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The Chronicle Telegraph (190101), 27 Jun 1907, p. 8

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___': w Waterloo’s "r July 1st Gelehration mu _' 'lrt:C, Shanda]. 1nd - lusmneo Brokaw mm but In”. J.) 'dick's patent colt Oxfords are it; Mr. Walter Gies has been appoint- ed, organist of the Evangelical church. Boys' Patent leather shoes $300 w The J. S. Roos Shoe Co " Mr. Pf Fischer oi the Waterloo Public School stall has handed in his yetshpsation to take effect at the end ot present term, Trunks‘and suit cases at Zick's. Qultco. number of ladies from “w terloo attended Mrs. A. O.Boehmer's Fra on Thursday atternoon,which was . very delightful allair. Mini! have always wk] And it V always glu- ' The "Talent Tea." under tlw .u-r pic" of the Presbyterian l.adirs'-.\nl Society, held at the residence M Mr. Goofy! Moore on Thursday afternoon "Wu very largely attended, and thor- ou‘hly, enjoyed by all, as well as: talking ahandsomc sum towards the hinds ot the Society, . CITY DRUG STORE. . Plaque SIT, Dent-elm Apothele At the regular Saturday morning market butter sold at 20 cents a pound and eggs at 17c and 180 a do- The hind concert at the Waterloo park on Friday evening was post- ported on _account of the inclementry ot the weather. A concert was given un the market square. Bee our window tor bargains in tan when The J. S. Revs Shoe Co, The marriage oi Mr, Wm. Toletski, Wutcrloo and Miss Slraub, Berlin, took plare Wednesday morning at Berlin. Mr. F. S. Rump! has rewind two' - to, the 10-mile Mmmon u. one from W. Crawiorri n! AI- -'m the Indlm long-distance run- in“ Me. Tait ot West End, Y.M. CA. ttt Tommo. / 'tire' “I'll shoes 6Se at Zkk's. , Audition no mum! in mov- g a. We“ poles preparatory _.Ml‘ the when 'l,','"',',',,".",',','.','; 'Qt-ea) all» pole: wi I “rm! The Waterloo Junior Football team were deteated' by Gchph at Preston, In the final game (or the champion- ship ot this district bya score oi 0 to 2. Zick sells travelling bags $1.50 to 38.50 _ Wear lit. Outing Shoes in tan and canvas Just the thing tor Ist ot July Com. tort It The J. s, Roos Shoe "o. The household cticcts of Mr, ('. H, Forrest have been shipped to Hun- donuud the family expect to leave ”stack luturc home in that city 1;- Mn next. ab, John 01mm, Waterloo, was MI', married to Miss Sophia petal of Elwood It Toronto on My utetnooh. Mr. and Mrs. m will take "it their residence h Home Hat, N.W.T. fr"'Hiiriiseu the wit-trance loo 'tttBet. In (to-“on. .' hu- lr. "any Hilliard of the, Bank IF (Mm star, Wingham, has hm! trad-truth Cartrga. He "mdc ' w in " his home.here on Sat "qt5.tIVr ny u that pl. At ttb' do. at the regular non-m II a. 36gttodtat chuck - no in. a. “In! mm: meet- in. cu - at with In new nam- hen me “with! to an the noun- uc- in Oh curtain Quad. , m. A. I: Yott n6 Atm. Vogt lott Toto-b ”in“, tut a rolhto Now You.“ thy Mil "ttbe" on W. tteguetuad " Ptr-tts, ttr. st4 s. Von vi: “vote about: ,4, if“ M a: that» will 5 to 2Cttdlt v t OH}. I; wtlli J” a? ' n. It! unison 'M "ta. ' Berger’s Pure Paris Green only. Nun " "tettar In”. Film Mg, Intake, INVITE YOUR FRIENDS FOB m Perfect Satisfaction. and Remember that I all Local News. P. M. Devitt's Meh" "ite shoes and stuck Zick's summer shoes 'on the WATERLOO Yonge street 1nd Lindon street, the town bounded by Albert street. into: park and the same will be handed over to the Board ot Park [Management with the request that _tho Board improve the land " ' leveiling and sodding the ground and ctherwlse making such improvements {as may he necessary TVgqttturh-rttttrpt-ttq tte hung“. '10!- to» 'uterioo m “I“ 'ylel “Inuit": ttttt ”Di tho day =tiA'ttl m. . aluminum have not. “It; We o.w _1ituhq.d.te.irr/ir,wiis-okaiitesai" at E. mum-eon, N. B. In;lot.~J. R. m_ n B. mm. L. swan, J. um- “, J. B. “thaw ls. if. sea. ‘run. Ind Be. I. u “W. . Secretary B. P. mm to“ I mm mm a. “his: loud o Thu In» Cum-u Port tat " min. 0. mad h tte etntr In! luau. a. nut-ton, N. B. Halon»). n. “In"; Goo. lune. M. . Snyder. P.th. 1rr A. Iota-hum". It. tr. I... .11. Root. P. (Lume- The letter and thet they lurin- ltool that W.Uloo we: tn mutua- icltton with the “but" at Customs in regard to math; Vomit»: port of entry and it Waterloo should be granted am they thought it would be . great convenience to lave El- min made n lob-port to Waterloo and have the Customs once: vim Elmira about three time“ mm The secretary wrote them that the Board had gone into the mum and applied lorume but'no dearsitp u:- tion haibeen token: Another Proposition, Mr. Frank PM. Port Hope, tur-' poured {More the Bond in reference to the ttqtablitslttnetst otn proposed new industry in Waterloo tot the madutacture ol enamelled were. He and his partner together would in- vest $6,900. but it would require an additional $10,000 to start indusu nod he desired this amount to tw subscribed wally. Ten hands would be employed it the commencement but this number would be increased as the expansion of the business demanded He was favor. able to locating here hecwse the skilled workmen whom he intended to employ and who were Umiliar with the business are mostly Oer- mans and would settle in this community. He referred to the lac- tory in Port Hope with whhhho is at present connected and the pros- perity which had attended the iruius- try which is now employing nearly foo hands. He was cormdent that such a factory it established here could compete with other concerns And make a clear prom of ten pet cent pointing out the tart that Germany has to pay 371 per cent. duty on all goods shipped here. “Mir. Poesiproposed ta commence operations in the old Mueller Coop- eragc near tr.'r.tt. Station. in Germwy, who conducted the larg- est industry of its kind in the world and he was ihomugnly conversant with the business. _ The Board viewed the proposition [Notably ands committee was ap- pointed comprising President W. G, Weichel, Sccy. K. P. FTiatoit and A special meeting ot the Town Council was held on Monday even- lug, the Mayor in the Chair Ind Mes- rs. J. B. Fischer, B. K. Bechtel. L. Sauna". G. Suggitt, H. N. Huchn, and J. Mickus present. The Mayor read petitions tor an mun walks on the east side ot Snider street irortvYonge lo Church street, also on west side of Sni- der street from Yonge street to Church street. The petitions were rr- ceived and the work will be procecd.d wlth under supervision ot the Board of Works. " “are decided lo convert lhv lrI- angular parcel ot land belonging lo A. si%ienGnunir to look into the matterumd endeavor to secure the necessary capital. - SPECIAL SESSION Mr. Foes presented recommends tions tram ditrerettt factories among th:m being the John McClary Co., ol which he 'was one of the promot- crs and also Irom the largest CON- cern engaged in the uunuiaciureot enamelled ware in the States with thom he had been employed testi- lying to his ability and commend- ing him asa skilled workman and industrious and practical man, Mr, Foes learned the ettarneiied ware business with Strausky a Co It was decided to close Snider St. and convert it into; park alter the necessary notices are given provid- ing the parties living on said street concern to closing ot same. The Clerk and A letter from MN:re- tuy ot Union of Municipalities draw- ing “(cation to mama-J mot-h. lug on August "--uttt and asked the Council to hue a repretrmutire present. No “Mon Wu takem A mm vs: main-d from Mt. (ha. Bulky Tormsto, akin; in. formuvn u to Indictments 009ml io new “Hush-lea lowing her. The t'ttrrk was Instructed to w “a and pin: desind inlannnlnu. The Mer of Mt. J, k. h'eattram tor a.,trip "t land adjuiuing thr dir- titlery on which hr desires h) MN" wan -lctl. lord wu nah-don Saturday not: Chicago at the 6eaU on Ion-u Wanda. em;- I. on gun d m. Jam Bah-"or. i but - oanbyatmnpddn’t I. yous. The aetttMd " l Vtttter-t'c-law ta nu. we» am: at Mo, John Mu, wank». MM! and: M». (tom an av was a Ne. Jar» Huber. Pt ”QM!“ ", 1., tMttltli'ht Bl to Pe, . _ WK, 'ttet. _ ME DEATH OF Jos. “HALLS! 'tti-tine of loud oi Ova‘UMVuhywm _ . T "b, _ 1 This lull Hod-y 3r-Ladie0tAMttetbte _ ”, _- ', Evening. . pm. I: reEulat mumth unsung/u! the " u \cry gunning to as _ to be tloo Bo:sn) "ad Iseld o" My Able to upon that the do“. srt the V TOWN COUNCIL m m ol the Inc-rial Ig'o I all mien very ttbemtfr rm to the support at the mt on. the We" In In eharg.- NY. the mail; at that. [or tho m at ending in olgeator in tho Inn-pl- tat. The “unlit. my ot a. and a. Attendance " an “my nut- tttga VII way good, shown“: an interest in the mecca of work I: but. _ During on your the when pa: with every mat to “in us much money as pouslbk with tho [allov- lng retrtslt-- . Membership lea FN. . H ___ TT .. Fr. 812.25 Organ tacit“ .._rr_.__.tF .._'. . p.. F.. 45.75 Booth in‘pnk _--.--'-.--- 130.3. Booth in park VVt" _...rF_._. TFr__r_re..r 1.31 Birthday social..-, w._tt___r_.. 121.01 Proceed trom Recreation halt 'w. M." Donations,,, ,tt M "tFr"' Fr.. twt.rr_.. 3.00 Interest to datts N' _r____ .. "-N._. 9.41 Talent money .._____ ,. _rrwrrw.rF"_ Mi." At the annunl meeting held on the sixth at June a vote ot Hunks was tendered Mr, Geo. Wegenut, Mung- er ot the Mutual Lite ot Candi, who so kindly granted permission to the young ladies to hold their meetings in the Agents' Board room. Votes of thanks were also tendered to (lie News-Record. Telegraph and Citizen tor advertising and calling attention to meetings and entertain- meats free ot charge. The {allowing officers were elected tur the ensuing year. President-Wm, A. F. Snider. lst Vice President-Miss Hughes. 3nd Wire President-Miss Kuntz. 3rd Vice President-Miss Moore. with Vice President-Miss Tyson. Recording Secretary-Miss L. M. Bruce. Asst. Recording Secretary - Miss Zimmerman Corresponding Secretary - Miss Howie. Asst. Corresponding Secretary - Ridden. Recipient of a Handgun! Travel ling Valise from Pupils of First Division. The kindly feelings of the pupils oi the first division at the Waterloo CCntl'tll School towards their teacher. Mr, Cork, the retiring principal lound ex- pression in the presentation of, a handsome and valuable leather true yelling valise Tuesday afternoon ac companied by an address expressive of their good will and deep apprecia- tion of his eliorts in their behalf. Th! address Was read by Master Donald Moorman, while another member ol the division made the presentation. Total TFr-rr-F-"' .t.-____r_F. Mica?” Swill mention should be In: at Miss Jessie Bruce who named 8100 tglent money; the largest amount con tribunal by the client: ot any one member during the year. PRESENTATION Tho recipient that“! lair pupil. my bani], for thir ultimo. of their much!“ and related many interesting re miniuxases ot the twenty yenshon as principal ot the school. The address w" as to0owr.- Dear Teacher:--" was with tor-ling- oi deep regret that we learned of your resignation as principal oi our school. We, your present pupils, feel that we cannot allow you to go trom our midst without expressing . ir some slight degree our deep appre- ciation of your earnest Maris in our behalf. Your. “Mugging 'zeal in your work, the kindly feeling and tender solicitude as' well u Som courtly bearing and genilemanly conduct, nuutitested toward as, your pupils will not permit us to union this opportunity to puss, without or pressing in some tangible iorm our attectiott tor you. We woubd theretore ask you to no- cept this gift as: slight token of, our love tor you, hoping that “may always boa source ot pleasure and satistaction to you serving to keep grwn in your memory the mom plenum hours spent with your class ot1906 And 1007. Signed. in befall ot your pupils at 1906 and 1907. Waterloo Central School. . June 25, mm. PASSES man axmmmou The run]! of the recent. examini- tion ol the Institutes ut Aptuarietr, Landon. Burnt bu been aunounood. John M. La! It, ILL, honor [tunic In alathcmaIk-a ot Toronto Univer- sity, and memtter ot the act-arm we: at the “Mull Lite Axum-nee Conway. of Canal. in "ec-ttttlr - the autumn ot part " at “to mat-u. puma. “a to the m at AJ. A,, Annual“. ot a. “I” ot m. That tto mm no ttd - and” my a,“ m- tl't In: an 9% at tbet m on m . . 'tho the Thttiid III;- dodam, " ”out. It. min. “at “In rut m n. 1. cam-nu to b. ttmediated on m ""% was. . f .3 “smug": . _ .uw _tltil'tlltifi'iiti!i'itib" AF not,” '9“ mu. new” Treasurer-Miss Hortop. Asst. Treasurer-Miss Schlotc. Signed, President-A. F. SNIDER, Cor, Saw -AGNES B. HOWIE TO MR; CORK Also office sundries. inks, mucilage, paste, pencils, etc -- l , Give us a call and convince yourself. w, An"! [Titl- Eas'1'g,tittg,il. tite,',"! ih every tr,,'et,ttdgtg'iT, WW t'll','l','l'i, . . me . B! n contains newts: ‘1 ' with. things produged for this season's wear-and the styles c515: i?.it/i'iiiEt $.73E when as absolutely correct. Such a tttt digplg‘kof Silk ' a”... ............ .....II. “on and Muslin Waist; Neckwear.Beltc,Hosiery, loves. thbond, Will: can." . Wrappers, Jackets, Collars, Rucbings. Parasols. 'Embroidery,' . Laces, Corsets. etc. has never before been shown. We can 'grtttt tgl1tt.e.'t 1'l'P,,2rt'l point out much satisfaction to our oriccs. They are low. tLtt with and without “In. . ' " - hounulboupwmmh We are ready to till tortwantts in this line and have on hand a most complete and np-bo-date stock. _ The marriage ot Miss Jolie. Starr, daughter ot Mr. and Mrs. A. Starr. ot St. Clements and MLEd. Dehler. oi the stall ot M. Weichel and Son, “at terloo, took place at the R. c, Church, Waterloo, on Tuesday morn» Ing. Rev. Father Spetz, oirtciated and the ceremony was witnessed by only the immediate friends and relatives ot the bride and groom. The bride wearing a wreath and veil and charmingly clad in cream silk eoline, and carrying a white prayer book, entered the church to the strains at Lohengrin's wedding March. She was attended by Miss Lavina Dehler and Miss Christina Hergutt. The grOomsman was Mr. BOOKS Emii Starr, Waterloo and Mr. Geo Dehter, st. Jerome's College, Berlin The cerqnony concluded the repaired to Hergott's Hotel asumptuous wedding dojoum served. and on terloo. Many beaniilul wedding gills were waived by the bridal couple. The gift ot the groom to the bride was 8 beautiful gold what] and main to the bridesmaids crescent slick pins and to the best men. gold can links, Their numerous friends will extend eotteraiuUtiomr and best wistrestor tr-wedded llle ot luminous and pros- p9ritr WATERLOO, The happy bride and groom Mt LII the afternoon (ram fora wedding trip to Detroit and other points and on their return will reside in Wm BEAVERS WON FROM TIGERS The "Ace postponed - be him the Tigers and Beavers was plnycd at Wcutsldc purl: on Hominy evening although it looked tor I timr us than}. Jupiter l'lurius Would can!» "on." prrstpoetr'ormt. Thr “and: uric dark and Ihruulrmng and u soon as." ttte pure" were on the ground play m comm-med. The Denver: Wed in noting: yMoty " 'himmng the Tiger: by: more ol 4 no In. nun-tn- nh; game. The Tiger: vent to bat lot ttto nigh": 'teriod Mt ruin loll quite tteah'tr In umpire Erna ulna-gum “mom's: out. The Tim was ankle do in ny- thint with Billy can mm.» Ir main“ Mn: new on at», “an and this walk no "veatli. MI Htte PRETTYJUNE WEDDING Hits J. UFFELMAN N 2INN'S SHOE STORE THE GREAT MMU MEET J. DOERSAM. STATIONERY SCHOOL SUPPLIES ttttmoto-lt tttttttNMI-t “1000-. (HMO-l guests where AND For Sale At W as A Contrast Between Yorkshire Choirs and the Mendelssohn Choir. Names are sometimes used to con- jure with. But, site! all, names are; only substitutes tor things, means whereby we express ideas. The name' ot Bayard will always be a synonyn tor purity and nightly honor because ot the lite of the ndmirable Chevalier. " like menu-r, the name of Sher llelrl Chorus stands tur splendid se- hlevement in choral singing. York- shire has traditions in music. The great choirs of that country he“ been in existence tor your: and can recall events ot great importance with which they Have been connected. Not- able composers have been entranced by the singing and then inlets no doubt aid in the creation ot enthus- iasm. But irnleons are not vital to success The Mendelssohn l‘hoir captured New York sin-r only in" years of existence and with only , Invnl reputation It in we" fo In member this hot, tor there is a ton &soey on the part oi some people to helluva that only a piano which Inn been on the market for am your: con hove merit. It my hon trsdl- time. but traditions do not nuke s [are and even ton. Tint dope-do on careets1 worm and good on- ‘totisl. Thule! Piano bu been on the “at! A mu. om loo: "art-rump TAhttrT,'tt. " ¢--- __ _ ft ideal ittgtttt. my“ [0 r " F {Megan} bot , , . ' , J ' .. 0 A , " = Ei' tth “to. W L " r _ -‘ will get It. ts. N "I: Gu", Henry Reuel Choicest THE VALUE OF NAMES (Ducting'l Old Stand.) Prop. City Most. Market. WATERLOO. 0f Meats' R3! Best FOR TH E GO AND ONTARIO White new? Colored Wash Collars “our spool-l line of white van]: MAI-caged TPutt, blue Ind pink and ether my shade.-- -uleaattttmir......i.........M Summer Corsets I“. of lightweight white pom): ls wort. mediuyitysiiortd ttul In our Hillinory Pam)“ can be men some of the very um . newt style. of Smu- Mmina-y. lg; Summer Need Going Out Our entire stock of Watehetr, Jewelry, Chins, etc. will be sole at {m 25.hf to 6070 less than the actual selling prices. _ i; Every article mast be sold by July 15th. _ “I Watch this space for Bargains. ' Waltham Watch in gold filled case gauranteed for 20 years regular $12.00 now $7.85. - Lady’s hunting Waltham in gold filled case gunnin- teed for " years regular $14.00 now $9 55. Waltham Watch, Gents, in nickel ease regular 87.50 _ st. 3500. We do no more repairing excepting watches which had been gant- anteed by us. i - Goods sold for cash only. Store open Tuesday Thursday and Saturday evenings. ll simply as question of shoes that fit, You can't ill use your feet unluu you ill tit them. They will has? health! a life time if they're well shod. The shoe- that J. R. SCEE DEL se ls you fit. They are made the Ihnpo of the 2,tt, Our experience bu taught us which manufacturers make she. that need t 0 least "breaking in". We all Comfort, Durability and Style in show. . JUNE WEDDINGS IN -- BERLIN ON WEDNESDAY A very pretty and interesting house wedding took place at l o'clock on Wednesday at the beautiful home nl Mrs. M. c, otrerhultr.er, Queen street, when her niece, Miss Eliza Rebecv'a Meyer was happily married lo Mr. "any Mitchell Myers, member of the well-him": drug firm ot U. E. Nas- myth ' Uo., Stratlorrl. The ceremony was performed by Rev. A, Y. Hoist, at Waterloo, in the prucnce olthe immediate relatives and friends at the contracting par- tln. The wedding march wu bunti- lully played by Miss Florence Ober- holmv. The bride who was preceded tw Httt pretty little Bower girl, Miss Albina Otterholtref, wtty gowned in a heatiri- lull ivory imported chiffon tallvta silk, th" hulk-v null ,itrNtlts rcing trimmed tttth rump., nl lun- Luv and the uLut ulth we law inn-dart» BRESLAU P. B. Speck! prices in [my fork Pnd rack liner rope trimmed “th rump., nl lun- Luv AM! the "ut with tale law Inn-dab “can. She um wore. bruul, veil cumin. with orange blossoms tutti unful- bound ot manual, The“ were no gunman“. After the null congratum'mns and waddan land: the happy couple left on "he, 330 Inln [or wrxlcrn rot-ts, The bride'. going ”my at tim m; alum am! with brown m buck oral-cum! trimmings and o it“ broadMrltrtt te', ad won nfreach tutor ur- a bust 2mm jam with. trauma? . Mr. and. ." yen will “a up Mr 'tsidt- “(but we)" n. ”W; witp,"tsrn,rttoyyd. w ”‘3.- oth muvirlnd- a: mud". " . Ill. 8. Ryan 8t 00-, Berlin.1%§ mum-laud in 'mpply‘ nil“. r" :Jlmazonmwfig‘r about”! I mm B. MW ydmciadhnflmnuznuâ€"Imvuhtyolhkm . J. Roos, Jeweller. entral Block, Waterloo, Ont. Foot Comfort Summer Millinery M Y E R-OI Ii Y lu' RS -_ . . A?” of Businesiiiijli,,, Immense Slaughter of Prices. - li, In: sud lo " In we, hll'lht $1.00 DEALER IN GENERAL MERCHANDISE . R. Schiedel AM. who“. lino In: ll wen-.wdingln-uy-lu umu-¢umw.......,.. Summer Vests w. no showing the uno- '; Knit Underwea- " you a; a styled]: ribbed sooth. M qt "eroMf1oor,-our -v é nucrtment. Price w " " _..................-....'" apt. M, Tape Girdle Comt- my“ to- In" F "qrtrd for It.» - a oacrhoattr ...... ............,.. Eugene Corsets The home at Mr. and Mrs, Carl Franz, Elgin street. was the scene of a very happy event on Wednesdgy at 2.30 o'clock when their daughter; Miss Bertha Augusta, was united in wmilock to Mr. Herman Otto Bender, ollhis town. The hdlse was hem- tiNlly decorated with orange blon- soms and carnations. ', TI Hu' MODERN The final volumes of the revised ed- mon ol The Modern Cyclopedh In“ been issued, thus completing this bringing up to date a most metal book of refercoce, the agent lot which in this county is Mr. Alb Huber ol Berlin. Everyone who h. to do with books as well In tho‘ who are ongngod in almost any mod. vln orTupation, realizes the value of an Nurwlopmlin The Modern c'r a‘lnpl‘lllal, wlrivh m lwuml tutder the ed- tiorsititt of IN ('lmrlm tnnandale, “lm “:4; vallnnsiMr tor tttc _ mums at the lmpcrnl Dictionary, ia an example ot conduction. rdiab0. ity and alarms. n ha been thon- oughly revised, And there In much new Information added, u tor mm with regard to the new Cum valncex, Thu Modem (‘le is a most. unlul hook for sttrdottH, and thou who (the an “knight Il- term in the an!" ot "is world. ALLEN KL'DER, ',ettutt Wom'l Society nd Mt mm, In“ mm at work in I.“ HEN DIDR-FRI N7. ('YCLOPEDIA Mr. and Mrs, Cart iit)trl,'t,'t'tt ONTARIO union

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