MB PCE ‘(‘per 1b. i Sream, maekaits colgrcd nard 1 o ite: ~ Bept. , 15Â¥e) do..hmt.. fine, 13¢; do., â€" goo *n%ï¬w: E}to 1%%e; common to essssen. o.A Jcom %‘&i 10¢ to (S&éz skims, 116 © 7 oiï¬ ind w 2 .Feg trong; receipts, 2614; state, Pennâ€" «y Iy and ‘nearby, . fancy, â€" selected, white," 45¢ to m to choles, 38c to Be; br s-nc{. Bc to 406; '_:‘ ige % to Se; first to extra ir ;;;utemquu.tcmau Cab Steadyâ€"Cattle _ Easier, . Hoge â€" _ ! ~.) . Steady at Chicago. Nov. 11.â€"London cables mare at to 1%%e Ib., dressed t !-&rflvr boonj- quoted at 10c oronto Junction Live Stock. _ TORONTO JUNCTION, Nov. 11.â€" Receipt 5‘luo stock at the Union Btook . were 57 carloads, comâ€" posed of 1145 cattle, 596 sheep and 13 W‘ .‘ 0. Butchers. RFew real good butchers‘ cattle were ared, ‘the choicest on the market, and 1 three at thlt.nldlt‘r. $4.80; : be Mwntsn 50; edium butchers‘, $3.50 to §; % 50 â€" %:;mner-. 31 to $2; cows, $ W." <*~" Feeders ahd Stockers. _ * _ Bt 200 to 1100 ibs., sold at §3 to $3.45; bulls, ~ % to $2.50 per ewt. \_.. . Milkers and Springers. \ Right milkers and springers of good %«Inmtoflwcl.oru average 0 $52.50 each. E: Veal Calves. _ Pric n::odhtrrom.ulplrem.; Pei eep and Lambs. ‘ Bxp ewes sold at $4.15 per cwt.; culls t $2.7; lambs at $ per ewt. x . egernets o Hogs. iPrices are down. H. P. Kenn quo= | welects $5.75, fed :uwtu:a and M§0, f.0.b., cars, at country points. _ ~ _‘Montreal Live Stock. % Nov. 11.â€"(Special,)â€"At the ont al Stock Yndn"?ut End Market ie ipts of live stock for the week endin Nov. 3 were 4093 cattle, #20 sheap and _ mnbs, $858 hogs and 16 calves. ‘The 4 I;;o loutlueu#mpun *his 'mom- y cattle and Te ecr sn taives "A Tiriner reollug wggx, Nov.‘fl.â€"-!u!t:â€"rlm; ; «creamery, â€"specials, 3 & thirds. to firsts,â€" 22¢ mâ€*:; 7 ; seconds to specials, 2c { state m% mon To firest. fls process, edmmon to specials," Ne to r, cre Yo. roils.. 0 8 a uen P l § i8 s, cold ugrage, M... Chae! he. caln. Yo..:..:.:..."... 0 y eÂ¥., extracted, 1. ...... 0 B â€" 0 B% y, dosen uc('l"m!‘l! 3 0 Liver Grain and Produce VERPOOL, Nov. 11â€"Wheatâ€"Spot is northern, Man., 8s 81 to 4@; No.‘% morthern, Man., &s 641 to ; 71 ‘hard winter, 8s to 8s nx: x winter, 75 90 â€"to Ts 114. + s firm; Dec. Ts 10%4; March 8s 1%46; ez ation creamery, firsts,. 22c to c w .owm":'."(s finest, Zio:to edmmon. to ml-. He to . factory, © com to > first, Es 9%0 MA PC Aanidlcfeuac n as J n the market for cattle, owl the fact that supplies Wire 80 head Mer thi a week ago, but; as there s ~litt ,&mlu from outside sources iay, they were ample *o fill all reâ€" ir its and prices whow no change. r conditions â€" were . anything favo ; but, notwithstanding th‘s . t, attendance of local buyers was ly Jms and the demand was good, equently an active trade was done A clearance‘ of all the stocks ‘ :‘ Cable advices from Liverpool ‘Satur reported trade siow but firmâ€" finue to â€" and w:r.om:notd "aÂ¥%e v‘&l ales ‘ot stock were ‘greely at 44c to ; fair at $%6 A6; ,-.tl%w:'lgo .cndhhfr‘i‘or TMe td . There was no fur= er chisn. h’.‘t’h‘ market for sheep this sele, ~pric being steady, ow'::: to He m and s . contin deâ€" as #in per 1b. shn demand â€" for d (O%~~ ~. Exporters. _ best ie irs . were . al of" sale, Arovers PS x‘m.'.u?.'{ance- :6 accept . ““:hchmml?-'hm‘{ to A 'nt‘gnm u?to $.75, with for one load. Export bulls $¢ to B.7. . . 5 im«â€"Short â€"rib~qulet, 688. T ns on Ramantiin: rincet, Cclored New Yark Oairy Market frekk. buster. ~...5.; 0 ho Torento Dairy Market o poie wotle....... t m Waterloo, C CATTLE MARKETS. Whoate««.4s .++« r, Ocama ... . .+ WATERLOO MAREKETS * Seven Lilica Grain Markets nt, Nov. 14t1, 1607 §1Â¥%c bid, Moy 7 $1.051 1 10 to 3 05 85 3.10 13,00 8 03 4. O 48 238 L 2 0° 5 BC Talmageâ€"Linder.â€"At Milverton, NOY, Amanda cidest haughter, ‘of . Mr ‘and ‘Mrs. Samuel Linder, formeriy, of Elmira to Chas~C. Talmage.of + nc;un. & . + h & Sherrisâ€"Leegimâ€"At â€" Toronto, No# . ‘6th, Marley Shecris. to Anng Lo«â€" son, . both of. Toronto. F6 Alisonâ€"Lockie.â€"At Galt, Nov.° Tth, i. 7 traaty +U To P : Alisonâ€"Lockieâ€"At Galt, Nov. TL e â€" wa COT UHAEE: . 5.20 u+ 25 Tremaiy‘â€" VEr â€"â€"At > CÂ¥% © Nov. ‘6th, E. u:.;;gcldn . of »W;â€"st‘flm. Nov. "Ast, . by Rev. Mr. Poole, Ben D. Haro . toâ€" Adabell Brown, both of "Gait. Benderâ€"Bean. â€"At _ Berlin, Nov. ty by Rev. E. H. Bean, of Crediton, A. C. Bender ty Alima Bean, o} Berlin. X * 6 Rubyâ€"Roth.â€"Near St., Agatha, 1 07. 5th, ~ Samâ€" Ruby of Cassel, 10â€" Mary Roth ,of near St. Aghthi; Kuhlâ€"Statz.â€"At Hespeler, Oct. cist. _ The~dore Kubt, to Hannah Cict4, ~ "koth of.. Hespeler. Rooeâ€"Bale.â€"At Waterloo, Oct. 29, . _Geo. H. Rooke, to Ellen Bale, both of â€"‘Waterloo. h Stewartâ€"Sims.â€"At _ Toronto, Kov. &t», .by â€"Rev. Dr. Wallace, Joh T Ross Stewart to: Rella May _ Sims, formerly of Waterloo. i Fosterâ€"Hood.â€"At â€" Galts® Oct. 23r4, Alex. Foster to Annie Hood, boib } of ~ Galt. > & Howardâ€"Johnson. â€"At â€" Galt, â€" No# .Wm, Howland, . of Paris to Alice k Johnson of Galt. Jaglo vieeâ€"Murphy.â€"At Louisville, Kentucky,â€" Oct. 26th, _ Joseph U. Jaglowiez, formerly of Preston, to Jessic Murphy, of ~Louisville. _ , 1.0 95 @8 Eckenswiller. â€"At â€"~ New _ HMamburg, boatQ, Nov. 3rd. Mrs. Antia Eckenswiiler, | of hay wife of late Henry . Eckenswiller, ticles aged 75. years! ~â€"> # TER Bochler.â€"At _ New Hamburg, Nov.{all sun 3rd Joseph | Bochler, aged 54 } over .t ~years, 11 months and:> 9 days. â€" |Of 6P Pieifier»â€"At Tavistock, Nov. 314, cash pd Catharing Elizabeth Schmidt, wite |â€" JO8, of .lohn Pfeiffier, in her 67 year. ABR Wilker.â€"In West Zorra, Jacob, it. | 48â€"2t. Wilver, aged 61 â€"years. > bvec umss MeDonald.â€"At Toronto, Nov, 7th} J; A. ~ McDonald. Al Somers.â€"At Berlin, Nov. 7th, daughâ€" s ter of Mr. and Mrg. Carl Somers, ‘agod ~5 years. 98| Far Sch aman.â€"At Centreville, Nov.â€" inâ€" fant . child of Mt,. and Mrs. Adam T her Echarman. tion /« Hagey.â€"At Hamilton, Nov. 2nd, Mrs | ed on Menno Hagey, niece ‘of â€" Mrs. J |~ C B. Hagey, Waterloo, aged 42 Y8a13: | comme â€"Davie.â€"At Linwood, Oct. Sist, Thos.4 the fol 25 16 (K daughter \Davic. _ Smith.â€"Near â€" Medicine: Hat, Alta, Russel Smith, son of. Mr. and Mrs. A. B. Smith, of Wellesley, aged A: :mb' lawyer. Was mm‘: when negro gardener called .Iz office _ accompanitd . by (a ht:v meâ€" some tionaries sah." â€"_ ‘Maurse _ Rob‘son," . he . ai wunts to know & yowd mind 1 me some of yo‘ cyclepediars ai tionaries an‘ any other big Success Magazine llU #tonished _ lawyer. .A" you | f @Very m 7 4 . i. wl * on MARRIAGE®. DPEATHS â€"~ accasion, Marse me wants To hont de baby.‘"â€"From cclaimed What on © ‘"! Auction Sale ho \ Auction Sale 6 acres poulitry Uâ€"I-r’-.'-ï¬l C e o Cl ts 19 R [ qo We have won‘m" r t!wlâ€â€˜m“â€"x reth m&&ï¬:ï¬an for you on 'ood' d.u:"?:yl' whatrver to show any * & F. E. Shantz & Co. There will be soid . by Public Aucâ€" tign: on the on o) Ine anfersiont ed â€" in Waterloo Townkhip . {(wo milés southeast : of Eeclin, on Mill <St. OB; . § 4 * : commencing. â€"â€"â€" at ane sharp, the following porty, Â¥16, :sC ) (A> ECE CC ky nB ~BHUNSES.â€" ]z“‘rn 13 m. ï¬.‘ horse 11 y6 ho b Ase. 12. .. years old, mare t% old, supposed to be in roal, bay mï¬ 3 years old, ~filly twoâ€"years old, ing .colt, _ + CATTLE, EIC.â€" #our: fresh cows two shorthorn cows with pedigree, 2 cows and 8 heifems all supposcd to ue â€" in calf, 2 =bull calves 9 months old (Pedigrees applied for}. busl 1« moniths old, 2. yearling: Steets, calt i0 m_nlbs old, 4. young CAIYt», also 8 ewos; lamb and 50 parred â€" Rocks ‘and ~50 pure bred. White Leghorn. iMP LILMENIS.â€"Binoer, mower, 6 fool cut,â€" 30 tooth.hayrake, hay~ loader, seed drill, cultivator .__ and scedet, combined, _ scuffior new, 2 furrow . > plow, | Imp‘erw;“a-lurro‘v AM Cmy â€" »Oiiie. ie o e e d L RCT scedet, combined, _ seuffior new, 2 furrow\â€" _ plow, | Iimperial, 3â€"furrow plow, 2 plows, Harrow, roller, palr bobsleighs, 3 wagons, with .. _ boxes, stock rack, truck wagon, 2 hayracks, new gravel box, _ DUg&Y, democtat, market _ wagon~ _ single, 2 cutters, whec] sarrow,{annifigmil}, with bfl: 2 beet forks, g::.shoveu,bou r&in crow bats, W jack, doubletrees and â€" neck yokes, bag _"truck, turnip pulper, 220 egg incubator, h{ fork, harpoon, . double barre} b dading gun, hartess, horse blakety, _ grain bags, counter scale 240 Ibs capacity, spray pump, 3 fron kettles, also SK : good coo: stove, 3 h*aters, side« board, 3 bedsteads, table, a quantity of hay and oats ard many other arâ€" ticles _too numefous io menticn.. _ TERMS.â€"Llay, grain, chickens and all sums of $10 and under cash ; over that amount 10 months‘ credit or 6 per. cent.per asnum , off _ for cash naovments of credit amounts. or & per. cent.â€"per agsznum , 0f cash payments of credit am JOS, MICKUS, â€" Auctioncer ABRAHAM CRESSMAN, th There will beâ€"soid. by Public Au.;-‘] tion ‘on the Farm t the undersignâ€" ¢d one. mileâ€" southeast of Breslau, on: MoNpaAY, Nov. 35TH, 1907, commencing at ten 0‘Clock a.m.shary the following â€" Yaluable property, Yi*. HORSESâ€"2 horses 6 years old theavy), mare 10 years old ~with colt at foot, colt rising 2 years old (drivâ€" er, aged horse (driver.) % 4 _ ~COWSâ€"2 cows supposed o beâ€" "in calf, 2. fresh, cows, 4 fresh cow with calt at foot, heifer supposed. to t iy calf, calf 4 months old. _ _ _ PIGS, ETC.â€"Sow . supposed to bhave litter. belote day ol ~sal0, sow Supâ€" posed to have litter . about January 1st, 5 geese and about 45 hens. AMPLEMENTS, ETC.â€"Binder,Pres e 1.2 if 21 0 s lenidinlind S in dngcrenitea nsP en e ton make, seed drill, spring tooth culs tlvt{::. land. rolJer,. mower, â€"mowet with pea farvester attachments, ha; rake, 3 hay racks, vm lf;:, i";:l lat, culting ~box , ;'gf.:“:l.:.. .;‘;’. fork with rope «B‘ rake, 3 hay racks, . wood rack, . fan ning mill, large culting box, sÂ¥all cutting box, hay {fork with rope «n pulleyss, grain chopper, rubber _ ~belt, turnip puiper, grindstone, emery stone 3 whrelbarrows, 2 new;, stone boat, ] plows, potato plow, 3. iron : harrows, & ganz plows, circular. Saw nwl,! new, 3 iron kettles, platform scales :capacity 2000 Ibs, logging chains, cow ties, Blacksmith‘s Vice, &nn Sseparâ€" ator : (National), 2 sets double harâ€" nes$, 3 sets ginglo harness, 1 . hearly new, 3 robes "and a number of Lortst blankets, .txt and . tackling, 500 _ ot 600 /teet. : lumber, and a quantity of Tln plankes .. > > > _ ~OFâ€" Farm Stock & Implements TUESDAY, NOV Farm Stock & Implements ~NVEHICLESâ€"$ iron axle wagons, n:ht tite bug y, steel titre Bugky, light demoéra with 1 seat, ,_net:, light & <priths 2 seats, ; featiy oo . o citiess. ojert stoigh. .. _â€" GRAIN, ETC.â€"15 toms hay, 1006 bushels ‘Oate, about 50 bushols Bar z.‘- q'::“t _of “ "‘:: ing ® mm‘ potatoes HOUSEHOLD EFFECTS.â€" Cool. stove, large extension table, leal ta ble, cotner cupboard, book case, bed steads, 2 box stoves, siteboard, Daisy thurn,. bedroom suite, 2 centre tables sewing machine, couch, carpets,som( canned frait ~and many other artic\ g? numetows to mention. Anch . at noon. No reserve as the farm is â€" sold. TERMS.â€"Hay, grain, chickens, m tatoes and all sums ‘of $10 and un der, ~ cath; â€"over that amount. 1 meanths‘ credit om.approved steunt) o 6 . per ‘cont on 1OP. Cam ments "of credit amounts. GIDEON BREAK, Prop; # mw._wi B on th Froderick Street, Opposite Market, â€" OF â€" y .@"clock. prmt. t arua.le .. prOâ€" th, 1997, Prop Engine and7Boller 15 aba 20 horse power, Apply to Bramm Bros., Beriio. J. K; SHINN Funeral Director and Embalmen | ha‘f mile south weet of, sme W1 2 T. Waterloo; . Ont : Telophone «t Reil" &"'o-mm-fibo“""i‘-'-:mm'"m PR ${6 and out! douo.â€c;l Young Bt., sï¬gï¬ , & uu’“ g“-’adnit -.'Am ghorr t .: _ uce cf oo ‘TITUS SNIDER * ies 20 1 5 Arceai ts meas 1 1R > 4 Waterloo, Ont. 8. B BIEEHN Real Estate. Loans & iInvestments RENTING AND LMBSURANCE CBESSMAN, BASK., OANADA, . .. Here are absolutely safe Investments, Fichb heat iana in. wellâ€" s.itied ous, i 10 se erra e ues ‘on: can buy ‘a 160 to m Tilon To lmten Mioses. can dn me or wats of 'l'h::wlnb&c&l.d by public auction | Berlin. SA â€"UE on :; r , â€" one & mihmgo!mxnl'.on%stmt. a c near the railway bridge, on the road| _______________ _i ____L_ leading to German ‘Mills, on , p n ~~THURSDAY, NOYV. m 1907, mmluo;.nm:ï¬d Poultry commencing . at ome o‘tlock, p. m., sharp, the following ‘valuable propâ€" erty, vigso 0 "_ > + aasenngd with tovassrione: . ~ whn. ds aoid as a P in* k L s con: at a l Farm Stock and Implements . | wmerifice for quick removal. Apply at vllees % 1169 Wilmot Bt. or at M. E<b & Co‘s. Livestock»» Rlack mare: 9 years Old; |â€" Bpons brood mare 15 years old, cow due ‘to ; 197 cdumhbmber. com:r to :calve begin of June,; mi cow, yearâ€" ling heifer, also about thirty chickâ€" > oC @n84 .. Implemients, ‘ote~â€"Wagon, wide tire, | SHIPPING nearly new;: large beetâ€" box, â€"â€" nearly new; set gravel planks, 2 pair doubleâ€" tree8, neckyoke, chaing, spring : Seat, a top buggy, bob sleighs, cutter, binâ€" NUN der, hay rake, hay rack, seed drill, 1 three furrow gang plough, â€" plough, UW‘z large iron harrow, . turnip (pulper, | sseond Chatham fanning â€" ‘mill, gtindstone, | i th stale, capacity 1200 lbs.; beet> lifter, | _ ____.__.. carpenter â€" tools, . beet _hoes, beet knives, large crossâ€"cut saw, 2 sets double harness, set carriage harness, Shom set single harness, goat robe, . sheep : robe, wardrobe, â€"sideboard, â€" table, | ._ washâ€"stand, pail, bench, parlot St0ve, | qq of fover meat tub, churn, and a lot ofâ€" other | soln articles too numerous to mention. _ | Smayy Also‘ a quantity of hay. and oa®®. f Termsâ€"Hay, grain, â€" chickens . and |â€"_â€"_ . . allâ€" sums of $10 and under cash; over |â€" *4 that: amount 9 mfonths‘ seredit . on | _~ â€" approved security‘ or five per ult; ï¬â€";ï¬iï¬rï¬]‘o‘! éash . payments : of credit amounts. thisesi * J. MICKUS, AARON SHANTZ, Auctioncer. ï¬grm or; k SAM SHANTZ, Clerk. Auction« Sale There will be sold .by Public Auc« tion" on the farm of; the undorsigncd one â€" and aneâ€"balt miles south . : uf Erbsvilie, on °> cemmencing .. at. ont â€" 9 C sharp the following. valua Rerty, Â¥ik :100 .003 + 1MPLEMENTS, ETC.â€" Singls waâ€" gon, | carriage, top buggy, 2~ bob: sleighd, one nearly new,â€" culter, good fanning _ _ mill, one horse plow, fron Rarrow;. bayrack, < wheelbarrow, â€" _ ? sets single harness, hatness, 2 hot £ ‘gashes, fron Reitie, . $ berry: crates, Cider barrel, meat tub, nuntber small fm wash tub, chutn 3 milk cans, 2 pails, chaing, h stone; (c:’.tlty of : boards, | 12» cedat posts, . saw, grain‘ . cradie. scythe, stone sledge, 3 hay forks*lad: der horse ‘blanket, goat tobe, sewing For Sale Cheap ~LIVE STOCK.â€" Bay horse 9 years old, good heavy cow, fresh; 20 chickâ€" T «-‘â€"nc' l i "‘Gov" "rlof stove with dnui. wooh tot, benth, cup Auction Sale WEDNESDAY, NOY. 3th, 1907 Farm Sto :k & Implements 108. MICKUS, Auctioncer. NNRAD BIERMANN, Proj redit Beslin, orâ€" a bargain. Berlin, Ont. Notary Public e id ucss1 a‘clock le p. m pro 50 scres good bush and umu:!onb h-:: (10 rooms), large bank barn, new ing n#-nd all neces ater supplied at useâ€"and barn by r+na. There is also j a ~about 6 acres whest sown, and fall plowing done. Â¥erk D in # good state of cultivation and is situâ€" ated 1} miles frem Conestogo and St. Jacobs, Tan be bought ata reason sble price. For turther particulare * Consisting of 117 aores, situated one half mile south west of the: town of Waterloo. 30 scres good hardwood nanin n flonet] sharuiee.fen, Toinns M aucoh 161 mace of which are nuder a Pnd rtave of oo raPpa, y n enc 2t Painls,, Also_ a large {'&a ~ -“ vecessa; :lfl'll uï¬:i farm ‘:t"?-‘, > JOHN RANDALL 41â€"$mo#. s * Breosian, Out. Foods and Evergreen Lawn sWIPPING HOGS WANTED IN Higher; market price paid. Load every s»cond Monday _ Next shipment Nev MENNO KOCH 12 tt »â€"â€" Courktwgo P. 0., t 20o per lb. always kept on hand at Shorthorns For Sale oo ns hoii beriin on ino Bres: (arm situated ?) miles from on the Drea: w road, mw-lulfllwm""“"'“ whicn are uuu':'&od wum:ï¬- baiance in brush pastune land and orchard. _ _ . _~TLHOLMAN Phone 167 Dealer ie oad * "Two bulis 18 and See our window FARM FOR SALE Farm For Sale 1 AM ~ACAIN READY TO TEsT Your EÂ¥vEs, FREE AND WITKOUT THE ~. uUsE 9f baues 1 6.n you with Speotaâ€" cles and Ejgeglasses in all atyles and at all to fit any sight. . _Bring your «wa frames and have new lenees put in them if you so dasire, * __OFR1CE HOURSâ€"10 to 12 a m. and 3 to 5 p. m. Special appointments, 7 to 0 NUMBER UNLMITED. Farm for Sale For Sale ) acres of which 1, 50 scres good bu vasture. On the fi â€"READY, YES, READY J.E. NEVILLE For Sale Refiacting Optioan 130 E rr desiok 8t. BERLIN, ONT. is he herd bull JO8. B, SNYDER, â€" _ ywiaitg}, w with ioonisy Pan: oy Lord Mo. for sale his Waterioo, Ont, ACFE®, under ei? Tt‘s so easy for any ClotLing House to say "Our Clothing m th e Bect and Cheayest." sd then quote a few prices to sonvined y of the well on the tables or on the dumasics." Batâ€" is the shape merely fronâ€" ed in or is it worked in by. the knack ard Auger strengtht o Tailor? â€" Nobody can tellâ€" > > oo E%g'?;.*’ m c tem.l s ..a ;‘t"‘: AF : “‘&m §X The Wear Must Prove it All â€" _ ‘A Man necessarily buys a Suit or Overcout "aunseen" as far as the interior workmns:? is conseraed, and he must,: there! ore, have conâ€" fidendé in the firm with whom ha is dealing.. â€" _ _ > _ _ Many Men have already proved cur excellent Clothes and come here have far the best of the Men whom wedon‘t . & . >‘ / Strasser‘s â€"â€" i oe t e 4 â€œï¬ respectable m Jlo desires m(..?.‘.’;'::'..,.‘:“ hu.ndanw:n\ house. ; m an llflvm mbl': "‘1’1’5";-'-'-. of :33 have a bank account of $1800 and : give the hest of references. For yPe 4t i Wife Wanted Young Men‘s Suits ~ We have our reason for offering you an extremely low . price on the best of our new winter ui!t.“‘ (g :»g%jpg,ag's 5 P <% & ul es mt ote \ _ ‘The hardest to please will admire and but Feigo ce te . Mostly twoed but many fancy worstada in the 1ot it‘ 58 ie e oi ns Fine : all wool ::m in handsome, ‘stylish patterns â€" . first quality linings and trimmings, correct in every detail. . T I ns more could any tailor give gouw, â€" s en e | BLACK BEAVER CLOTH y e | cmd oC FAINT CREY STRIPE Finish Cut in latest long Chesterfield :style, with deep centre vent, . velvet collar and strong Italian wm“ S«erif cloag the stylish new oversonts wm C:ats you‘d be proud to wear. every way, and youruvin:um‘:nruleuhhtbhm‘m i f 7 4 ' ".“ Prices Tell You Nothing! Every suit strictly high gradeâ€"price add reas CREAT PRICE CHANCE _ $¢ Sizes 32 to 35 In Sohoo! s.m-'.'!.l‘a 190, Welleaiay zou Ser ie thas To Alate meiaet 80 firstâ€"class hreading ewes. Apply ® E. DEVITT, 45â€"6¢. Teacher Wanted 3. 1. arnond, For Sale Becretary‘T Mannheim, Ont Feo Fa.