* <qb8 . e apeaee en e New Hamburg over ‘Sunda; E.: Schrook from Ind., at Mr. Solomon Shai "‘The bridal party ~ decofated â€" pa Pfnes seadine d is Wedding u‘m. mtinn~ of Preston. . The a e ow F d m. me: T on iniis ratier tulatio & y congratulatipns ï¬%m wishes the happy gathering .. .‘ sumptuous wedding ‘as The young couple will 1e sige _ in Preston Where the best wishes â€" of a host of friends are C1" sonded for a ©bright and RappÂ¥ {9 jure, iMr. Charles Pogson, Y very ill for about a : W satisfactorily ‘Mr. R. D. Ramsay is the R. J. Neal & Coâ€"s XmaS. : Mr. Seibert who bas conducted a ï¬ul store â€"here for. about thir 3 years is going out of busim=ss tere at New Yearsâ€" He is moying 40 Dashwool . to engage in the store business there. Mr. Seibert has oeon a highly respected citizen and ~will y much missed in Plattsville. _‘Many private residences are hay ing Alie acetylene gas . put ip i _ The o#reet lizhts are E1ViDE good satise ‘Many private Atlie acetylene wbreet lights <a Taction. _ * Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Kimmel and .‘ #on Arthur‘ of Berlin visited friends «h ‘town Sunday and Monday. / Dr. and Mrs. Ralbfcisch have â€" reâ€" ,‘k,}‘r â€"a ‘several weeks‘ _ visit ~« Jn . Musieoka. â€"=â€" â€" eweaiie . o9 "Mr. Isaac Snyder ville from Manito the summer on :While our factories are i ning regulatly it is report are beginning to see the © the .money stringerty. _ Mr. and Mrs. Abram Crcs near Hallman‘s school, are ! in good health. * Hornâ€"Neat Plattsville 02 Nov. Tind, to Mr. and Mys Potter, a daughterâ€" Mr. L &4 ‘death cccurred at Detroit _ on ids ‘ of Thomas Ironmonger, formâ€" resident of Elmira. Interment ok place on Wednesday, Rev. S. M. ® officiating. q ‘ Mr.â€" L. P. Snyder who resigned his position as Superintendent of Agenâ€" ?‘?&-.Lh P- snyw who ICSW PLJ position as Superintendent of Agenâ€" ‘ties of the Sovereign Bank, has aC #epted an %mnt position . with e Bank ova Scotia with headâ€" at â€"Toronto. ‘and Mrs. Jacob Keller _ and en of St. Jacobs spent Sunday : rélatives in Elmira: ?&W was made the recipâ€" % of a beautiful silk Ombrella . by the Méthodist . Church on * Monday ‘Directors Electedâ€"At the | ~antual meeting of the sharcholders _ of the m‘flnunnl Works Co., the - directors were elected > for * ensutng year:â€"L. Laschinger, P. . ..?l J. S. Welchel, S. H. Ratz, und Paul Snider. Ottawa,. Nov: 24.â€"Industrial wociâ€" dents of 146 individual work people in Canada: during the month of <October were teported to . the Devartment: of w-t. Ot these 140 were fatal and resulted~ in serious _ injuries. WThirtyâ€"nine were killed and 36 injured in railway . service, 14 were killed ¢ 58 mjured in the metal: â€" Arades, ‘were killed and 23. injured . in , and 24 were Killed and 31 inâ€" _inm agricultural pursuits. the month there were 22 reported, involving. 67 » ts and" 5,408 employces. "The loss of time to employees through 4 es duting the month s approâ€" $3,350 vol:'hg days, _ a! with â€"87, in . October 1906, Of. the 15 m terminated iguccessful in 10 and the employes in t ke ons cal *-'& was ie hxk * Peguggh a w o sigg. . B htem n a ser Nupt . XOry of Mr. and War x , â€" their ~only "Aaughter, Lillian, me the wile. of. NMr. _ Androw t .of Preston, son of. Mr. va: Mo set, jof Yorkton, Sask., ‘The mony being performed by _ the J. H. Grenzenbach, of St. Ja~ by the, groom s PLATTSVILLE 8T. JACOBS PINE HILL Manitobs | whe~* r on his farm: ELMIRA, . Hoffman visited _ a‘ Miss Mary Bean, neal over ‘Sunday. rty: entered < the ‘pretâ€" ':;m-mw! a% strains of Men ing March beautifuily ‘m'l cousin, Aiss of Preston.â€". Tha® teturned to Platts is assisting in ‘s store until reported _ they the effects . of who has . beci month is no Cressman, S are not chJOY: still â€" rurâ€" ~is visit ilta‘s â€" this he spent Fildly + Wallace xe|~ NEWSPAPER > CONFIDENCES Mrs. ~Bowman ol Blair visited her Falp Cb t CS us ke NHWET1 2 0 n Et n . sister, Mrs. Hub?:m, oo Aunday. / :f 0 andl after ~her death "’.‘;f“' jdifferentb _ departments â€" with Miss Mac Grills, of Harriston, is ""'i?m M“:’w c B4 Eduties." .15 »ao, io a2n)c+ . iipe Nee prim: O _ Looteia: "| Cteldet tor : many yhare on Mis ho | ""toh â€"A iL proptogs The U ~Miss Vyola. Willits, an} Mr.â€" Wit Dmunhw Saturdsy . antBun day in Mt. Vernon. 5 ie Mr. and Mrsâ€" D. W. Clemens .._ o Galt, called ~on friends ‘n: the vil lage .. last: week. 8 Mr. â€" George* Willits olâ€" Lumsden Not long ago, says Printer . and T m npiigiett y en same ~ in in â€":con nection . with ~the late Steelâ€"Coai fight, . which flustrated ‘the .m on the part: of . . leaders: in pro sional, commercial: andâ€"yolitical. lif to share their secrets, to a certain extent, with reliable â€"ropresentativâ€" es of the press. The writerâ€"_ gavt incidents and went on to Say thai these _ confidences were appreciatel that they were valued by newspapt reporters at all times, and that the wete ~ never . used for "Lig stories‘ whin silence was enjoincd. All of this is quite true and the ex perienced rc;orter never violates . ? confidence, for the first t‘me. he of fends is always the lasf. _ It «: daily ~proved that good reporters can keep a secret, and makers c history, in business life escecially,ar learning that it is better to let tu: reporter know what is going on that absolutely to réfuse to talk to hin and thus ~possibly créate a false im pression, which ..does more . haru than wouléd the reporter‘s possessio; of ~the â€" actual facts, ~ Progressiv« men realize that towwrite sensibly and accurately about» a subject the newspaper man must / be in posses sion of the facts, and when thes lacts are given him, for use up <t« a~ certain point, the story â€" which table in every way than the on written by the man in the dark | a: results is always the more accep to the matter in hand. In view of the fact that there are many in this vicinity who have pér haps ‘neither heard nor read 0 "Mrs. Temple‘s Telegram‘‘ especiall, those who have not visited New Yor: or Chicago for the last three sea sons, it seems only fair to the mar agement of this attraction to â€"br speak for them the attention o theatreâ€"goets to what the Metropo!‘ tan Press has to say in connectig: with this. wholesomely funny Farc« Comedy. AN INTERESTING THEATRICA] EVENT. The _ New York Press says: â€""N« funnier Jfarce séen in New York. Th wyring of laughter began to bubsi at the start and before the _ las curtain, a flood has been turnt The New York Tribune says:â€" "/ winning â€" play is ‘Mrs. Temple‘s Telo gram,‘ irresistably funny.‘ Alan Dale in the New Yors Amer ican says:â€""A clean farce, well act ad, it makes you laugh,; what els do you want?" The Chicago Tribune sa;sâ€""A pla worthy. of Powers Theatrc, Chicago‘ toremost . playhouse, devotcd to th drama." â€" “E‘il;ago Interâ€"Ocean ~says‘â€" .A les son for every husbandâ€"a lesson fo: every wife. . Well worth _accing." (Chicago Recordâ€"Herald says:â€""Ex pertly _ acted.. Staged with taste Elegance in tone. Fulfills its .mis sion. Above the average. _ Arouse jndiences to laughter. . Designed â€"fo° laughing purposes only. Clean and ively. <%¢ ‘Mrs. Temple‘s Tal.e;r;m" has ¢nâ€" joyed ‘an entire season‘s run at â€" the Madison Square Theatre,â€" New York, three _ months . at Powers‘ Theatre, Chicago, and two monthy at the Wal dorf Theatre, London, England.~ 1t ;/gx be seen ~here. at the â€" Berlin Opera House, and it seeims safe Ac assert that those who care for clean Itn and hearty, wholesome laughter, may profit by seeing "Mrs. Temple‘s }m«’,’ Box Office open daily 10 i.m. to 9 pm. Phgne §76.. . . DONATION TO B; A‘ND President W H Stchmails, . of ~the Berlin & Waterloo â€" Hospital Board, is in seceipt of the following â€"â€"from Detroit,. which is selfâ€"explanatory. .~ * Detroit, Mich,, Nov. '.’% Mr. W. H. Sthmaiz, Chairman & Waterloo Hospital Board, «/ â€" ‘Berlin, Ont. Dear ‘Sir â€"At a meeting ~ of <the Berlin "Old Boys of Detroit, held Oct. %0th, 1907;@ resolution was unaniâ€" mously adopted as follows: _ . _ ot Detroit M ‘‘That we donate to the Berlin & Waterloo Hospital the sum of . fifty dollars to be expended on some suitâ€" able applance, or furnishing, . such «s the Board of the Hospital â€" may decide to purchase; ® This is to serve as a memento . of ‘the good will of the Berlin Old ~Boys Moping for. yout continued §UCCORS, we beg to reomain, sincerely yours, *3 m-m.m oLD BOYS io 8 a c .. C OM DETROITL :© is ‘visiting his sister here ROSEYVILLE ie t 34 td 2 your continued success W. HOSPITAL C * > * ~. Sory ~whew > a lad_ of hk ie ne 1 Aocuhtp" of it : |comingâ€" direct to this: county. _ 15 | bership of stt e t 29 Bosc td ht "anr maro. | eurerms 4 _ F Xi+ ‘ Bunday: / ~| 4 , $ pypapeth Gingrich in 1850. H¢ | duties. . lan s *on maunt "Al B e O *4 e nero ho resided * Uhtt :‘ww‘-‘-v'i l cals Afo WB m:i* rang: th _ his ‘sonâ€" " Bol, 5e cifele near ‘Cone :For mgw» Tode o Homantt Sos. . tec Mrs: . peat Berlin. ‘The â€" following children â€" survive;â€" Christ Scheifele of near S¢. Jacous; Sol. Scheilele and Aaron Scheifele oi near Conestogo, Andrew Scheitele, Elkton, Mich., Davi® of near. _ BW EJdabc; Gikeon Scheifel>, Michigan, Mrs. Meyer, Berlin. â€" Twoa other chtiâ€" dren Mrs. Enoch Smyder and â€" Mrs. C. Keller predeceased him. s The <funeral was. held on Sunday Aay at 10 o‘clock p.m. from the resi. dence of Mr. Sol. Schéifele; one mile south of Conestogo to Martin‘s neer ing house for service and interment. PLEASED WITH THE Car No. 202, one of the three new_ cars secured from the St. Jogn Rail way Company was given e â€" firsy official trip over the B. & W. ~lreet Railway â€" system . on ‘Tuesday alterâ€" noon. ‘The car was in charge of 3upt, Mcintyre. The passengets were ~hairman . A. L. Breithanpt. and A. &. Lang, of the Street Railway Comâ€" mission, Mayor Bricker, Alds. Utt leyt Harrison, . Cochrane, Dietrich, Feick.. and Campbell, of the â€" Town Council, A. H. Devitt, of the, Merâ€" chants‘ Bank, and a Telegraph TrepIt¢ sentative. . t The entire systemâ€"and «equipment was inspected by the Commissionsrs and Counciliors â€"and Aound to be in a very »Satislactory condition. _ They were particularly. _ well pleascd with the new conÂ¥eyances. Each _ Car is 38 feet long and is equipped with 36 chairs each, witha fiveâ€"foot aisle. 1t is the intention to xeplace the chairs withâ€"therégulation seats, The . _ cars are in _ the rich Pullman finist and" are a:xpped with four 35 horseâ€"pow er Westinghouse motor® each. . They: carry â€" air brakes and. art neated with â€" G electric heaters each. The three _ cars cost â€" the Conemission $8000. The cars when new, about a year ago cost $7,000 each in an ofâ€" der of ~six. ~Lhey were built by the: Montreal â€" Car Company for a surba ban line operating near St: John. When the road was taken 0.CT by the city line it was decided ~to us, only â€" Single~ bruck cars, as thest â€"ould be operated to better gdvanâ€" tage inâ€"the city. . This accounts . fo: these cars being sold at a sacrifice. ‘The three cars. att being thordugh: ty cleaned out aud the foors (paintâ€" ed â€" and> will be put on. the .. re@itâ€" A quiet wedding was solemnized at St. Matthew‘s patsonage 0n Wednesâ€"= lay afternoon at four ©‘clock, ~when Mr. Peatl Yale Smiley, and Miss Enmma C., second daughter ot _ Mr. and Mrs. August Hertel, 144 Weber street east, were tpâ€ily married, the auptial knot being tied by Rev: ~E. foflman. ‘The bride_wore A smart sosturme of brown chifion broadcloth, with hat to match, and was attendâ€" ed by Miss Muciel Smiley ofâ€" Port Dalhousie, a sister of the . groom, who wore a becoming dress of cream delaine, and hat to match. The gw.omsman was Mr. â€" Hugo Wellein. Tiamediately following the. . ceremony a reception was held at the home of the bride‘s parents, where . a wedding dejuener was served. Only. the meme bers at the families of the contractâ€" ing partics were present. â€" Mr. and Mrs. Smiley will take up their resiâ€" dence in a few weeks in their home Mflds street.: The bride was made tecipient of many useful : and ceautiful M . of the cigh esteem in which m lat â€" The Isolation Hospital building was m}n.hm fot . use. as a.~ pest house for. smallâ€"pox cases, its close prokimity â€" to the : Generalâ€" Hospital leading / to its condertmation by the ’l‘v"“l;hl authorities for . use even in contagions discascs of a less oumonbb character, _ Neither eould . the ~requirements . of . the law with regard o distance ol the pest house _ from other buildings have been complie« with under these cirâ€" cumstances. We are glad to note thes expressâ€" td willtuigness of the Berlin amthori« ties to remote the castes now in the Isolation Hospital to some other enc THE _ ISOLATION .MOSPITAL service in a few days. MARRIED AT BERLIN NEW SIREET CARS me‘ to this counâ€" ‘cight years old Railway Commission.‘ W iprinatians .2 onl o 25 7X ~(3) A ‘bill based . upon | hn con retlce ts ing its refort, w : service on presen * E T One . Poktage. g (4). A w ~ the postage on drop lettets ties to on¢ cent,the rate which ’"W.m†Co%hc introduction of ‘the ol Imâ€" perial â€" penny postage, ces . Mr. Oliver‘s Dominion Lands â€" Bill, antiâ€"Asiatic â€"~legislation ~and expPoit dity ‘of â€"pulpwood and ither imporâ€" ~~(6) éen#,’lflufl!fl“*; “: Kove " ngusaiee Calinieniog _ Lo the Treauay 20idige. . *n c.. The Insurance Act, â€" ; it is an thoritsti ely â€" "stated, & K. â€"eB. Aylesworth has been working on,wil} probahly‘â€" prove (to be © heaviest piece ofâ€" legislation <of. the sessipn. After â€" tho â€" introductian of . the meas, ure the insutance companies will be given an opportunity to study it and present their objéctions belore it i. pressed to a conclusign in, the Potuse Thiswill méan that it â€"will beâ€"wel into the end of the, session before th matter is likely to be disposed of. It is also said to be the intention | o 2oo Wabee 00 C 0 0 at Ah of the Government to propose the : Gordon Weber, 25.00 doption of the British system of ~] R. O. Doblin, salary 4 290.17 u. s syslem OWPA |EOward Dermul, 800.00 Parliamentary underâ€"stcretaries, whic | q 1 pâ€". freight on cement 44.68 has been found to work 30 cUsses$ful| (qordon Weber wages ‘_= / 25.00 ty in ‘the Imperial Parliament. Th: | pypress Kert Murray Co., T0 idea, " as at"present sugsestedi is | j. M. Scully, dispursements, _ 2.97 mot to give gach Minister an undcr |Grey & Bruce Cement Co., _ _ 202:87 secretary with a Seat in the HOUS®, | Queen City Oil €0., * 290.15 where he could relieve him of MUCK | Coprad Bros., * +9 20.60 ‘routine work, but to apply the Plar| Moogk & Kumpf, â€" " > ; 24.10 at the outset to four or five o‘ | David Bean, printing reports, â€" 16.50 the: chief spending departments suc! | Rdward Derm\ul on account, £00.00 as rulv;.{y;, public wotks,: matin(|. , » Water. and Fisher and postâ€"ofice. Th | Chas. W.â€"Dobbin, salaty, $50.00 Ministers, it is urged are_now dealâ€" | Geo. Diebel, postage, 4.80 ing with a mass of routinc ard. deâ€" | R. 0. Dobbin, salary, 5417 tail. which "Tgaves ‘them practically | J, . M. Scully, disbursements, _ 10.08 no time. "to ‘attend . to their. politi | Conrad Btos., _ _ 2.95 cal _ duties â€"or‘ to get to ths coun |M. Weichel & Son, Â¥a>. 5.28 try to explain: their‘ policies to the|David Bean, printing teports, â€" 25.00 people as men with Ministeriâ€"i~reâ€" | Hamilton Engine Packing Co., . 8.15 sponsibilities on their shoulders, ‘ar‘{Samuel Stahl, labor new boiler, ~2.00 in â€" the babit of doing in ibe ~Ofd Electwic Boilet Comp. Co., 11.40. Country. Mith Patrlicsnentary : underâ€" Imperiat Chemical Co., supplies, 7.95 wecretaries _ they would be telieved Bechtels Limited, smoke box, . 99.:30 to a great extent. _M. Weichel & Son, 4.50 We bought 11 dozen Sweaters Inst week at a great sacrifice, they were samples and seconds, some of of the seconds are a little off eolor here and there that is all, while the samples are perfeot. We gok the lot for a‘mâ€" st a song so w6 aie going to give you the benefit‘of it. Here are the priges.â€" â€" t 3 SALE OF â€" Sweaters One lot of boys‘ jersey knit sweaters ablwk. navys, scarlet mm sizes to 84, regular price w 1.00, 1,.% and $1,50. marked 18° Seconds does not moan damagedâ€"many of thess Sweaters â€"we defy you to find any difference from reguhr goods, the imperfection is so slightâ€"â€"It‘s many days since we offered such values as these, ; Great Sale Of | only As we are goingrout of business we are selling our _ _ 8 Day Black Marbleized Clocks worth $7, for :& i# 8 Day Kitchen Clocks worth $3,75 for $2.30â€" Musical Alarm Clecke vcith $3.5 for $2.25 AMarm Clocks #1.25 for 93c. * * Alf other Clocks reduced in price in proportion Cask price E. J. Roos, CLOCKS Thornton & Douglas, wdividing ‘tt dnto i whOF svod &to‘ A‘ TL"&O on the ndites On« 1 t of men‘s extrs heavy knit aweaters, extra ‘ood quality, seconds but. with no flaws, rzn‘lprleu would be 2.5), 275 and $8, marked to sell at King St., Berlin, Ontario. fine £: .. "*> Water. Th | Chas. W.â€"Dobbin, salaty, $50.00 calâ€" | Geo. Diebel,‘ postage, 4.80 deâ€" | R. O. Dobbin, salaty, 54.17 ally | J .M. Scully, disburséments, _ 10.08 itiâ€" | Conrad Bros., j 2.95 un |â€"M. Weichel & Son, Â¥a~ 5.48 the | David Bean, printing teports, â€" 25.00 reâ€" | Hamilton Engine Packing Co.,_ . 3.75 ars{Samuel Stahl, labor new boiler, 2.00 Old Elecwic Boiler Comp. Co., __ _ 1140 Dec. §th.â€"Stock and . of Nrs. ~Andrew cm.m northeast of Winterbourne. "Dece. Tthâ€"Real estate and stock and implements of Geo. B. Schmitt, ‘ 4 mile south. of St. CÂ¥ements, Dec. . 10thâ€"Stock and implements of Wm.‘ Arndt, one ‘mile from G@rman Mills . on the road to Williamsburg. Dec, 11.â€"Stock andâ€" implements â€"of Orphan A. Latsch, two miles southâ€" east of Breslau. f k Dec. 21.â€"â€" Real estate of the ‘late Jacob Erb, near Erbsville, A znï¬n. of the Waterloo : Water and Light Cemmission was held _ at the Secretary‘s office on Friday, Nov 15th, 1907, at 7.30 p.m. â€"_ Members present: ‘Diebel, Bauer and _ Ritzer. ‘The minutes of the last meeting were read and confirmed. Moved by Mr. Bauer, secondedâ€" by Mr.. Ritzer, that the followingâ€" meâ€" counts be r~Sed and paid:â€" â€" " Tight. ... G.T.R., fréight on coke, 21,15 Gordon Weber, 25.00 R. O.~Doblin, salary ? 29.17 Edward Dermul, 800.00 G.T.R:; freight on cement, 44.68 (Gordon Weber, wages ~ < 25.00 Exp¢ess Kert Murray Co., 2.10 .J. M. Scully, disbursements, 2.97 Grey & Bruce Cement Co., 202.81 Queen City Oil Co., 290.18 Conrad Bros., +% 20.60 ‘Moogk & Kumpf, â€" " _‘ 24.10 David Bear, printing reports, â€" 16.50 Rdward Dermul on account, â€" 400.00 Dec.. §â€"Farm, stock and implements â€" the late Titus Snider, oneâ€"half ile west of Waterloo. One lot of youths‘ heayy knit sweat ers in a large variety of plain color: splendid for out door wear, worth 1.76 and $2 00, selling at J"“fl , Central M‘ mMoONTHLY MEETING $1.48 one uiile Berlin read i + 98¢ \ Bvfl Choose From. g d wolrnarD s c008 The Virtue of Reasonable. We are woatching ; waiting for you . wITH A HOLIDAY STOCK THAT 18 lm VARIETY AND Qu% and â€" FJ .. __. We have had a very large sale of these Ooats !;, :;lnr this Fru mï¬nt;r lc.t:’.’:tmugi ve & v of good * uhiekm.:’n:zi::ï¬d reduced mm; j gbhem, Note the following paices:â€"~ ns f 1mdies‘ Black â€"and Tweed Coate, worth $10.00 to _ $12,00 for $7.50, . 3 Ladies ©Black and Dark Colored Coats, worth â€" °_ *$12.50 to $15.00 for $10.00, f¢ .4 Misses‘ Coats in Tweeds and _ Dark Cloths, â€" . > worth $7.50 for $5.00. y es {Misses‘ Coate worth $10.00 for $7.50._ . ¢ Children‘s Ooats, all reduced at follows:â€" "Bt us $3.50 Coats for $2:50. > yc e COhildren‘s Red, Plush and Brown Velvet Coate ! also Cream Bearskin Coata nll at Special Prices,. > |»~~ S. B,; BRICKER & CO Perhaps it will be to your interest to know that we make a specialty OIWM-IM and that we show a greater variety and better values Winter Coats That‘s one reason why all our graduates get positions The leading busines school in Western Ontario. .. _ e t : f Catalogue free, xt \‘& : 5& & & * utfl G w M ; *% 2* + i: E: Lige â€"A. "o B Our Stook is not a selestion of 04 1 pemammnrorter s m every body. :" * Taste Quality and Our Offerings abound in M;hz. 7 iu scores of nicest Gifts imaginable ï¬ Olramomuhlmml)%ol‘t k your disposal Appropriate Gifts for every mem is never neglectedâ€"You will fud it in counsetion with ud'Guu!:.}thm e LANG BROS. & CO. ardwars und ‘Mechanics Tools, Stoves andFur M ing ~ Heating» Plumbing ahd Tinsmithing, /. 3 4 C ho wWOMEN AND CHILDREN \ hov sls ib d ~% Berlin, Nov. 26th, 1907. Very Desirable We teach practical business hereâ€"â€"â€"all the time No Frills, No Fads W. D.EULER, Principal. FOR Peninsular Ranges Different Styles includ= ing Some New Lines to ng a ‘Ou e £ 5 t s