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The Chronicle Telegraph (190101), 31 Oct 1907, p. 6

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& t ubli I'!'é"} sn 4 sae®r=" All our 256 and 35 purses TaDF \\ing in‘ style from ‘men‘s pocket ?\nuflfl Hand purses _ will be cleared: out during . OUt ‘ ~Make Room Sale at Soldering Setts Contains * Soidering Iron, Resin, " pf, zine. and a piece of tin. : Jw sold for 20¢. set. During ~ Sale Week at â€" . * Another big Sale of thcmfloa ntless litt ir aim our in two 5aparmmm, joined }ll% it surprises here in both respects. k A lot of attractive itemes especially )portunity to provide for your needs now an{ om the standpoints of variety and econemy d ore to quote prices s0 exceoedingly low on TABLE KNIVES Semetimes _ YOU al table knives only. pared to sell you handled knife for ROCKINGHAM TEA POTS 125 Rockinghanm Tea Pots, largest ~#ize in assorted shapes, regular price 25¢. Special at FRAMED PICTURES A new line of these armived a """ days ago. . They are swell subâ€" jects and easily worth 25¢ and 35¢. Special at â€" The Genuine Primrose assotted sizes. _ ( price is 2 eards fo SAFET Y n60ks & EYES The â€" Alliance Hook & Eye _ in white and Black with spring, 3 ‘ carde for be. The $wan Fill Hook and Eye, no spring, white and blask _ 6â€"cards for 5c HAIRâ€"PIN8 Celluloid Hail pins Celluloid Hail pins 4 on tard alâ€" ways sell for. 5¢ a card. For 7 days only £ 3 cards for 100 21 sets sugat days‘ Purses EMBROIDERY Eatlybuyers have a snap each special at PIEOE GLASS TABLE SETS To cleat ab 13¢ Celluloid Handle Knives Knives and Forks io Tow 10 io ie 190 15¢ »1 dozen dessert knives, celluloid handles, _ every knife .= stamped,. â€"‘‘Jas â€" Rogets, Sheffield, England."‘ Our regular price â€"â€" on these beautiful knives was $2.50 perâ€" dozen. Our Make Room Sale price, per . AOZECR \..cc. ncll} w treapccira. e harp h uin nhn} in $1:.80 4 caras for 5c 70 dozen knives and forks in white, black and Rosewood handles, ‘ metal tipped ends, beautifully finished, and the best quality Sheffield stcel, every knife stamâ€" 6 d BECTA | " IAawsland pomprising cream pitcher bowl, butter dish and holder, easily. worth . 15¢ PINS dozen table knives, celt same as above only‘ larger price 32.75 per dozen. ~Or Sale price, per dozen ... 45¢ sett of 4 MECCERE® TS i0 . Sos Sn‘ c w en gt o & _ ped Jas.> Rogers, Sheffield, England. The regular price‘is $3.00 pet ozen. During our make room sale week our. spetial price will be, 3 Tane â€" these arrived a few 150 5e a yard are in 15¢ $1.92 por Dozen We are _ pré n good Black se Safety Pins Our regular for 5¢. ~For 7 Phone 215 knives, celluloid hzmd_les 4« 3 %0 ‘tins assorted eotors regular now e 20 tins assorted colors, now 8 e â€"Varnish Stain 24 tins assorted ‘colors, regular t iethaled: Nee ies w taper files gpecial at * 120 only 7: inch 15¢ ~special at 108 only 8 : inch flat files worth 18c â€" special at _ TABLE FORKS 7~ â€"~‘ % Or it may ,be forks _ alons you . want. In this case we can also help you out with black handled forks at MUSIC 150 copies Sheet musice comprising both vocal and instrumental, reâ€" gular 15¢ to clear at LEMONADE SETS. ® Here‘s sometbing | entitrely new: Dandy opatisent ware ~consistâ€" ing of 1 Lemonade Jug andâ€" 2 tumblers, ... Special at v PINS The Piercules is a high grade pin and always sold here at 2 cards for 5¢.~ For 7 «days only _ LACES 65 pietes ... Valenciennes, and"> _ Linen Lace" regular selling price from 5 to 12¢ a yard "to clear at Come early and get first choice, GILT PEaD LaCE PINS The _ Little Gent * gotd headed â€" Lace Pins 6 on card alâ€" ways sold at 50 a card: For 7 days: only at « K ‘ 2 cards for 5o _ er size, regular â€" Our Make Room o is $ .30 20 dozen pairs . fron clad . Stockâ€" ings© for : boys, sizes 6, 6J, (reâ€" gnlar ‘15¢ pr.. Special at H#OSIERY, Men‘s _ heavy strong HANDK ERCHIERS A line of 35¢ Handkerchicts "hoight m a big bargain to sell at , 15¢ * Files 3 cards for 5¢ 5¢ a Copy 2 pair for : fiat files worth 25C Sett d 6 it & -\. MA '_r 20 a yard 10c a pair regular80c worth 10¢ 15¢ 50c fij__Linoleum Clothes Baskets £0x36 r:fi 90c now 22x38 regular $1.00 24x30 regular $1.25now Your choice of any $2 pattern of 13 '.;'22’ wide. Linoleugn in stock at the low price of Wicker Waste 144 Wickor Waste Paper Baskets, size 12. inches high, 10 inch wide at top, imâ€" ‘ported direct from Germany, for | our big Fall Sale, every one â€"of them worth 35¢, tor 7 days only at, each ..}...:a.." We never oliered yOUu ally MMMME .2 0 ce ma0l20, Ching than this. # : 150 dozen pure white China 9. inch plates @ Rxtra Hotel Heavy‘‘ at, each ....,.. |loo dozen pure white cups and saucers at ~ _for cup and SAUCET ...}... ons «odne Yhite Plates cups$s $1 49 for running yard 3t T ap t We would, like to see yC We wilt do something o large decorated Vases just . arrived from Germany., Every one of them worth from 25c to 35¢ each, will be put on sale for. 7 days at RWCH |...cilzgss coray i. 3 make you come. ~Listen.> We will fif wide, 15 inches long, and 7%â€"inches, h, 35¢c they are exceptionally cheap and we the price quoted helow, it‘s the best offe isâ€"only good for 7 days, each 3* Here‘s something Size sx9x3 inches, at each ... Site ,7}41u‘/;xzi'sinches, at each Size tox1sxa‘ inches, at each . Size Bxtyx2% inches, at each ... Size $ixt4x3} inches, at eath . Size 9%:14':"1‘: inches, at each . Size tolx10}%x2} inches, at car 100 Granite Pressingâ€"Ketiles, .5 and.6 quart 200 Granite ‘‘Strausky‘‘ brow n andâ€"grey sau 300 Granite "Strafisky‘* white savuce pat®, too Granite Basting Spoons, 12, 14 and 16 130 Granite Dippers, white, 1 quart, at ead 306 Granite Pie Plates, 9 inch, t each ... 300 Granite Padding Dishes, 1 quart, at eac foo Granite Pudding Dishes, 2 quarts, at 1 nB A Ne e 2. 06 Granite Préessingâ€"Ketiles, 5 and 6 quart," @tSea@ch ...Az enecte > oo Granite ‘‘Strausky‘‘ brown andâ€"grey sauce pans, 2 qnart, at each joo Granite "Strafisky‘* white sauce pans, 1% quart, atâ€"eatch ... ... ro6 Granite Basting Spoons, 12, 14 and 16 inch, at each ... zl. 50. 150 Granite Dippers, white, 1 quart, at eaght .....ll5 l in d ulc 106 Granite Pie Plates, 9 inch, at SUCW ... cnuifiie *MbIKL: A ies oo Granite Padding Dishes, t quart, at CKCH smfa. is seapcneface. / ipe path foo Granite Pudding Dishes, 2 quarts, at CUCK Sss t mds shor in foo Granite Wash Basins, good size, e o ie e Ne o go Granite 16 inch Fry pans, gtay, at C§CH 32. cmeles: prrriivantss "‘ ; 5o Granite Pot Covers, 105, 1 fi"d 12% inches diameter, at each .. 46 Granite 2 quart covered Pails, gray, @t© @@Ch Vaclucchs in uies . offered you anything. better now TS p . alter to ‘see you during our Make Room Sale Week omething never before attempted in this cou: temptingly priced, abead. with“aflmfll‘ â€"days be%innin% N extremely good t« Paper Baskets Vases ~Roasting Pans that‘s wanted in every and Saucers Bread and Drip Pans ie fimfi‘gfl with one ( of our |wdmtonlb«°?“‘i‘ let of 35¢ . Brooms. Phese we will offer during : Sale d Ynch Steel y pans uS~ ; ‘Inch Steel Fry 4 * {‘.:)ld:nrsmgahflfl ually ts days | â€"> at each L@ 4nQ pTUpVPLIVURRO NHH 1189 / Lo se 000 00 oosilat on ooo eatiiciioet . . lte P o. v priced, will show you the: results of our preparation for this % 1gh%flmarked gain on every gurchase. Be sure to test what the :innln% November 2nd. It is for 7 DAYS ONLY, because it is i y good for a longer poriod. Granite=Ware tor Brooms Fry pans ur Make Room Sale Week, and: as an. inducement re attempted in this county, somethingâ€"that will 11 c:gt 300 Double.Roasting Pans; size 10 inthes es high, . to our patrons at an unheard of price, At and we sold stacks of thein at this price. ‘But best offer ever made to you.. Remember this pn: in 15¢ 25c 15¢ §¢ 5¢ I5C 13¢ 14c 15¢ ~‘se "‘¥3¢ ues N 5 [p XVIâ€" A S \, 25¢ 9¢ household. each Glass Tumblers We carry almost every shape in Tumblers in stock. . During the sale they ,v_il} all We have opened up the nicest line Japanese Fancy China ever shown this town. Every piece is worth 1 than twice what we ask for it. Al goods seH At @@CKR wiwas i ce er e These we sell by the wholesale.â€"= Albunmis that will hold 88 cards at ....:. Albums that will hold 108 cards at ...... be underpriced, â€"For the benefit of those who did not get any of our Bargain Tumblers before we again offer them at _ "a for 5C Size oxi4x4 inches at #ach .;;.......< 3 Size 9x19}x2% inches, at éach ...... 1 Size 11x16x2%4 inches, at each .;........ 2 SYize 18x19x3 inches, at each ....=.» 3 Then besides these we have about 10 dozen Bread pans to sell at . the special price of CBCH /.. aws. .l yreâ€" ies â€"â€" _ Japanese China Post Cart Albums ‘Galvanizad Pails 60 GllvniudA _Pdlsmu‘flfi ?:ffy.; Very seldom we. can Offer" SU bargain in tin cups, always each, special _ > ) | Galvanized Pails where ~far 35¢ °w out : during Sale W narl en we Tt Tin Cups |â€"Palls sold everyâ€" 35e "will be cleared Sute Wées at t 2 fors Isc vorth more it. All 25¢ at 15¢ of in 15¢ 15¢ 1%e¢ 3oc 18e 18¢ 1 5C | | 5¢ 5e Duting our Make Room Sar Week 15¢ we ofier â€"you 4 for ..,..,* We will offer you during . Sale. _ week only . _ : ns 1 Hand Saw worth ... vuu.. 1 BP 1. Hammer Worth ...« «cs0jt> 63¢ 1 Rule 3 #%. worth .....*..q.s......(.,__»_!\fl: 1 Pencil worth ... e uk 8 0t . a 1 Hollow Handle Awl Set worth 1: with 10 bo0l8 ...... ... ommb ?1’55 15¢ Lantorn Chimneys (Hat ; for GLASS JUGS. 30 only 4 galloa glass pitchers or Jugs.. Massive and brilliant in design, 3 styles, worth 35¢ each 25¢ TOILET PAPER _ X «The â€" Aroquois brand is considered the bekp. : â€">%4 5;. Regulat 100 each or 3 for 2c OQur special dor 7 â€"days . s.sa.lctees ® 4 for 25¢ * 1BUS'1'ER HROWN BELTS, A whole lot of these slightly damâ€" â€" aged but plenty good enough for i every day, . worth ~15¢. â€" Your choice > : x fior 250 Put up in packages _ containing * small bunches.â€" Usually sold fot 5e a package. : Special at } 3 packages for 5¢ MENDING TAPE Another kind put up in small bunâ€" ches., a BUTTONS Another ‘lot of Pearl buttons to sell at special price of v â€"â€" £4 for 5¢ CHINA A tunmmage sale in this departâ€" ment for you. A lot of 19 and SALAD BOWLS Extra large size 40¢ Salad Bowls _ during Sale Week at _ . _A# a~reminder: of avflt\ou during this Big:Sale . We donate a . handsome U8E _PIN SET consisting of 4 Pins â€" on card to any purchaser of 50e worth or amore. Â¥! NDaon‘t miss this money saving tha nce. ~A 15¢ goods at Tools Dog‘t: miss : this ‘m~.sus ~tmet tha kind 108. 50 dozen ‘Tea Spoons, just the AiMD | °72 every dfly use, “flh {“ ;.i;;-;,g‘(,k&a; 25c dozen, special at per dozen ...w..«. _ _â€" 25 dozen Dessert Spoons, saiti w*}‘i above, regular 50¢ a dozen, special at péer dozen ... .. .. .4Â¥ souvcrlzea} s n S 20 dozen Table Spoons," same qi “?éc,,i’,f above, regular 50¢ a dozen; (mow peful! dozen ..........;...,..".."..'........ ::’J'&:"a i::b’w, iso dozen Tea Spoons, good strong line, _ _ worth 10e dozen, fl’tcgl, , Every knife stamped _ Jas Rogers, . SNCFâ€" field, England, and every knife gnaranteed. No cheap trash, but the best ::m ‘the. cheapest price you ever bought good: bute H?" *atâ€" x C o s _6 imch biaded skinner knives, worth 356, °_ 6 inch bladed butcher knives worth 30¢, . special At" ..,..... ... &ulciatrarey Cnyc d ind nee s 0 6% inch bladed butcher knives, Msfi% special At ...cemn~ n feresa se feveecearairenas "a 7 inch bladed butcher knives, worth 356 spetial At ,.......ccczer «beelnemags visy Raith o 8 inch bladed butcher knives, worth 40¢, special at .......~»» ie Wt i * 12 6 inch bladed sticker knives, worth 35¢6, speclal At ‘reme:ot% ;..-..‘qo;{.-.n‘@g.qu.‘m,.. N 6 inch bladed skinner knives, worth 35¢ special at .: 8 for 5¢ Butcher Pbe b¢ Spoons Waterloo, Ont. Final Wire Hat Somethimg -umx{_ in scason and at a }rioe‘ within the reach of 3 picce Carving sets, regular $3.00 OW 2. . .colicass‘ ~+ 0s vates in ) Cempinay es en Tt 3 ‘piece Catving sets regular 75¢ at 15 g ¢ Nes w JARDINIERES f se 78 only only Jardiniers, You‘re ‘the loser it you don‘t . ‘ get one. fiâ€"fl!muc.s?‘ P olal as ns‘ ts 2k Carving S TIN.DISH PANS 14 quart Tin Dish pans, nice and clean h’fi&t’w" nete‘ price 256. ~ Our special :.:« . J as Rogers, Shetâ€" EGGâ€"CUPS.â€"° _ 4 Plain white Egg Cups reguiar 20¢ doz, Special at __» ~.â€" dbe a dozen Plain white Egg Cups w MENDING WOOL All colors put upon cards a â€" ually sells at 2 for 5¢. F« days only â€"~ ’ 4 cards for 5¢ GgLass waATER sSETS 3 patterns, serpentine, poika dob wnd scroll. Each set consists Of inrge fanct (4 gallon blown UE and 6 thin tapering tumblers to match. Special at 3 Don‘t forget that yor can . K@P 24. _ heaty 8 in pure white plate and .. a white cup and saucer at â€" .. , ©UST PANS }M-fl' we were i« get a line like this CHINA. 100 for the 3 pleces 190 a dozon 15¢ each $1.1{5 per sett se each 16c 25¢ 27€¢ 23¢ fortunate . to s ‘to sell ut . ards and: usâ€" Se. For 1. with gold n at t it ) redl

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