ll ') .iBrimttber 11, Lucian. â€on“ m Rimm" IIB, .; ttutt, 'Uithand, Lilmuri. 'hit tttm originator of the it' Ding). [J Cl, w “ion on Work LL '.-,‘Obner7ation8 on Work ot IE'Nttt Drag." by A. w. B), 'rytr,titinister ot public iM 1-10- A w n 13mm 11, 3.30 PM. . thie operation and Re. ;54 T, Work in Testing . It, Hawthorne. Warsaw; mum; W. H. McNish, = "a. 1iio,eorett ot the ";ovnmns." by ‘C. A. _ A,), 1mm r at mu _,titeiii'sdt b. tt A Sous! the Speo- ., a . me Jueri," â€up; agate, Eng-nu ml Famous "in? W..R, Gui-m, mu- b {Wk o. A. C., Fun“; situation at Sea; ,v-by 1-450. liquor, B.S.A., Wham of need bunch, ;, _ ot Cow TesrthtgsAsso- in» c. P. Whitley, de- M. Kuwaiti", Ottawa. - 900m Between n5. - ‘tld ttttheed ot Cheese IE, EMS," by Frank " 1dr! â€Mulch! tor . ', 1W- . WIS My Handling ot ifttitk ijucts," by H. II. Mllt , V“ Production." am" CC, Byte Ink. 'rika'Fdibiiri"ive Plu ot I ," by P. c. Ellord, " VG“. Anne is Belle- , ts-" 'm on W 14*“!!! to Sno- _ was." by w. H. ".rer-, o. A. c., l tun-m ar-' ‘Ml‘dxtobehdd 'ietatiti2'; rdi'rs “ teitt,aitniaur of "Mum a riliiii:' Mm "0h.utstaemtooesttoter Fem no, "In if "til , Friday and Nturda win in on was I in rim." " lines I‘VEmbz you to nu t'eh7f,3, I',', unfolding hum. an: In the trrior. ome Eiitiria specials.’ 5Wll. 10A.l _ A tttte ot men’- extra nu 1mm 3 d Wtu, u use . oi new! "to memorized cloth AMI ttttte "ofâ€! nylon an»! "Mn. Ve {null an. that. would um ;_ 'teye? _ 7 Pt,". gnu, reg-r iii?tt a . "att, “In $1.43 fylwgtm "It a c as ' a., I M - n gig; [m m has?» ........... a.» an amine “(Won the you can. M, 'rmsar.ehmrrerde-trsg FAIR [lsTdrLTtL"! 'li,h9i's'j:ii',ii,1,iiiii,i " ' rue tt A [main tire ot born' he", runway: ml stocking, with me tf' And te" mi dam. "'rW,t ' the Mo_ and most {rpumlo Meant: I; the mm. regular â€to.†to we I m; to Mee, a]. â€In. all Mt.'. Hum humid?“ "m, pattern. "in! “to. $1.15 'gtrmy. may and 3mm, no 6000. no" $Ntt,'tgrdt,tttagt b runny and Saturday we win It', you new main": u mums ' you to an â€nothing " your mm: mm. " In the pm»: r6dmttttn. the you gtratMrtr'S"t .' tt you not a! ot the do" goods, my. Thu up mum-i- In Mal-h .re"N_r, may no smur- } (a) “Swine," br'.r. H. Much. !'Btrauordvitte, Prot. G. E. Day, . o. Luz. Guelph. ' I (b) "Shep," by _Lt.A)o1/ Robert sMcEWen. Byron; Prof. R. W. was, .o.A.c.. Guelph.‘ mamu cools. StyI-vhpnpm - dill“ Wanna-mam when! oottmamdbmtttitrthres, pmioaol bandwi- Inn. at AT is: warm House BEINJN, sum“. mac: rm. _ Address-ie New-aux to: Allen- ding the Act for the Protection ot Show and to 1mm»; axon Dogs," [011on by a discussion ot, the madman. suggested by .the Domi- Bion Sheep Breeders' Association. Addres‘sI-"Tho Economical honing of Live Stock." bore-mus who we. Tu- ll". any. Wu, avy'ud Ptah, troato, 8m in every length and we, ate. Death "anâ€: a! wry husbandry. O.A.C.. Guelph. Thursday, We! IS, to Al. Address-“Selection ot a Stallion and Proper Typ. in hinting," by Wu. Smith, Columbus. _ Address- “The Moat 'ProBt.tm, Clan cl Home: to! no Fun.“ hy H. a. Reed, V.S., Georgetown, Ottt. ThurBdir, December 12, 2.80 PM. Ditecttatrio- The discussion will be had on the inbtmntloqnnd WSW Mons contained in the report' q! in inmtimtion ittto the hombteedhg industry ot maria, which Wu pre- pared from the reports received ttom the special Inspectors appointed by the Ontario, department at airieuit/ tare. A numb: of points sum-ted by the directors ot 3m Ontario Horse Breeders' Association w!!! be presented for discussion by the pres!- dent, Mr. William Smith, Coiumbul. tr to» up and W m4 Dora's-alu- hr thin-haula- ny new .ni - design. not» added . umber at New YorkLon-, don m Writ' patterns, Be sure to see them and not Ine- (c) "Beer Cattle," by John' emp- hell, Woodville: Prat. J. H. Crinkle, Central Experimental Fun, Ottawa. midGss--"Hopre llamas." by C. A. Bums. 'itaa- at {no Moul- tory, Toronto. , Addr-ite Horse and His M.- tar," try D. mm King, Ibiuattd, Missouri. This - W! £361!†3 nautical damnation of obtaining “In“ control all: unbroken horn. me plan Ilium It origin}! Btslt willbe [and of great “mam vane. Tho dtttnottatrAt,iort will be - In the large 0.0th tbs. ' ' Thursday, December 12, 130 PM, 'llt'J':ttltCi'a'tu'lt; Sh.‘ _ “by“ big 'ltr2tHtti'S11tt,'ll2. Bii-titi-u60.tott. . We have engaged extra yet for theCtirltqte,turtt. Apr, o'pen..eyer, night than! not until Christmas. 7 _ Friday. December 13, " AM. â€a THORNTON & MAC. Ltd. Men‘s dark grey "Jamaal mu, , from out: of “In host MCI mks". summed MW “in proof all Borto MM, gag. price as. sale 13er - a.» A Mama! ,m'l dark lawn, when Inventor»! cock. m, nu. like. rag, worth $tV uh the -'.Prot.... ,;.......... ............ $3.83 A [an nap a! little bon' they tutu an M nth. ., in atl l", In: _ 'gt,tt,',ht ' t, yen. a " r 0 â€all. rug. who as. lat',", m and snarl» arty .... 38.80 Bora' hunter and Menu In“: in A Inge valet! of In!†and cloth. 'rtt,peht,fter'eyte- . m. '3ng nd Butt;- “I ........ A, W'ESELOH dk 00., Berlin. Inventiyutc and use for yonuell that Art Coverings in. Wigs .m'ToupecI. Prof. Dorenwcnd’s Momma "are worn on owe: 85,000 had: by gll tMatrea, and in all Motion: ot lilo. They no the menu ot perleétion, ththt in newâ€. dunble and agent benefit to hadâ€: and a protestion to the Mutual!“ can. may". Ctv. tmh, etc. Trying can“! d.trtmt- utrutlng the 'smtsptAesttras ol that goods tree " ohm. _ He till in WORK tf 'ttit .' BLACK "AND Malina "tir up Italian """ltt"""- DYNAMITE 80MB USED. Hamilton siarta celebrltod St. An- arm's my try ti smoking concert. _ Winn. Ne, a.~8m¢" mm kw: it“; and ,tit.,"6, an: tfitt"liiCtitit, may it mi Row _ 2 " f-.:-." Iron death â€new; from “stip- pain to ban than a deMMmU at- tempt ol the "Black Had" to km the lot-man. A m Ind been Placed u the hbuc. but, either ow. in; to We" construction or Initial-bins of tame, the awn-Ion or ly "gutted in sinking the hang and blowing ott the trap-door. Tho joists underneath the 'Bohr took tIre, but wan .extlugul'shed shortly after the arrival ot the Menu. The N, T. W, Commission tor the nine months bah spent 85,531,867. that it was an Incendinr'y Bre. mun thin morning the brigAdv was aroused by ot.tsUrrit Rom tt same place and when they am ed they lound that the hand between the won ot the hall and the Parlor Were Hunting. md' that ally has had been dropped through g 'hnle in the! wall just about three feet inside the “out door, making it look as tf some outsider had opened the Mop. and .91: the house alum. _ Carl Six-plums, a prisoner " Nel- son, B.C., died of 6mm. amul ot the timtttm., On incubating the “use of Ute, explosion, Chic! TenEyck aw that, whatever mrp1oded,ttot been between _the bottom woodwork of the'housv and the top ot the Loundstion. ' He had no hesitation ia, stating that it was an incendinr'y Bre. At 1.40 thin morning the [Hindu The whole potuo (one is on the “on and the "BUett Hand" is 'Peo.. miled a short mm it cuught in my depreciation: tore.'. GENTLEIEN, ARE YOU BALD? “17 Store next)» the Post Ottiee and Sovereixi nun: - ",r “which: La 'ttttttttslit, . at “align, as tee 'att wait was abu lin Ian yen 'll sham 318.00. It “um-.0 “any - - to out!“ an ot tour person. to each was: ow or bush-cu u‘MAt 'W or man $52.00 a you to my the expan- on. us_ot governing the town. This In trust considerable amount runway 9d the ists expenditures should be tamtttltr lau- but tinned. Any other bill at - {In th would come in tor close -ittatdtja, e and the share which can householder 'contrihutm in Ming ot equal con- yt' l aidentkn. _ . . “a 'ttttttdt i can ' M', it TT P11 V 9t: d ‘1th _Tr.'a.lV1 Yr:- Dml- Inna-my" T use.» ot which“ Ton at“ in. " yet: than In mama . $11.45*“ to 3% one you: a! t9rrmr-iytAt' period tttth-tw iiuiaGiiuiiV and slur that that municipal â€Plantain: are al- towed to Bo Mr twilor than. instead of the ruby-yet main. 1 study at tho various municipal nah lems and um “nipping brutal! with intormation cum; him to Vote intelligently a! in we best interests pt his town. T ' But boy many "WI." than the interest in whip: am“ that in mm by such ...eoatribuuttt't. This phase of the htikststioat,dttie not Me account of mvpublh duty Well _everr right-Mnm‘mn owes to the community mum. In make; his home. A: an exchange truly re- marks, ttmuseUt , but: tor patriotism. civic or national. atertttuati6etesry, but oven a calculation of this sort is '.:Lt lent to prove that it would be 'tood business on the part ot the ratryayoo generally to show gleam- mun-st In the Malnutrition of the ciu‘s Mritrs and in the gun who undértnke the charge ot the' municipal government trom you; " â€In me- With Tm Then as mu with mm In I'- ery mm In nun-m but: all "go on" mutually one any ttoe prur- emnoo in the hut shop Eur-Innu- before they in bought) and which in the next â€(one to mm tte am you and who tor Ian c menu. Then a. tow mm mon trying than to all “do: an bin at a "N also!“ Thomvmmtohodm humitawtornwutorlo and mum! “In new new it! t,t'geui'hi't','g',n Oman- Ilot - was; I t Ind Imam ll cm 10 EXPENDITURES. “it“. itiiiitifiifi)sit,fii' F. in.» @E FALL REPGRT 0N Document 1slht as Ebony tr, _ " "1f'iltltltP"t td 'tt._,potato.em. m been good. routes: are Imam: um uml,ow- his. to be droqNt, but comttarMtro. ly tresltrprts rot.- . . . u ie,',? tree- as an good condition. J pt when attacked try the San. - M19; Mt ' ll hart has?“ tent an,“ Kiowa: M. The apple yumm- hms - the Bverage, In; 15m . shipments [me been rial-ya!†{its ' in rather mu man yin. be thin tor wirrtee, it, owing to to poor pawn. (jut. MIX-avian hon dines». Hum us in good Iona. but are selling " reduced prices. Owing to the high tort at tar, grain and mm feeds, hrniers Are 'tot “tuning an at uni number ot cam ad hogs. _ _ Falling mime} meg!" dm‘ in the milk new. but Mum or dairy product; Tun biblical matters. Butter was hue be. from 3 to timte higher than“. year's. Eggs mi peid the WW} better 11m: by! to: the male. , ' _ ment but new we fall teportJ‘dl wheat itt a little Mlow 1909. but up to the were“. Spring wheat is at average. Baby was pimp In gain; and better in “not! than that of July other cereal- The oat area has inereased, but the yield is 25,000- 000 under that of mo. This yenâ€: has been the smallest yield since 1896, excepting thar ot 1001. Don't my»!!! .11 unmixed report of - Mst you We her, “a it tttur nuke- tmunwilu expenditure think haw many times you hula giv- n her tin alum ample. Daft any my mum to crop More chm anagramâ€, htrring' nli Inch that mod tte prim†Mansion, with mutual trtteiBaam, um kinda-l. . __t, . Don't has about, tho Kitchen giving mm mm m; and that, was: you Now smut wife the me min "age " you was ot business. Lime run-is now mud, who»? the yield “at “Hyman ban not} Tim year's crap ot pen In: tiNtr the but. In yours. with m alum-I complain: Moo ot, an weevil. The are.“ ot now an when will- be imcrcued in the lake Eric and Georgian Bur Donation _ sows DON'TS POR iwsBANDs, ONTARIO FARMS FEE? -. T0 Burr OUT THE CIGARETTE mun, me.i-n, cteret!ef Jr to come in a»: â€ammo tttthi no. auxin; "tte, next lav guys; 0! Wellhead†Mr, Blah, or Poet, will no". requiem» an» house of n gun“: charm and 'rlti2tt pm- vides for an banishment of the houthl' any." at cub tell "loop. _.r.n8ti?'-tluitim “wit: to: the mew} in! â€lawsuit- " ., law prohibiting tb lmrhtiou,‘ NM†or “I! ot cigarettes. In. ttret and-no. w}: more a. um um design. , Dr. Helmet, astedieat'ttetatttt .oaur, ot Goderieh, Issued a autumn a lei days ago to the m that " teen home: in thrdeeich had _ hen mrmined. lit some home» this note more than‘onc case, but the tutti number ot one: wu certainly not u may as twenty-tour at the moat. There had keen no new.†since the first quarantine. Some! nu [mums were, nearly ready to be alum, but 1mm been relax-pd an yet. The Goddrich Sign! in dis- cussing the question say-z “There have m a number ot cm ot what is described as u nbortlve torm _ot smallpox, no mild that it was Pup- Posed to bg-chickupox; indeed, the belie! still prevailsjn tome qualms. and is not unanpn'orted by medical iopunion, that. the dim is a thing else nun chickenpox. There Jt no Mum or exeitetttntit among ttor citi- zens. To tell tho truth, the movie are rather unused, and 30mm" in- >di'gmmt. at the tantrum mum the board 4!! health' has takn to exter- lminm the Inlay." _ Maine um. thamttd hi to sm Sir Wilfrid an ['it""t,'f,tdl'i,,, , minutes in _ tos _ . ' wal anwmthat , tar deetttatUt w'tirrwtiit on the Millie: New tqiqdlstg the mate ttt elm. loft-U. pacer-s will page“ the question. -. “,__ " IE GODERICH SITUATION _ _. a? - t'"fTfs", l \ mm“: tFomttteehet- r'f,tt'ggtttdt"t,',2',t,tt'titt In»: woman. an. that. "aa-m, hon than My other II We!" _ ' 1th. housewife. But "oath-put ifoi.iia'Gdi'l (03mm. " '01le Puttm, FKDUR 'dak; 1Thtr, Art of “Baking Parglllr, Dependable ' In tho" an“ _ For Ill. "min." in the thmt Dominion. Hut“ new luau. and i?,t?ett,iili'iistiicif,tall WWII 003.5413» a' dar, carried-'0! Jiyetii, T f in the mu» tt,i4We, on Sunny. 'M, and â€intend “in tyi,?, tries tanked In W Ohio, tot'rU; than. tt, sixth; Washington, a†South Dion, eighth. f; The Iowa. C?c5f.f2.al Ff? if ", /' 0n ran t or '1, 1'j,'c.'r'ei,.". ud_swine. [,"..WN 2't7itr,i' "' .W by vmue captain-:5, 1tic'ttitris,? C", / now permanent ; a » J1rstie3r" l-,' handsome trut-ty' -int1rifltb.tturirhet" No. 3001th- "rr-tset,)-].' Na. 300215-an “\wa ti "".i Ryan: Baas; 02.15 on.» __-_. Ti- mnxrmlswn agMtt"'i W 134-138 Youte St. whom . -tiamtrrodrigostt,rt' : "otr--ri. Pin. who». tres, "lid-ahtwotiqfiti' "" TE PIN My!“ I’M Mdh’OWW antsaahusittiottiuas'iid' " . - N V .9, _'r,illlE x. ~ . , > I I _ ' $3 a}; G . . ir,tfui, tIN I q Cr'" Er†. . .- _ #3:“. ‘ , -/ . 5.. c N _F at? . ‘ '. a.“ trg J, r J'-_Loi 'S Td BET . . r, 3'! Add: a 'ii, i'ar.i't4?, a?“ ttti$,lris.tlti w!'s:iii'iv,r:s_,i-(i,iri1'ii!,i" 3m i253 Itl's'i,rt??s, E???