|v 3 MONTHS JACOB HESPELER e ME c is m â€" s 4C A BOEHM * Suosesior to Buckberrough & Co. _ Will Repay You e t., .. , ~@117,140, Apovernment .:.....::.â€"â€" â€" s vwfls-;j!‘ dara â€mw: esd es * * ~‘3’: . ". eesrsisty / . ""?" _ Hall Inspector â€" P Y »8 ie j Agont n . Torp District ¢ a 7;& ‘ o"'"fl Fhone 249, ml ger, Waterloo Branch 4 ;“:,z,‘i #" dg'ento’ ful;nilhing 'v..f'?éfzjr o n L. . _ always kept in stock _ ~ nn Dosire A _ Weoll Made Suit M0ce, Waterloo Mutual Building, | "z, â€"__ > King 86 * >"_“1é'.a.':"‘~‘ b“wwu Bo‘“(m “lolicko‘l for Arst class w" ./‘ eompanies. _ =_ pnigonprozareo 1876 . Mead Office â€" Waterloo Hubscribed Capital .. ... ... 250,000.00 ® poslt with. the: Dominion :. ~ . fnal FLâ€" bud Do inal Trin :,".pm Yhe ladies of the T#ia # gorme and see the new models ©Wich our work room has turned ou w*oes our opening. . We will be plaas 4 â€" alihow you our smart street hats TAS MISSES FEHRENBACH King Street defendant fot : the . granted. event, diet SAVINGS BANK â€" Merohant Tallor, _ Waterloo o Molsons Bank e Mercantilo Fire OCAI Botht â€" DEPOSIT INTEREST (CREDITED JOHN RITZER, al Autumo Millinery A visit to us EO AJ e. Hoohiwerx.â€"â€"W.. E.â€" Mid« defegdant," Hanuah Bock I for â€"atdet setting asids ie %.a Berlin Specia! Finance Committee Report To the Mayor and Council of the .» | ~Alter "submitting his figures _ dor the Centre, East and North‘ Wards fAuenor m-n;; > mmn&% the { Council that there were only 157 dogs in the three wards. He had. secured ©400 names for the poll tax lisb, _ 1. Whereas the Town Clerk . and Treasurer has admitted that ‘there exists a,,&fl‘;&d $817.83 "in his cash for. the 1908, that the Mayor be authorized to suspend him from office at once, without ‘ comâ€" pensation, and that Mr.<Edwin Huâ€" ber be asked to take charge=of the town books, temporarily, it ‘he is willing ‘to accept the position. POPULATION 18 13,083 .="~~ _ ASSESSMENT $5,898,093 Assessors‘ Report Shows That the Population of Berlin Increased by 932 and Total Assessment by $471,721. Ronledéf and J. G Buchhaupt :. sub mitted their rolls for: the â€"year 1907 at the Council meeting on . Monday howing : ‘that Berlin _ has â€" made excellent progress during. : the past year. The total population of the town is reported at 18,083, an > in crease of 032. .over the population of last year, namely 13,151, The asâ€" sessment amounts to $5,808,093,°an increase" of $471,18%. ) 5 ~â€"*~ T 2. That the Town : . be instructed ‘to. m.g London Guarantee Company of the m ancies in the Treasurer‘s and also to inform them that it is the intention â€"of the Council to catry the audit still further back. > 4. That Mr. Scully and the Actâ€" ing Clerk be instruoted to &‘m & suitable set of books for mu nicipality. ‘ % Assessor Rohleder â€"stated that there was a gengral complaint around town reapecting dogs bdn, allowed to sun top freely, some of them being . vety dangerous, He recommended that the ilog taxes be ‘Callected in the _ same mayner as garbage taxes. . There has been a considerable reduction in inâ€" gome ‘ assessment, citizens â€" receiving large incomes being reluctant in‘ givâ€" ing the correct amount. . _. . .__ 3. That Mr._J, M. Scully be enâ€" gaged to make an audit â€" of â€"‘the Treasurer‘s books <from the beginâ€" ning of the year 1907 to date. . 5. That the Mayor be authorized to suspend the, Town . Auditors, without compensation. ~ _ a ~Mr. Rohleder had advised the Counâ€" cil to reâ€"arrange the polling . diviâ€" 8. Thatâ€"the Town Solicitors | be requested to "furnish the Council with: a legal opinion: on the ligbiâ€" lity of the Townâ€"Auditors with «e srect to the audit ot: 1906, €% Thanksgiviag . Day. was quietly ob servedâ€" in _ Borjinâ€" .. The > weath or â€". was . beautifal and ideal for poliday ~purposos. «A large . number ol citizens. took advantege of ~the low: railway * rates . andâ€"ate ~Thanksâ€" ving " dinmers . at: the homes of relaâ€" .ngtnmu at outside : points. G.T.R. and P..~& B. railwa; were Hiberally patronized. Of those . â€" who remained at home «ujto a _number | attended . divine ser« wices â€" Held in the various â€" churches on Thursday morping. â€" In the three Sts *ryb. St. . John‘s, abd °St. A hew‘ m rente ¢ « s ~ guitablé :;::u held, . In : the u:n- t rreer m o The Town Assessors,â€" Messrs. F. sions. There ought to be . nifie or tn the â€" afternoon" a . fairâ€"sized crowd â€" witnessed the St. Jeramo‘s ragby | team onq;n.{‘un Lee team of Toronto by <a score . of 54 to 0: 1 Hallowe‘en pranks were the... order ts wak I “‘“:p;l#« As the: result of the fall o folding _ at Oftawa, (John Ba Forcier) was killed and,.Jobn serlously \ injured./ > ied QUIET HOLLDAY IN BERLIN â€"| NONâ€"JORY Town: of Berlin Will Start .New Books. Buspend the ‘Auditots. Audit â€"for This Year. Are Auditors Liable? Notity Bondsmen. â€" as Clerk and Treasurer. â€" the fall of seal« Iste W ownl & +. ~THE FINANCE W& ‘The above report was the most imâ€" portant matter dealt with at the regâ€" ular session of the Town Counct! on ln.d? evening. ~The announcement that Town Cleck and ‘Treasurer .â€" Al= etter had been suspended for irregu» larities by the Mayor on the recomâ€" m ol the Ringnce Committee a Jarge and représentative gathering of citizens, who .undoubtedâ€" ly expected to hear some sensational disclosures ~ regarding ~municipal. afâ€" fairs. ‘They were disappointed, howâ€" ever, as â€" the> Councilt was. unusually roticent and alter.Mayor Bricker had read the report and the resolution for its adoption the members said ‘‘Carâ€" tied" without. a word of discussion, 1 The nonâ€"jury© ‘sith of._the High t l Conrt of "“'Y“l"m after . . A byâ€"law was introduced to repeal byâ€"law No. 666, passed by the Counâ€" eil ‘of Berlin on May ‘28th, 1899, apâ€" pointing Henry Aletter, Clerk / and Treasurer as therein. mentioned . at the pleasure of the Council, and that Edwin,:Huber, accountant,â€" . be apâ€" pointed Clerk and Treasurer to. hold office‘ atthe pleasure of . the Council at a salary of $100 per month, payâ€" f.blo monthly. 7 t ance "Committee ‘be authorized .. to. on we 105000 s 1:‘- 4 able on or pelore 6 o‘clock _P; .M: teoity i n rimeg Tomaine be ‘belid at 8 o ol the 6 day to open: theâ€" tenders received and to act thereon according .â€"to its best judgment. 8. That the Town ote .. mtitueled to ‘tave . ihe . becrasaty legal proceedings.. ‘to secure .the amount of taxes due the municipal ity by the Bochnigrâ€"Erb Co., Ltd. wWill Get ‘Actuary‘s Bet: 9, ~That Mr. F. W. d be Committée. of one mm n: acthary‘s.set of tables for estimatâ€" ing debentures. ~~ Respect{ully. submitted, ten wards instead ol five as at preâ€" sent. F $ C. The exempted property inâ€"the . varâ€" jous watds, which includes . churches, schools, benevolent institutions, stregt railway, lighting ~plant, efc., ~is"~ag West WARDd coyaalil, omcs‘ ns tflm South WATG .;sm.kl ssucrops, ",z CeAtr@ WAE .ms cameme 198. EASt WAG .com.ss. aeamicwcne(£78,000 NOFth WALQ s.msen, coanmnaove ~18,000 ‘The total assessment and populaâ€" tionâ€" of the town for the. past ten years is as follows:=â€" s Year,. 1898 1899 . 1900 1901 1902 1908 1904 1905 19086 1907 1. That the Chairman of. noon . at 1.30 g‘ctook . with His Lordship â€" Justice Deetzel vrm There are six .cases »on .the d % but it is. expected that all the cases will be disposeq ol by. Wednesday. _ The legal Iraternity is gepresented ue "aviernn ske ertson,. : Stra s. W, B, 3. CC pg:‘roh., J.omnu. M. A. . 8es vord, Gailt; A.,, . Dunbat, + A. Willat, K0. B. P. cm& C., J..‘, Scelien and W. M. Cram. When is Lordship â€" took the bench he called. for the first case but . : the partie® 1:)« teady | to proceed. He called for the second and â€" third cases _ but these wote not propared. ‘After waiting for fifteen minutes the cate of ~â€" Allén Bechtel vs. Ephraim Zinkann | was . with. Millat & Sims \for and Dunbat & Dunbar, Guelph for ~defendants. The case of Chatles Knechtel: ‘vs. Dominion Meating and ~ Ve Co., ° Ltd_Â¥s8.. The Amaigan &‘ IAd) M. A Galt, Tor | tifte, Clement ment, lot e Total The other oases in the do« To Sell Debentures Will Take Legal Steps Successor Appointed. Dietw ich plaintifs in the former S1TTINGS COMMENCE Assessment Popula‘n ... ) §8,152,555 . 9,0642 ...... 8,824,495 9,859 ..... ©,434,030 ~0,008 ... 3,410,855 °69,014 ...... 8,024,400 ©10,160 B,OO'I.Gl: 10,486 ..... 4,088,875° 10,851 ..... 4,084,500 (11,715 ..... ~5,220,050 â€"12,151 ... 6,808,093 ©13,083 was . eettied <out . . $787,700 ... $224,000 71,% saek ©198, «.. ~£70,500 ‘~.. ~18,000 Clé CaS@ Â¥eports presented ‘by the vat t ~uh Fol ' '-, 1-’(w’. .‘" lnv L “‘“.."' -flmï¬Â«i;&*\«:ï¬ï¬â€œ h. HHC wiali® standal" Mnermase . " 0_ 0 _ _ -‘“&* utiful banner . was present« joel of ï¬ n‘n‘p membership| ' * C rMK 2% 43 m a 25 taan, maane o Hamilton, ©of. Linwood, which wa followed by / addresses on ‘‘Weakâ€" ness¢s® * in ‘ our" Christian Endeavor Work {and theirAmprovement," by Mr. 4. D.. Taylor, ‘of . Galt, * and "Aggressive Evangelistic Work" _ by J, J, Hodgson, ~of :Ayr.:â€" Mr. Geo. E. Hudson : ~s10Â¥e on ‘‘How ~Can we‘ Ma‘e the Literary Department 4 Vital Forceâ€" in the League" and ofi¢gred some â€" yery "timely > suggesâ€" tions. .. Becrétary A, A: Eby‘s report ~wW presented â€" and gave a general reâ€" view of ‘?‘w work of . the /. Leagues. in the district..~ He was the recipâ€" Tlon . iy t Maice af ih4 soifuane. A ~nl ~ of + In the alternoon (Rev. C. E. St:: tord ol Preston, conducted the deâ€" votipnal exercises. _ ‘The soctial work in Leagues was discussed by â€" Miss Ada Cober, of Hespeler, ‘and Miss Cofeland â€" of: Ayr. . Rev, 8. T Bartlett, Assistant General Secretary addressed ~the convention on ‘‘Junior Leagte*~ work", which . was followed byâ€" an address on the work of Rev R.~C,.. . Armstrong,~Wwho is Mn{ supportet in Japan by tho Galt,(Mil ton, and Woodstock Districts. . Brie! ‘addresses â€" were also. delivered .. D) "Rev. / A. P.~Quirmbach, Rev.. R. J; .Eiltott,~ and ‘Rev. J. â€"C. Antlifl;~._o Galt who spoke qi ‘The Bible . smd Missions.‘*~ _A roundâ€"table conference wis _ conducted by Rev. . T. Bartlelt . ‘The various Leagues pledged â€"the followinz â€" amounta . totalling $428 toâ€" wards â€" the support ol ~Rev. R. C. ; Armstrongâ€"Berlinâ€"$50; Galt $75; Hespeler $100; Preston $50, .. Zion $46, Ayr $11, Linwood $20; Elmira $36; Waterloo $40; Rockton and Westâ€" over $20, . > m ns sc wbul . * a ~ The following officers : wereâ€"appoint ed for the ensding yeamâ€" . â€" _ > Hon, President=â€"Rev. R. J. Elliott, Waterloo. : * , x in ‘Presidentâ€"J . J.â€" Hodgson, . Ayt. > ; 1st "Viceâ€"Pres.â€"R. â€" B. Hamilton, Linwood, . 3 Snd . Viceâ€"Pres.â€"Miss B. J. Wood, Berlin: 7 j 8rd Viceâ€"Pres.â€"Miss E. K‘ Egerton Galt. 4th Viceâ€"Pres.â€"G. Baker; Hespegler. Elmirs 816 Viceâ€"Pres.â€"Miss A.: Luckhardt, Secretaryâ€"Allan 4. Eby, Berlin: Treasurerâ€"Miss. S., Moogk,. Waterâ€" loo _ Rep ‘ta Conference Exe.â€"Rev E. Pefers, Shelfigld. ~â€" ~~ At â€" theâ€"evening â€" «ssion inspiring and enthusiastic addresses were de livered |by Rev. S, T. Bartiett and Rey. A. P, Quirtmbach. e Tho visiting delegates.. to the con vention â€" were enterbained in a yer hospitable : marlaer: by the Hespele: Leagucrs, ~ _ 2. ; An. Irishmian who bad just . United with the Catholic church in a small town was careless, enough to let the priest catch him coming out of _ a saloon with a jug under his arm. The priest : waited for lim to come by, and | sald: e "â€"~Dat what 4s it you haÂ¥ein Abat ;"-"PRT,'QM is it you have in Abat ?'I I * j .. "Whisky, sor,"" answered Pat. "Whom does it belong to .&u the good man. , #, Td yrank Pand anihesmet. ts . ‘Well, say, Pat, PO and be a good. man," "I can‘t, sor;. ming‘ tom ary. havd also‘ &n action ~against John . Clark,J. M, Inglesby and R,. 8. Wil lipimson of Petrolea, Clement & Clé ment and â€"W. B. S. Claig for. .. d6 tendants. f 4 The : Westorn. bank Otâ€"Canada Y» The Buffalo â€" ToOl and Machine Co., ad Charles Hood; Scellen & Weir, %fl“t’“ nm‘ 4 m â€" » * l sds dn "‘tu.h. et al _ a ) and ind &A _ men‘t y Millac ~ e . eledatie * _ _ .‘ were ol "To me and me bruddet "Moike Friar‘sCough Balsam ~~~ It Jn the largest and best 2¢ remedy #« "“:"" in nlofousis am uid i .wvm“.dh‘sll'h.mm Wanowat paue & CHEM. 00. Linfted . + so 10 Infallible for cougts, colds, bromckhial tron bles. wHY HE COULDN‘T h‘t, sor; mine‘s on the _ botâ€" answered Pat.â€"Judge‘s Librâ€" BoLE‘s PREPARAATION OF pour yours . out =The marriage of Miss Anna Goldie, eldest daughter ofâ€" the ~late© David Goldie, ‘Ayr, and Mrs. Goldie,,â€" 1640 Brunswick avenue, Torohto, : to : Dr. Frederick Cleland, of New <York, . was celebtrated on Thanksgiving.~Day _ at '«'n- Gore," â€" Ayr, ‘Ont. : â€"The â€" certe mony :was performed by. Rev, John Thomson, Mr.â€" John Goldie giving his away. Both bride and groom were unattended. 6\ 99 , o d ce Messrs. Kloepter & Co:, and A. A. Pipe, coal. dealers, .were . â€" summoned to the Police Court on Satarday to. answer : the M‘Fho‘ delivering: coal undet weight. ... dealers . claimed they did not know anything about. the Joads complained of as the drivâ€" urs did the weighing. Mr. E. .. W. Clement," who appeared for â€" Kloepter &>Co., claimed that aecording to the town â€" byâ€"law â€" the dealet. â€"alone is liable, whereas theâ€" driver does. ‘the weighing and : is responsible. The ‘cases were adjourned for a week.. ._ The: Hamilton Tigers, champions of. the City Roller Hockey League, were caten up alive on W«!uoda’x‘. night by / the Flym‘umhcm. he score was 8 to 2. time, 3 to 0, and never were the . Tigers in the hunt. W. Knell, of the pro. â€" hackey â€"team Rev, G. D; Damm,Berlin,pastor â€" of Ziowy Evangelicat Church, réturaed Friday after attending â€" a Board meeting : of _ Northwestern Collegn, Naperville,. of " which he is the Canadian. ~ Trustée. _ Among otho busineéss the â€" Alling J' the ‘ vacanc} caused by the resignation of Rev. Goo. Jolinston: as | Educational â€"Secretat; and â€" College Treasurer to accept ‘t‘hi and Coliege J reasurer 1o. aBECP® 77 4 . â€" ireasuretship of the Missionary S | Successor to J. A. GOOD & CO. clety Was ‘Considered. |_ ‘About . 8i: names â€"wére mentlonedâ€" for the posi tion among them being those. _ 0 Revs. G. D. Damm~ and L H: Wag ner ol the Canadian Conference... A wpecial= Committeo® was appointed (¢ loo‘ into the qualifications ‘0f < thi various â€" candidates®>and .. ascertain thoir " willingness to act if appoint hial and long Rev, A: D. Gisch‘er . and l Zurich wte spending a few with Mrs. Gischler‘s parents, Mré. L. 8. Weber, Lancaster Miss K. Bernhardt, of Berlin, spent the holiday . with .. Mrs. A. . Gootz, Preston street â€"Guelph Herald. ~Miss Lissie: O‘Brien, of Strattord, spent Thanksgiving Day ‘with ~Betlin C8ttiee, take un t r w T. ames )‘Brien, of %' were Thatksâ€" giving Day: visitors in Berlin: *The . funéral of the infant son oi Mr® ~ Adam : Scharman, .(::ntrevlln. 16 ernoon at ommc k Dr, ~Buchanan Was a 4 Day visitor : to Toronto: *‘Mre. Ed. Zinkhann ~and GAURNUTT m,mmmmhuï¬o"fl ,mMsu'mh‘ town friends. pork | poadwe, )4 LONOON, Ont that has ersi"= D. Gischler : and family ind family of fow .â€" weeks ints, . Mr¢ and as f streot. n has sgavind one store in town. _In tact as we make these coats thhe y e p.m U%do ‘: ' hwmgm': p rtant @ not show on the ‘gus are carctul that they Are bonesy made.. Theprices $8. #10, $12, $|$q to $25, ~ Black, grey and faney ‘ck here in any of the new styles. THORNTON & DOUGLAS, 1 All We Ask â€" Famous Gold Seal Blend Coffee! More of our customers jog it more tihn any other kind. Have you tried‘ it? I9 n pound and be eonvinced that it is the best coffee at: 250 a T spoon with every pound. Hold only by. ; Ek: H"“i 1 R. Weber & Co. . THE CANADIAN BANK OF COMMERCE ALEX. LAIRD, General Manager A. H. IRELAND, Superintendent of BAVINGS BANK, Deposits of $1 and ;?r‘- sarrent rates and n:d qn? rAy. : CGelay whatever in the withdrawal Branches throughout Canada, and ia the Uuited States and England Berlin Guelph Furniture, _ F urpiture, Waterloo Branch, HAVE YOU FRIED OUR Of you is to take & look at our No. 111 Favorite parlor cook stove with oven and we will convince you that it is one of the largest and best heaters in the.town and we will save you from 6 to 8 dollars on your stove. i Hardware Stoves,Tinware, Plombing and Pijp6 Fittinge Store near Post office Phone. 142, Berkin. p HEAD OPFICE, TORONTO GENERAL BAXNKING BUSINESS TRANSACTED naker, . E. POTTER COMMERCIAL AND FARMEA® PAPER DiSCOUNTED Market Grocery! BOTTOM PRICES l'; â€"o"“' hemasttsi We have the iactiory Hamilton 23 t yhrur. 7A Sn ,»;»“x:; ";rï¬ ;‘v“:'tllv.xgt w*a i t en . 28 ...._‘_.-\:}, “&"@ 1‘._}1.4&‘. < yR " wifie: h e uk 2 df i.) s.. No e o Caue Petal J. Moorman, Manager Paid: tal, $10,000, !,!»ct.‘“,’-cu?i # SQQ‘!!'?!;.! Total Assets, â€" 113,000,000 i x received ; Interest allowed <at The depasitor is subject to no of the whole or any portion e# DEPARTMENT 43 o7 ESTABLISUED 1867 BERLIN, ONT BERLIN , Chatham Yxm)