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The Chronicle Telegraph (190101), 28 Nov 1907, p. 12

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ers joes, chains, crowbars, Wagon ‘doubletrees â€" and neckyakes, hay jriers, .. _press screws, . lifting scalding‘ trough, 3 sets % ness, set rubber _ mount« harmess, 2 sets â€" single harness f.‘;i’obu, 2 Tugs, grain bags, & 4 ty of mixed grain, hay and i jron kettle, National Lreant 5 ;y, Leader No. 4 chutn, butter v_d‘ butter box, cook stove, box %»ble. table, wash stand, : lock, milk eans, wash machint . wringer, % combined book cast t’yzitlng desk. s L " JLunch at noon. & TERMS.â€"Hay, grain, roots, ‘ems, pigs and all sums of $1{ __TERMS.â€"Hay, grain, roots, click ens, pigs and all sums of $10 ind under, â€"cash; over that â€" amount 10 months‘ credit on approved security or 5 per cent off for cash paynicut of â€" credit amounts. 9 * Loghe: . and Gentiemen, see Praf. ‘:-.- renwend‘s, _ hbeautiful Wigs, _ Tow ‘\ pees, Banks, Pompadours, Wavy ‘and .2# Plain mflwha in every length (I Where will be sold by Public Aucâ€" %ion on the property of the : underâ€" signed, 1 mile from German _ Mills, on the road toâ€" Wifl"iamsburg on TUESDAY, DECEMBER 10, 1907 faam:aencing at one o‘clock p. m. shard. the following valuable properâ€" aomlaencing mt one O CIOMN Pe C00 shatp, the following valuable proper %y, vizâ€" ¢ iaive Stockâ€" Horse 19 years old JOHN D. SHANTZ, Prop. JOS. MICKUS, Auctioneer 47â€"2¢. 8 cows, a number. of chickens. Iimplements, elc.â€" Single _ wagon, gingle bob sleigh, top buggy, cutter, fanning mill, . hand straw , cuttcr, Watérloo plow, No 4; harrow, iron ‘Kettle, croscut saw, wheelbarrow, 2 eook ‘stoves, box . stove, forks, hoes, single buggy . hafuness, set _ single harness, goat robe,. seuffer, .2 grain eradles, scythe, logging chain, _ cider ‘and many other articles too numctâ€" bartels, churn, sink, wood box, table, us ‘to mention. Also a ton of hay. ~‘ ermsâ€" Hay, and all sums of . $10 and wnder, cash, over Ahat amount ~6 months‘ credit on approved . secuâ€" rity or 6 per cent. of_ per â€" annum for cash payments of credit amounts. it l2.ls L natrm : of Farm Stock and Implements JOS. â€"MICKUS Auction Sale f WILL BF HousE PEC, 7TH pI I C / u.. ie in s Auctioncer and ‘date number ~Of PEC. 4th, 1907 on oc tham. and nol * AT THE â€"WALPER( Terms and BERLIN, â€" SATURDAY,| tnte â€"made k A ALEX. AME® umt Auctioneer neckyakes, hay Car ews, lifting crand 3 sets â€" «ouble har mowun td P s@ingle harness, t miles owth credrt ~amounts WM. ARNDT Prop« a quanU epil) a~ workâ€" stove , day and s and a ag "at 1« o‘elock p.m., *g‘h‘@fl'fi VM w‘”“v z:. Agharp, mw Stockâ€"One bay mare 10 years % ; good‘ single dtiver; .. ong yood , e Implements,‘ etc.â€"â€" Ca:m:. bugey 2400 dbs; pole, oneâ€"horse sleigh, . | Xobes welght and blankets, set single. work . bar browh n uess, hand wgart, new;, oneâ€"horse plow, be in‘ fo double heater: wood stove, cu} 2 sinks, 2 tables, 4 beds ahd resses, 12 chairs, â€"3 rocikers, desk, 3 stands, clothes chest, i ;viasli‘in(uincm- large â€" apple idough tray, : ron kettle, _ _P scales, 50 feet rubber h08€, 2 cider vinegar, a Jlot of. â€" dishe kitchen utensils, and any oth ticlest + liciest i Real Estateâ€"Hf not previously sold there will also be offered for sale on the same day and place the following real estate consisting of a n°W one ‘ and a half storey brick house of . 8 rooms, good cellar. The â€" house | is ‘convenienuy arranged and well â€" supâ€" plied with hard and soft water. The &ham and outbuildings are in â€" good condition and hayd all the necessary conveniences. The property comprises six acres of land; four of which are under cultivation, the balance . bush. Upon the premises. is also a thrifty young orchard of â€"many varieties of fruit trees. Also a cedar tract of 3 ?nnd 1 acres one mile west â€" of St. l.lucobs. TERMSâ€"Al} sums of $10. and under cash; over that amount 6 months creâ€" dit on approved security .or 5 PCT cent. per annum of for cash _ PaYâ€" ments of credit amounts. Terms _ of teal estate will be made _ known. OD day of sale. ; d ues hr n A L9 N 108. MICKT fot *\ ‘Tnere will be sold DY [ tion at â€" Weber & Co.‘s *‘ Works, New Dundee, on TUESDAXY, DEC. 10TH, enmmencing _ at one o‘clock low ing: en PRTCUEE Five â€"new _ top bupgies, two NCW hike gear rubber tired, four new oPOn Buggies, one second hand top buUg£Y ] seven second hand op®!! buggies, new Cariole, three light oneâ€"horin delivery wagons, demo#rat wagon, second hand Gladstone sutrey, twelve new Jumpâ€" er cutters, ten new Portland cutters, secondâ€"hand _ Jumpet cutter, secoudâ€" hand commercial sleigh, three second~ hand Portland cutters, secondâ€"hant Road cart, ‘new set doubletrees and neckyokes, _ new No. 21 Paris plow, two new scnibers, Paris Plow Work3, Auction Sale new . wheelbarrow. TERMS.â€"S$10 and under, that â€" amount, three mon will be given on approve or 6 per cent. _ pet annu cash on credit amounts. â€"The above will be sol® without reserve, aSs the P giving _ UP business . OwWi healthâ€" uanle. astl At the same time: and POX°CO)° ) property consisting of LOt No: 4 0 the &outh side of Main streot., New Pundee, will be oftered â€" for sale. O: the © premisi} are a house: and shop Lot No. 5, also. on South side ; 0 Main street, _ on which are a Wal" nouse and â€" stable. The above .« Wil be offered in bulk Of in separat ‘parcell to suit purchaser. Lo oa esnt w ," ml ?d Bu% Auctioneetr. IACOB KAUEFT 9t Mr. Fryer, President . o&x CGait Board of Trade and one of chief supporters .â€" of, the« Reck _ Niagara Power scheme, addressed the business men of Strattord a fow days / » dfo, but / according ‘to the Stratford . Beaâ€" fmn’a way: of (Mnking, tho project ;sml‘mflm a lot of explaining. . In ntianting‘~* utm the meeting 1% con‘s way of 1Mnking stil requires _ a lot: of commenting : | upon â€" th saysi« FD Un on meWmen ons oo ts n e hat be t to the great loneg t nat rArepayers Wit aih nces. The property comprises s of land, four of which ave ultivation, the balance bush. e premises is also a thrifty rchard of â€"many varieties _ of pes. Also a cedat tract of 3 wcres one mile west â€" of St. NEEDS MORE E of gies, Cutters and Real Estate. ENOCH . HENRY it purchaser. conditions of . re known on day® of c â€" WEBER: & and under, eash; oveL three months‘ credit n approved security, per annum 6B | fet sold â€" by OCH {J. MARTIN ENRY SAUDER, Executors. MAN, Clerk. XPLAINING. ow Ing or 5 per ash _ Pay Terms . of known. On harp, ‘conmnencing ; at t positively proprietor is Public u Cartia 1907 the a Wattâ€" 6 s Vn‘i“ separate real & ©0., prictors Torsesâ€"Light : ches ts matched, 4A andâ€"5 2400 «hs;â€" welght: 1100 Jbs brown mare 9 yeatrs . 6 be in foal to & 1990 road «Ally. 1 y&' old, colt. "FW _vo to i1 August, cow due to calye in s ber, ,co’v:;mwhv culv,;‘m farch, cow . _calve in May, cow . to e&nv: in July, 4 spting Wr"‘? | ~Pigs, ete.~â€"Yorkshire Boar, © 4 sows supposed to be in pig â€"and â€" Uue ~An December, <J y, and Februaty, 6 shoats, M(m 80 â€" chickens, white: Rocks _ ~@White â€" Wyandotte crossed. s [ 2 o L ad sal harness, ScaJe, CAPARIU) . 2°" cauduat grind stone, bag truck, parlar stove; kitchen stove. nearly new,; (fwen but~ ter churn, sink, wash stand, _ water bench, butter tub, 2 iron kettles, cider barrel, erocks, pails, â€"~ forks, chains, shovels and many ether artiâ€" cles too numerous 40 mention, Also about 200 bushel “3‘% *A | TERMSâ€"Shoats, . rickens, turnips and alt sums of. $10;and ||ndc-,r‘§‘ash; tover that amdant 8y :months®Credit ‘un aproved sguit’&'« 6 | per ‘cent. ‘pet annum off for ‘@ash pay ments _ of ‘credit accounts. h oR M e3 os Dmedpat Galt J. MIC tion, on oneâ€"half bourne, inâ€" tommending _ a! lowing â€" valuable lowilll.;';"q;"zv;?\uhrl'c px'aw_, 4 LIVESTOCK â€"Gréy horee okt (good geheral purpost), 18 years ald, (glmd driver 2 Un af theâ€" ioBowing mg cow sale Cow Auction Sale Farm Stock binder, Noson mMOWC‘, "***~ drill, (combined), Noxon Masseyâ€"Harris steel _ roll new), Masseyâ€"Harris di new), gang plow, (nearly shutt â€" plow (nearly _ new plow, set iton harrows,â€" SC nip sower, Bain wagon, ( broad tire _ Wagon, hobsle new), wagon box, road .¢: hayrack, (nearly new), st1 fanning . mill, grindstone sledge, barley fork,. bect bruck, hay fork, rope And sets doubletrecs, neck yolk doubletre?, logging chain, harness, cider barrel, and pther articles _ too _ nW mention. Also about turnips. No ‘\;;serve as farm â€" 1f TERMS.â€"Pigs, turnips sums . of $10 and under, That amount 12 months C ‘proved . swcurity of 5. pe 1 uio Aike s wb "a There fpr cashn. PAJCUCCC (ngn&!. ‘MRS, ANDREW telligent expression of opinion on the | 4 project cannot be given at this Nme.‘ and that it would be uscless to . subâ€"" mit a bylaw at: the January election unless a more définite statement | is | > specdity and authoritatively made, 16â€" rrdhg responsibility â€"for : cost and | _ "! efinite. rates: are . fixed for: power }!hA users. It would _be the ossence < ot , has folly for the ratepayers to vote fii,d‘rtl ‘ 000 Tor a. distribution plwnt bofore ,. They had the asau # m T W* uset, . or now ~ the D. o umummn tive .b make them users. % s + g ‘KUS, ORPHAN A Auctioncer. § J08. MICKU FRIDAY, olf got by Diam 2 cows due to ¢ cow, due to caly ow due to calve ; heifors rising 2 + 2 yvears old, cal Y. DEOEMBER 11 will be sold by Pu the farm of the und mile _ northeast of | â€" sncurity of ash : payments g+â€" m%..' r-mJ i % s old,: fi ty M io++ 8 PO“‘ ?;:69):: sl:?:e hor s6; t" old, gray |© Spring d ae DpEC. 6TH, 1907 of ; and Implements fork, . bect c, rope and s, neckyokt ring chain, barrel, and CLEMEN Auctioneer Of y 1 i8 SI\M. nips . and s | all der, cash;, . ~CF hs crl-m_g on apâ€" 5. per @ent â€". colf of credit . amâ€" cloc LATSCH Prop. cart, stra w disc sculfil (ncar leirh ublic 100 for} Lle fra ing ments | ir cas lic Aucâ€"fera rsigned, | 5 ta wril V 1 Winter the fol lot 1y neow) {nearly cradle, cutter, rowbat . 1 U Cot wushel fresh of C VE Mn OAEC CE C 9e w rack, ‘Set grayel planks, |wheelbarrow, fecd tritck, grain ba chall .‘ _ fork, and :basKet, hay‘ kfiu. sugar: beet fork, &â€"_ wagon jacks, grain â€" shovel; pitch forks, nock yokes, cant hook, new | imaul, log chain, Plattorm, scales, 2 copper mlefi,. 2 syrup‘ pans, » 100 tin sap buckets and spouts, ladder, fence : wire," carriage harness, 2 ‘sets a AdMOERTE : oR e l F tin‘ sap / buekets: and spouts, Jadder, fence wire," carriage harness, 3 sets single hatness, 3 sots Atam harness, 3 Aynets, coltars, bolis, ‘cider barrels, lices, rakes, irom ketUle, butcher"1d ble, choese gwu, butter worker, wast roachine and wringet, DeLaval . Noâ€" 1 Créam separator, firstâ€"class â€" [Pinc lumber 1 in. fo 2 in and . _ some scantling 2%4" in. s ul CPRAE D T0 03. nbhevne oC nicude s Ca o F (GRAIN~Some timothy and CIOVC! sted, ~ a ‘quantity of. oats, hay, ture aips and mangles, f FURNITUREâ€"3 box stfiwés, patâ€" lor stove, coo% stove, © airs, _ Sink. 2 bods with spring" and matiress, wash ~ sland, thurn,_ loungt, wasl sink, sideboart, dishes, eto. â€" REAL â€"ESTATEâ€"On day of sale if not. . previously sold and on the same premises there will also be offéred â€" fqr sale the farm, â€" con sisting â€" of 1}1 acres mor® or. Jess, on which is a good hard _ wood bush of ~about 30 acres. The lans is ina firsb class state â€" of. culliva tion. â€" There is also a: good supph of hard and soft waler, _ a good frame â€" house and good â€" outbuild ings. s 1 wi ue 1y i1 TERMSâ€"Hay, try and all sun cash, over that credit on aBpro bes S TERMSâ€"Hay, grain, roots, _ poul try and & sunis ~of $10 and vnile: cash, over that amqunt 123 _months credit_ on approved joint notes . 0: 5 per. cent off. for cash payments . 0 credit amounts. Terms for â€" farn it sold, on day of sale, will be an nouncéd . then. N. MARTIN . | of * | Farm Stock and Implements There will be sold by Public Auction on the farm: of the unfiersiglned in the Woestern Section _ of â€" Wellesley Township, Con. 9, Lot No. 7, on commencing. at | one â€" o‘clock® p. m sharp, the following valuable _ propâ€" erty, vizâ€" % Live stockâ€"Mare 7 yearsâ€"old, _ in fog!, mare 12 years, old, supposed to be in foal, driver 8 years old, â€"2 mares: (coltsy rising 2 years old, colt tising 1 yeat old, 4 cows supposed to he in calf, 3 steers rising 2 years, steer rising 3 years, 4 spring calves, 13 pigs 4 months old, 3. sows in pig, good collie dog and 80 hens. / Implementsâ€" Massey Hartis hay loadcr, noew;‘ Frost and Wood binder, ud : sudinbuth s dn l 1: ids Implementsâ€" Massey Hartis hay loadcr, new; Frost and Wood binder, hayrake, bob sleigh, Massey Harris mower, ncarly new, wagon, .. wagon box, cutter, _ top bUK&Y, broadeast sceder, ijron Rarrow, wheelbarrow, 2 MURoodt uces oo 1 singlé plows, gang plow, stt glings, and car, and 150 feet of ropeé, rream separator, set"double . harness, sot wingle harness, 2 sots plough harness, 20 cords of wood and a lot of other things too numerous to mention. | TERMSâ€"All sums of $10 and under cash; over that amount 12 months‘ credit an approved joint notes. .1. MICKUS, JNO mSENHE_FGER, I0OS. MICKUS, Auctioneer J. RUPPEL, Clerk. lt Auction Sale 1t‘ is . conbiifted *bry civic officials, that the Catawact Power Comp: has no tight _to engage in‘m al lighting business "in Hamilton.> §98 TUESDAY, DECEMBER MENNO SNIDER Honry â€"A. .C..~ Wan Auctionecr m %W:t."l‘“»_f Ya~ 1 :Sheepâ€"Fol . eato aggey Harris binder, OWâ€"| gyy to be in lamb ~putier, nanure fpreadery, and Poultryâ€"Tw laud .rolter, 2/A4woâ€"!ufoW |with litters at foot, {; yrake, â€"disk, â€" spring : $00U8] gozey hens. = . / ~‘ seu ffler, seed .drill, *A Implementsâ€" No.: 4. rrows, tron harrow, _ ~2 [ pinder â€" with truck;, yloader, â€" hay. tedder, BO2E ] mower, Masseyâ€"Harris p seeder, cutting b0%, CH~ | asgeyâ€"Harris dist hat # grain cradles, 2 scytics;] rtyrris hay ralue, Mass ow 2 cutters, bobsl€iED, | +t â€" fifteen feet wide; w8 on a ~ charge . of gate himselt ub i Pottér, of ~ Washington and clover Executors ,â€" par s, / sink atiress o wash 1907 Prop; C208 4una ractfence of EZtA i 'V.,w < F ,,;‘_.“ V%-.’fiv'fifi s :n.u" t | ’ a ‘ “..A‘;,{,»v # : a X o ind im t onl io Wn,mfi, Mh“ ing at 12.30 sharp, the folâ€"| wing : v able : prop l e ' 4 z ( Â¥ s neve f â€"bflA‘ , heayy mare in foal to« VICLO ?am eb yu:ll‘ old, chestuat mare fourteen yeatrs W er; mare thirteen years om'n‘o:”u; Andian Clief; three; young , colts. Cuttieâ€"Ten‘ good dairy cows, two itesh at time of sale, balagce . SUP posed to ‘be in call,;~fout spring cal in Mon» Implementsâ€" No.: 4. nm binder ~â€"with "truck; m-flfll moswer, Masseyâ€"Harris _ . dise, :d I, Masseyâ€"Harris dise harrow; â€" Masseyâ€" Harris hay rabe;, Massoyâ€"Harris horse rake,. fifteen feet wide; â€" hay‘ loader, lahd roller, set: fron harrows, | four sbetions; sculfler, . two. plows, one Sm P Rsi Emt td E: t new; pea harvester; Preston . mowel; J grind .W‘ mill, wheel bar~ row,: stone , turnip pulper, â€" two J fumber wagons, top bugey, two seat ed carriage, with pole _ and "shafts) set: bob sigighs, long % gravel x, stock rack, thrée: racks, ladder, set double harness, new; set heavy double harness;, two. sets ‘plow harness, sct sh:gle harnesé, pair open bridles, forks, chains, shovels, ‘double trees, ‘neckâ€"yokes; also: a quantity: of household furniture, two dozen grain bags and ‘other articles. About . 400 bushels oats, 300 bushels mixed grain, 100, bushels barley,... & quantity < of mangolds and turnips. Â¥=% TERMS:â€"$10 andâ€" under cash;" over that amount, ten months‘ eredit will be given on furnishing approved joint Inotes, or a discount .of jour per cent. on. all sums gntitled to eredit, except grain, roots and poultry, which will cash. T :A {mou jye ore sgaomotdurr aaog* oUL as the pro'prietor has been _ scarcely a year on the farm, which is sold. $ There will be no reserve. ifDapex. AMBS, _ EZRA SNYDER, Branch of Some of the recent in the associations . OTEi Dairy Division, Oltawa â€"Henryville, Que,, 14; Oc6 iverage. 408 Ib. <milk, 4.2 Ib. fat. ¢ e Warsaw, _ Ont average _ 479 lb Ib. fat. _ Pine Grove, Ont., 1 average 479 lb. milk, fat. Shetield, Ont., 17 Oct., 115 cows, average 447 1b. milk, 3:9 test, 17. lb fat. t VE 28. North Oxford, Ont., 231 Pcot., cows.average 636 Ib millil 3.6 $3.0 Hiat. Stw Armand, Que:, 19 0C cows average 343 Ib. milk, 12.5 lb. fat.s ~Last and by DOMINION DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTUR®E. least Chilliwack, B.C sverage 563 Ib. lb. fat. Ottawa, November .12, 1907 * Dixville, Que average â€" 418 lb. fat. GENTLEMEN, ARE Investigate and see for yours¢il DC Art Coverings in Wigs and Toupecs. Prof. Dorenwend‘s manufactures art worn on over. 8$5,000 heads by â€" all classes, and in all: sttions of lite. They are the essence of prfection, light in woight, durable and a great benefit to health and a protestlon_\o the head against Cold, Draughts, Caâ€" tarth, . étc. . Trying on and demonâ€" strating Athe. completeness of . these zoods free of. charge: _ He will be abhbhe Walper. House, Saturday, ‘ Dee. Tth. <& J Medical men report that Uroreâ€"are | M9" n unusually Jarge numbet ot: cases| last t sore throat in London, Ont., â€" at nory the present time. Many of the cases saga are of & particularly ‘paintul â€", typefing closely mfln an attac« . ~ )f| heen rhthoria.. _ classes: : of. â€" penple; «x0 im alfected by !t, the ofd â€" as well | . MJ _\flw;yo%'_fl in many of ./ the | Iats rooms of â€" publicâ€" sthools. there floot ‘s n ‘noticoable | «liminution -lnv'fip give altendance. _ The opidemic Srom gorffi? reports, ‘to be incrsasinr,, aunt, the % it is z‘m poi 4 very paistut â€" forpor ys to those aftected. ‘uru sSORE. THROAT IN SCHOOL Fourteen Shropshire ~ ewes Auctioneer : sold by Public of the Dairy and Cold Storâ€" Commissioncer. Cow Testâ€" ing Associations. of the recent average yicids ssociations organized by tht Yivision. Oltawa, art‘z Que., 17 Oct., 164 . coy 416 16. milk, 4.1 test," 17 B.C., 5 Oct., 133 cow$ Ib. milk, 4.0 test, 22.6 4, Masseyâ€"Harri® Two brood sOW® : fat hog, . two , 12 Oct., 181 cows milk, 3.8 test, 18.3 POuv4itaial 17 Oct., 136 cows ~ 8.8 test, 18.2 Ib 19 Oct., Proprietor YOU BALD 1k, 4.5 test by no means 163 cows test, 174 C.F.W urself the Toupeds. ures . are by â€" all nedoare rope en ao" rest espaaie ore is unlimited nabural gas in this district. mm.uov our()uuu" 3: 4;?% &:rllo.' .m"f..f‘t‘mmm‘ Festacion." Ol l f The soll on these farms is of a vich clay and sandy u‘“y ORMOE :5 s( | oc lc es ‘5.â€"-\-0.-&& hy h"‘l; ""?éé"?mxng‘m see these 1. Buffalo Line to.Canfield f to meet them on giving notice ; 134 111 GANBURO P. 0. somer expression to the face. PASSENGERS FREEZE OP k > STREET CEAR S'ng%s t There are the very best * C ; ’ * CKME t * <a5e h’ i j g HAIRGooODs! _ Prof. Dorenwend wolfiradieel it e 310055 > 25 +. td Chicagd, . Nov. 24 .â€"Chicago‘s . new, nickelâ€"inâ€"theâ€"slot _ street cars> have been tried and, according to the pub» licâ€" have‘ been found wanting; princi« pally. . because . the. conductors have not haq the changg â€" o s‘ ui0 i uns CS ul THW SM CCR CC 0 ons Rg exit and you pay before you enter the door. Three _ hundred of: the cats were put in operation yesterday, ond, although the thing hais been very genâ€" erally talked: about and well adver~ tised the publio had not become. ed« ucated up to the Plan of dropping a ‘mickel . in the: slot on the TORT . plat torm. priopae ts o ib petlo o lt Bdnne at J OEZCIDN The game exit and you door. Three were put: in Burglar Works Ug::irs Whil Euchre Plr'tj eeds on Ground Floor,. Confusion. occurred _ w five passengets hoarded one â€" had not the. 1 White he fumbled. for argued â€" with the cond law. requiredhim to «18 ANDREW ZOELLER, NEW HAM to Toronto, . Nov.. 26. +An . and burglar, evidently .. a student â€" lnmml“zll_u pulted : off a st tie homelol . Mrs. Aonic. M. _ last night, in. this. city, tat, nerve and <yot, withal, a azal bagacity.) that rendered his lin ing C ivoly safe," bi# ih saled / in the annals 0 avound _ heres ao o 9e t ge o t 0 B0 ce e ~Mrs. Angus .. was entertaining : . & ty of <friends â€"on the groun 1 floot _ of het residence toa't:@"‘ give ‘ouchro > party ‘ and.. (W! y dU® Aftv ‘ odd â€" guests > word ocenpted . in Thb poilers . O through the the abiount of $2, othe RAFFLES OUTOONE rsult... of _pleasure ovie t a entered an “p“fi"o'whs limbed . ;@:. porchâ€"_ and,,wont n ~the Dentireé top floot 'E“' gets boarded the, cat. nq not the ~ requisite. hickel ambled for" chabse . and ith the conductor© that Ath¢ cd~him. to give" change \p himt of &2 others hllmm: entrancc and bush wherevcr four 0t oF TORONTO ; .; {wa _ ) ) IS ComMING _ _ _ _‘ / ~â€"_â€"â€" Hewill be at Warrzn Horar B4 OR DIRECT 10 tarms can.do so by takin Loo "tial teom Ool a vich clay and sandy lomm g.dacimn + of . Te stunt at ._ Angus, at, _ for absy xt indertakâ€" 5 â€" Bover g ht on very easy SsATURDAY, DECEMBER yh, { eriin® to the step and swore, sometime: softlyâ€" and. other>times ,l“"'wv being frozen | to deatBscc 300000 a0~ RECARRE O 00 on P e o n Passengers â€" without the nickel were . fotced to stand on; the % r 'w > the: Couductot . passed the . others * > and, ?.%m'éir‘r well : .lfiv aiod â€" (to gwet. Abheit .change and We then allowed in The O@ML «_ _[~ ooo ul The scheme, according! to the streat car "company, is . all "that was claimed for " itâ€"that it will prevent over~ crowding .. and . get every nickel, do away â€" with the conductor‘s. friends riding free ‘and increase receipts. The public however, ‘does not ‘seem : to take _ kingly tq t cyk 3 C000 a0s eotmnodiii‘us house. tte. ) t Several . rooms . were entergd and Otpensive | wraps ~were thrown ont Gof tthe . windows until the. lawh,/ ¥‘as literally ‘~~ covered . with the tostly Fmrvmtl{ Ret: #f _._....:m B ERUT e 1 \â€" Fortunately for: the .guests aud the hostess, a maid â€" one of sevetab in tho house at. this time â€" went upstalts and nofited _that the : room ... wWhich whe . entered was‘ in wild . d ottler, tnforméd her mistress. A seatch of the house; followed ~- na ut | the thieves was. rin §q thas _ he }umndhon'morhv‘ mile the doot â€" of ; the rooin was being: enlerâ€" ::*'l\e nxzn g,;,‘.f,‘i,h longing :« to fit hostess, valued ~ atb $400 tho rest of (the spoil lu:m ‘On the iawn. ‘Tlho poli¢e ‘are w on The case."> bey® ae h The . conductor â€" now â€" do . but attend. t6 the ting on and of and thi says, " Wilt 3 pproent _ som,extent,e‘ he r the catâ€"anft able The date for Crocker‘s Hotses hore has sbeen transferred from Dec: @nd hx gra: in Bec, toth * :. > o & tor â€" now ~ has nothing to rd: +6 the passengers gel~ of and this, the company 1 & ont accidents to ;,0‘ he â€" never . is Aneide s able to see. What PCs Te

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