4a iirc.5i 13:4, mu in the cantor? How ' f." ' tr'fee,ttntt lot twr?" I adied. "r, m1 “counted for her, sir. Bt?, in than“ t?" these grounds. RIR! Jim 99mm _ ‘13:: " binaa spoke with a slight Irish Ir), It which hr itselt puzzled me, IB,' - aways liven "teuure. to the IMtRtM Mea ot speech. and his war . chi hrogue of the Irish servant . IF? stearry Donovan. who win Bog- - 'm , l M on occasions an ex- " . Irish diateet, that won r Mt, 'rts81turett trum the smooth ‘ t, has ot sum. But more I Ettu'st " speech were to punf . i " this man. 'tteve no theory, gir. Mr. Glen- y wny: warned may!!!“ their. He said -At you will pardon (ithere Was great danger In the _ “we mind." V \W'e» Bates A What's your . . _ tttio." ' tri" 37 tttit conclusions were? un- i JNiW'rii"i Hqtett, umfl tett um " TT ( lei 10;th mrstrlf creditab- K331; .3 on. to " the crime on Bin). ' at": C lot him had been . ‘ 'tiFrto Stir the least, undl now I , N, trttther “not attack. £13191. Aitttt'Lde it, sir. I was in the ',W,t "ttit, I heard the crash in 'ijit - N'ee ,yrtAdow. The buiret . t -r " GtitNrtditors,wr1 mm 1tiAii/tLtiT - E1131 “grid atrium. He met my me _,'9.ttectthwuhtnst “inching; Bor was “to Anything insole“ in his tone itusttiugr. 'He continued: i'trtte'ir,"tt for: didn't fire that shot weigh the ,ytpitow, who did-- will 'rrt,C.,tutsWer me out" V 'eyes, air; it I didn't do tune a large question w 1'11 grant you that, sir." wit i'tttittst " I drew out my watch- . {mph " Bates' solemn tones and ‘ " flat “sine as at his quotation (troy"."-"'"'. But the lcllow Wetland annoyed me. His unob- tiitrtfie,teertotrtes, his smoothly- Imam MIL-his shaven lace, unk- engd an antattpnitan in me. . “A ‘ . MB8MS a. ki > . - " - fgmmfiv, - B, r Y. -- m¢§.-. ,, . II 91', IlllliE%ili w i I 'liiirc'r . w 1NI& a - - we MI " v" " u- v , 1'5"va - _ ‘ EW, was at: if" "ti, 'll, I N , A e" .. ' ’7 com-41‘? a 1t,tEiit, s' E IN “it dtlt ate' Tiirtakit'ihi WWW-cent may we- ' Efttr It ., _tu. {in .,':l'ur's,c'l'l; guilt who new 4,, 'g,' addedr' _it'tt'tt',,t It '1 Ce & hub-lit bittenmk A tit , ‘ Ink no: menu Fr, twee. . " " 1M “may. L wo- ' . was†â€to“ if“ Ott- jam itNm. :molgh Inspired It 'h" , Monta'with trend lamp: 'NPA' u, "a summing hunting in , w it! was: the Water; it . P, , I've-ting ttmtir over and over' j, "y $736". It was n pica: at qua- "3tilr, ot Dining at! chum. -"v'i,'tf'oe nightumry gentlemen!" 3338 Indiana, 1 re6eeted, names, was or old, men or Women, were %bly not gully given to salute L, 1 of lust this temper. ffwlnow appeared. gates prion, air; but your room's '!"iiuir" whomever you wish to retire." Ff. t ‘iooled about in Search' of a affiliate are no timepieces in the mgun Glenarm. Your grand- Jpg wns quite opposed tu them. _ "its! a theory, sir, that they were ,er. as he said, to id!eness,' inaugural that a man should _ I by his conscience, sir, and not Q! “the ehreec--the one being more mung than the other." I "111‘: IIUIIOD VI 't ' Thousand Candles d I was merely own theory of BY IEIEDITH NICHOLSON. In it who it’s did. "In mi "'Mt. "tmtarttt Mun» blcalhutul " men-may, m. as In: 5: he could My" wtthmrt I Hum-an, and h Im- quin- "newâ€. Ways m gum. "M. At. H. uni in M!“ " NU, and M. In! the up " ttttt till." "t My t “1 in - ml. - t deetaeert, "hi- " pud- tatitrht [ta-that hm rm mtit It. 4ida't m woe-m bedroom wu sun." And mug: 1y 9mm. The vall- Ivare annulled and were ruined duly tl, "1th pt Pyt1t.? “Mulls. tench chats-3n. and ' mum a “an 'g'A,t'p' . t. adu- helm. t I“ f " V gm. up; aunt-nil" (ittllkt8'e, btrttitrtre warp-cm with . I “um mun! for 'ttttttr.. . Mt "can u but: hm "triad In. and ttate tuatd "uh tltoor " in run] "msit'I you have say mm" J 'get,') "mid. n (er't mm uy “We view: ‘l'm duareouted at bt". ' 't ', "eeitapot um,- am" he mu m ' you: “pi-Indy iner “ham! of and}. . _ jot relish his apology; I walked I stood tor several minutes listen-l hast hint into a small sitting-room. ing to his step, truism it through' "hat was, in a why, a miniature at the hall below-..." In n my know-l IC,' grout ‘Ilbrury below. Open shelf also of the house would W. \‘os filled with books lined thew rhea; in, ungmwn Jam-s, r.t'ettetN Gini tthc coiling on, every hum, rear the trt of doing Md univ- isue where 11mm" limping. a cahi- in; oi halts. Wilt/Ky? has; “inf. not d table We built into my . person at pain-hung mm; T 'tld" In the mud ot the room was I opeited mrttateNirev, m div} a long table with writing materials r,ritrett'ed its content; on "Sela-nu- :ct in nice order. 1 opened a hmd- table. t Ind earried Wolff-ill It, same cast- and lound that it column- tdmt.ttarrs . towing lath.» "ottr" M a set ot dtallmm'a Instruments. ("lithium “ruminant!†' I groans] slot-d. -‘, my W tttwt-tter India"; " "Mr. ("mum pmlerred this room Hush-J! â€Wit. my grand!- . t Hut working. The twin were his AM. this t set my a! the; mantel In 'very own, sir." . _ . the Mule tritttstfNor" I Mt, to- "The devil they were!" I rxclaim- night u never balm-thew alone I ed irascibly. lsnnlchedu Fool: from "a In the world.†and u M for the haircut shelf And threw " urn mains-hip mi nympnthy srtirrM on the table. " war/The I r: ill-Inc. tt [as with a "1Mttr; V l In any we lor‘fmrpmon at De. mm. inlcfal. that 1 mm /.tisti I lean London It“: _ my â€mummy than! Atd up. M l dosed it with‘i a... l we M2150 â€in“ gym a"! "The tle.e*tttrrotm " beyond, an. my man have; ‘91 my an; ',t',tii"v' m 'tMt I“ k" 1tti,'h'tt:, ' _ your a mum." J )0: . T' ir" w-, , 'tsi' furlâ€: 2lfid Qua-n5 nah any ‘llaiflmmah‘ tr.ti.eiiaep we; I ‘I'm di-tlated may“ 1tit)'t,tAiiiE,i,r_ t.'t bt". ' =- l" A "I: '.A'Bo.!t6kv" ".' _.,". _""r- a; :1 a}: wall. In the mm or the room 3n: a' lung {this with writing materials tet in nice order. , opened a hand- some case and blind that n contain- " a set of imam-pm 4,â€th Ismael aloud. -.' --, ’ "Mr. Gianna Wad "It mom lot working. The touts were his very on. air." . “I hope you’ll not'be' too 'uttret "iuuotsiitted, an," up“ Bates, hul- ilng a moment More; bpening "rtor. [“It's B1rnttiteytMraished, burial» iroruhlchl ‘nhoald my, 'quite pom- Iome." , T: . T "-'-. . l "On: the limit!" C , ". l He wn‘iiot liny'hou! aml‘ t Mid not relish his apology. I walked past hint into a small sitting-room. that was, in a 'ir,' a miniature ot Ct great .mmsry below. Open slid- INN' iilted with books lined them ment tu.the can, on; eerery hand, trave, Jli)'AT,'llll aw, {Odin we! t" table We bum. Into ttte wait . In the mm of the room Jun: a' lung {this with writing mterlalsl to compassion for him. I wound ttty watt-1t II ttroimre,i4 “How long were you with Mr. I admit (MUM my heart-[null haul (Henna. Bales?" I inquired, u a maven-lad the tam but“ mm†lullowed him Into the hall. with the person who mu ‘ and ttt l “Five yegrs, lit. He Wloycd me Ite throtigtt the, 2tr2itt â€Elliot the year you went atrroad." l rc- t '18 .lrlyhti‘odd. W,"tht1 'memher very welt bl: speaking of he sttadei Amttet 'Aqrir , W oitm l in. He greatly anmircdjou, sir.,". .7 21193551 may "0otrgttc9te9tn by" . He led this way, Holding the eluatar the {act that this ‘curlous “MM yd lights high tor my guidance up :stabllshment vault“: “in! to .tte' l the broad stairway. sual laws governing orderly Ionics l l The hall gave shared the generous fat-Ping. 8310511: evidently “rarer limm‘..l n.- mmnnn 1......†L..A .L, a .0. ____-. . . .. The hall gluon shared the generous "ttes' ot the.whole house, but the muUsrirtwhtte and. hunt to the eye. _ Rough planks tmt been lgid down toe i ttoor, "dstreyond. the light 91- the candles by u. out re- {Jon that gun- out‘gbostly who“ as the bone hoards tamed under our Fet . I‘lhought l q detected something like (quaterri’n the man's _ Voice. My grundhthu"; memory was‘ dear to blur! redtecte4, and I waa moved to compassion for him. He brought "Bin 'sumcwhclc a you brass candlélpbtum that Mamba- en lights. and "pl-hm]: "This was)“. Shaun’s habit m “my: used this one to go to bed with. t'tt? sure he'd wlsh you to have it, sham: SQ In immediate hm. I“? rrfl'ls"llfd mun ad label-urn. wait lthupldn at “that: may": " tte My. , sun. the child!) might be a such! resource. The“ was nothing in an term ot my grammars will 'to prawn! N my tatltivatittg the qunm‘ at. I clergyman. It even gun“ to nu- that thil‘might_be,i)ut ot "tte game, my soul was to be 1::th over by a rural priest, ikltsi, ttsd" being nothing else to do, I was to give my attention to the- study 0' arehitecttW. Bates, mr guard and housekeeper, was brushing the heart) with (ii-liberate care. "Show me my can,†I said, my huh "and Pit do to mâ€. . T woman?" F . . r,,' "Wylie t3 W at ttt. Agatha, I belim “9’11““. I ll"- tlmn use than, taking ' abroad. Thy'ra vary '. um ndghboru. IM- they go 'fd'st' the summer gs: [Law Sitter mm, . school's bee regular inâ€, sir. ARI there's the tttttrs chute! quite an: the wall; the you»; 'esittittter um Um; "(A)†summer'- the ottty other man on ttq grounds. - "C,',tttiy hm I: tt 'tMSB-air) Hi, P. _ " 's_. tor-u. mm 'dftt _gttlr,'t tl __Pr his tt 5113!.“ this . ' . In. dieee-.atiitaM you a ' In , " don" We they L him my" Mr.\0|enuln. WI a Brett' trtriet who“, 1M“, sir, Iron g" accounts." it m. an» mam. my 't-od an. ('Byt them I!!!†a! lot! tub hm" 'f'tt'tF6,' alc; an!“ tiitta A' aiCiUGid' bit - __ bad I In. wait" . " P" And in teme in cl mu "donned 'tat I my man“. may At the. sun â€40 buy that». - an: (mu out“. “In light A; to?“ and Wm um my“. willlhml We Nt 'titt'tit"g',,ti kind put dung m b you! wall, um my“ guidance up :smmlsnmem was 'ttot subject to W suai laws gunning orderly but!» the generous cecping. Bales‘was evidently grate ', but the of my suspicions, and ho_mrrstrt'ttr%sd, ant to the [raving down the test oft): plain t been hid Treen smiled: ." . i' reyond. the "Mr. (magnum never Arr. than: a dark re- sir. It Jet' I saying ot/tb, it; f stly eehoeg may repeat his words. 'ttit hp Woe. led uncle! our 'he open. These are eaten Mum tttd he todk a quiet picture iii ttit: woo hunch dug the light wake- “in, " In? Rates, “at Mic ot his oddities, sir!) l ,7, (min; afloat. "To in sure. That's ur,' Bates." _ I, burrow He gravely bade minim! Mail; quite _oom- an: t Hawk, him to it, outta-dob; "rr m Jink- in dt!giat t i 1triti% “ C e', _ .ighted by a single mgihf it. and I Mid uy tirodueed from Iii: pooket. ' ' l tttt [1." nt riet ttttd lh Now that t had reucherl‘.6knurm. my mind reverted to Pickertng'l cu- .tinnte ot the Yam? ot In! - Jul-m": estate. Although. John Marsh." (Newman "I m eccentric man, be Ind been able to gncumulgte a Inge tarmac; gm yet I m mov- oa-uue meat toueft no my he to! did 'l.t'lt,'f,1t.lt, post. sun: and"; Wing _ Jam! q , warm! mayâ€! I: 1 won at whirl I km nothing. I had cut man]! on Iron the I!!!“ channel: ot _trtmqet. u 1 Ion m Mao, " NF um to New Yuri: i would simply autumn 'tr.sssett, At “Wm I an. and tttree I rust remain to we and of an M; - but: 'tttatt'" tttht u 'get- an. the an . £1.†In In“ tttrt til et tBo. T Ind - It“ and thorny “a my... :30 , titt',1 w 7lir'iithi:ii,i'i'ii.' m 2tl)8",fg V m. I "I _ beg you not 'lo,menclon it, Mr. Mount-m." " .' _ "But it up: I little, queer. u [on 310mm! gain any light on the aubject. let ‘me ugly." _ _ . "Certahttr, an." _ "But I believe, mm. that we'd wetter keep ti shades do“ _ " ugh" These duck but": berm; m: apparently "one“. And yo: might attend’ to these 'iow, -, mtd, every evening banner." - ' M Red CHAPTER V fit-19' aunt " _ soc. ' tmx-as " dogs u have them. V FRUIT-Am warm). no: Benin-M1116 “use; for rrrwat'Bowels--ar- at liking Fruit-NIâ€: in How: I: tdui in 1 . 'haaauocGsugeie tte1yetrrt--yetrtrwituriye- sun: my waging-h J2tC','l'lefl'd'i'S mama: man. which real-u the bonus and we: Candy-nor (tmu'tti do: of the now-zit) Fruit-Min: my»: the bidners “We vipmm'tahhy 'tis anion. - sh!“ ['fN,Nl w:- J)l.t, ' T IN. .x "Mft" _yfiiirt7a in At l 9tirMl, “My: "tlv)'))',,?,':,',',',',-,',')"',", 'tid "s":' m luau!" 9.7: g it1'Jiitt"t"riiii, V» ,-....' ttt quantity of, 11-35::me that tou would": by Ittintrlt 5:39:11?! _ _ of (iigti fruit 'ret1tii.neo'ettrtridtuirr mi 'l'drl'lt'dTtti'lt detain gnu-antics cl but would 1Wet' the raga, .on account of the indigestibi; pulpy its" found in a - in. _ _ _ - - . An Ow: physician overcame these, digicuitiee when he discovered the Principe which brought forth “Fruit-rdvea." .e "FRUIT A TWES" m fruit #tuas--rsot a they can! in bak-Inst with that medicine Icu'vél yum intemiki, Alex the juices In canned {roux the hit, a chunk; mange in than: to tske place In which one "om qt habit-a principle te ‘mit h 'epAaccc by one ot the sweet. Thin. Ionics and nuptial a tdded and the “we: prencd into tabicu. ritijt.i 'ryitr-Nt the coma, oerrrday hit: em but which!» N V . JPLES at drug; on the kihe--increase ofurint. CHANGES are (manna. In. ' .Li- I: luau Mum-mm. ttotetrd " 'tttre-tkd null tttit - w SiTJiiiii% Ian-up no pm“ you the no“ in! id “my Etna-4mm in but. "and. _ mound» "In, "a!†I.“ M M In. I'll gum may): pal-nude! M31 Pri'r""ttte ‘m Mr â€w tttttgb, . "You may Monti-n when you like, sft,",.-od um. otrtoltted I went lulu the when)â€. _ mm c. Rho-thm, eahrm. a! hub L'tsu'?, M ,wn-Hhuymdéwh- Idaho-u chum will -rr4ba-t u,"',2t, “iv-3'5“ pwvm. air! ' JR. c. m, bane .-qott, Staining. Aer he. max new gem mam 'ttitat" d The [feat librmy seemed Inset t, than ever when I beheld it in the, ' morning light. J opened one or the a French windows an stepped out mi tp? stone Urrace, where I {died I. . ilair View out. exterior ot the. . house, winch Moved to be 3 tttodi- _ tled Tudor. with battlemcnta nil r two towers. 4m- m tre letter has :onhy halt #rtttthed and to it and -to , other parts at the house the work- , men's new“ sun clung. Heaps I ttt storm .-e “asthma neu- _4'e'stt'r'a'f,l-SSt2 Tii greet mast. LThe home encoded partly dong the , edge ut a ravine, enough. which a F slender creek run toward the lake. ' 'I‘M mum Meme a broad Mkony 9y1ttP.at!tatttatde, the â€Mary, and . lief-am it,"Pr.i:gratttrutsbit' pletrts-' up†noun! "Envy “one, 1-rttitrtr. . Two putty? t'Jp,',l'c'.'1trjidyy'T.t thriving, , a!" than,“ cu- "tenure, the new , the my. My i,.ilr1'i?itlili'r.l'llf1tuf â€50:9“: on .n mm“ _ttaatrSwt V, bl; _ " " in: nmohgitho' this, 31f 1,,',"d,gt', [tourJaekfot "alien“. J. owqgerp on all: M“,W thd bite we! a an“? mm We: :17? u "ru.er. ttower. tuttrlit!t,sr,'tereitit': the use may; wa2t 12'!“ tame emu; Malawi lutther, in the am dttibi gun». the outlines ot the banding. ',111rft. Anna'- were vaguely PM It"!!! in “other 'trip ot Woodland. 'tArtie use ’mr.lmu" art... 'lg','"?"'"-)"!', "roe1tmart It; by “TIIIK is what Mr. OleMrm caljed tho Nation». I WU It's kn Ftdtii-" M, $333â€. . J ‘ Firth-n ‘nluqd. "mum 'A _ tik We the thsattevir . yn was new Mr. Ghana's " trt, Ittft5 m We." it, sit." main?†Gi" airiiiikiiii" his ' 'tgt'.',',"."! and colorlesd a “In him-ins light an". 'ri30%reaat. He nhM‘ pr attthmtton caulk enough; bis were; Indeed, me best, thing at him. r {but tktittid me itcVii'iijt' of 3519* ", “z: "-, 1 "any! mining. Mr. Glamrm “gt 200 rested unite welt, sir. The mm: ot gentle man: tnd 'eehoot-girtit 95' neighbor: amused Inc. All I "lot-us that an; 1iiMAt' “Q3519 fyyt?ryt side-qt $897.;th W yumahmra may at mum lulu“; combining 3mm out here and than. with startling vivldngn. [put ‘on m old corduroy outing wit and heavy ntroft, ready tot a tramp throw, and went below. . "vamp" Tran it]; "ttersqnirtathousakdumnthag really a wonderful median: , .hesc'htttt'e world. '. ', $1.50,. Sun on receipt of Prim 'ettrisei--tariaritiui'ul ijila,ea mm “any We a and may Troubles-Sr 35255:; OTTAWA. thet chrdifsiep w“ his V eyes t ANhtt tttt kidyer.--inerm" the no. ' tone by Mm " " " [ Amer. an hour weed in. when“! want um into Hm noun“. 1 but thougttt " he“ to ttOv. $rteterug ot my arrival. and I let wt: [or " unchkin my}! bin u 'ethr- I, with: an.“ than an V In...†ot the arid " all check“ If mm. mm but when mu. an I'M“, d light - ONO! 'totttttt h l ' â€PM!!!" In" night “I quite agree with you. sir, it you will ntdon my opinion" "And the mun-3' _ "Bo you no ttt my, to Mn. Bre vow W. , '. ' t t',lfg?,,',i A In“ VI“ which I mumps! mm! mm the Man - __ ""W" V .e / "115m. rtrtrtr my Me mum“; bums, str.' . _ - ' "Very Mod, And 1'tf eat an a you. New, excel» mutton Qt', nut pie and, oartttri4 Manama. Strawberries in tintl, Dues. an not tstf “mum to iltt an. spirit o4 no my: I .Vghn I!!!“ <“In a day or two, in as (con as! ham got uni Webs place, I “I settle my“ to work in the “Ethyl You my given»: bratty“ “Lacun- thirty; luncheon at My and dill: mutt mu." . f I ' This I "new its to inane nylon; rather thatt tor My infotmlion: It wajust as wall, tedtkcted, to u- nit a rttt3eetttoretr, and “out; Mallow- 'miie-ttrr twat rtnieeriag and and"! 'irrdtt Atrny him. _ m .v ., , “Pu repair 1530‘ t _ y‘; sir,." Hues â€than, seeing tits, ' mulch . F'], 34 J'You know that I'm to, .51).“; ' 'res on Uthtt PM; I want tie understand the tirmnmrtatteir'.-', I “it; tMtioe it who tbat we Munich Hind eachother. ' r, sh. ' “Quito up. Mr. Gianna“. . l - "I'm a studmt,- you know, um! "ll I wan is to he left um." "u's excellent, Bates. And your who: is buxom! pulse," “Thank you, In. Glenn-m. One Mes, what one can, sir." . _ Ho hut-mm mo in mu heâ€. he window's, an "teit9tr,to in]. mmrort and “to? yhich t tet'; let. The broken pane sold; the I; "oF-ttte mum tP.tttrr'r,.iriisrr6'rrt Inky-d mom!!! iththrutirri'ir * . _ "ymi no quite 'rtsttr, Gout tint; but". He was a Many“ In“; symW-’* _ a great tavoetti Withiy‘vir‘ “innit father. I hqpc p is to your liking, slr." mW- _ nice if you AM (I 33.13 “Whit you tor that' word, kit; I": frequently hard him, apply, it to him". The NaitComeirtte was “Your gunman: Indy examine: the paper. Mr. Otertartn, wan more particularly Intern-ted in the old times. He Will" Witt you JSI call up to. datr-tt you wilt' . the gxpmaion, air." N " _ . was the wornlug'l' “one of a Chlo- In duly- I yr9._ttty,itrAtstt - M or tK,riiAC'T named; Icin- nlng the tteu-ttttea, tyt tm MA Emh x- M W?! ti [In 8tmrtaehx, mu that pm 8mm 0-1 at use It!“ hour. if tum-HM Livervwl. July M.-:0nc M the fun tunes on “no new Cunard" Lusita- ah. the biggest um apoat, which has in: ftntsherttt weer-am "In! tap in the tint-9h; Cnieff‘ThlI I; lit- mOl-d Willi view '1th. d ‘the '0»- set, "I -- on. Mt there ttttd enjoy the in; pl: was they autom- ttr'btg"gt mm the wind.» It wttttto- 'Mtruqtrttthetuuie M use an! swept by 3?eeart_, .alone._ ti WWI a ittrttorA at can and at, Mill tho two "rm-l ultra" "may†damn“ tuned, in eiiie?it,rliiiia',iii' Ibo jun: the FF a; nifty. may will cost 82,- M’ch-vmp." ' l folio Bimbo}, Ont., July 81.-- e, W; Gauthier, one at the most prominent ot Cayadiiut 'tSherman, and one ot the ttttt ats8horitteg on Mr, told mi Bditut Fish CftP!ttiasijttttr bo- 'tr-ttut than mild be iid) clone seam [or any kind at tish. Gunm- P1httrttauttieHs Would up“!!! 194::- mum. ms trfoett ierthe area Lakes. Sclmon tt t 3&an not it: noted- ed, Rough†the my†_ of wMt.etiatr atyt lilo not seem tofbe da- croued in numbers" try at _ “and mum. Mr. (Ruthie: dim the, ezirottation alum the entire num- ber of not caught by Canadians to America shores, madam it this n- mmtion van [Revealed by the Government it would lull the iuyin. Industry along the are“ Lahis; Gord ernment Merle. up the only rm My ttrr' the Mt with». he an. my! “aim , Md. y!!! young Atiit an! ; N ot MWM_$M' [ 1‘th " truncating“ ermen at the present tjma ll Bey are willing to pay the no: juice. He “no animal I ' to 't the Guvernmcnt mum-a mined-g and; the tho ot the form‘ _ In amply and ion-lug tri "iltl:i2"t, at " estimnlal out ot do,“ six cents. per pound. SUITES " LINERS Sir no CLOSE 55m Dr. Starling and Rev. Wight such to than and tried to iuytit iato them shine tetea til what they magic da. The Nrtilrtt, mqtntng‘wu math try- in; to pen-mule them to retir- to their home: at Sun RImQQquut seemed impossible, Vartou plan were Hard, that the journey to the south» would tire at the yawn and children. but to no mm. The Women persisted in their dete'rmina- ba-, = _ V our: 'mrie?iiJ'-ytA'tqftillillll! an“. Ian. my "" " "t In- vi- “: I. About me o'elork they m “mud together, " In numbâ€, inducing fihlldren, Wttm out!!! mum Peiipie'a lluion, when seven! Ped. ple spoke ‘10 than» and gmayer may; Vin; held. 7'1. tton The Dow went the morning Very qnieur “by you“ an en:- ly hour, and than can! at the mem- bers oi the bud went out on: hunt for [amnion]. When they returned the pilgrims Months“. the mum roaming ol bread, wtrqer, ad ctt. 10M. hett W treitertir7 Wt, when their “in away [man than Ntterly‘. _ - " i1i'2?irP'arC, 11tir7i i..'i,"riiig1?it'i'i'il'liii'i'i' i?t!iitfi' V 'ititid ' ',n _ us- vahu'i cam-$- «an? "in! m we and aft-I'v- "awn go like. M“ all,†to Hound. and " d tho ecu-la iriiiFiilt'a"'l'lraf., H" w' ‘you um" . “We a“ “It: on bath. ard God, will lead ll." . M aunt. destination, they my. h South Eutove, M they on. [in In peace. In maddening at tho women in the randy they will proba- bly go Mutt. They hm bought new boots with the many; 001W. They net that they. in“ been badty treated by the Dominion Government, when their lamb wech tN'Utik ' IGF, ' I... TJ'; “'0'" Wu sermon to any. It v.3 W k an. tr. tttrokat am ot a... hum- warning m a. " 1teo" “I'm-Ink one. Lame Horses m 'Mt. want. gs... _!ili'i'lii, 1".1tt.1tgut" , _ - (out; the an} IP PM) yum-u: f "° _"""'- â€my than. u“ " W purc- up “nah, See "W. a: mu. enu- - "e""'" _._._..._, .. 'tb â€anus-’1. m; bmdtm its m, In. ditlltettlt n. tor 99qu was: “we my, a... WW White, with Ere-Mn; l Md ttte roll 1 to a? "ytrerevee in; E; Would Not a. ' 'tosht hunt " trip File MILLIONMRES NEEDED FOR FISH worm ' Who trad Uii" d the Me the " null-An rec-(mum tierrrpti Al, Dina-Au is. iGGniG "as we Therm up: out on tons. Wettt latch ct Mt u this! kit ‘ ITMTPOID. Ott, . us. about which is a on 1 'tsit "tahthtted out M NJ t _?.' hm. , a P"' s, . Imam“... once-moan, snub. o-L .’ â€1?? (i/kg,", i'd2r ,ii, al"; _ v' .V mum-m; ,4 mummy-mutual - 3;;ï¬g h M- ada-mm "frfthtl8N “an... - " e - h' C"'"".'.'..'.'.'.??.:.'-:'., Inigo-ulna arts) d S",, ' . _ g- at - yfielli'yl'lAst1at, mom “mum "_"',,?, "Riiririi u.-n-uu. r. iil, Royal can..." "in Pat', 'li'itiri, 5 Villas: 'h1,ttg'td'.r'dPSi Af a “an. Dam, i" 7"? td'rlt %’%%-m 'dAtlifrti'iiif - s on...“ a LEJIQL‘E MW: 3!... a“, T g _ ' loamy“: 'rat i"frN8 lyke tbees 2?t,s.crl'ia, For '?t.utxtnrittmomitiaii"'t . fun tuba-mo no 'ial5 humming 7lrv'lllut;lt/if a?, man: has an " at.. .. I-Willumn, Lug. =2'2r=""".SPPT"RH . " - ma, 3.... m that. hummus... and Brushing; WIâ€); J '1Puate 0 F - than. ftWfritt r a. mean. but». cam Fall Term 0pm; __ -- "‘ "r"'"- 3mm...“ 'ttttttttSit" w 'll'tl'k'll1Tv'hl " "L"'lr. tpil "5 DR. LE “I“ iiiaiaVd Lumen: , 'aii'.'itlttti'tit.if5iy' 2.3.2231 um: pt '81.me I. tsf,ztsitl'ol"lk1rt't1rA= n tttt _ “chm-E tift WNete..tt, m M _ Ci2aiGr-me ii'iiiiiiiikrlla MW trreeiitr,'poae, uritt,wililI , rm MasosLLAweéua A . T 'f'f2"htr.'llt"t ".' . 'tteLeaeayhikilti'rit madly. Sept t. m, min MEWOAL 3rd 6n