zi . o. wednesday 000. . Â¥igit cof sev / [ _ old | parishi 1!» Doctor‘s fir .l estermed w :;.‘;“",5’".‘ 3. NC Oy L’j «Ch "Dto. !1 ns C Wev, DT. x * tw 12( ndtldt spprvongnizike \.|. . Including m hus X8 X8 ced A wide circle of friends will learn with regret of the death of Anna, m wile of Rev. John C. swre; s ter of F mn. umw. Anâ€" Ireland,. which â€"occurred _ at "Ballinacoy," Lake Shore Road,â€" Mi~ f,‘n W. Bassett, accountant at Abe Walkerville branch of the Bank of (Coinmerce is ‘relieving | here for several weeks during the absence u» MÂ¥. Moorian, manager of the local 2,,, ~members h of German . School Spciety : m«: Public * School Board â€" y evening, with a view ":; ving â€"_ a Getman _ teacher wppointed fer the Public School. The advisability . appointing a . teacher an ,!fg‘ï¬:; were aiscusecd . . Af some Tlength. 1t was arranged â€" to idvertise Jora . German "tcacher, doâ€" ttes to :c m v"?é' v“ recopening . «) Rev. Dr. McNair left for home Wwednesd; y morning after a pleasant Wisit of several days amongst ‘ his wid parishioners. â€" Waterloo was the Doctor‘s first charge and he and. his estecmed wile still" retain a _ warth plac :Uflu ol the people. mico, on Friday morning, July 19th E?.’ Ar. Stevenson Wu' D:G{ur v b ,-_Epecinth‘e of â€" the _ German wol Society met in the Board 0: ‘room on ‘Fuesday _ evening. At the Police Court on _ Monday «Rumig pleadid gurity _ betore ice Magistrate _ of stcaung a whip "Jusius boftman. fie was _ af ï¬ on suspeuded sentence ana ‘ to pay custs of tourt. \ The setvices in the Presbyterian F wrch: on Sunday were ‘conducte! by Rev. Dr. McNair, of Oakvilie, . who ivered two impressive and, scholar y sgermons, . to large congregations, icluding ud the old frie.ds from iter churches. Miss muith Sauder of w%:- fibuted a well rendered so o at the evening service which was * Mr. and Mrs. Umbach, of Chicago, who are visiting friends in Wateriot sgang solos in the Evangelical Chu:rl ‘ »Treasurer. 0. . Rumpel, of the B. & W. Hospital _ thankfully acanowâ€" es receipt of _ cheque for $4 _St. Louis K. C.â€" Church, Waâ€" terl o, as its donation toward . the institution. ..The members of the Epworth Lea gue of the Methodist Church enjoyed a social evening on the lawn of Mr. Thos. Hilliard, William street, Monâ€" day evening. . The regular meeting of the Public Sebool Board will be held on Thurs day . evening. The St. Jacobs choir will furnisl the music at the social to be held in Hawkesvilic next Friday evening on the lawn of Mr. Smith. LOST.â€"Between Erbsville Post otficc and Henry . G. Neeb‘s gravel pit a ""sum _ of money. Finder will bt :.r,:‘-)goully rewarded.â€" 2 30â€"1mo. > * 0. d ki The kind 1 have always sold ana always gives â€" . A, party of Waterloo young peopk are camping along the Grand Rive north of Heideiberg. _â€"The Waterloo Lawn Tennis CJu Ellm to Elmira on Saturday t« j_.;Y a friendly game with the clui at that place. _ The~ â€" weekly market was largel; | next attended on Salurday morning. Burâ€" ter sold at 20 cents a lb. and egg at 18 cénts a dozen. 5;:; Crescents of Waterloo defeated 1 ‘a at the latrer place in an in m’ / game of football by a score 2 goals to 0. on | Sunday..~ Their selections were Well rendered and much appreciated #ON%® Gé0¢400900¢%¢ esere _ Mr.: Fred Shina is confined to hi ##000 QOORRRCRRG® evert DEATH OF MRS, STEYENSON Borger‘s Puro Paris Green only. â€" hy friends â€"® hear of Mrs death. Perfect Satisfaction. Local News. E. M. Devitt‘s COITY DRUG SPORE, 817. Dsutsche _Apothel e WATERLOO Remember that I seil it Commencing on snur‘:‘y‘.’ July 27 ; School Board tas hel4 on Monday at M.Weiche! and Son, Hardwate Merâ€" termoon. Present â€" Messts. W. M. chants, ; Waterloo,â€". will hold their Reade, A.â€" E. Devitt, C. W. Schiedol, migsummer Bargain Sale which will M. E. Hraendie and C. Woeller. gonvibue until Aog. Jrd. â€" A perasal of _ ‘The resignation of Miss â€" CUathorine their. advertisement on page sit ‘flm was received and accepted. this issue will convey an idea of thed secretary was Instructed"." to Deceased was born in Waterloo and was a stage driver between Preston and. Waterioo about tWwenty _ years ago.> He afterwards was . empioyed as hostictr at the Zimmerman House stables for 15 years, and later folâ€" owed the same occupation at the Commercialâ€"and City hotels, ... He was matried to Kate Miller of Waterloo in 1879, â€" who predeceased him two years later In 1881 he was married to Litirs Zefler of German Mills and resided at the corner <of Cedar and Peppler streets until reâ€" cently . During the cvening over three thos sand feet of moving pictors film was m‘z Mr.: Geo. O. Philip of Berâ€" lin, which .alone was worth the price of admission. & P th is 482 40226 dÂ¥ taivlihce. Ju â€"2â€"20 â€" & t y L L e to day ~ evening when the W.M.S. banad * M# """‘m‘?‘ faikes ::m‘nmhtp::.‘hnu &n ,?",' salvation :A , keeping ‘the band stand . near water. The M fine playing of the band,,the novl." 2.. Growing glory of Christ. picture show, and the beauty of :the! 3. Victory of Christianity _ .over surroundings . combined to furnisi‘en udaism; . evening _ of keen enjoyment to the | 4.. Beauty and simplicity . ot the large / number who attended the cojâ€" Christians he pergecuted. Car t. â€" 5.. uo en iidoL ce ol dieen 6 0 queee old e VC The deceased is survived by a wile and four children, namely:~â€" Frieda (Mrs..= Ed. â€" Hitborn,â€" Brantford); Martha, (Mrs. Henry Steppler); Tilâ€" lie of New York and â€" Luelia _ at home. ‘Three brothers, Menno, Jacob and Alex, and one sister, Mrs.. C. Wolfe, also survive. > The beauty of Waterioo‘s fine park was seen to good advantage on}‘rl-3 day â€" evening when the W.M.S. band The ‘death occurred at the Berlinâ€" Waterloo Hospital, on Thursday morning of Mr. Henry Wolfe, â€" after an illness of several _ months â€" from dropsy, aged 64 years and 6 days. The funcral was held on Saturday alternoon from the residence of / Mr. Henry Steppler, Union St., to Mount Hope cemetery for interment, das, ard other places and inspecte« submitting zame to the daly quaii the systems in vogue at _ thes ffied ratepayers. _ schools, _ after which Architect Wit Mr. Graybill stated that he bac ton of Hamilton was enzaged an. fingaged John Simpson toâ€" act a: drew up. plans and specifications apâ€"| driver for the new _ fire team, at & proved by the Board. The cost o fsalary of $400 a year and $50 fo. stalling the system, however, bein; Mrs. Simpson, his duties .to com much higher than expected, amoun. | mence on Monday . The _ Counci ing to â€"$4,500, the Board appear«; | :o pay rent of house amounting â€" to vefore the Council to ask as to ad | $6.50 a month until improvements ai visability of submitting a byâ€"law t« | firehall are completed. raise the‘reguired amount. Mr. Con The Council arso granted the sun rad placed before the Council th fof $25.00 fora new suit for thi« Plans and specifications apd explaincs #"ypn. AGED RESIDENT PASSES AWAY In the Person of Henry Woli‘e Who Was a Citizen otf Watâ€" erloo for 64 Years. He referred to a letter he had ic ceived ~from Hom."R. Lemicux, Post masterâ€"General, which stated ~thai if the Councit h‘: ‘would act i con unction with Mr. Seagram, . M.F and apply to _ Ottawa, he was quil: certain that Waterloo could get fre delivery ami having this would hel. to insure a new post office buildin, {or Waterlooâ€"in the near future, Mr HMughes said there was an impres gion that free delivery would reliew the postmaster: ol much work â€"â€"bu it is understood _ that it would larzcâ€" ly increase the, work at the â€" post office. ‘The ‘boxes would beâ€" replace« by distributing racks which would rc quire â€" datger space accommodation 1es in <the Central . School. M Read: stated that the Board desire. to install closcts in the school. They had visited schools in Hamilton, Dup "C KA . ~meeting ‘of the .. Tow! Ing. Present, the Mayor ; Messrs J. B. Fischer, B. E. Bechtel, Lew Graybil!, Jos." Mickus, and C. A Hucha. â€" Mr.~J. B. HMughes was ptesent aw brought ‘up the question of Free Pos tal Delivery and a new Post office‘h Waterloo. & Mayor Seagram agreed that a ne\ post . oJice â€" building was necded but thought Waterloo too small ; town for free .postal delivery, whic. he did not believe : would be c much benefit to the citizens. Messss.Graybill and Fischer _ wen of the opinion. â€" that if Free â€" Mai Deliveriwould bring a new . ~ post office, Waterlco should ‘certainly hay it. Messrs, W. M. Reade, M. E. Braen dle, Wm. Conrad and C. W. Schiedc of the Waterloo Public School Hoar: ippéared before ‘the Council in it érence â€" to matters in Tonnectioi with the cost of installing lavato: ORIVER FOR â€" FIRE_ TEAM MIDSUMMER BARGAIN SALE The matter â€"was laid over _ unti xt meeting. FINE BAND CONCERT Appear . Befote _ Council Free: Postal Delivery alges Deing «low ptices A visit to ‘own dA the kind â€" of syst ie * thiirion. o ail " which in‘ M# on ‘Ley |he "sel o! e " 8i n taar o sin * fuaik tale S en it __~,] "azor of _ such a large amâ€" en on e pu, | $2500. He objected to W 9 [ inz money â€"% . subnii a °C ‘‘ | byâ€"law to the people. The matter re quired careful consideration. He was * fin favor of putting. closcts in ~the PoSt | school. He brought up the question tha‘ J of building a ward school in _ the 1| west ward where several lots in Mâ€"* | the old show ground had been _ set quit faside several years ago: He said 1"? | Waterloo must build an addition‘ teo B# J present building or a ward schoo} 149. fin the very near future as the preâ€" MY~] sent ~building is . not large enough P"C3 | and furthermore it would be a great lC\ J convenience _ for children livingâ€" in ©U | the east and south wards. He: con ‘ArZt~1 tended that in view â€"of the abow< POSt .] conditions â€" such a‘~ large _ amount 12¢¢¢ | should not be expended â€"and â€" suw !d "C | zested that the sznool Board look in tion [ to the questions â€"referred to. Rev. Dr. MeNair® of Oakville, i. the absence of the pastor on hn vacation, conducted the services . i» ‘the . Waterloo ~Presbyterian _ Uhurcl. last Sabbath, preaching â€" most im lpwssive and .. scholarly sermons _ t« | large congregations, including many _of the old . "friends from _ siste: churches. Waterloo: was . Dr. : Mcâ€" Nair‘s first charge, where he . anc his estimable wire still retain a. warn. place in the hearts of the.people. The general impression about the conversion of the Apostie Paul is that it was altogether sudden, and without w antecedent of exâ€" perience, but the text and his own testimony Rm-nw« sout _ ail his Pharisaic was a preparation . for his conversion. ‘Some of the goads against which he kicked wereâ€" Dr. McNair showed that every soul experitneed ~opposition to the claims of Christ, and clesed with a: powerâ€" ful appeal to yield to the. . promptâ€" ings of the Holy Spirit. A sapecial . meeting cf the Pablic School Board tas held on Monday at ternoon. Present â€" Messrs. W. M. Dr, MceNair‘s subject at the motn ing service was takem â€"from â€"~Acts 41:20, and â€" after enumerating _ the different Churches of New Testament times, showed clearly. that Antioch was an ideal church for the â€" folfowâ€" ing reasons, 1 : Cosmopolitan. 2. Evangelistic. 3, . Witnessing. + 4. Benevolent, 5. Missionary. ; The evening service was a psychoâ€" logical study in the conversion â€" of the â€"Apostle Paul, Acts 9:5, â€" Messrs. Mickus and Huthn express xi similar views to those of ‘th Jrevious . speaker. Preached Impressive and Schoi arly Sermons on Sunday at tae Presbyterian Church. ;. It was then moved by H. N. Hueh seconded by B. E. Bechtel that thi: Council.â€"is not in favorâ€" of passing a byâ€"law to raise the amount men lioned by the deputation withou. submitting zame to the daly quaii fied ratepayers. & Levi Graybill was of the oprnior that closets could be installed. in th school for $2500 which would bn quite satisfactory. . He was in favo f a ward school . At any: rate. h would not ‘advise passing bylaw wit} out submitting it to the people first. Mr. Graybill stated that he bac ingaged _ John Simpson toâ€" act a: driver for the new _fire team, at & salary of $400 a year and $50 fo. Mrs. Simpson, his duties .to com mence on Monday . The Counsi o pay rent of house amounting to $6.50 â€"a month until improvements ai firchall are completed. â€" Mr.â€"J. B. Fischer stated that. the ichool Board. had been studying this juestion for several months anc thought â€" that work :should be com menced at once, but in view . of t fact _ that the Council had struck their rates for the year it would bt advisableâ€"to hold the . matter _ over intil next year, and ‘submit it te the new council. ~Hé was not in fa‘or ‘of passing a byâ€"law â€" withou? submitting it to the people first. REV. DR. McNAIR _ OF OAKVILLE RESIGNATION ACCEPTED e in the Daily (Giobe and |"** ‘+2°5" Empire for ‘.ptlm teachâ€"|~ Drsâ€"amd 1 inl talary . tobe $375. _ Also | Wit.. spen! cb ts Nce OWt in L en h e Di ln%-n-- to Mr. Thomas A. Brough,.B.A:, . of Vancouver, has . left .after aâ€" pléeasâ€" ant visit with his parents and othâ€" or relatives in town. Miss Grace Longbhurst, of Hamilton htthDMdï¬r.M wo8 r8t, . Willow street : for several days. 2 v "Miss Pansy Curtis of Toronto, reâ€" tw Monday â€"atter a viait in. W . the coucst" ofâ€"Miss Frane Miss K irklagd of Orangeville is the guest of Mr. and Mrs. Wiltiam Arsik strong for a few days. Messrs. J.â€"B. Hughes, J:; B. Fischâ€" er and J. Scolt attended the races at Preston on Thursday. Mt¢. â€" John â€" Scibel of Michigan. â€"#* ;mth friuds in town for several ays. Mr. Thos. Brough of Vancouver, B. C., is 2:«“ a / few days with his sister, . A. C. VanEvery, Mrs. J. Scott and. daughter Vera are spending : several weeks . with friends in Southampton. : Messrs. â€"John and William. Hayden of near Kurtzville returned on Tuesâ€" day after a two days‘ visit in Watâ€" erloo. . & Miss Laura Roos of the Mutual Lii: staff, returned from a pleasant‘ visit at Hamilton Beach. Miss ~Christina Wettlaufer, of Can City, Mich, is a guest at the. hoine ‘of â€" (Mr.â€" and (Mrs. Wm. McDougatl. Mr. Jean Rublman }eft for sinflulo Tuesday, after a week‘s visit at his home <here. â€" Master Max. Shinn is spemiing sey« eral â€" weeks with > friends in ‘Tavisâ€" Mr. A..P. Philip and family © of Jackson, Miss., are spending a few weeks with his father. Messrs. Landor and Bolton . Readt of Torcnto, spent Sumday at thshn home here. Mr. and Mrs. Umbath, of Chicago, are visiting friends and relatives in town for several days, Miss Gladys Devitt has returned from a â€"several â€" weeks‘ visit â€" with Elmira . friends. Mr. E. P. Flintoft left on Saturday for & several days‘ visit at his homet in Sarnia. Mrs. 1. L. Hobden and4 children, oi Foronto, ~ arrived on Saturaay ~ 10 spend a few weeks with Mr. and Mrs. 1. Addison Tavylot, 4 Dr. Archibald Henderson of New Liszcard, is the guest of Mr. C,. i} «lement, Alléen Street. Mr. J. A. Harper returned Monday evening . from a several â€" days visit with Mount Forest friends. Miss Lena Miller of Elmira, â€" is the yuest of Miss Edith O‘Donnell for sevâ€" cral days. T Cambrics, Summer Silks, Mr. Allison Mcintyre spent Sunda; at Strasburg. Mi. Alex Veitch ol West Montrosc was a visitot Jn Waterloo on Tuestlay Mr. Leigh Hoge is visiting at his home here. i > > + Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Suggitt . * were visitors to Preston on Thursday. Mr.. A. B. McBride returned . o: Thursday froma visit in Kingston. WATERLOO Personal and Social ZINN‘S SHOE STORE . UFFELM ANN at prices to suit everybody its. Wabi, of a few duys Watot a t For Sale At W Three rinks of Galt bowlers went down to defeat on the â€" local _ green on Tucsday before the local <knights of the kitty. Ths. scoreâ€" > Waterloo. Galt. 1. â€" Movreman, H. O Hawke, Mr. George Fisher of the . Mutual Life staff lelt Wednesday ~ to spend :ll: vacation with friends in Kincarâ€" e. Mrs. F. B.â€"Elliott, who has been a guest at the .Methodist parsonage, for the past month, has gone to Hamâ€" ilton and will in a. few days ~returp to her home in Cobden, Ont. Mrs. J, G. Wegenast and son, Master Lorne, have returned to their home in Hamilton after spending a few weeks visiting Mr. and Mrs. F. W. Snider, Allan street. :. M. Reade, > l:l.cfl-t. ayor Seagram, . C,. Carter, Dr. Sterling, â€"â€"â€" F. A. Brodie, W. Hogg, A. D. Strong, akip . 34 akip 14 A â€" rink of Berlin bowler. alsoâ€" met defeat at the hands of our stalwarts: Waterloo. Borlin. â€" ~_Mr. Robert Hortop of Toronto is holidayingâ€"at his pyome here. Mr. A. C. Moyer is in Toronto toâ€" day auendh%hthe Photographers‘ Association. gallery will be open as ustal. The â€" many. friends of Mr. Haro!d Armitagze of the â€" Bank ofâ€" Nova Seoâ€" tia, Berlin, will be pléased> to hear of _ his . promotion to the Otlawa brauch of this ban‘t. Miss McCormick, milliner at 4. Uffelman‘s store left â€" Saturday for her. home . in Bellevle. W. G Parasols, . Uuderwear, Blouses, Silk Capes, Silk Jackets, Silk Corsets Henry Reuel Aâ€" rink teleat at Watertc P W o Gz GALT BOWLERS DEFEATED Doctsam, Conrad, E. Sanderson, Hespeler, C.. Haight, . Brieker 14. Snyder Choicest Naylor, Prop,. City Meat Murket, WATERLOO (Duerirg‘s Old Stand ) Of Meats weather goods for men skip skip 80 Best FOR THE A is Go To 20 AND 9w 3 F4 ONTARIO. W Dr. Lake, \. MeKean, A.AJ. Cardy, ‘, Turnbull, Galt. 0. Hawke MacBean, Bond , Turnball, Tt en >A l 3 ‘ § h: + P / nplatgyâ€" Cac: 99 s * To {s Bs v OA akip <16 skip 17 Mnxé â€" engine ~supplies rower, Jt is caly witl yl:t&l motor Boats Soon the . waters . < Jn â€" scheibtleâ€"bowling. on the. gt‘« Vriday \ evening â€" Skip E. 4. . HMo« defeated ~Skip Dr. W.â€"J. Steriing 1 a score of 20 to 16. Mr. Chas, W. Dobbin is the 8 a newâ€"motor boat which he ly constructed and it is a tr his enterprise and ability. 1t pitéenpâ€"feet in lemgth and 0om! aocommodites dfk. dersors. / The Alpha Chemical Company Excellent Hundre is of yards of Muslin and Wash Fabrics h\" ed ‘and have beeu rednced for this sals. Our entire stock of Watches, Jewelry, Chins, Qm/fl%{ M j 25% to 60% less than the actual Relling prices. ;ï¬f Every acticle must be sold by Jaly I5th # "~~. e Watch this space for Bargaine. â€" m "t9l Waltham Watch in gold flled case gaurantoed for 20 _ years regular $12.00 now $7.85. d er i‘iff« Lndy‘s hunting Waltham in gold filled case gauranâ€" â€" teed for 25 years regular $14.00 now $9 55. }é k W.l’t-bnm Watch, Gents, in nickel case regular "M? at~ $5.00. _ . % t We ds no more repairing excepting watches which had been anteed by us. ts o,~ Goods sold for cash only. § o on Store open Tuesday Thursday and Saturday ov%"? u-?;( do‘!l ws and cents, <If you bnb‘% age of our bargains why not do so this week. _ interest and as we are adding some extra spéc enthusiasm, we expect a Big Day on Baturday Reg, 12 1â€"2¢ and 15¢ muslins for 8¢. Ne +o | Reg. 20¢, 25¢ and 35¢ voiles, etc. for 10¢.â€" w w\ â€"._ 250 and 50c¢ vestings for 12 1â€"2¢. e & 00. ~~â€" 60 yards print, in good patterns and good : colors, reg. 1 a yard for 9c. . e See our nice range of 50: dress goods, which we have pu for 35¢ per yard. Bargains in allâ€"sestions of the store. . Going Out $1.00 WHITE WAISTS Central Block, Waterloo, Ont. For cleaning Dairy and : Kitchen Utensils. ~For. enamelware â€" and marble fittings in bath room and laundryâ€"scours clean and polishes â€"@isintectgâ€"but does not injure. PRICEB 10 CBNTSâ€"AT ALL DEALERS. weL‘e 28 only, rew stylish white lawn waists, tr med â€" enbroidery insert‘ons down the front, tucked down back, cuffs alsa ticked. You can afford to buy an »white waist at this price. ~H Is now in full swing. We expec pointed, â€" Hundreds of shoppets m NEW MOTOR BOAT G. B. Ryan & Co., Berlin iImmense Slaughter of Prices. _ BOWLING . ROOS, Jewellet Limited trib It is aterloo‘ & of Busine ownt recentâ€" ooX th The E. M. 8. Band Excursion. Tickets for t Gorge Route will be on sale, train. Bu{ them on your v'g mdh save time and avoid the gi rush. sns Danicl Cook, a Drayton twn, 18 in the ~Cnelph jail on remhand chargke with bigamy. Cook is a ‘sonlfâ€"law Mr. J.ouis McDonald â€"~ of riry Fod and _ thy Advocate of that _ pi ce says‘ "He is charged with tyb one Daisy: Storer, a bont.fm, w h had been adopted by Mr.â€"Join W. Holander, ol . Peel township.. She went with him to Elora where 1 e were martied, she claiming to be â€" 1 .. ho. a â€" widower Uipiy in AlF n wl pereage o E3 CC : e iÂ¥ 4 > All lickets good returning by Train same ‘evening . leaving ®t 7,30 or on any regular d day August 12th. . affo The Season‘s THE 14th ANNUAL Saturday, August 10th, leaves Elmira 8t. Jacobs Heldelberg on m Breslau M sboro Special train CHARGED WITH BJGA MY the viciaity bearly well known to . the J.8. Weichel, W.Behrens, C N. Klinck, Niagara F Children under 12 ye-z., , half Arriving at Falls 10.10%a, m. Under the Auspices of the Musical Society, ‘,g] EXCURSION 8 t hild â€"â€"TOâ€" 6.10 a 6.10 a 6.15 a, 6 28 a. 6.45 a. 6 55 a. Treas Iime 10. $1, top ..