e Mesers â€"R. O.â€"DPobbin sand Nathi ‘.’,‘:, 1. Be dï¬wuï¬ successful+ in â€" passing the examinations for statior “;" ineers. _ #a. gentlemen ate . 4e be cong tulated upon their sucâ€" ’{‘"'R‘f;}\;‘ RP ie + 3 The cteam aud ~sugar set, which ‘Wisappeared. on the night of the St ,;5;%_,,- hat â€" found â€" its ‘\\ Men‘s $5 shoes for $3.49 at Zidk‘s, i \_ _A large crowd ‘of_ musicâ€"loving Titi \ Hens . turned out~. Friday evening to es B6 ,‘gmfl programme of muâ€" _ sie rendered by the W.M.S. band on «The Matket Square.â€" f _\ KeeP in mind the 14th annual exâ€" sion of the Elmira Musical Socie \ 4y to Niagira _ Falls on Saturday, ‘ Aligust 10th.~ Tickets good returning ‘4;' & 13th. \ " Boys‘ Canvas shoes 50¢ at Zick"j â€" oo 3+ 4 * sns § | The Saturday" market . was : Jarge" iy attended." [The prices of products O _ were high, butter selling at 20 â€" an. \ 22 cents, and. egg 18â€" to>20 cents Thete was a §008. sunbly of currans R 5} Chelrd which â€" were walily bought. up.. Wood sold â€" at. _ The Anwal Excorsion â€" of E. af * A}‘t‘&j)llh(ari Falls on Situr ~da Fâ€"Aug. 10th,~ _ affords a» excellen U ppportunity to visit.the mighty ca _ gataract _ at Niagara, one of th E of" the world. ... '1_,_‘3:;;_4, #hoes for $1 at Zick‘s. _ n Schbdule bowling on Wednesday â€" evening Skip W. J, Steriing deleated _ Skip Hâ€" M.* Sryder, Skip S. B. Briâ€" i Cker. won from E. F. Scagram : and \ eikip _ A. E. Sandersonâ€" won ~ iÂ¥ â€"default from Skip A. H. Snyder. T .’;; ‘T’a :- .' P n V s o 15 The 14th annual Excursion _of â€" th: 1 ‘&;ï¬, §i Society to fi'dpra Falls WiH be held on Saturday, Augâ€" ... of Beriim, has been Athe tailoringâ€"staf®â€"of _ Mr. ie Evangelical Church pi¢nic heid e park on Saturday proved â€"‘a joyable affair, <over three hunâ€" " Mr. Berg cello soloist of . the Philadelphia Symphony Orchestra will give "a recital at the Concordia Hall Berlin, Tuesday, Aug. 13th. He wil be assisted by Mro. R.clen?ochmer- Pollack, ‘sopraho soloist, Mr. J. 1t daliman, tenor soloist, Mr. 1. L. Stacbler, pianist and the Concordia publeâ€"quartettes. Admission . 25¢. ~ F. A. Webster â€" of â€" Preston, pres d two very. earnest and imâ€" ‘pressive sermonsâ€"in the Presbyterian : rch on Sunday. . Mr. Robt. Bracé 0t Torc h.t“ -g': &A 8;'10 at ?; "','&' ing servic usual ggod style, astor, Rev. W,. D. Lee, â€"wili. occupy 5 own puljit next Sabbath. |_ _ ~â€" Â¥ »;?_ EDâ€" General servant for‘â€"a mll Tamily, a good place.« ltgty E pncs to Lang Bros. & Co., Ber: \ ;fll‘ e 99 oo 1t DELIGHTFUL EXCURSION . 5 TO THE FALLS a Phree tinks ©~ of Waterloo tbowlers Skipped by W. . Stetling, D. C Kuntz and .J. Hespeler . .were,.â€" doâ€" 3 ‘,;__.,_‘ L{; w&"wflm .I‘nb' y o4 .fll (Rp ue o ‘.Abl.l‘_l ;_!_ «i. OITY D&VG STORE. . (BMT. Deuteche Apotheke . ~ _ WwWATERLOO â€" _/ The excursion to Niagara Falls tenâ€" dered. by the Waterloo Mig.: Co. to theif employes proved a very pleas ant © day‘s outing, and the train" in the : 'e&lvw hoine Ja ~ tired Rrenete o o . prahaont [ the Fallk catted . forth 2 essions of "adiiration osâ€" fally @ % who I::'c 3 k ‘,a al \Atfom Plut' 1:; pull s Children‘s= $1.25 slippers. 75¢ â€" ab Lerost Ladies) $1.50 ‘Ozfords 90¢ at Zick‘s Perfect Satisfaction. d â€"courtesy 6f the * company /was is noedipss to way, very much ap umuwm-m. E. M. Devitt‘s Remember that 1 sell or‘s Pure Paris Gireon only, I have al 6\ 3 Nale oo oi ANonk i ndn n§8 was, -’v:“. 9. 0000 e in P uh deagees it yro O Sn e _ " B ki te the mockety asking . that Monday, August 19th be observed _ as Waterloo‘s Ci wie Holiday. . I%t Was decided _ i mg'flfl that day as ‘Ciyic Holk, mors ts t@n&w% rv $ ~Cost‘ woul 1635, mouau ~of" the Boarc of Worky suggested that the _ bridgt be covered © with 2 inch planks whiti would â€" put it in a for : trai Re "tor at least _ 2 ~Bts swal decided .‘to cover mm woith 2 ‘inch planks â€" as s! C Hik Clerk was ~instzucted. . to write the G.T.R. toâ€"remove semaphore ati construct, a "crossing © for lane in the fear of! the shops of: J.â€"G. Doct sam, J, Eckert â€"and others. <Mr. Suggitt read a report from th. Engineer _ onâ€"the cost‘ of repairin, ot putting down pew bridge: over mil. "@ It ~was decided to construct a si> foot sidewalk on the west side â€" . King stroet as a local gwomnt nt, Fx "’? operties !‘:ntin‘ .md r or ï¬a&. shant ‘to ‘seotion 67. of : the emm“ Municipat Aet of 1903 and amendments thereto, thr walk â€" ~being desitable / in the pu lic‘interest. s Mr. C, W, Wells â€" appeared befoct the Councit ; in regard to damage to the shade trees in front of his proâ€" petty: and also. â€" that «of, Mr.â€" Deblet, which he. thought ‘was caused â€" by escaping« gas. _ ‘The Chairman / ~"oi the. Board\â€" of Works _ was insttuct cd to have light â€"commissioh _ . inves tigate the matter. *~~â€"â€" 6: \ Regarding the request of Mr... 3. Eekert %‘. strip "of land 20 ~feet at the rear ‘of his"property on King street no action ‘Was taken. ed and ordered: to be. paid: / Johnâ€" B. Pfa®, coment walk : $21,00 ~tolm â€"B. Plafl, . <**~_ > $18.37 .A : Shoemaker, Bd of Works. > 103.43 Moogk _ and Kumpt, # 20 23 "Cleason Shantz, town prop * 19.95 Ovens and â€"Jacobi, â€" town prop : 1.00 Conrad ~Bros., town pFoP. > 38.:51 J. Mickus, constable _ > _ 2,00 '%T.R.,/ P av a t flth“;l zl;.'c&; Wm. Snider, stree 18.66â€" Thos. Hilliard, completed: deben ~ Mr. :D.. €.â€" Kuntz . Chairman ‘of thk Property â€" Commaittee® drew _ attention to theâ€"fact j):fl lots ~purchased . in the cemetery ‘had .notyet been paid for. . He also stated some of thelang was ‘not yet surveyed and laid < out it ._~lots. *IHe .. wasvinstructed to secure the services of En}ineev Bowman, \Berlin, and haye ‘land surâ€" ‘_ Mr.â€"Fischer "Grew atteation to the necessity ~of having crossings on Marâ€" «et | Square ~constructed ... _ ~~ _~ 1t was left in . the hands~o* the Chairinart of â€"the Board :of . Works and Town Property© Comniittecs and the work ‘will be done at once; TUTCS : .. ive + “â€"Im.........‘*' 8. B. Brlehr"g Co., rharity (1.47 C. A, Stephens, rebate .. +A8,80 Moogk & ‘Kunipt, extra * filling walk ... > ® >100.10 w & Kumpi, cement walks 581:20 * t~ & Kumpt extta filling walks 210.23 H. Oestrich, Board ol Works, â€".15.00 Geo.‘ Suggitt, Road list 55.58 ‘Geo. Snggitt, â€" (Road list‘.~ <85.15 Chas. Kreutziger Boardâ€"~ of â€" _ â€"_ Works:ac . 24.51 Chas. Kreutzigor,. town prop: * 253.23 John R. KaQtman, sfite dept : 80.20 John R. Kaulman, town. prop : _ 27.40 M.. Weichel & ~Sou Fire Dept : <139 M. Weichel & Son, F..¢c dept . 2.15 Contad Btos,, â€"Fire ‘dopt:_ _/ > 1.30 Contad Bros., town prop. 1,20 Moogk: & Kumpf, Fire deptâ€". 150.0% g;‘c"m a"€ . 18.00 6.~ J, < 2 â€"re *‘ ~b ® m ; , Fite dept 5.00 -vsv‘.‘t ‘CHaister ;. 8 ~_ s.g 3 18â€" 2 20. ol %3'.: Hubber . Co; .to A. B. McBride â€"â€" _ â€" i .30 Win. Snider 9.35 H. M, â€"Wilhelm 3.46 H, M. Wilhetm 44.10 Wm. <street sprinkling . 144.00 Le on se 4o > 90 1, Fire dépt * â€"< 54.25 The Schedule bowiing games wete play ed on the bowling green: on Friday ex ening and: resulted. as follo#s:. â€" ; W .J. Sterling= _ F. G: Hughes p skip 11 ~_ * C â€" skip 4 n. H w J, C, Haight . i: 32 ‘okip ©. W. uï¬' woh by detault from The following accounts . were â€"passâ€" C. Kunt®. H. M. Shyder Weav er A. E. Strasser wkip °18 & hi ont t y Three skip 21 hy $kin Skip 11 BOWLING 11 met 4i {. Watetloo i« ler ~on Tuesda ts.â€"â€" Followin E/4 S.s-g:l W./G.. Wetahel â€" skip 1 W tn Bricker Houth GFay o tor 16 D. 12 11 ‘"The Secretary was instructed . t« ‘the "Board ‘appoluted "Miss. Anui . Mornhold ~for a iber" of. years. teacher of Gai::n m 'foâ€%bt' sameâ€"~ (positiou in the Waterino CtP tral School at‘a salgry of $§50 â€"per innum,"Giti¢s to commente alter the summer yacation. the v;zmm M& unuakerrod, â€"â€" Annic~~ F. RKob Markham, ‘Bertic English, Kings MULs; Ethian Leightton,;. Efin. _ Tho appo.ntment of Miss Borubold will ©meet ‘33. general acceptance and the Board* are to be communiâ€" ed upon the excellence of their choice, Her ability as a . teacher ‘of Getmiam :s svell récognized and comimensurate tesults may be anticipated. _ < «> e '1:‘: Becretary was instructed.. t( 10 zm jof ‘coal froms Wil+ iam . ‘Hogg at $6.50 per ton: â€" _ Board â€" was held on Monday â€" evening. Present ~W. M. Reade in the chair and Mesers _A E. Devitt, M~ T. Braendle, â€"C, T. Noecker, C. Woellr and Harpér, _‘ E » ~Miss Lillian Leighton, of.Etin, wa appointed to a Yacant position: in tht staff at a salary> of. $375. mg utait gt the school. . _ trom â€" of .. lt‘ Maud H‘S‘ teacher of a junior division past year was accepted . M. Devitt & Co. supplies ...... $4 C,P.R.. Telegtaph "Co «2 Wim. Peltz, teaming i. ® Henry" Heddrich; salary x Cathatine Harris, bal. of saln‘y>* Maud H.â€" Anderson bal of salaty 9 The resignation of Otto G.. Smith who.â€"was: recently ‘appointed Was a> cepted. e ons a < J. D. Doersam, supplies «About: . 18,30 â€" _.~..g‘elock~ â€"~Ahnig motning ~ the ~* > watning: ~â€"rotes of _the :dire~bell rltel‘ awakinâ€" ed ‘the good citizens ofâ€"Waterloo from their â€" peacelul slumbers and caused mn{ ‘to hasten < townwatrds in &nti« cipation of â€"yiewing â€"_the . fiery cleâ€" ments _ devour~_some structure. >but when they _ arrived there they soon discovered â€" that ‘they had ~been nursâ€" 1t would. seem . that the =night watchman in ~course "of his~ rounds noticed that the sky appeared brightly illumed ~ in the directionâ€" of}. _ the G.T. R. treignt yards® (and« being convinced that a disastrods fre wa‘s. raging _ nung in an alarm from Box 21â€" at ~the Foundty, without : furâ€" ther investigation. 1t tran§pired that ‘the engine ol the treight train which leaves. Waterloo about 6.30. in the.ew «w‘ng ~~ Bad: an : axle. ~ broken, â€" while shunting<in the yard > and this was being »tgmd,',flia bright ‘reflection in the W by . the lighted torches: .by : the â€" men. instead â€" of. Janterns.. Some ‘ofâ€" th© ‘train crew. also shastened ~toâ€"fearn the place .or "the fire beingâ€"all unâ€" conscious . that: the torches: nsed ; by them at the freight <yards â€" were the Lia::cat cause ; of allâ€" the comnio« ing a delukion. and: although ; the hnight air was ~singularly ~refreshing, there was a consensus of opinion thai a nicg c0#%Y ~bed was more preferabi¢ however loyely the night; _ * ‘‘Thtee teams were soon> at. the fire hall â€" to take out <the.jire apparatus but their services ‘were not required. The . Tennis â€" Tournament at the park on‘ Saturday in which â€"me%â€" bers _ of the local club took part, provided â€"*~ some â€" very. interesting gkimes. ~ â€"The scores : ‘were;â€"_ * Mrs. Basselt and C. Ruby.. w trom m’aï¬w{mfl O’Qoll‘: nessy 4â€"8,6â€"â€"3, 64. * . Miss ~Dawson â€" and . W.. Sometville wou from Miss Sterling and:Bwayne ‘The <following .accounts were pass PHum s w Aedidly o kh es +. 40 Cns e ni‘. BonefSnydef '0' Sfl'.“otd, ::', :‘:ï¬ï¬â€˜{ "'" 255808 1 3. sponding Sunday. at. his © Bome Miss Davidson and R. 8; Bean won]| N°TC â€" _ S etela~s trom Miss Bruce and Â¥. W. Snider, |_ Mrâ€""Oliver Geiger, of the Molsons Bâ€"1, §â€"1, 6â€"83. 82 f 4 Bank ‘staff, left Thursday on & ~ two Miss Snvder â€" and Mr. Ward won weeks vacation. * The {ollowing. accounts trom Miss Chalcra{t and E. . W Bassett 6â€"4, 03. > Miss Spyder andâ€"Mr. Ward _ won from â€" Miss© Devidson .and ~R.. S. Miss Dawson u:l"rr zc;mtn::e won ‘from er. and ., ; Wald (....'3: $â€"2, g~2, > Miss Dawson and W. Somorvilic â€" 15); won from Mrs.â€" Bassett; and 4 Rw H':""*'v\v, L ds o. . BORN.=â€"At Watcrio6®, July $1th 1 Mt, and Mire. Chas. Moogk,.Jt. Mr.OJ , M. â€"Kt for the past . tacee years .ahn e_mpl%%ï¬â€˜.l. ~Aifelmann‘s s#ore bas severed liis connection with the ‘Firm and left on Saturday . for Miss Snyder : and Mr, Ward. won bve w a t special . meeting~ : of the: Schoul REMOYVED TO MICHIGAN TENNIS TOURNAMENT FALSE ALARM Semiâ€"Final Coma First â€"Round Mich Final lra Mr C The i were. .. passe acvont $4:65 $3 "â€"JI. UFFELMANNâ€" 4) 65 d Percales, Cambrics, . _ _ Summer Silks, WATERLOO Mtr. .Steinmiller andson, of. Walâ€" erton,are vigiting . Waterloo friends. *~Miss â€", bulu: Kroatziget is visiting Waterloo \friends. _\ â€" 200 _3 =>>~~ <Afr. Harry Ncrper, of AMiston, is a tisitor ~in town. % P pee o ~Mr, Oliver : Seheilele has ‘returncd from : the West, *.; . "Mr.â€" Christign Kieiberger, of ‘Toraâ€" ato,: is a â€"visitorâ€"in fown. * .. Miss â€" Clara ~Chtistam®®n,â€"of: Elmira, is â€"the guest â€"at the, home of +; Mr. Christ Zieglor for several day$! . â€" ~Mr. Albért Herres, of G. 8. â€"Ryar‘s staft Bortin, is enjoyilig. a two weeks* Â¥ata tion.: > > Arck.‘.» @aetn e => Mr. »Metaler, ~ot. Toronto speut Sunday ticre with bis brother. _ ‘Miss Haist at .the ‘home several â€"days ~Mre: ~Bdward Pfa® and son, .‘ of New Hamburg . are visiting : Waterloo ftiends. § 2 hP F oc A __Revi T. H. Ibhott, of Ayr, preachâ€" 24 _ acceptably in _ the Methodist Church : on Sunday. s Mrs3. °R.. W. Morley, of ‘Ottawa., is wisiting at ‘the â€" home of . Mr.â€"Chas. Kreutsiger, Brb street, â€" _ ... â€" * Miss . Ejizabeth Kreutziger, has +6& turned _ froma ~threeâ€"months‘" : visit with friends .in. Ottawa. * * Mr: and Mrs. HMHogace Longharst . ana daughter, . Miss Frantes, _ spent Bunday with Toronto ttiends. _ â€" Mr.‘ Mofley Bogart, ol Chalham is a. welcome . visitor ‘in town, _ this § Miss Lottic B;odm::‘.gw & Neow HMamburg, is visiting loo friends ~Mt.. Robert Hortop geturned.. ‘to Toronto â€"â€" after . ~spending . several weeks‘holidays â€"at his home . hote. Mrs: °C. W Wells hasâ€"returned from an @njoyable visit to: New York : Ciâ€" ty. € l e unds Mts. ~Murt, &r., |.who bas."‘ been enjoying .. a pleasaut 'xu witlh her son. ..fotâ€"the past wooks, left fl:nowu tor her; home in Brusâ€" se eA ¢ .# f {â€" Miss Lillianâ€"and Mr, Waiter Keth and Mrs.: Kerwin, of St, Louis â€" ary g:u‘tut the home of Mr. . J.. K. inn for & few days. " > Mr. Sam Cork _ of Tgronto visited at the home of his parents, Mr..and Mrs. Geo. Cork, Church street ~ove; SuNGREY S:mG.s: > _: >‘1 )i "# k ~ 325 Miss Hastic of She â€"Bell m lett on M{ for a ;couple of weeks holidays wit lm. ‘:: Listowel, Molesworth and es‘ %um&“mr"pm it d 6 t y u':“: m. t holiday ~at : Ottawa, Pegerhoro and other qasterrt points. M niw VA Sound Mis. Hunter of 84 young son are the ; Social and Personal M ZINN‘S SHOFE STORE Age irance C acation â€"At | e at prices ‘to suit every body, R ; of_Bnuffalo, is aâ€". guost ol Mrs." A. Octzel, "Tur art bi A Same feur One month‘s wear." Toe broken down, seams tipped, hooks broken off, heels run over, paper Stiffeners, reddy for the ash hrr:’ No wond}e‘t. they wu;r not wo a name. â€" Next: titie 2 To *‘Sovereign"‘. They‘11 stand * dissecting, â€" they . are not £ **sufface"*: shoes but are i4 â€"â€"_â€" perfect â€"in those ‘hidden parts Ma varitety of hot weather For Sale At A Wreck i ml‘.)yanm:‘ Miss Howie m:::tv s â€" ~pltatafit . and Stratford friends. .. .. | _ â€"_ "' )wer which mfny are the foundâ€" y ~ation o shoemgkm‘ J $3.00, $1.00, $5.00, Hosiery, â€" _ Parasols, Underwear, > Blouses, Silk Capes, Silk Jackets, Silk Corsets Miss~â€"Moore, Union Street, for a lew Rev. W. D. Lecand family arrived bonie <on Saturday evening, after & pleasant vacation of sevptal weeks in Ireland. < > 6e 23 S ulX h 8 Henry : Reuel Mr.â€"and Mrs. Edward Davidson ans theirt Tlittle son of Toronto are spoendâ€" ing a few days© with Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Davidson. |.". * ~ Mr. and Mrs. Woolam of . Tordnto, who have been guesis at the home of Mrs, Henry Ellison, returned © this mgrhing., {% 28 ie Sn ies Mtr. and Mrs. A. K. Cressman â€"and son, Garficli, are Â¥isiting. at the home :. of Mr.> William. McDougall, Erb ‘street. ==}0 __ . Teve 2 "we Nakk and Prick Acwave STAMPED ON THE SOLE â€" > k Mr. â€"aud Mrs. J. M. Muirâ€"ate thorâ€" aughly < enjoying _ their <trip.. to "the West, . with.‘ their many friends.and rtlatives. :. They spent , the past few weeks ‘insâ€"Brandon, and are now .the guosts â€" of: Winnipeg friends, . .where they will : remam a couple . of . weeks Woing then t . to Prince Albort. Mrs. vs H._‘Riddel}: ."and . . Miss Rertha : R 1,~bave returned . from a pleasant visit â€"with friends in Chatâ€" Fam. e s P s dn 642 Mr. J. H. Roos, Treasurer of . The Mutual Life: Assurance: Company: of Canada l6ft Tuesday on a hollzu trip to" Litte Current, > <=~ ; Miss Mary Shuh and Miss ~Lizzic w_rdtr!on Tharsday . for Philaâ€" delphia where they will visit friends for several weeks. P Mrs, Hewett nd;'rt daughtor, Rhoda n}:::d to t tï¬?‘ in Brussels .. â€" moi a > $ #ant _ visit ""Q 2 _."pa un’ K):- ‘ ardson, Ugion street, ; â€" His Honot Judge E. Pâ€"â€"Clement, of Windsor, io â€"the guest of his son hets fot.â€"several days. 3* ._Drt. Hoar, of Actom called or Twi City Iriends © on Tursdag. M+ <Best â€" Choicest Of Meats: _"_ :. WATERLOO, .n'l;fxeu;ulét meeting" of e:;dwmx {Duering‘s _ Old Stand.) > ht Commission was en \ Dlé 2 ; Puesday > afternoon.~ Present G. c3 oo t o) ay Diegud‘ Messts, A, Baver and J, Prop, City Meat Market, ami T00 4 hi Mrs; W. e visitors FORâ€"THE C uo es reme: 256 ther goods for men Ԥ The ; ha ONTARIO. in Weichel ‘"Galt 4 Wate alter N# CEAMMAA Going Out Our entire stock of Watches, Jewelry, Chins, etc. will be sole at from ©«@b"/ to 60% less than the actual selling prices.â€". â€" .. _ _ Every article m’éxst be sold by July I5th. : / = yYEut wl ~â€"Waltbhaim Watch £‘d filled case gauranteod for 20 _ ~ . g::n regular $12.00 mnow $7.85, [ _ _‘ . «_ .. â€"ady‘s hunting â€" Walitham in gold filled case gauranâ€" _ § teed:for 25. years regular $14.00 now 8955« _ =+ "Inâ€" ‘Waltlf.:;' Watch, Gents, in nickel=case regular $7:50 .â€" _‘ 3*T% ut $0.00. :. 2/ _ > > uen e 11 eCls e es We do no more repairing excopting watchés which had beon gautâ€" anteed by us. * +\ > e i is it s = Light * Accof Gordon. Webst, wages Gordon â€"Weber," wages R: 0; Dobbin, wages John. Tucker, services Electric Light Co Queen, City Oif Co Liphardt Bros: , Bros: : 4 ~ Watet Awoï¬-u.; : Gâ€"T.R. System, freight on coal i P & B. Railway Co, freight on coal oi 4 .. + ja ols 00â€"06 Moogk and. Scholte bal ac 119.%0â€" Coll. otf Custom$, duty, on :coal 13.47 P. and B. Railway advance . &&43 ‘on Coal. > : 7 3 39. Chie, wï¬z‘m""“"';.u" .. W 44 Â¥, 00 <satary . . \â€" . 90. JSohn Pucket ~ . => $..5%,_.) 1214 Owens and <â€" Ji f? [ 1§0% ‘Wa terloo ~Electric Light â€" d <> esson Snoiic reaning ~ _ fhik Cleason Bhantz, : to & ~>.‘@%t.18 l{o‘w Roofing Co ~ 14%1 4 % 31.53 hardt 66.47 J. M. Seully ~ * 78 ~ A niceting of the Waterion Musical Society was held. on Tuésday everning. It was decided.. to .bold a band: com cert on Friday ‘evening:ab the" Park, ut which several tickets to the E. M.S. excursion to Niagara Falls will be. given away. " 5. . â€"â€"The bund will hold a pionic on Civic m& August 19th .at the Wate . Weavers wanted at. the Plush Mil amï¬u.‘anm gitls who kno how "to work ckrefaly. Avply <to (Dt. and Mré.â€"J. M.. Webb ¢ ::o'lo! home dm‘m; a most vist foiths in Hisnt Aoiins. Central Block, Waterioo, Ont. â€" The following: accounts wereâ€" passâ€" Severab accounts were passed We are doing our part in this clearing ‘by ma 16 * priges of all left overs very"low. 1e 4 Saoenk mes All lines of Millinery have been marked at prices we know will appeal to you. 3 Remnants andâ€"Left Overs must gos â€" After the Sals, the odds and ends, but with the LITTLE prices, we expect to make a quick move of all of them. _ hundreds of M Customers to make room for the new fall goods. 6. B. Ryan & Co., Borlin, we find scores of oddsand ends which . must be cleared out â€"_â€" . Goods sold for cash only. . e a Klale Store® open Tuesday , Thursday: and : Saturday evenings . J. ROOS, Jeweller. "We do What we MET ON TUESDAY L3 esnt Immense Slaughter of Prices. W. M; S. MEET WANTBD THE JULY SALR IS OVRR, : â€" MT Aceoï¬-h.; : ffeight on coal 113.52 tr0i BUT AFTER THE SALE of Busin it . of two 5.00 t l a 34.35 13.60 120 212:86 18.56 li-“" 300 1,26 BRANTFORD CLUB ean vorify the truth The Brantfordâ€"Tennis Club visited Waterloo on Tnutsday and played the local club at the park. â€" The fain inâ€" terfered with the games, somic .. of which were ulflnl£d sls sp oo ce Miss=C. Jones, of Brantford _ w from Miss B. n'dnon.%ï¬ P Y SAE E in t o Miss Sterling, Waterloo. vtï¬&ï¬ Miss Cockschutt, i:tb‘td‘w , Miss . Bruce W | wadl Miss Taie?. i oftiont dotaae t * Miss ‘Champion, B&tnflom .. won from Miss Hespeler, Wateriody 13â€"10, _ Messrs. Somerville and Ruby, Waâ€" terloo â€"vs.. MacArthur 'M Brantford; 6â€"t, 3â€"4 unfinished. _ Messts: Swayne and O‘Shaughnessy Waterloo ‘vs. McEwen and Chgw Btantfotd, 6â€"â€"8; unfinished. . . _ _ The death took placeâ€" in Berlin Tuesday motning . of . Mr. Conrad 6¢, ‘ an old &nd highly: esteemed â€"cft. zei, at: his_home. on Albert.© ; diter a:long and. lingering: iliness, ‘The deceased was in his 75th A being born on Novi.) 6th, 1881 â€'éaa Sandlofs, Kreis Lanterbach, .. Grost= Herzogthum, | / Hessen _ D ‘ Whena young man he ' New : York . where he & Catharine Hildabrandt, â€"of â€" W ' Qross Herrogthum. Thev© lived * in New York about twoâ€"years â€" then Tifing the last Altyons yeare. * ..> ‘The décessed is survived. by e e e essm myu} ot" Fred.": Rick,: > Albert The deceased was. one ol the â€"fitst members of the St, Poters‘ Lithetan thurch and has always been :7& tive worker, being interested. in . the Sunday School ‘and choir for . WAny vears:â€" © 4 sns iywangcoli¢el Church was day wenins;O which to tear "dowir "the old Te en o DEATH OF CONRAD WEBER VISIT WATERLOO be esicden private frota