'll!?':',?:??:'::,',': 'aB8rt41ttf - [u in†mud iiWtiSPd'ti'al2tg'c (t um um "it"MNh"e' “has was] an. 1!. out" lo and. at to In" Ila-I'm than! "tiv.rbt-ou" mm M! m can. Duh. The picnic 36m. 'c" My. and Nts tests at the m on chuc: Mrs. W. B, ten ot Strat home ot hits Mrs. w. Urquha Jersey as spcudlu: the‘home ot hut Ernst, Mr. and Mr on all e.xtende tish Columbia Miss Rita Tracey Marie, bitch, is 51 mer with hm [new kel. Miss Mmmc turned homo pleasant HM! Fairbank Fan lienry- Beau [ The Mtsscs Mr. Frank ilostetler from his recent illness éstreetsville In: work of hjsjewclry humncs: cently purchased. A lawn social nndcr the Hapuu Cimrch " A. Jrautcuscltrager's and Mabcl guests at l Iuoourg it Mr. “mm Gout was one of Bra: Wednesday their rcsiucr Messrs F. " and Wm. Hm mittee' to tip new iudusli Cate here. Mr. and Mrs several days ' week. it"! In :lmnmsr s tntgensuildiust mum were nummuux ant the high esteem in ttm. Vettch are hr Mty. Mr. Vritch i The Hahn _ Stamping Wo and Huger '. will hold a Mr. My retauncd here. Young ut Howell, Mull, Vlblltl Iriends here last wvc's. Mr. Werner Brudlccht, My. of tly Hamburg Mfg. Co, has left on a bust ness trip to the West in the interest: oi the tirm. Miss Minolta Bum). of Toronto formerly ot this place, wort the meda at Lorretto Convent, Hamilton, i: water color painting. Miss Edith Crowlv, Rev. K. W. Crowlv, ot New Hamburg, st, Brst class honor list sity Junior Piano Ch at Toronto. . Mrs, thn l [LI Edward have If“ holiday trrp io Chicago. Mr. Iranivl â€wk-1 extended Inn te W; tish Columbia. Ho Baptist convention Spokane this mont Miss Emma Ran ing at her home weeks, chdmg Mum Voitrh cvlvlrruted marriage .mnn'cl‘b. 12th, by invitin friends and neighly "past which was 'In good Canadian those present we: them, Dr. George Elgin, John, Sheri cousin. Andrew an his two sisters. Al ton And Mrs J Bridgeport, (Had: DOUGH, sfrcrat tr thrmeuoor, Ihulgr Mr. and per, Mo. a with [rich Mr. Louis turned alum Milverton. . Mr. Harold Plum tht, Northwest after months at his Immv- Mr. W. H. Hclntcr,Clut the guest oi Mr. and His Plum last week. I‘ll-.0410 Proudloot Grand Rr 0; input My Miehart D -otett in MN. V Dundee, on Mr. and l do. . Ohio, Mr. Dan daughter, I Brannon! my row on Sat Ata uncut h"! In. Pram annual Lutheran ADVERTIBIRB. d NER HAMBURG ll WINTI‘IIUKOI RN] M ds B. Pudd Allard, , ml " W 'tar.--" - an Aloud mm and a. visit he witl mg hrld McCallu is spcnlllng th friend Miss Cl ling He 4tit " tl Id mncss wl John Pomona dstunv- ’Imlgle trom "PIN", l V st " u M Wow-v Incl - ' w, Bery- t Inge " rt ‘Id as hknulhhula In.» TI. 0391 Ar Al l I: th M he banks or th, , held . numbe in the municipa K mt ..Io ad - It plan†Sunday SCI Bl " " mart lad] “(out IT d A y Utter id: In "N" tl . Fergus, Ont, July 1ir.--A drawn- up “sum†0| um uncut-vul- luuuu Smiling taitt. r - stood " tad Louis Ll; accident took place " Aboyne rent itt choc". waved both-ugh the “out V.“ v H. Mun about a mile brlow here in the No man ever worked "rder, As burst forth into an" that "d tn [Grand 1tivcr In! night Retard Al- soon u an opening protected itself than a deep note cl emotion. Tim the suck NH Ian, was In bathing and getting out thero wen-a "mun "ur to Md. ch!" the had mic 'romed too much of his depth wu 6roqrBe0. Hillhov In any new in not tqN6. to: no man who. it.“ hot n attack of Mother ml other 'ttr-tttr" m AIM at. mun-mt Pdief ht"dut U Mr, M t " mam; mum to an My, " w- over a no†a yd: ' . _ - my my“! to up!“ sAtrtry W '*trtt. "mm. tMt ,rrrtiimCtttqCec,:S,,NrMtth _., At x)? _,,csuasi, Baden 1i tlr ding sever M “S 11 ior “all ft last we u and Bri attend tln Mr gm Mr tt W M F.ltmr Mot h Mask Home U s ' isit- several rhe ll that rmerly in tht ‘n- Fermi-IF!!! pus-M up. IB., It,'.", . no - l I - vlih r. I“ m A“ cum " ll gm Du ‘mmu l5 Sh sum Buc Ir It M Tl in: " at d d d I: do. “I... In“. it My, an 1th In". in It 0. is. my. uni um no. no you. “any. as width; " not: grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. was unmet. in. “no woman, MI. on snarl holidays with - Mrr'. In: Lon Weber, Bowl, is visit in; wig her laugh here. I' -.. it“ ttatie Busch; mm a M. Jouph'u hospital. Guelph. In spelt mg a two wouh' vacation u hm home, here. Mr. Sam korwell, St. Louis, Ia, us visiting his parents and [new new after an ubuuce ot eightuu yells trout St. Clements. When quit, More yous young main young he left for Uncle Sun's do main and this is his second viii. since leaving here. Needless to II.) many of his old time Mend: stil remain, Others have gone to tin “Great Heyomt." Yrutxtessrui Students-- mu Anni. Burbiwh and Miss Henryena Schum mer both successluily passed thei. Jutrance examinations at Berlin. Miss Annie Schummer sumessiull) passed her Primary Piano examina tion at Bellini before u Protessoro the 'rorouto ('onscrvatory of Music that tht ior rem: owners" injuring pasture 1tu LIT J am; will Mi Mr. at his bro mile a, DEATH OF MISS BRUBACHER ll t' of Ur ate at; WAS REMANDED W wm Tr ur lei ‘cp July My ten lit We ha Jr. ligh ltrlir it. an dichig t Mr trad )ilr M , the Mr 3h MI Mrs. ' Mr DROWNED IN GRAND RIVER " Tl TI (ht gratolations at-ha in T it delbe Sat Ih ths Ui . n. team Tr Oli ll be I he Jar te 'tith ir few weeks. NHL-r Clemens of Gall mu m Mrs. George Brightrall o. au'are visiting in the village. F., W. Dctweilor and Wiss link smug lncnds in Guelph am MI Mt tune Ill "' glad to hr.†Entrance pupils at " Kinr.ie of Berlin and MIS, Crossrteld, Alberta, visitet. 1hrarn Kiur.ic's on Sunday. W. Clemens has purchased a m t numlwr nl witnesses. "uivrstood that the larmcrs iciniiv " Roscvillr blame fur n1 inns cxamplos oi devil- h haw been committed dur- last low years., It is alleged prismm possessed a mania wing implements trom the farms and hiding them, also horses and cattle when in age, and, they settled on Wcllesley Tp , a little wey 'lonlcnts. At the age oi . married to Catherine Nut vcvascd him about 20 yeal :wir twelve children, tun. M l iour daughters survive. mung children are Join TI). on the grandfather ll, 1lurryand William l u Lotus in Wellesley Tp Hamburg, Jam!) in Sebast, slian on the father's hom M Il Mu ilk l near St, Clem Waterloo county " Rank, at the a " th tery IUDSI-ZVILLP th st week. Mrs. J us. Ertel visite 1' Joseph oi near llawkc. 'ek ago Sunday. Mmu‘ wm-mnr heart MIL ml was 2.3 years, 7 d " days ot age. ml look place on “'0an " trom her late residvmq rt End Cemetery, Berlin, July berg Although no team ha, l organized here this sum . only too pleased to ac vitatlon and do the bes rowing that through St lg our opponents tne gum a most friendly character use; and Freda line] bt, Is in Bamberg and s, mam Bunyan y night Mr H “I M tball Ir w as M a y " Il my Hahn, near Lin ell, i ry Hcrgenroeder 1 gulful are]; Feuncr, Watt-1 Jul: PY Mm Schneider. Welles was tt oi livideltrerg. in a c a quiet and industri mches as highly cstevuttti, vok place from his la: 'm... FUR EIGHT DAYS u, who was arrested Monday by High r, appeared baton this morning on a unsafe to be at large, ted fur eight days 'rown to subpoena H tbs Mi .u-ml-e of llamiltuu Miss Vyola Willit: , 2?md,'l831, w, his parents B hen rnlh h pl r a game at il eduesdisy, Mn " 9.15" am. emu church to the “tide! ermcnt, and tf arrested hen ‘1 taken to tht Adina t the sum-cs: F.rtcl xisi an “'udm'sdu 'nts, ol an 's pomeere :lvanccd a; 19 da): in Bade: accepte m " One of the. most thrilling incidents at the work ot clearing “my the l wreckage was the rescue ot ttrteen , girls, who were pinned under u great CHER pile ot debris. As soon as their cries were heard ten workers started Brtma- with their hands to tear away the Mrs. ruhbish, It seemed a hopeless task, al her hurt the men tailed un with a de- f Ftttt- tcrtttituttion that was heruir. lm-h by i†an Inch lhey worked their way down, t (“IV tearing tcsidr the, planks, heaving mil cl , th, th, ha. sum People Were Pasteur-lake! When the Disaster Took Place but Heroic Rescuers Soon Bored Their Way Through -Dehrls and Brought Out the Injured. London, Ont., July" 11.- Today London in t city ut trsottmia. Prio- ucally “than running and with A Just. as ut thunder. tho tout-non wining on Dunn an“. hunt: " the, Crystal Ratt, comp!“ yd- terday afternoon, than. .13 “It of the "my stones and never stop- ping to rent. Alter what appeared to be an interminable Itruule, a struggle "at wu uniched with In- tense interest. by the crowd. they were " Int rounded. and u the" girl: stepped forth or were lined lrom their prim. evidently li'uie the worn- tor their experience. the pent-1 up feeling: of the Bpeeutom ioundj run} In cheers. 1 gains a number ot thou employed in an premises. The building was oo- cupiod by W. J. Reid & Company, :hlln And gins warehouscm; Han- dton, Lois & Conway, chute“; rad stood arose ll thick cloud oi lust, which for a time completely obscured the scene. Among the first Al realize the situation were some i. the business men in the adjoining ithees, and telephones were quickly it work. Within.a remarkably short time tive fire wagons and ambulances were hurried up, and scores ot will- ng hands applied themselves to the work oi rescue. The news oi the catastrophe seemed _o spread like wildfire, and before many minutes elapsed crowds were surging down Dundas street in 'a mad rush, which the police were nelpless to stop: With laces strained with anxiety, and laboring under the treatest excitement, many women liressed eagerly forward, tearlul that ,ome of their friends were buried under the vast heaps of deoris which iaypilcd before their eyes. So keen was the crowd to take part in the work ot rescue that for a time only confusion prevailed. The arrival of A strong force ot police, however, helped matters considerably, and soon the work at clearing away the wreckage was proceeded with. The firit to be taken trom the ruins was Mr, John Loney of 75 Cartwright street. Mm was immediately remov- e-d to Victoria Hospital in the am- bulance, where it was found mat he was sum-ring from deep scalp wounds and internal injuries. V Up to the time or telegraphlng this morning eight dead bodies have been :ecovered, two of whom have not yet teen identified, and the injured num- Der at least a dozen. The work at rescue is still proceeding vigorously, md it is feared that the death roll will be considerably increased. tt'. A. Brewster a Company, who um i tive and ten cent store, And .uucUallum a Wtrstiahe, [matey-ph- ers. The cause ot the disaster in u /et totally unexplained, but um- itions have recently been in progress in the Reid warehouse, uni it is supposed that these may have had the chest ot weakening the sup- ‘iorls of the structure. Another view s based on the tact that some years Ago this very spot was the scene at t destructive fire, which practically eit only the bare walls standing, ind may; have weakened the inunda- uion upon which the building that lell yesterday was erected. The catastrophe occurred about 4 o'clock, and eye witnesses declare that it was the Crystal Hall that am: way tirst, the walls falling out- ward across an alley, which divides the block, carrying with them the "emises occupied by Brewster and he photographers. The most intense Excitement prevails in the city, and t is with the utmost diRiculty that letails run be gathered at the tar :ible affair. Saw the Building Fall. Mrs. Martin of King street, who raw the building fall, says she was iassing The Advertiser lane, when 'he heard a wrenching ot timbers, ind then a smash as the whole mm of the building collapsed, Im- nediatety there was a'eluud ot dust, ind the ruins were hidden from siew. "There were two women walkinga ew yards ahead of me," said Mrs. 'lartin "They were apparently sis- ters. One was walking a few feet mead of the other when the wall ell, and the foremost one was eu- gulfed in that awful debris before .hc eyes oi her sister. One woman was crossing the street with a baby m a carriage, and escaped by only The sumo of thedlsatiter is in one ii the busiest strects in the city, ind occurring at a time when the thoi'uuglildu' was crowded, the dis- tstcr created a trcmendous sensa- Lion. For a moment or two people .n the immediate vicinity stood ap- palled, and a panic seemed inevitable. screams rent the air, and men and women rushed about in the utmost (infusion. From where the building Fifteen Girls Saved l Busy Centre seemed n hopeless task, l toited on with 3 de- that wax hrruir. Int-h by orkeU thrir way down, the planks, heaving (mt swim and never stop- _. Alter what appeared Nor wore they all ot the class ,ac- customed to such arduous toil. Be grinned and horny-handed heroes wen Joined by prominent business men, who threw on their coats and vests and buckled to with a strength born ol desperation. The firemen, thr policeman and the young clerk vicu with each other for places on tho. lighting line. It wasa light, and om oi the grimmcst ever waged, cry, "Bring a stretcher;" and the call would be answered with a cheer lrom the people below, and prompt action on the part ot those who wele attending to first aid. Again the res- cuers could be seen tenderly liiting something which did not require to he seen to be understood. Careiul- ly, almost reverently, the 1orm would he removed to one ot the waiting ambulances, and then work would he resumed. Among those most prominent in titipcrintending the operations was MI .I. A, Coitam, who with a mega- phone, kept in touch with all the workers {ind shouted his directions, Men were told " to watch the ov- erhanging masonry. which threatened every moment to colinpae, and other precautions were token to prevent further disaster. Duknm Wu tali- ing when there occurred one of tho-e pathetic incident: which is insepa- ahle trom disaster. Faint cries hurl directed the attention oi the rucuen to neertnin spot where, after much exertion, they outmoded in getting in tottclt with a little girl, l-Itlielqarl try name, who hurl been emu“ In luurh wlth a little girl, l-Illlcl , II by nalnl‘, who had Mon â€avail" the llruwslrr mom To the ch " torrrltiof Ilwmrn Milling about her she rmpumlnl with tour pluck, cry- ing out that she wuuld be have and try lo help her rescuers. Cnrelully the timbers and mummy in which the was embedded wen removed; and [It was tenderly lifted out into of “My. The Include iv presented moved CVq$t the to tears. Her cloth-were Ital with blood and in“. To say that me scene was thrilling is to describe it most inadequately. Eagerly, almost impatiently, tht crowd waited for results, and they were not disappointed. Occasionally the workers would stop, throwing down their implements and signal to others. There would be heard the in which bodies were found. Until they had sawed and chisciled and out their way through the network o. things that held them back it “w impossible to come out again. For iour and five hours some of the her. oes labored cramped until they Wen almost unconscious. At the entrancn to these caves there were other tit. Me parties at work, passing in wa ter, making the small entrance big- ger, and With the care of skilliui surgeons tightang tor the lives 0. those imprisoned. penetrahle mass came the occasiona cry ol someone in distress or thl moan which betbkened only tot plainly that there was grim work ahead, Now a worker would paum to listen and then he could be seen applying himself feverishly to his task. Aapeeere-eeeeeeeeetAis There were parties at work in ser- oral places, and all were trequently relieved by new detatchments when they could be relieved. Some it was impossible to relieve until the task had been done. These were men who had cut their way under beams and slanting ceilings bulged down witha great weight into little dark hollow: Itat, Scotch Gm We" Unable to an. s Cette"" In" . E GALT ow BOYS' REUNION ThIn“. -- autumn} W st'. h S'l'atuet a/,tgrtg'2t 'it: lo r. - a con- mt. Swen hita ven new: by‘ a. In". " nan hikeâ€, in a. m In! at " Bot Aqttro h the running, " ammo- ty " a. dumb hull; phy- ol m users. "Billy" an» ,uvu M I um! um how-5 tte heavy-hm- in; Boom ("I to "to links “and by All.“ and mum. The am vandal. no month and the other lath. ntntb. " In not until to Anal Innings that “I. Grey: rewind third hue. _ Tho support given to â€an" V†tn. Jud that nut"; piwhcr pitch "good ball", only two errors being mnd’e and these were on hard chm. tom ttar Galt Old Bora' Reunion will be m1: worth steam and an All who In! “it . MMt " my oft-DI {rug-wt W M . _ k ' .5".- The Grey: had Ive error-ttgo) ly poor "110'!!! that listen Ilka lack ot practice. They were all there or thereabouts when runs were being booted. Of the the men who scored two were passed to the tirqt sack on tour wide Ones nnd the other humped his ' back into an inshoot Only two olthe the men reached the tirtst trag on hits. They were the Bauer brothers. Them wun’t mum to tcll of the Urey's doings In the batting and running ouuo-iora very good reus- on. It was am: ot one, two, lhrce,a.ll along the line up to the ninth. Ttien Arnold sent one inside first. base line, Hagen popped out to second, King Kell was deduced- M. But Gross Bew to Meyer nnd Bauer threw out Brinkert " first. V. Cochrane, 3b- 3 Gross, ct. . 4 Brinkert, 2b. 4 Schilling, It. 3 Schcll, 1b.. 3 Ellis, c. 3 Rosckal, p. '3 Arnold, 85, 3 Hagen, rt. 3 Schwartzwulder c ilahasen, 3b ( Herthtnraeter If. t Shin", 1b. 2 G. Bauer, 2b. 4 o'chlosscr, cf. 4 O'Donnell, ss, 4 Moyer, rt. i: W. Bauer, p. 2 Earned runs 0; two bum-Inns O; 3 basehits 0; home rum: 0; first on balls, on Rosckat 4; on Bauer I; struck out, " Bosch“ 6; by Bauer 5, left on bases Beavers 6, 'tlreys 2; double play, 0. Bauer to O'- Dpnnell to Shinn, wild pitches, Ruse- kat 2; iirtit on errors, Burns tr, Greys t; hit by pitcher, Shitm;sto- len bases. Greys 0; Beavers T, saerithrw hits, Flulrlvcu, Moycr, time of game 1.10, ' 1.. tr It's a mystery why. Waterloo has don't support their team better, when they are playing such good ball. And the same applies to the Berlin clubs. The attendance is not nearly what the grade of bail de serves. Walt. Raymo umpired. The Greys were' decidedly dissatisfied and the 3etyers were tickled and want him Again. So they evidently didn't feel that they sufrered. One or two oi his decisions were open to criticism but what's the use. Umpires aie human like the rest u! us. With two down in the first Water- ‘00 Shortstop wand a. COht shinn hit to Hagen in the right, who made a. freak throw to third to catch , Ilexchenrattcr, and he went all the way round. A pass m the third, 3. wild pitch and twat :rratic heaves by Ellis helped anoth- .-r glad runner. In the fourth shin" shortribbed an jnshoot and stole second. Cr. Bauer singled .Schlosscr hunted to Rosepat who umbled the bulb and allowed Shinn to score. The score in detail t Summary Beavers U my b" a.b 20 U l it S: in reputation of Ca; h " 0 Our Annual Summer clearing.†on f _ - Thursday, Friday and Sammy, JULY 11,12 and 13" aM We want at least two young ladies for our Mantle and Ladies Ready to wear Department ,those who have had experience preferred, and especially such who can do sewing and make alterations. Good positions for competent person: APPLY " ONCE A. Loerhart " Geo. Killer .. ‘A. ll. Heller PAlrllilRS0N's The "dies" Auxiliary of the Ber- lin Waterloo Hospital acknowledge receipt and return thanks tor the [allowing donation» for tte lloxpital: Ednrd Lippert, 1 Morris choir. A & " Buchnocr ...r_FF..____ .._. FFF-N 10.00 J. $5.11:an a Son, Ltd. F""""' SAto C'. H. Simpson ..VF..r.trt_ 'qN» _rt"' .100 Wm. Hunky W "r_8 .t (rr- t . .51†Mutton Drummer ....r , .. t _.. ,. .5.Il(l Liprert a Co. -,..,. , V .100 J. Kramer a I'o. t _ .- mm The Waiter Bin Co B.q.retwe._q.'r"_ 5.00 J. 1-2. Hett TVVV t TF-. t . gum Gm. Maser TrrF ' -rr The Stu Whitewear M. Ht" & Sun _ H Solon but: Fw.re.rlt_.. v,..,...,.....,.,.: “In Loni“ Etry Bm....... o.............] Nelm Sender ..___'tr. .m..w. ._. _.....,', Proceeds liq-vital Molt n Then Mum .twe...wrt.b... q» rrr__.ttrF__ _,.,,.,.) Several lines of Summer Goods clearing at less than Manufactur- era' thtst.M sure you share in these great snaps. The Cold aud packward Spring Season has left us with a heavy stock of Muslins and Cotton Dress Goods which we are selling _off_cheap. _ - We alwayis show the nicest things in the trade and when these choice things are sold at cut prices they are attractive bargains and such as will be quickly bought. July r6th 1907 More Sales' hadies Wanted S. B. BRICKER let; CO. Big Sale of HOSPITAL DONATIONS If you want nice New lawns cheap. com " can _ ',.rri8t1efr'cii',,ih-l-' " A-'. "Tf .:" aye . _ s I _ "i, "r Lang Bros. a Go. "" wm an; b"Y a: 'a'iSl58, , a l _ ?,ye,itiliti.t 'iitt?j!it?,tii, In 4mum -trtbrwtt" Bargains in Every Department 'tgttee iii up". put-MB "ML-i COIN)! DIOPS A“- Mun 5.ott g.ottl MM 5.00' no! 100 3]." '10" yti 1m Gil 1.00 1.00 I.“ Jiere They Are (rheWphit Chemical . F Company You achot all": to your but ire lqrralx unless you handle the beat goods Money can buy. DEALERS Iooly’l Rnynl [Madly ' tt Quirhhlno Stove Polish " Hall-Time Shoo Polls). tr Khan Ammo-h.- tt Slick aunt. .' Hanulmturrl by 9' Limited