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The Chronicle Telegraph (190101), 2 May 1907, p. 5

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_ Caustic Soda _ _: Ammonia, _ Shloride of Lim>, _ Moth Camphor, s Camphor, â€" Insect Powder, etc. AT * * Ob. M Dovitt‘s Office Kext Door to J. ‘{* CC \, 3 7 &wzi,{‘ C M W e 9 ty > $ . 9 AYMo BRos. |THE WATERLOO STREET s c ~RAILWAY FRANCHISE 5 Compennmammmememmeme commmemmmmetnemear not mw Committee of Board of Trade Present © Report u. °_ . Embodying Scale of Compensation in Con._ Amancial : and sideration of Renewal of Franchise. 6 The regular monthly meeting of the the roadbed between ‘hf‘ ulklu and lflSlll’flllBfi BI’OkBI’S gpber Sn ainp es Raigoing . neing ;:‘,'_:‘“' j‘n'_if}‘:-" .‘.w‘&;“‘.'.‘f i?oii?“riifi‘}x"‘i‘..f'{ The bowling gre. n is being put it shape for the scascn. The jewellery stock of Mr. Hermar Urstadt was sold by public auctior on Thursday evening. BdR #9044¢G4046 deves #0000 €0000000906 $446¢%46 Patent Leather Oxfotds at S. Roos Shoe Co., Mr. Gco. Kumpf has entored _ int fartnership with Mr. Geo. Mcogk, t« €arry on a business as building con tractors. The Oricle Paseball Club of Tor on‘o dcsire a game with th> Junio ball team of Waterios. Communi>a tions can be addcessed to D. Neville 871 Adelaide St. West, Tor nio. Tmndealh of Mrs. J. Houser, _ a residient of Waterloo, occurrcd _ on Thursday morning at the age of about §5 years. "\ is New William‘s Sewing Machine a Zick‘s Shoe Home, Waterlco. _ _Mr. Henry Moogk of the taforin staf of Mr. J. Ritzer undorwont _ seriqus operation at the Borlinâ€"Water loo Hospital cn Wednusday morning The patient, however is doing niccl; The annual mecting of the Lidies: Aid of the Watcrloo Mcthodist church was held on Thursday afternoon, at Which satisfactory reports were preâ€" sented.> The previous year‘s officers were reâ€"clected. Zic‘ sells all kinds of Trun‘s. > Misses E. Kaatz ard H. Urstad‘, Superinicndcnts of the Junior Y.P.A. ef the Evangelical Church entertained the members, about sixty in number, at the home of Miss Kaatz, Tusday evcning. Eleoher‘s Butcker tl.op. Phone 215, Waterloo, "Derby Oxfords‘ press Oxforis" fo J. 8 Reos {hoe "The cantata che "Coming of the King,": was tendered by the choir of St. Jchn‘s Lutheran church Thursday even‘ng before a fair sizcd audience. Rev. Christian Jensen of _ Breklum, Gerfnany, delivercd an interesting adâ€" WANTEDâ€" Two sewing girls. Expcrienee u necessary. Will pay while â€" learnin Apply at this office or to box Waterloo. 1 n Get your shoes repaired at Zick‘s Mr. Henry Gleiscr, of (xbow, _ Asâ€" sinaboia, who has been in _ Watctloo on a visit to his broth>r, Mr. Peter Gfeiser, _ has bought the latter‘s m’hone and will take him west, where the_animal is to go on the â€"a0k. . Mr. Gleiser also . went _to Toronto, where ho will buy a half a dowin other horscs to take west. The Waterloo iresbytcrian Ladies Aid Society hcld a most s#ecess! ard very cnjoyable merting at _ :h home of Mrs. O‘Donncll Tharsday a‘ termoon which was very largely . a! iended, Tainty . «ofrcshnents .__ wol served by the kind hostress and her assistants in‘ everyth ng dene % Woringmen‘s shoos $1.50 at Zick‘s. In the Methodist church Sunday evening Rev. Mr. Elliott spoke cn the @"Centennial of the Intrcduetion â€" of Christianity in China," and gave an interesting and: instructive review of the subject showing the advancement made durinz the past one hundred yeats. He also made réforence to the work of the first nluionz out g The Methodist church »aa rkâ€" the introduction of Chris in Ahat vast ... is ~work _ and ‘That of subseqnint mbasionaties. > was Hlainlv ta be soen in the numterwho "Centennial Christianity interesting a the subject s made durinz yeats. He a work of the by the Mcth ed the intro Ahat vast of of subs ‘plainly to be Ladies $1,50 shoes $1.25 Feet look ncat in Local News. S17. CITY DRUG STORE WATERLOO Deutsche Apotheke v men and Women a ‘thodist church f nary afternocn, at |fect. rts were preâ€"| this vear‘s officers | mon ick‘s Oxfords it Zick t al & Babâ€" tube first izh venâ€" â€" lt m un mo The regular -umL-nuu of the Waterloo Board of Tieds was _ h 1d Monday evening, the following being present:â€" President W. G. Weishel, Vice Prosident J. B. Hughes, Fecie tary Flinto‘ft avd Mesgsrs. "hos. Hilâ€" liaid, F. (G. Hughes, Cleason Shantz, Levi staufier, W. Dawson, . E. Beckâ€" tel, Geo. Diebcl, H. M. Snyder, F. S. Kumpf, Levi Graybill, A. E. Devitt, J. C. Haight, N. S. Naylor, Gcorge Grosz, Gco. Moore, C. W. Schicdel, 4. H. Roos, L. Shub, D. Hilliard, A. Weidenhammer, R. Bean, Gro. Dodds. The principal business lefore the meeting was the discussion of _ the street railway fran hise ard the conâ€" sideration of the report submitltcd by the special committee appointed . to inquire as to the value of such franâ€" A letter s douf Bros..s cided to loc A commui was laid on A letter v Board of T Board of Trade asking the coâ€"opera tion of the local Board lcoking _ to wards safeguarding â€" shippers. Th Board expressed themselves . desirou f secing changes referred to brough about. The special committee appo‘inted by length. the Board to inquire into the value of| Those prestnt the â€" street railway franchise subâ€" on the subject a mitted wh> following rerortâ€" 1 Jnien stionas To the President and _ members of report presc nted the Waterloo Board of Trade:â€" | The report was after some furiher Your special committee appointed to discussion adopted unanimousiy, inquire into the question of the reâ€"| The desire was only to ask what newal of the street railway franchise was fair and equitable and it was in Waterloo begs to make th> foliowâ€" from this viewpoint that the | qucsâ€" ing recommeniations. ticn was approiched, and, the desin 1. That "T" rails be substituted to consider the matter in a â€" spirit for the prescnt "L‘‘ rails wherever dictated by a sonse of equity and the same are at present laid and that fai ness. . TO CHANGE SITE OF SEWER FARM To the Quickfall Farm.â€"â€"Esti mate Submitted by Engineer Davis. let An important meeting ofâ€" th ‘tloo Sewet Commission was Monday evening at which th tion of changing the locaticn sewer farm was the matter | consideration. All members were present a ‘he town solicitor and Engir M. Davis of Berlin. Enzineer, Davis submitted pl estimates for changing the | of the present sewer farm to Juickfall farm. The distance »roposcd site of filter brds an h> creek jus zravel and s: soth sides of able for filter age elevation tight for th> this will ma sary. The it t repott am cost of the work in the new locatior is estimatcd at $22,608.67. It wil be rewembered that the estimate _ it the former case was over $22,000. I; the Jast estimates however no _ pro visicn is made for purchase of lan: nor any allowance mads fotr valu« of the o‘d farm which could he sod The tan‘s can be placed at such an levation that the sludce cen b tation. Un be necessary tic tan‘s w The censin and: it was Commission should be a â€" Messrs. J cer Davis were out toâ€" n optign on the right of option has already been s the Quickfall farm, now man named Mever. od of 1 \ The â€" wedding march was accep! Lly playcd by Miss Arvilla Devi sister of the groom. The happy young couple left cn the evening train + for . a wedding journay to Port Huron and other western points and upon their reâ€" turn will take up their residence in Waterloo. The handsome @nd costly array . of weddiog gifts {estified to the regard in which thoy are b.Jld by their nuâ€" merous fricnds, recommenilations. That UT" rails be substituted the prescent "L"* rails _ wherever same are at present laid and that Hall a mile $ 49 geconds by Mr; | Seagram‘s Deuce ostablished the speed e all CS int Hach 3 & resent. The bride was attended fiss Adslia Pevitt, sister of room while the gicom was supy d by Mtr. Emmerson Ruppcl, bro f the bride.. clter was received fre Bros. statinx thit the to locate clsewhere. communicafion re inte laid on the table. t mARRIED AT WATERLOO U cl fall f ommitted onI wC of of the gsound fourtecn ‘rease oi soven feet in obtaincd between the last s‘nt and the bottom of st betow the dam. . Th« sand in th> hills and or rottum of thg beds an: ke â€" excavating tancecs cm of excavating in formâ€" ounted to $£6160.12. The tal estimates â€" for _ th« work in the new locatior at $22.608.67. It wil that _ the og lopted. â€"R. Kaufman th th changing the location sewer farm to the oid . The distance to the of filter bids and tan?s th n‘cations â€" farn n the sh ho oPlni0: o the pui ow the dam. . Th« in th> hills and or valley is also suitâ€" purtoses. The averâ€" ground _ is _ about mitted plans and locaticn . ef the matter up _ fot interswitchin cowhonever cleancd. d theâ€" new they had de i the Torent« the coâ€"opera lcoking _ to pLers. Th existing r to the on‘ and als Engineer W ds by wnod By y sot (10 & 0_ outâ€" he o di fourtecn numeros Feing t the supportâ€" _brotper accepta e dl; Those prestnt expressed thâ€"ir views subâ€" on the subject and the conâ€"ensus oi bo.inien stionct .a 0 ca adopting the Watâ€" h ld b: graviâ€" would pl St., | 8102 heir ) V h _ in | ing itt. | were at H Rev. P. ts aJ. nS Ar to the roadbed between the rails _ and for cightecn imhes on cich side theieâ€" oi thill be put in proper repair and kept paved with such paving materâ€" i.l as will conform with any paveâ€" ment thit may be laid by the town on streets on which said tracks shall be situatcd and suitable crossings beâ€" tween the rails snd for eightecn _ inâ€" ~in , ANC «|$ WiLtARY e p s s o 9e i_ Berlin, May : Mr; Bpond Vistor eea $. Berl t sn Amtiimt oi‘ compensaticn DC ation of granting franchise:â€"5 per $35,000 of gross . of the excess over 7 per cent. of th to $35,000, 8 per over $35,000 to APRIL MEETING â€" _ SCHOOL BOARD Routine Business Transacted and Accounts Passed The regular monthly meeting of the Public School Board was held _ on Thursday evening with W. M. Read in the chair and Messrs. Dr. C. T. Noecker, C. Woeller, A. E. Devitt, (C. W. Schicdel, and Secretary M. B. Braendle, present. A communication was received fron Mr. Witten, architect of Hamilton, i1 segard to fresh air in‘et to the fur nace by furring the ceiling and h also recommended the heating of tht tavatories by jacket ncaters. Con siderable discussion was held on th: subject. 2 The secretary was instructed tc communicate with Mr. Witton and request him to submit _ plans and specifications for installation of lavaâ€" tories in the basement. The teachers‘ monthly reports wert recceived and the requisites thercin or dered to be atterded to. The following accounts were fass cd:â€" Win M. Wm. Hogg, coal, M. Devitt & Co., blinds, S$. K. Shinn & Co., shades, Raymo Bros., Ins. prem., Steinburger, Hendry & Co., 1. Doersam, school supplies, Water account, Mrs. Dan Jacobi, clay, Teachers‘ salaries for April, Caretakers salaries for April Rev. S. M. Ha al chirch clos d Naterloo on Stn: congrega tion )n course ol his the kindly rc isted bet ween their pastor The report was considered at some spent in parishen extendcd Rev. augural A meeting of the Water Comtnis sioa was _ held on Wednesday a vh. h the â€" folow ng tenders for lay ing a two inch main on Ezra stree were rescived. Henry Heer 13¢. P. Pergman l1i¢ J. Tucker Mec. F. Fllug 1c. The tinler of F. PDug being _ 8 ‘owest was accepted. Tre Commission also inspected th strects where aâ€"petition had been rc ceived â€" from tho _ resid nts to _ hi water maizs extended. ommentt ame day WW\’ MONSTER CBURBRATION } AND § MiLITARY TATTOO se & ue i i, Berlin, May 24th, 1907. i Bpond Victoria day in $ Bedlle. s ::3 CLOSED HIS PASTORATE Th ext in MET ON WEDNESDAY Mr. Hauch preaches his _ in sermon at Stratford on Sun t and Rev. A. Y. Haist _ will es W‘s nastorate here chn ths stor during the i Waterico and r of F. PfMug being Senday C FLINTOFT. Secy pastora t« ma th h f the I lour thanked referre ch hid l‘on _ and ur _ years iked _ his kindnesses te 11 a larg In th £20 539 .5( 13 5.81 8.0( ge a 5¢ L l Anst making a HEPUTATION FOR US. And cur r n is based on t&;wfity. the fit, the sty is us wery luwest p«dw&â€"h and « few suits on and you will n it w e advertie is corâ€"ect, It d. es‘nt pay to buy pnor @lothing for boy=. A gond suit costs very little more mo ey Lm st:l :t is the che ", in the oud.K Our boys‘ suits are the very be«t quality we can buy . prices about the s«ime as in prior grade. Roys‘ suits from $2 98 10 $6 00. dreu‘s suits from $1.25 to $3,50. SHOES AT ZINN‘S â€" Mell hz 0 Mr. Roy Melntyre of Torento _ i: visiting his brother, Mr. Allison Mc ‘ntyre, for several days. Mrs.Leâ€"i Maus and {son Tarn isiting Brantford friends for a days. is d Mr. and Mrs. W. M. 0. Loche urned ‘Fucsday from their w trip. ; Mr. C.7S. Forrest, | Inspector _ Loans for the Mutual Life Assuren Co., has Icft for Winnipeg. Rev. E. M. Gischl:r, of _ Gold a e, â€" Ont., is â€" visiting Wateil frien the home . 6l George Street Rev. _ Mr. has retuini few days at i Wegenast. Mrs. J. R. Crawfot sisitin: at the home MUrs. Wm. Younz, for Mr. H. Morgan, of a few days in Watorl the home of Mis. Rev. Mr. Litt of Sebrinz.ill isiting Waterlco friends. Social and Personal vemoer ol the Champcn r0ckey feam, is renewing & s in town for a few days Miss Alice Cork is spending sever wee s with fricnis in Torouio. Mr. Seagram‘s n Janiel, has ridden nounts this year, n the jockey Tist, d. UFFELMANN WIRE ARTISTS DANCED 1NTO A CAGE OF LIONS vary in prices from $3.98 to $16.50 PaAris, April 30.â€"Therg was on citing scone last night, at th> Apc th» rewest of th» Parisian mt talls. Cns of th* nambers . on prog amme was slackâ€"wire d ning thr Fosic sisters over a cage C taining a _ couple of, lions, wh meanwhile were put through varic trie s by Wood, the tamer. Wo hating just Eniched his performan bad throan down bis whip and y Ica ing tte cage, wheon the wire which the Rosic sisters rwore mal a final pirouctte snapped, end girls fell in o the cage, which _1 an q>cn to). The lions alarmed the sedden and _ unusual appariti sprin; at the girls, one of whom 1 knocced down and reccived a sey woud on th» right schoulder . w! Lied jprofesely. The other girl mained tying .whore she fell, fort ately longside the . , tamer, 1 though _ whipless, . drove, back teasts . while the nh:m were of the g The scene. car _commetion among the audic i "‘“"‘ highâ€"grade, in big assortment and = A ' every article the very beet. Note 7 too,that we‘re not using up printers‘ ink in quoting pricer. Too lerge a stock, Instead, we invite the public to step in ard make copious notes especially on the attractive prices, and thus be assured that goods, quality, and prices are all "on the +quare." Successor to John Schondelmayer. to t Make _ A %lofe 1. R. Crawford of Ottawa at the home of her mothc n. Yount. for several weeks Mr. Sauer retuincd F 18 ned after the home ol idden 67 w nacts in 319 ear, and stands â€" fourth list, felowing _ Millet, Koctner. McDaniel can unds if recessary. ly. The other girl _ teâ€" @ .whore she fell, fortunâ€" id e the . , tamer, who hipless, . drove. _back the e the sistets â€" were .godi K._ The scene. cau o Siew initels * * Our M Department Heury of Winnipe; ' spun di1 Mr. MaTti Boys® Suits ay ~end th: which _ had alarmed at apparition, f whom Was weddin age conâ€" is, â€" which gh various f Wood, rformanct â€"end was wire _ Of re makin end the hich â€" had fex AL ent Mc mUsSIC n the ng by whict II of the fact that this adivertisment calls your attention to our stock of Spring Footwear Business Having purchased the meat busiâ€" nees formerly carried on by Mr. H. B. Duering it will be my enâ€" deavor to merit a continuance of of the patronage extended in the past. _ Customers and friends may be assured that only the choicest and best meats will be kept on hand. Henry Reuel THE _ WILLIAM A. CREENE Co. LT‘D. WATERLCO WANT COMBINATION AND GUTTER SEAM TURNERS ON MEN‘S COLLARSâ€"WORK EITHER AT HOME ORINFACTORY. ALSO YOUNG WOMEN AND GIRLS TO LEARN THIS _AGREE ABLE AND PROFE|TABLE S‘IRGANOH OF COLLAR MAK 1541 THE honest construction and wood timeâ€"keevping qualities of 1 good timeâ€"keeping qualities of Decmal Watches are their most attractive points. . They are built with so much accuracy, by means of the decimal system, that they can never vary the smallest fraction of a millimetre. _ Consequence is, they keep such good time, and give such good satisfaction that it is a pleasure for us to sell them. We would like to expiain to you about them. (Duering‘s Old Stand.) Prop. City Meat Market, WATERLOO E. J. ROOS tra JEWELLER.| BI. Change W a ter This establishment has made a good name forâ€"its If through honâ€" est treatment to customers. Every article in the store is m«rked in plain figures and under no consideration is a Salesman or Saleslady x lowed to make any change on the price of some artic‘e . This reâ€" | eves the customer of any doubt thiat might arise in her mind as to whother she is paying more or less for her merchandise bought at Ryan‘s than her uelg:gor P The old fashioned method of selling or pressing people to buy as mucsh goods as possible, in spite of the customers will, is a thing of the past und no MODERN MERCHANT will tolerate it. * : Come in this epring and let us show you the finest stock of ___Our clerks are instructed to give all their TIME and ATTENâ€" TION to you while serving you, thus makiog k Table Linens, Cotton Dress Goods, Sheetings, Sateens, Ginghams, Prints, Kid Gloves, Laces, Trimâ€" mings, Hosiery, Wash Waists, Whitewear, Spring Coats and Millinery ever placed in Berlin, PROMPT SERVICE is another strong feature in this store, and you can depend upon it. As I am going to build, the clearing sale will Continue until the goods is sold. I have bought a large stgek of the latest Hats Flowers Folage, Grasses, Fancy ribbops Etc. Lad:. s‘ and Misses‘ Caps, Infanrts' Heudweur, Colored? Silk Velvets and Colored Velveteens, an endless variety. Black Silk Velvet and Velveteen. Black Silk Mcecklin or Net and Veiling. Colored Silk Mechlin, a very large assortment, sold by the bulk at 15¢. Black and Colored Sfls and Colored Silks of all descriptions. Applique Dress Trimn®ngs, Allover Laces, Allover Chiffon, Plain Plaids, Dresden, Plain Silk and Velvet Ribbons, wide and narrow. [ have a surplus stock of above Ribbons which will be sold at any price. Ostrich Feathers, Osprays, Mounts, Wings, Breasts, Quills, Flowers, etc Fancy Collars, Caffs and Collars in Sets, Collar Frames 2 for 5¢. Belts, Hose Supporters, Fancy Back Combs and Hair Pins. Embroidery Silk, Ete. Come and see for yourself, as my stock is too large to enumerate. Dress Trimmings, Ete. Steel and Gold Buckles for Dress Trimmings _ Chiffon and Ruchings. a Black Silk Laces, an immense stock from 5¢ up. White, Black and Cream Silk Insertions. Val. Lace and Insertions, White, Biack and Colored Silk Braids for Mrs. C. Steuernagel, Neithor law nor custom appears t(‘ msure to the policcman a holiday Jt one clear twentyâ€"four houts‘ res. out of the seven days of the week. Usually the public in its corporative ‘apacity is sn ideal employer, but in he case cf the policcman there d a strixing exception to the _ rule Chis is all the more strange in view of the very apparent desirability o. giving policemen an opportunity onec i week of leaving theit beat â€" for .& ime long cuouth to allow their | at cntion to be distracted from the as »ociations upen which it is their firsi luty to bestow their afternoon. Th reaten track which they of ncecessity have to folloy brings them daily intc ontact willthc criminal class o. he population. What can be mott :mportant than that these . officers, who take thoir lives in their hands or our protection, should be giver some chance of shaking off their deâ€" iressing associations. _ Yet the pub ic, or their representatives, _ compe ‘hem, day in and day out, _ withou! the customary holiday, to lend theis vhole time and encrgies, to th wecessary but disagrecable duties . o watching, detecting and punishin; ‘riminals. In almost every _ other _ vocatior iwentyâ€"four clear hours per week of luty is customary and so it should be with the police â€"oMecer. For his own sake and that of the community h« should be encouraged to get into clos et touch with the moral and ceducaâ€" ‘icnal forces of the community. Giv him the opportunity cn> day in the week to look for the better and nob ‘er thin s of life and_to live an or linvry lileinstead of reqwiring . that h should keep his mind fastencd con imously vpon thy vices and crime: hat degrade and in, the war aga‘ns! which he is socicty‘s champicn. The Store For Hone: Treatment = and Quick Service \ MAY WEDDING G. B. Ryan & Co., Berlin. . Shopping A Pleasure At Byan‘s. A POLICEMAN‘S HOLIDAY 6. B. vontreal Merald.) TAKE NOTICE 1. to live an or [ reqwiring . that ind fastencd cen RIBBONS OUR We learn toâ€"day that our local dtugâ€" gist, Mr. A. G. Hachnel bas made a special arrangement whih carried with it an agreement to keep in stock constantly _ a full line of special preâ€" scriptions created at the Laboratogâ€" ies of Dr. Shcop. A novel, yet _ thoroughly practical and newly created article has | just teen issued from the Latoratcrics in ed, that the article is a medicine. It is candy in taste, and in appcarenc. Again, Laxâ€"cts are put up in beautiâ€" ful lithographcd metal tboxes, and reâ€" tail for the remarkably low price . of 5 cents per box. C On the box is printed the iagr:diâ€" cn‘s, consisting | of Cascara Sq jada, Egyptian Serna, Solid Extract of French Prunes, Slippety Elm | Bark, and other hihly meritorious ingrediâ€" ints for the corditicns imentfned ints for above. A Candy Cold Cure put up in the same style also sells at 5 conts per box and is called "Dr. Shoop‘s Preâ€" ventics."" Pattons, we beliove, will be . glad o learn â€"of the new arrenzement,and »articularly of _ the now _ remedics, whi h certaialy scem _ worth; of a trial purchase involving _ on‘y the cost of a nicel. 312, the vete being 466 for and *}8 against. F F Tho suceess of the measure. was a foregone cenclusion, but the ~large |mjomy in fayor was considerable of a gnrprhf 6 ‘ i Calgary , will« bnd a atreet railways CALGARY TO OWN Calgary, April 30.â€" C enter the municipal ‘ow The byâ€"law submittcd ta ets toâ€"day: authorizing t of $250,000 for a street tem, was carried by a 312. the vete being 466 DRUGGIST TELLS US * $ W King $t. Waterloo. STREET RAILWAY Cure put up in the sells at 5 conts per 1 "Dr. Shoop‘s Preâ€" Calgary _ will wnership fields. to the ratepayâ€" the expenditure ct railway sysâ€" a majority _ of §6 for and 118

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