we" Ite Blyth w people t, get trai evening. expected 10th Ins tic no“ see thp "mined l an rvg Town omcia Huclph ces%on of Iluln swelling rulin- tage in l roads m than 11: multiplic many timvs l expenditure ' ed could cast] been an acu- morc Ihun tht of $375,301.51 sidy has Drum pared to million I and ing of couulr thc fat amount l municipal year in I would u" The irroposa portion oi t the taxaltott porutiuns Is 1905 the it'V railways “a if used, wit? portatt a sat'iu leading roads In discuss" Peterboro F,.E higher hum puralluns, 1.: but ll mum ways which Irom full to indirect good roads ways oi th urn] let by llu benetited the Unit vrnmeul enty-iivt present tune this amount the onerous compelling u twice as mu more than $1,000 MtpdSNtuttlclo2N4fr',L1'l't'? ugn new. Tina-v w 3...... m... m ho - Lin-M Ova-l Minna-mun “can“; 8t'lturA'G"uN"2r.' County ot a. netting a icw Important le: provincial aid thus duh tt Blyth -&u=':M$ Essentials ofyiood bread arcjust thrccccommon sense, a good oven and Purity Flour. Produced entirely from the choicest Western Canada Hard Wheat. That's why Purity Flour makes sgAiiitt, most delicious bread with least trouble. 'IC-ly,:,';,):,?-?;".,)?,,,':':', WNW “WW mm 'dl,5rfSe'grtre'e It The Lsbekal tl Dim w. W 2yti--iifii,'j'i)ii'_ 1lPllillRllrlll'dt, fl??? 'Plan" GOOD “DA DS ult.t NTS time to the farmer ul ‘11 ted Htat ADV! £11338... ads All? ll li " ttt ll tl SIX L' the government smut L the Conv: ml to one-hall ot the cost addresses oads and also that "u-il? Hun. , ud at their uc‘hml vaiue1',ilt't"t,"e' a proportion of the revenue ) :‘Olfrtar: l he made available [musings “ purposes. when the muted out that since the tions, io; "mull m 1901 set aside "oiug t. short of or good wads up to the vcution L , only about a third of Education had been used owing to suggested wmhliuns ofthe grant, Tillâ€: )", V ' V (e r0 l municipality to spcmtlun 'rel'd Rella il b v ml u] days Mo [assist An ululion relating .to m the building“ lead- rewmmeudcd the in- It p Tl FM TI tl Tl " its all the tl St The trt rth T tt wnual min " tra ult be at tl tl tht the by from Please Pilvs. cc: lam or Min d th Ht snort oi M Ttatttott Dr education" suggested H comm 'utatiiitet'l-. tion WI-I In sm- I." Weekm'l‘ocom ' dt rrnbitir ertzie. n18 it CAPT. it "h JN [or il tht New tl 50 rents II' d A 1lsat Sonic .5 been ide {Cgiincnt sin n Bold Evny-dhoro In The 090.! Dominion Hamburg, has ear, and has h militia fur tht r mote. “chin piles that his iather was a nthe Little York mil nd was the man who to the Caroline, which to bring disaster upon . of William Lyon 1 one Ii I "An e the et'all New ml press n the Whetl' soluti McCALLU M RETIRES md were nothmg mc r the Province. He that, divided up a quick and Shnup'; ll , it is ma. its action 1 company oi this r of the best known “at airs 3 Government of Ontario eved what they read in retiy' then: was somethin: the educational system o; nether they had arrived al lution at educational at not know, but, like othet liar positions, they won d were nothing more than. ing the Dclegates ll '0\'i id ordr allum l Mum] Problem in Can ll Up-to-date Kimiergar J subjects discussed a meetings held in th P i ISM, ilw , an Ki 1y cilia "ge niclieleappmi alas Sold by all dealers. is made alone tar, Minn Li positive and ' painful, protruding disappear the magi, n is the Hamburg fro: first; ll tr 'l('(‘ ll has reached ms hum ide n' the past tl in \wlcomir n the educa and last of m"!- oum noun can 00‘. 5mm am. a M. â€an and OM Md sectional or should not ef' gun-1 that the, certain relic his liking io: 'the slur} was alier yrk militia ,0 oi rldost drug and" is can [coming in: educational I', with“ will] th " n iim: 9th as Jrn iti attifiet nth tha ha; tr "hildren--a boy and a girl-- who are with bk sister. Mrs? D. Moody, in Berlin, The interment will be at Guelph. Guelph, July IO.--" many frlendn and sympathizers will regret to hear it, the death of Mr. Jas. Worthing- ton. His demise took place this morning at the General Hospital, of which institution he has been an in- mate tor some weeks. Deceased con- Iucted the Hub barber shop on tiarket Square, and Some time ago was seized with an attack ut the heart, since which he has lingered in a precarious condition at the hospi- taer. Worthington had many friends who sympathized with him in the tumbles which have beset, him in re- :ent years, the principal one being the death oi his wife. He leaves two DEATH ()F MR. woHTHiNCrTON A good many people will be sur- prised to hum] that a pure castile soap is made in Berlin, expressly for laundry and household purposes. Why Ase ordinary soaps made of common 30350, when Tor the same price you Jan buy a pure olive oil soap. Ask ior "Ulive Oil" Soap, made In Ber- lm. It will please. you. , net ot you. a Adediadt streets. A donu' pom with rowanâ€,- um ottMqe" "an“ to arrange lathe an to nu ll ml runny: tint tgo" sluts My wow: he croucd‘ and dtsarre. Tho pun “fwd to Ai.phearo Ute crowd. for there were mutteriugs When the Arst curs begun to mow. Gradually, in tspite at the wort» ol the poiosnan, the people new lo crowd towuds the huddle ot th: street, and by the time the second lodge passed and the policemen wen- heuomng to the motonnnn to pin on the power, there Wu 3 rush. (me mama“. white-vested, lrocL- muted and piug-hatted, stood on the tender at the southbound rat and called to the drivers ol carting- es to halt upon the tracks. From the crowd there arose acou- tinual war ot cheers mud hand- clapping, which became louder when my carnage halted qpou' the tracks or any person attempted to deiy, a policeman. Once or twice the motoran turn- ed on the power, but scores at will- lng hands were outstretched to stop the car, and several times the trol- ley pole was pulled mt by some exuberant soul. Finally, when the pollcc.saw they were powerless to carry out their orders, the crowd moved back until there was only anarrow lane Ul some titE or seven leet leit free. And as the f1ie and drum bands passed across the tracks the players' tum- cd in triumph playing tor the sull- beneht. of'the motorman. who stood with a grin on his lace as if heen- vyed the unusual circumstances. country empio.vutcrtt bureau five months ago, arusugements had bun made to bring out Mit shined k.- horcrs ul whom 500 had already arrived. There was room in Ontario he said for 05,000 additional girls oi whom EMMA! Could be absprbe in Toronto. The situation called for nlecluvo artion on thepart of Um Dumiuiun and t'rovirwral Govern- malts. He added: "We are giad to benlow praise on the Uoverumot of Ihitish Columbia, which thisyesr has ghcu the Salvation Army $10.- mm to he expended in bringing out all classes of help." Att-tt to In» W CttN HomArouoe-DW (“Dakota’- mum am m " emu Tatum. Jib [LVW " the “an my: Plow-(rd the Io- may haiku» my.» hp . err Tumuto, July tL-At the seventh annual meeting of the Toronto urance of the Lanadlan wanuracturer Association, retiring President John Fhrstbrcoi spoke oithe serious shortage ol labor in Canada. Sure the opening of the Associations old country empio.vntcrtt bureau five months ago, aritsugements had bun made to bring out two shined ks borers ul whom 500 had already HERE: nub' ' i used-m .. riot Got "ues tht. iuti, " ’1 the BOW SERIOIFLABOR summon l PL ICA A NT SLTRI‘RISX' mam- TRU'bETtb- "Currants." um†m "mat" ttmet" m. in My 'ttqi, qutttr any! CI III. , . a _ I ' all .1 Wu! m - ~ - w:- , Mt ' “It. at M mi you. will: 'h it†"was. It. I: M. W lentil . than“... ll . Jill‘- ttrg te.' t a “WW-gm In: . t VI“ y t tttttt be cum on u 'lute It - ttid must work. What the Linda? min “at in know it: Hor'dtd Barb. And " with: any on this illegal bul- ml in their man In: you: without discovery? Now ms the trust: luve been made, it is recalled but that, at vulou times, there have .hoen u numb-t ot oourtterteit bills, ‘0! diluent huh, taken up by the local bunch“. The suggestion is that it mined is guilty, and has been in the busirtess'tot yous. can. has been taken not to make too In“) lumen ol one bank. Judging trout ‘the plates tound, the method ot en- Igravlng and printing Were very sim- ‘ple, Just a lew cenu' worth ol ‘clwmlcals. a strip of tintoil and A {little sunshine suMced to turn out {the green goods. the Swen goods. The demand wn taken ill in: The prisoner Burke has been lock- Saturday and underwent an open- ed up in the'town jail now tor neur- lion] tor ouoendiériis, but the disease ly two days, and alter several con- was too tar advanced for medical iversatiouu with him the detectives skill to cope with, it, 'lhe end say they are convinced that Burké came last night, gust one day aim has the leader, and Lindsay town his 45m uruauy. the headquarters at a gang ot *ounV Mr. Itsaialt (lemon was born on crleiters, who have been carrying on the Clemens homestead, at Fisher's operatioas'profttable to themsequ Milkmen: Hespeler, and the 1.1. tor several yenrs. In Burke's rooms Joining tum on the one on which iwere lound photographic nppuatus. hethas since resided, in the year discs, stamps and other parapherna- i862, and tor many years past has, In. The bills said to be ot his tha- together with his three brothers, nutacture are the product ol u pro- been engaged in [arming in that toss ot photographing and coarse section. Their homes are ill near electric engraving. They ..are not the old homestcad,iuld close by (in: work oi an engraver, and no ex- resides their aged lather and "perienced bank clerk could be 'de- mother, Mr, and Mrs. John Clemens. deceived by them. Bugiu spite ot Hte, three brothers retain-d to are their poor paper and smudgy, indeti- Abraham ts'., Nathaniel and Aaron. nite printing, they might be, and and besides these are three other Iwere, promptly accepted by dealers brothers:, Mr. H. A. Clemens, pm tin the smaller towns. Even the tTicP.r ot the electric planing mills, merchants oi Montreal were the in- Guelph, Levi, ot Detroit; and Mr. bi. Torment victims of the distributors ol of Powassan. There are also four these counterleits. sisters-Mrs. J. ll. Ellis, Clifford; t Mrs. I, W. Eaton, Hospeler; Mrs. ISSUED BILLS " (Rev.) Jas. Austen, oi Giadys,ish" had to be summoned home Irom a I MANY BANKS honey-moon trip to the funeral. Logie's house was searched the detee- Edmonton, Alta., July I'.'..- Tht tives found a number of counterfeit progress made during tlie, past “70 hills on the Dominion Bank and 12mm months ot the Grand Trunk l'ciitic, of Montreal. Jetween Saskatoon and Fuintoni.on, .___..______ gives mole reassuring prospects ot . in early completion than the work "AVE ""t1u, COhGRESS hitherto indicated. About 1,200 men and 1100 teams ot horses are employ- Ott J Jii; Th E tutti ml on the work. Seventy-five miles awa, u Y _- " Ae I it road is raided from Saskatoon Committee of the Trades ant tatrm west, and, “f“, the large force em- Congress oil'snada. composed. N _tloyed now, it is expected that over Alphonse Vvrsille, WP., presidcat, I00 miles west trom Saskatoon will Janus Siiiipsun. vice-president, am M? completed try August 5th. P. M. Draper, secretary-treasui‘ermar l'hen a large foree of ‘men hem in SC'b's1oti here tor the pasttwr It work on the Battle River cross- 'lays preparing their report [or the arr mg will be moved up between Battle nual cvnstmtttyn of the Ctrngrcss, River and Edmonton. which will open in Winnipeg on Mon ________ day, September Huh, The report For quality and quantity ask Tour oi the Secretary will Show the I""'" .lealer for the new big plugs of “Bobs' satisfactory progress Since the Com "Stag." and "Currency" chewing gress was organized both lrom th, tobaccoes. standpoint of affiliations and tinanc:s _________ Durin the ast tew weeks the Broth , _ , ' _ . whom:g ot Carpenters and the Print- [“NTRYLS FOR TORONTO. ing Pressmen and assistants, hart - _ athliated their entire Canadian mem- In.!r..ts tor the Canadihii National, hership with the Congress from Inter, I1x.hilri.titon, Toronto, close on the national headquarters. This means Mt, following 1ia.ury,--. Live stock. fine addition to the membership of tw arts, natural history, women's and tween 5,th and 6,000. In addition it ehil.dren's work Saturday. August 3rd these the following international un Cram semi, tit,rld roots, garden Tr'ge- ions have aniliated their Canadian tables. floricultural, horticulture, membership:-PNntcrs, Plumbers and honey, '.ut".rdly, "Au.5us? Htt, 'rl- The matron, Mlsn Snider‘s report Ins very “manor, Ind Var gratdllly â€when. Spam mention was made on dmulkm ot an“: dull.†from um' of the (“BMW _ Councillors. TM": are lit cti, drrn in the home and m. Swim-u w“ in nttmdmee during June. Account! amounting to â€135 wen- rud and ordered to be paid by t'ar Treasurer. After the meeting “Damned In Kculmnn. villi In: in". [tom hr: trip In Europe, Allr,1, when at the Bond a 'd very Interacting mun other jour- my and .1! why“ it very much. Fitearnfittrers, Tailors, Maintenance" Way Fimployes, Bookbinders, Fyectri cal Workers, . Bridge and Structural Iron Workers, Leather Workers I-n horse goods, and Brewery Workers One at the 'most imptrtant ques lions considered was the placing oi ' permapenr organizcrin the fteld " the indications are that Mr. W H. Trottcr “Winnipeg will new laud tor this work. Mr. Trotter is now organizing in Manitoba an; other Western Provinces and is my!» in; with considerable success The Benin Orphanage Board met at the home on Mum-y evening, Jul) 8th with ttto President, Peter Shupv In the chair. Atterthe opening er crcises ot scripture reading and pny- er me secrets†rend the minutes ot the last meeting which were Adop- ted u read. next the live men charged with be ing implicated in the circulation ol counterfeit money will be arraigned. Charles Burke, the alleged ringleader, was arrested here; Robert Logic war brought down from Toronto yester- day; liveleigh will arrive trom Mont. real to-morrow, and Boyeau and Wynn will reach here from the Sault on Sunday. It is probable that the accused will be lurthcr remanded tot a week. It is understood that when Logie's house was searched the detec- tives found a number of counterfeit hills on the Dominion Bank and 1'r,.trk of Montreal. Lind/say,. July 12.-- Before Polim Magistrate Jackson here on Monday . P""" “"5". TiTerrT','s",ilT.: I". ml leounm Panda ', '“ a [jar F u Invent“ of . Ptriag k'gtitgil8ti"i,l , ORPHANAGE BOARD MEET it J. unison Bear., TAYLOR. _ - - - 30 Bond, Tunes CW sChertats and T, .. Tho-to UM. ' “’3'. 'tedit-ae-' not, 'Pa-H, m ' ' ' may uny- ard . . o. l:, his!“ an. - . wh" tu-ss "y, :34 Honor (Jr-duh Toronto Gan-urn- tory of lush. TEACH“! or [allowing dates:- Live stock. fine arts, natural history, women's and children's work Saturday, August 3rd grain seed, tield roots, garden vege- tables, f1oricultural, horticulture, honey,Satorday, August Nth; poul- try and pct stock. Wednesday, Aut ust ch;. (logs, Thursday, August l5th; cats, Saturday, August 17th. An the prize list has hem completely revised and many additions have been ma0ethereto, it would hr- advisable to smut to Toronto turn copy forth- with. Miss A. It. can, Miss E. l. Bean, For quality .103.ch for the Stag,†and tottBCCtttm. Never mind what the Doctor says. If you have Blarlder Trouble, Kidney Disease or Fiyytrtettita, you can get well I: _retttake Deccascws a corbsusteut member ot the Metiiiiinst church, and was highly respected by a host niac- quaintances, all of whom.will join with the sorrpwing members oi thr family in mourning the untimely de- mise ot one deatly beloved by re Iatives and friends, Ot his own family, Mr. Clemens leaves a widow and eight children most ot them of tender yeart. The funeral look i o'clock, 63mph, July 18t--0o tubu- a mouth; on the big door- ot Cle.. mens' plum; mills may monoc- ed a death onto»; the Clemens bro them. At the cm Genet“ Hospital a tan o’clock Thur-day night there pusod “my one ot the best known and moat highly resumed lumen ol ngcrloo County in the person m Mr. In“): Clemens, broth: J oer. J. A. Clemens, otthis city and son ot Mr. and Mrs. John S. Clemens, ot Fisher's Mills not: Hespeler. .. in is “We“! pine fiavore.' Get I package I'm your grocer ind try it tonight. Price. toc. no noun nine Oth, LIMITED Torch». . Poplin new“ for ulna-1m I DEATH or " I. CLEMENS IANO, ORGAN AND THEORY GET WELL! and quantity ask you: new big plugs of "Bobs' "Currency" chewing place tom " Cbs "a " YOUR F OWN DRESSMAKIR. M _ _ qttgUNtt8dttpd',it2, mu â€new. "ammo: - ---'t Samitsrson's Bakery Berlin Brunch P. FRED BORHMER, M-mgrr. 8"ch 8|.th A. ACHESON. Manger â€an Branch, R. E CULBKRT. Hunger. N w Dundee, o, ll. EHE’ES Man“. r. St. Jaeobw, GEO. L. LAOKNER. Manager, 1Ctlvertor, A. J. CUNDICK. Manage". F â€WMM'WMMM “““M In is. ‘an of baby-mid; .I- m, not In Dominion. 22fg 'ltetttl2t,'f, iiGWi' W am up. W and bu new l om mm dettmrM in In path a. an. M an. In tho lino of not“, we hon Beef, Park. You], not, 8w 0w Hum and Ban (on m and“); up. W, lime-u. hu an reputation of supplying In nanom- onuonon with the Mom tttd but of - an the Fer m4- The Leadirg In! Market For" tttrHin. F... than any other _ First can Inst-III.- _ w - T -, JW-. M" a; . THE WILLIAMS .iirii'iies,tdiiiitliitfer. “In" ONIOIIZ MONTRIAL, P. Cs -.' A; Ton-onto. Lonoou, manna. on:w~'n..'u.u.l. mun wanna lawman. ' . _ The Sovereign Bank of Canada Hos. D. Malling: ARCH. CAMPBELL. l A. E, Dvur:sT. Esq P. G. JIMMEn. Gotrrarlt Brantford make, 6 horse-power. just the thing for farmers, bakers or others requiring a light power. l n use only a few years only. Will sell at a bargain Apply chronieli'relegraph Omee, Waters loo or Daily Telegraph Omee, Berlin LEARN. EASY Savings Bank Department. Interest at best current rates paid quarterly. Gas or Gasoliye Engine For Sale Paid Up Capltal Aqug LOOK FOR mi m H EAD OFFICE ..-iyRoNTo, AT A BARGAIN. noun or um: WATERL00 WNU rm IRSUMCI com" IIICOBPOIA'I'ID ll ms. Total use“ 8trt Boo-uku- “26.80811. VIMm s4i',E,',iq'f'r',l,ll, iiii'iiiiiiiij .mp1; at: on law o-ttties mot on rant: (itb'iitt, “A: awn... wan. A - 'hls%'thhlk' neg: BOARDOFDMOM «mum ruminant. " Hull-Ii...“- . In“... au-mm..- â€human?!“ Elm-am. “can...“ an. mtg-ICI- - --"i" - (imam: - 't"ds$r,Pt+ Wu. â€I. “W mull-In. in mil-ha. m. c.a, tom. warp ftt,, Mn": um: _ I ' ' wim'mu. 'UI "a $5,000,000. iiitrt" Jtiiti'kat, In!†b,', . a. t:t!ltt! 'tMr. Larval alr- "ant. 'rermN I â€qr-~35; iiiiil.ai'rit