfith apartments Dr. Attridge came to Del twelve years ago and altcr gr ating from the Medical College mined a, considerable practice prominent circles. _ Mrs. Griffith, she says, besought Attridge to marry her in case her husband secured the divorce/nut thte doctor retused to have anything to do with her. Then, she says, she resolved that both should die. “or wounds may prove fatal. but it 19 thought Attridge cannot live. Dr. Attridze came to Detroit PECULIAR ACCIDENT ladly cracked that dent,at trutmwt was round uncanny. views, spun along the same line " tollowr. But Little tor Hours ot Work DOMESTIC TRAGEDY 'But Little Hope -meau.w her phy- Jso her lover, re- ter in the eventoi ing a divorce with es H. Crrprith, wife of lb: Bookkeeper " Detroit, fatally A. Attndgc, and id to by thei The American miners or the town l alive when have been placrd in charge ot the re- it they were lief work, but the Italians and other cave-in of foreigners are working under them that they most faithiuily. lt is possible tor a ran a few man to remain long in the depths gases with of the mine, and the rescue forces soon as the are divided so as to work in relays interrupted.with frequent reliefs. herself in Detroit gratin -sioismoro-tart-in1ty'? m at In 'iG'i'"iGaTi%riiiibAaie trib" mumumwp.m ammmwwbw teetat-asrtHatttvtrat at In! sm.oett.-itrth. at» mu Humanism-v” all communication with u- ouuido ro- oitattiatod.' 11! m ulna an” - 1.00. an. 1mm. tn ‘Io an. 60. (all; the - pl “0 dateing filo night. at tho but tMtrtt,rpa9,tsl' ob. mum“ thiaitmeiattat'theirr- un day tom w you towed this numb; all that u: wore caught. " 17:: shortly an: 10 o‘clod that the explosion occurred. and " that hour as the Intent at tho straggling (one. cutaway we“ " work, no» cording to who ohms. Beyond these tigttr" the oompany's ouch!- do not attempt to give oqtiettateg. I The entry of No. 6 mine, 300 feet from the mouth, is piled high with the wreckage oi two strings ot cars and two electric motors. Some ol the rescuers have climbed 19ect this end (and dead bodies beyond, but have made no etiort to remove those lto the surface, partly because it would lbe almost impossible, but more be- cause they do not want to lose time in reaching other sections ol the mine there it is possible men still living may be imprisoned. The cars are being righted as possible and re- moved trom the entry, together with all other obstructions. , All at the headings leading oil irom the mine entry are being cut on by canvas and barricaded as last as they ore reached by the relief workers, so that the innermost workings ot the mine may be given the benefit at the ventilating system to sustain any that may be yet living and make possible an early exploration ot these i workings. The general opinion is “In the number ot Mad and imprisoned will tend: son, 7 .-. . Some believe tin number will be exceeded, clawing that more than halt at the total iorce worked during the day, while others think the num- ber will he amulet. The most coir servnive estimate places the number iiCv"idtirriiiUt 300 or more. - Work ot Rescue Orillia, London, liespeler and St. George‘s ot Kingston, were the new clubs admitted. With the exception ot the St. George's, who have entered the junior series, all will play inter- mediate. Those present were'.- D. J. Turner in the chair; D. L. Darrock, past in the chair; D. L. Darroch, past president; J. Ross Robertson, vice- president; L. B. Dull, H. E. Wett- in the chair; D. L. Darroch, past president; J. Ross Robertson, vice- president; L. B. Dull, H. E. Wett- lauler, Berlin; H. B. Houser, Paris; J. W. Chowen, Strattord; J. L. Crosser], Cohourg; E. C. Could, Mid- land; Treasurer A. W. McPherson, Peterborough; Dr. F1lfillan, Uxbridge; Secretary W. A. Hewitt. The one ot Wm. E. Arthur, who ham applied tor u change ot residence permit, was referred to the sub- committee tor (rather information. At a meeting ot the Executive Committee of the Ontario Hockey As- sociation at the Telegram Building last night, the seventy-seven clubs entered were divided into groups. Last winter Ihete were eighty-two teams in line at the time of group- ing, five more than this year. The most notable decrease is registeredin the senior series, which is composed of but seven clubs against ten last winter. The junior ranks remain nu- me.rically unchanged, with 'thirty- tour, but the intermediate series has dropped trom thirty-eight to thirty- six. The applicuion of W. D. McLaren, of Barrie, tor reinatatement was de- nied. McLaren WtMt. an omcer of the expelled Butte Club. Comma must t2 their meeting: on or before Thur“ r next. to a to an”! a. rule book to begotten on without d.lar, In comp will be at to my data _ - h permit wu granted T. E. Duns- more, formerly ot Stratford, to play with London. Parkdale Canoe Club and Preston were admitted to the senior series. A trub-committee was appointed con- sisting of D. J. Turner, J. Ross Rotertatm, and W. A. Hewitt. SEVENTY-SEVEN Dead Will Number MO CLUBS GROUPED $2; titts,tt/g',dtN'.t ar a.ua, Each-aw ii, duh-03h- _ or mum tifit Pt an a. 33353 _. " an? ".td. tN,.'. 'iirGFhiiG.iiGriai0firiir.C __ thaw-tin: , itltgtAt, o,1,t.iki'!ir In; in truth it“ 3'16 bib Hua. the I" h ”at “on. It. all not 1t'.t'r. Purim, _ .- te.q . ml Ei4i'ti'ri' In“. the“ and Im- ' u to: a. blood. 'tmeh 'da'tkl'a h Packing that “Swot the nailed world M in "te that mural [W boug- ol “a wand-tin] "an. at man; in an. 0.. ot in not“ teb unphn is told u n - a! - - in tho folly-In; W its“: It. as. ”a. In you r m " N “y ','JlNl'r'll'lu'gN"ltl s"fgiiii)t,i,i:. ”run a! , It. I arr-17" I". tiit'yit ,'f3ltt'l'l'N'lltl 'ii'ittlti't'tFt (-1187 “(I And tp,1Mlt Qra'hpf'li',t,tr,r, u . hum - "fd'dtiWlll'= mic-m. m um 0WD! ”In“ I, we» Puchlno, prom-mood Si-km in at mined to be tho W 'irii.iiiiiiii of all din». and gem-destroying “anoint For building 'Ill till run-down ”Item u: curing I I mac d . forms of to h trouble. - and dinette: of tho cheat, throat and law or head, it is gimp!) unBpproaouttu. It in . reliable homo treatment. For ale " all dru in“, 500 and $1.00 or Dr. T. A. Gaunt, Limited, 179 in... sum Wm, " Group No. s-Ayr, Woodstock, Lon don, Ingersoll, Brantford, Paris. Con, vane: J. A. McKiggan, Woodstock Meet at Woodstock. onto. Meet at Toronto Group No. 6-Hespeler, New Ham- burg, Seatorth. Convener RFraset, New Hamburg. Meet at New Ham- burg. Group No. 3-- Stratiord, Berlin, sence ot h Galt, Preston. Convener Solon Lutz, 'cd good S Berlin. Meet at Berlin. has three c Group No. 3-Peterboro, Cobourg, Whitby, Port Hope, Lindsay. Conven- er o. McMillan, Port Hope. Meet at Port Hope. Group No. b-Uxbridge, Toronto Rowing Club, Port Perry. Convener A. Chapelle, Toronto.. Meet at Ux- bridge. route. ---_ Group No. L-Ne-Macs, ot Smith's Falls; 14th Regiment, of Kingston; Crescents, oi Brockville. Convener A. B. Cunningham, Kingston. Meet at Kingston. i Group No. v1-Port Colborne, Well and, Simone, Tillsonburg, Dunnvillu Convener Hugh A. Rose, Welland Meet at Welland. Group No. 8--Orillia, ”may; Midland? Bracebridge, Ncwmark)t Convener Herb Charlebois, Penetatg Meet at Midland. 1 Group No. I-dl" Regiment, Brodk- mlie; Frontenacs, Kingston; St. Odo- rtte's, Kingston. Convener A, Mt- chell. Kingston. Meet at Klngstod. tlcoup No. 2-Beuerilie, Port Hope, Cobourz. Picton. Convener Geo. P. (noun No. 2-Beuerilie, Port Hope, Cobourg, Picton. Convener Geo. P. sum. Cobourg. Meat n Cobourg. Group No. 3--Corucellis, of 1?s onto; St.Michael's College, of a: onto; Parkdale Canoe Club, of To onto; Island A.A.A. ot Toronto; Con.. vener Joseph J. arm. St. Mich- ncl‘l Collego. Meet " Toronto. Group No. t-.. Co-e, Vtete - A. Camp?! In! " KIM Group No. BraoAridge, Kw. t Gnu-hut. Group No. 4-Shncoel, ot Toronto; Hanan: High School; Upper Canada College, of Toronto; Eureka, of Tor- onto. Convener Edward Mutton, Toronto. Meet at Toronto. Group No. 5- Listowel, sumo“ Preston. Woodstock. Contenet D. A. Mela-Mun. Samara. Meet n "hum. m----m“ “ - - Nevin-J a?! Group No. 94udbury, a bye GETS FIVE YEARS FOR WIFE HEATING. New York, N.Y., Dec. s.-. Five ‘years in prison anda thousand dollars is the pru- ulty John Nahan must pay for wile beating. The Souk-use the maximum provided by the law, was imposed to-day by Supreme Court Justice hawk ing. Intermediate Series Junior Series.- l- ntiia,'gtravrsauot, H-ttie, mu J. nun-m. s. a an“. olS‘dll,‘ Mikhail” mm.- n. ma! his! I I , . - . Pu " K, - I 'alltit - W. 1.1;, . 'llllMlilllt' an"; ab , - " F, V; "~"’ "9 ik "h' "NIM "r ' E‘ iiriiC"ikit PaEaT. " . an _.ijiit1ti'i!i'f1,i':lii,t . _ a to .- a“. up“; pus-d m it“: an ' . ”he. In. and to nu m that. was pun du- nk! from as will! unmade. and my a! that and “an: den aid Kill. II M." King'- but “up. The tut how at m "girut non-4 areh we - h much-luau and trrto'tAtsqtsths-titriest at with; those about him. The Queen ',',s'fft'g1",' mm . he JOHN no hid he: unwell. am through ~yh1ardny tto King lull re- mind In . count-on condition. At time. there were hint “on ot COF scioua periods a the “tending phy- Acians brought some temporury 10- Jet to the patient which But then administration were without nun, and they held out. no hope last night beyond a promise to keep the spark ot lite burning a tew hours or perhaps until morning. At 5.15 the gentlemen ot the Kites Court were nonfat! and ordered to appear at once in the bed dumber. rho Premium ' Foreign Minister and' the highest Court allows. tm gether with d! the members at the family usernhled there and remained at his side until the end came. _ King Gustave V. By snowman the throne ot Sweden 9.888! to Oscar Adolphe, Duke ol Vermlmd, eldest son of the dead Monarch, who will reign as King Gnltave V. He took the oath ol omce before the Cabinet and Court assembled in the grand gallery this afternoon. Then the Princes of the blood swore allegiance to the King, who. embraced and kissed them, Kis _ ng his lavorite brother, the giant Carl. a hearty slap on the back. This ceremony concluded, the Cabinet w The statement of the Canadian Bank of Commerce tur the year end- ing 30th November, 1907, shows that this bank has had another. favorable $1,855,912.10 Whicl0as been hpproprinted as lol- Iowa:-- . Dividends Nos. 80, 81, 82 and 83, at. eight per cent. per annum '.F._etFrmm' ............”$800,000.00 Written on Bank Premises 350,000.00 Transferred to Pension Fund (annual contribution) ... 30,000.00 Balance carried forward,.. 675,912.10 signed but thy King bagged the Min. utters to remain at their posts. Thar acceded. King Gustave read his pro- dalmatian and announced his motto, "With the people for the tatherlartd.' the officers of the army and the mWy and the civil officials then too: the oath of allegiance. The new ruler was born in 1858 and was married in 1881 to Princess Victoria of Baden-Baden. He much resembles his lather in gigantic sta. ture and in his light Saxon natures. He is ,not, unused to the cares oi the State, as he has frequently acted as Regent dufing the illness or ab sence cl his lather and has display- td good sense and abilityl Gustave has three children-Prince Gustave, Prince Wilhelm and Prince Erich. BANK or' COMMERCE’S SUCCESSFUL YEAR Kingston, Dec. 8.-CltarVt " who on Tuesday mam: ed a. Mies "2 kin, although his wiui'sed I rubies (union: weeks old, “an! trr low blocks away, “as (by with him in th Polka-Gum» an, mu" with a 1lt5; of lr. admitted his crime. an! piicd immediate sontrnsc. He was g . Fear In the (mud puma. when 'were not calltd ttcolt lo lily. [hwmdnmdmdwmhh Ila-III lot-may autumn-1mm Manned limb! mantle 1'Ngt turn the“) mit E'i,'iii' 2t'glttiattt! would an. omhhw 'l,ug,%l','tlt [than - lawman!“ III-:1 a - - jjriiii,i2eii.Y, _ Rheumatism L0: Dr. Sht A. 0. HAEHNEL. tt,8ss,h2uo h fo Auud'm and "ma dh at thi. “on nod . sordid In“: owintgtopoorhealth, "tmtueiimriaiei4 christmu Novelties, 1ltit.tIi).ii', Books and. F iiiiitl of all kinds at GREAT 38%?! C me in and walk around. No tron p'?, The Chronicle-Telegraph ia again able to offer My . iihllt' ‘ ‘ ‘ attractive clubbing rates for the year 1908 whereby "M: iH.ijllill , . . secure tl e following publications in connection withtha_‘; ’ 1 ANNUAL ShSSION WATERLOO. The third annual convention ot the Retail Merchants’ Aqttqciatiotg ol Can- ada was held in Montreal this week and was auc‘nded uy representatives num an puns of the Dominion. Mr. J. M. chman, ot Preston, vice-Pre- mium, ot the Ontario bunch, was preseut (mm this district. Telegraph for one you at specially low rates. Ammitki "i)ii'i'i) ”a“: Itil balance of the your free to new tsubscribers. Special oluWLE“: with all other Canadian and American newspapers qnotei on L, ' “r tion. Subscribers residing in the Uoitad States who wish tii'iia8il 1trli_y_tt_u_ryrrPe1tjtttE an“ “was: f “223‘ Cheap Readingfor l During the sessionl the resolutions adopted, u embodying principles of anew“ to retail merchants, Included the, lollowing: mm the time has arrived tor the Dominion Government to and an! cutouts n rigorou- " to proteet the public trom im. and Inna“! food! and any and to deal with mislead- ing or “mum designating mm or “amt ot composition; to pro- hibit the manhunt. or we M my out mm. ud to prottmt tit ruminant: or “I. of my compound: 'urttorthtg to lead m was: to the helm that they no pun lid thou-tome nude: ot tood or modi- clne; 11mm ”magma: be potl- tionei to umnm. mung- ot tmt- ity tor All upicu, mull-gnu, up} nn, baking pond-n, can! of 'ee m-ve‘ luau, ml..- or out I”. In! _ " ”H w . " or ttt l'idiii ,,'r1'e,?i'1i':,'tjifh,'it'iii, "ttIBttt.,'v,r f.: ".. a: oi;s,'tiki'it t "Hut we again mm ourselves on record " hung strenuously opposed to the in‘roducnon of . Inca-Ire to give co-opentiu societies tspecial trri- ulcges. and that we us. only effort to Me“ my such leglllulon he. was - on the "unto book ot lip Domuuon.‘ GAS“ must accompany all orders. Make Registered Letter or Express Order to MRS. C STE w." Md an ever consider what u: lpprrpri Jo Cub I: place of manure would be? . _ it on TM. Our Second Anniversary wo tic-irate Announce to our pan-on- and my: 96, ' that we abs“ continue to merit tho ir :0an . '. first, rim and thoroughly "p-tri-Gtr, shock and all "emi/e. will be found at this store. Specially reducul pm. 1.333%.5 . A Suitable Chrnnicle-Telegrnph sud Weekly Globe uni Ctanduat ' F ' Farmer .e.m.. ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... .....M.8 Balance of 19!)? fret, to new yearly 'uNeribere. Uhroicto/NleRrttptt and Weekly Mall ,ig,ie,'g,ge.'.""'0 .... I.” B dame of my: free to new yearly Inbou- hon.- y Chronicle-Telegraph and Family Herald and Weekly Bur. .1.0. Chrouir le-Tcle graph and Farmer's Advoeato .. . . . . .... .... a Uhrvrticle-Telegraph and Montreal Wersi-; Wane-0.... .... " Ohrunu le-Telegraph and Farming iFC'iii'...1' ..... .... .... I. otttyylemuttr.rtehyutd. Weekly {Sun A. hum journal) .... LW Ihshurce, "ruin free to new .utwtritrehs. . Chronicle-Bdrm kph and thats My Genuomtn... . Chquch- Telegraph um] “Olly Globe . . . . . ... Wr I hronin le-Tck-grwph and Tarot-l0 Daily Elan...“ 19tuorinre run-graph m d Tu’l n " Daily World .. Chmmcle-Teh graph and Tm "Mn Driir Maia . . . . CAtrortic!eTrlegraph and 't'otamto Ev'enmg "il.. Chronicle-Telogrwh and Northern Enough... Chum cle {eh-gnu!) and Tomato Satunday‘nght GOODS l Corner King and Jrountr Streets. "ttij"iiMlllMlllllll i'8t'l0ETi?, J D0ERShht'i_/i_:'irsi', David Bean GIVE us A CALL EDWARD LIPPE’RT ATR IN MONTREAL Xmas trt) h 1:an ST lavor ot the lollowing "barium; the niiway commission lea that nil- ways only charge exact wall“ on freight bills; that the present We! British packing And wrapping' be": moved; that railways be Wilb- murrage when they detain an d coal from dealers; that Norma“ concerning extent and import-m, ttt retail trade be iorwafded to ' Federal Trade and Common. _ tnent; that ettorts to km A. _ of local branches in their on built] be authorized; lilac the. Dominica: rtoverntrtertt's purpou to In“ civil ernploycef uluiel _ to; (mini with pleasure; that mm H "Ott principle ot govertmtqt tt.ttttNr.itf, natural force. and asititMdtthkf, ,, appreciated, and list “I MR! , should also tte applied in; " ' water powers; ttWt Ll ' iM ' ions to erttoext.1ht)l, i ' . . be endorsed, d u u) I in; to inaudi- d”. ' t'e 33%; . a W - 4. 1t,eltl"l2Jttt . >411! .32 The mum“ at “It“. " issued: dram “my ' Ter d school ot nomad new _ ' be ope-ed nut mum in _ in with minim b um and, “In” [I u that: hymen. At a _ " new my my qunw‘”m "r do. Milan _ . s.'r',,e,3. SUMMER SCHOOLS Furthermore, what. you than" out" ”Ii-ck. to: nub 'etrm,t I'll“ - I. I..." _ I; Toronto, Dee. 52-191” _ V “and“. eertithatm. VIII tWa' cut. all without not”. "' is“ ",'- rc Bush.” . ,Publisher , Waterloo, Ottt Oh" Foil TEACHERS remittance by, ti) lirili,:ii,i'_t.fi,iiis:)'il;'tj, "sil,7vv'cil?tri'i, t,,'i,'i','i),i,'i'iii,i,ti, A "iiir'i,i"., h2sArf, igt.

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