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The Chronicle Telegraph (190101), 8 Aug 1907, p. 2

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t [ 4", A popSlar . where there mervice is that 1BC M #1 Germany imposes a en on its peopl¢ / eminent there could ha *qmcl. as toâ€"day and the adians the world otection, while highly importaut, is mot the sole, or. even chiel.advanâ€" age â€" of dit ~military Systemâ€"Gerâ€", m 9 is made throtugh the eficien ‘ s ‘of her military foreesâ€"through which she ‘ has been _ united after 9 _",‘IM union and whose . tradiâ€" toms every Joval citzen holds dour. ‘‘ not considered unreasonable Ahat the citizen should undergo some ‘bavdship, ,» sclfâ€"discipline and: subordinâ€" aticu for th® sake of serving : th», Afl(lut gave him birtb, »educaâ€" xB anmd piosperity, and whose,. naâ€" md structure is chatracterizcd by a fi’&rwfity 6t service vetween â€"State f.qrtudhiuuul. The German> sysâ€" ‘tem â€" also develops the nattonal sensc L" country.. . youth first . discovering if%u when he enters the. army. 1t M a broad edication. Drilling and rifle form | but a part of the proâ€" gramme. of instruction, which _ in &u the teaching of national | hisâ€" T;t&‘y. the country‘s commercial _ rcâ€" ?m-. conditions of. traffic, the ciâ€" ;,*"‘MI’ and / institutions, relations ~onâ€"the: globe, :ete: ft>also affords â€" a [practical training of individual takent, Aorty per cent. of the men in the ?uw being called to work in . their ‘"Andividual trades during service, zn‘ nfler ‘~their term . has expired th: ‘fact of having served" is usually a "passport to any position. By the remploymeéent of the army on such pub Jic works as lend.themscives to it, , the German military life is in a micasure â€" madje~selfâ€"supporting. â€"â€" The German system also takes th: ‘plage of athlctics, and it has heer termed ‘‘the great sport of the na \ tion."â€"Exhibitions of military gkil â€" are followcd with the same interes _ as other spotts in this country, . It is alsoâ€"held that the system proâ€" dnees {rustworthyâ€"civit service and to prove this we are directed 10 the eountry‘s Hailroad Department, _ ir ‘wmu: the very small number â€" of u‘- «idents is attributed to the fact that a0 one can get a position cf trust ind responsibility in the Government service unless he has beco first testâ€" sed â€"~through the + military â€" getvice. Btationmasters, are usually. the proâ€" duet cof from nine to twelve years of army. life, . and come. Abororghly Arained in order, discipline and self. denial, S + ; ~ Instead of being <a strain ga â€" the nation‘s labor resources. the system takes the country‘s youths and ° by # tigid system of trainiig _ more broadly fits: thepy for business . and professional duties and makes â€" them a | moreâ€" <yaluable écomoniic unit. "z Fravk Roid was the + Mr. Reld sard that were cartying cl{ i: Third fim and Abrat ie cha i islion of daimger.. L W .â€" Fotex: ~the ‘T6cal" tma W in bublding tba to * thsr the W. . to moving i the Smir]i ward |to t _ Considerable amusement was .. occaâ€" Maned by sone withess, Wim. McLeod, who was walking noar the Reid build Ing at the fime of the disaster.. Mr. /shid cbe was ‘om thé . same ot the street aboot 50 feot wost. he ‘saw the soar wall" of: _ the collapso firwh. Mr:© McLeod ty Ne hee 1 mffl: the shiftin NY‘Ss MILITABRY SYSTEY uld hardy Ge LONDON DisasTER Germany d¢a in :+ this counts no compulsory . army the imilitacy . systen expeuses of Large nlokelâ€"cappod glass ¢. Sold by all dealer® . Th be a grealer anis 6 Jocal" manager. of "riB, llulrd‘?.h reâ€" ons :30-1- nmg .. Refd Co. ~ kcemed ingtead of moving yery heavy by Aecording to : t. Munsterber, MSupporting. > m also takes the and it has heen sport of the naâ€" of Anilitary â€"gkill the same interest stock: in prosperoins .‘ she Arâ€" ; h xfih‘ Ima n Nard the build DN t h biy W thy J R. B. Matthc .;.f.*_ "aud ~Quebe P 1 )‘ . B â€" & Arip o8 it 4 i. o s 0 ud fle # street. Railw "",’ # 6t eduesday w WL‘?& Todd nl’ ot;z offic “;lmwb C P. :: H. part * Bertin ; Hespeler, lxlestua. and the‘- um to Galt, where Sir Thomas left fof western points: . Neediess to say, the ‘bead ol the C.P.R. was ‘difir with the cflicieucy, of the GP. Â¥ \ which is now conceded 4o be the best â€"equipped clectric road in Cahada. )Wbfll the new power is installed _ it will Be.ouw a par with the best thes J. W. Tconard, ... AJ Manager, â€" Montreal; . Ontario "aud a onto:, Chiet Engineer the Ontario and 4 Toronto, and Superi ohy, of the Western London, took a Ayin 1 have acrosy the 1ine, . .. . 000 _el00 3 Bir ~Thomas. & ne ’P" this part cf the country well, . as. at time he was the works wn fi old .. Credit. V.llo{bvm Vanderbilts ° ownedâ€"it, C on that road in many different capaâ€" cities, as brakeman, conductor, _ staâ€" tion agent, despatcher," etc., untii he was practically running .. the whole ‘Vine, although he had no official title... At The time theâ€"C.P.R. bought the road hg went along in the <deal und his rise since then . has . been rapid, unfil now he is at the t? uf the greatest system in the world.. In an interview Sir Thomas Shauâ€" whnessy caid: ‘"On invitation of â€" Preâ€" sident Todd, . of the G., P. & H. Street Railway, weiare stopping . on our trip in order to take a tun over his line. We have been . at Preston, Hespeler, ‘Berlin . and . Waterloo, ane I must say that I am agrecably sur »rised ai the excellent conditionâ€" of the G.; P. & H. The voad is in fine shape, the rolling stock is all that could be Scsired, and, when the new jower is in nse, the road will rauk | with the best of its class in Ameriâ€" 1 will mail you free, to prove merâ€" it, samples of my Dr. Shoop‘s Res torativé, and my Book on gither Dyâ€" spepsia, The Heart or, The _Kidncys. vroubles. of the Stomach Heart. â€"0: Kidneys are.mercly symptoms of _ deeper allment. Doif‘t make the com mon error‘ of treating symptoms onâ€" the result of your ailment, and not the cause. Weak Stomach â€" nervesâ€" the inside . nervesâ€"mean _ Stomach weakness,â€" always. And the l;!urt, and Kiineys as well, have their con trolling orâ€"‘ inside â€"merves. Weaken these norves, and you {nevitably bave weak vital â€" organs. Here is where Ur. Shoop‘s Restorative has _ made ts fame. No other temedy even ‘laims to treat the inside nerves." \iso for bloating, ‘billiousness, bad Sreath. or â€" complexion â€" use â€" Dr. hoop‘s Nestorative. Write me 10 «lay for sample and free Book. _ Pr. Shoop, Rscine, Wis. The. Restoraâ€" tive is.sold by A. G. Hachnel. j Fot th>â€"month of July the receivls of the p 60 ince fromsuccession . du ties amountcd‘ â€" to $185,524.. . This amount ropresentsthe tax .on 18 e=â€" tates~>Uvâ€"toâ€"date this year the . e geipts ~ eggregatel $676,041;" â€" Ts Snaltest doty levied was $125.25. The province received aisoâ€"a number‘ * C‘ larger chogues, sath as, that, ~â€" fo: 1109,000 from the Fulford estate which paidâ€"in all $356,000. Hen. M:. Mathewscn, tho Provincial Freasurc», estimated that the year‘ reccipts would be $700,000. This ha: been almost~realized already. .__ Free, fot â€" Catarth, just to ~prove moerit, a~. Trial size Box. . of Dr.. Shoop‘s â€"Catatrh szemedy. Lot ~â€"me send it now. It is a snowâ€"white creâ€" amy hralinz, antiseptic baim. Con taining such Realing ingredients. _ as Oil Euca!intus, Thymol, Menthol, ete it gives~ ~instant and lasting â€" reâ€" lief to ‘Catarrh . of theâ€" nose _ and throat.. Mave. the free test and â€" see for yoursell _ what this preparation can aud. will accomplish. Address Dr Shoop, â€" Racine, WiÂ¥ . Large Jars A cents Sald by.all dealars }bml nnam i j FEngR $ 4=+* ‘!!«h»wm M‘!h C o pâ€"â€"« is more than a.science and more than an art. . done quickly ‘nnd subely by using 18 It is milled from the finest Western Canada Hard Whent, thoroughly clean and hygienic, and rich im every nutrient PURITY FLOUR Baking the Best Bread WEBYC. Mhils X inspection on June 25th last, Ts o tke § arprines o S i t t ‘ papr oug. + ># ka >« ',;m»%J..*' ; rack . on . Septcmber TÂ¥ Inst: aift â€" orrected ) ’L.Ound Revision on | m}l‘.. ie rollâ€" from which the yÂ¥ ters‘ list should.nave been . F'd,’ contains -'.c*.‘u names a lass of voters. The unwarranted apâ€" searance of so many names. on . the oters‘) list has prompted inquities ‘anrd jnvzestigations. . ‘These disclosel he further fact thatâ€"the assessmcit soll: returned . in‘ September, . sworn to by the asscssor, and later confitmâ€" ad by the Judge, wasâ€"altered as late is July .10, 11 and 12, 1907, by the additionâ€"of. the 310 names. These were written into the assessment toll by Mr. Petcer Pomery, an 6ccasional clerk, at the instance of and â€" ~from a markei voters‘ list furnished â€"by Mr. G. W. ‘Ostrom, ex.M.P.P., Towa Clerk. Bol4 Evorywhors in The Great Dominion RÂ¥X CANADA FLOUR MikiG 00., Limited 4t Wianipeg, Gogerion and Lfandon Assessor Simpson bad previously rcâ€" juscd the sxequest of Mr. Ostrom tw write in these names, and h after> wards refused to certify to their corâ€" ectness. Instead : of &n voters‘ list .cing prepared â€" from the assessment roll the list was filled ‘out 16 â€". is [resent proportions and Cie 10. made o correspond . to it by the irregular addition p{ 310 names alter it . had been returnied and revised.~ The O« tatio . voters‘. ‘list_act, R.S.0. for 1907, â€"chapter 4, section 6, pm\'it.lrs; "The â€" <Clerk of .each municipaiity sball immediately after the final reâ€" .ision en1 correction of the .assessâ€" nent roll in every year make a cotâ€" rect alphabetical list in three . parts (form 1) of all persons appearing by th» assessment roll to te voters, prcâ€" uxing to the nime. of: cach person son in the assessment roll »: .. This makes it clearâ€"that the: °: Â¥oâ€" ters‘ list, as prepared for* . public ‘nspection,. must® be taken from _ the ssessment â€" roll, and catnot legally .xceed it. ~ With regard to the ?u-’ warranted entering: of names on * the assessment roll subâ€"section 2: of sec, tion 47 provides: % cs to be entered the name of a pe®â€" son in the assessment roll & with intent to give a person‘ not enâ€" titled thereto efther th® right . or «n apparent right to be a voter, or who wilfully entersâ€" or causes to be enterâ€" ¢1 a fictitiqus name in an 288eSsmeNt roll . . . . shallâ€"incur a penalty ©Any pcrson who> wilfully‘ ard imâ€" properly enters‘ or procures or causâ€" DENIES REPORTS OF PEACH TREES DYING roll . of $200 St.~Catharines, Ont., July â€" 31. â€" itobert Thompson, the "most scicntiâ€" i¢ fruit grower of the district, flatly contradiects City. Clerk Pay‘s stateâ€" ment, published in the Toronto Globe thet twa thirds ‘of the peach / trees of the glistrict died last winter. â€"Ms. hompson says that not ten per cent licd, and all that did die were.cither on low ground or in orchards . jin? spraycd. or ‘ dprayed with poorly preâ€" arcd â€" mixtures by.unskilled help.. in orchards. properly â€" sprayed 00 ‘trees dicd. _ Growers: who propci-:{‘lpmy- d their fruit are very opt tit 2s o the fruit | situation. Peach ar bards only last ten yéars, and some treesâ€"die off every year. . > * W. H. Buntinig, also one of the proâ€" gressive growers stated that not one ser cent. of all his fruit trees dicd such damaging statements cireulated last winter. . "It is hard on the growers to have about the country," said Mr.. Buntâ€" ing. ,*‘The crop is considerably lightâ€" er than Jast year, . Everyons _ kwows that, but the quality of the fruit is xcellent Assessor Refusedâ€" To Do A Serious Ofience But it can be It The â€" wo o h er#, came deli mflm a spirit <or *Wendiâ€" wnm them, apdâ€" that . if upm mnaturally the Wen« d7 ' to the woods, sues and frightens away the nfi,?w h::: iamine . . Therelote m, according “& the eustom,. appointed ‘their â€" chigt and medicine man to the High : homwor of chokijng.. the â€"sick: squaw, â€". that the spirit might ‘rot excape â€" with the paussing sof breath,â€" but miglt â€"remain imprisoned in the dead body, in the presence of the tom, nppo(iu‘ their chict and: medicine man .carried â€" out the instfuctions. A picce of canvas was placed about the squaw‘s. neck, and then the nooke of a w being tened by the two 1 of the band, the ravings of the woman were stopped, the evil spirit was imâ€" prisoned and < the game â€" pteserved. This picee of barbarism was executed within two hundred miles of â€" Kenâ€" ora." Word of it reached the authoriâ€" tics, and‘the arrests followed, The Fidlers asked the officials . not t> be too severe with‘ them, as they had noâ€"idea that they were _ doing wrong. They were nicrely doing their duty by the band, andâ€"following the custom â€"of their fathers, The â€" execuâ€" tion of this duty was a . high honot‘, and, according to custom, the execuâ€" tioners wére handsomely fed by the parents of the vietim. â€" ‘ The Justice Department is to deâ€" cide whother it will} be better: to sen4 a judge, to Norway~ House to try theâ€" case or bring the prisonérs andâ€" wituesses toâ€" Edmontow _ for trial & The hish mortality among the chilâ€" drcn in the congested districts of. a| ¢ity, Wwhere . famflies areâ€" â€" closely crowdel together, where reluse ‘ncâ€"| cumulates fast, whore food is .. often tept in living rooms, is due tow & large degree, so scientists now Say, to the fiy. Infant: discases chicfly provail in the hot season, when the fles abor‘nd. Dr. J. T. C. Nah,. in The Journalâ€" ot" the itoyai Senitary Institute, giving bis expetience â€" at an Englith ‘health oficer, says ‘Shat the fAy is responsible for (he death of many children because of the pollut ing the â€"milk which they drink. © | "It is a matter that has been enâ€" titely overlooked,"_ said Dr. . G. 0. ‘Propst, recently, ‘Dbut we now know that the comimon house fly. is . on "Agent of infportance in earrying the germs of typhoid fever. 1t was forâ€" merly bclieved that_the‘germs wore only cafticd in water, milk or othu1 liquid fgod. Flies both breed . _ and feed in‘places where the germs. are: to be found, and then, Aying â€" into . our Locses, no doubt : offcn _ carry ltlw germs ‘and deposit them on ou! The â€"Common House Vari¢tyâ€"Are "a@ Menace to Health. A as to th@ best way of banishing . it from. the. abodes of man.. The fiy has becn found toâ€"be siot only â€"@ wrisance, but a menace to man‘s health. Its hairy body carrics. both disease and~ death.: Many epidemics which sweep over communities in the hot. seasen ~ have been traced to the fNy. Having its origin in filth, . it brings with it the bacteria . which breed â€" im Afilth. â€" And â€"as it moves alkout, now ‘crawling over refuse,now over the â€" fcod on th@ table, Aying from the lips of the sick to the;lips of the bealthy; it is said to Le more _ dangerous to modernâ€"society than were theâ€"wild beasts â€"to primiâ€" ti oo man 1 Ad PLIES As DISEASE BEARERS The United Stater Department â€"of Agriculture has.â€" started a) crusade against the commen house . fy. and is ‘carrying on exm:lvo'cx;furlmmt;s Toremty,; August . 1. â€"The examiners whoâ€" bave been engaged for the. past three wéeks reading and marking the gxaminakion papers of candidates jn the 1 Amenfal nations ‘Px- pect ‘to complete their labors on Friâ€" day. 1t will then require tm::w.o weeks to prépare the> reports, which will relibve the suspense >.of _ some thopgands of young: prople in Ontâ€" food. It is ward that the paper gekt for junior teachers in history came _ in for some severe criticism . ~by the mnincu. UOne of the qwmu_l- the Macdoaid Coveroment in . 1897, and "the ‘MacKenztis Government. in 1878, "As tl;lc]bvrs generally _ eschew political uagations, which even at this date are warm subjects of ~djscusgion; the whewore to these questions arous» ed much, merriment amonyg the : ex= aminers.. One candidate wrote: "Sir John Macdonald introduced the . Nv tional Policy in 1837, which ledâ€" to the Pacific seandal â€" and caused defeat." / M iavnory xd i Mocho 5 . PUFFDSCE, “'“"’Tmlo Conservatory. of Music and use ofdinary soaps mMade 6 common x to Uairersity, o x Beoftine g:tato, when for the earse price you | aconto D hss can bu? a pure: olive. oil #oap.. ~ Auk p Etadton â€"Grorge (Stret, . Wwaterio fat "Olive Oil" Soap, myde in _M"!‘. Â¥. W. ‘! iw Fred _A,‘j‘( pret Ho. It will plaesse you, . ... . yomin ... .. /.. oo aak . Another ‘young man, : annexed the following no doubt cheartfelt petition to his answer; "For . God‘s .. sake, have mercy on me!" ovER TWO WEEKS MORE A PLEASANT SURPRISE Lo 4. ‘The Indians> of e that when & â€"p the the two people will be . sotâ€" th t ~a ~pare castile Betlin: exprtosty: fot g a squaw . " of. the . same guw whbsam WANT YACANT The ROSERT GAEIG CO., Limited The execution > of: Frank _ Capelli, fixed to take place this morning at Port Arthur " has been . postpotied. Yesterday. Mr. Justice Britton graniâ€" ed a stay until August 15th, : owing to the appli¢ation of Capelli‘s counâ€" sel, Mr, F. H. Keefer, through their ‘Toronto agent, Mr. C.â€"A. Moss, .alâ€" leging that he has new withess, one of whom .can give evidence to show that the man Dow,â€"= whose . death Capelie was convicted of causing, digd Everybody who has given it a trial .$ pleased with results obtained fron using ‘"Olive Oil"" laundry soap mad in %erlin. Though a p{:le Castilk soap it costs no more and does bet of the common laundry soaps on th market. ‘Try it, and you will use no er work and lasts longer than â€"any +ther. * wâ€"tl. as the‘ result of a drunken quarrel in which* Capelliâ€" was struckâ€" . over. the head on a place where he had been previously â€" wounded.â€" He will also, he says, call Dr. Robertson . of â€"â€" Port Arthur, who attendedto â€"Capelli .. on thevoccasion when he "was first wounâ€" dod, to show that as the»result of those . injuries fiwo‘nld be unable to withstand . suddeir ‘strain . or exciteâ€" ment. P fstonre (HIS INTERESTS YOU â€"~ Mr.. Keefer belfeves this fresh ~evi dengeâ€" would change the jury‘s ver dict from murder . to manslaughter: . The trial was conducted before Jusâ€" tice : Tectzel, â€" and Marano, .another Italtan, â€" was charged with . Capelli, but. was acquitted, â€" The order made yesterday by Justice Britton is the first instance in Canada of a . Judge other than the tral JuMung a stay â€"of â€"execution. r. vefer had previously.~ petitioned the Cabi» net, who, after hearing the report of the ‘trial ‘Judge, decided not to interâ€" Tore. An applhcation for a new {rial will now .be made. Weak kidneys that areâ€"making your back acheâ€"that are making you suffer with Rhenmatism, Sciatica, Lumbagoâ€" ¢ into well, strong kid igfl‘ It. is ’m»g:-â€"q& Gen Kidtey‘ Pillâ€"that heals jh¢ kidneys ives ‘you. practically a new "pair .« giq?m'lmll gfrecll-if‘ Bladder TPmHli. 4 if know you have Kidney Trouble, or by suspect it by %n‘nhnhm res, frequent deésire to urinagf Buâ€"Ju on our positive gwarantee fos.. a Pos=nt ameaite â€" Int Clahit > N T # n t‘(:m. Co., Umlled‘:fi’hw. Ont.~â€" 68 Miss A. R. Bean, Miss E. L Bean, Honor Graduate Toronto Consprvaâ€" tory of Music, WELLESLEY MAPLE LEAF CAPELLE GETS A RESPITE TEACHERS OF PIANO, ORGAN AND THEORY PujgDr prepared for exemiration a New Kidneys for 3c. a Day. Torentos 2 OFFICES FILLED I PRICES _ ZEVERYBODY. WRITE FOR THER. There should be one in every home. _ BM 1128200484018 40048%0848404% MA ARARRARARRR4RR4R 8A 44 4A %%A Interest at best current rates Ma‘; yorr ts ntamc Perlin Branch, H. FRED BOEHMER, Manager, | Bad h: Branch, J A. ACHESON, Mb\nl.?;r Linwaod Branch, B-;‘. CULB ‘;.;‘ pe New Dundee; 0. H. EHKES Manager. â€" St. Jacobs, GEO, L. LACKNER, N Milverton, A. J. CUNDICK, Manager, . < > o a 2. t 029 JONN B ~FIS8CHER, Proprietor | request, Marion & Marion, New Euies und mbldgite. D. OBA @oubany Orrices TononTO, LC The ~Loading Yeat Market THE WILLIAMS MANUFACTU kassbany OFFICES : MONTREAL, ;"4"??:3 The Soverecign Bank of Canada tas the Muolc:?lyh Ite nnn;:u”m th .: shotcss* and best of meata all the year roupd.< > £ In the lins of meats, we have Beof, Pork, Veal, Lamb, Sugarâ€" Cured Hams and Bacon (our own eunring); once teeted, always nsod. In 'fi';cglu o;o h‘obo-n‘d'd'o sanâ€" a an eners, Te banmes tm Cprem Un (ive na‘s Wmm«l Orders ‘promptly doltyered in all parts the town. > . _â€" > ‘Phone 243. h Je\ 14 |â€"â€" amuius JArvIs, 15 RANDOLPIE Maciaky f A. A. ArLA®, Baq., Hox. D. MCMiLLAS, _ _ __ Arow. Castresct, Rsq., M.P A. E. Dyirex‘r, BSq., NMLP, â€" F. C. Jestm®tt, ~ General Manager, TE R M S Chronicle Telegraph Office, Waterâ€" loo or Daily Telegraph Office, Berlin Brantford make, 6 horseâ€"power. <Just the thing for farmers, bakers or others requiring \‘Q’;fi In use only a few years only. Will sell at a bargain Apply en o ie 2 ofi ,lfi";f-“".;',:" _ and for HEAD OFFICE;:â€"TORONTO Paid Up Capitat: *‘ * $3,0 ALWAYS LOOK Gas or Casoline Engine For Salo LONDON , HAMIL TON, OTT f AGENTP WANTED EVER R Savings Bank Department. AT A BARGAIN. ROARD CF DIRECTORS: giy Firsl + teâ€"President .. ~ Second Vice President _ . _â€" Hox: Petir McLa®k®, ) .\ _ w. K. McÂ¥avciat, Reg., M.P. AL®®. Brucs, a: KC. R, : CASSEELS," » ~ Ti( o4 >q Asst. Ceneral â€"Manager. W aterhoo, Ont FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY â€" INCORPORATED IN 1863. Tctd) Asitcts 8ist Decom ber $426,808 17. OA 1 D OF DIRROTORA, G@eo .Randall, Eag., Waterlo0, pr. J. H. Webb, e Wilism Snider, Heq. . Goo. Disbel, Bsg., 3, L. Wikeman, K#q., Bt. Jacobs Allan Bownian, Reg., Proston. P. E. Shants,\Praston, nâ€"-m.-%:fl- Jame Ltvingstone, Baden. .%.III.EU| & l'c:n& Presidant . Free mhiihe Wms &me‘.“ k &lm Distrlot Age wb £5,000,000. 14 WA

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