Tined rubbe: s and overshoes are shown Wick‘s Shoe Home * ols .o * . Used: Cominion Upright F:_no, in bd condition for sale At A targa‘n Gourlay â€" _ Piano Warerooms,. _ 84 51 Berii BÂ¥ at Jub@ensen‘s the Jewelier King peet,. Waterloo and ~sce his entirely w stock of: Jewellery and optical i ‘ Mers‘, ,stfl!’;ld Â¥ouths‘ Lumberâ€"|. an‘s rubbers and sox at the J S. n egular monthly mecting of the Presby terian Sunday Scehool Feachers Association was held . in the bascment _of t! , Monday :evening. â€" It s . dex to hold > the . annual Ristmas entertainment on Friday evening, December 20th. _ Go “,the new‘ " Jewelier im Ziek‘s Block for your wat h re | paiting. Satisfaction guarantcid â€"or \ _ Monday evcn ng "nigrtwiat diragsd Clarke too‘c in ‘tow. & facmer _ who ) the worse for Tiquor. He ; ‘»Whï¬n;tshflmpwe . Aurned ‘his horses isto the ianc iA rear . of Snider‘s Mill nearly goâ€" ‘ ing into the mill. He waos allorel lo alter sobering up. ~ ;imem. etocks, and optical ‘ (poods go. to Jurgensen‘s the ~new + Jeweller â€" in Zick‘s block: _ ~~/The thrif housewife at the presâ€" ht time will bear testimony. to the | price of two very desirable comâ€" ¢ ities which adorn the table, nameâ€" tc and eges. At the market _Saturday. 27 to 30 cents aâ€" Ib. s asked for butter, while eggs are owing to be a luxury at 30 cents a : &., and were scarce at that price. t pro uce sold at current prices. y Kant Krack Rubbers. at Zick‘s. _ Mr. Jos. E. Seagram has installed a mew (electric plant for lighting e "distillery store and stables, and ‘ .::l’"ï¬â€˜!h. #4~ with two large Goldic â€" â€" & wlloct" engines and two dynaimnos se imilton. _ ‘The new ._ _ plant in operation and is . â€" in df Mr.: Harty Oestrich. e ©The Junior Entertainmeént held at . Church Tuesday was a deâ€" "success. The work was â€" under the direction â€" of : the Superintendents "Junior Work, Misses Enma xmzl ‘and Menrietta Urstadt and other helpâ€" ers, and a large audience greoted them to show their appreciation. of Work they had done, the spacious Lv school roomi being flled _ to ï¬â€˜:l seating capacity. mesting was placed in charge of the pastor, Rev. A. Y. Haist, who opened the service by the .Announce» ‘WJmml l::rodqnto;y'm F ors, followed prayer by Rev. G. D. Damim of Betiin, â€" and a lew practical remarks by the Chairâ€" man, appropriate to the occasion. .A cantata / entitied _ "Gathered Leaves‘‘ was then rendered. . by. the J , who were seated upon the 4 to the numbert of _ about ~aixty. The several parts, © such as ig ‘concert given in the town hall Aday, evening by the W. M S. _ we Aairly .well attended. An en am was given, â€" which listened to \by an appreciative Keeps Eggs Fresh _ o tin preserves 10 to 12 dozen E. M. Devitt‘s OITy pXUG STORE. 317. PBeuteche Apotheke wWATERLOO A SPLENDID SUCCESS afacte apd sOLD AT CL&B8 Avk Aeg .. The death of one of . Waterloo‘s n : residents in the perâ€" one of the early plonsers who . has witnessed the growth of the â€" town lrom a small struggling hamiet ol a mm,.-.&gumme of the "woods to the . Waterloo of . toâ€" day. Anh::thh-“.â€ï¬' the aged lady yed splendid health : up to a week ago Saturday, â€" attending cervice ‘nt the Menmonite church., on service at ï¬nw m:\on Thanksgiving Day. she unâ€" fortunately muum and had been confined to her bed â€" since that time. _ The malady terminated jataily, ‘and :she passed peacefully away at 6.20 A. M.. Tuesday . at the ripe old ‘age of ~95 years, 11 months and 22 days. 4. . Mrs. Devitt, whose maiden . rame was Magdalena Shoemaker, â€"was _ a member of a longâ€"lived andâ€" highly respected family and was the daughâ€" ter of the Jate John Shoemaker, She was born in Pennsylvania, U.S. A.. on Nov. 20th, 1811, and . would have celebrated her 96th birthday on the 20th of this month. She came to Waterloo in the year 1829 with her mother ‘and ‘family, teaversing â€"the distance in one of â€" the old4ashioned wagons used in those times, _ Two. years later she was married to the late Barnabas Devitt and they residâ€" ed for a time in Waterloo, afterâ€" wards: removing to Bridgeport, where her husband purchased the mill |at that place. It was later disposed and the family again moved to this place where she has almost continuâ€" qusly resided. %& < i As one of the early pioncers Mrs. Devitt saw the transition of . this sparsely settled community to the present prosperous town of. Waterloo and often recounted . experiences of early days and the conditions. which prevailed: in those primitive times. On the journey . to theâ€"new ‘home in this county, from Pennsylvania, the dis tance was made with horse and Wagâ€" bxm. theâ€"mother â€"of Mrs. Devitt travek ling on botseback. ~They had several cows with them which ~supplied milk and butter was churned right on the wagon as they went along. The route lay over mountains, across â€" rivers, through swamps and over roads> alâ€" The marriage of Mr. Robert E. Ritz foreman in the office of the Chronicleâ€" Telegraph, Waterloo, and Miss Cathâ€" erine Oswald, daughter of Mr. . and Jacob B. Oswald, Berlin, took place on Tuesday the 12th inst, at Berlin, Rev. Mr, Hofiman officiating. Bob‘s many friends will extend hearâ€" tiest felicitations and will* join in wishing him and his bride a happy and prosperous voyage over life‘s matrimonjal sea. HAS OPENED NEW Mr. John Jurgensen, late OL 10â€" tonto, has opened a jewellery _ store in Zick‘s Block, King street, Waterâ€" 106 and is prepared to cater to the wants of the public in that line ~of trade. He is a practical andâ€" <*xâ€" perienced ~â€"watchmaker, jeweller aind optician and is a gradiate _ of the Northern lilinois College of Ophathalâ€" mology in Uhicago and has . had 25 years experience in his trade. . fle has â€" also had a thorough training stock of upâ€"toâ€"date jewellery. _ and optical goods and guarantees .Satâ€" stactory _ wotk or money refunded.| He â€". makes a specialty of repairing ; watthes, clocks and : jewellery of ali | kinds and _ would be pleased . i0 . have you «call. A 3 | in the best cgllege in the â€" United States â€" and experienced _ in the business which he bas carrie« on for some time. <~He hasa large new stock of upâ€"toâ€"date jewellery â€" and antipal~ snods ~and auarantees ~Satâ€" ORGAN RECITAL AT $T. SAVIOUR‘s CHURCH St. Saviour‘s :Chiuren was filed to its capacity on Thursday evening on the occasion of an organ recital by Frederic T. Egener, organist and choirmaster of _ Zion Presbyterian Church, Brantford, and afforded= an ‘opportunity ‘of hearing the . fine | new ugm recently â€" installed. | . Exener proved himselt a capâ€" able performer and an â€" accomplished |musician and bis s _ served to display the Tine: ty of the organ 'M :d‘upm quality a‘m an \diousness of the stops was revealed ‘in the various selections. | His ._numbets . inciuded _ Handel‘s Largo, The Funcral March by Chopin, | mum- The _ Lost ‘Tamali ind Mendctssohn‘s yt% RiTZâ€"OSWALD NUPTIALS JEWELLERY STORE rs of Age and «â€" Generally R Loved. of “Wb'â€â€˜â€œ did not exist at all â€" â€" â€" The passage over" the Niagata was made in a stcow as there the old Barnabas Devitt now . owned by . Mr. Mr. Devitt died in 1891 Devitt has ol late years home ~with "her son, Mr. Devitt. o is fat i t s To stige in eyntagt ant ae4 nold n she came in contact and was held: in the highest regard not only by the members of her family but by all her. and of a mmmm 1 ‘sincerely mourn her demise. At the recent celebration of the flm&g Miversary of â€"the marriage : ‘of â€"Mr. and Mrs. Benjamin Devitt she was the oldest of the five generations 1éâ€" presented. ab\ Despite . her great age she took: a livelyâ€" arld intelligent interest in every day. life and retained her menzl and bodily vigor almoss "to" the time of her death. The passing away of .this . ploneer in a communâ€" ity wherein . she: resifed . for ho many ‘years and â€" in which she ~was held in general esteern wall be learnâ€" ed with sorrow by her: many friends but the Jegacy which she leaves <beâ€" aind in an upright, and loug life of activity: ~and ~usefulness filled â€"vith many kindnesses ‘will remain as a preâ€" cious memory to those who â€" had grown : to love andâ€" sstcom â€" her for her many good and wo uanmv qualities Twelve children were born {oâ€" Mr. and Mrs. Devitt, six of whom, sur« vivée, viz.: Béenjamin, Waterloo. David Berlin, Mary (Mrs. Jacob Wissler, Lyndhurst, Virginia; Bataabas, Thilâ€" adelphia; Menno,~ . Watetloo, Loulsa, (Mrs. Jacob â€" Smith) Fork‘s> Read. The dead areâ€"John," Abram, isaac, Jacob, and: Magdalena, who dicd _ in |. infancy and Matthew, whose death ocâ€" | curred when four years oid. Thirly ],grmndrm,. twentyâ€"one great grand. ‘thildren and one great, greas gram‘iâ€" child survive. .. ‘ =~‘ > 3 \ The funeral will be held on Friday afternoon at ~~ 1.30 o‘clock from .. the : residence of . __ Mr. Ben|. Devitt, ~ to . theâ€" Evangelical Church for : service thence â€"to the East End Mennonite Cemetery, Berlin, for interment. ; â€"~The deceased was an adberent of the Evangelical Church for many years. ~ The Telegrapn extends sinterest conâ€" dolances to the bereaved family. ROBBERY AT THE \Carl Bahrs, who has: been porter, at theâ€"Alexander House for. the past six weeks decamped â€" Thursday â€" and it is suspected that he tool! . with him‘ a sum _ of ‘money not belonging to him and . also a fine horse and fig. [ It. is alleged ,thgtl.!“'hlle the bartender was at dinner Bahrs took advantage â€" of the oppottunity and ransacked â€" the till, which Con tained â€" about $20, hitched â€"up a fint bay horse andâ€" rig owned by Andy McLean and valued at about $304 and departed for‘ parts ~ unkpa0Â¥n. Curt Bahrs, porter at the Alexander House, who several days : ago . lelt town suddenly, taking with â€" him <a horse and rig not his property, and also about $20, was arrested by Chief ‘Fiynn Monday morning. ... _ _ « _ . According to the story _told bY gergarten; and 1 ing â€"/G . 3e reave dlrecï¬yz Gueiph o:" ()i‘ergutpn; and 1 teaching German, Thursday. He left the horse and rig Td sepreciy as arctption," . hignty it the 1 Tiote! in that._ City with searcely an â€" exception, . . highly id ï¬ookmthc in to Toronto. * reâ€" efficient teachers. German is taught ncaing ow Saturday as fat 48 Htew: :‘n all departments higher than â€"kinâ€" lau where he remained over night. negartint Onu Sunday he walked to conestogul Th K Pupils. 1 o. the home ol Mry Hy.â€" : Dakmer, | ere have been 660 pupils entered . Aonecs be was lormicty qmployed. He gn the registers since the 1st of [uplalnell d 16 r. D anuary. . There were 496 in attendâ€" '“d c tlns ctythh('“ /A ky mfl“‘m (.;;ce on the day of my inspection. the latter came _ to Waterloo and thufl;::tmg“ u:: ?:wwht:udiniâ€wmm gave himself up to Chict Flynn and hxtl. iwu Feemedige Cothflan' Berfin Collegiate tute, 2 ~are 'Mmflâ€m.“, . â€" Hemmer going to Business College, and . 18 and had always : proved himself .‘ a mfllfl Mmm net t M good worker and was of good habits , _ ‘orht“’ l’|' ine general and. Mr. Dahnier thought that Babis, / fky 1 ty n who is only: about 20 years . of .W“mmhmfl“‘- es mipront Tt s oot es d e niny stt on the rmireage. . 1e did not realize the nature of hi# 0t |5p5y ém“ “W as The Imperial Hotel at Guelph, at *mh& i Sotiew, raiy which the horse and rig were "““m‘d Â¥ mj" ue was : burned on Satum -g‘ ; Sariet m attont c ana fine ant us vore ie on d | rattaaai e t m wl md" oly fioelprmaeaie o t‘ rermpetay ho T t 115 | y + on CA o0 aninnl ooo oc aaie WILL REMAIN: IN WATERLOO sotvices of the pastor Rev, W. D. Lec, who recently reotived a call to the Queen Syvreet â€" Presbylotian Chateh, Toronto.. P8s salary . was :wckfl, increased, “:h in _ ade Kas presented | with a landâ€" somé> &pt as a token of appreciaâ€" of his anrvices during â€" the last 4 months in Watorloo. \ "Word ‘has boen . recéived from . Toâ€" _ that ata meeting of, Torom Arrested on Monday Morning & Presbylery the call of the Quéen ALEXANDER HOUSE Tuint Rov .. Mr. Leo Ts VHus Te property , . Herold. ~and â€" Mrs. made _ het Benjamin â€"~ _ Unbeat.ble values in Lndies‘ and CGentlemen‘s hosiery. Ask for zur syecial line«, No, 8 and 16 in all sizes â€" Mea‘s wool socks in d:fâ€" vrent grades at 15e, 858 and 50¢ por paic. $. * MEN‘S OV ERCOATS | Theâ€"Watefloo Public School Board met in special . session on . Monday |evening. Present: W..M. Reade in the chair, and Messrs. M. E. Braenâ€" 1dle, A. E. Devitt, C. â€"W. â€" Schiedel, C. Woeller, Wm. Conrad and _J.. A. Harper. k COMMENTS Waterloo Public School in Prosâ€" perous Condition.â€" Meeting of School Board. Ahe resignation of Miss Anna. D. Allan, assistant kindergarten teacher, was received and accepted and â€" Miss M. _Edith Watson, of Ottawa, . was engaged to fill the.vacancy,. duties to commence on January 1st, at a salâ€" ary of $400 per year. «. 3 ~The monthly teachers‘ reports "were received for Septembérâ€"and October, and the necessary requisites.: therein ‘ordered to be obtained. Baltzer Pfafl was engaged to shovel the sidewalks along the school propâ€" erty . during the winter months and to réteiveâ€"$28 > for â€"same. ‘The Inspector in is confidential reâ€" port on the teaching staff commmented most favorably upon .the â€" excellence of the present staff of teachers, The report of Inspector Pearce was as ‘follows:â€" 6 To the Public School Board,; . â€" Waterloo. â€" Gentlemen‘â€"I beg leave to submit a few general remarks in addition to w;hconï¬denual report enclosed hereâ€" | Pupils. | There have been 660 pupils entered on the registers since the ist _ of January. . There were 496 in attendâ€" ante on the day of my inspection. Of ‘73 enrolléd in the principals‘ room this year 23 are now attendingâ€"the Berfin Collegiate Institute, 2 â€" are going to Business College, and | 18 have left and are not at present atâ€" tending any school. | # . Several very. important changes in your Weaching â€"staff having taken place since my inspection last _ spring, â€"I spent more time in your school. durâ€" ing the last month than: has been my custom,. and the conclusion â€" 1â€" have come to is that the institution, taken as a whole, is in a very prosperous condition. Teachers. There are now 14 teachers on yout, stafiâ€" 10 cn:s‘rtl in public â€" school work, 1 transition, that is, part primary and part Kindergarten; 2 kinâ€" dergarten; and 1. teaching German, All are earnest, <painstaking, .. and, with seatcely â€"anâ€" exception, .. highly efficient teachers. German is uus t in all departments higher than in« dergarten. (0 . © We will be g‘ad to have the opportunity of showing you the ht values in the new fall overcoits f d. UFFELMANN The school building appears to be in good condition. The class room®? halls and stairways ate well arrangâ€" ed and neatly kopt. The boys‘ playâ€" ground, although ‘considerably im proved the last year orâ€" two, is still, 1 think, in need of further improveâ€" men‘t. & Permit me again to call your / atâ€" tenth 1 to the nocessity of a new, upâ€"to date outbullding. The present structure may Have suited fairly well when the school was hall it« present gize, but toâ€"day with an . attendance ol between 500. and 600 mm 1t 4s entitely inadequate and ) @R ing more and more uns@nitary. I trost that steps will be taken _make provision the laws of _\ Haour ‘obbdicht! servant, > _ ;;131;; ;;rlir “Ltn;ofr Footwear will cerâ€" ZINN‘S SHOE STORE November 9th, 1907. FAVORABLY Also the «pecial lines at $1.00 per suit of FOOTWEAR ‘is, we _ believe, worthy of your notice. .‘ It is made of the best things Malbo\n:lk .s’, atrd great care bas been observed in the selection. f ~~*We are always an the alert for things to please our customers, and we s>are no paing to get them. â€" ~‘You will find it eatisfactory to buy of us. â€" The quality of the goods and the prices are right every time. â€" KHenry ~Reuel No. 100, $5000, 150 acres near Canfield Oat, in Haldimand County. No. 101, $1600, 21 acres, near E. bsville From My List That Must Be Sold Quickly. good farm, â€" _ _ ~ No. 102, $71.00. 150 acres, near Preston No, 108, $2700, 50 acres, near Breslau. No. 104, $7600, 95 acres, near Preston good stock ‘Tarto. . . â€" No. 105, $2000, 50 acres, near (ireensâ€" _ wille. A KFo 108,$5500,108 acres, near Freeport. No.107,$250), 50 acies. near Freeport â€" soil very rich % No. 108, $5000, 88 acres, rear Preston ‘ very good farm. No. 100, $2000. 45 acres, near Preston very cheap, No. 110, $6500, 154 acres, neac Guel h No. 111,$10000, 150acres; near Bamberg No. 114, $1200, 40 mcres, in Sanilas Tp. Mich. & No. 115, $1600, 5 ‘acres, near Hespoler good t-flv'. No. 1 10 aores near Kosuth, No. 118, $22000, 800 acres near Branch _ F ton, buildings worth $1500,. * Eaquiry ‘by : letter refer to \m ® m "' furtber particulars ‘as to aboue .,:d:E\:‘n' p operties .J. at the € § * Nispel Block ocet \The Choicest |Latest E. L. CLEMENS PRESTON, ONT Farm For Sale (Dueriog‘s Prop. City Meat Market, â€" $ WATERLOO, OUR LINE Of Meats _3 To M S FOR THE GO TO A Few 1O W ty Meat Market, â€" el aa 3 * nes c WATERLOO, *L o e ‘s" Old Stand ) ~â€" f «e Cns ./ es s * Â¥ % :?k;?“; so s Sn t s1 /’/I/ # . s * Phone 85. ) Nov o . 8 Tiz it Ona ‘of the best offerings erer made in our coat section is or A number of odd sizs have accumulated and must be ‘gleared â€" short order. 8 € #$ Everybody who buys Furs wants the best they: can flz monliey. We‘ can rave you a neat little sum and .ï¬lh“!v 1e you Value Supe.ior to any in the Twin City. ‘ Fg : _ Indies! We bave just ‘received "The Smarcdon Shoe", & ‘ patent ramps with a fine dull finish top. We are at present gel them for $4.00. fatoutrs : We specially invite Waterloo mothers to call and ree "The tight Shoe‘ for children, sizes 2 to 6. They are made of stock, areâ€"nicely gotten up with sensible toes. â€" us Our all round stock of Footwear is big, prices right, . _ â€" _ G. B. RYAN & C0., BERLD. Jos. Mickus, Auctioneer, Nov. 14â€"Stock and implements of Jotn Schittler, 2% miles â€" west _ of Heideiberg and 2$ miles cast of St, Clements. % mt S We Nov. 19.â€"Stock and implements of Abrabam : Cressman, between BerJio and German mills, on Mill street. ~ Nov. 20.â€"Stock and implements . of &lhnnii. one and a halt . mile M St. Cléements, 9th Con. _ Nov. 16â€"Stock and implements 6. gw. ‘one and one â€" half J notth of Breslau and three miles oa%t of â€" Bloomingdale. uie . »NqÂ¥,. 27. â€"â€"Stock and Implements ol Mr. Brerman, one wmile south or Erbsâ€" Z}egler’s Phone 357. No No No No. No Berlin‘s Best AUCTION SALES Have bought this space and they are going to make it pay you to read it every week,. Watch this space. _ ' . â€" ~y They are divided in 6 lots . 2: C . J3 i. Former Prices $1.50 to $10.00 for $3.35. 2 ~ «/ __**~_ $10.00 to $1200 for $5.00, 3. 0 0= ~ © ~ $7 50 to $12.00 for $4.00. 40â€" 8. ~=~$7.50 to $10,00 for $4.75. 5. . _"~ *‘ $10,00 to $12.00 for $6.50. 6. "_ > _ $12.00 to $15.00 for $7.75. râ€"CGoats at tonishing Pric FU R S . wents Jof «4 Shoe store Nov, 38.â€"Stock and t An%n E. Shants, on :lm lin (neat two bridges. Dec. 3.â€"Stock and implements . John Eisenmenger‘ on 9th line M wley tewnskip, 3 miles west â€" Linwood. At . Hawkeavilia z'nnmry. 1000 beef ides, for will be robes and furs. * toed 15â€"2mo# Wanted 4%