Torouto, May 1.â€"The run at . the city eattle %‘\lï¬ morning was 70 ears, which 1,2300 cattle, %85 sheep and lambs, 500 hogs ani 537 calves. Trade was active and the demand continues brisk. _ Prices were firm, and, although a few adâ€" vances were: recorded, the general list of prices showed very little var« iation from levels mq:f last . week, The principal feature the market toâ€"day was an improved demand | for the medium _ quality cattle, whica have been _ rather neglected of late. Prices of choice quality have been adâ€" vancing steadily antd; are . now beyon i the reach of several of the buyers, who have turned t6 _ the cheaper grades for their supplics. Milch cows were firm, choice selling from $35 to $60;, ordinary, $25 to $34 . i iAina Veal calves were slow, wilh pIICES at 3c to 6c per pound. Sheep were firm and grainâ€"{ed lambs steady. Common lambs _ comtinus slow, with quolations unchanged. Exâ€" port ewes are 35¢ to 50c firmer. The market for hogs show a slight cAeszaa and nuntatioms are now $6.90 fed and watered. Quotations toâ€"day We Export choice ... $ _ medium .0 0+ "% COWS .22 2l *® bull$ ...::: s Butchers, picked .. . ** choige ... ..l.~ *# medium ..... ib cows, choice ... 44 cow5, common t Dulls ....2 ls.0>~ Stockers, choice ... t ) HUgBb zcswsc HeaÂ¥y Feeders ... . Shor tâ€"Keep ...2 000 Milch cows, choice..... ++ common ... f CalÂ¥E$ mslss sn 2222 9.00 Sheep, export, ewes .. 6.00 * bucks ... 5.80 Lambs, common ... 5.50 * grainâ€"fed ......... 7.50 Spring Lambs each ... 4.00 Hogs, fed and watered â€" 6.50 Torouto, May i. â€"Trices have taken a jump to heep in line with the spuil in othet _ matkets, and beeause of th certainty that â€" this season will _ be tackwatd, no matter . hnow the season changes. The eold spell has strongthâ€" ened th> position of the holders,whi h prices have been considered too high, and from â€" whom millers have berry Joath to buy. _ While not advancin; inaterially, bids show the matket 1n be very strong. Quotations: Wheat Ontario, No. 3 white, 82¢ asked, _ in store, Montreal; No. 2. mixed 73¢ bid west. Barley, No. 3 extra, 56c askâ€" ed on a 5e rate to Toronto; 63¢ askâ€" wd; _ in store, Montreal. â€" Peas, Ni. 2 at 76¢ â€" asked, outside. Oats, No. 2 white, 423 ashed, outside. . Other otices are; Wheat, _ Manitoba, lake ports, No. 1 hard, 88¢; No 1 North ern, 86e; No. 3 northern, 8461 No. 1 northern, _ Mc asked, North Bay; f3e bid. â€" Corn, No. 3 yellow Ameriâ€" ean, 55¢ @ 55%c¢, lake and rail; 57kt all â€"rail; Ontario, 48c. _ Chatham freights. "Rye, dull, at 6le @ 6%¢. Flour, Ontatio, 90 per cont. patents, $2.75 bid; Manitoba, first patents, $4,50; seconds, $4; bakers, $3.90, Toâ€" ronto. Bran, $ 21 @ â€" $22. Shorts, guoted at $32 4n $23 outside. Wheat .........â€"â€"â€"«â€" New Wheat.......... Flour, Ocean .......> Flour, Agate .. 4/%0 Flour, Seven Lilies.... 2.15 dbntr 000022 2222222u222 0040 The 1mperial Conference at London may be considered a mecting of th statesmen of the entive Empite Lo discuss _ Imperial questions. The linperial trade question scetms to be one of the most difficult to ad just of any _ of the questions with which the Conference is called upon to deal. Mr. Deakin the Australian Premiect is probably the most _ outâ€" spoken of all th> Colonial representâ€" ativesâ€" on the British â€" prefetential trade questfon and is . gecidedly in favot of the proference. Of coutse we take for granted _ that these statesâ€" men ate all above possessing _ any contracted or i«1#fish â€" colonial moâ€" tives â€" in tha policy they advocate in this or any other â€" patticular. In discussing cny question coming be fore the comference tho policy advo cated should be in the interests o} a policy of Imperial preference ‘be places emphasis upos 'tt 3 the thit Owe are pot ttying ellAct coak or coerce «loks Bull i;t6 al ing this policy if ge thiaks it wise. _ The Do@isipg Premier dcc es it poctssaty to _ this p userware thet " PHi Yhand that. * Br al tree tizke l%‘“ the prefe: m to please: the c&ln‘ies{ Wulrnd‘s 16 ~Fight;.thit i wm gpotepted, 1t baa yosto y ol ths® _ ‘“_‘ ." c “,e_! omies, _ bo__a d Vyprtod Biagdom Waterloo, Ont. May 9 nd 1907 r Wilirid Laurter British WATERLOO MARKETS LIVE STOCK IMPERIAL TRADH ws woere firm, choice selling to $60; ordinary, $25 to $3¢ ves were slow, with prices 6c per pound. te firm and grainâ€"{ed lambs ; poj&dpi?:mie: Cociarâ€" ssaty to _ this p t 46 .ommt to t!'::! Empire a GRAIN wore: .. $5.10 ie 438 . 8.19 ... 3.60 ... 5.00 .. 4.15 ... 4.00 ... 8.15 on 2.175 ... 3.50 L. 3.15 quite as much. *# 4.05 35.00 25.00 3.00 6.00 5.80 5.50 â€"7.50 10 is in fay reference .10 «& & « «t & selling to $30 prices |not care wht tavor of or where the nce, butlrd good fout the fact] fact thet h ither _ to| feurs ought â€" tb adopt | their use by s it un | to “vuw _th:_‘ $5.30 5.00 4.80 60.00 30.00 6.00 6.50 5.50 4.00 5.25 4.90 4.50 4.40 3.25 t. 00 8.00 7.00 21.00 2.25 .40 6.15 4.09 .70 16 14 24 3 BIRTHS.~ _ Â¥Z, % e "" ./ "_â€" Martin.â€"in Woolwich,, ,nl 80th to "ir. ahd Mrs. Jobh W. Martin, a â€"â€"AÂ¥4 Berlin, A ~MR. 10.00â€" 1 (ug CTK V# . i B 200 Mrs. w. C. o sam . _ I o Saim of ts aiersignts, Forier.â€"At Berlin, _ May (Bnd, to xw.| Uo" OME U the _ and Mrs. ‘Philip Rorler, a sen. . . mile north of Pr t t su:u.-u Freeport, â€" April to Mr. ington, on a Mrs. Bcon Shantz, a daugh4or Stauftr,â€"At Berlin, Kork grd._â€" (o | . MoNnPAY, may 3071, 1907 rr‘:':d Mré. Dan U. Staufter, . a C encing at one 0‘Cl ck p.m. sharp au r. s f 6 f the following valuable property, Â¥1z:â€" Knell.â€"At Berlin, April 6th, to Mr. 3 stAU mertin, Aprit bun to ar | *F0ke0bRâ€"Hocsd" 1 years old, Knell.â€"At Berlin, April 6th, to Mr. ard Mrs. Fred. Kuell, a daughter. Hilker.â€"At Mlh.m 13th to Mr. and Mrs. Henty va son. ~ Ludwig.â€"At Berlin, l‘xn 16th, to Mr. aud Nrs. Wm. ig, a son Martin. â€"At Conestogo, April 31st to Mr. and Mrs. J. Martin, a daugh ter. Bardon.â€"At Berlin, April 23rd, to Mr.»r and Mrs. Louis â€" Bardon, a daughter. f Dillon. â€"At Berlin, April 2§th, _ to Mr. and Mrs Chas. Dillon, a son. Dietrich.â€"At New _ Hambutg, Apriâ€" [ 231d to Mr. and _ Mrs. Vatentin Dietrik b, a daughter. Zimmermanâ€"Dieh]. â€"At Rostock, Apr. 21th, Hcnry â€" Zimmerman of Keurts ville to Mary Dichl, of Rostock. Pritchardâ€"Moore.â€"At Parkdale, Man itoba, on Wednesday, April _ 17th 1907, Miâ€"s Ethet _ Moore of Par} dale, to Mr. Oscar Pritchard, Boltonâ€"Hamacherâ€"April 24th _ b, Rev. W. J. Yager, of New Ham burg, John Bolton, of Hespeler, to Almeidi Hamacher, of Wilmot. Belcherâ€"Mueller.â€"At Winnipeg, Apri 10th, H. Belcher to Antonia Muel let formerly of New Hamburg. Bowersâ€"Bingeman.â€"At _ Washington April | 21th, Austin â€" Bowers,Platts ville to Sylvia Bingeman, of Wash ington. Dickertâ€"Coprad.â€"At Erbsville, "Apri 23rd, Lorne Dickert, Heidelberg 1 Miss Conrad of Erbsville, Brownâ€"Litte.â€"At Guelph, May 1st by Rev. . W. Crews, Guelph, Mel !â€" ville JJ.â€" Brown, Guelph to Pear Mr ville JJ. _ Brown, Guelph 1 Little of Blair. Stengelâ€"Maxwell.â€"At Berlin 3uth by Rev. F. Kaiser, A Stenacl. .of Berlin, to _C Stongel, ,of Berlin, to Cathetin Maxwell, Toronto. Barrâ€"Heyd.â€"At _ Berlin, ~May 1st Thomas A Bart, Toronto to Sy belle W. Heyd, of Berlin. Tevittâ€"Ruppel.â€"At Waterios, Ma Ist, by Rev. M. L. Wing, Berlin Orton _ S. Deviét to Sadic “u| pel, Leoth of Waterloo. Rickert â€"Schroeder.â€"At â€" Berlin, Ma Ist, J. A. Rickert, to Annic Scl proedct. both of Berlin. pel, Leoth of Waterloo. nd "go short‘ not because corn _ 0f Rickert â€"Schroeder.â€"At â€" Berlin, Ma yunion troubles,us, Lut so that they Ist, J. A. Rickert, to Annic Scl |wilt not. roed‘t, both of Berlin. This point is one always ignored b} s 4 chose wellâ€"meaning but _ impracticl DEATHS seople who, lacking experience â€" and Holdet.â€"At Richwood, _ April 29th fordinary "horse sense,"" are governed George Holder, aged 95 years. ntitely by the cye in making theis Stenzelâ€"At Preston, April 28th,Mr | tecisions upon the condition of horses, A. Stengel. ind their fitness for work, and strair Bissell â€"At Proston, April _ 201b fat the gnat of an incquality _ of gait Mrs. Rissel. while countenancing for years, in the Bingham.â€"In East Zorra, April 3811 foare and training of theit own _ carâ€" Nelson Bingham, aged | 14 years. jage horses, the most pernicious pracâ€" Moysey.â€"In East Zorra, April 2111 ‘ices, as destructive to health . and Richard Moysey agoed 46 years. durability as to comfort and _ ordi Burrows.â€"At Berlin, May 3rd, _ Jol [|nary caseâ€" as universable as inexâ€" Burrows in his 77th year. cusable. Mrs. Rissel. Bingham.â€"In East Zorra, April 2811 Nelson Bingham, aged | 14 years. Moysey.â€"In Bast Zorra, April 2411 Richard Moysey agoed 46 years. Burrows.â€"At Berlin, May 30d, _ Jobt Burrows in his 77th year. Wonger.â€"At Havanna, HL __ May In! the widow of th> late Noah Wenger Doetbecker.â€"At Heiderberg, April 27 Nrs. John â€" Doerbecaer, aged & years, 7 nsonths and 21 days. Gremm.â€"At Heidelberg, April 26 U Geotge Giremm, aged 48 years, months and 26 days. Dliver.â€"At Galt, April James Oliv The fact of the steady decline in th demand for Ontario wheat must be : matter of concetn not only . to th« individual wheat grower, but to th public generally. Ontatio people have adopted the use of western flour to a considerable extent, and the building up of western industry to the detri ment of the Ontario farmet and mille» has been a serious cconomic loss . t« the province. The Ontario farmer â€" has not only lost a ready market for his wheat, but has sufiered from the high prices _ o‘ feed. _\ hen the business of whea! ‘growing in Ontario was still flourish ing the price of bran and shorts hac not soared to the present | figure . o‘ twenty to twentyâ€"two dollars a ton In view of the increased cost of living and the difficulty of obtaining cheap labor, such prices for feed are disâ€" couraging to farmers all over Ontario. Giving up wheat and going into stock raising and dairying does not belp the fatmer, if the cost of an essential part of the feed â€" becomes almost prohibiâ€" tive xI. Hericâ€"Neat _ Linwood, April _ 38th Jos. Metic, aged 86 years. Gibson . â€"At Hespelet, May Ind, â€" Jas Gibson, aged 70 years. Robson. At Hespeler, Mrs, Wm. J Robson, nce Ada Cooper, aged 3: years. There scems, bowever, to be no feaâ€" son for regatding this state of affairs as incvitable. The Ontario wheat is conceded to have a flavor . that . is utterly lacking in the‘ westerp flout, and wete it not for the larget peFâ€" centage of gluten in its westetn rival, it would have held its own in _ the onen marketâ€" fot bread making as it still does for pastry, biscuits, . etc Those multers and bakers who . have adopted the use of the blended flout, made from a proper mixture of Ontâ€" ar.tnvth;gt and the stronger western wheat to bring up the percentage of MARRIAGES Berlin, April 30th,. to Mtâ€"| pyore witl~ be sold by public &utâ€" in, _ Apri Austin H Catherin 4 commencing _ at one 0 Clogk p.m the following valuable property LIVESTOUK ,â€"Liotse 1 . yea! good driver,; cow fresh since ary, brood sow in pig, 3 tho« months old and a number of, the following valuable propertty, Â¥12:â€" LV â€"h&; 1 years old, good : cow fresh since Februâ€" ary, brood sow in pig, 3 thoats, months old and a number of, hens. IMPLEMENTS, . ETC.â€"Wagon, deâ€" moerat with shaft and pole, ha,} pleasure sleigh with shatt and € cutter, hayrack, hay rake, set gravel planks, pig rack, No. 19 plow, Oone sotse iron harrow, grindstone, fan uing mill, cuttingâ€"box, set beayy har ness, set buggy harness, % fy nets, work bench, kitchen table, bed com plete, mily cooler and cans, wihre fence machine and tools and . man} other articles too numerous to men tion. \GRAIN.â€"75 bushels oats, 10 bushâ€" els black batley, quantity mixed grain, 2 tons hey uw T . Ty) ooenna: en nc t TERMS.â€"Hay, grain, pigs, chickâ€" ens and all sums of $10.00 and unde cash; pier _ that amount 6 menths credit on approved . joint notes . 0# i per cent. per _ @nnum oft for cast payments of credit amounts. JOS. MICKUS, Auctioneer In the mattek of cruelty to of neg: lect of borses, it is not, unfortunate ty, the obvious troubles that really cause the most discomfort and . suf {ering, but the _ generally overldoked little things and â€" seemingly inconseâ€" quential details that really make . 0f ! 1 . T e y i sn ereisey C mar the ouly real pleasure which the patient creature is usually fated _ to enjoyâ€"comfort of body and case ot mind. â€" Curiously enough, it is _ not the lame horse (that is, the animal not too disabled to still perform his usual tasks) who sufiers . most, for the very limp or shortness of stride and stiffness of gait will call our atâ€" tention to his trouble, are an | eviâ€" dence not of paiu, but of the _ creaâ€" ture‘s precaution to prevent suffering â€"just as in our own cases we limp Of such there are but too many whe busy themselves with othet people‘s affairs in the administration of _ ou! ‘arious societies for the prevention o‘ tuelty to animals â€" _ organizationt which, worthy in themselves of _ the highest praise and most liberal supâ€" port, prove almost without exceptior so illâ€"managed and so impractical as to discourage the philanthropist | and disgust the practical hotseman, who can but view their abortive procecdâ€" ngs with minzled feelings ol _ conâ€" lempt and amusement. Ware in May. Every animak Jlover hopes for the time when the management â€" of such bodies shall be placed in the hands of men competent to decide and alert to administer, andâ€"not left to the indifercnt, the inert and the inapt in matters which _ concern animal care ind management.â€"From ‘"The Everyâ€" day Abuse of Horses," by F. â€" N. pAVID P. MARTIN, Proprictor “i‘ st Hepworth, now a town, nominater its council Thursday night. The Montreal Harbot Board have nzaged an English expert. In Maniwaki, Wright County, Que. i hockey match was played on Maj Dar Katherine Handley, of London, the little_girl so seéverely burned . while plavin® near a rubbish fire, died of het injuries last night. hy and upâ€"toâ€"date buggies. the Masseyâ€"Harris Warercogs. Waterloo Ontâ€"= + *« â€"NMrs. Elleda B. Ferrie, wife of Robt. }. Ferrie, of the Hamilton Times, is lead . â€" 18â€"1mo. The Farm For Sale CRUELTY To HMORSES new interests in the Sovereign have taken $1,500,000 worth‘ o! arrived. A carload of new the Outing Magazine _ fo" HAWKE ‘The MeLaughlin Carriage Co , Limâ€" wed of Oshawa, Ont;, have opened a warehouse and showroom in the Y. M C. A. Building, Berlin, Ont., with Mr. J. Pfeffer, as {manager. _ A fuil line of top buggies, rubber Are runabouts, Traps and Surreys will be carrled and Mr. Pfeffer baving had 25 years uforionoo as a Builder of Jarringes will be pleased to meet you if you are interested or think of purâ€" 'â€"ï¬;i,'duhlin goods are strictly,"A" Standard and their motto for 40 years "ONE GRADE ONLY and THAT THE BEST" A fall line of Express, Delivery, Baker, Milk and Farm Wagons and Lorries will be sold and Mr. Pieffer‘s matto is "I ENDEAVOR TO PLEASE CUSTOMERS®." A call solicited. 182 aores, 30 acres good bush, 134 acres under Arst cla«e cultivation. Good water facilities, all kinds of fruit, ornamental lawo, double wick honse, hm.hnk tn, and necsssary ut Mkllnf-. buil are all in first lass condition, located on main road, near «hoo! and post office. four miles from Beriin. Apply to F, E. BHANTZ & CO. . _ _ Buggies‘Buggies! ‘m:t. ;scelved a.dahipment of l!‘riisg gr es and waggoos, whic will be f:ï¬â€˜ _at great bargains, All work guaranteed. East of Scot St. 15 6 mos. Land adjoining the village of Conesâ€" t»go. Apply to 19â€"1 mo | ~Por‘ partionlars and ! morle dont 2nd wood ofice. . 2s Singd : 1%6 faegs, ealivated JRNC, #OT7C 144 CHTC P ""'u%:._‘..u nmfl‘g.awl Wace tor market gae a ï¬:‘m&&‘:â€"k eeed Tepain colk ‘ Lb Salh Nss ol cmarhiols (E o ho dindnabks anth 16 athas 8| 996 poute, be BERLIN, 12â€" Woren W ie Fence is baned ou in ce ar on mippinks ï¬.-.?z *«7&"-‘, ‘."_'.‘,%.h-'.gs_- i o uin rede t Sont namar ts If you will send us your name, we witiog reapone why tha Leerlane is quote pr ces. Bold by 13â€"3mos, Bardware, Stover »od ) vibd in# WALPER ELOCK }RELIN MA PPEA 4 4 4444444444 4444444444444 ++++4+4+++4 PP 4444444444444 ¢++44 +444 +t+4+4+4++++++4i++i+++++4 PFEFFER, Manager, Berlin, Ont. The construation of the Poefless F.° E. SHANTZ & CO., 11 acres good snil, fair buildings. only $1.000. 1 4 in Rerct, En cieareds tog bubldiags,s mlies from Berlle. . _ . . llun-,flntfl-uflu(b%.lnfloamflin. 40 aores of good jand, and large inggs, pit on piase, on corporation limite® > g‘mnm.mlyng:u.m-umi-numm-qw o n uiatos Rertier at hn Sn land oeer Didsburroell s soap. â€" Arich biectooits -mwuwmhnm ® H. Wolifherd and Co. Pasture to Let f F. E. Shantz & Qffice Frederick Street, Opposite Market, REAL ESTATE, CONTRACTOR and ABCHITEOT. CARRIACES Conveyancing, Real Estate avd Insurance Agents, N. H. CRESSMAN, FARM FOR SALE 18 acres q ALBERT KNARR Conestogo Ont 10 A, C. Thoman, King St. Berlin. Bertin, Ont m land, Qso Farm for Sale m ï¬h' ‘ AAMANAAAAAMA The exccutors of tke late kr the farm for s«e, Lot 11 ‘#‘ dl!.Anuo‘.nrhd ® of 123 acres, ‘Waoeres «f which is ole .‘ 9.3mos -“lw-lw LA <ar w lt vA .A thibnct ces sn nannt ahe basuaise oaby, un it i+ nnnfrnsniees Naeunn sro t "eoouith taroe" Apply on proinists or to _ proo ie Baaea n ainonied) Panl by Locd fan . m n nâ€" Pile 9i 5y buke of Oxford soth . out of Duch. ess of Lincoin flmp.z. Also a few females, heavy in calf b‘.lh- mported herd bull. in porues "are nighaye boees oi) ns ebert bun ro Chi of 1 rie (I â€" Vol. 20. es en t oo ol JOS. B. SNYDKR, Waterloo, Ont, ummwhwkum.h- bmmd cultivation ; new ; Just vulsize the Berlin corperation ; 2 miuutes‘ Shorthorns For Sale Ths under ut cack, on walk from town. € Al #â€"wre farmc, about 3 miles east of Berlin Easy terms. tactorios, tm WP"" Ju Srice from #1,:00 to $5.000. ran m Also vacant lots inside and outside of corps All kind« of lamber, shingles, -!z.. in stock. }'m‘gndwool n a spe c-:ll :: \?:'o' undersigned m m ' Lancadier Bbysear C T. It. er 9. a cuf o. Osk ". The unJersigned offers for sale his valuable farm comhbing of 175 acres, Lot 34, 100 acres of which is under cultivation, 50 acres good bush and balance in pesture. On the farm is a new cottage roof brick house and kitâ€" chen (10 rooms), large bank barn, new driving shed, pig stable and all necesâ€" sary outbnlldin?. Water supplied at house and barn by ram. ‘There is also orchaia, about 6 acres wheat sown, and fall plowing done. Farm is in a good state of cultivation and is situâ€" ated 1} miles from Conestogo and St. Jacobs, Can be bought at a reasonâ€" able price. _ For further particulars apply to & Pure bred large English Berkshire pir from six weeks to four months old, Also one boar 18 months old, direct from imported stock. Apply to The undersigned offers for sal eral bulls of serviceable age and a :‘ï¬mdmï¬ plass cows at reasonabie pices, Herd now s tiee? on h rerees aprer 28 poonde of butter in seven dumd record. A. M. ZOELLER, _ JACOB 5 SCHMIDT, 1iâ€"2moe. Te 12 tf Never for 5¢ or 10c 8â€"Omos. Holsteins For Sale Farm For Sale Farm For Sale ol riga‘s. Oo®M o be leligct y call at ctfise above R. E FOR SALE For Sale AAAAAAAAAAAAAAA _ & CO., ‘ nsurance Agonts, & r sale : oC Wilnrot Townenip. fl. with wind PP , , ‘h.,muu, near a good (Own, riin. w reflnery. ::'nhu. on corporation limite® miles from Beriin, easy term* 2i‘% fnaps" AriSk biecksoiith ket, Berlin, Ont. A4AANAAAAAA+R4 MRS. GKO. A. RKIST. _ C. B. RICHERT, MENNO KOCH Conestogo P. 0., Ont Mannheim, Ont. Baden P. 0. Out. New Hamburg, Ont, Waterloo, Out. Telephore at Pss : wiitkeat price pald. Load avery ?ï¬lm“i“‘.’." Young 8t., South 385, “ILW%&WW April OoONT. Huve we shown sush valzes as we are uow ___ uflering for the wowsy. Call and see them at offec The word "Good" covers the whole question. . Clothe can‘t be good unless made from good Clo&l.c ‘They can‘t be good unless‘ thoroughly tailored, They can‘t. be good unless they are stylish and they can‘t be good in the fullest sense of the term unless they fit perfectly. are ‘"Good Clothes" in the fullest sense. It matters notï¬ particular you are you will have to admit that they are "G Clothes" when you see and feel theim on you, Let us show you a Spring Suit or Overcoat of= this make, © You will find them worth while knowing about. * Strasser‘s S. R. Ernst & Co. The least we cau say about this list of bargains is that every item in it deserves your careful perusal and after that your quick , uying atteution. 75 Men‘s Suite, sizes 33 to 42, brokâ€" en lines, extra good quality, English and domestic tweed, fnyi and browns with colored ovérplaids, black and navy blue serges, fashionable single breasted style, regular $8 to $10 Satâ€" urday price $ 5.95 Men‘s Rain Coate, of English Craveâ€" nette, dark grey <hado, full lengtb, box black style famer satin lined threughout sizes 34 to 44, regular $9, special to clesr, Saturday $5.95 Trousers striped domestic tweed, good patterns, in mediam and dark cvlore well cut and trimmed, sizes 32 to 43, :1.“49 regular #2, Saturday bargain J. K. SHINN® shIrving mu:n:i ngnt anG GaIR Ooiâ€" ors, stripes figures, or attached cuffs, sizes 14 nmn- ‘Fancy Shirts, about 300 in Sootch zepbyr, Madras and fancy woven , Madras and fancy wovel m;_...w light and dark ol nï¬d.d‘eul!&-ï¬nl' 14 to 174, reguâ€" larly $1 and $1.25, Saturday .. .... 696 Working Shirts, black and white drill, attached coliar, double stitebed reams, foll bodies, sizes 14 to 17. regâ€" nlarly 506, Saturday price 396 Underwear, fine natural merino, spring weight, blege facing and peatl buttons, the drawers in small men‘s sizes, shirts, amailand mediam, n&‘,‘; larly 750 per garment, Saturday. Moen‘s plain and faney cashmere Hooks, in extra fine quality, spliced heels and too, Sites 10 to 11 odds and onds of 35 to 50s lines Saturday _ 256 "CGood Clothes" Funeral Director and l.i‘l-'lil Vaterleo, Oot Telerhere at Pot| & China Hall, OUR SMALL PROFIT SYSTEM 18 A GREAT SUCCESS, SATURDAY BARGAINS 20th Century Brand Clothes WE ARE SOLE AGENTS. t A C l IMPORTANT BOOT BARGAINS. ‘Girla‘ Lace Boots, bright glosey, black kid, patent leather too cap, full round tos, heel or low heel, sizes 11 to 2, t $1.50 an i $1.75, Saturday price . $1.%. | anbroskable ® id, for ‘genordi â€" Yard un able , wear, fall fitting and comfortable aizes 6 to 10 reguiar 2,00 on Satarday $1.50 Boys Lacedâ€"Boots, genuine dongola goatskin, good serviceable reliable boots, right for present wear, sizes 1 to 5, regular price $2. Saturday $1.50 Youth sizes, 11 to 13 lar $1.50 lot to 13 regu $1.25 ht AÂ¥ee BOYS‘ CLOTBHING BARGAINS. Three piece suits, neat dark brown mixture; of all wool English Tweeds, latest dn‘loM eut, also some Norfolks ‘in two pleces, best Italisn lining, sizee 28 to 33, regular $5 to T wo plece Suits, in single breasted plested aud Norkfolk jacket styles, e in nes se ta sea u‘nlu:†ly.l':‘!fl)lot . Saturday.... x ww# gshIpPIEE HoG3 WANYTED i® Waterioo u> ooX C on difhe ie +4% t