ty iect e L4 i6 _A Newspaper Offer Sok . ‘The T. rorto Daily World «it be sent bix day s a week for FOUR MoONT HS'“la"éddnu in the Domir ion of Carada for the sum FORTY CENTS. â€" This ofer on‘y holds good for a _mied time, so don‘t neglect to #@bscribe at oncse ond secure this aplendid Farm Daily in which epecial pages are given to Agricul ture twice n weoek, College, Toronto, was the guest â€" of Mr. and Mrs Geo. Schlee, Queen \ib, during his visit in Berlin. ‘ Mr. Geork }m bridge, â€" of . St. Thomas, h:mn appointed organist ©Kmox Church Galt, succeeding Backache, "The Blues" C Coreiegarics aud harmony of cabe designinnd for. purity and sonority of . ton‘" the GOURLAY PIANOS have bmuisi}dï¬aao superiors. _‘ i s 1‘*& ~A mordial invitation is extended to lovers of music, music students andall interâ€" ; i n an art plano, whether ‘intending to buy or not to call ‘at "the GOURLAY WAREROOMS and examine the fine stock of specially selected ‘instruments on | ‘ 3 ‘ 4 x : ¢ f C â€" f % Gourlay Piano Warerooms TELEGRAPH BUILOING. Backache and. "‘the blues"" are direct W of an inward trouble which na‘ar or : later dochrel{?!lscli. It m‘, h m M cilne ar mmc:zo_tmom n{'m requires m?fl at once, and Lyâ€" dia E. klhaimn‘s Vegetable Compoond h-smo;rm & curative poriers in all those peculicr altments of women. It hes beenâ€" the hy of: intelligent mmm t Owerity years s&d judecs that "it is the most nplrflly" gesful remedy for woman‘s no pï¬m Read the conving testimonials of Mrs. Oakes and Nfrs â€".i!;-}" P..Oakes of Prince of W;len‘ flfld 8t t‘s Bay, neay I lifax Odtmty, Nova Bootia) ): "After w 3 1e Compound mdnatis flls + am & that a:‘fl a ©H°C negi C any At AD who : ibffled @ t the Ns w #o '.,4_..; puid ty it and she will soon *be cony! \ C AWorth. Bix: bottles M xd _me fro evish, , despondent, f hok 151 t v"':;‘ a‘ l hul " P 7 over t 84 Promneg + ho rabely over has a pail Lafling woman to a sweetâ€"temporod, ever has a pait b bel rarely wivat c thibk 1t bus noâ€" suporior ma i anv ity endorse it.". .0. _ 0 > ; SUBSCRIBE HOW JM lfï¬nte_l;, of Victoria Ly ptoims of Organic Derangement in Women Thousands of Sufferers Find Relief. % §45 vamec 84 KING ST., W., BERLIN, ONT HSSiELER IN THE.O.H. / K Management Committecâ€"Roy Joln son, Wallace Craig, James, V,._ Jar @ine, L. Dandeno, S. M. Robinson. son Be fair.. > Be . calm. * Dop‘t® calamity howl. ; Don‘t ten t oyour nextâ€"door npeigh tbor with glum tales. . Be a ‘goed loser; turn your right ~ side out. â€"Bufflalo News St. â€" Catharines citizens are . golng to raise $75,000 for a new hospitgi, for me. I suffered with irregularities, backâ€" . ache ind severe pains all through m{ hody, and was very neryous and blue. think I used a dozen different kinds of medicines, some prescribed by the doctor and some reâ€" commended by friends, but one bottle of Vegetable Compound was worth more to me than all theother medicines put together, My l;:mu'al hen?th I to improve as soon as 1 began to use ge Compound, and in three weeks 1 was a perfectly well woman." ‘ 1When women. are troubled :éih irnf- «ler, on or m is, weak« ness, d !uamwmg‘ or‘P\l;muon. that bearl wh feeling, inflammation | of the fonmle organs, f)whchohhbd:i“lilz (or Natulence), general debility, ind m}on and ‘nervous pronmï¬mr are t with sach symptoms as nees, i. Mn somgce, aitpiomine. moln. zbo)y ""al . and “wnm-to-gln Alony‘* Teelings, ‘bluee and f thc( should remember, there is i {and ‘true remedy. L E. h 4 Veï¬mm Compx at once .R k kuch. troubles. We m f 2 .. No other has ‘zp & i of wares of b No . mw“.' ‘has received th ] wid and ung | | Retuse to buy any | PREE ADVICE TO WOMEN :| â€" Remember, is \| invited â€" to w ® dn 2o mt heaes ent [ ® [ â€" * F c is it inant bifore her dounen: r la:’“orl. "T""‘w* her a ‘ , | has been freely and eerfully given to ‘Levery â€"ailing woman. who ask® for it, ler advice and medicine have > 7 have i IntlQfRinamemis women. â€" Addren Lynn, A" en $ at PLAY THE SAME OPPOSITE SIMPSON‘S WAREROOMS | They are Something Better _ DX SHY mile *‘REPAYMENTâ€" IS DEMANDED AT ONCE. [AUDITOR SCBLLY n'qu'n'rs , _ _ ~A SHORTACE OF $1513.31 The Finance Committee, in . ome of its reports at the regular meeting of the _ Betlin Council ‘n Monday even<. ing, recomimendedâ€" that in pursuance to the report presented â€" by Mt, < J. M. ‘Scully, F.C.A., who was appointâ€" ed to carry back the audit: of . the ‘Treasurer‘s books for the years 1904, 1905 and first ten months â€" of 1907, recommended that Clerk Huber be instructed to‘notify Mr. Aletter of the existing _ shortage, totalling $1513.31 and demand tepayment of the amount to the town immediately and through {he Town Solicitors to notily the . Company which _ had bonded© bhim of: the result of . the audit. . ‘ EW 4 ue nmnpusccuds EEVTCCY 7 Mayor Bricker informed the Council that Mr. Aletter had already depositâ€" id $300 with him to go toward the payment of the shortage. Mr. Scully‘s report was read to the Council before the , adjournment and was as follows:â€" (Gentlemien:â€" According to instrucâ€" tions from your Committee . I have made a further examination â€" of the tax account of the Preasurer of the Town of Berlin for the years 1904 and 1905 and>also of his books of account and vouchers from the +~8lst December 1906 to 31st October 1907, and beg to report as folloWs:â€" . In the year 1904 the Canadian Bank of Commerce collected _ the â€"greater part of the Resident Taxes for that year, and I find the account ‘sunstamâ€" tiakly correct. To I find that the collections made by the Treasurer on the first .instalment of taxes for the year 1905 have been correctly entered in the cash book and fully accounted for. : The .collecâ€" tors roll for that year shows that the amount of taxes collected by him on the second instalment was $42,950,68 . The amount entered by him in his cash book as received . from ~ that source Is $42,396.37, leaving . a balâ€" ance of $554.31 collected by _ the "l‘rennmâ€" and not accounted for. 1 find that the accounts . for the year 1907 have been carried on in the same manner as the accounts of 1906 had been, and the remarks in . refor 4i in hoires in o for siouielt Price, 10 cents, Ask your grocer for any flayor you like, rux ROBEAT GRAEIG C0,, Limitco the Chairman and Members of the Finance Committee:â€"> The Auditor‘s Report. Josi add ‘a pin or boliog ust & lmu a package of White Swan Jelly Powder ence thereto in mz, report of â€" Nov. 1907, apply ‘also fo the accounts . of the vear 1907 ~I find that. during the ~year 1907 the Treasuret bad collected the â€" sum of $169.64 which had been entered . in the Collectors Roll, but not :in . the Cash Book, and the sum ~â€" of $75.07, which had not heen entered either . in the Collectors:Roll or in the â€" Cash Book. : During the coutse of the audit the â€"Treasurer handed me the recéiptâ€" ed counterfoils for. the above amounts anid > explained that these. had not yet ‘heen entered ig: the....Cash« Book. I â€" Have . therefore â€"entered _ these amounts in. the Cash Book. and after balancing the. account and deducting the money on hand I find that â€" he was indebted to the Town : in : the sum of $42.74, He hadâ€" also . during the year charged to liis personal acâ€" count the sum ofâ€" $98.93â€" without any It gives Hody and strength to soups It gives a W‘bflx e omm Evéy day yoh willfad d Bovril a help and ..%Y“f <your: kitchen, Bovril contains the essence, flavor and. nutrient #1 of the very best beef. [ It» streagth and nourisiiment to the invalid, and Mr fulness and imyâ€" to the â€" Qï¬lhuriif therefor. The total amount owing by the Treasurer for the year 1907 is $141.67. The following summary the dmounts which I find been accounted for by the Bflddfllt t.amg, 1905, not ~ in CaSh BOOK ......cccs sls $54 Resident taxes, 1906, not entered in CAKD DOOK >,â€":.5)...,..... wee ... T Cash balance of 1905 not includâ€" ed in account of 1906 ... . Cash balance due.by «Treasurer on 3ist Oct., 1907 ,........._... 1: All good grocers sell BOVRIL I~find .also that a considerable sum !, was received by the Treasurer on acâ€" ; count of the fitst instalment of taxes |, for the present year, alter the 12th day of July, the date fixed as tho[ last .day on which taxes should . be reteived by hitu and upon which an' additional five~perâ€" cent. should have °. been imposed but was not collected by him. Respectfully submitted, : : J M. SCULLYÂ¥, F, 0. A. Berlin, 29th: Nov., lpfl)'l. | Attached to the report was â€" a lengthy list of ratepayers, who â€" had not paid their taxes until _ after. the Jast day of payment during the lutl few days, but who were not assessed the 5 per cent. required‘ by â€" town! byâ€"law. Jf the 5 < per. cent. would have been charged the town would have received in the neighborhood of $180 ABDAM‘S PUNISHMENT. In the â€"latest nambet of ‘Heimgarâ€" ten, which bas‘ just been published at Graz, ~Pastort ‘Rosegger tells . this story: . ‘‘I visited a school one day where Bible truction was a par\ ol‘tiwdslly’e:'-t~ , and, in order to test the children‘s knowledge, asked questions. ‘One class of litlHe arh looked parti¢ularly bright, and 1 asked the taltest one: ‘What _ sin did Adam comnit?‘ f " ‘He ate forbidden tm&.’ ‘ "~Right. ~Who tempted Adam? . #€ lâ€â€™l " 3t 301 really Eve, but the serpent., . Apd how was Adam punished?‘ "The lg;,l hesitatedâ€" and looked con« fused. Behind_ her sat a. littc eight« year old who raised her hand . and #aid} |‘Please, pastor 1 know.‘ s IWell, â€" tell us; how . was Adam a 5 9 " «*ffe nad: to marry BVA â€" . . > > Total entered «... $554.31 entered will show have not Treasurer. 4ok $1513.31 141.67 28.26 ‘ ue As " W “"{ T 4 1 1Ork . 8AAAE lalu -A s ’ a d hu ‘.:\ of Town @tk T j l wed tesin us h to ‘the former . position . an Hubet to the latter, ~was . verified, and to the great surprise of the large audience ofâ€"ratepayers, present, the two officials were folngï¬;e:;’ohu ‘by: byâ€"law to hold office ‘@t the pleasâ€" ure of the Council. It is worthy of hote that while exâ€"Clerk and Treasâ€" wrer Aletter had a ‘salary of$1200, the Council fixed the salary .of the Treasurer at $1000 and of . the Clerk ‘at $800, ‘a total of $1800 NAROEM NBR PR s t it ol ~‘In addition to %‘ of the ‘above officials the Cou apâ€" pointed Martin Mikel, who has operâ€" ‘ated the roadâ€"roller, during the © past summer. at a salary ofâ€" $42 1 per month; sublmitted a byâ€"law to raise $25,000 hy debenture for the light and street railWway plants; passed . a (byâ€" law . authorizing â€" the. â€" Mayorâ€" and Treasurer to. issue debentures . for $6,000 for the ~waterworks . plant; passed byâ€"laws dividing the town inâ€" to nine polimg subâ€"divisions and~ apâ€" ‘ pointing deputy reburning: officers for the ‘next municipal elections; appointâ€" ed ‘the Mayor to secure from the Daily Telegraph the "high authority" it qu~‘ed regarding theâ€" sale of the street railway bonds; appointed ., a | ‘commutfee â€"to prepare & repor# on . theâ€"sale of the town debentures dur-f ing 1907; adopted the Finance Comâ€" mittee‘s report that Ald. Canipbell be censured for his alleged misbehaviour at a committee meeting last Wednesâ€" day, and other matters. ‘ All the members were present exâ€" cepting Alds.. Cochrane _ and Schneiâ€" â€"der. | T. E. McLelan, of Marksyille, noâ€" ‘tifled the Council that the mortgage ‘bonds ‘of the B. & W. St. Railway ‘will mature on J“méw“t next and ‘wrote: asking whether town + inâ€" (tends paying the bonds on that date. Chas.‘ A.: Bradburg, Town Clerk of Oakville, wrote stating ~that they have a complete outfit. for a hosâ€" ‘pital camp, consisting of tents, blanâ€" kets, cots‘ and ~ all other requisites, which they ‘will dispose of at a very reasonable figure. â€" They have . just passed ‘through a siege of smallâ€"pox and have no further use for them. Before Mayot Bricker read ~ the Finance Committee reports he stated that several items referred to one of ‘the inembers, Ald. Campbell, he deâ€" Isired to be fair. and accordingly askâ€" ‘cd him if he had anything to say 16â€" | garding his bebaviout at a . mecting of the Committee lagt week. | Ald. Campbell stated he had. not heard what the reports contained but ‘if he had come to a meeting and was not in a fit condition he was â€" sorty. |There was one item he objected . to and he still objected to it. 3 | .A vagrant, giving his _ name .. as tVietor â€" Jamieson, ~was given â€" six ‘months in Central Prison. (* _ The Mayor then proceedéd to read the following report:« is Gentlemen:â€"Your standing commitâ€" tee on finance met on Nov. 37th with Two Waterloo young men were fined $5.00 and costs for being, disorderly a few nights ago, f â€" BERLIN COURT NEWS Robert Mann, of Wellington, â€" for 42 years a resident of Egremont, is Finance Commuttcoe Report No Shines at Night "Black Knight‘ Stove Polish makes stoves shine by night as well as by day. Can‘t burn it off, citherâ€"no"matter how hot you make the stove. ; ‘% $ * Ofice you polish the stove with Ald. Campbell‘s Explanation. Communications. PepBath NBLY 128 #3 and give it a touch nfluodWy‘ have a beautifully shiny stove... For a quick, lé&f shine, there is nothing else toequal MBlack Knight‘.; & x The Biggest Box for the Money, Too, new slectors ‘at New Year‘s,,â€" asking the authorization of. the © issue E $25,000 in debentures, plus the . sun required to recoup the town for . the amount expended for : the * supplies whenâ€" the railway mhm ~ over and the loss entailed t baving to sell these debentures at‘ a . dis count. :It. was decided to ‘ask: the Light. Commissioners ~to. supply . in« formation in detail as, to â€" how § money has or is to btw d: Mayor Bricker was requested to ar« range for their representation at.. & meeting to be held Nov, 28th, «_ » . ‘The : Water, Compissioners made ; a similar request for the submission of a $6,000 by-!iv‘;géom money. exâ€" pended on obtaining an adequate supâ€" ply of water. The â€"Finance Commitâ€" tee also ‘asked this commission . to give it a statement in detail. â€" _ With respect to the overdraft â€" reâ€" ceived by the Rewer Commission this year, it was decided ‘to ‘carry it over and pay it out ‘of general taxation in. 1908. The Chairman and Mr. Lang . wote . appointed : a ‘committee to interview . Edwin: Huber, : Martin< Huehnergard _ and â€"Martin Mikel and ascertain what| salati¢s they. would accept if appointâ€" ! ed Preasurer, Clerk and Market Clerk respectively, es 1 8 s | ~Gentliomen:â€",; Yout â€" Standing . Comâ€", ‘mittee on Finance thet on Nov. wn,} pursiant to: adjournment, _ with _ all members . present ..save ~councillor {Campbel!,. with councillor A. W. Feick: l!n the chair. He read a letter from ‘the chairman in which he expressed his wish to resign the position. ; The committee passedâ€" one ‘resolution: â€" de= clining to accept the same . and anâ€", other recommending that the _ conâ€" duct . of : councillor Campbell . in oh. _ structing the business ofthe commitâ€" ; tee at its meeting on Nov, £7th _.reâ€" céive the censure of the Council. The. ~ Chairman then withdtew â€"his ‘resighaâ€" ~ion and the work before the comniitâ€" ‘ tee proceeded harmoniously. e ‘To. the Mayor â€"and Council The Chairman: A. L. Breithaupt }::“ Mr. A?g. *R. Lang â€"appeared on 1 half ‘of the Light and Railway â€"Comâ€" mission and gave statements in deâ€" tail, showing the growth ; of the two systems, their. prosperity < and. the need for entargments â€"and improveâ€" ments% They â€"asked that a byâ€"law providing â€" $15,000 ~for. ‘the... ‘street railway and $10,000 for. the lighting plant be submitted at: the next inuniâ€" gipal election, also such a . sitm . as may <be required *to ‘recoup the town for the amoint paid for supplies in taking over the railway property and the loss on sale of _ the debentures, say $5,000. The report wis adopted. Â¥Yourâ€"committee recommends _ the Cnm..to submit a byâ€"law at the coming Lelections . for $30;000, . twenty vear, 5 per cont. debentures. Chairman :J,~C. Breithaupt ~ asked for the submission of a $6,000, three year,, 5 per. cent. â€" byâ€"law for water works purposes and your committee recoromends. that <this be done along with the Jight and: railway ~commisâ€" sion <byâ€"law."‘ C ~It ids secommended ~that â€"< Mattin Huchnergard be appointed to . assist On# year ago Tuesday night the G., P. & H. Street Railway Company sufflered ~the loss . ofâ€" $15,000 in the butning _ of / the car. barns. : Toâ€"day the railway is bettet â€"equipped than it was at this time last year. ‘The power is better, cars and barns are gmtlé:imprond. It is a crodit to the .. P & H. to put the _ road in such a good condition in one yoar‘s time.~ Besides there is double trackâ€" ing and. an bmprovement in the roadâ€" Special Report No. 2. ie Light® Cont be submitted. < made, .A# wW..v. _ UTTLEY, Chairman. in=} the j . The * report was pré â€" The c eport from miiri .5-‘5'.'" â€"who was . > for . the ‘y Was read. It is recommended ‘nection wma’g‘ ort â€" *h Clerk be req to : notlf |Aletter of"thonnl::‘ â€" she totalling 81, «demand ment : of g E-ont'b the _ tion,.and also, through the To licitors, ‘to notily theâ€"Compan bad bQnded him of the result audit‘ and to,furnish it with of ‘both reports made by Mr. |1Itâ€" is further recommendéd th things be done immediately. |â€" ‘The ‘special ‘committee,.. . to interview Messrs: fl!bui; gardâ€" and â€"Mikel, rived at @ -ï¬dtï¬wy% vour Finance Committe® t that Mr.â€"Edwin Huber be ~AP Preasurer of the municipality, salary : of $1,000 per: am w’? be bondéd in some>reliable c0 in the sum of $10,000 and _ furnish a bond‘in what amoÂ¥ Council deems necessary, [ That Mr. M. hnergard. . pointed . Clerk of t: nic an annual salary. of $800, . he be bonded in the stm of: That a byâ€"law m:?oh ing . ficials be int E: the next meeting. of z providing that they hold‘ the pleasure of the °C 11, > That .a committee be appo Council to define the duties officials. Respectfudy â€" The _ was adopted on lowlug':l‘i)gontl- ~ v',’?e Fot. /. A UTTLEY _ FEICK HAHN . /; A2¢* ANT MeBRINE . CAMP] HARRISON .0 > |> / ~ ASMUSSEN 2as">> t _ DIBTRICH on t oA LANG. o npkst hi l SHEPPARD. | =_._â€"=> / The byâ€"law . dividing the . offici Clerk and Treasuretr pro 3 appointment | ~ofâ€" Bdwin â€".. Hub treasurer "at<a salary of ,$1000, able monthly, he to give as se the sum of $15,000, . himself in and .x bord of or sutetl $10,000 payable ‘by the Corpot and . the> appointme of > Huchnergardas, Town Clerk, | give surety‘ of $2,000 and | a . \amounf. payable by the pora The bylaw to raise .by . the sum of $15,000 for the plant and $10,000 for ; way was read a first w 1 and "will be submitted . ï¬ payers at the municipal elt /The, byâ€"law to raise the: $6,000 ~for the ~W|Nmt?“ sion . was finally passed. It require toflnb_e submitted .to payers. t3 o LARGE ADVANCE DALE The â€" reserved seat sale for Temula‘s Telegram‘ . which s :,' attraction comes to the Berlin House noxt Saturday, is very 1 but there are still a few seats‘ had and\ goo@ ones at that. sale , is the Aargest so far ‘this on and this speals mluul’ business has been capacity fO® J every company. . Manager . Cobe making special efforts on behi ‘"Mtrs. Temple‘s Telegram" . ‘i; antees ~the tmtr&q.:g $ and Waterloo â€" that this at! ‘.“ surpas¢es anything of its kint sean here. He has petson ly M sed the. performance “‘flh‘:"‘l and the fact tmn-tfl or »" hights at the s re: tre should. be hm-q‘ gual as to the worth o‘l, o abt When it is figured out thas‘ with an opera House . whose: ne capacity is the smaliest in the vince can get an attraction of kind it must be on actount aget to m“h»' "wr. ‘ R C e d Should be supported in his. and â€" there md“ p seat at the Opera House .. in Sagiqnthetuettie)" 2nd section of w ‘ Star toâ€"night. n Special Report Debenture Byâ€"Laws, Byâ€"Laws .Passed,