& pre however, 4 Inspectors and â€" Comâ€" e n much remissâ€" ‘andâ€"that so farâ€" as they d complaints of defective and improper administraâ€" ‘general . in conference he diseases know1, /with which organiam 1# &d. kidne ,’tbe ma:tn m and ï¬ï¬ni; 7 : ‘the increase Wating report rxviewed mind from which new ) teferted ~to ~the fact | garried over the. three y 41 by a majority ere deléated by ~ failing -3(‘ e h requirement. ment of the law and the ‘Denalties by the License ) of the Provincidl ~Govâ€" ud by the officers in /the "emmploy, . and particularly ge anh fidelity of the Proâ€" ise â€"Inspector in : â€"local picipalities was _ deemed high and very: hearty comâ€" ) |which .was .. given ~ tnâ€" _JJm one gounty alone ‘ in ice 28 cases of Anfracâ€" 6 d and punished. on ol the Government _ in |the threeâ€"ffth clause may be wiped ffiictions to Commissions‘ from the statute books. io me license in those © cases f* t =] J option byâ€"laws carried hy ‘Tussday Afternoon Seesion majority have been quashâ€" i s Sm un g;_; objections, Whenâ€" the afternoon session convon», | very praiseworthy, and ed it was stated by President «ies , i w RigMWconception of true‘that a tulegram has come annountâ€", e S e ing the death toâ€"day of Mrs. Atkins,. ies _ & !wile of Rev. T. J. Atkins, .member ise . of the Government jof the Conference, who _ has . been should be no increase in | stationed at Harriston.* It was _ deâ€" New Ontario â€" was conâ€"| was decided to send a telegram, of idly fulfilled â€" and this‘synpatly und later a letter. of ..omâ€" live act was pronounced so | dolence to. the bereaved pastor. _ A over so wide a tenflm’y’lettet of a~similar nature will be beyor :w;r to: conceive 'O“’.SM :,oh:x‘l. ‘N‘:{A“ the late \‘boon "to New â€" â€"Ontario ; Jas.. Che P &.. 3 ad the Cobalt region the | passed away atm."“"_ "“'m‘ ing camp of the world} Rev,. Dr. Wathner, Prindipal of Aima. . Ladies‘ College, St. Thomas, . preâ€". e c â€" sented the annual report â€"of â€" that to the â€" orderâ€"inâ€"Council|institution. ‘The enrollment of . =tuâ€" force the act which © proâ€"|dents was 168, with a teaching staft § of liquors © within _ 20}of 21, and the financial condition‘ of f transcontinental line ttbe college was better than in formâ€" says:»"A â€"question . arose /er years. onflict of authogity‘ â€"be>|â€" Rev. a. E.â€"Russ expressed . the provinctal andâ€" Dominion| opinion that one of tlie most imporâ€" $ since there were already |tant matters in Dr. Warnc‘‘s report M licenses in that â€" terrlâ€"| was that a junior< department . lad it is to the abiding credit|been started in confection with the ario Government that inâ€" leoliege for filteen very young girls. lending the rights of the ‘This was to educateâ€"girls who ere $ against the Dominion left as orphans and would have to" unell theyâ€"promptly gave be trained somtewhere. . Mr. Russ ‘to it by cancelling â€" 811 thought the Christian ‘education of for that térritory, even such girls~was & new work ‘on the Jominion Government, toâ€" part of the ool&ga which was to be t | commended by the public. ==â€" â€" _ _‘ e â€"â€"Aâ€"â€"â€" A report: on %he work of Albert ; s College was read z H.~P. . Moore. # @RAILME PA 1t showed a gratifying condition fiâ€" ts since there were already bf licenses in that â€" terriâ€" it is to the abiding credit tario Government that inâ€" J'r ding â€"the rights of the st the Dominion incll theyâ€"promptly . gave F#o it by cancelling â€" oll ’r} t that térritory, even ‘Dominion Government, to j to the â€" ordetâ€"inâ€"Council Moree the act which © proâ€" $ of liquors ~ within . 20 > new transcontinental line says:â€""A â€"question . arose gonflict of authogity‘ â€"beâ€" ctal andâ€" Dominion New Ontario â€" was . conâ€" bdly fulfilled â€"and â€" this live act was pronounced so ‘over so wide a territory ; id power, to: conceive : ‘boon to New â€"â€"Ontario ade Cobalt ‘region the ing camp of the world Â¥ TRQOUBLES _ only h is pory o in maby years i ow "n to p » . due o when / We es were" still in P"‘ read: by f, it was characterâ€" Wibson as : the iOE its kind ever dealt Whliu gathering Among W ; Need Not ::'lrm and coryéct treatment is ADVICE IS FREE N Batentd apon (hen > ds urn her. t E. Pinkhani‘s Vegetable > most efficiess treatment hey troubles of women, ty â€"medicing ¢specially is, backnobe, fr urinationy awe ander the eling in tho e &1 adhnonl( in the â€" tUme in comâ€" k with Lydia E. Pink Wfl an it imaly “k Pink n e o o ink" fert .'Ea‘f'r.u'.'u‘- on and a ling o to He was followed by Dr. Stephensou of Toronto, Secretary of the . Forâ€" ward Movement, and Rev, Bm‘b Marshall, who has been a at Ingersoll and who now goes to: the ~Alberta Conference to become . pas« tor of McDougall Church, .. Edmonâ€" Cmm oi 9 ". e n ,‘.,r.;u;v' ie sihiternce it is 5 maiter of Polabt 4A o hir ns io nrensgeh s ..;u'&\‘-‘ Ef‘{â€â€˜u&"i‘"-‘m‘z e , io 10â€" of hÂ¥idic ues m # Coniiotts _ and MEP f o % m e an h 7 . m\ .“‘ 4 ,"‘.. ‘ 5' the extrems, that in spite of very Lv ons for its teâ€" rrk« t‘.nr ot a-m .m.'fflu most powerful and united conventions of temperance reâ€" formers ever held in the province and in the face of the evil practical . reâ€" sults â€" of theâ€"operation of the : law with its clear injustice to the : elecâ€" torate, the Government has decided to retain the clause. The other‘adâ€" mirableéâ€" features of the â€" record= of the adptinistration during the "year, instead of leadingâ€"to condone â€"â€" ind Jook with jeniency i judgment _. on the retention of the obnoxious clause has only accentuated:and made more striking theâ€"contrast between the Cbâ€" noxious legislation »aud. that... course which commiends. itsell. go ; highly to our consciences. â€" We: cannot â€" thereâ€" fore abate one jot of our opposition to this clause and urge upon . the Gdvernment that at the earliest .moâ€" ment it should be repealed for the honor of the Government asâ€"well as the good of the people. 3 its abiding discredit, under pressure ;t:"qhhwhtwht licenses . fuâ€" The report concluded with an . utâ€" gent appeal for an active and . agâ€" gressive campaign in a large â€" numâ€" ber of municipdlities in order / that the threeâ€"fifth clause may be wiped from the statute books. Cl Rev. Dr. Briggs of the Methodist Book Room, Toronto, gave a speech in which he dealt on the influence of newspapers and books. He noted large increases in the revenue from nearly all the departments. Sunday sehoo! publications alone had increâ€" ased in circulation by $,108, Asked it The Christian Guardian was n0w run at a gain since the â€" subscription had been raised to $1.50 a year, even though the circulation had _ dropped 4,000, Dr. Briggs replied . he . was glad to say that the connerional. paâ€" per of the Church was teing publishâ€" ed without heavy loss,. nancially and good student results * Rev. Pr. Eby of the Montreal Conâ€" fererice,; who has been appointed â€" to special morality work in Japan, adâ€" dressed the Conference, E. A. Brown, Secretary of the Bain Waggon ‘Company, Woodstock,â€". gave anvaddress on the layman‘s~ relation to" progressive evangelism. He said he thought a great bar to mg of evangelism was theâ€" fact . tha officers and members of churches hesi> tated to speak to the people on the subject. ton ‘The report of the Sustentation Comâ€" miltee showed that this year $1,437 was available from the fund. â€" This distributed amongst deserving â€"<pasâ€" tors : brought the minimem salaty | of the married ministers up to $583, ad the single men .up to â€" $800. was lower than last year, when the minimum saliry for married men Rov. ‘f, J. Manugell of Dundas appoinited Treasirer to reecive â€" was men The L were clected mem anhm Exatainers for m year:= Rev.â€"Géo. H: Col Meber W. Creows, Hugh 8. _ $601.75, and $350 fotâ€" single ere expressed. Rev. Dr. Briggs. Mrs. Atkins,| The last two nours proved to be ns, .member the most interesting . and. liveliest has . been Period of the business sessions of the It was _ de. Conference, during which the Stationâ€" elegram, of ing Committee came in for considerâ€" iter of conâ€" able. criticism. _ Sectetary W.. J, pastor. | A Smith was called upon to read the e will be final draft of the Uommfitee andâ€"afâ€" of the late tet it was.completed ~Rev. _A.s J. ; bas _ _just Irwin took the platiorm and stated ipal of Alma. '&_@w&fl‘bw the _ action omas, _ preâ€"â€" And purpose of the last General Conâ€" t of that ference. ‘This ‘opened up one of. the ent of :tuâ€" Iost spirited controversies that have eaching staf taken place during the _ entire _ sesâ€" canditinn‘ of â€" Sion. t y % Wt § the ber nue. This would permit him _ to !really ‘have charge of Barton Avenue j Church, for the latter was to â€" be left without a named pastor. ~ _ In Hamilton there are two thurches known as the Kensington andâ€" Batrâ€" ton Am;;%nmho&mh were alâ€" fected. a ‘ch has only been roeaflykï¬i‘hm Rev. H. G. Livingstone has been pastor of it for four years, which‘ is the limit of time allowed a: minister to remain on any one circuit. ‘â€" The committee wished Mr. Livingstone to stay °in another year as pastor, because he was particularly needed, it was exâ€" plained, to put the new charge in a good â€" conditien financially.~â€" To : acâ€" "complish this purpose and yet not violate the discipline, the committee recommended that he be placed with "Rev. F. G. Farill at Kensington Aveâ€" a very able discourse and dealt with the â€"â€" mystic â€" experiences . of great Cmtla‘vrm.. During his address Dr. Antlift said:â€"In these days _ of Taing mere tike lakde, nofec, spodle ing more s and wealth. ‘Those things will .’* satisty the cravings of men. ‘mf Christian xeligion is the only that will meet the need." â€" â€" a lecture by Rev. J. C.Antif, D.D. of Galt before the . Theological â€"Union on ©Christian Mysticisn«‘‘ Itâ€" was Miss ‘McCartney, superintendent _ of Deaconess Home, Hamilton, read r& sort of that institution, showing â€"a gratifyimg condition.. h2 lu‘cl;ndc- â€"The following officers of Union were lected for year.â€"President, Dr. "Antâ€" lift; Secretary, Rev, A. J. ~Joinstom, Woodstock;â€" lecrurer Tor= next year, Rev. Dr. Crothers, ‘of St. Cathar® ines. 4 ment entering that city which: was usenthfly a manufacturing . centre, she said, gave deaconesses â€" many :pp:tumu of â€" doing excellent grk. . i og $ w o+. Mrs. E.E.Marshall, representing the Woman‘s Missionary Society, xeportâ€" ed that the membership had â€" grown to 36,741â€"from â€"a very, small teginâ€" niug a few years ago...The, amount raised last yearâ€" was $85,643. , Rov. W. C. Guelpb, nd& choir and Mr. J. a pleasing feature Rev. C. T. Bennet,â€" Rev. Dr. Antlift, Rev. T. E. Shore, Rev: W. J. Smith, Rev. Dr. Williamson, President . Gee and several others became involved in the debate, and the committee, as the result of ‘the crossâ€"fiting and motions and amendinents, retired four times to straighten out the. matter. _ The animated uttcrances over ‘this m ent in this respect . to , sta amongst ministers and laymen. Changes from First Draft. spread around ! Jupanese were i Stationing Commiittee Was Under Fire at Conference Hamilton d +York, ~R. _ L. Ockley; St\lm. Haith; â€" Barâ€" ton ‘Avenue, set apart . for special missionary work, H. G. Livingstone. Followifg ~are the only . changes made® in ‘the second draft of the Staâ€" tioning Committeeâ€"â€" < <.0. 00 > «_ Brantford‘ district‘ ‘Oxford ~Street, ':'mm:é; foon; Catnatitie, 7. Wous James Â¥ _Â¥ + and H. b."m'l:"r‘ *« ‘ Rev. Mr. Irwin ~pronounced . the metbod of making this arrangement as an unwise and unrespectful action, as an Artifice ‘ and an act©< . which would ‘reflect discredit" upon the. enâ€" tire Conlerence. T Woodstock districtâ€". * Salford, T. Boyd; Sweaburg,. Jabet: Hill; [with The Conference is â€"oÂ¥er.» _: The final session of the â€" Hamilton Conference, which has convened . at Trinity Methodist Church:since~ last Thursday, was held on Puesday. atâ€" ternoon and the adjournment â€" was made shortly after six o‘clock,. â€" Galt Ilflrht-i&")\. C. Wilson; Linwood, J, A. Cha , . to be sent f‘ue day Mornirg‘s ecesion opened with Guelph districtâ€" Aberfoyle,.â€"Morley The : It makes them plump, rosy, active, happy. R.:Hallman _ w of the programme. | be e * ce i 4e .. St. Catharines, D. A. Moit, J, W. Cooley, J. W. Magwood. .‘ 4 Brantford, Dr.A. L. Gee,. W.â€" H. Wooditeck, G. M Cobbledijck i tock, G. M. oA L. Kertuish, A. J. Johnston. f ~ Galt, R. J. Elliott, 8. E. m Thomas. M...Ibbott. .t Setks Simcoe, J. J. Liddy, Jos. D. Rick ardson, 8. J. Kelley, _ * .. _ _ Milton, ~ Dr. Ross, C. T.. Bennett, % J. E fl;chey H. . Caleéâ€" well, Ch'a.' D ;ium & Chairman, Plnascial " deonetony â€" ahd Sundayâ€" School Secretary r#-l'dy of districts, resulted as follows:â€" Guelph, W. J. Smith, J. M; Wright, G. W. Barker. K lege Hanilton districtâ€"R. J. Treleaven, H..G.: Livingston, < F. W. ; â€"Hollinâ€" Norwich, J. H. Robinson, ~C. R Morrow, ‘A. W. Tongue.> â€"|.; > of the. nose and . throat. Make â€" the tree test and see for yoursellâ€" what this peoparation can . and will acâ€" complish. Address Dr. Shoop, Racine Wis., Large Jars,; 50 cents. Bold by oguopias ut sta w14 03 forga sua% by A. G. Hactnel. Waterbo., Palmerston, T. J. Atkins,. R. W, Wright, Arthur T. Eddy. _ ¢ ‘The little lad, Allic Chester â€" Winâ€" ans, mtzh-u tramping â€" the country with a woman, has been adâ€" opted by Mrs. John Sceibert, of Wil mot Centre. _ * Free, for _ Catarth, just Ao prove merit, a Trial size Box of Dr. Shoop‘ Catatrh D.t:;‘ Let me send. it now It is a snowâ€"white creamy, b‘m_ antiseptic balm. Containing such â€" Thymol,: Menthol, etc., it gives _ inâ€" stant ~ and lasting benefitâ€"to Catarrh Doward. Albgt J. Elson, to â€" colâ€" Mount Forest, D. W. Snider, â€" Roy R. Smith, W. D. Masson. ons Several cases of children in ~ : parâ€" tial destitution and filth . were . reâ€" ported and referred to the Agent for investigation, _ _ . ____ 1. .. & The special committee for the enâ€" guing year will ieunp.‘iz Préâ€" sident Gec and Secretary McLaughlin of the Conference; Chairmen ‘of . disâ€" tricts, and Messrs: W. (. Ranton of Brantford, T. Hilliard of _ Waterloo, Seneca Jones of Hamilton, €: P. Mcâ€" Gregor of Hamilton and H. \P. Moore of ‘Acton.> â€" ho 0/ & Sherif Motz reported that . Mother Superior of St, Agatha Orphanage, had considerable difficulty in â€" conâ€" trolling a boy namod Danielâ€" Young. It was decided to secure a doctot‘s certificate as: ‘ to his ~mental condiâ€" tion, and if sane, application will be made to have him sent to the. Vicâ€" torid Industrial..School. < ‘The organization of the Society‘s work in other towns and ‘villages . of the county‘ was discussed, but action was deferted... . Wiatton, W. Smythe, H. M. â€"Hall, J. W Wilkin. orabje ant plegaint sver NE _ The ‘ever m ot Trinity Church choir and t ‘were also greatly appreciatâ€" ed; and the press representatives alâ€" so came in~for some *complimentary remarks. l Walkerton, H. 8. Do?ï¬l. ~James A." McLaughlie, A: J. Terrybetry. . The kind ‘hospitality exfended _â€" to the delegates by the Berlin and Watâ€" erloo Methodist co tions â€" and by the citizens m was _ suitâ€" anly retoghited and several delegates The quarterly meeting of tlie Berâ€" lin branch of the Childten‘s Aid Soâ€" cirty was heldâ€" on Tuesday ‘evening, and was well attended by the memâ€" The Society‘s agent, Rev,. C._R Miller, gave a report of the . work done since his appointment . which was adopted and favorably. commenâ€" of $31 to Tev, Geo. A.~ King, who performed the duties of â€" postmaster during the sessions.: e s4m Jt was decided that ministers shall be responsible for their new charges, beginning the first Sunday in July. A ‘pleasing feature of the : afterâ€" noon. was the presentation of a purse HMospitality . Appreciated on districtâ€" Shallow" Lake, to ilied, Kemble, one to be sent; Bay, J. Nelson; (&h i y . Chairman Elected Aâ€"BUSY SESSION Speciat Committee, Forest : dis W. son; Holstein, o-a.,! m on .district«â€"Chesley, W.~B. districtâ€" . Quebec, $158,287,995 < to $217,224,â€" US; mrsase 100,000000. . * ...‘ Nova Scotie, $23,502,818 to~ $8%,â€" ew . Brunswick, $20,073,470 to $22: oi hsms e Hd k c + And OVer.: .: 1 » 1t t omike ce prodiéts were valued at $112 7 m-::um Island, â€" %f ..l: never & w the only part of =:.-m, h"nl manufacturing has declined. ~On the other hand, in the Territori¢s, inâ€" eluding ~the two new prairie provinâ€" ces, the manufacturing _ output. has increased in the past.five years from $1,064,087 lo $7,594,800. Figures by Provinees. . ‘. The returns show the following figâ€" llx; in the five. years: ¢ + mlnm.‘. to â€â€œ,m‘- 144, increase $124,000,000 . M * ? ï¬hï¬hl;khmu. $19,441,158~ to 1;3'% $12,027,130 "to ‘$27,000,â€" Edward Island, â€" $2,326,768 no,sr.a;t,m. e The manufacturing returns of Canâ€" ada fot‘the last filteen years have been . as follows: t Â¥ Y891 2i..... loll.0 _l......... $368,600,722 TNE .....5. . tew en riccimcvic.. Mk 00 aTD F891 200. oc ws......>.. $808,000,722 1906â€";i.. ... 5:.4 %%.......... T128,004,885 .. The increase in 1901 over 1891 was $112,356,652, or 30 per gent. in :: 1O Novg Scotia, which held third place among the Provinces for the value of itg manufactured products, has now given place to British Columbia, which in 1901 was only sixth, _.The increase in 1906 over 1901 was $281,711,460, or 48 per cent. in five years. <ate: ; e in 1901, is now seventh, both Maniâ€" tobsa and British Columbia having come in abead. Manitoba climbs up from seventh place to sixth. !ontml Leads Way. s The manufacturing center of the Doâ€" minjon, ofâ€"course, is Montreal, the product of whose workshops . _ last year was given as $99,746,772, comâ€" pared with $71,0090,750. â€" Five years belore, â€"increase. . aver $28,000,000. Next . comes . Toronto, with ‘mantfacâ€" 000,000.â€"~ The . expansion, â€" however, . is ;,mnmy larger in Toronto than it is in Montreal. . o â€" Hamilton is the third manufacturâ€" ing city of the Dominion, with a facâ€" tory®â€"and mill output that amounted last year to $24,625,776, as compared with $17,123,346 five years. before. Winnipeg takes fourth place with an output of n,lzjï¬.m, as. â€"compared with $8,616,248 in 1901. 8 London is fifth in the list.â€" with $12,626,844, ~â€" ~Peterboro is sixth, If Maisonneuve, St: Cunegonde, St. Henri, St. Louis: be includedâ€" with Montreal, the â€"total for . the latter would â€" be $18;000,000 larger than the above â€"figures show.â€" On the _ other hand, Toronto Junction‘s manulacturâ€" ing output would add three and a half million to the total for. Toronâ€" 90 New â€" Brunswick,. which stood fourth i/ 4 .. umt 100 * Yaige of â€" Canads for Quebec is seventh, BSte Maric 738,47 Berlin Near the Top. «+votne veat 2£10,225 . 202,369 8,188,185 19,626,844 1,838.312 1,807,110 422,728 _ 744,142 mi"l 1,119,825 188 488 9,336,021 1,8148,100 â€"2,208,640 1178,477 @,101,789 1,07 ;1,801,8175 &ï¬)l;::, $,042,433 117,663 the list, â€" with withâ€"$41,506,, with $11,388,â€" 729,004 2,213,508 8 825,470 §,251,643 144,142 1,119,825 #,386,021 2,208,640 2,191,789 1,801,875 3,042,433 444,290 2,840,155 215,847 134039 $40,8400 . 1. That â€" permission be granted 2,315,407 ~Messrs. Cornell and Jacques to â€" file $19,858 . the plan of. subdivision submitted. 8,545,679 ;â€"(This opens ‘a new section. â€" in . the 8,950,220 . centre ward.) f 8 , 3.:2,:;:, 4. ‘That the report of the Engineer 1,7100, withâ€" the exception of the clause 10â€" 1444,290 ferring to Moses Bowman‘s â€"gurvey, $47,380 CASH must accompany all orders, Makeremittance by Registered Letter or Express Order to â€" _ . _=_ . : â€" hame. . P nt Abexs : the W#qumrh wathity thisy wents m Tgme t Prem"" daily i To Tiï¬ tonhs %‘Pâ€"“‘fl"&: Reraien t ® The Board of Works. made the folâ€" lowing recommendations: Ts h Wfll 1â€"-.:‘?«"& Trienge® who on moved .t: Western ""“'-.?‘%n’.'.‘"' who w m and "flg Ww.m '{mn are ain> l:‘:- numbers of ferson®. in this . Province are ariious to oblile teflable Information the west and artat a Joss to know how _to It. in !ln niknner there are many in the éast who have ftends is the _The municipal slate was cleated im short order at the regular meeting on Monday evening.. ‘The business= was The Finance Committée recommendâ€" edâ€" payment . of the following â€"â€"i¢â€" counts:â€" Market CommIttee, $1815.76 Filre and Water Committce, 885.61 Board of Works, 1884.34 Cemetery, 3.10 S mroger commitith: Hoas J ttee, T E. ;Qï¬mm & Co., 215.00 J. W. Moyes, 116.175 H. S. Hallman, printing, 15.50 Toronto Globe,. adveriising, 1.66 m Empire, advertising, 1.25 g & Smith, stationery, 12.30 Hart & Riddell, stationery, . 4.65 ‘Telegraph Ptg. Co., advertising, 15.89 who are argious 1o m.‘ the west fllll".'l the .'l'l weat who would we hamé. â€" Prikeht the SHORT MEETING OF BERLIN COUNCIL ,m‘.flywh conâ€" 1 g. ‘ of the adopfing of reports of . 5; the ~various" _ standing ~â€"commpittels: foyc, Reeve McBrine_ gave notice that Fe ; , would introduce a byâ€"law â€"at . thef,,,, nextâ€"meseting making it compulsory age for firemen to give two weeks‘. uoâ€" Tor tite before resigning. in t * Whenâ€" Mayor Bricker called .Coimâ€" cil to order_the following Aldermor were presont:= .‘ .*_ ~Messrs.. bell, Feick, Schneider, Ut sen," Dietrich, _ Anthes, tad, HMalin, Harrison and Cochâ€" rane, ~=2 * gineer Were Read and â€"> LAARLARNINLLLAIANRARLAAARAAA Ar "The "Gnranielsâ€"Felegvayh hatr m’: o ut otk ton ol mnsdgaree, t 8 §yEC", in en o %?&‘-.-..%&3 8. Thatâ€"cement sidewalks be laid Finance â€"Report David Bean; w.:ks‘t,: friend» with ® Â¥+4« $5270.15 3. o s o. 50 12.00 3.87 I submit contract and ‘boud of. the Sili¢la Barytic Stone â€"Co.â€" for â€"the construction of cement walks . which should be filed in the office of the Town ‘Cletk. Plans .of surveys .are> submitted by Messrs. â€" Cornell â€" & â€" Jacques â€" and Moses Bowman asking the consent of the council to file plans with ‘streets of the width shown on the: plaw.~ I would recommend that the ~request in bothâ€" cases be granted. > =. â€" 5. â€" Grading Cameron St. from Weâ€" ber St,. to Samuel S€, Recommendâ€" od. w * 236 m dEA i 6. Cement curb and â€"gutter on Benâ€" ton St. both sides from Mary St. to Courtland Ave. â€" Iâ€"would récomâ€" and that tenders be requested _ for the work,. 9 Cra 1. Grading and macagamizingâ€" EIlâ€" len St. from Queef® St. to vm&; St. ‘The lower course of ‘a> gravel roadway was laid on this street last season and I‘understand the . of the petition to. be to have ‘the second course constructed: of . macaâ€" 2. Macadam roadway on lm St., from Matgaret Avenue to Ahten St. Recommended. j buiihe: ) Mn 3. Grading and gravelling Chapel St. from Lancaster:to Samuel St. ‘ 4. Grading Secar~St. south : from Courtiand Ave. to the . end otf: Fred Kruse‘s swamp land.. Recommended., on." Victoria St., â€" both sides â€"â€" from: Abrens to King. St., and on Edward St., north side, from Victoria s’t.,m Francis St. £ ty ‘The repoct was adopted.". .__The Engineer‘s Department,. . The...following report â€"from _ the Town Emgineer,â€" shows what is being done in this department:iâ€". . / ..> of repairing permanent roadways with the exceptionâ€"of~ the work ot . drainâ€" age on Water street, in proparation tor the work of gravelling the roadâ€" way, and the gradmg of _ Viectoria St. along the tracksâ€"of the P. & B. Railway Co,: This latter work is at the expenge of the latter Co._ COnâ€" siderable delay has been caused â€" ty the breakage of difiecrent parts: of the road roiler, 74\ unys having been lost during the fortnight on this atâ€" ~‘The contractor for cement > 'ï¬ began work on â€" Maynard .i-ï¬â€˜ï¬‚ Young St. on Monday, 27th inst. _ The following petitions for C l improvements were received:=â€"‘‘ / > To the Chairman : andâ€" Members _ of ~~the Board of ‘Works,. ".< ~ .( Bince : my Jast report theâ€" »ontire # «w + + Globe Respoctfully sgubmilled, wh o W: N.; DAVIS Berlin, 30th May, 1907. n e sn d 4 t# n n 8 wa po Ro ue m A + vagh +k