‘v' â€" The Molsons Bark SAVINGS BANK .: ... DEPOSIT \ «> [NTRAEST CREDITED EVERY 3 MONTHS JACOB HESPELER: Ma n ge", Tha Mercantile Fire Subscribed Capital .......â€" 290,000,00 ~epositwith the Dominion Government .....e..>>>>>> $117,140. All policies guaranteed by the Londor nd_ Lancashire Insurance Compan ‘with Assets of $16,306,038. Altped Wright, Secretery . C. a BOEHM General Insurance Agent, Successor to P t <~._."â€" Establisned 1964. Office, Waterloo Mutual Building, King 8t _\ Phanes. Office 249, House 200. Insuraisa Compan J INCORPORATED 1875 *, Phones, Qiice 277. *" Business solicited for & compani<s. Tvt @ICK HEADACHE WillsRepay You 'A_f\lfl line of gent‘s furnishing always kept in stock Altred Wright, Secretery T. H. Hall, Inspector A. BOEHM © Pistrict Ag P Lo 2 _ min C" invite ::;‘ Mh;.tl the Taly}.â€" â€" 1 ity to come see the new model: |~ The annual meeting . of Mope Mis ':L. our, work roomâ€" has turned 68*| sionâ€".wes held at the Hall on Thurs sines out opening. We will be pleas ‘“Y' evening. The yearly financial d to show you our smart stroot Nat#: / statement, and> reports of the Aif C x b officers _ were read show hg !llll&!ls mm ‘thé work ofâ€" the mission to be : in a 4 h r tory oo':non, with King Street S q 6. %ï¬ the . coming Et + ® va .. ty Â¥ lowing are ths: oficers MM Ftor the ensuing . year. I w Â¥..A . . |10htmen IfYou Dosirg A Well Made Suit Vuï¬ï¬‚w. Ont." LOCAL LEGAL, RBochmer vs. Boohmer dieton, for detendant, mer _ meoved for. grder notice. .‘c trial .. giver detendant . as tor "whe duttetimiaht, : 7 â€"<>Casts 10 al Merohant Tallor,. Waterico JOHN RITZER, Waterioo Branch Fron THE compi£xio8 A visit to us Autuma Millinery 8. Bookmer.â€"â€"W, E. Mid dete;dant, . Hannah. Roch â€" Waterioo Pistrict Agent, Phone 249. first class 250,000.00 * The arrangement of the lat, E aithoulty â€" w securing . the ' Tariety of articles: w mï¬l in stock. One is particularly imâ€" pressed with .. the wonderful as 9°(â€" ment © of goods . that are sold â€" bÂ¥ this ‘firm at prices~ . that inno Case exoced "15 cents. k um fornially : opuned for aud â€" thousends. of . Twin~ were. in â€" attendance. * At n "‘M. was literally 3: ;{u and ‘ Rundredsâ€" . of peojue <h to walit outside~ Until there _ ‘Was room for® them. â€" The 20th Regiment orchestra | provided _ a : splendid jwoâ€" gtamme. of music: whigh was> greatâ€" ly appreciated. . ‘The i Board .of â€" Directors . of" the | Berlin '“ct%ï¬ï¬‚m â€"met { mtablilag "fot . the. effuine ’y:r. io ‘Trust ï¬#“'tln%»u employ (/& paid Sectetaty â€" and Collector _ a notice â€" of ‘motion was given _: to amend . the byâ€"lJaws empowering the Board " to make the appoiotment which> will beâ€"dealt with ‘at a neect« ‘Kig thirty days hence. In the mear time .Mr.â€"E. P. Flintoft, of Waterâ€" lop is acting ‘as Secretacy. ‘The other officers . were elected â€"as . 1J lows:â€" & Presidentâ€"W. H. Schmalz© â€" Viceâ€"Presidentâ€"J. B. Hughes. ! Finance _ Committeeâ€"E. P. â€"1lin toft, J. J. MacCalium and A. Merner and the President. * # House * Committeeâ€"J. B. Hugh*s, R. D. Lang and Dr. Minchin. l Property â€" Committeeâ€"Geo. Licoc, E. J. Philip and Geo. Bruce. WILL AMEND THE BYLAWS in PATIENTS MUST At theâ€"monthly. meeting of _ ile RBoard of Health on Friday even‘ng it was decido? to fix the minimum rate for~â€" putients at the Isolation Hospital hereafter at $10 per week The Milk Inspector reported as folâ€" lows:â€" Jno. Gildner Sim Weaver Richert & Wambold 4.0 \ Isaian»Cressman 3.8 ‘ Rickert & Wambold ! 3.2 Oliver Kolb _ 3.4 ° RicKert & Wambold 3.2% > Rickert & Wambold 3.8 _ Rickert & Wambold 3.2 S Rickert and â€"Wambold 3.6 Milton Strome * 3.4 wW. Hopp 3.8 Isaial Kinzie. 3.A During the month the Meat Inspec tor . examimed . on the market 8: quatters of veal and pork and . 1 quérters of _ beef. an d found it 0 good quality.. wWELCOME LEAGUE ORGANIZED Tae British United Welcome Leagw has been organizcd <in Berlin with th. following staff of officers. Mr. E. V. Nial, rrea{dent. Mr. J. Bainss, Vice«President. Mr. T. Murtell, Secretary. _Mr, A. Brown, Treasurer. Cgmmitteeâ€"L. Dingle, A. H. Hewâ€" itt,; G. Emerson, A. Stapleton â€" ant Mr. Shuttieworth. _ It is left for the committee to st cure honoraty \presidents. C. H. Tillespie and ~A. J. Com field were appointed auditorst The meetings are hela at the ol Canadian Club, top flat, over Econ omical Fire Ins. Co., King street cotner: Foundry street. The. apnouncement made by Di J. F. Honsberger Medical Healt] Officer â€" that smallpox has been wipâ€" ed 0% the blate of contagious dis eascs in ~Berlin will bea welcome one to all classes of citizens. During <the past. few months ther. . has â€" been some apprebension amo‘g citizens owing" to the rimors thar have been in â€" cireulation which, i true, would . certainly have been sufficient cause Lor ‘alarm. Hapuily however, _ they were not and the health officer‘s fullâ€"and frank . _ â€"¢ view w whote situation _ h« set all fe ‘,g_.trd_t. m bee 19 That there have been no more than twelve cases altogether would indical Mmi measures were â€"â€" taker. and ¢t isolation enforced. ~ The criticism in some quarters . 0‘ the action of the health authorities would appeat. to F“ been illâ€"advised Needjess y Tt has been most ¢f fectually s by the report _6 the â€" M th Officer. HOPE MISSION x .A CLEBAN SLATE nda Nahrgang PAY $10 A WEEK Butterâ€"fat . Gridiths. mesre, ~Wray of 3.4 3.6 4.0 3.8 3.2 iy ~Wa . . Hanmet 1. R. Strick and Who ARNUAL MASQUERADE PARTY W. 6. & R. The W. G. & R. Wellare Hall Foiâ€" day night was the scene of tite best. ol the many . pleasant nights ï¬" there; . when, as _ the opening. event of" the " season, & grand Masquerade party ‘was held. hm The Hall was beautifully decorated son and enEA s C 0 en a We e anernt of: the s a grand Masquerade| i in mk * n ol ~‘The !mtwmmnuy decorated.. with flags,: bupting, lanterns, . over> gtou:ï¬mh M‘::nfl oak 'k;;et.‘. & in &*nfl; over â€" two ‘hundsed in costume. _ There were kings, Queens,. Primcesses, _ Turks, Japs, w Flawer ltfl,â€""[‘b'flgd,nut‘ Hl;hluj Lads and Lassies and maâ€" ny others. . The tunâ€"makers... _ were there in ~full . force.. The McGinty «Jand under . the direction: of pro fesgor> Sousa, kept. the audience in convulsions of laughter.: The sight . of cover two hundred happy ,bo"'s'j and (girls â€" handsomely costumed â€"Ir the Grand Morch: was delightful. Th Judges were‘ at their wits , end . 4C now to whom to award »the piic eses but finally decided as follows: Best Dressed Ladyâ€"Miss McGinnis; Best : Dressed Gentliemanâ€"Mr. _ ‘H. Moyer. s Best Representative Coupleâ€"Mis$e: Yhelafi and Panabaker. â€" 1. Most Comical Costumeâ€"Mr. Henty 1 Weber. POUNCL: Dancing in masked costumes . the: f took up a short haltâ€"hour. â€" Then fol lowed a song by Mr. H. Wismer, Re citation, Miss Davis, Dialogue, Th. Misses McGinnis, Song, Mr. H. Wis mer. Lunch was â€" served. in â€" the Dining Room from 9.30 to 11.30 and> . th: staff of waiters and waitresses went kept busy all the ~time. Wailt lunch was on, dancing Was the or der of the aay. The happy gatherâ€" ing broke .up at twelve o‘clock. â€"â€" he. PASTOR WAS The Sunday-oc&ool teachers. of Stâ€" Peter‘s Ev. Luth. Church assemblet at the Manse Friday evening to wei come home from Synod their . bt loved _ pastor. Assessor Geo Buchaupt . was appointed to «NLC! tain the pastor on the arrival at th« 1 NS SCY V shiy 4W DTTRIMTE PSR CCC CCC COs home of Mr. Geo. Potter, until _ th ‘ committee had completed all arrange . ments at the Manse. The pastof Wa‘ taken completely by surprise. AY address <of love and essteem express ing delight: upton the sate return _ 0: their â€"pastor Was read by . Miss Ber tha â€"Smith, organist of . the Sunday school. A committee, YiZ., Mess:. Wm. May, Wm. Doepel and Sirs. B Gracter and Miss E. Moogk present cd _ the pastor _ with a most cost! hall seat with French plated mirroi Pastor Oberlander responden . mos! feelingly and acceptbed . the gitt as token _ of endearment whicth shal remain as an evidence â€" of the . aP preciation ‘between pastor . and peo ple.. A pleasant hour was spent _ i songs and devotion, Pastor OberTan der â€"giving a vivid picture «of Ne\ York City : of the present day. Th gathering dispersed . after partakin; of â€" refreshments and singing th We have no secrets! the formutas of all our doxology Rev. C. R. Milier, of Berlin, agen{ ? the â€"Waterloo County Childten‘s id Society and special agent . 0 Mr. J, J. Kelso, Provincidl Superin tendent of Neglected Chilaren, wa ‘n the ‘city toâ€"day. He was return ing from placimg three children is foster. Womes . While here he looke: into some cases about which ther were complaints. As there is no lo ‘cal officer here. at presént, he (wil visit . the city trequently for _ that parpose.â€"Stratiord Herald. g eta : House, 7 j f St. George‘s â€" Baking Powder so satisfactory. It is the purest Crea of Tartat ~Ba 3 Sclence can make National I a* of Canade n is in recigin |~.â€" 99.90% Pure ==That‘s what tmakes WELCOMED HOME Tartat Raking Powder BERLIN POLICE COURT NEWS _ When ‘Police Magistrate Weir took his seat â€" at the Police Court . thit 4norning four «pisoners â€"were seated in atmâ€"Chairs ~ in a row ~in front o him. * * PTCC ~One of them was an elderly mal Geo: Rellinger, who appeared on . th. mo of creating â€" a distut , at _ his home. ~ He was _ IC manded * until toâ€"morrow to* allow certain witnesses to be summoned. On Rellinger‘s left sat Ezta Schul. a~ baker â€" who pleaded guiltvz"to t charge of being drunk and "treatin, a â€" disturpance . at L Bardon‘s ba â€" ety. on Sunday. He was fined © $ and â€" costs $4.50. . He only hat $1.25, and His Worship gave _ hin a". short time to gather the bal 3*# ance. To th» right two lads Frank Dum broski and~ Joseph Purtikle, â€" aget about 16 years werte chargea with vagrancy. They were arrested in _ barn. on . Young street, ~The Magis trate reimanded them wntil Tuesda) to allow C hicf (Â¥Neill to ascertait lwhy their parents . do not > lo0k a! ter â€" them. ' ‘ (n Saturday aftertfoon a telephon, message was received ‘at the _ fin hall in Borlin . asking > for the assis> tance.cf ‘the department to extin guitth . the blaze at Kroutziger‘s plos ing . mills: in Waterloo, 1t was de cided to send nup one of the: hos: reels and four men, in charge _V Chief Cook, while sufficient number ‘of men were ut the hall in case 0 a call from Berlin: The department smide a fas) ~rt to Waterloo .. only fourteen mum clapsing from the time the sag was received until they reached th. wene of the fire. Upon its arrival Chict Coo% entered the _ building, and when noxt seen he was at the windo® _ of the third floor . whete the fire h&@ been raging for over. hailf ‘am hour,. A fline of hose . waS haulâ€" ed up by means of & ropt and : in Stratford, P0 * The Waterloo spectavors _ ate: loud in theit praise ~of . the excelient work and timely ~assistance renacred by" Chiet . CooK and his men. . Wednesday ahout_ noon 190 2C 04. boat will leaye Mamilton on a milerun to Toronto. The great Inâ€" dian bas been working taithfully o condition Kimself for . this tong trip, hopes to make the ~ distance in and _ on@hall hours. There ate routes between Hamilâ€" ton: and" Toronto | which are . .le8$ than 43 miles in lengtb, but ~the one selected ;‘mwt ol d that distance ‘hnd part of it is over tough, hilly country . Tom will leave point w. in . Hirpilton â€" and finish .. gorner of Queen : . and Â¥Yonze streots. in this city.. _ The Trom . which he© will start _ in ‘has not been definitely soâ€" " _ ds vet: Ancauto ‘conveying BERLIN LiD GOOD WOKK point : downto®n . in . Hani! finish at the corner ‘of Que Yonze â€" streets in this cit z'dnt from . which he© will # Hamilton has not been defi & % yet. Ancauto °C Flanagan an ‘trom this we will give you our guatrâ€" _ | â€"~ n. *‘ antee for, in all sizes from 35 to 42 en < les /\ lined with pldin biack and fancy lin~~ $ 4j ings, this is a choice lot of garments REDU =‘ ‘‘Marked to sell this season "at $17, weczâ€"â€"â€" $18 and. $20. Stock ‘reducing % 80 n SALE PRICE $13.75 twoed <9€ THORNTON & DOUGLAS, worsted suits," cut in the new 8 butâ€" ton single breasted style~â€" and made 83° imported ‘ scotch tweed _ and the men‘s sitit stockâ€"we Raving far too many ‘tmen‘s W.Wâ€mw_ï¬' this season‘s Hitést styles, and irom the mo s fashionable Fall: fabrics. We‘ give â€" you our word for it that Every suit in The lot has been miade within the past thirty daysâ€" ‘#o yo..uue; this is not a sale of old odds and ends, but a genuine sale to redflu ptath;%, so. you can cbme expecting to see some of the finest Suits. for men that you ever SaW sold at ‘a reduction, and you won‘t be disappointed, in fact, you will be delighted. =*~ On Weduesday morning &t 9 o‘clock, we will place on sale 337 men‘s -n’d~ young Thornton & Douglas store, our r store the first hour, don‘t forget men‘s tweed and worsted suits at the following® reductions, which for absolutely new goods This salc ought to start every Tom â€" Lonk® Guelph. the mer Eomm m t e y ‘The Daughters of. the Empice have been counting their wortk. during the past week, of soliciting subscripâ€" tions for the erection of a . bronze, statue to the memory of our Jato Sovercign, Queen Victotia, and . arte meeting with goodâ€" suecess. _ As soon as they have completed their can« ‘vass a full report will be published. â€" Rev. W. L. Armstrong, B.A:.,: â€" of Toronto, who preached at Trinity Methodist u:g oh Shnday, â€" was fllvx: ot =_Dr. and Mre, J.. (F) Mrs. Geo. | Andrews and 1itie dabgktor, © Marion, . who have â€" been Mr. A, J, Kimmel Tels JON SHIOEL day: oma business trip to Chicago and other ~western points. Miss Rose Fisher and Miss\ Edna Sipes, of Berlin, . spent Sunday swith triends in Preston. Some pérson or persons,gained . an Some person. Or punntlud d ntrance to C, Sohlender‘s paint shop 45 Queen St.. wosk, on Saturday night and secured booty to the valup ot $30 and other articles. ; The police ars looking for the culprite, â€" _ _ © 132â€"men‘s and young men‘s . fine Tweed and worsted suits, all absoluteâ€" Iv new this seasdn some arfiving this polotings and ¢ut in the «very latest styles among ‘our : best values . at ly new this season REDUCING SALE PRICE $11.50 80 men‘s and reputation for doing exactly as we say will fill _ the € the time, 9 o‘clock Wednesday morning, @ <As inâ€"the new Fall "shades and man in Town who wants suits, . mostly 2x cA vapig, PIPPLLLLN LC P 4 j J i w g; Beérlin, young _‘ ~men‘s fancy in the very latest | AprayyAp PA Py YOY three _ button All We Ask \ Waterloo B THE CANAD OF COMq wÂ¥ B. E. WALKER, President ALEX. LAIRD, General Manager | L. H. IRELAND, @uperintendent of w ‘. «e C mss Ortee ach pernthe at mt t tm m a ‘l‘:y.mn‘! ‘ble at $4.90 to the sterfing ’Zu-flmuwum Of you is to take a look at cur NO, 111 nvflr]lmw stove with oven ahd we will convince you ths it h-.i the largest and best heaters in the town and we will save 5 13 4 law P enb uoL 2. Sb it M ‘ ~:5:‘:€ from 6 to 8 dollars on your BANK MONEY ORDER * Hardware Stovcs, in Store near Post uEAD opricE, ToRoxTo . E. POTTER _ Chatham, Over $5 and not exceeding ing . from‘ 85 to 44 bandsome â€".cloths : ex« [“ul;l’ 'MV $12, stock © reducing & 2 tmig Res) S 42 men‘s ‘fancy tweed suits,strong Lerviceable > and. warm extra». -ml made and lined," regular price $10 ~ WILDFANG STOCK REDUCING SALE suit towards . the Young Men‘s _ Fall and Winter: Overcoats . ~ BOTTOM PRICES in all the latest styles, in Melton: and fancy tweeds at l&% ow Prices for men. 8.00, 10.00, 12. d > $15.00. _ es . ~_Come and se them. s; is indeed startling ,'l‘i;anre, Plumbing and Pige Fitt Post office Phone. 142, Berlin. sted styles, ‘in sizes FADE7. 35 to 14 breast messure, cices _ $12, $13. ani $13.90 at Tu@ FouLOwH® SALE PRICE $9.75 our No. 111 Favorite parlor® stove. LIMITE Paidâ€"up Capital, $1 Kest, "*«>~ * B Total Assots, â€" 113 mfl suma iayat i PRICE $7.90 $10 in Canada of a € mim:h(he“b‘ BERL IN, 10 C8%.d cents gents cents itain and