imvmesmx .',rs'i') T DEPOSIT Ei:,,),, mum 9mm!) 'M1f 3 means 591003 HESPELEBL la hin l Made (hit tali.),.; w. b a; itwibt kit“.- F ni ar; ponds I "ri.:'; I'. M Cr) Iilillttll Repay You as“ We. - mum- Ei. tl j " i rzpllnlmhtc‘u 3 F.)eCl ,, flu-nun, nu. . a». . F V 'autos' Mutant Bulldlng, 'lb'irs?i " y mac. 'lr/Four; on. at». House 209. 'llililit A W‘ for am a... ‘ KECr=." C tsts-aiu. ----_- Ili. 'lt GiiiirCT...T.'.T.C.9t1y,uiy - '.gt%Ht teed!) them iiitlt 'dttlgltk1ts'4i'l,'iid Coup-II! M, Pt but at 'ttum, IB8. . "e2fiNudiyrirurtst, Pe-tes “ , , fgieofgegit's furnishings ‘ . ' 'lk" Atijtiitt stock , ' Millinary $0 Inmntlle rm tti'tiurrsr, Waterloo lunch '),'ri,:,lli's,:ri'i),ir" mun, _iii'..3,ira-t tailor. nun» Ill.,!,'; w,'t'ititr"ii " _ tiN st' pe- District. Agent, /,'rt4hurtrlom Ont. Phone MR gimme:- Lot of hats to $11 at half price gnawing less, at the mums niiiMlWtll 'ir':") "' t. A. BOEHM [Gm Insurance Agent. King on» Agab-aetss on I - a... " my pl“ pled an do I'm mu you me t Tm! - tr, a ttta-Dt. Show“: "and" am: Nun-mi. Mthdasittr,Ttrottt w'penod - no as Medan: “than! e-ttser. In. ’M" ammo Talu- mum Mtl _ IS' by j,iia'ttfttr8,r'1tl.ttl' I: Ln an. mi. "tapt/tti "tttttt a.-.-- EDITH“ Wilma"! 'xuoonrogu'lo an 1, 3:31.11, Tmpeéwr Hump-d all that: was. " M 'tms "tc'"...", IPI'. “WWI“ mum um Dominion mat s,....,...,,...., Lo Liver Pills. _i,'ii's,'ir,i'iti mum mmmu. .m nun CHI. Bygains In visit to us Berlin "TH, _ :' "M a. . “A iii'iiiiiitili. _ 7 A _7 y. ~» v: _ pt 3; is,» 'T 3i'"15, ., ttlt Tir) Nut-r 'il . t, -. , UP, an. pt the -- hold to 'ir, 's, Gaia a to: egg ar .3.“ “a. (it. _ Council with. Damn“: pro- hid, aad Wm Vim supply. The Ills-ion van od the minim tn: by ut.towitrsomi_o Inc-1m a with water and» a caution ot the problem would In the renal! and the present. mm m to first step towud tut at. _ _ 'ts umb we!!! , In ulna: "ef-tod Tttttttttltd F , and“. i'iatku/tA'"ciid, m. The [mu-hm) “A. F Ani) Council. who c'Ntitiiit,thee'"ttai,ii work. plus 4m 3|!†t our mm Mo 0.- 'tttmb . an 1m and! m _ that It: was Can-1mm ' It: but to - the 2tthdttt,e tur trates, but owing to $Mtttee ofthe mtuctorto mun the larg- new afrmrtrtpreaarOr June m u the Comm-do- was mated it would m ttoratt muddy news- sary to at. at: step: that. lulu: been “ken to reduce the dqatand, The remit. ot the eoukrtmee ps be summed up in the follow“; "aohr. tiomu- _ His Worshiplhyot Bricks: noted as chairman, Masts.» manualsâ€: Rump! nnd Dov-an represented the Connisdon, Ind AMI; -Utuer, aw Bdm’Althu and Sheppard 'epre- mantoéd Rtte â€will committee. In ‘additlon Aidi. Cunpbell, Fcick, Sets neider. Lugg, Which and Hudson. _ Engineer Davin, Mess". H. L. Jamal, P. Wattar, and representi- ltivcs of the Tndeu & Labor Coun- cit were in “matinee. - In opening the alumina His Worship related to the importanceof looking into Berlin'l water supply far militia. In desired to cor. reel: the report on the street that Berlin mum noun Inter trom Wee erloo it present. Thin was not uh case. The town in consuming all', the' water its pumps are stole to supply and in order to' provide an ad- ditional demand newi,wolls' would, have to be sunk. The question ot (water supply Wu important The Commission had worked hard to have nine more wells ettwhed to the new air compressor system. but a delay has been caused through a the non- delivery of the’plpee which Were tte ing manulncmred in Platters. Nothing 6efiztiu, could be de, how- ever, until the new air empreeioris in operitiott. _ Reeve McBrine expres'led the hope um the question at Berlin's water supply would be gone into thorough- ly, and it there was not In: some“ in Berlin eapahterot my... “vice-a up.“ ot uttdemtrted ability shouldbe minrd, Aid. Anthel “and ttat an: My visit to the pump-hm lawn still of the opinion that Benign could in- croue it: want My br ’moving the pump-house we: town. - - . It “a and! by L. new»: and W. V. "May, that in the opinion ot thin noting it would be “viable to "point I joint com“... was; ot lumba- ot the Water Ctmstttt.0imt and Town Council to obtain expert advice on the quantum ot acui- intt in permanent inter supply ot the beat quality, tor this munici- pality, and that in the mundane stop; kg taken to secure tempor- ID' relief. - . Aid. Lang visual the. plant this weak and inspected the lake: which appeared to him to be a natural rm mvoir. It it was cleaned out and the water ttom the wells and. Inf-p drum Mo it there might be can. dnt, in lawn MI “I myun Miami. " yuMwnuch a June: also“ MW that. thing for tho Mn an m. con-1 romeo wu hm hid. Tho system by: he. “Ewan: by m4 [lambskin hm M n1 tiad' that my... edggttd out by an mm tum-g the mom-nor 4‘ in 1191th II with; mid but 1m- teard " in: “In about me lln'c run -tr. Th- mum (mad that u â€out an. “than being Mood, on! when we moon- was»: is mumbled Mu more wk. which am- my» was mil " mi. wilt at“ m " in m- 30 - the ton- wittt , null:- and gutter plum jet 't / _ - AM. Sign»!!! stated that In hi thought that Bull! aim-M - It. Mom: hut aim tooth; I!“ - trtattqe ttn.t"e'll', m m 3! the Ian I w m M 2MlttlU'lt v0.81 " not: “Nth-pm. "rt-tlt/butter' the new col-pm mum“! " - "It. but k tMMtf, 'eb, l! M -1, Du“ - _ . _ 18hr, may. C w, vw ' Me â€It In“; no: up“ £0 qtit'rtth (Vt.L9,-q,tu',.aP,! 'iu7iuii'ioFit §FJmMécoht6 _ wt WWW-“1*" . "at trl '" "W " mu 1|:th ,ittt r/iidiel1ihrr1. an In]. aitl'u. a... w rum may when It n ttood Shown Move Pump-how Mayor Ericka Prism“, Commune. I Good Thing Want Expert Opinion A Nun“! Baum" ire Expert Advice WIMOO'I My S‘Sï¬lmmnsowslm: ",tr",tr/ qrlqlqllllK, jraiiyiLeertf trth', Maxim-chili " qrdt lit ask " pam- - aatuditi-i.rr'mgtttatse1 c _ 'Nh'.: e', . . pd :tiii',titt,?tii?i!g/ w... mum with than a!» mu not w MPH“ who CW" mild»; The cm“ '- in; the Inâ€! apply P." his 1't a mi on. iiefttulPj't 'I as user will In !ll'tcti'it.' «as; that; ' II. _ ; ' own his It at . _ _ lst'wso'?M-l t : _ PN 'trtttiatHrhstbo.t' N-r" m _stt â€the mmtet it - “I; . ' mods. but Io (It. tftrttel __ ' that" at"!!! is!!! . Page; ttwt o M "e "a plus is" been and“ Is - "aiiisrirerwrtiretytett_lt at. opinion wt: to so to tho Oslo-6 River. u lull been suggested than the pumping engu- ot the sup: urtory night be used " he woo it toms! tint they In" a catchy d1 2.500.000 gallons per any. This no worthy of communion. He bod tried his best to hurry the work It the may†no we e.odt-tt) earmot be curated when we no. any material. _ cum-atom u-tsaw' l W†planned that the cam val“ a " pm: the Camel! n ooettrttr mty to set "null-M mrtth the '“ cut-work: 31M ttt this town, IN- ttttttt warm“ work, tOtter in solving the was: problem I" tttt ‘own. Ha And will on Ute. can.“ sion for nine year: m‘relunu tt. tho work dam to menu: no any ply from _ to you. When tht mun took over the plant two wells were h: "sresratiort yielding - and 00,000 gatlaetts mavdy. ou- wells were an“, noun ttt which give out. Inc! may veto use? u than nine. Wells were hunk gnu Goun- lum' new: but no water was on» able and tot this reason he thong! m would be was“ ot money to may: [the pawn-house to "a South'ud. Not Enough mm. Aid. Campbell expand hll_ par Jtotion that there' was»? enough water " the preimst pumping plant to supply an ought Bum _ l Go to the Gnu! River. Aid. Harrtso-sidered an ti: zest mum at Burgh-'0 “tum ale'm would be to enact a may, “at net: the Grand River. _ _ A Little “mm. f Mr. H. L. Juan was all“ up: to expres- hix views. He retepedV the [act that when the wstoor.otht was Established in Berlin it with! tire protection only ami. the can)“; which yum Induced to contract Attt plant paid very little his! trrterttht pumping station 'wu mm “lat! as there was sugiciettt Inter to be. secured lot fire puxposes. Shortly alter the plant was established tte hwewupumped drywdttvm “usury to mull: connection "ritt mm dam In: more wum. He mum no history at an plus up to the present. and expressed the View that a mm we energy must ;be exerted by the Commission u ’aecure a permanent supply ot warm l',',", Berlin. . _ _ Comm-stone! H. J, Downy: star ed that he was quite young in in engineering business when the _ vaul- works plant win established itt Ber. lin, but " ttttt tin. to Ind mm mu: in “no “may. " gueputuoon alter and tha 'ttstation van and: more "setotttt th- " is n prune. Ho alerted to the "anytime my: been taken terrtor yarn in in ere-I. um -tr, and mm "at , low .yun no it was nlnut W to trttitdrd in: 1.“:th nub ,er Berlin when the gunk-‘0! W: Maul“ the lighting phat aide-trud- )ed 'hegroleet.. , , a. Engineer Davis stated that the) qua-non vamp“. all important one am it van Input-Sue to - an opinion until a and“ study - made od the mime... Ho “and securing an the - and Mario.- mlo and atthqttit in on!“ Map fo & "liabl- mk. Alisha! 5h. Jan-ant punt in 'tttMt wig inn-IN by new» _ m a; idea that the tonrh"trot.tt4 - as It in dam on In: - nun; Bttrtteatteitor" his In! '-ydAott the man: when w at.“ and than an new _ lot out- put". C' - "ire,' Mr. Allen 1ktrer crtebrnt" MI "th. Mrthday on Humidâ€. Ronni 'ttHitt, Ml INVI'M In“. lie Jodi um he in Nst h " prim adje- ghmlag to develop. He was ' Woo in BMW“ on July "th, 1847. Ind his great grand-mu. Jr Mr. nun . “out. a! width - Le a "9, yank 1'1U"', tlt 'b. 1l'rCu"t'tFri"ibriii'iiiit. Royall Luann“ Council Nu a lumen Little Faith in _ Stqpty Reunite: Carola! Skid! A It!“ was in nun " ttti mm a row- u- t-tges of Ir. J“ B. law], but†tse mutt-puzmd no a} usable by the W a mi “an†ML " mean " be u! to 't-miitu. to Moon. I mum ma: l 'eimirsortsr30r-ot IO.“ “on. Mr. Saturn-l. We! he "ttune, It“ turned down My in recommending (M’mutmt ot s mum on!» the use 11-“. and the Rahal atrttioetttdi"uo the Iain-l7 ot mail it, Berlin “It - " not no " It bismuth“ 'tty .- v.1‘kat-‘n‘q Watering If! to tu,tArs) a not oz two u owns-t progn- hn been mule since the UM ol men camcd’in the work was III- :reuod. . lu P"..'-- I "rmtg storm ot â€out. They hive an: unwind male as: duty. but be! t i: I hudshlp io be asked to to Iuin will}; ott. _ - . “Curlers cannot who aim: italic on or " duty." is n art! with was â€angina can the London M a.“ withi- m-lnt MAC.†and main; to up Mount a! mm! ot the claim ft [In “W " q atinat their manna in pod spirit at this teat order all M, in carrier: Mr been at!“ -to stiit L up: again; 1.9 comply mm; Wat tttty mlmr iwirotAtanded I? victim ot their liberty. It is said that In use ot Itsrtr refusal have: o the demand my VIII be (creed to forte"; their mud homily: or the mus ot â€which“!!! retain it any do not “he balmy; Suva-51 at the curler: hue rein»! to sis-thewt,buttho ma- ority ot then. (lens; ttrat they rould not be so- mammal: and court. Manta“! or distivor with the 'owe" that be.0t the-gum that new man who M Na and to .vooln; to LadCNtextthte when the taily "and: have hm Elm“! ‘ndlymlt our what ' _ up “acoustic and “and Add“ any ot one ot their greatest pm are: Postmaster Caottety.q Vim Mod‘ thout the order. Intel! that the rule applied only when the cutie" were in wilorm, and tint the “my mie, he}! been in tom hit thirty years. The men are ortwt,dsd with a ureatiuu' room is the poet once when they are “bred to, smoke. The intention ot the In]. wan to maven: them smoking while in mi- 'orm. Wtteiott dstty. and in that: 'trd1ttaey clothes' they. were under Io reduction, " _ The Mada Pee. mum mom MACHINERY N8 Mr. J. Kimmel gittutttd to Berlin fm Friday evening Iron: u. importttiit bothttss trip to England, Holland o# Gummy in the momma " new felt works 6mm mute vs Mllsbed in the factory Mindy m Mid by up Mitffiuhhr .Co. Mr. Etimnet visikd the M»; (on manufacturing centres in tbea countrln and Maud. the nan-an.“ machinery [or .the new industry. all ot which will Be 0nd of the most Im- _tod.ahy than. Roar or the new» in Indexed " "re of the must ystegttst'd cinem- to be mtg! In the manhunt: ot special "(at at (on which In “A page†being In- Shed-1mm the tlp., angry W“"‘~ ---~~- _.. The kite - .dditiott to the build- lng will. bu rushed to compktinn, while "tte interior ot the at build» mg will humanely "mourned I'M who an mm plat is tiaiiltedaritt ttiN/l', we - "r mm! _ " "qttiget m him†on Minna-wk . .".-v.'.." l, " {I ertreeted that the nannies am he manhunt“ by the end ot the War. N . ' _ . --.--_-.- ENGINEERING PARTNERS“!!! It. W. H. Bronâ€. th E., cl. Berlin. form A than!!!†wit} Mr. E. H. Kathy. It. R., ot Toronto. {all once. l And“: “when, I Mom tet. 'orotsht, to any on hum,“ iuiGaiu attectV ttttt 'kqtttoare git' 'ttl',',',)"),; . um um" ' - will m‘m at with mm, tCt. Kama: hump!“ t -- a! yelp been Clay mm ‘d 1mm. wtstte n. mm» In at we "we «and h What nt't','lt opnumt u m Valâ€; A ' .-ttrenui" (lglt Mend: “H ,'U'tt to Im- l “no my ' " W. , an M an. by: “In! only a N; h 'ret ‘ _ s _ i win “at My!!! be - at 533 &m Ifâ€. HALLI'ELL. ALFRED G. IAU'IAN .. WITZEL. .. 'tue' Pl,2EP",", 2'h'"'ta". " ' .m F n.» law all“? mun mt m “I!†F. whit“. alas-lulu But Not Smoke NEW FELT WORKS R "I mum - Be tt He WAS TRYING To tfriiteqMf, at _ . p In: Run-,1»! In! Emu I MPG-ti ohm: Lust not! 't "I tre dn the nu and had, 13511 . " immu- ol bunting ‘13.!" On! and m Tum PM u! ttear , at “and! and {ethic-imam» but '", t I “Gyro! “a pub-cu. mu 0min 19rok' ttt mam tin-at And-pl a '/e0.mqttrttP. uhc bl bit the prin- ‘egg ot M: In!!! exercise in ttte yard and in being kept in clone Cote tinement until his removal to tur Central Fri-on. BUNYAN COMMITTED use numb. ot flab. lick. Us. this tttle _ James any“ apered Welt- tttstrata; ‘Wr It _thé can thrae oit My “two Cm muted .10! an: mu chugg- ottnt ‘ng wilfully Hilda ladle! belonging .o Ueotho mlglduch. oi Waterloo Tum“): _- V ' GEO. GEHL WAS ACQUI'I'TED I Successor to J. A. GOOD 8: CO. The chap. ot “via Ere, three shou with {Involves- illievr mm the wu path!†heard and artotmr ed until Thursday. _ _ "-, _ kiit rkruaiidro. J llama-adamant.“- I-nu an up am: you-.- 1"!†"his! as “his!!! More Judge (Win (in .1me an the “in! um; am to! Thursday. Mr. J. Ir. balm“, of Out, detotict' she prim-met. V _ ' - she prismr. V _ ' A lug: number oLwitnL-sm and 'mtereattd path-a Vet‘s present from he mutt d the can». T Geo. Gchl who was employed early this year as deliverer tor J, Mann, butcher, mend tor mu more Jute Chisholm an lanky on the charge a! thrttrttjCoetpt nannies um it wail!“ tie lul- collided lion can“: Gamer! Ind had \not turned over. V j ot n artifBdthsg character, mtd' um gxmsideraticn His Honor pvt the prisoner the Deviant ot the dtNY* in his mind as to his guilt and he was ttsqtsittcd. t re Ctriauttomerr Karim: .trt-utod and atr..e.. Wrmmau wouldâ€! the Mr. and In; hitatte Foster, may strait, am Sunday with native: in Guelph. - __r -- J:. .. .. ‘mIAms lcTiwisiml the Nation- al Reghrerr Co., Toronto. spent Sun- day with 'iimetst. Berlinh ,, ' -iiTsrt,uii waste): has returned from tr week's visit “her uncle's} at Erht: . . "_1 ',",, _-tcr.. inn A. Warren}: spa-“n: week in and» In! ENIL 7:39. s. 'e.Ittdtotstireioretitires, was the gm! 0! Hum Srta.uottte Hutta, Km‘strggt, siqt5t.ytt9rc . . In “[111. tetiitl Irving. o: Guelph,†spam. Send“; In Berlin. Rev. w. A',' prune; and may we on Tangy? ttt hummus. what! 'Mfyl inn-’thmmoath at August: L, _ .. J' C" ; prisoner Mr. vdrstet Unit: Inna-d T ttv. eurday ninth» Aibyttr' 5119 the mend Coat. mama... we progress in Britt-h Cohmbia "d um North. West‘Prov‘nees h mat-Hui and is bound to continue " new to come, . l - The crowd " the mutkct Sunday morning In: emupmlly large mt- witmtuuil-g an andâ€; menu. Be- tween 1.30.58." it Wu wittrecrrsi- denhle,- Why that peopte got mound. The reduced - in the ruin him is responsible tor M will “not at slain drtd (he at 3%.â€: be an. plow! m too so“. Tb Flee- M products were Mull. batter selling {tom 3:. to t',,'. outpace] aging; It to euttt. M VII 3 , No!“ w 'eietttftr,'. tgti, Sits' an _,'i'a'tl,'ltiatt up --- 'w--.. mum-13mm!!! narrow-"MN“! I mum-MM .c. F LY PADS BERLIN NEWS ITEMS WILSON'S BERLIN MARK ET “KB HIS ESCAPE hair, FOR TRIAL onâ€. ,1 on.“ â€a.“ "In. ' Mi Gold Seal thtffee Get in on the Inside THE CANADIAN BABE OF COMMERCE f _" zlvwmn. has» i m. LAM, Gain! - A. Q W, Guam-moi _ a M -is.'.v.r.. _...».. ........ , can q “.13? 5Ell, b can†'iriiiiaiiiiarkhi"'d ' can: f, ,' l 5‘: Mit _ _ a " , "s', 330...... men} .321, . _. 3†. , , "t:.s... Tseety 'g’w" Thu ttx,u,t'a"'d It u my once in Canada sat-Chan "7 _ IMI (Yunnan-pt .nulguhe . Making pow. in the Uoitire “f" ' * 3 . They no negotiable .384.†p as. d; “an; in Great arm-Mud Mg? my km a ii,er,ihttt1,tfgaetgirll, lmn! of mm, wigs. , I a:aata.a.l_rtit.rrts_rr- tidiltnnroe3tahit% Waterloo Branch, J. Ilroorman, Maxim I: good-have you tried it. T , . 3* Heads Silver Spoon with such pound. Whole or wroumtrairr:'s] Per pound. f _1' 't 2% R. Weber a Go. , Cr?s',, BANK MONEY ORDERS airs worth. 'rssetrrouto. m, buy 12 bon- nd a king tiff will "ll at Iâ€. .- . br $5433"- Hardware, Btovu,EiGram, Plumbing Ind Pipe Stuingt Bare. nut Pun office Phone: 142 Balm. [I HEAD arms. TOM-"0 The Triumph_pf the Time! 1907 3400.000 In New Buildlnis 5400.000 In Premiums SM.000 In fret-lun- $40,000 In Special Attrasctto.a $40M 1mUtritl Am NMuHhmi-zd Almaty-u Med Puma Collection Adduo nibM rain or ma mum um _ . mxmcm an“ sum-Am C f UmVALLED “traumas" mm. mam Cm Plun- COW Le,',',',', '. _ Cindi» nun-d mrp.t-s-dtt'.ouqte-i--rh._ . Er. POTTER Market Grocery CANADIAN NATIONAL EXHIBITION TORONTO And"! Mth to 809mb" 9th lib. 'rgntttFe6t"u,0ae". “mun-110mm“; hi‘mm All "qtFetrlt"1tr.atttVhr, M1 Att, -. mil- amine-r.“ M'ia'ti'g'ffd.1't _ SIGN omow sun. BERLIN: BOTTOM PRICES. $2tt'mthratetto"tStl,8M0a" 659.; mum-Ammonia»- - M. mwmm, ', -rusrrtsumotatttr" "aliiaktym_. Phidlup Capital, 'ttM. EM I tt igll Rest, T - - " IB, Itllitll Tgtal Apaets, - 1t!l,'t'lls',tRalt,tll , on†ESTAButRtSD 1801, -ieieqdt-, BERLIN; out GUM BERLIN 1907 ire," HE!