4y â€" Office Next Door to J. P. * Fleoher‘s B utcher Shop. Phone 215, Waterioo, =' Estate _ limancial and Insurance â€" Brokers Our egg (dres are the best on the market. No fronble to get good bright eolors and perfectly safe. A 5c package will color 300 eggs in 100 shades and designs. All the reliable makes of package dyes for SILC, WOOLLEN and COTâ€" TON GOODS kept in atock. â€"Loek tbhrough our samples. _ We will give full directions. CITY DRUG STORE Phone 217. Deutsche?} Apothe} e WATERLOO Mr. Jos. Eciert is denatin gepits of his bowling alley c day to the Uniform Fund 9 #0000 #9000006%064 eveée0¢ Mr. Jool Good his mo residence | formerly _ ow! Godbold which fi~ purcha Mr. W.oJ. Krueger was the holdo: of the Jucky tis et ovhich won th fur ruf at the Bazzat mul â€" licket No. 1027 wins the Satchel which is still unclaimed. â€" Mr. Hermin Woendell succeeded making a score cf 327 at J. Fck towlin : alley Wedn sday evining. is the highest soorc yoet made by local bowher. #0009 PORPRRDORILG hGGeSL The ; regular â€" Saturda market was larsa ~7 aite gold,ay 23¢ and 26 a at i5¢ per dowen. Cthi plentiful and so‘d al en WANTEDâ€" "Two sewing sgirls. Pixp mecessary. Will pay whilt Apply at this ollice or â€" Waterioo. 742.00 Llow shoes $1.50 al The racing string of | \in Seasram, MP., were stuppe Waterloo Tucsdiy morning ; prised . twontyâ€"seven _ herso: 4Aheir artrival â€" they will i« Ataining for | the 0. A.C. Woodbins in May. .. Bwell Spring Oxfords at ‘: A â€" special | meettarn â€" of Council was bokl Monday c ‘Which a plan was saltit! e@xtcnsion _ o5 Clisjlios ind streets across Lth siroct. > was approved hby Council. *I6 was decidod to make tequisition fot seven hindred horserower to â€" the Hydroâ€"eloctric Con:mission. â€" S Mr. A. Ursladt has installed a fiue Mred oa‘ case in his ice cream parlor <and the appous{ments throughâ€" ut thg | place are now of the vory bust and th: equipment modern and aipâ€"toâ€"date. h“fleflt to a rigid tost to ascerâ€" 5 Â¥he efficiency of the town‘s fire «protection. The alarm was sent _ in P‘m.‘i o‘clock this morning _ from 5 #3, which was promptly respondâ€" gd to, the hose reel and hook . and laddet truck with horses being _ at 7 {b spot at 9.554 o‘clock and . had m stream playing at 9.56) o‘clock. The inspector commented favorably on the promptness‘ of the brigade in reâ€" «pchdng toâ€" the alarm. The excelâ€" . Rev. Dr. Dickson of Central church, Galt, officiated at the Ordination and Induction of three additicnal _ elders, in the Presbytcrian church, Waterloo, Fr‘day evening. TESTS WATERLOO‘S Iï¬pctor Howe, of the Canadian Underwfriters‘ Association visited Waâ€" terldo Thursday and subjccted the fire Get your Trunks and Suit Case lence of the water pressure may be from the following figures the test. 1 stream, 71 lbs.; ‘streams 65 lbs.; 5 streams, 56 Ibs #tandptre ‘pressure 786 lbs, . L se MoNSTER ~CELEBRATION AND * MILITARY TATToO t AT Berlin, May 24th, 1907. Local News. GERMAN EASTER EGG DYES E. M. Devitt children FIRE PROTECTION aturd is mot ) aitended. Bi 25e a Th miel Cthir produce ared at Zich Ex perienes o J. Eckert‘s eÂ¥eniag. This mads by _ a ipped to box id s at 50c ah the To the It motning But ter Zick is Thurs Upr t ninit th Mr‘s felia plen To Lh at Mr. W. H. Riddel!, Assistant]| _ ‘T, A. Moore, Manager, Mr. Ruby, Secreâ€" k zy w tary, and Mr. Hallman, . (n Susday _ the R Actuary. l‘l‘d A\\ al‘er'uL, were Ata mset‘n; of thy Boerd of Mutual Life Assurance Company Canada, held at tho Head Office terday, â€" the following chanys wads in the positions . of the mentioned officers:â€" Kr. W. H. Riddell, who has | been Secretary since 1881, has been â€" proâ€" woted to the more «esponsinks posttion ob Assistain(tâ€"lanager . Nir. (Chas. Ruby, for some _ years jast the Actuary of th:r Company, scecceds Mr. Riddell, as Sectetary. Mr. M. 8. Haliman, A.LA., F.A.S., beretofore Assistantâ€"Actuary, is now the Actuary of the Company. Nr. Walter H. Somerville, A 1. A., A.A.S., has been appdAnted Associate Actvary. The rapidly growing busin ss of th> Company made thess promotions necessary and all these gerlemen are well qualificd to discharge th:> imâ€" purtant duties assigued to Thâ€"m. SUGGESTIONS REâ€" _|"%." ELECTRIC PLANT [*," Editor Telegraph:â€" At the last banquet of the Waterâ€" loo Board of Trade, I was very much interested in the remarks of Mr. E. W. B. Snider cu the question of cheap power. Mr. Snider was (hairmen _ of the Municipal Power Commission appointâ€" d by the Ontario Government to get out a report re Niagara Falls power and he at that time, in conjunction with the other meimbers of the com:â€" mission, besides two of the most comâ€" ‘M'!(Ilt electrical cngineers in _ Amerâ€" ’il‘.l, marde a careful study _ of _ the question and save an exhaustive rcâ€" Communrcation From Board 0° cay Trade Member on ‘ : £crbject. | wa ques ic port. My object in to harve the to matter very c any contrar‘ Would it not to buy out th: from Mr. Win producer gas, . franchise for a conth L h lqwer and haexe this powr "ates fer L haye no doubt Mr. Suider | would lower his rates to probably as low as what the fown can gebs Niagara Falls power at; without a frinchise of course you could rot expect Mr. Snider to make any extensive changes as changing from stcam to produccr gas must necessarily involve a greal outlay. I do not quote any figures at all‘ in this letter, but as 1 said before my object is only to bring the _ matter to the attention of the Town Coun cil, citisens generally and especially users of power, Trust‘n: this Jetter will receive some consideration and thanking you for the space, J remain, WATERLOO SCHOOL BOARD MEET Plans for Installing of Lavaâ€" tories in Public School Discussed. A special meetin; Pullic School _ i:o Mcnday evening. | A prescnt, Wm. Read The Secretary was instructed _ to communicate with . Architect Witton in regard to proposed changes of con struction of fresh air inlet to furnate as per sketch submitted by Nr. Watâ€" erman and oblain his approval. 3 The Secretary was also ‘instructed to ascertain the best memn®râ€"of heatâ€" Ing the lavatori‘s with present forâ€" naces in order to ma‘ke it the most am and to secure bthet dssirable nlotmation â€" A vote ‘of then‘ks was MEMBER BOARD OF TRADE he of . treet i; ligh Un: ) doubt ates (o e fewin $ AT THE |1 MUTUAL LIFB‘ Co. of this town, who ago purchased a _ gas engine and have _ been since with _ good _ reâ€" pay The town _1 exdsting lighting Sarder sond run vogive Mr.â€" Suide term of sav trn ing of the Waterlos Loard was â€" held on All members were ad> in the chair. hiin po t o would as _ low Niagara franchise o4 Mr. y €4 efter plant it hy vears with s the and dot The (n Sunday _ the gitizcns of Berlin ind Water‘o»a were a€ordcd an oppor tin ty to become more _ conversaut with the work zmi purposes of + Lord‘s "‘lc AMiance through the preâ€" mnce of the sectetaty of that otganiâ€" lnï¬on. Res. T. Albcrt Moore, J“;. ronto ho «elnered a succiget~ and com reb csive â€" ad Tets in thr Evan giblt al (Chunch, Waterloo, Sunday afâ€" tring i belfore a good siced audience. ! Ar. Coo. Wegmest acted as Chair ‘man ond in course of a few introduc tocy remaras referrgd to the Loid : Ilay Allicnce and the goed whi h a«c ;l u d through thoir e®erts in the dir cction ef a Fektor obscrvance Cb th : a bath Day. | _ n course of an atle cloguent â€" an ‘ thovooge 1y intoresting adsdrers owhicd was [cHowed* intently by his hearers, ' Nr. Noure gaâ€"e a clear exposition .o the aiins ard purposes of th» Lord*: ‘ Pac All ance. His remar s weor. â€" inte s e:sed vi_h ant and somctime: Spleadid Address Given s.va cr briefly stated thr steps leadâ€" ng ep _ to the orgem ati n of th Lord s Day _ Alliance which _ was rou hi about by the coâ€"operation of all ciissos of citizens with a view to a bctterâ€" obstrvance of the Lord‘s hrce th was to be «on throu stivied us the _ Aldance â€" ergani ed â€" througho he Cornt y. (3) â€" Pringing to th know 1. d e of those iaterested th> 1 in regaid . to the Lord‘s Day an to see that _ it is properly observed Yir. M ore said that a wien £: pIoasion was alrcad as to thy oi theds pursued by the Alliance in th latter case, He statcd that the All. ance when having |qroof of the viols ion of the law by certain perldos £r8 writes them a nicely worded letter cal: ing their attenticn to th: terms of th law and th‘s is in most cases su? centâ€"to ca se the guilty partics t desist as â€" they h‘th rtofore wer semingly in ignorance of the lay O:ly in extreme c:ses was recour had to the law courts in an efor to tring the partics in question _ tâ€" a projer o"servane of the law. D oncludi~g the speaket outlined som wï¬ the prinvipal provisions of th Lord s Day Act recently passed _ | Porliamint mainly through the un reasing efforts of the Lord‘s Day A‘ liance. By the enctment of th» ns liw over 200,000 employes of gice: mt ecncerns who previously | worke seven days a week~were ensured =. Sunday rest and he cited other _ in stances of the benofit accruing to c! classes by th> paysing of the recon Lord‘s Day Act. Peos. M. L. Win:, Berlin, R. J Fes. M. L. Win:, Berlin, K. J Elhott, _ Mr. Durword, W. D. o he and S. M. Hauch were also 1tsen and occupied seats on the platiorm. The cho‘r of the Evangelical chure rendercdseveral anthems which wer well s nsg. HELD MEETING ON SATURDAY *A meetinz of the Waterico _ Water ard Light Commission was held _ on Saturday afterncon. Present, Chairâ€" man G. Diebel, A. Baver, J. Ritzer, and Mayor Scagram. Water and Light Commission Pass Usual Budget of Accounts Collector coal, Collector meter G. T. H coal, 10.60 R. W. ChishoIm & Co., coal, 118.80 R. 0. Dobbin, salaty, 29.17 (Chas. W. Dobbin, salary, 50.00 Bechtels, Limited, 2.00 Daily Citizen, 3.50 Wm. Hozg, teaming, 17,43 Justus IHof#man, repairs to serâ€" vices, 1.50 Waterloo Mig. Co., 5.25 M. Weichel & Scn, 1.08 Electric Boiler Compound Co., 18.16 Neptune Meter Co., repairs, 26.10 Raymo Bros., Ind., 15.00 .J. M. Scully, disbursements, 3.15 hr.e th ngs were n:cessary if good as to be accomplished. (1) Educaâ€" oa throuch which the citizens were iwied u> to the importance of keepâ€" go he Lo ds Fayâ€"a day of rest d /jth s secure a respite for many bo wers â€" worling â€" seven days s ee . \3) Organiâ€"ation to gi e efec: ) the work ind this was dont _ by eens of severel hundred bren hos o ie â€" Abiance ergani ed througho The sccretary was instructed to ask for tenders for the digging and back fillinx of trench for main on _ Ezra strect. The foilowing acounts were passed nd orderel to be paid:â€" TH 1 ofcustoms, duty repairs, â€" of customs Water Accounts System, â€" freight _ on $ Given by R at Wm:{m NA l duty on D Cl $46.18 tt 6.50 14.83 4.50 25.00 .85 MEN‘T Is frst muking a uruuflo{:hratu.’ Aud our reputation is based «n the quality, the t the style and vy lowext possible price, Come in ind try.a few suits on and you will flod what we advertice is cor.ect. 1t does‘nt pay to buy poor clothing for boys,. A good suit costs very liltle more mosey but sill it is the cheapest in the oud. Our boys‘ suits ar@the very best quality we can buy and J'.'. prices about the same as in prior grade. Eoys‘ suits from $2 08 to $6 U. Children‘s suils from $1.25 to $3,50. SHOES ATZINN‘s That the citizens gencrally ar> apâ€" re iative of Waterleo‘s splendid mt ical organization was evidemced . i: he Jarge attondance at the opering n ht of the Bazgar, the osject _ of smich i. to raise fands fer the purâ€" hose of new uniforms for th> memâ€" ers of the band. The offorts put orth durin‘g _ the past week and moiths was evident to those present und especially was th‘s noticeable at the vatious booths.. The bootas were «rranged along cither side of tho hil and in th> centre ~ o was the fower tooth â€"which was surreinded© by orgâ€" cr| buyers â€" tbroughott the evianc,) uses, carnations, lilies cfothe valley etc., beisg offered for sale. No io Fiâ€" nlty wes experienced in discesin® c them gasd youths as will aso nmaridon wenlo a‘out with sotre dainty Eowes ete., be nlty o them i woul~ a adern n â€" Me _ A "Klo pt C S $_ BAZAAR WAS braction be imj o wetty work shown dore }it CandZ/ booth wos al o a strong â€"senres 67 attracticnt as was the pon rab lnoth v hore cakies, ete., were selh o he Fish â€" Pond created nxclo pmusonr n and although some were uns gevestf J in ll;«'il’ quest othors were correcâ€" pondingly _ fortunate. Reir shwonts were dispensed in the Board of Trad: room and th‘s dopartmont vwas vety weoil patronized; coffce, cake, icc or as an l sandwiches being s.rsed. "ho prescnse.of the tand added to the atâ€" ‘ractions o the cccasion saml thes selections were much apprcciatul. A na‘e quartette . co nj oscd of Mess Milton Good, Isaac Neuber, M. Oetâ€" el ind _ Fdwin â€" Werenast rendcred several sclections in good styls. The variovs booths were in clor; of ths> following: $ Many Valuable and _ Useful Articles Offered for Sale Hugh s. General Boothâ€"Mrs. I hilp. Candy â€" Poothâ€"Mrs. A. (4, Hachne â€" Wlower Poothâ€"Mis C. Youn:. Fish Pendâ€"Miss J. Bruce and Mrs. Shepherd. ~ ‘The Bazaat coucludcd on Fr.day evâ€" ening a large numbcr being in attenâ€" dance.L As a result of the undertakâ€" inz a ncat sum will be netted . the vniform fund of the bent. _ Mr. Jos Micus the aucticnoer sold thy tbalâ€" ance of the articles at good prices. DISCUSS VALUE A jo‘nt meeting of the Town Coun cil and Poard of Trade was hold on Monday even‘ng for the purpose _ of discussiag the matter of thy sireet railway frimchise end arriving _ @t some d cison in regord to the valac of Wat rloo‘s franemse. "hore was A latg> attendance ard a goodl; numâ€" ber exprossed their views on the suh ject. However, it vas doomed _ a@â€" vicalle to secvre alditionsl informaâ€" ton im resard to the valn> of such tranchises befors arriving at a docisâ€" ion in the matter and a committse of the Foard of Trade comprising Mesâ€" sts. Geo. Mcove, S. B. Bricker, Thos. Hillizrd, A. Weidenbuminer and _ F. ®. Kumpf in sdditidn | to the Presiâ€" doat, Vic>â€"President . ead Secretaty, woas apro‘nted to oungmm'md teâ€" fort to ths Boatd of Trads, P d. UFFELMANN vary in prices from $3.98 to $16.50 * A meoting of the commi{t»« aproint ¢d to secure information re Borlin & l calls your attention to our stock of a e Spring Footwear B highâ€"grade, in big assortment and ;-Q every article the very best. Note, §~ A too,that we‘re not using up printers‘ n 36 â€" ink in quoting pricee. Too large a «!/,? stock, Instead, we invite the public + o e to step in and make copious notés, f «specially on the attractive prices, . . rud thus be assured that goods, ï¬; quality, aud prices are all ‘on the +quare." Successor to John Schondelmayer. follow ing: y Werk â€" Poothâ€"Mr mt th thour persor. CÂ¥ c proved 4n es io the laties but sible to enumerst ons shown hore ie ut $ERCE N VERY B A SUCCESS OF FRANCHISE Our Men‘s Suits ih oys‘ Suits N1 of the fact that this advertisment calls your attention to our stock of Having purchased themeat bustâ€" ness formerly carried ou by Mr. 1. B. Duering it will be my enâ€" deavor to fmerit a continuance of of the patronage extended in the past. _ Customers and friends may be assured that only the choicest and best meats will be kept on hand. Business Henry Reuel THE WILLIAM A CREENE cO. LT‘D. WATERLOO WANT COmBsiNATION AND GUTTER SEAM TURNERS ON MEN‘S COLLARSâ€"WORK EITHER AT HOME OR INFACTORY. ALSO YOUNG WOMEN AND GIRLS TO LEARN THIS AGREEâ€" A ELE AND PROFPTABLE BNRGANCH OF COLLAR MAKâ€" I + attractive with so much accuracy, by means of the decimal system, that they can never vary the smallest fraction of a millimetre. Consequence is, they keep such good time, and give such good satisfaction that it is a pleasure THE honest construction and wood timeâ€"keeping qualities of 4A good timeâ€"keeping qualities of Decimal Watches are their most for us to sell them. We would like to explain to you about them. *n‘ral Block, _ Waterloo (Duering‘s Old Stand.) Prop. City Meat Market, E. J. RCOS WANTED _ JFWELLER. ; Change WATERLOO ‘@% 99 ‘The popular thr@e quarter length tweed, the short tight he _ _ well as x back" styles are arc all shown in our 3 Bectivn @M the second floor.â€"A "sm»rter looking" range of rpring aWiatles than this spring‘«, was never sLy n by us __ (Jur showing in these goud« is one of the moâ€"t attractive and _ complete, representing all the uewest slyles in Waists,Skirts, . Gowne, etr. See our excellent asso t of White Underâ€" â€" +kirts, we have thâ€"m from 50¢ e ch up y uB Ladies® Spring Cog Whitewear We have pretty little White Dresses for the children â€" neatly made and stylish in appearance â€" The prices to you will very ressonab‘eâ€"you will tiad our assortm=nt in ladie .‘ and child READYâ€"TOâ€"WEAR garments v. ry complete. i Children‘s Dresses CG. B. Ryan & ‘Co. Berli CGO6D CROPS. Thats what the man who ‘arms wants. Good: soil, good fertilizers, good helps and modern machinery go a long way to bring good crops, but they‘re useless if good seed is not plauted. We have a larse variety of ficld and garden reeds. ; L. L. May‘s Garden Seeds, 10 pkts. for 25° . s Steele Brigg‘ Seed Co. 6 pkts for 25¢. . f 1). M. Ferry‘s, 6 pkts for 25¢., - Royal Giaut Sugar Bâ€"cts, Yellow Leviathan, Yellow Oval, Yelâ€" lox Iotermediat s and Msinmoth Long Red, yellow and white feeding Carrots, Mang‘e, Causdian and American Seed Corn all at, right prices Good Seeds! Good Grop BRESLAU Untrimmed Hats at 25¢, 50¢, 75¢ and $1.00. Trimmed Hats $3.50, now $1.75. Trimmed Hats $7.00, now $3.50. & 3.00, _ 1.50. *# 12.00, 5.25. Lad. s\ and Misses\ Caps, Infants® Headwear, Coloredâ€"Sitk Velvets and Uolored Velveteens, an endless variety. Black Silk Velvet and Yelvetcen. Black Nilk Mecklin or Net and Veiling. Uolored Nilk Mechlin, a very large assortment, sold by the bulk at 15¢. Black and Colored Satins and Colored, Silks of all descriptions. Applique Dress Trimmings, Allover Laces, Allover Chiffon, Plain Chiffon and Ruchings. Black Silk Laces, an immense stock from 5¢ up. White, Black and Cream Silk Insertions. Val. Lace and Insertions, White, Black and Colored Silk Braids for Dress Trimmings, Etc. Steel and Gold Buckles for Dress Trimmings. Piaids, Dresden, Plain Silk and Velvet Ribbons, wide and narrow. T have a sur; lus stock of above Ribbons which will be sold at any price. Ostrich Feathers, Osprays, Mounts, Wings, Breasts, Quills, Flowers, ete. Fancy Collars, Cuffs and Collars in Sets, Collar Frames 2 for 5¢. Belts, Hose Supporters, Fancy Back Combs and Hair Pins. * Enmbroidery Sifk, Ete. Come and see for yourself, as my stock is too large to enumerate. > It would be impossible to find a magazine containing more limely and interesting articles than the _ April numbet of The Busy Man‘s Magazinc. This number opens with a character sketch of George W. Stephens, M. P. P., President of the Montreal Harbor Mrs. C. Steuernagel, Commission and Canada‘s most sucâ€" cessful young business man. A short history cf the carcer of Sit Perey Giroward, a Canadian by birth, and recently appointed High Commissioner of North n Nigrria is also _ given. Thore are some streng â€" articles _ of travcl and"description, such as _ Coâ€" balt; The Gotlin of the North; Ncarâ€" est the North Pole, Extmonton; The Wotld‘s Greatest Fur Mart. ; Goldâ€" win Cmith in an article entitled ‘"The Teri‘s of the Republic,‘"‘ _ cnumerates s me of the dangers confronting the Urited States. This article is _ of great importance, sinve these _ same problétms are confrontin>, ot will in the near future confront out goretnâ€" ment. A host of entertaining shotrt, stoties serve as mentat relaxation for the tired mind. Other articles of speâ€" cial iaterest â€" arc: *‘Working Mion‘s Gardéns in France,". "Heroes of Evâ€" 'ftâ€˜ï¬ Lite," ‘"The Man who Lives on Neorves," ‘‘When Fhall We Â¥ly*" "World‘s Greatost . Ganwbling «â€" Lioyds," ‘Homeless Enite "*In fact the , April Busy Men‘s SBIN ro upâ€"to dats All Mill nery Trimmed and Untrimmed at Your Own l?rices. Goods Must. Be Cleared Out Regardless of Price. Paying 25« for goad butter CLEARING SALE Going Out of Business . R. Schiedel RIBBONS The old masters used such care in the sclection of the woouds for theit instruments that, having found a‘picce of wood of proper fiber and vibration~ al powers, they treasured cvery fragâ€" ment, no matter how _ small . aud rather than waste even a (particle of such a strip, thoy frequently com structed the backs and bellies of patches so dolicately _ put â€" together that "Tthe seams are only discoverable by microscope, so perfect is the cabâ€" inetâ€"work.‘‘ It was ever the aim . Of the old masters to "marry‘"‘ the back of hard sycamore, whith produces the. quick vibraticns, and the beliy _ of sift wood, producing the slower sound waves, Th such a manner as to give the mellow but ready timbre of the perféet instrument . Anitomically, <a tiolin made by an old ~muster is . a miracte ‘of constructicn; i tan" be ta+en . to pleots,â€" patch‘d. ‘nat tageth» er, Yepaired Andefinitatt. and is)~. 41 most indestractible. _ Repaiting . has been the means . of _ many clever forgcries,. The _ O _ a viclin made Ji ts Quarâ€" herine, or 0* P Js as | v> teotly Anished 4056 :;d slf.-na the clumst \ & mn&am_fl‘zm THE WOODS IN OLD VIOLINS King §t. Waterioo. 16e for eggs. ONTARIO.