iirfa rtii'ir' swings BANK 'ii__,lsr/' DEPOSIT _ liir)r amen cumin 1lttr"' , MONTHS ;.}uoos HESPELER, 's,,1lllititr Bargains In _,, " Millinnny _ @111 Repay You 'S‘I'ha Iorcantlle Fire Cii,e)8re. Wm new Building, “"r; f . no: at". ifâ€. on!“ m. House ND. tam-hu- toiieited for tUst eh- i? z; - 90min. Hangar, Waterloo Branch “’lul “I!†- Hutu!» _itioi-tmaotspitat........ ammw 'tri-o' .-............ 3117.140. Al fonda- guaranteed by the London Fit [mu-hire [mm-mu Company gut-Anot- od swarms. Mimi“: up Dominion 4 M Wright. Search y. M. Run. Inspector 0. A. Foul District Agent, 5 Waterloo. Ont. Phone 240. W~w+wo+b T iv 5:. y‘ipcof'gem's furnishings Yrt up" . , in stock _ Another Lot of hats to Fell " half price and some less, at the “I [13888 HIRING! no.“ . . Berlin mus tttegattlerrt, you â€WWW whtt 5. ‘tvu “I W a M vim - obw from all; "Olive Oil" human IO. M a. nun... Tie-gh- g Gaul- so» p m no not. than»; a work an m but! - a out.†lunar-IO“! _ can. Tn itFi'irhii_,qL#"t' j _ C. A. BOEHM W III-um Agent. u, Qua-u: u murmur. ago. If Tur kin -is.,. Well Made hit w 'riiret' ,'r9iiid's, In: ad Wule,'»h T 1 *1 it,li' " r. - mummy vt an In; mpg Ir.: - "'dr' 5 ,,m t8rh,eoatrregauoo which m- “ll - . " d ' uu. about ten you an! t,t'lu'ta'leSlbt'utTNSt w in A not 3n - "i ' 1 :M rlig21",Sg'd1tatrt,,'2i, ---_ “0 clinch. which In been «an. " nl auction during the put m. was Haul-Illu- Mum um Wvdy dedicat- ‘ffntuu-l-h ftoe public young. 7 JOHN RITZER, mid-t mm. IItorloo human Company inocurhggr-o um connin- visit to us y? . ("""iii/v"." - “all! tetght â€5 urn» an m can». rad will long he rout-bend " “W‘ A-ttms. "out. Mb.. m by M. John new. the dad.)- an: at an Wptqae PtUPt'2t ,Cinmh. Toronto, we _. and Jan A Cup mm on t): dads, ot thoatstrho)ttetrtheetttuibtoie capacity upbeat-{um “at“. In the dam , has antinu- unwed with plenum to Rev. P. A. lcEwan, the ttrat Inter ot the On- negation, when Mr. n: Icicl- uly And uproprutc. The lauded â€to. ot the sonic: was planning at o! exceptional - lance. m “I was Matted .5] In. Jana, at M. Ian. Mr. E. Penney“ at Stiltlord' In. Ruh- aoem-u Pollock. an in. J. A. 1111mm, of Berlin, (not ot than manna coins in a very momma: maul-.7 1h splendid - In pro- sided out by In. R. D. has. who gave perfect satisfaction Ind Med banal! to be u 'trtpautotattom than usual “my, F The pater, luv. J. T. Install. bu! charged unannoun- Jenna, and terminal ‘1: the devotional exercise: by the visiting clay-mi. Preceding his morning’s discourse Rev. John HoNeill. who nonsense- A remarkable personality and in an: exceedingly pleasing smoker, intimat-1 ed that ii it wen u by to the core gremio- that he as.“ be in their midst on this occasion " was distinct honor to him that he should have the privilege of assisting in the dedi- cation oh the beautiful church. Ho congratulated ttteimgretratton upon its wonderiul record and the comple Aion bi the new church home which was one of artistic beauty, simplicity, u-ichness, worshlptu1 atmosphere and in building in every my equipped tor. the great work ior which it was erected. _He selected his text trom St. Matt. 16thgttPstter, mo verso, viz., “Thou are the Christ, the Ban ot the living God," which in gener- ally known as the "great conteagion." God has ordained: the Church that tor ell time to come there should be a supreme place where this conica- sion could he mnde. This contention has been closely related (1) to ever, crisis that has conironted the church; (2) to the Church which Christ is huilding upon the earth; and (3) to that eternal conquest over sin. The preacher described“: a moat heati- fut and regustic mmner. the trireum- stances surrounding the utterenee ot the text by Peter, miter Christ bad been iniormed " His disciples that His minim was mlsundento‘od by the people who looked upon Him as one oi the prophets. The peoNe's tribute was a wonderful tribute to Christ and his work but wee not nui- tieient upon which to build his church on earth. The newer ot Peter untie- tled the non] of Christ and upon this answer has the Church oi God been built. It was not Limitation. but worship, not patronnge, but service WILL BUILD FACTORY Mum. Zueludorl Bram. who were negothtlng with the Mn “thorium last spring tor I free site " Wood- side Part but could not strive " a nthlsctory arrangement. hare (lecit- ed to erect their propane! Immune (“My ht Berna. Repreaerttatires ot the Ann met this Pare Bond on Mummy evenlnguad wanted the olct ot the lite ulecud " the Came Soap Co. " tic m: ut Fotwell': laundry tor ’which they will pay the sum 01 8100. Th. Pull Baud will recnmnend to the Camel! nut. this site be told. A _ Zutlulorl Bros. rum equating a buck [army " x In. two than hlgh old will employ M human:- ing the ttrd yen. They intend mn- lat-mg high - {If-luau. e ‘Nlnhnowhruyht a a Goat-‘0’. Dunn; Powder and t t a f,',l?rii,',llu'au-unvh' -etthtt-autNi" at the Opening Services Which Ware Largely: Pte- 90 ' A IN BERLIN {HIE [Ill vu MMF l _ 'tlil" ' â€Li“ l ' N “'w ...,._¢§\yu‘it air, nu“! , . e,'fPr,: Ere, 7 ttfs',, T E; "AWN Bt er‘:-"3£ ' ' . :5“- tit ki' z _ - ‘ It - 'd'lt'l't, PAt"i,tt'dtt't'i; NIL mph? ut, MI ‘I M', um and†Jettiri'JX1t, tit M.ttd, a“! ae-it' I. f,egt 'tat-ttat mu- m with .3 Dallas In}: a. tomb- cl In; W. to a. you 'ttarqtsmt on: in. a» trader aisa.rtad “at hell m was out.» over u! an. or chunk “a uphold: the out conic-don. " tag ‘to declare thh great with that this ‘nw church had bean erected at was GiU dedibated, that the pulpit I“ ambushed, glad the people trad pou- ed torth their matures and b ex- horted them to be true to41oqrerts at Christ, and work with greater as! bar the promoticrt oi God's kingdom on earth. “madman otteot the met- eet And most ocularuble church. In Berlin and rend“. to the Quentin at the congregation which we: "rllt nized in Berlin ten yam ago: _...! never]: run the _ alien trim. 919901! In the otd f'.lt1l.11' mu, m» the present Sunday Select “(was in completed “out It: ‘yein Mo. With the growth ot the town the congregation grew and in order to keep pace with lhe ever-ire creasing membership it we: decided to erect the nun audlmdum, the momentum of, which was laid " The, structure is at a unique archi- ioctural design on the exterior, but ha a very "wreaks appunnce. The inundation in at gray stone and tin won: ot red pressed brick, while the roof in a very decided shut on either side. A wide when! “may leads into the main lobby which. has three entrance: to the nuditorium. On either side are mull class-rooms which can be used in use of over- flowing crowds. The seating oatraeity at the church is about 500, including the gallery which in above the lobby " ‘the entrance. and has accommoda- lion tor 100 chairs. The walls are 'itriahed in champaign coior and the veiling in deep cream. The supports are stained in green and altogether Ibo auditorium has 1 vary; “Viking appendixes. At the rear ol the pulpit II the "pthrtrrwitlt all the con- l That there is strong opposition to the proposition made try the G. T'. R. lor the construction of proposed urb- wny nt' the Kim; that eta-sing vu pvident at the gum! meeting aim Board at Trade on Thur-day "tgt- iug when m question w“ dimmed by mud mm. Th Board v“ asked to mom two when on a. 'committee about“ by the Town Council to deal with the proposition and President Buns nominated Mann L. J. 3mm: and Cam. Runâ€! an the Boud'I tupmtutivu. minim/while in front in the‘cholr and handsome pipe organ, the beauti- ful pipes at which no located ttbove the pulpit platform. The seating was mutual try the Vslley City Co. ot Quadâ€, um the organ, which lull in the "eigNrorhood ot Mtr speaking 'ttpeer, was erected by the D. _ W. (an Company of Woodstock. Batman the church and Sunday School no mall women which when tho entire came: one or the most complete and convenimt for church purposes In this auction at the province. The various contracts were nus!“- Lorily "artnet by the toNwing:.-. Mnon, C. Bram; “water, W. P. Burner; painting. K. Mueller a Co, plumbing. P. Hymmen a Cai' -and W. E. Mitchell. Mr. Ii. L. anu-n spoke st consid-l cubic length on the question. m) expressed the opinion tltat the pro-1 position was preposterous sad uni} ream-able. Tho any: st the cross-‘ tags wss provided by use 0. T. ir.,) “than: tins been“! M imtttr, to the [man djtiis ton has mtttt-l, pulled the country sot Math it." yam and†thus 'trut" ll - sary to do I in? sum-M 'eritttisttt-' ing across Beriius 'ttairt.tttrrottqtr- fare, The misuse was nude six or seven yous ago when the Msyorsnd Comm" moves the 0.1“. “Mull“ more sucks an)“ King street tot "eight purposes, than the o, T, R. shouia ue been compiled to roam; the mine sheds to m mun podium of “no". The but croo- ‘slng question in an countlr . VIII not is solves-nu! cm shod this!!!" to was: sad as? the Innvsy can†to - not- ,stlp'ssh. "In.†an the My I! an as! as son / .. at“ so“ a the ess- - T. Itgt'tttrdtl in Beltt Y, M. HP; ' m. iiiii3E'glifat" . . aiiigiiiE e 44;an 'EE 9-2-5}; Eai' 4 . ‘ ee aw 'aratal 2.3-," "M ht #1 I', " Aw», _ . " u IiRE, c. l I e, '& IE0ii2i 5"." ', 2 " gt: ML"" ' - " "m= - - --' PROPOSITION DISCUSSED W. E. Nikon about Q -rei'r In The Hut Church immm in: mm..- I "da'ottr to .1 “I t.aotqiatgqt6r-'N' Ttw. .Ttte Muir 'tMitt-t am My Boq_ttetf on My tun-(u, a which an -ttt'. on who and mlnhu.mbl I minted bank-- In outlining tbs mum M that: khan in?“ a. mum “tit The “I“ are spirit and â€-ch and the with» In» tendered n hon-cf voted than tor their - Tvoyedu my my Rev. C. R. Miter todx Doha Kuhn to the >13- Mringoschoo! " IBtmieo, but on the tot win; loudly the M - ad Htd macaw-5 the ttatt fit Guelph ad Wm. a. be. w» homesick “(I on Ybimtsr am new Berli- on . "ts, gf'e'ffog,,'-h',d'ileh,',',",,'tA l Neill 10M out that young Knob. Wu in Berlin sud alter giving him a chance to test he rearreated him at his home last evening and ttotit1ed the Mimico cinch! to come tor him. During the last ttw weeks the Chil- _ Aid mttttogities have had cone nimble many with Mary than, a you“; Biei In her 17th rear, who. paiem’ruidain Berlin. She Is ot an ttttettatdethHe iimsmon, " though n good worker around the house. She poem a mania fol “taking things" and if. bu been next to Impossible to hep “but the Shelter or " the â€the! homes. Attet committing them, the Would run away and-her whereabouts would not, be kaown tor days: ths may ulter- noon Chief O’Neill arrested her on A charge ot thett and she wn taken to the County jail to await kin]. to the Southern States . with her inn-band returned to Berlin Fridsy evening "ter being tNtttittted to the hospital' at St. Louis tor about nine weeks. Although fatigued by her trip Mn. Hume: is “may rcgdning' ter'strength. The may friends of Mr. Hunger are also-plant! tame him able to Be “and again um I long eout1nemndt. _ GIANT mUPLE'rs- "Currency," “‘Bobu" and "Stag" chub; tabu- "leo", In trig plug. Qullty alum Mrs. B. Hinirr who was am in with typhoid terer while on a .trip Mr. L. J. Breithaupt “03% the proposition way too ridiculous be considered and " "ISM": to the intelligence ot the ratepayers cinch lin. It should not be with)“ in Jumotorm._ _ -- shouid never be done Aid. Annie. said theH5.Y.R. had and. the proposition and it It In: Mutulwtoxy muted the town to make. . comm , proposition. TTie Council Md Wind h commm and the question will be thoroughly (on into. _ . T" auror Brick" sated that Berlin has been oompitbining about It: dang- eroul crossings tor years. and the . T.R. ha tttiw tam, up the new in was“. It was up to the town to an!“ in solving tre (junction. _ After Prudent Sim had “walnut! Mum. mmspet and Brelthaupt 'on the commune which meets this even: ing the matter dropped. -a-rerrt '0 1'tt=W,T41',l,h'ALl1il1t, BERLIN NEWS ITEMS Thin brand-on , bug or Snack-in the mat of a BLENDED FLOUR ofOntario Full Whait and Marimba Spring Wheat, mind In the but milieu in Ontario. An “your in I M Balsam! M-MMHIWINW- I Address: THE CHRONICLE-TEV EGRAPH PATTERN DEPT., ERP (STREET, WATERLOO, ONT. hm" _ This marque- it tho km ot duplicity and can in “WI; mole than that, " a “Mandib- conlng. Mg',', he undo d manna, in plain cum-mm warm, or in petals. dawn. chair-y, Aer- suclmr. Mu or m. The mum in no ii-ago" re". For a gtrtot " ream the WW! yudl ot and: tt inches wide, or " yard " Inches wide. Please and the above mentioned mm. ea be: direbttmm given be: low, to , . Name ...._..w.... w........... ............ .......‘... Town ....sqr..6r..rr... Province .r..r....t...e... 1t%asmretttttat...WUst ..q...6.. Bttat .._...... Age (it child's or m’ pattern) ..qr...._ CAUrmtG-Be 'aradttt to enclose - mutation at! and In of pattern vented; When .the “(are it but manure when! k as, 34, or wliamer it my to. When in waist measure. M, 34, an, or what- ever it mar he. " 1 sun, give inlet and length mun. When min’ ‘or child’s pattem write only the, figtarm representing the 133. " in not neo- csnry to write "inehes" or "rears." Patterns cannot reach you In less than tive or gig by: of the date ot order. The price ot thin pattern is. m cents In out: or postal order, Do not and shame. PATTERN DEPARTMENT OF THE TELEGRAPH. - In am 190 agricultunl sociétieu in Ontario has walled to the Deart- men! ot "grictimir, tor upon judges to and.“ a F." bun, This is the largest number up w thc pre- Beat. ’ .. GIRL'S mum‘s on}: . ulB (union. r nuns PA'Pr:ERN he. an. . All - mom. l Price 'T"tmt3%t_h" ot pattern, w cents. I 9wiewwte,teeerpwwwttAfltAAAA'i8l TIN? let Successor to J. A. GOOD & CO. an. you tried our Gold that Cola! " in good, on†350 IRASâ€); uda Mlver.8poott Cett mu: our: pound. Ono. and any) “36»: _ a}; No. 20 Gem Food chopper and a Book Book. $1.25. Every house would hunt (has In»! Chm. St will - In "'t'ftt, , on momh. Jan " one, . 7 _ _ 1- 'c. '."lc3t' , Furniture! F' tiriGiiiii'_i'_'_lr,l,l;ll, b . Always the largeist and best selected stoekrtiii.jai, A Mm ha bean received by the Montana Iron m. Kama-ch. o! llama. who "trt it vu I stf' .1 we " that can! the num- In the In at no cl“. . _ " was that m tuner ot tn. Ml rm to no raid-nee ot Solo- Iun Mm, who look- me: no. that: an“ ot the local mm Ihdagridie, Ind um he nun Mm u buy up child. The mun St',',". "dttorttrteter,and ha watch to lilo "and spin In ttm MINI. aid as VII-t the Tum could do “on it, That we the Int who.“ at It can . 11mm (20$ 'Nhtttto up: - At lagt a. - remain um body 01,“. Ink {and on the um 00 tte .MIlh â€up“: on Che-taut 'tret tone by. no bu hm atttr- The â€my " toid by Dr. Kama-ch qrar1tat tun tum Jami cano- hry in llama; and (he has: not an and to‘mto. 2t 'td, ttt UM " on pub It . I an "and te In a. RatM, It wagon to t2t.tt 'ltr, I“ L...“ .a an u. an m. â€I h a. meantime In low! at m an and tt ahlll a: 'e THE CANADIAN BANK,.iiii, OF COMMERCE _,iis',,,, . B. “All“, halibut an. um, Guam] lung“ A. q, may. any-mm of " and 'tmeer..,......'...,.,........ , can Out " undue: encoding 'to...... 6 not. , " " " " 330...... " cent. " . " m " "' â€0...... â€can" moans. yawn It para: my omco In Canada or. 2,'rtall'f (Yuko- n: , And M “to “new banking poms In the United at. In. WWW“ "9istothu4steehiin Great Britnin and Ire-had. "g2Tu,tg,'rht,'gtg'ght1,tfI,'dt,tggt't1.2,u"g' ofmoneywhh a†uuwmumhwuuwi 'mtdetnr-leuitt6th"M. Waterloo Branch, J. Illioornian, Manager may by choose from: . - A u ' _. l. _ F . 1; Prices right and Satisfaction gnaw _ A, visit to our sharoam is always walcomed raunnnxxuo and “humus. - 't it', given a an. branch ortho bum-n. ’: j f BANK MONEY ORDERS Simpson’s Furniture: Rmriait KING STREET, FATHER HAD NO MONEY Hardware. Btover,lriiwam, Plumbing sad Pipe Putin‘s Store nut Post office Phone. 142 Berlin. _ GOhD SEAL COFFEE c')',':,,' ml) OFFICE. TORONTO G. E. POTTER R. Weber2k Go. Iii,",-:, $Sand qttrder..,......'...,.,.. Our " madam -ding $10 " " u " "it a u I 'l ‘50 Market Grocery y sum or GOLD sun. am. BOTTOM PRICES mud] “yin (" Bird an“: aiit It‘d-gin! b.10- _ . N C., 3darr'o tUI a! that. m styksr, from to but). -' mm A?“ MINI“! M. WILDFANO, ' H COME AND SEE I FLY ',iiiiii'i' PADS == Paid-ttCapital, 810,000 000. Rest, - - - swim Total Assets, - 113,000M0 Mr. Eldon Downer hit my: Kirkmllo. Minoan, tot an: In Junior yen ot bl: come q a» .M Amado-n school ot Uncompifi‘ a. Hodder mun. In ot a. mi. Mr. Wilma ot Zion 'qattrodtttetirity" mt Preston accompan- $litt 7‘, will one: the kahuna clap. In Wilson had been handed ttt at ya". And u be was and†'Mt pothy he will devote the rut cl , We to the solemn. Fro can MR that: will mum-run lot as!†vllle school an: "it. Ib, WILSON'B 5th "" BERLIN, ONT}: BERLIN In...“ um“ mm K13 “M r51