_ Geo. Hasenflug, _ RGreat Cleanâ€"up Sale Li B + | Of the entire basement of the Bocbmer, Erb Departmental Store, PERKHAPS â€"â€"Thi week at eur 1â€"2 yearly stock taking. sale in clothing and i0es here are a few of our miny Bargains. s in _ 4+ ‘â€" Men‘s $2.00 grain leathor Cong $1 65. : : “‘.?,: :m (3.15 Harvest shoe for 1.39. > _ Men‘s 2.00 low shoes for 1.45. x BA w t _ Women‘s 3.50 King shoes for 2 50. : _ : > =~~ /. a‘* _ Women‘s 2. 00 low shoes for 1.53 â€" Faa f"fl“}; 5 Buttoa Bost=, J, D Kingfluk',wcl.“ at 1125 s * _ . Girls‘ 1 50 Chocolste and Paten® Mher'!’oo Slippe s to clear at &F largest Men‘s 3.00.Pstent loather lace Bojts to clear at Â¥.45 Snuaimer Suits regu‘ar 8 09 for 4.50. i 1.50 Coats for 1.00, «Everyibing in Suromer Clothing at Reluced :Prices Bar ains during this cale. _ _ A, WESELOH & CO. , " .. SOLE AGENT FORSLATER AND EMPRESS SHORS. a xt to Sovereign Bank â€"* BERLIN, ONT. need by the g a losk before baying. The Triumph of the Time! ed at prices which must be interesting and saving to th ... : wy 5 1 & C 0' $400,000 In New Buildings _ $400,000 19007 _ In Preminms $48,000 In Premiums $40,000 _ In Special Attractions: $40,000 Industrial Activity National «ad Historical All That‘s Best in â€" nvnte um t 19 t007 \intd * enpetuitice s rarml ty o t i c 7 w a M'.M FINEST OP THE WORLD‘S BAND& & I;flnlcm BATTLE SPECTACLE x RIVALLED ENTERTAINMENT FEATURES W. K. GEORCE, assortmeiat of Granite and Tinware (which is now a‘most in Cl H‘“h_dipd‘-hm--mbm For all information address > CANADIAN NATIONAL â€"~ EXHIBITION TORONTO rood houseâ€"wife) is to be seen in the basement of the August 26th to September Oth Proprietor a*% Thrilling at Retuced Prices Comeâ€" for . ORR Manawer and Secretary ity Hall, TORONTO h al 1907 Berlin, Unt. » by.l" fOur Busy mel evtorting" io Bapimt . Coam Ixcua atteuding the & € tion at Spokané, ‘Wash. â€"His . trip also. included a visit‘ to the ~ coast states and Western Canada. °_ DPr. R. J. Darragh, who has been: has moved to Conestogo . where â€"| will tontinue his medical practice ar will also conduct a ~drug: store â€"~ @ i id he. a syg fomeg o eury <Bas, â€"a young nder, â€". i employe of the u# m’-:%!fll «ttempted suicite by st â€" bim, vell Through the heart in his ~ .’:-" at the Commercial Hotel, the. weaâ€" pon being <a â€" 43â€"calibre rifie.. The: report of the shot attracted ~several of the boarders at the hotel, who. quickly ~summoned ~medical . aid: ~but the wound inflicted was _ not fatal. Bos . was: latet tuken to Berlina . to appear before the judge. Despondency over a love altair was the cause â€" "of the attempted sulcide. : ‘ Mrs., M. Bier is spending several weoksâ€" at Buflalo.and Crystal Beach: Mrs. Clatke and Mrs. _ Russell â€".of Chicago are visiting their â€"parents, Mr. and Mrs. Henry. Peine here.. â€"_‘ Mr. Isracl Schaeter has left / > for Sarmnia where he has secured a (od situation. C 1 d AtB uetee s P00 News Notés Gathered by Industrious Correspondents ' in County and District. ' NEW HAMBURG. t WELLESLEY. . Mrs.~ J.. Riéder and: daughter. Klor ence are‘ visiting friends: in ~ Cayuga and .Dunnville: forva few weeks. & Mr. and Mrs. Lorne. McKelvey _ ‘of Owen Soun® visited at the home of the fatter‘s parents Mr._ and "Mrs. Jacob Morley. . x ; Mr.â€" Alvin Weicher and. his" sister Miss Mary Weicher have left for Dids hury, ‘Alta., â€"where they will. {make their future â€"home. e oo .Mr. Wm, Wittenberg<of Olia, N.Y., paid â€"a visit to his. friends here _last week, after an absence of 30 years. , â€"Mr. Leslie Merner of Denver, Col. is spending a month with his _ par cnts, Mr. and Mrs. Simpsonmâ€". <Mer Det. ~Mr.. Afthur F. Merner, Chicago, it visiting relatives hereâ€" for . several wouke. . . "=o93" o) ol e ts Mrs. Edwatd PlaW@ cand . sor _ are spending a week with friends at Wat: crioo and £imira. ~ ue <fe After a â€"Jong _period ol dry. weaths and a pest of grasshoppers we â€" hay had someâ€" nice showers and â€" < coc weather and there . are good pros pects ol a fair .. crop of peas, oats barley and .potatoes. <Th* wil but iness is quiet but the drifling.= got. on without © interruption. ~=~ ~~>â€" The Baseball Club at Providence Ba; which has wonâ€"victories oveft â€"â€"â€" th four otherâ€"clubs on the Island, cha: tered â€" the stcamer Grand Rapids, .< Wiarton, to run an excursion to . th Duck Islands, in Lake Huron, _â€" 3 milés from Providence _ Bay, on Tucs day the 6th inst. A large <crowd went from, Manitoulin: and also > a number > "from Tobermory. The weaâ€" ther . was fine and all enjoyed . â€" the trip, there being not a single â€"case of sicknoss* on board~= Th stcame gave _ the _ pleasure« gcekers fout hours in which to have a"~ ; good time <at the Fishing Station. Therc are three steam tugs, two gasolinc toats nï¬ilml ‘sail boats <>emâ€" ployed in , and have ~over one mindrcd . miles â€" of ‘nets besides. i. pend ‘pets. . "Over . thirty _miles . of gill nets are set ‘every day â€" except Surday _ and that many ta‘en _ up. The catch weekly‘ is. from some. _ to two hundred boxes of 150 Ibs â€"cach A. number . of visitors and tourisis have come to Manitoulin I:;nd t’:;v year. The prople _ are looking forâ€" ward to a visit from Rev._ Eithring ton, / of Préston, who ~will eenduct .mectings in a tent. ~‘The meetings will be held in connection with . the Mennonite â€" Churchand a ~ profitable time is anticipated, .. s Miss BReaver, Mespéler, was a guest of Miss Beulah Sheppard Alis. week., Mrs. Jobo Halter® and" m-"ï¬"' from Germany, and Mr.. and. r8. Titus Snyder and Master â€" George, alt visited at Mrs. Bemis‘ on â€" Sunâ€" daoy. + 4 T ' f ~Mr. and Mro. Levi Erh and Mr.â€"and Mrs. Rellln&n spent Saturday. . and Sunday with friends in (the Royal City. ’ ind * ‘Mr. w‘::me-z. Stratford,.. . spent some time last week at the chome of Mrs: Bracadel. * Miss Rhoda CGeach, Berlin, is spendâ€" ing her holidays at home: here. $ 3 Kev. Mr. and . Mrs. No;l' mer, , visited at k rg. .&mwui Sunday. _ Miss: m Kuarebinski . from pâ€"bocupisd the puipit=of. the â€"Old Mnhaonite Choick on Suabkay . mota , Snd Mr Stome of Toromto cccue tne puipit of the Congregational & on Sdnday evening. WATERLOOQ, ON s 7 Woats" MANITOULIN ISLAND BLOOMINGDALE B with yUY 3A 86 The editor of our Maple Leat _ and his {amily _ will spenda week n.mn‘g relatives and friends . aroynd. ~Gailt, hence ho paper will be issued. _ this Mr: Carl and Bis Sister Miss Aunfe Mr: Carl and Bis sister Miss. Aunje Nfl’d Tavistock made short (calls here on their way to Heidelberg. . Mr. Fred>DoBus â€" was /a business :a;u_e to â€" our town < Jast _ Thurs" ~ The Migses Weicker _and Krantz trom ‘Tavistock were visiting â€" friends here on Saturday and . Sunday and wereâ€"guests at the Royal and at Mr. Hency laii)g’u. Mr. David Young of holidaying here among Triends for: a week. . Mr.. John_ Kautman who was very 1t for ‘some time is, we.ate pleased to say, on the way to recosery.~ .‘ ‘Miss Sippel of Berlin, who was the g:-fl, "of Rev. and Mrs. Battenberg r‘a _ week or; more returned ‘home iast" Sunday. _ o ons se SA Mr. Alex: ‘m‘t‘o went to â€" Otâ€" tawa‘ this mmflg spend a w here at the Old Boys‘ H&umonb'g McDonald ‘had already left for | that ! _ Miss Sutter of. Linwood :is spendâ€" ing a week with. friends atound town ind is the guest of Miss Aima Meyâ€" â€"«Mr. and Mrs:. Stretton of. Toronto Junetion~were the guests ol their laughter Mirs. A, J. Sannders® over Sunday. P ber . of people < gathered to witnes© the game which was a very even con test cach partyâ€"scoring ml. Ths »est of deeling was mant among he ï¬lqen. + Mm%oom’}} â€"Amira teaim were treatéd to a sumpâ€" <uous . repast . in ‘the â€" Hallâ€"provided 17 . the udiess .4 «> { Ri : 4 ~Mr. Rawatd _k:son, of Flo:».spent junday with rglatives here. â€", & Quitéa .number (of the young o. 1e ) were treated. to a yery cajoyable ea and entertainment at (the home« xâ€" Mr. and Mrs. James Bracey . â€"or Nednesday evening. â€" > P A footBall (match hetweeh Winterâ€" sourne â€" and B:zinmw played here ast Tresday & large numâ€" > ‘The Fall wheat is nearly. allâ€" cu: inâ€" this neighborhood, and is a _ very tair sample.. «The spring grain is ar average : : ctop® the. ; straw _ being shorter â€"than common, the hay crof is belqow / the average. . se F .i Mr. George Forbes: J¢., sold.â€" his favorito" ~team of greys â€" lagt" week for a good ~figure. $ in ; 2 Mrs. Levi Elsley, of Nassagoweys is _ visiting. ‘het. father, Mr. Josept Stork: for a few days. h ~Mr» and. Mrs Good of Kansasâ€" were the guests of their uncle and aunt Mr: and Mrs: Jamés Mitchell. _ ~ ‘Mt. Charles Goetz is doing ~quitt 3 business: instockers â€" _ and butchort ‘attie. at present: vigs & . Mr.. Robert Wilkinson, of: T spent . Sunday at theâ€"hcime of mother, «Mrs.. J been Â¥ery" i of The ladies: of: the South Waterloc Wamen‘s Inatitube extend &~ invitation . â€" to the _Notth ~Watetion women‘s : Institute to a picnic wat Victoria â€" ‘Park, Berlin,â€" Aug. ©23, a: their "guests; Abe gentlémen beiflg in cluded â€" in the invitation. . They in tend baving a program at 2.30 m when they will discass the adviszabl} ity. of the two ridings holding" & tor vention ‘at some central place in thi county : in October or November, / > _It is to be hoped. there will ~ be a Jarge attendance . from the North Â¥Hdmgy /: ._" * *>" aA> es Mr. Gordon agd" Miss_Jeanic Burâ€" wett, _of . Eramo§a, spent < Sunday vith their: aunt, Mts. Langdon, Sr. â€" Tre football: match.here on Satur day . night between. New â€"Getmany and . the . home team _.resultid in â€"a tie. game ‘0â€"O, 8 1 m kn ds The Vigiting team did . not atrivc tntil 8‘ o‘clock. and . the ‘game m; lasted 30 minutes _tie latter: cba being _ played in darkness. . As long as* _ daylight . lasted...our tor wards were. ing continually on the vis> itors‘ goal. Had . the .game: been played _ to a Enish it â€"would â€" Bave heén an ‘easy â€" victory for the_honle Miss: May _ Hamilton. who. has béen eatning dressmaking at Hespelter teâ€" tean ¢d The : Misses Jcan â€"and Plla .â€"Grieve bt Woodstock, and Jessie, of Spok ane, Washington,. are :. the: gucsts of their : uncle . Mr, Gavin Barbout â€" Mr. R.‘Frey, of Strattord, is spenâ€" . and Mrs J >M. Camiphclt visit Kaight‘s &f wl TB nts <Mr aa6 McB «lzdg €. _ PFred, Blfotd and ttawa, ate holidaying at WINTERBOURNE CROSSHILL Wilkinson . who + 2o Sebringville i$ relatives and 14 Betlin, t. . his i0 hia: Mr. a | Waterloo, .â€" Ont.,, â€" Canad Zoaliner‘s Remedias on Sale here ~ Mr. and Mrs, _ W Bietrich, /.¢f “mu' ""‘;"' uathi t 24 § . Ma 'Wrâ€" m;'li;c short time last} week with atives in Lexington. Miss Urala Lehnen, of Berlin, : . is Spending a few â€"weeks‘ hnolidays with friends ‘and relatives in; Floradale aed vicinity . * Mrs. Jesse B. Snyder and her gaf ents left. for Ottawa dast > Tuesday to yigit her brother, Mr. Joshua Umbach Miss .May Walker, of Wingham, is ::x}uag her nhte:, ln..ihuo &uzâ€" Mr. _J,. T. Ott, was a businessâ€"vis itor to The Twinâ€"City dast Friday: â€" Miss ~Nelli¢ Seitz, of T.rm:é',“ is holidaying with her aunt, I â€"d0bn Miss Kyle and Master Kyle, . . of Moorcheld,â€" are holidaying "with theit sister, Mrs. Geo. Class. > _ Mr. Fred. Brodeéf," of J., and Mr. â€" Gordon: M Berlin, visited a few de and Mrs.> Aaron ~Entder Milford Schacter, of _ Elâ€" Itham; Visiting with his sister,Mrs Aif ... MoozK. Lt Miss Dora Eilert, of Toronto,.. + at present visiting het parefits, Rev and < Mis. R. Eifert. * _l;“‘d;:n Powell, of 'nlltnsï¬eï¬ visited x ter,. . Mrs.. Th#0, J. Ruggle In}my ; 1 «The trustees of our public school hayeâ€" severalâ€" ‘applications ‘to _ fll the vacancy ~in the school . room place ~of Miss Martia who has .1« signed to take a position at" . the Hagersvilie ".public school. ; .â€"‘The mason work on the new : school house ‘is progtessing_ slowly.â€" If the work is not pushed _ more=rapidly it will be two ‘years | before "it â€" is finâ€" Mrs. Sam. Eftnst apd Mrs~ Albert iv?-lmv! are laid â€"<up with typhoid er. > : $ <~Mr.â€" and Mro. Albert: Lebhnen _ and thildren, of Berlin, visited friends and relatives in Floradaleâ€"~ and vicinity last Sunday. < t Mrs.Jesse Snyder . Sr., of Berlin, is â€"spending â€"a â€"few . weoks; with hoi thildren "and visiting other.friends in ourâ€" neighborhood. S ® Messrs. ‘Leander Bowman and â€"J. G. Hurst ~paid a business visit to our purg â€" last Saturday. * Miss Florence.:Snyder < is visiting this week with friends andâ€"relatives in Berlin, â€" XA : Mrs. A, Y. Hallâ€"and daughter Nelâ€" lie: of Toronto wvisited â€" friends: ~and relatives here last week, > Miss. Mabe! Thamerâ€" is spending â€"_a week‘s holidays â€"with relatives at Sebringville.â€"<»>>..;.~ 5 .â€";.300 â€" Miss. Addie Studer is _‘ at present visiting friends at Durham. Mrs. A. Bock left for the West last weok whe:}a she . will. spent â€" a ~month with relatives, eP ‘Mr. Elias Hallman, accompanied by her â€"mother. Jeft for the : West â€" last Tuesday:~Theyâ€" expect Ao be ‘absont about. two months. _ ; x â€"Miss Racieâ€" Bock is . spe week‘s ~holidaysâ€" with friends Harbugge 5.. .. â€".">_ > ~Mr._and Mrs. Sylvanus . Groh _ of Toronto are visiting friends and relaâ€" tives here at. present. â€" : Mr. and Mrs..Bert â€" Kreisel > spent Sunday â€"at the latter‘s home in Berâ€" Tig. s h44 . Mrs. Ames dJeft on Monday . to spend a~few weeks wit! her. parents and : friends in â€"â€" Northamberland County . . x‘a MX Mr, Elmes, managet of the : local branck of < the Sovereign Bank 1eft to spend: his vacation Jast week. . Mr.~ hibora and . family _ of were visitors at the home of Hilbora Jast week. â€" CANADIANS SPEND TOO . MUCH MONEY on cigars and..pianos. : They spend:too much, and ‘are not saving ~enough." This jormed part of the reply made toâ€"day by Mr James Elliott, General Managor .ofâ€" Molsons .. Bank, â€" when asked for an expression of .â€"opinion on the presént financial. stringency. "What will relleve the situation?" « ‘‘Well, a good .crop.‘. .â€"~ ‘"Is the crop: likely to be good?" -‘vu;m-;&m.mmu ‘to Aindicate M.nwfltml "m t‘: the average. 1t has <of . in somb places and. increased im others, ‘but! on the whole, it will b6‘ a good Montreal,. Aug.. 5.â€""The people ; "of Canada Are spending too mach money IENOLEU M avérage FOR HORSES and CATTLE K. 0. HAENNEL‘8, The Druggist AUGUST 8, 1901 Successor to FPLORADALE Lures Mange and Wounds NEW DUNDEE Ki Is Ticks and Lice i Sepuer‘s brag buoge. ol Newark, N Musselman, | _o days â€" with Mr is spending <a at New Selkirk Mt. A. L8 ib 84 MEN‘S AND YOUTHY‘ SV 1MER BUITS o( light grey famey checks to be sold regardiess of coat. . These suits are every 0 1his season‘s make, natty and upâ€"toâ€"date. Remember these prices & ardev. Come early in thoâ€"mo.ning before the ruch. If you gan‘t‘0re mosning come apy time before 10 o‘clock at n‘gbs and you will money. 45. NOTE THESE PRICES FOR SATURDAY. + 1 youth‘s .;n;. grey checked, all wool, sizs 33, mï¬ï¬‚mgï¬ M? xt =xb + » sn‘ o a male ,f‘.t-..f..-........A.‘.‘..,..v.;..‘..,; * 6 you be‘ and men‘s ht grev sammer sults, nieo famhlonabls dnlfd* 321037, reg. tolling price. $9, clearing prige Saturday #> ..a;.,; 7 men‘s niee grey checked sammer suits, pute wool, stzes 34 ‘to 42, reg. selling price $9, Satardsy """""""'f"';"",'"'-""“"'}'1,; 6 wens exira A10 groy checked summer suits, sizas 33 to 42 rog. selling. price $10, tle@ring pMIOB .. .. .. .. . =%/...«1 s rkes rae«s «a«z80 ¢anl King Street East, Berlin. BOOKS :. We are ready to fill your wants in this line and have on ht most complete and upâ€"toâ€"date stock. ; $ *,i Also office sundries. inks, mucilage, paste, pencils, Give us a call and convince yourself, . â€" WATERLOO; Gold Medal Binder Twinre, 650 ft, to ib.. lijc. Gilt Edge Binc T wine, 650 f«: to Ih., 14c Goiden Boopflllndor T wine, 650 ft. to l:ct'h Plymouth Special: Bindep T wine, licper lbâ€" : Termg, Spor at these prices, t o e Bindor Twino! â€"Binder Twine! Bindor Twing! Hay Fork and Saek Lifter R;po,j strand, 130. ~Machine Oil, 356 and v gal. Hay fork Palleys, 350. Hay forks, all kizes; 50o with strap. . _ General Merchant, We are always glad to let you know the facts, when we have. good news to communicate to you. â€"The three itonis we rafer to this woek are very popular ones with our customers» . _ ; l & 4 . foga * . ADoflgo Wood Split Pulleysâ€"are world,ffl.nou.“a; atock them in sizes from 4 inches up to 86 irele yE Rex is put up in rolls containing 216 square fect â€"â€"â€"ths 16 square fook being allowed free for lapping. «* FPament nails & etc. all tarnishâ€" â€"_Cament, nails & etc ed free. Write for further information,. Read this, it Will Pay Weichel‘s Weekly Store NeWs 1 W %3 00 per aquare 2 ply $400 por rquare Every inch guarantoed, M. Weichel & Son â€" ¢" WATERLOO Our annual Midâ€"Summer Clearing Sale of Flintkote Roofing J. R. ‘Stchiedel‘s J. DOERSAM. STATIONERY | SCHOOL SUPPLI MEN‘S SUMKMER SUITS *4 $MYTH BROS. â€"‘The width of the face varies an t we carty b crown and flat. / 3 ves â€"â€"_ We stock Bushing to fit any shaf s. e Baf is now in full swing. WHOLE Thres distinct kinds of -Bfim,;g stock..â€" /4 Th o. Resists Wind All Leather, Rubber and Canvas sizes up â€"(to 8 inches. Cash ana One EHONE 213 Breslau, Ontario ONTART yee Â¥i