PP %. *k ut *French?". cried the post â€" seeker, f ‘,E;J‘;%""-')‘*“‘: u. sneak BEnglish like an Eng ReamBERMBREATE TL BA C300 9. o L $ ie t _ "AB, mademolsclle, 1 was reared 4n igland, but"â€"tho French shrug spoke wolumesâ€""who would employ au Engâ€" ig:master ?" _\ Thus. she stood,+an imperious little of hearts, who needed no herâ€" Â¥ ber rank, for a new d down before her. +o come, Bir ~Poet. ‘There are of us. /. were you honorâ€" f Bhe of the red gold hair it was ocked him. : Adp d J do 14 by that token.sbould be ‘al s good a frog â€"eater as this.man, 1" cried May. /‘But you must peak of hiin." g / oL +A n BR L * p _A the young man zate e TCJ oy-m-hhtu find that be bad n audience. Â¥ He sprang to bis feet, looking all embarrassment at the two giris standing suddebly so close st band, ~‘Pletures of twin beauty, coutrasts, they were, framed in the »doorâ€"frec :0 archway of. the balf ruined One was tall, perbaps, and slender, mmmw-‘-rthm-u kisses, and then, dbable: to leave (or :mm\by-mm ‘.He bowed and answered her gayly, &m‘s sought the other, the or girl, who held him. ~ "-â€"I,m" mademoiseclie, a poor dancing master can serve but the most beautiâ€" ~*"A dancing master!" Hert was rent now.. ‘‘Why, wo,tbmt to "found m Jove sick poet swain Awe heard you playing in our pet â€" Didn‘t we, May?" ; & «â€"*Why, Eff, a dancing waster will be of far more use to us awkwiard counâ€" try maid: We‘ll * learn ~to courtesy wight and perhaps the minuct if"â€" ,f{wâ€;f eyes took him in with one ,‘ er Dubarre," he stammered. *.*Master Dubarre will terch us," she . "The honor would. overwhelm a poor m&é This with another and a Wï¬lï¬;« Of the. three, intermin "awept away all stiffness. .. â€" )me, â€" May," laughed the Titian ene, "have you not a French mn_m is fighting Englishâ€" n he ts half Rnglish bimself. ~ mother: was: myâ€"â€"cousin ‘Barnh, ‘of Cousin }.;lï¬) Percy. Jt was by her running awa@y (with the young YVicomte:de St. Croix. when he was wecretury ‘of the French logation that the castle came 1o° our, the â€"younger, ;::ue.t of the family. <It killed Cousin Jobhn." & » "I sought the castle," . interrupted Pmbarre. ."At the inu they told me one Bir Henry Percy had a most bea + titul daughter, and abe a friend . who 'avt show me how English girls can _ *T â€"am Mistress May Porcy, and this faighg of the bhck dfoo. draving » eyes, drawing h‘lfln in .slonder queenliness to Its fullâ€"sixty Inches. . _ The Frenchman‘s third bow since his ut â€"surprise was the deepest of all. wwas A most unusual lunkeeper, ols He did not He." > m‘ï¬im angry at the broad By â€" THOMPSON BUCHANAN Mooney‘s Perfedion Cream Sodas are crisp squares are the ‘food that mwmdmmde. $ are as digested i7 uo hn mb as by the sturdy workman. ‘They contain ALL the food properties of finer Cana dian wheat four, mt a form m;st‘le Comedy @ Abways fresh and grisp in that At all groces i8 t comrate to the castle," .. .. "Gomn@de Y ... : BPe BC c o .05 "Yes, â€" mademolselie." _ He â€" turned, pointing over to oue corner, and for the first time the girls saw. another man, & big fellow, Iying on a bed of moss A e ~asleep, "Poor Plerse! He plays the me while 1 teach the steps.. This coming down to a little ford be stom The beavy harp on hbis back buried hi down so much the barder. His head: struck a sione,~ Hee!" 6.*, m i The d across to mm’;fl ‘Mistress Percy followed him," . _ "But he must be carried to the house. Heo‘lt be wg:;k to walk. Here, EA" â€"Mistress turned impulsively to her friendâ€""ride you to the castle. Sir John Wilmerding and Captain Thornâ€" ‘cliife will be there awaiting us. Tell Bit John I say to bring a litter for this wounded man. 1 will â€"wait bere and tend~,him" if: heâ€" wakes. * Men â€" know nothing about such things." Dubarre . shrugged â€" his shoulders agiin. _ "It is nothing. < We : French know" much. I bound up the wound. Then ‘we came on to. this but, Pierre was. tired from â€"the blood letting, 1 from carrying. the harp. We stopped, and I sung him to sleep." WV .you begin your dutics. u-u:’mruuwn’y. "At ones if only 1 could ujove my The Fronchmau regarded her for a few moments in silence. "You are yery good, imademolselle," he sald at Jast. Kthel~Courticigh was on "her borse riding along the road «cross the v‘n.,: to her t a milo â€"away, h as abe rode z'atlld to herself to think how Bir John . Wilmerding,â€" the bandsomest, (be proudest.man in the county, . would" rocgive that command to bring out a litter and help carry in n» innamed, unkuown, low, bort a¢ sistant "to _‘ waidering, ~renegads Freuch duncing master.; But, Sir .Jobin Wilmerdhig ./ would . obey. | ~Mistress Courtieigh knew that, for it was not recorded when uny. oncâ€"and 8ir John lastâ€" of: allâ€"pad ever thought of disâ€" obeying the himperious Jittle toast of the county; Nob ‘in: that.part. of England was more peweérfuo) than. the Pereys. â€"Bif Henry of "the castle" us the family head, and hisâ€"daughter, Mistress May, had ruled too long.aâ€"queeu not to com» mand absolute obedience. .. And #o the smiling messengér .delivered..her com mand and. two. mon,Jnwardly cursing. hurvied about to. obey the latest whinr wlent wish of their sovereign.â€" _ ; ~Out ht "the hut ~Plerre wis â€"stowly roviving, . ‘the girl bad Uubarre bring herâ€" 4uter. in his Imt‘,fro‘m/the brook }nm. rfished ~uofsily beforr the door, , nshig. hor own: Iiiedkerchiof, «l wpn‘ihed ï¬x?i'i:: and boubd up the m‘; wound (with : tendoer care. . The »big Prenckman _Jyhig there. watcbed â€" het facg throughoutâ€" with mute, dog eyed affection." 36 m Thenâ€" May learned how old â€" Armand Dubmrre, in the geveration beforo, had taught the ladies of Fritnce to dance; hoyw he Bad been indiscreet in catryins letters for a certiin aoble marquis. Dubarre ghook his head when‘he spoke of this. | ho l 3 «_ "The elopement falled. ~ The â€"mar guis. was . killed. ., The Jady‘s fam ly wias‘ very powerfol, andâ€" my fa ther fgd. to England.": Ho went on to tell how. the outlawed Frenchman had started:‘a dancing clase. . He taught the young ladies in hoble English fam Wes, aud so had.married an English waiting «maid. ..Gaston . Dubarre was their son. | < ~ *utgh. The girl seemeid to losé Interest after she bad found allâ€" this. Shelistened, though, when the Freneiman, went on volubly to e&plain that ke had followed his f{ather‘s trade and Jbud, tla'u up where the elder Dubarre left off :+ . : Thorougbly disgusted, Mistress Perâ€" cy turned brack {nto the But," Sb turn: ed just in timeâ€"to intercept a look that Aushed from Dubarre to Pigtre fl back. again. . The . girl caught breathâ€"and walked straight up, to the man standing beside the barp; .. _~~ /. "M. Dubarre, was that long winded tale the truth?" o n as s "Mistrcous . Porey â€" canr believe all< 0 wone, just as she pleases," he said,. > â€" Then the girl looked at Pietre: . Tho wounued in@t lay #till, with ey6i closod, . face sterm aud set lips that made no sign. ./ > 2 4 Learn / He faced. ber, laughing. easlly and with the Inevitable shrag. s That cvening. Mistress .Porey d #it Honry, her ather, it Jdtl,gl.: nmording, Captain Thorneliffo mnd the rost of the company the story she bhad heurd from Master Dubsrre, and the next morning the gancing master gave _« â€"+â€" "~CRAPTER H. w OWH, ~corme, . madeintiselk tbat is alt. wromg." The dancing master spoke ‘?fl!'!', ga ofe would to at wnruly: child, for Miatress Porey was In ane of ber obstinate â€"moods, 110 ‘the mou had gone awry Trom the begin . Theg were At ons snd , of ths Tong, narrow, bare‘ fencing bai}, which Stece the artival of Dubatre had be mane, too, a diir Now . the : girl aake the most o «ho begap "ITo~ hear the truth," ba ended: for her, siniling lightly; tben, «ith. jmmvys Mn mamnaceimety of ttrtee tw aAthatip £ sav alroad» oha n AuP on td Posd it Hee !" too, a dincing. "90in, â€" the . girl (drew . betselt ~ap flnmt{fhm Dubarre, 1 am not accustomed BROTHER $ of .A up 6 arts x 0‘0»:3 dav wil f«‘__"' : to ~ uake en El ,..,.fl not ket ,.3,,,‘. the amusic, then “-:a ust K« tipe with you.. My tlion . agâ€"m lancing wastier dessands that you f together." _ * A * There was joy now in his tone as at the solution of a great Aificuity. "Possihly wore the Agucher ~better progress ‘had not béen so slow," Mis tress Percy blurted angrily, ~."Aw 1 to be ipsulted && dancing teacher? Monsiour, 1 w we you know this shail be the Jast ux "Then it were wise to make the most of it," he answered goolly aud took her haud. y "Pierre, pleyâ€"slowly. We will dauce the minuet." K 39 3k iung e e i mt heâ€" said now>sadly . *I never have QW!â€Mâ€:FM cn-u:uwdm id me that only an man could tience uwnthvoqym:mw idea how to learis." . Frout ~ pubd ; i onnat: ht â€"she> caremed it tion, #he yletded, For a time back and forward in graceful measure they trod through the â€" statelyâ€"â€" dance. Ethel Courtieigh, waiting ber turn, thought she had never seen so well matched a couple, â€" â€"â€" u * cA same‘s The dancing master stopped short and shragged his sboplders impationt: 1y. â€" "One, two, three, tdur. Can you not : possibly. keep time?" he asked. "Now,â€"Pierve, again."* mpdn.rhn-uu-‘.ujhgmv angry. tatalt ts ces Once more they trod the measure, A second time Dubarre stopped short. "Is mademolselle a~ clumsy . milk» maid dodging cows‘ tails? Have you no knees?" be asked sith ex#ggerated politeness, ~then added wournfully, Aand then the storm broke forth in earnogt. . Mistress Percy jJerked . her *"Whenâ€"came it,"‘ she cried, "that a paid teacher so addressed his puplk and that pupil a lady? Am I a child to be ordered about by a runaway Frenchman,‘ a trickster with his Teet? %o; I will no dance. °I am_utterly ~The nian merely shrugged his shoulâ€" ders and glanced at the clock.>. .. â€".. "Oh, that courtesy! weary of it, and I will} never, never dance again!" And with her head very bigh > and herbody â€"heldâ€"very . stifiy erect the girl turned her back on him and: walked proudly to the side win dAow to see how utterly miserable evâ€" erything Jooked without.: . % "Certainly â€" mademolsello. has taken woré than her fair shire of the time, but, then, Mistress Courtieigh learns so quickly that it will make Aittlé difâ€" Cerence." ts j K His tone wis casy . and~absolutely eool.~ With a siglt s mom to Rimâ€" selt. he added, "Mon eu, it is oxâ€" bausting to teach & young lady with a quick temper, . who sill. not try â€" to Mistrous | Ferey ~wliiried â€" about . to speak, then as quickly turned back t0 the . window, Looking closely at Puâ€" barre, . Ethel Courticigh thought~ she saw about his mouth the faint shadow of ‘a smile that was quickly pressed away. ‘Theu hbe chme over to ber.>~ .: ~~"Will Mistress Courtleigh so_honor a poor dancing master by affording him a Hittle real pleasure?" ~ Setres â€"‘The toie was supplication, the bow & courtior‘s. Kthelâ€" Courtleigh arose promptly. SH9 N in e in se k "Pierre, we will dance that minuet." Aguin the girlâ€"at the window started. Bhe would not look, but she could heart everything. Now Dubarre was speakâ€" Ing. Above the #enisi¢ of the harp the words came.to her. _ ._. , .. FEso "One, "tifo, Titeo," rburâ€"a | griitious cnurtesy! . A littleâ€"more sow. â€" That is 1t, â€" Ab,: Mistress CourtJelgh, it 1y 1nâ€" doed, a pleasure to dance with one so gracéful, so cager to dance well. Pliy that again, Plerre. 1 wouldâ€" see if Mistress: Courtieigh can reach perfec. tion twice} A pause of a few moâ€" ments, and be ctied, with enthusiazm, "Indeed, indeed, you could not, for the last was c‘en better than the first," "With guch â€" a~ teacher, lï¬l’m- barre, it. were,. indeed, hard . hbt .to darice well."*~ And Hithel ~Courtleigh ;2%!;6 ‘her. gratification, while. May drummed violently on the win Once mâ€x music â€" startedâ€"and ::A!-vt"" } time, Dubarre began \She gid at the wlodow at 1st turm. l . to reo M. taï¬n leading. ht® low over this Jittle band. . «*A . "May 4 $hank you for a very great pleasure?" he siid earnéstly. â€" "It was worth the. tri .h},‘« 1e t > : A intress Percy turned back T Nes ] . Plerre stopped pliying: ind began to 'w;tln"ton?hphï¬ ltp‘:%umn- barte was préparing to go. ‘Suddeniy the gitl u.ï¬iMw moved away trom it." She ‘for a moment; then, with her ofd mgothvm walked ~straight ~down _ the nzn to where the maxw~who had chided and ‘aughed at her stood. “imw»#nmd. strangely rnibatrassed "If â€" if â€"â€" you pleae, T will dance that minuet.‘ ‘ She stood . bafore m':ofmmm pink, char eyes : motst, mum‘maud her first defeat, <Not even his oyeâ€" Inshes fAickered, but the man: bowed very low. : s Oinwigt aucly csres hchuag Pios, Ecamm. a6d :5222;;, 415B Ave id Brray was ient o Hy erana) ind des Ap \-'-:1: ':;Tu"d' ‘fl Chemitta‘ C .. Prerre, seated at the other end c the strings 006 .« get ‘a buw of Olntment T bane obr 4 lc pigo of "Her dancing waster is always at tmadeimoisello‘s: . service," . he ~ said. "Pierre, the wiluuet." > * Vifteen minutes liter Captain Thorn sliffe and Sir <John ~Wilmerding: came in Yor their daily bout with the foils. Jn:t in <timeto . bear ~Mistress Perey ask; \! Sm ~a ' â€" "And do you thisk 1 . will improve?* Dubarre smiled. "Alreadyâ€"mademolâ€" welle shows marked inyprovement," be auswereds hist. "Thank. you.. whonsi¢ur."‘ And the newegmers wondered gt her tome," â€" ‘Pierre put the cover on his harp aud went : awny, . the gitls loft,. and~ Sit Jobn,‘ big, stroug and hothcaded," 2s samed his mask and foil agatost Capâ€" tain ‘Thornetiffe, the blof and bearty soldier â€" who : bad wou promotion â€"and gazette mention oft and over for his nbility in fighting. $ f â€"~*You are: strong, Dubarre, L know, \Â¥hy don‘t you feuee or shoot or ride?" asked ‘Captaip. Thorneliffe as he was geitingâ€"ready. ~ > ; ‘Xawning, the: dancing. uiaster ~went to the window," . >~> $ ‘The oue addréssed tughed.. "Those Accomplishments fro searce within the praviace of n_danvcing~â€"master, monâ€" sleur, butâ€"4â€"have tried alt three." "Come, .are youâ€" ready, Hal?‘ »asked Sir John linpatiently, and they crossed swords, while Dubarre furned back to his ~window..‘Soon <the noise ‘ forced hinm to took afoumd. & Assuredly the ‘bout was . becowing hower exery minute, The narrow place of arms resounded to the trampling of feet, while over ail . the : twoâ€"blades sang their tisping, clashipg sonz of the steel.: Up and down the room the conâ€" test waged, now Captaim Harry Thotuâ€" cliffe : amd now Birâ€"John : Wilmording. holding the advautage. »They .fenced with ~the eager animosity ; of . tried frieuds opposed in mlcvï¬tblt. e â€"«Togched!" .. ‘Captdin . ‘Phorncliffs eried<it and, stepping back, raised his yigil; ABHjfng. > > ks > se t o 5o. 2. th "Xo, Hal, I.protest.© You touchc4 me not. Your potut fhiled to ‘reach by quite: an Inck, L Awisted away ad I saw it coming."~ e ols â€"~Sir Johw@ was almost angry In his dis claimor, . Captainâ€" Thorneliffe stil showed his good humored sinile, =~> "Come, ‘come, Jack.. Be generous Â¥ou have beaten‘ so mahyâ€"thit you thn. easily afford. me onelittle ‘point. Besides, 1 knbow U touched you. 1 felt it plainly. ~*Twas the old French Percy trick that: involdited â€"meâ€"from PM Percy trick ibhat: involdted (me~frOM:] ~vÂ¥oq"â€"j.d.don‘t,"" â€" he : st d Spain.‘ We‘lFlet M.â€"Dubarre decitde as Cw â€"why, you bageage, you shall marry referee." : * ~ | bim. Do you think I am going to be 8ir John sugcred. â€" "What Ca@n ‘y@â€"| put ont by a chif of a sixteenâ€"yearâ€"old danciug master keow ‘of fencing?=Let j girt nty own child at that?" Not ma se ontodet . Lat incosd a apeel Liked) waney ts it ie ware the minnk home.: Zounds! â€" You choose a~gueet/}â€"ghall marry him if he were the worst ampire between gentlemen, Hal." _ â€"| pate in the county, if be had fought a 8Ir John suecred. "What can ,@ danciug master keow ‘of fencing?â€"~Let hi stick to his Jigs, where he is at Dubarre, who" had been watching the fight with tudiffereut attention, redâ€" dened over so slightly. He walked over. and,. with the ptmost respect, ofâ€" fered Sit John his Lindkerchief, > "Would . monsteur hive me: wipe off the challs from his plasgtron?" be said and doftly pointed out a faint white dot on the red heart:of. the plastron. "Pardon, gentlemen," s3ld the dane. thg : makter, "I cannot .umplvg longer tor Mistress Percy desired me to bring ber sn\gohn Sucklisa~‘s verses from the library. # 64 Jt .was Sit Jobhn‘s timeto redden Captain ‘Thornelife‘sâ€"chance to roar, â€" I Bit Hent‘y Percy puffed out bis stomach and pursed up tis Iips to emphasize this distinctly ortho dox sentiment, He was a large, heavy man, who thougbt that Godâ€" made®the Percys and then the world to At them. "But T don‘t intend to marry." Mistrcss, Porcy stampod ber dittle foot, andithat made Sit Menty‘s em« phasls scem tame, câ€"% * "At least, dad," with an upward flash of her eyo#, "atiloast not yot." . "Ab!‘ ~ Sit ~Menty broathed " ones more, â€" while Sir: ‘John . ‘Wilmerding, atapding near, became again bis. nor mal red. + Â¥ s For this was the ssrious time when the <yoars ‘fostered plans of two old men and the day dreams of one young ane ;were to. be put toâ€"the test of ® girl‘s ~caprice. ~ Froth : earliast ~child Hood she had known that in the far abhead, Inr¢, indefAniteo some! time there would come a fatefol fAre minutes when she 2« deolde, In those duys when old Riwer Wilmerding and 1"&.'-’.".?‘ nmm':lqm , ir 4wo Shildren plating In the know ‘ariably hoth mow Fos¢ t, the ohd, crsotes : wo alth to the childfsn. \ts r' Tuture anion. gopte: i pbicemin Wedne ; B m éctive and regulatg the bowels, There will be an Lo those Bilous Headaches, too, as so01. &% you‘::;ft udag your r ‘spgrjs.' s Qoum tion {:i)m I‘ruitâ€"aâ€"tives.; * Fruitâ€"aâ€"tives* ‘éountain the wonderful medicinat proâ€" perties of fruitâ€"in an active aund curative form, g0c. aâ€"box â€"â€"6 for $3. 50. ‘Atall dealets‘. / ~ OnfAPTER 11. 0 0_ YERY ‘girl should _ desire: #5 <marty," ..‘ fuxs {FAWT LVER itd TABCETS.) #7 ‘h : wal matter of & as " ‘{.x""‘- e ufl“kt} iâ€" k tho Horary t! Wipe/ ‘The bare uet was in u hurry to get away for bis i astont (o noore n t ty spure a few m Aor Ing bis daughtor she nfight begin préâ€" paringâ€"for Her wfnariage. ~ / , His . yery® frst sentence ‘had raised the storm.â€" Mistressâ€"Porcy now pacal "But Iâ€"don‘t intend to marry." up ‘and. dowiâ€"the library in most unâ€" grownupâ€"like ex¢itement,. To bebrought face to face with marriage when for weeks she had been planuing nothing more serigus "than ‘a "birtbday party was enough to disconcert any aboutâ€"toâ€" beâ€"seventeenâ€"yearâ€"old miss. : "Wihy. did. you mot tellâ€"me or this, dad?" she ‘demanded, stopping short and regarding the two men standing heipless before. ber. _: } & > s "My child, the agreementâ€"you knew It," he protested weakly. & "Agreement! â€" How could you and Sir Kimer agree whom I should marâ€" ty : E ? "But, May," Sir Henry . answered, more firmly now as the Percy stub boruness aroused itself, "Sir Elmer deâ€" sived it; I desired and do desire it, Reâ€" member ~your duty to your father, child. Job» «vilmerding, now"â€" "Lovrel . Pouf! .Fiddsesttcks!" .‘The m‘ln fairly snorted. â€" "What‘s love got o with housew|fery, tho orderingâ€"of servants and the raising of :a family? You: do thuso thiiigs, and. I‘ll. wartant me Johu Wilmerding will doâ€"the loving for the pair of you." j "But you can‘t want mo to marry a mit 1 don‘t Jove, fether?".| The word "father" in place ofâ€"thé old, familNar, loving "dad" should have warned him, but it did not. 4 Then the old man discovered thers wereâ€"two Pereys in that l:: The girl Alvew berself ‘up, Cold: white. Only heneyes were blazing.. :~ . . ~x"Jolts * IVNHerding idd}" gamibge .or fight his way jnto snother‘s love, faâ€" ther, but Tâ€"don‘t intend to marry bim." Her ! n« was .calm, wm.,,tlzmusly Irdiftc nt." It might haye been, "I don i carc for &â€"glass of water, thank un‘ _ k A _ Bic John Wilmerding went white to the lips; Sit Henry Percy red to his ear tips." ._. . > eiga a shallâ€" marry him if e were the. worst take i1 the county, if he had fought a dosen duels over a dozen women in stead of one.. De you wuut a milks for & husband? l‘{yc'udo. t wm whey . faced ‘preaching â€" parson for a sonâ€"inlaw, .1 telt you, Nie‘s oniy‘a lad of sapitit."~ ~And, â€" turning, Sir. Henry putted the white faced young man on the shoulder nffectionately. . "Did: you ever.,sce n fner boy?"* be said and whirled back to face his dauglter. ‘ \*Nou impudent hussy!" he and started toward her,. but mw' him g.my with a glass of water sbatch« P 11y frow the table. .‘ ‘Then his Jaw dropped yery suddenly. nqrmhndmcmtom‘uble. scated berself and "was busity turning mlitvqof:bootntwmm ing for something. : "What are you doing now?" asked Sir Monry in very different tones; > "$ thought probdbly you and Sir John might like to fead It. . It ddmns the whey frced hypocrites in great style." mgg&m- face becamé mottled por: ‘~"L. was try ing,". sbesaid. courteously, ©{9". 90. 707 0) us ccces,, "ta.find that plece Mr, Butler wrote, in adian Facts Publithing Co which he sage: ~ .00 ~*~ dina | Avente, Toronto. "Atone for sins they are inclined to & C ce AAincjas ie minentiigemee BJ aatonthg those they Bave no mind to." c o(§ TRTERESTS 300 If Your Horse © \â€"*â€""CGets Huort? Kendalil‘s Spavin Cure It one of the horses should be kickedâ€"ent a kneeâ€"strainma shoulâ€"ler « gb lame â€"hav: you the remedy at hond to CURKE the #njury? 1e inghy o is« in froâ€"n® continvsD.] wine m be L%:(m" t y® ig rey i4 i$%. . Jaines‘ . We E8 cwach she nght Lelore last. * . _ â€" <*~Mow a: Dasd?‘ Mr. M. ray ‘had as jot "the * 15 marks ‘of the er on the: ¢*1 “{tm ‘of A "Kiug. David was a better man tha. yo*," the doctor l-dkm.lo hi r41led, "but there 18 for ; 0 exen though â€"you wore arrested 1 ivling obscine literature on k street." A * 6 ‘: xq : in ""!h-‘nlz '4".-“3 . ". f 9#‘ jbe: M, x’ appr ns .. :'_;ifï¬,&ï¬mï¬;‘.g c isq 6 _amld > a‘s wurtay; 1 zaid naa:: that Da.: alt tâ€"at ne had pol. bock sa H8, . MP" Murray could be, even | if he L... been arteste ‘brab‘ obs€ine: h. ature on the. street.<Yos see, _ did mot imake a positive assertion L _ said. .that salyation was po I‘m u3t worrying about tais aciion. . Torrey continucd, with a, sinil dbhu&yw::cr "but it I (2; 'W;oin‘uthh ty , Mu:t'eu&gg on . | my .engagements, 0i o.:u will hate to u:;ï¬ me . jhe uauun- .2 + urray . wiliâ€" ; ?:(k‘:.l::the rate of one han dred ant diftyâ€"dollars jor so a da; he . wil be surprised at. ths way h bill will â€"amount â€"ap, It lflr. Mur ay wants an action he, will get om and qro abiy . more than he <ccl! ~ for. â€" Heâ€"has . absolutely Bo cas he â€"will bave to . pay . for »ny 1;s ¢s: I sulfler through hisguit." ~This tetort . hay led to a threat an action fOf catages, of wb hb Lice was served on Dr.. YTorre: Messrs.; Beatichesns & Des Jardins GIRL OF 16 IS A BLACKSMITH | & Tgis yorng girl as her father s2y8, ‘knows all _ about everything.‘* she gan shoe~z: horsc : 8. enkx‘dy anm :as nâ€"atly. as > â€"the best * of; them: . Ahs makics good ~wagons too. hr â€"Aact there is nothing about the shop 51 wJoes not enderstand practically, . i« kind. of ~physical work she is chable 10. perlokm.> hur 3 23 9e xi as :"She understands the . business,‘‘ he rémarked;> ‘Aakes an Anterest in h work.â€"I ouldn‘t doâ€" without her.‘ â€".> "Asked whether she didâ€"not Consiâ€" et â€"bla¢‘ sinith© work "tather hard to @Wo nan.~ Miss® Hagmann‘ answered thats shoâ€" did not. â€" * 5 well. «. Mits Hagtann nas been in tio lac smithing . end wagon. making lin: with hor fath:r for more than : three ears> Indecd, th> is the main factor is: the shop s prosperity: . Not . onl ocs she shos horses,â€"but. sh> â€" keeps her fathcr‘s boo‘s after busimess hours n4 Cns time toâ€" â€"attemd chirch â€" in iteâ€". ofâ€"Aths fact ‘that sh> > â€"works from &unup to sundowr on weekâ€"days. Asked wh:ther she intended renfat ing at herâ€"present work, Mics Hag mannâ€"replied that she did. Eh: Sal it ~was hâ€"t amkition to: hecome â€""t» best tlac swmith in all th» country." Specially ‘qualified Tor ‘the. task <of bis rpowlcdge and stedy of m Cana : di¢n. U mter alpbabcticals heads, . such a$" Area, / Apviculture, â€"Banking , Rores iry, Manulacturcs, ‘ew., down â€"to â€" the West ~ard the Â¥YÂ¥uron, the matérial is readily, gotten .at, the contents as a yurprise evenâ€"10 a woll versed Canaâ€" dian> as to th» resources and products (I 1h» Deminica. Ths tuoklet is sold Tor 5c and is publisned by: ths Can adian Facis Pulishng Co., 667 Spaâ€" dina Avente, Toronto. ., Lit."Louis, â€" May L;+â€"Miss Minni | â€"_ Hagiva i‘ is .one of the most experi) .. tlac«smiths in‘ St. Logis m:{'u "I or. .lthough on‘y sixteen years <old sh is antâ€" experienced â€"wagon maker .as CA woman con work© if she will,‘ the mistréss ‘of the ans il replied."** aty : well: oud. happy â€"and not â€" at all madyr®y : ...‘ ~*> 5 Rverybedy who. has given it â€"a (ial s \be with results obfaited from ig.â€""Cli & Oil‘ Taundry Soap made in 1 ... Though : a pure Castile é’ tosts no more and does betâ€" i &vorl and Iasts longet than u;y o1 th hwrdry soups <a the tmarket.. ,:;n. zad yor wills use Sn SWR Gg 3i )2 weâ€"tl. \GWorth its weight in Yukon gol+ or Cobalt/gilver" is the claim~ nade fo? aâ€" boo‘ let with the above © title, jt st© "olf the press. Jiurâ€"the _ briefest form.a_mass of the nostâ€" in teres ting data regarding : every thing ~ Caadian, his ton collected â€" and arranged ‘by Mr. Fran c Ycigh of Toxontqvn‘,hmis Nkdas> It prevents" . . C in L‘;-g&'“h:m.. ï¬&‘tgmx ~ VÂ¥ 5000.:FACTSâ€" ABOUTCANADA s %.â€"â€"Dr uS £<y & 197 ioi es "This school which is the . ) Hmigironts, g.....-:’:g : w work in m son‘s office, Berlin (ofaninien t sdog and walld 2 PORS lioder to Coun ty Sigee & P. CLEMENT, K o. M W Spring Term Opens Albet Street of the late Lt _ Barristers, Soliciiory, sednienad, Aep § 2 "'bm""&mm} Oftsoâ€"Post Ofice, St. Jaoobe, Ont, _‘ â€" EN /A 2 op is PW UM 1!"/'/',1{'; .a;: ...‘_\.:7& puildiag, â€" ppooe 21000 J 9 Wnl,m_ w f;;’ dertake contracts for printirg and paver Bs ng in Town and Couatey . Fir guaranteed. â€" Cbargss romstrclle, “_ex:' cornor of Qaséa . atd> Prispem® aterloo, W KLLB, D. D B a wil . 'n'.'b'"‘% &Iflqw Ml“:‘ # ie rronat anoponad off ce »il. beâ€"olosed overy HRRISTOPREHK W OLk K. Jn ulA 2 oung barin â€"/ Ri‘m.'m». 5‘ throw® : 5 «teation given to the uso. o coad X.« B iuflw‘ .. Piitonda in the lzu treatmont of‘ou 68. HxERRLENQED â€" vrteniNany om a d1 oaue e Courenience fatie from a distance are: pactiouban = buutedtonuke.p_ in tlin 1!_: \M:O'O;an&n niften H «$ 1c D. 8. 1. D.&." t Jliul’ln n D. 3 Colegerof Donat & e en ue the month. _ Denlistey prectined" °/ 0. â€"HUGAEs Dentist, 0 W.â€"R.Wilkingon ©5.KOkEL "1; D. OHN L Â¥IDEMAY stad Y 3"?““!;2“ 08e A. HILLEARL CBRIDZE® FLINTO®T * ie sA y WELLE, L 2. #, MEDIOAk C. T. NoxOrKuat %:-:mwcur o U Nee t n nom bed. Aâ€"coucheurs of Ontarl m. Coliege,. â€" O 298, :ll oalle or _ Whyte Pu STRATFORD.¢"ONT Econamical 5‘ock. King B. HETT A ) . se t vuesday, April,and Ofics ; Waldoe$ DENTIST, _ 0s Open® Dally LEGAL onl ) Thicat and VR xn Sofon AND 31 'l L'o , ineas Public & short jPx