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The Chronicle Telegraph (190101), 18 Apr 1907, p. 3

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\.. Talbe e ns 1e 2 % AMAL e t ME °7 JE hk cessor to Buckberrough & CO P w s C200 . n 5;32 'fi.”f Matual Bai‘ding, a o0 5e ~â€"King 8. : ht nc 9i MB es ie Shets ww oo Musinese mclietted for fie.t chass W ail.>>+â€" Compantes.. â€">© > The Mercantile: Fire ooo s n Tt t m 0 Marager, Witericl ana ger, Weterico Erercl (Meneral Ir surance / i cnt ‘ Ansurance Company â€"Cartel Little Liver King 8t ©_ To employ ont | Suciness: is 10. Incbeade ance in this compmunity srohunt Tallor, Waterioo rg ;* & S1CK " h se ¢ e O neae s "‘j B Ks ty R cone |s \* Ad k 2 14 c; BB 8 3 Will Pay haa~ > : ‘‘‘ You l'jvzif{ri“ ~Cmf ] min.**" a ~DEPOSIT thath w n e tA ap in stibut o us TEkD what M R HSF T40 4 : S e ing s1X < a‘t‘f-f» ‘J'i;.k”" Hs lh; A€ [1TF% 0o Thore is no Wiksalubte E Mibne and areiott *ii‘fi'sé of i ce 00. ‘-x“i" al Oapitai .. .â€"... /.. . 230,009.00 sitwith tae" Doi aion f (eemment 2...., .<.... .. $117,1H0;. _ policies guaranteed by the Londor famewbime insurance Company Aitesd Woight, Secrota d AAL) Inwpector SAVINGS BANK C minir t Pm P1 e in i , C 100 PPRICTTT ead Office â€" Waterioo see our fiag lin# of TNC . "C: A: BOEHM e RL Undertaking 4o ta) 19‘6@3@“@9::. muswored day ai1 oictc. ing Streot, Wateriop, Ont. FRS ) r Ingry JoRPo@ATED 1875 UNDERWEAR had #$40+40+90+00+@ March 10th and follow itc operinge ic ngs. & doubt : c «E t and a) visit to our Signaturo M ‘soths that has 10S <an FEHRENXBACH Opoming 91 District Agent, Phone 219, <â€" ® ryeal estate ‘ _ The have 250,003.00 ills., 1 pottâ€" TWt the iprtacie aaiae"" Day s Atibane ‘Outario â€". Day : Alliaiice, preached ‘at > :>service . in Tripigy u?:m-‘tf uc »&x..:% and appretiative. n%tm teâ€" {exnd‘;;o the fact thit it ~was 27 years in May since he preacthed to the Methodist ‘ecusregation in Berlin and spoze 8t; the: wondertul growthâ€"of the tharch andâ€" town during that ‘ ~time. Alts ‘téextwas, taken trom Et. â€" Mark 2.37, ‘‘The: Subath Was â€". made â€"fot min.*‘‘ ‘There ‘has~ alWways been a Sabâ€" bathâ€"since the croation of theâ€".world, in tituicd uy God belor®© man _ knew whit it wasto be "Tired after wortkâ€" inz six diys in the. work. ‘Throughout The Sabbath is not only â€"necessary for the individual tut %i‘ahnny the community and the pation. It is ol insvitable value to Canada which is on the Threshold ofâ€"nationhc d, and if iheâ€"people should disrégard the Sab« tath it would mean‘ national â€" suiâ€" cide to Canad{. God faught ihit the Sabhath was necefSary to man imor, ally and physically, andâ€" â€"His â€"people are. told to preserve its sanctity by arousing" publicâ€"sentini(nt and ~‘sutâ€" Yourd n3 theâ€"day . with.law.<; The speaker frantly admitted.. that ‘wil mercy. should be uche, but _ in _ ~ all cascey incn should have:at Itast . one Gay out of seven as a rest day. The employes, of power houses, _ smelters, cement Wwotks, sigar â€"factdrics,> etc., should not ke dprived "of the _ bene lits ~ofâ€" ‘a <rest: dy.. ~Municiaplities thould alto secto it that theirâ€"police< men and firemcn are not compelled to work (n Calbath oftem=r than twice a‘ month. . In contlusion _ Rev. Mr. Noow spoke et. the result.. â€" ol â€" the new Lord‘s Day. Aet which has‘ given nearly 160,600 .men in Canada an opâ€" portunity to rest on theâ€" Lord‘s: Day, while 50,000â€" othets, who: â€" formetly workid seven days year in‘ and year out. have one Cay offâ€"in seven. . ReFf erence was. made toithe stroannous opâ€" positicn toâ€"the ‘Act,. butâ€"up> toâ€" ~the present time the Alliance has â€"won every case of violation of the Act in the courts. .Se4y % Manâ€"cannot live his allottcd. . time without a .dayâ€"<of cest.; Morally . the Sabbath was made for man, and" it was only necessary to study the lives of th.s: people who work sevin days a. week to prove this important lact. the: ages (he nations that<bare ob served the‘ Lotd‘s> bn;g.“h"ge‘ Toarished and prospered, .ard "he Hittite nation (the Jews) is still in evid;n*o because it has (always recognizcd. ~ a fixed day for rest. yc Pet ; 5 It tife At the eten‘ns service Rev, 8. °E: Matsh1!l" preached an impressive Setâ€" mon to a large congregation. â€" â€"~> Cc ~At the T. & L. Counsil Hall. > Winnipeg for a sbor}. ume | | {rntfang, fapret We ‘Tiel aee The mass meeting ol â€"men â€" in the Twinâ€"City Trades. & Latbor hall on Sunday afternocn. was latgely attend* vd ‘andâ€"the address by Secretary |J. . Shearcr was one of the most in teresting deliveredâ€" during ~the : ‘day. The audience, which was jargely. comâ€" gosod ‘of orginized labor,â€"showed its myathy with and appreciation < â€"of : Â¥g.k ct ‘the Allianceeâ€"by. the freâ€" quent abplause tendercd: the.. ~speaker during his excelicnt address. .‘ * .. x uty Reeve C.~C. HMaln, Pressient of the T. & L. Countil presided, and provious (to ~calling on Rev. > Dr. Ehoarer, stuted. that organized labor appreciates â€"what has becn done â€" by We Alliance in "securingâ€"‘ a universal diy of rest in Conâ€"da... The T. & L. Council, he asserted, will gladly‘ o Spéragte with the local branch in any wotk ‘it may undsttafe for the â€" upâ€" lifting jof Jabot and the caforecment of: the taws of the lind. 7 Dr. Shearert te a pleasing and~ vigâ€" t i n ons on o2‘ MB rest day," and 1 of on« the on hieges" Revartintments." RvMEY Fekidant t Arin antroumncnss, x ie o0 ue r&:&?fifi is also relaries JA Address Lar Churches W At TrinityChureh eral neceksgtyfor the‘ physical x; tha . :AlBapee. â€"_, mm the day were cocid and.. were 1 4j ht 1 ~ ALLIANCE _ _° sUNDAY IN TWIN Shearer, D.D. and T. A. M Audiences in the Variou Splendid Progress of the Work. _ ATianc wd < Re rb itE he at tWe any The !)oriby wete tobbed ol their Sunday tights. In 1900 organized labor said ~this had ‘gone far tnough. ~ It â€" had yroven a milerable fracdâ€"andâ€"in ©1906 t:e Chamber of Deputies, by a vote _of 515 Ao 1 passed /a~Surday> rest hw‘. " T R x2 + \ de Irou wotk werking seven days a week, year in norae s g.'nhxlld ‘hm.t"on ll; o wes t‘a mian who ix days a week. He made the po‘nt ,mtr'qufi:fi work 1o*s the man of hall _ of. life‘s opportunitics {of Gataing, â€" and .of _ onâ€" joving life. Thils teaching of science is upkeld., he statcd, by the ‘ experiâ€" joving life.. Thils teaching of science m he stattd, h‘hg;m ence of men, ‘"It is a _and a disgrace to Cenada, that there afe men who hive to work sevtn days a week." Some men may have to wotk on â€"Sunday, but. they should .not â€"â€" be asked to work rmore than . Six . days in the week," * Ned ‘gue. . . Mctabkorically ~ speating. _â€"_J. Enock ard his ideas on my questica _ were ; fult" of ~hotes.â€". The policy advocuted by him means, .. acâ€" co:d n3z to Mr. Sheatrcr, ; seven day industrial c islavement â€"to many_ ptoâ€" ple who will have tg.labor to provide the th‘n:s asted for by Mr. â€" Thomg Â¥on‘s ‘Socicty. . "If he labored _ 28 hatdâ€"asthe ord‘niry working ; _man, he : would not be asking: that others te compelicd!to. work on: ~Sundays," Ard No man like ‘J. Enoch Thompâ€" (the Lord‘s Day: Ailiance) â€" interfere with the personal liberty. of the pooâ€" (ls,"‘. were two emjhatic statements ‘of the speaker. "It is the other way about; we scekâ€"pot to interfereâ€"with liberty, but to conserve_to the workâ€" ingman his liberty," he said;~" and along this dine he made a strong.â€"plea tohis avdicnce."_ Heâ€"made . this ~ a perscnal question, Vught 1 rot Wg-g them,â€" as workingien, f a~: personal convcniences avd â€" ites if it theans Tiberty and rest for ‘other workmen? : He Thinks that organiz ed Jator is bigâ€"minded enough, â€"Tair «nd intelligentâ€" enough not to â€" ask others to work, just Tor:their ~ conâ€" t enicnce. i ; f .‘In the second place he claimed that the, working man‘s liberty. is at stake in ths rattie: H&&“fi:i m*&:g:‘g . & C_P. R. 1 ‘h _ eperatots who sre Seren day industrial "slaves. Daily he receites letters from â€" this class of persons nrgm themt to. gerâ€" severe in Their work and secoro them one day‘s rest in seven. These men‘s hands are tiedâ€"to ‘come out. publicly i8â€"as much as their _situation . is worth: The Grand Trunk â€"* does. not even pay extra for Sunday work;. but rest day was abolished and~ ane â€" diz inâ€"ton : Substituted Tor the | one_ i soven.> Then the Sunday / was â€"~made simply a ~holiday Sunday.~ This meant a â€"wor‘.ing.Sur.day {or a Aew=â€"the Iew grew ‘to the many and ~soon the maâ€" _ ‘"The holiday Suntay that : Enoch Thompson is sgitat‘ns, thows â€" that he‘ is 125 years bchind the limes," said Mr, "Shcarer. *‘Throw ~this ,,Mt} of history back at_J."Enoch . Thonyâ€" son and ‘andshe wilâ€"be answered * if" he has scnse enough to know wheh he is answored." : $s oo se o. i. .. At this â€"stage Mr. £ h@arer v::;lfifi up. and E-id his respects feal Torcibl to "J. ‘Enowh ‘Thompsen, Aabor. : Conâ€" sul at Toronto, whoâ€"has taken .steps to ofranite=a Ratitnal Sthnday â€" Iaâ€" the.C. P.R. does He gave some French history aa,t-;knwn»as‘ a *‘Municipat Lodging Inh, â€" inz Lack 325 years when the _ weekly ; whereâ€"inimigrants who arrive: in : Ber <An the fight for workers ancet. enc greafest® is . greed and of the crowd Belore March 1st 150,000 _ men . in Canada had n> rest dayâ€"_no liberty. Vety tow ol.the:“,‘d_ Lord‘s _ Day Alliauce â€"workers have. to w for a «rcst day Jor themselves. .. e / are fighting fot the rights of thate whose h St. George‘s aking Powder erland, who tested, th nenâ€" atâ€"various stages se tests deoduced That fight. for the. rest . day "the mert. caomies, . of which . the ‘is . gteod of the corporation in te re :d. had "e:; s written. eresting acc makes astrea T Heg + Tle [Y } pltk t " e ~, uit ME Ate â€" 2. 4 # ks s % '“‘_ *fi ‘pmupsmg~ [ poo,. 9p1 f|| â€" New Negiigee â€" reat der Town Council on Mondsy evcning in ie uon m 20 néss. ol an importaut ns We was tawn, . For_ ghi duly ons.. Man‘~ i8 wjo stay MB:;U:% the n and‘ there: should ‘be two then Tor the protection of the _ outskirts of <the ‘taown.© Referred toâ€" Finance: =Jos. L. Yost, of. the . American Sien Co., wrote regarding the. samâ€" ples of street signs forwardcd to the RBoard of{ Works a Tew months / ago. Rélerted to Board of Works. 4 T.‘Q.t‘ wmr:i'gé;? n dtfr“:{d !‘:: onto World, olc ve a full writeip of Seriin‘s public ylliitiex and asktinz the Counctil to subscribe" for 5000 ‘copics. Referred â€" to â€" Fivance Committee. : *~ ~> Pz "Miter havingâ€"submittcd the.town‘s &x&m‘a re t!’u.ln&z‘t;,‘m in . Woodâ€" to a brother i is we Rave decided neither one'»aL& lots . in: question meet with=our â€" reâ€" J. A. (Bcellen,, Stcretaty _ ofâ€"_ _ the mnm%w. Mcm:g: as. to whatâ€"steps werpâ€"li¢inz â€" . taken towards securin?t mm'"fi Ahe Dom{nion ~Railway Coniission® > at Béerlin. "A committec of the â€" Board was awprointed to coâ€"operate: with the Town Council if sitt‘ngs are securtd. Referred to Finance= ~~ > & â€" Revs," W. A. Bradley," J. W. J. Anâ€" dâ€"ew, F. E.. Oberlander and . A. ~R. Sprinrer, ropresentinz the Ministorial Assosiation,. appeared before â€" the Council and asked thatâ€"in the . erecâ€" tion~ of the: proposed now: ~ market buildinz rcoms be, set aside to . be Enown 25\ a ‘*Municipal Lodging Inn," "Messrs. Zuelsdort Bros. wroteâ€"© as follows:â€" No: *A t Â¥xix We hive postpéned. for th» present,‘ the efection . of sour factory and when -p‘\gli‘ukim up the â€"matter it willise with a view of secuting a site in .anâ€" other section ol the town, <.~ . . ~Mr. 1L â€" J.:Sims resighed as trustee ca the Board of the Berlin Colegiate Institute. MSigcctine T. ȴSuk lin may ‘rémain Jor. a day »ot Awo until they sécure employmcnt * ond homes, Revs. Bradley, <Andrew _ and Oberlarntter each gave: their * personal experiences in providing homes . for new comers and Claimed that _ this was~ purcly® a municipal. nmatter. .. * other section of the town. :_* . . | FHon. PreSidentsâ€"Marot Brieket, C:. We â€"have to ‘thank the Counicil ~ ra Krant, H. Krug, D. Hitnor,. George the Park Beard for the interest ‘disâ€"| Rumpel, C Huether, C, H. Mills, Dr. played. ... y > _ izn . s â€"~ / [H. G. Lackner, M.P.P.â€" â€"" . Kindly. communicate our decision to | . Presid ntâ€"Wâ€" M« Schmaiz. _ _ h+ Park Boatd"" °_ <<~._ _ ~â€"_â€"| (lst Vice Presidentâ€"Geo,. Linpert. / . 7 Youtk todly, .. "~ /~ =*_ [ Zmd Â¥ice f;smt. Rits" â€" * 4 ; *h eP + m xy 5. ce .:.‘ 3 ". ZUELSDORF BROS. Treasurerâ€"W. Roos.. â€"_â€" __. _ _‘~ snn t( o. J. "A. Scelien, . Sboretary: _ of_ the| L. W. Brown, °C :C. Habh, â€"A. .. â€"A, Bertin Board of Trade, ::’dec‘;fiémw Eby, 8. Lutz, Dr.â€".J. E: Hett, D. B. as to what itdpfi;ug-'Mm + takenm “flg. W. wiswg- ‘:M»Qa&flg&;f t Â¥ & s ts ~¢C a PCE « "“’m .,x;l“ m‘ y * A fowsrds securinz _ a sithines ol he1 ns mirp,. A _ T. Schicdel. F. W. Wohn. In the parish chutch: at Coaticooke three. brotbers,. WilHiam,‘ George â€" and Noé® Jubinville; were marticd at the same time. . hlkn is j The Mayor thanked â€"the: deputation for their interest in this matter and on behalf ‘of . the â€"â€"Council.â€" promised hinds are tied "wird whose mouths arc closcd te ~gave quile a . graphic â€"â€" pictute of the campaign last year. ; in "getting the PiP Alitough . Parliamentâ€" and cof the: 8t opposition from. the â€"railâ€" :xlxmh closing said. the Aot is "tératious _ nor:. tyrantical . /but i eaime pae earie: efom ring" $ y, broken, gpd%n spend it as they yleake.. 3 > 2 s )c3 h sls o s o At Ahe Btltgfik'w: â€" tharch Sectetary af m.wl&'iw xm.b;‘ gave "a m&fi ahd‘ telling v ~ dress on the Sabbath fTor man," not man fot Ahe Sabbath. ‘The prescntaâ€" tion ‘of the Subject: was both scholatâ€" 1y â€"Aand Popular. ~ Dr. Sheard~. knows ho# to Handle an audi¢net and . .to ol thanks A & e en 0o e on h o ocb F . Brindt wa-l;d_neqs_mé a vote e Peter‘s Lotheran Chutch, was filled to its caracity op. Sunday evening whon i on en e y € < od by Miss Bout! ,&:r was Raâ€" _ P .-y‘ # 60 za :;‘.. d .:,.,.. Rev. F. is, GBcde? 4 «PICACHCG â€",, 4 large auditort Will al At Benton St . Church A Municipal fmn W Defer <Building finptessi : this chut« Mrs. Rati y and cue {or night, i Th Ceuale hit it is cmmhi omewhat exciting. x-?'é':-nu' es usinessVike Coun~ chutch wider the Ratie . Bockhmer ts chigh â€" order. ning t} ~ to large the preceded ‘1'{% rogramme ol : several selections u'gmur, m by the md.. and ~ â€"the yisitors wore highly ighted: ; â€" Aâ€" feature. of â€"the l:.? gtamme to be given by the band this season will be the vocal seleeticns by a double quarlette whithâ€"made _ its debut 1ast evening: and evcrybody . was agrocably surprised at the _ splendid Amaiinerin. which (h8 octctle acquitted itself! 4 & BERLIN MUSICAL SOCIETY. : HAS PROSPEROUS YEAR c lqndum-gm welt tendrd by the. members® of ‘the â€" band as well as‘a ropresentative aumber of ¢itizens uhy take an interest in _ the wellare ‘of Berlin‘s:> popular musical ofganization. *3 Presileut W. w*m& â€" presided sud ~after : the preliminary _ business was: transacted. prescnted Athe followâ€" ing address, which was receivcd . with great enthusfasm:â€"~s ~ .. }00 02. 0500. . Becretary Iiling. reported that th; expenditures for 1906â€"7 amounted . to $1669,â€"and thete was a t surplus on hand, ‘of. which hétvlemm and $800; would be sfent: in secuting _ new uniforms. ; & ag e _ Property Committeeâ€"N. Zeller, 3: W. Hett, A.. Vanderhart, G. Albright. Band Contmitteeâ€" E.. Schult, A. Vanderbhart, Lmn. * sns Avditotsâ€"EF. ; Geo.. Raltzer. ~ Mr: ~J. Cockburn ofâ€"Londof," â€" was elected Honcrary Drum. Major . .and will sbe asbed to oficiate in Abis.ca~ pacity at the 24th ‘of â€" May celebraâ€" Votes: ol thanks â€"were: tendered ; *to the Town. Council, the auditors, : the press; â€" Bandmaster Zeller, Secretgry Tiling, Treéasurer Roos <and .the popâ€" ular @Boss‘‘ Vanderhart,â€" . all_. of whom: havg] assistod .very materially in Making the past year anc of. the wrost presperous in the â€"history _ >of 27;4 Lem as w * w , 2e iphanmek aficeny . wore _ elect Light <refreshmonts were served at the cenâ€"lusion ol the procecdings.> One of" Waterloo. Covaty‘s . _oidest nitive sons passed away of.;&t_ut_d?; morning in theâ€" petson ‘of â€" the â€" late Een amin Bricker .at ‘his. residinge feat Roscville." He suffered ‘a severe paralytic strokeâ€"about ‘a Week â€" ago. He was in his $2nd year anmd. was born within hall a mile._ of where for many yeats ho has had his kome and whete be d od. "Ho Tolowcd Larming onl kix or seven yeats ago. He ~was â€"a Taithful membet ol the Ofd Mennonite dezomination and a an‘ whose word was heon:sty dtsolf. < > s3 .¢n> ; TWO OF A KIND You can trust a medicinge tested 00 years! Sixty years lesied O years! â€" Sixty years et wgm- think of that} parillia; the Sersaparilis the week nerves, gentral debility. < Guel, h ;~Meroury â€"Yesterday .. the &7“ Cily n:0\two very distinguish» visitors in Mrs. . Murray, of Toâ€" tonts, ho claims to" bé an cxâ€"atâ€" tenfdant at ths> Mercer~Reformatorty; "Rittors,"" > and aiterhoon 4t we g;-o thom "tak ere shay . (pa monts to the PATERSON‘S PIONEER PASSES AWAY. ‘Wiike uining the sepnignritee 11 We have no accrete the formulas of all our medisines. M yers the ) ted <u M 1R . WA STRUCK GUELPH €OoU GH DdDROPS HAiR Vi0OR CHERRY PECTORAL CURE Berl mpl ic) ~ _ HEAD OFFICE:..... Randolp»{Macdonald, President. THE SQOVBRBIGN BANK OF CANADA J :â€"A. GOOD & CO. MICA AXLE THE CANADIAN BANK OF. COMMERCE B, E. WALKER, Prosident mum,o--:huud A. . IRELAND, Soperintendent g+: its of $1. and upwards re Remmechey + wb + Nbmidt $ rag 4 ver fi‘ b fidflm! «% utherâ€"rebs ve the {:cm..:: good 1 shirts for seugon. shi line than our b‘g by Strattord Ch â€" the n . E. WALKER, Prosident *A Paldâ€"un C LX TAKRD: Gonerst Menager lm up Capital, 012.000:320 Ne sitiane sominrizn 4| PEH nasets, â€". 115,000,000 Branches throughout Canada; ‘and in the United Statcs <nd Bugland ‘ A GENERAL BAKKTING BUSINESS TRANSACTED Capital Subscribed . Capitalâ€"fully paid .. Rp'am.fi?:d...... Assote over...... .. NWatetloo Branch, CENEBAL BAKKINC Berlin. Vinwood, ~St. Jacobs, Milycrion; New Tunise Hardware, Btover, Tinware, Plambing‘"and Fittin f Store near Post otfio:fihonn Pli%; 1 o emui: StREToNI â€"CHINA PALACEâ€" Thornton & Douglas Lt‘d 1op around and see f UEAD OPFICE TORONTO ro, 15 and @5 Ib. pails, It Will pay you to buy it here M AND FAMMERE : FAPER OIBOOUNTED SAVINGS BANK DEPARTMENT E. POTTER A. A Allan, Vice President. Interestcre dited quarterly BOTTOMPRICES. #1 TELEPHONT Shirts 50 shirts f 25 abirte f. D0 shirte f shirts‘for GREASE at w Factory Ramilton M, Stewart, Generat Manager Mcoorman, Manager recelved ; | inleriat: C it tho Waols Gf &Y SAVINCS CEPARTMENT L I‘ .fi a 'h'-'a‘wmnh a m is twlice over d‘-h.'c,.-u.qu ur shelyesâ€"are shir‘s foe little men i planning this in biSCOUNTEO CSTADLISHED 1807 TORONTO BERLIN, ONT ts made possibleit $ 3,008,000 $ 1900000 $25,000,000

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