mnext. conseq) W‘{;\W that this / y " ï¬n the invention was ‘W{gehd, been â€" so : m ’ fAying missile â€" Of wx q: malicious!y _ F4 is reported that the Canadian| \is chatge to..the jury in _ URO. .LOS: ‘Government .has under consideration | ,f Spahr vs. Electric Meter Co., the : question ol sending _ a special| vhe jurots retired and the only crimâ€" ‘/Commissicner to the Orient to inves~| isal eas¢ on the dosket at the present â€" ‘tigate and report on the whole proâ€"| sittings of the High Court was proâ€" : of Asiatic immigration into| cecdcd wich. _ Adoliph Jessinghgus ol Â¥/C . As Canada‘s advantages| this town, occupied the pwisoner‘s box ‘ become better . known this problem | charged with an urnmentionable crime to become incteasingly im | committed in a bush near Centreville t and to deal with it _ will| on the morning of June 25th, The _fequire a thorough knowledge of the{ ;riscner is a young man about 20 character of the Asiatic people, their | years cf age afid followed the occu _ adaptability for assimilation with the | pation of ragâ€"peddlar for about _# .. .poptlatien on this side of the Paclâ€"| month previous to his arrest. H« ,7"‘;}‘ , ‘Abe conditions tending to direct| was defended very ably by Mr. â€" Eo s j:merï¬ov' of the population _of| P.; Clemont, K.C., and Mr.. E> T. ‘ Asia to this continent and the best| Essery, cf London eonducted . th« ~"qpeans of ° checking and. controllins |case ‘Tor the Crown.. ~The jury se _ tha immigration. The economic) tected to rendera Ferdi¢t in this cas> ’ :v‘ï¬:â€ct:htz' ".h} mt?bh‘:n:l m‘?:\ also| was as folows‘â€" ou f â€"â€" $ta7 A T8 nfl. C rc ‘f ® ‘ pomsibility of the commissioner n tm apuf o en ie \"he (charged with this tomk is . cvi MWiam: Epefty, Waleloo: 44 : very© great, and his mission Gcorg* Class,. Woolwich. 4 â€" will require a thorough statesman Waiter Little, °N. Dumtries. c(# “M fine diplomacy. â€" August May, Berlin. Di e * John Kenyon, Blair: GOVERN ENT ence cpreracn: Theapelyh. .2 oo dozren. strce '3::" ::'. hx ;:3! a ;“tc*ndhihlï¬j ilth: $ m U o lme d t ed by the / Speaking . of Government : Ownership Toronto . Star presents the followâ€" sible rules which should govâ€" in considering the question: _ Where free competition is possible Gav t ownersfiip is not necesâ€" waty. Jt isâ€"a cardinal principle t Liberalism that the utmost #scope and freedom should be giver to * inâ€" wl enterprice _ and originality, and that itâ€"is better that «. ~man_ #‘ «o a. thingâ€" for himselt than f the State shourd do it forâ€" him. ‘his principle of the rights and liberâ€" Mes of the man as against the Statc been tao much neglected in Canâ€" , and a splendid field Jies open to p Liberal who wishes to advocate Jt But ib has no application to the f '\. of public ownership.â€" The prinâ€" _giple of public ownership is applicable ",,2} where the principle of individual libert Iree sm:hn is incflocâ€" Auall 3t it mtn' to run a \doren stroet railways ‘or â€" telephome aystems in Toronto, there would be noed . tc :' ~for â€" public P tontr6) resté in the private .p0¢â€" +. EDITORIAL NOTES BW SaAF TY DEVICE of to intorest sting. Knglish aod G rwae is i as coats a5is and. will be be â€"f individual , re, concern . Y ~Anancial test will be but â€"Of these~otilities. ~ . } up a Wrong claim of ~mistaken idem : rest# im the private .pér=] tity and quoted cascs : where prison fduni, the fitst; if not the | ars had spent long terms ofâ€"~ imâ€" concern of the management | prisonment and _ were alterward mancial. wroft. ‘The _ put= | fourd . to t# innocent. â€" Mr. Essery 'o"‘:&""m' ":.'i'“"c «BÂ¥ :feal: t 80 K fln:g \y ins Crown in a very htÂ¥ ~reglected as / it will be | nor. . // iT § f 4 we ‘P " . ns k & fe m&" c heaire toâ€"|â€" Hiix. ofdiip "lnstructed ‘the _ futy blished »very Proprietor ko constituted that €ock" be turned so air to escape, â€" the f brakes is at once the ® o'wnansmpl John °F. Katzeame P burg. "*\RECOMMENDATIONS afluence «_ «Wednesday‘s Seasion. . : . At m'..-g session â€" of ~the Fall Assizs the Grand Jury made its ~prescntment as follows:â€" ° In the High Court of= Justice axd F:ull Assizes for the County of Watâ€" Podl erlOp To His Lordship, Fran Fresiding Justice, dine e barg. Xisited. e Conoty jall | we ® Y. and have hz-‘amyï¬h‘ neat â€" and o taike ts SfinEL oy Spals â€" BC 5 O~; d .te ~porcelain and nwlz ba ‘which we jearn the Prison Inspector /. WerEnd. that there are _ a number of prisoners: who have been sentenced to the Central Prison at Torento. zd‘ are still detainca here causing exâ€" 1: nse to ‘the county ‘which othuwhu‘ holly© would be borne by the â€"Proâ€" vincial Government. . 1 We visitcd the Houseâ€"of Industry apd Refuge and find that. the build ings are at present undergoing ""ex« tepuive repairs â€" which will materaliy ;di to the: comfort .of the inmates. We would recommend the installation of Standpipes in the interior. for fire protection with hose attached. We find the House at present : has, cightyâ€"thrqzinmates, alt cof â€" whom ire well taken care.of. We have found a true bill in ~_ the ing vs. Jessinghaus case. upon the itdictment as laid before us and teâ€" .ort of which wermade yestcrday. All of which is respectfully submit« ted *‘ . B. SNIDER. â€"â€" y Fur\cmm. Arand Jury Room, Sept. 25th, 1907. His LorCsiiP u;uktfl the . jurots tot their promptness in disposing ‘of their busginess and promised to . giVe his order that a copy of the presoutâ€" zent be sent to the Provincial Se retary who Bas supervision . of th rovincial prisons. At present, ht _tated the Central Prison is not large :noughâ€" to accommodate the prisonâ€" <rs, but he understood the Govern ment contemplates the erection â€" o a similat institution in the North (rn part of the province. With ‘te ard to the House of Refuge His Lordship promiscd ta have the jury‘s recommendations brought to the a} tention of the county â€"authotities. * â€" _ Thrée cases on the docket at thi Call Assizes were concluded on Wed nesday ¢vening and two more wer l lisposed of> on Thursday. s _@ zB Alter Justice Anglin had delivere vis charge to Ahe jury: in . the. .CaSt f Spahr vs. Electric Meter .Co., the jurots retired and the only crimâ€" iaal cas¢ on the dosket at the present sittings of the High Court was proâ€" cecdcd wich. _ Adolph Jessinghaus o! this town, occupied the jifisoner‘s box charged with an urnmentionable crime committed in a bush near ACenttev"iEl Robert S. Oliver, N. Dumfries. Fredetics Schlote,â€" Jt., WaterIdo.: Thos. 8. Lockie, N. Dumfrics. .‘obn Lrog, Floradale. â€" Afr. EUssety briefly referred to tht seriouzness of the crime with which We prisoncer was charged and the girecumstanss». "Uf the ~case. The young ‘victim, a lad of nine ‘years o‘ age and other witnessos gave evit of whom positively identifiecd Lh ~riscner as the man who committed the ontriage. > nX Tt‘i: n.ecu'nd w;:t £to the © . box Ao give evidence in this own d ¢ and donied that he was h&w1 ity «A Centreville. on. the day it ‘ en e se on in Cl ‘of Athe â€" young e . o. chin ho m tea one t which he ks : ~** T he ‘»ddresscs by "the counsel . to the jury were bricf, but eloquent . apâ€" feals for jostice.. Mr. Clement put Hiig : & ip "instruoted the . jfuty liat are two things "to ‘decide int thit the ° dovd. wan @ommitted, Return: Verdiot of Guilty Â¥o Jessinghaus LASC.=* 0 â€" for Loss ofâ€"Fingers in Action Against Electric In Triggsâ€"Wey Case Plaintiff Was Awarded $600 ar Jessinghaus Case iCF, ay is d Anglin, Kew HanP * Toleg ar ty rees ns 1t toak the jusy ‘In ‘the Jessinghats case four hours to vg8â€" at a ver« dict of "Guilty."‘ _ ‘The jurors, in word that they could not agree p.t His Lordship told fbem to . 16 main : in their room and endeavor 10 arrive at & verdi¢t. ‘They did. « 60 with the above result, 2 * Betore. the Court adjourned at" 10 o‘clock Thursday tor Junch Adoiph Je&sâ€" sipghaus who was found guilty of @ dastardly ctime, was brought ~before this LordSship Justice.Anglin for sent ©1ce. When asked if he bad anything to say wnyummddlflbll‘“ ea ‘the prisoner : said:â€"‘‘Only ‘this, . 4 am not guiity and another . thing, those wituesses who said that 1. comâ€" mtted the crime with which £ am not (a) By his own nogligence? Caused by inexperience on the part of .ine plaintif in operating the . press â€" Mig» thine. 3z â€" & The jury in the Spahrâ€"Electric Mt wer Co., case eeturned to the Cont ; .oom Welnssday evening after spendâ€" ing neatly. five houts in . the. qur, room. .. They were supplied with _ a ust of. questions to be answered. by jurymen and â€" the following decision. wete artised at and reporued.â€" ist. Were the injuries sustained by the plaintiff: caused:â€" â€" _ o (b) By negligence of Superintendent Messnerâ€"in the vourse of his superinâ€" tendence? Caused by the Superintenâ€" dent engaging. an Jmexperienced man o operate: such machine. (c) By reason of some defect in the wondition or arrangement ol the maâ€" hinery or plant ‘of the defendants? _{d)y Wore they the result of pure iccident?" No. f # ;;d‘ Wa. the ;Eeu orpéuted by the plaintiff dangerous? Yes. 2nd.â€" If you find negligence â€" either A the plaintif or of the. superintenâ€" ent ‘or some deféct in the machinâ€" ty or plant, state in what such negâ€" igence or deféect consisted? By eme »oying inexperienced help. > is + 4th. If so, was it as far as pract Lical gecurely guarded? No guards, _ 5th. . If â€"not, did the absence of suet a guard cause the injury to the plain tif? Yes. $ 4 < 6th, 1t you find that negligence o. he â€" superintendent, defect in the con dition or arrangement of the machinâ€" ory of. plant or want of â€"aâ€" EUA â€"aused the _ injury to the plaintil. sould the plaintiftâ€"neverthcless by thi axercise of ordinary care have. avoid ed being so injured? Not with~ th. ‘‘xpérience the plaintift had. he did not you?" 1 Didy MADE BY ThiGRAND JURY Yee," replied the boy. Bible Awarded Damage Wt $0 it teacber tell you x hat Sunday Sch ms will go to the bad place,‘‘ the boy. ' is Lordship allowed the lad took: the stand. Mhos o C L agg "Po you know what it means to #iss! the Bible,"" asked the Judge. "No," ‘replied the gitl. "Don‘t you go to Dunday s%a"" ‘‘Not now, but 1 used to,"* *ane sw ered. * "What will happen to youâ€" if . you do not fell the truth?" is Lordship low‘t mc"",' "I â€"won‘t go to heaven, .. AnSWOF6G the girl.. . * . """Where will you go thent" a . uJ will go under the grouud,"" â€"the girl< replted, c 1Ms Lordship informed the counsel that he did not think the little gitl knew the nature of an oath, and askâ€" ed the: lawyer~ to question â€"her x ther. The legal gentleman ,’nvL ed )05 C000 1. ffs coeee Comperiar se P avn 1 touwn-@l‘upuhwht would. o4 Py HsWau uon mt got frow t sa go her was tiat her mo had _ never told ber. The judge would not aHow the girl} to give evidence and she Jleft the stand. The Triggs vs. Ignate Wey case way continued _ last eveniug." Inâ€"the w‘ tion ~the plaintif is sceking damagt» for the loss of three fingers while Mlt%mwhm in . the deterâ€" dant‘s plan mill © ; 1t. S. Robertson and J; J. A. Weir are acting for th plaintifis, and â€" W..l". R'e.dnh for the and J; J. A. Weir are acting for th plaintifis, and .W. M. Reade > for the detcndant. â€" The following jury was swortk in 5 Al Charles Karch, Hespeler. Thos. °H. Ruther{otd, Dumfries. _A. J. Cardy, Galt. Henry Lippert,. Betlin. + . I,. D. "Merrick, Berlin. J S.â€"Levan, Beclin. s s « Jacob Hagey, Waterloo. (Chas.. Dalims, Wellesley, Paul Mcder, Ayr.~ Geo. M. Latgch, Centreville» f Betram Kriesel, Wilmot. Philo. Howman,.. Woolwich, ‘The case ol Samucl Trigg vs. "I5¢â€" natz Wey occupied "the attention _ of | the Court during almost the entire: day on Thursday and it was ‘almost. six ~o‘clock when ‘the jury .. retired. A large number of witnesses were. salled by the plaintifi and defendants. The plaintiff, who had his three first fingers torn fromâ€"his right â€" hand while operating a moulding machine, told the Court how the accident . oc curted. He stated he was operating the machine in July last and while: he walked around to clear the table ol shavings he stumbled â€"over some lumber on the floot at one side and was thrown against the machine and his hand struck the revolving trime« imer, which, he claimed, was unguardâ€" ed, causing theâ€" injury, { . ‘Theâ€" witnesses for the defence, / in their evidence claimed that the plainâ€" tif must have been clearing the board of shavings and had his hand caught in the planing knives at the bottom of the board and not in the trimmer asâ€" he alleged.â€" _ â€" % xA A wooden im{tation of the machine, manufactured for the purpose, was an : interesting exhibit*in the â€" case, and was placed on & table in tront of the jurymen and greatly assisted The witmesses and counsel in submitâ€" Aing the evidence... . F s P Eoo i t Bm 1 1t was 430 o‘ciock when the evidâ€" once was submitted and Mr.â€" Reade commenced his address <to the ~jury. He reviewéd the evidence â€" in detail nc\emmed that the â€" accident was due\ to the carelessness and. foolish ness of the plaintiG. $ The jury whith was selected tbe render a verdiet in The case of Trigg: s, Wey, for damages sustaincd , PÂ¥ he plaintit _ while in the employ ul the ‘detendant, â€"compléetéd: their »datics ust previous toâ€"the adjournment Tor un‘ K The plon{lif ~ _ wa: awo:med $600 and his costs of the at His Lordship charged the jury in the Triggâ€"Wey case when Court reâ€" sunied on Friday, and at the con: dusion the case of J.â€"D. Wood (vs, #m. Plummer, " both â€" of ~ Stratiord, ‘or alléged slander, was proceeded with. R.S8. Robertson. and. J; A. Scellan acted for plaintif and R,. T. Harding of tratilogd, defendant. The following jury . W : . James Causiand, Woolwich. Jacob {flnfl. Berlin. â€" V David R. McLeod, N.; Dumfrics. ~~Jacob Eller®, vlmt. A ©Edward Sass,, Waterloo. Norbort Leyes, Berlin., Heaty Smith, Waterloo: Condm%n. Galt. Menno B. wnuï¬ Wootwich. Robt. Patterson, N. Demfrics, c o ther" dooinies: and THEY BEAT OUT WHITE MEN t i Â¥ iver;" "B. C., © Sopt. | . 18â€" S ebat o t m. L). M. King, deputy mini+| PIANO, ORGAN., AND ter Of labor, after studying the Otionâ€" tal Jabor question here, mates R t‘eM THEORY % s rleing annguncement Ahat Orien | . » ; Te .r:'no.:‘o:‘myu uo::; \:; Poplis prepared for examination s are CheaP, 16 declares Y » uo Asan ts i C «perseded the whiteés in sawmills And mm'¢!‘w mut_m-? thoir #0bt 28| mmazanta ta d ie 4) M Trigg vs. Wey. Friday‘s Session w NCP Toronto, Sept. 28.â€"With the .. first hearing of the York County: tm and Savings Hquidation before . cial Referee CGeorge Kapelie, in ‘his ollices, came aâ€"promise. <of <reducing confusion to clearâ€"out issues, â€" and _Ot geiting down‘to sond work in clearâ€" ing up the many problems which have arisen. > %, Referee Kappe ie HoldsHis Fir: t H.aring in Teronto and : Makes P.ogre»s CLEARING UP Mr. Kapelle this â€" morning â€"ruled that each ol the solicitors â€" representing: dilferent â€" classes â€"â€" of â€"â€" shareholder. should ‘fileâ€"their ~claims . â€"with _ the court by Tuesday next: . The | liquiâ€" dator, whorever these â€" claims are obâ€" jec.edâ€"to, "will‘ thereupon _ serve his objcctions upon ‘the counsel concerned aild ~pleadings must be ¢"!@red. ‘The next session ‘will e held. _ in Mr. Kapelc‘sâ€"office on Tuesday, when general evidence, as toâ€" byâ€"laws, etc., will be Submitted.for the liquidator. Subsequent proceedings will probably take place ¢ither in the~ City~ Hall or Osgoode Hall By order of Mr, Kapelle, two classes were this morning added toâ€" those classes of shareholders already estabâ€" lished by the order of â€" Referee: â€"Mcâ€" Lean, raising. the number . of ~classes fromweight to ten. Thére are .m?o-f ther 114,749 claims, aggregating $4,â€" 074,854.93. + ~ These classes are now as follows:â€" "1. The holders of fully and partial ly paid© permanent ‘stock, . to deterâ€" imine the question as to their liabiâ€" lity .as contributors, or their °. right to rank as claimants. â€" These .â€"are represented by W. H. Ferguson. °_ 3. The shareholders who claim rank as creditors, on the ground that the issne of their shares was ultra vires of tle company. R ~The claim of this class is that, the York County Loan und Savings Comâ€" pany was not authorized to: do â€" busi~ ness outside of ‘Ontario, as thc{::aim to rank, not as shareholders, as creditors, a vastly «more profitable position. : Thisâ€"class represents. at. least $500,000. _ Its pretensions are defended by: Mr. Masten, who appears for Nova Scotia ~shareholders, . the ‘unly outside province to put in . & concerted _ claim. _ Nova â€" Scotia‘s will be a test case for â€" the . other provinces.. â€"< 3: The shareholders of class C, the certificates for which purport to .give to the holders a first charge . upon the assets of theâ€"company. igger 4. The holders of shares payable on demand, â€"â€"or which ‘had matured, prior to the date of liquidation, â€" and of shares whichâ€"were wuuyumq at any time, on thirty days‘â€" notice, Whether . notice ol ~withdrawal had bmglmormt,orugivn‘mm ther it had expired prior :to the date of liquidation, â€"orâ€" hot. . 5. Shareholders to whose credit, at the date of liquidation, there stood a cash balance, alter theâ€" transfer of a.portion of the proceeds of the withâ€" drawable, value of their stock, in payâ€" ment for permanent stock, or. other stock in the company, o â€"pignos,â€"Of dife insufance. 6. Shareholders whose books had been handed in prior to the date : of: liquidation, "with ‘an application to have the procéeds turned over to life insurance, or upon a purchase . of a yiano â€" or otherwise, and Where . the transfer had not been completed upon the books of the company, at the date ol liquidation, and whether the stock had matured ~and was withdrawable or not ployes of the company. ® #. The shareholders, who, in cach jssue ot qmtiolg to be determined, are not lm%‘ in the class," the tights of which are being considered or determined in such issue or Tnn- ï¬no,“u::rgnerfllq t: clags or classâ€" es 0 . who: may make â€" no claim to any‘-utm over â€". any olher: class of shareholders, or who may be ultimately determined to hare no such preference. © ® â€")< ~. °.. 9. The holders of The claims . of th Miss E. L. ".ï¬, has the reputation: of supplying Honor Graduate Toronto Conservaâ€" wm tlla: tory of Masic. SGaF BOWMHE : .« c0.00%)0 0 ) o_ Honor Graduate Toronto Conservaâ€" tory of Masic. TRaChRERS or PIANO, ORGAN., AND THEORY® . Agents, clerks and ~other _emâ€" Y‘ this class aggtegate Cjuveniic‘ shatt$. | tngivedrannh othere nhoeatise the advimabi, stands any test, | Berlin F.â€"FRED BORHA AOBEON%:OI- Linwood ‘Brap Dundee, 0. H. EHEES Manager.. St. Milvertop, A. J. CUNDICK, Manage~, THE WILLIAMS MANUFACTURING CO. courany orrkee: MONTREAL, P. Q:> _ }*"*"*> ", TORONTO, LONDON, HAMILTON,. OTTAWA, ST. JOHN, N. Mie : AGENTS WANTED EVEAYWHERE. °: _ "ifGal The Sovereign Bank of Canada _ Bwinros Jaryis, T« RawpoLrH Mac=ox A. A. ALLAK, E#q., How, D. MCMirra®, ~~ _ Aron. â€"Canre®in, Raq:,; M.P. ie on proar e ranarepaiee m»derate. Our m&m& c ancce. 1 . and , DC. VAA ____ PTCD .6 e In the line of meats, we have Beot, Pork, Veal, Lamb, Sugarâ€" Cared Hamé and Bacon fma suring); onte tested, always u#id of baving their Patent business transacted AT REA s . s ag ud Brantford make, 6 horse:â€"pewer.~ ]ï¬sï¬meih{;g for farmers, bakers or others requiring gw C6. In use only a feyears onlyâ€" , _ ill fl&l? 3 5. Chronicle Telegraph Office, Water loo or Daily Telegraph Office, Berlin. F. G, JENMETT, â€" CGas or Gasline â€"Engine For Salo Interest at best current rates paid quarterly, ; HEAD OFFICE:TORONTO. ._°__ .â€"_ Paid Up Capitals ..« _.* â€ow ALWAYS LOOK H. FRED BORHMER.‘ Manager.. _ Baden Branch. J. Savings Bank Department RO:RD OF DIRECTORS: ~, Beq., Pirst ce President 2 2 . Seroud Viceâ€"President rauch, R. E. OULBERT. Manager, â€" New St. Jacobs, GEO, L. LACKNERB, Manager. FOR THE NAME W. K.‘ McNavont, Ksxq, MP. ALEx. Pavck, Reg., KC."<_ WwATEBLOQ MUTUAL FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY INCORPORATED IN 1868. Astets Bist December $426,808.17. j Allan Rowman, Req., P, . Shans,/Proston Thomaa Gowdy, Rag.. OA RD OF DPIREROCTORA , Rag., @ueiph CÂ¥