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The Chronicle Telegraph (190101), 2 May 1907, p. 3

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P ht stt Mes RERECC CC * w e t t + ++ / C ._-,;u?gxf i f f‘::r H : ds H l h ie o t AHE 9 t ";v ‘?;\ oitcgtâ€"s ge n P d k i m "g NoÂ¥ »;-A_li.,-; & aHC N".‘ h No h io bede) i+ y dn t 4 _ We also carry a full line of Ets ’oq'fi,’ P is * in ‘s Furnis Ig$ , Sm â€" The Molsons Bank _ SAVINGS BANK â€" _ *.: DEPOSIT _ INTEREST CBEDITED EVERY 3 MONTHS _ $ACOB HESPELER, â€" The Mercantile Fire _ Office, Waterloo Mutual Building, M gL 3/ . King 8t [Â¥ _ Phones, Office ©19, House 200; ~Busitess solicited for first ‘class $ See Pesâ€"Suuile Wrapper Bawrg. Carter‘s | 4* tped Wright, Scoret« s ; ;Becreta ctor lin‘\m . If you are looking for someâ€" mnew and just a Tittle difâ€" rent from any one elses hat, ”fll’n Katerico Brarch â€" Mead Office â€" Waterioo Little Liver ‘ ;mt"c PIFPG| Amount of meney received Jor :; hi e 2e > scrap, manure, €le, $83,.22 "4.' and m All of which isâ€"respectfully â€" submitâ€" ~«‘ _ INooRPro@areo 1875 ted. 4 s n e it un ol Tike MISSES FEXABNBACH xX They have exclusive styles, MISSES FEMRENBACH To gee our fine line 6f General Insurance 4 gent, k\lmmw & Co. P ie dsc ¢ Phow h * Ont. Phone 249. gfilll Pay _ You Assots o%â€"$16,306,038, )w Millinery Must Bear Signature af kers and Embalmers. - d%ytnd nizht. King Btzoet, Waterico, Ont. 4Q¢H0400+%0+00+4 5 NG NEEDE UNDERWEAR C. A. BOEHM + Established 1361 A pril ©20.â€"Whon . Undertaking Coâ€" Berlio On the. sugzestion ol Reeve Cochâ€" rane the Council jnstructed Clétk Alâ€" etter, Chairman<Schneider and Fire Chiel: Howard 4o retife and. compare the latter‘s ‘report with the. town‘s books. ; Chairman Schneider stated _ that the Committce had not had a. chance to. compare the Fire Chief‘s _ réport with. the Town Treasurer‘s books â€" as Mr. Howard claimed that ‘ theâ€" Fire Chiet‘s books belengedâ€"to > him. He did not want to accuse the C hiet of anything that ~ was. not right .â€" but thought that the report should . be looked into before the resignation was acceptod, Alds. Anthes and Long introduced a resolution that the Fire Chiel‘s resigâ€" nation be not accepted until a report is furnishcd the Council by Ahe Comâ€" inittee respecting the Fire. Chict‘s arcounts...â€". _ 4 Alter an absence of. hall . an hour Town Clerk Aletter reported that the Chigt‘s â€" statement of accoupts _ was eorrect, â€"Theâ€"council then ~accepled the Chieft‘s resignation." t it a W. A. Howard, j * â€" Fire Chiel. Dear Sit.â€"Will you please . dcduct be creditedâ€"to Fire &.Light :account for scrap, manure, etc., zad give‘ me $23.21"from my month‘y galary,~ â€" to a feceipt for same, and oblige, fay â€"*â€"â€" W. A. HOWARD % h £F Fite Chiel. hi uffway Committce .. 1 J ustm. 64 _ sos s tss ue e 0 0. it ts Lt o p ol o 4 M M (hki i# 6 P T FD 4 T. ie \ "m & ah> rate, ayers | ‘fi; ‘ire i .:-5 6e . ‘ ic Puad im tot hadk o Oe hy lexigoraty ar bu he esatine fask T l s & ze E. ut 44 vGo 2 Nki « wary amiocnt of â€" money L¢ torrowed â€" * P e o e i. 1 flls from the Eank of Commerce to pay . Ruitway (Committee: ~ â€". _ qver ‘io. theâ€"B.. & â€"W. St. Ry. Co. ® o yet %o x lor the road untilâ€"such time as the . 18° Railway Committee recominen debentures are sold. _ â€" +~. Medâ€" as follows* «t %p > AWWN“‘”" .. ~ Thit the Cotaoil® pas fls busin ss was aecept~y _ noil x 3\ aw unce Oof Fire C hiclk Howatd‘s resignaâ€" . aÂ¥uthorizing: the ll!n’!.qad Treasures tion after "he: saticfactorily â€"explainâ€" . 10 botrow the sum‘ of money Fequire; vd his. fnunclat stetisimi at, oud _as ans +0; take â€"over, the. Bertin & , â€" Watéiton expression ol appreciation‘ â€" ol __his #Wert raiiway .property . from < th! valuable: vervjces he was allowed to© Canadian Bank of Commerce on â€""th keep his uniform.and Yoted the zum Security of The corporation : and * fo: ofâ€" $25 dor his setâ€" of books.. A~ byâ€" «80th a~ pericd <as may be necessary law was passed regulating Meonse fees Witil the railway debentures Can ~ x for "Places ‘of amuosemcnts in Berlin=> diSposcd of. se 4 In putting: the motion the:~ Mayor expressed higâ€"regret at the Chict‘s doâ€" parture. . The:department â€" â€"had ~~been greatly improved during . his manageâ€" ment> and he deserved credit for At. uflg:u-ca.-u plage t the conâ€" fi management ol the Berlin & Wat Etteet Railway, which . ry uk: ves uy the ©anlcipalis . on Wednesdsy, May 1st,â€"in the hands of the Light Commission at a _ speciai meeting held on Mcnday evoning. â€" All the . members of the :â€" &m wore present excepting Ald. Cam The Mayor intimated that. the.. mectâ€" ing was called at the request of the Fire & Ligl;lt (‘ocuil ‘t}:: m‘: pose ol »dealing .wit of : Fire Chict Howard. f Dear Sir.â€"I have been ordered by the Fire & Light Contmittee to make a report ty you of: the receipts: and disbursements in connection with the Fire Departmcnt for the year 1006â€"7 to date, which are as follows:;~â€" The Council passed a resolution alâ€" lowing Chict. Howard +o keep his uni torm, apd aiso voléd him the sum of $25 for his books,â€" Ald. Lang :3“ the sentiments expressed © by â€" His Worship. bmen dhoeadh oC U teangh: P Salari¢s (for permanent 4006 _ 1907 min, [ s $2504.52 $912.50 Salaries for ‘c2ll men« 848.18 â€"214.114 Total salatics, ~$4470.34 Amount § accounts. â€" $3837.11 1906 Amount account®; 875.67 1207 Clerk Alelter read the following reâ€" pott dated April 25th:â€" â€" 3 HL Aletter, Clerk and Treasurer.â€" Chief ~Howard thanked the Couneil has taken hold of my castormers."* * They <siy it makes lighter cnc?:'.huuyahr myw“afi Baking Powder It‘s sitnply astonishing the way ervice and Allow H iform and Vote a St. George‘s Were Fotad Corrcet Report ~Discussed Wire:Chict‘s Report end for our mwew $3352.10 $1126.64 8352.70 $4212.78 His Books. The: Bowlbyâ€"estate asked the Coun cil to consent to the registration o‘ a .Plan with a fortyToot street run ning from David. street bDack . Ieaving off 1he other street . runa‘ng _ irom. Jobn strect â€" tor . the present. . ‘Ihr matter was referted Ao the Board of orks + _ IEngineer Davig: recommended ; ‘that the request ot R. Pinke Torperofisâ€" slon. "to ~Jay ~out street â€" 40 feet in width feading. from Withelm: and Zolâ€" lot streets.; Thore: are 39 â€"lots <~laid out, *~ i leg y â€" for or otherwise secure two.addition |PROGRAMME WAS al wen for the police forte at an in m & AG itial; salary d';:et;mnh_lhn $500 J uty per. anpunm. ‘ resolution passed Th farewell contert tnanimously, | <__ . . < * _ AUnlde Houllce ~ansiste A ~commwnication â€"itom â€"exâ€"Town Solicitor® iément .â€"was. read submitâ€" ling an amended bBHJ _amounting . to $1352.00 for counset fees Tor ‘serviees Icndered: during The sewer farm fitign tion "casés. He cxpressed <his ~Antenâ€" tion {6 have the hecount . settied > by law, but he .desires to have it © dis linctly understood that he appreciated the Councit‘s: posiGion and that there was n> unfricndly feeling &m matâ€" ter, â€" Mr. Ulement. mude. the offér 16 «ocept.: Without prejudice, the sum of $1000 Jn tull paymircut of ‘claim. The communication was referred to â€" the Boatd of Wotks: d 5 On moticn of Alds. Fâ€"‘W. ‘Sheppare@fsworn out. Commings will ‘be taken and John A..Loug, the Police ~Com {‘o Berlin for trial, s missicn wa$s authorizcd . to advertise}. We anihnidrmmin coveivgnnpcomisn be payable ‘by any association or so ciety .mentioned. in the Agricpltur and Arts Actsorâ€"~by _ the ‘Ontaric Bociety and Artists or the . Woman‘t Art Association ‘or by any : pergon" giving tn exhibiticn, music, dramatic ot ‘otherâ€" performance ‘for the â€" benefit of any religlous »or charitable . : putâ€" The Yotn+: People‘s AMance of Zitn Churcb, Berlia® beld an interesting and netructive literary meeting in . lhe 1 of the Z’hfih‘:flm‘y evâ€" ts on the other . ;:Ihl ‘I & I ..,I ' t mlh& of %« Literatore wore beneficial â€" than mvuung“" any wery able @rgunrents were put forth by the d.fierent speakets on Lotb <aid 1. The Fnaf &flw. as «l en by ihe judscs;though a close READING 18 Rotler : skating rinkâ€"$100 ‘per â€" an nUWn f & hooting galeryâ€"$25; e Moechatiical device . for© amusement~ $5.00, anrd~. ©$1.00 Jor each _ addi ticnal machin®. ©"~~ > Theatoriumâ€"$100, pr Cxpt. o t Theatte or concert hallâ€"$40. * For keeping any other Jlace _ o amusement orâ€"catertainmcut ... ‘wher( an admission feg is charged" &n â€" an nudl fee of not Itss than $100, . pro vided, however, that license fee tga New License Schedule. Naturally : the â€"above commt nication se vas a great disaprointment : toâ€" (Mr ‘~Bowling allcyâ€"350 for calley " oi| Mcetict, who ‘,':‘u"'flmry, c-&i;‘ twoâ€"beds and $10 for cach additionat] £tmien! by prominent Berlin citizen. bed. . â€" s store Be interested the Torcnto firm Rolter: skating rink$100 ‘per / an | £ the enterprise... tle has been. givin num j « alual 1: assistanct ‘by Mr. Geo. Rumâ€" &hooting galeryâ€"$25. > ~ .] ‘ch and the two w{e?# Izn spent Mochatiical device for amusementâ€" | *%/ da+s endeavoring‘" to sccure for §$5.00, and~. ©"$1.00 dor each â€" addi | @in_one of the largest and most ticual machin®"" **** : pâ€"teâ€"date hotels in Western Ontaric The members buaity of wisn! Ths Fire. & l-‘ls::“. Committee . was authorized to: 2 for _a" . nsw m:e:huml-u-mhh lemporary arrangements ‘for the con trol of the hre fotee. 4 erly 1o th> Light Commissioners ~o |â€" Yoâ€"r cillets" have now Jost tin May ist next and p“firmw iug;c,chh.flu an up to. date hos many "2d tontrot bn‘their hands. â€" â€" L.élry.. and ole . that v«&:‘wfl!‘ report was adopted. a Â¥i ~<tral : acgl to.. <you 4 . ys fe ty fltg:i{‘ ww»,,&m; ld::'. &: . Byâ€"Jaws Passed.~ % ¢ Co., ih> owners<~ ol theâ€"proferty, P dJave written to.. Mr. mm The byâ€"laws refétred 1o in the "te nything it to be done in the 4 port were introduced, f'lyvq tHie neces | f th»<o tion, as they. have < Otl® sary reéadings and finally passed. The |inquiries, Â¥~." J‘ Mayor ‘ard Treasuter were authorized| Mr. Baker has spoken io mz about 10. draw the:â€" sum of $50,000 â€"out~ of| the matter, and I am â€" writing you which the~sum‘of $45,200 will be paid|now, leflh&ui: in your hands _ to over. lo. the Ste '*:llvny Comâ€"| explain â€"to thereason . the . op+ pany for its pla oâ€"day. tion carnot be exervised. As. /Yyou â€" E * have dealt with them all along f¢â€" New License Focs, ‘garding the.optice on the land, will %, k F rou kindly attend to it. Mr.~ Bakey A â€"byâ€"Jaw was passed tegulatinz the | has not written them. for its kiudacss,. ard mg’fi sistem>e at " future time A a &J:‘y"‘;fll‘. He was please. ty I now <hit they were parting in a fri¢ndly spirit. % That the vw.aml'.;” .‘6‘_â€";',4.;: handing . over ‘the © t railway pr erby. to th> Lm:'o-ihflmen o May ist next and placing its manage wint . and control in ‘their hands. The‘ reportt was‘ adopted. A byâ€"Jaw was passed tegulating the llunsetn for places of â€"â€"amusement in Bertin ard the sollowing â€" schedule was «docided upen:â€" . _ aÂ¥ in f TwoAdditicnil Constables Advertis®lor New Chicl Will Open On> Stteet Another New < Street An. Amended Bill ts c %. ue utenewane. ds of n fa moORE ELEYATING dlry »tcok the opporâ€" ig "tha. pastor, who is For a 1 Un« Miss Boullee rendered severat selocâ€" tions in & very: pleasing and~accept> able â€"voice.â€"She poswesiics a Â¥oice <of thre sweetness and range, and gives proméise: of being: a Soloist of .. wide fame, ~Met temovai from th) musical circles of_Berlinâ€" will be greatly .â€"reâ€" grotted. : Her most beautiful . readiâ€" tion of "‘The Angel‘s Serenade"" with violin accompanmiment, will not â€" soon he brgoucn. Miss Boullec : alioâ€" Sang "Cantique de Noe!,"" ‘CGiecbet,"" â€" â€"and "E;:duwn" in w‘l{;:n l,lylc:‘.'e Farious selections by. n Tidual "and ‘combincd x~b§lhÂ¥l m‘fi endiily suug, especially the â€" anthom, The Maennerchorsang ‘‘Trust â€"in Jesus‘~ most beautifully, while ‘the Hayda String Quartette _ addod â€"to the . excélience of the. progÂ¥ramnic ~ by rendering several populat | #nd high Thz farewell contert given by Miss Hulda BHoullcc, assisted by the four hoirs of the St. Peter‘s ~ Lutheran church and the Haydniquartette in the 3t,. Peter‘s church on Monday even ng. was a vety successft}â€"and delightâ€" ul ~musicat~ event. T he . attendance was véty darge considering the heayy downpour of rain, ‘while the. â€" prgâ€" rramute © was anusually â€"excelfont;© <~ ‘‘Wlesse d are They;®. a o 7 y‘ and The accompaniments~<n <tThe ‘organ were playoed\ im a . very. satisfactory manner by Mr. 11. Lestis â€" Stacbler. The entire programme reflected m oredit on the comductor of the and Ofganist Prol. Thes. Zoelin»r, \Torenio, April 28.â€"J.. J. Cummings 1 commercial traveler, who. gays he ‘omes. from Montrcal,. was arrested at ~h>* Daly House on Saturday evening :t the instance of Messts, . Reiner jros., a Betlin firm, who charge him vith frard. â€" They say that Cuommings ~entâ€"thom .an ordct.fot $wo.cases~ ofâ€" vint to be .@livercd . to an: Ottawa Arm,â€"apd> that. Chayâ€"sent ‘~ bim« °: a haque for his commission, ; whith _ he sashed.â€" Later, when the goods were hipp |, thay d‘scovered that the orâ€" d < .4 never been given. <The mat« * wag: placed in the handsâ€" of â€" High ‘ ~u8table Huber, and a watrant: was "The Holy City" sung by . Charlic Schacter with invisible choir accomâ€" paniment: was .one of the features â€" of the â€"frokramme, ; Guelyh «Mercery â€"The: evening . Lrain from the West yesterday was over an hour late and did not pass <hrough the city wntll©7.15.. The delay was caused by the chzrine bteakin‘ down Botth® tnd there #h Ora travellst EN }INE BROKE DOWN z.._nt_n,m- fhat n u«” n h re i&‘so â€" c being + o en . t th:, hot. J 1 10 ect, or We <amount. which you ‘had. forecas) # teing Oblaina}icâ€"in fact, bis opin on 18,_ that â€" ~Qile e cty person. fay. w1s th> scheme, cach .one Scen s â€" it e willi g thit the other one ABgol o what is nwessary in the ‘disectto Â¥ 4 st ring th> proposition:‘ ‘This be n3 ABC ~cuse, Th :re i8 no Jizelibhoor get viry mach: indecd that ~Kr: Fa~ ;‘IWM have -gieu;:;enu& Titm cunsider expenise _ ar e has b::z'hud:f (as well as oursel es in theâ€" same. direction) witk trsults ; for we relied upon y our gay ing of the sito,tion 48 expresscd +. tgy déring the 1. Alett:r, E5q., Berlin ARRESTED INâ€"TORONTO d by the chrine bteakin, Bml::. wmh uem-m&-u t another Ive a.m%u traim fimnfi thes Junclish after a stow the tcain at Periin, but talls Totcato,â€" Arrtil. 27 , 199 AGREAT TREAT Yours: truly, . < W. H. BROUSE. ‘"Some Othâ€" Yas v trip, Wade . tho w is ‘â€" the from The many Berlin â€" friends of Reeve R. .J, Lockhart, of Hespelor, County Councilior, â€" willâ€"sy mpathize with him in the. jrroparable loss Je has sustain~ +d by doath â€"of chis . belowedâ€"~~wite Sophia‘ Baxter, which took placc on p ivate, was beld < <n Treorday a 3 a‘clock pni. s . Ingersoll; April 28.â€"The . smallfor Sitnation is causing considerable"â€"unâ€" easiness. .There are â€"nowâ€"cighteen paâ€" tients in the ‘Zsolation ~Hospital,.a new ‘Cate Rivizg been distovercd ~toâ€" day: The fnm number of the.cases were brought to light during the past Tew diys, and cnly ‘og6 of them : is regardod ‘as. betug severe. . ‘The â€" town already fools. the. effect â€" ot= theâ€" outâ€" break. . «Mhcre will be no . Victotia Day celebration ot Old Boys‘ Reurion. which %l‘m have becn «& thréeâ€"day. afair. « Calédonia Society,. znder. whose. auspices it was to have: been Nearly cveryont is being: vaccinated. The. Central ‘&{qu has ‘been ©closéd, und tic froe library and reating foom will be closcd after Woedncuday. > The matl <is being thoroughly â€" disinfected to prevent Ahc discase from _ ‘being spread ‘In this way. iye DEATH OF MRS,;» LOCKHART, The sad death of Frederioka Castot! the beloved ~ wife: of. Mr. Simon Schâ€" roeder, Barlia, took â€" place, on Thars dayâ€"night at ‘the family residence, 38 Wellington stroct. Mer doath was due to beart Ifailure and was entircly an looked for. &heâ€" had not been . _ in ‘Tobust health . for »some Aime, \but latterly chad been . fecling ~somewhat brighter. â€" &lh} was Aotnain â€" Waterioo 47 years ago and was marfled â€"to Mr. Schroeder about 27 yeats past. He: awd a damily . of four children are jeftâ€" pereaved. ‘The deceased is sutvivâ€" ced also by four sisters and four bro there, P Supday,. <The fumcial which will DEATH OF MRS.~%. SCHROEDER The interior will also be.remodelHed so that. people in the rear of the:ball can see the pictures â€"as easily as those in the frout raw. ~ * h~"d, degided .it wonld ‘beâ€"in the lerests ol the public to callâ€" it off .. Jt is Ahe intention . of the. new â€" ownâ€" erg to pay special attentionto ilusâ€" trated scigs and #ome of the . ~best singers in the province will be engagâ€" oL _ *‘*~ C _ The. Theatorium will.be in a ~large United States circuit and the mfi pictures wil} be the very best . the latest."~ atrip of Jand was purchased this week from Mrs. W1 Schmidt, Weber St., Iving at .the extreme rear of her l0t, thu$ connecting â€". the newlyâ€"aequired house with.St;â€" Mary‘s church, â€" \the lmsepmte School‘.â€"and: theâ€", »Risters‘ _ George 0. "Pop" Philip and a wamâ€" ber _of ‘his monicd Triends in Berlin purchascd the Berlin. Theatorinm < oh Monday évening and willâ€"take charge of* this ropular amusement resort at ..\ The ~Telegraih was cr informâ€" 38 Seturvay laat the r w-o woru â€" etly * pincd‘ by the. Menno Erp estate at the: corner »of Foundry and â€"Wober streefs, which was ‘reoently gold, will be led : and Htied up â€" as %."a ’Hm. where: girls desiring Â¥o cater the teaching profession‘ wil} ‘teâ€" ceive theit preliminary training before altending ~the ~provinzial _ â€"incdel According: to the recentâ€"changes “ the Education Act of the Province all Separate School teachers ~must : posâ€" sess ‘the same qualifications as Public School teachers. F BOUGHT OUT THE _ .. â€" | BERLIN THEATORIUM Anotberâ€"~â€"edacationa! ~\astitution will be opened: in Bertin. iw the ~near tutureéâ€"by the: Roman C‘atholic deng WILLâ€"ESTABLISH ll _A HIGH SCHOOL 1 A anthiae TT Avra w43 In~addilicn to noshker t ue aâ€"0 S 1dl Institutioh to be Openied up in Berlin in SMALLPOX AT 1INGERSOLL Near Eutire. RSON‘S the Erb property . & n be J. A GOOD & CO. Jelistone THE CANADIAN BANK â€" OF COMMERCE â€" _ ‘;_ FZ 2 ; ate the best, because the test of ti proven them so. Price $1.50 p zall. Wiite or eall forâ€"color card. Use D%ouc.ummn 8t rod we furniture," floors, chairs, tables, doors, etc. "We have it in all U leadii «adea. 1â€"4 pints at 165¢, 1 Zflm-fl%c.filtlfi;& / e ~RLOMINCM PAINT, 12 plot, 26; 1 a paam, 49¢) pime, 86e â€" . ALUMIT 4 &A+ A » s S ce Try BL11%, two greoat Varnish ard Plinm'h,’ Price, 60c pint. _ _ _ Oar atock dm‘t‘_., vm Dry. Co‘ors, Wlll‘!‘q’:ogl'“d f ’,;, a lies is complete. . Yoo aill vur prices right needâ€"a.ewall or Jarge :mtlty. Prowpt delivery is our spectaity. © ~Send us s trial order. â€"~_ KEING ST. EAST, BERLIN with same HYMMEN‘S, narow, ALEX, LAIRD, General Manager Lmfl. Superintendant of BANKING BY Branches throughout Canada, and in the United States and .A A GENERAL PANKING DUsiNESs TRANsACTED _ _ You can save dollars ‘this season by watchi umes a week during the next two. months we wi some seasonable line 19 offer "at a price that w distinct saving, so you can‘t afford to miss the opj ities that these â€" prices will offer. _ Thor Douglas‘ : specials. are © genuine hnfinc. every knows that, so keep your eye on this spate @n come and test the truth of our ads, 8rattord Chathan Ready for us in cold water. 5.1b package, 30c. 8 beautiful shades and white. â€" Just remember Roosevelt‘s CORTAIN _ STaETCHER$ . AT THE ; § [ â€"CHINA PALACEâ€" _ Eircvare, Htovc#, Tinware, P/ and Pigpe: Fittin § Blomwrl’mom 145 â€" C wEAD OFFICE TORONTO Thornton & Douglas Lt‘d. _ G. E. POTTER FARMERS‘ BANKING PÂ¥ (Ng o3 mamontemmenepnmiack eenaal mail loo Bran A superior Kalsomine ‘"Words are good if backed: up by Deeds" Robertson‘s Ready Mixed Paints Out ‘OR SPE BOTTOM PRICES. PELEPHMHONE 584 m Factory Hamilton Paidâ€"up Capital, $10,000 Rut"‘p- ?“fl 85,000.'333 Total Assets; â€" 113,000,000 the United States and England utterance and in co ESTABLISUED 1887 </* BERLIN, ONT n" ® PHONE 1 Gueiph im e l + %

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