4 " Caustic Soda 98 MISS CANADA Ladies shoe, spe¢â€" M §3, $950, #1 sna #5.. _‘ C s v o e PHERSON Ladies shoo : &t "}{““,’;t :‘,, F w apd .!' NG@ qUa Y shoo fur hh .};!,‘;{"ï¬g O 38 Phe TRA VELL! ï¬!wlhoo tor gents, i We are still in the Clothing.:Bnsiness at the reatend of the So UBahE: Entrance at sboe clore onle old stand. next to the Fouk uftice: Beriin. > 3 gnry. nice ne_;umg of, almost everr thing that is new in £ Mibg . Hats, Oap:%and] ings and at prices mach less than any oth ‘r \ Sbore, as we have no extra rent flyuflgntmmnm\n (K-t. we e e ce e aimapesiien uin mry m C a v eyes what we can do for you in real good elothing Sheap. 9 0 \@â€"Men‘s suite at 35 to $15 but we show extrn values in ! $12 suit e xe: ;E:’-Hp}:omtamu':bo extra good value in ot&':‘i,.w and. $5.00 3 _,“ ‘j ‘ ie C W ATERI t £¥ous & it 7 'J"v ¢100, _ ~~~~â€"â€"~~~CHEAP ED04 _ n VOpb. s ; t . ‘% ; ie o hn ols * . \ * Por The April Parade ‘ 1 o fill your ::i:h in this line and: have on band a ipleta aai upâ€"toâ€"date Stock. 3 ie ‘ Also office sundries. inks, mucilage, paste, pencils, étc _ Give us a.call and convince yourself, _â€" .‘ Boehmerâ€"Erb Co. Ltd. ge boys enite." sc e C m Bleca Norfolk Sutts with belts at $2.50, $3.00,:$8.5", and $4.00 ' . Sole Agont for Sliater and Empress Shoes is x [ ) CA Bnprir se M Et to Sovereign Bank ° â€" â€" "â€"â€"* BER BOOKS The SMARDON : Ladies sh06, . lak price, paie @3 60 and #1 â€"â€" * _ ’3.,‘., ‘_’."’iufl, nwwe better, ies whos at $2.50,.93 $3 50 and #1. ‘he LENNOX Ladics shoo at $2 50, MeBBy :): ;i : «. T Our grand display, wit out doubt,.demonstrates the t, the d varied lines of shoes, will apâ€" to those desiring footwear, that is ‘ correct."" The y desiting a shoe of the "conservative style. . The hg gent wishing the "extreme" style can readly find at our shoe dept.. main figor. 4 freo +E2" ie Rapuienef | Te o C igha cA s t A wÂ¥ h ¢ h + $ EB f C c + Money back if not satis fled es t Kih L 61â€" No. 16 A Few Leading Lines ts of Facts A. WESELOH & CO. J. DOERSAM. hmerâ€"Erb CGo. Ltd. STATIONERY ~ <~~ SCHOOL SUPPLIES k 98 HMALLMAN. on hand at CHOHCâ€"0 ChOnOn HHOHOCCAXRHIOCEOD TKE UAAA 4) SUHUUES .c 30e M BCY S AIS NAE AIAA NS ya nr tA 9MÂ¥ >a O0 The MACPHERSON: shoe for gents at from $250 to %5: *‘ - Before tuying come and see our displayâ€"you are ‘weloomeâ€"whother you buy or not: . All we‘ ask is come, The FAULTLES$ Ladies‘ shooâ€"per pair $3,° 3 50 and $1 e mrge *. 1 he PEERLESS Ladies‘ shoo at per pair $2 50, $3 and $3 50. *3 . The BERE3SFORD sh>0 for goute, nt $4, $4.50 and 85. o s 96. ~ The WALKER and WHITEMANR abos for geute at $3 50, $4 and #5. ‘The DICTATOR shoo for gents, special por pair $4. â€" s In tine, 8 for $1:00.. Coarse 50 Ib. lots at 5§6 per 16. #+roOcel Advertisers of Facts. BERLINâ€"ONT. ONTARIV O oturhs of <he â€"same. At five o‘cle; the _ guesis mmu%’m L?lz w hich The ¢vening â€" was spent‘ / very in,oyally | in * ‘gamtcs, mugleâ€"and 80â€" c1al conyefsation; °0 7/ ~ 4; <s50n °o pa ner u}cet ; Inowing _ MF. + 3. beg ty vaie Ame ';gï¬ h ’ï¬sï¬ *or more ribs: and ¢ 8e ; in~ jring . him.‘ Under the doctor‘s t« nieat he is progressing Tavorably. ‘ _ © The twentyâ€"hith: anniversary of th» wedading ‘of Mr. 4nd mmm dir ‘was colébrated on > Thursday.11t ol April. AQuite ‘a large" number . Of. tclatives and "friends ~were present to. +n,oy "the ~pleasures ‘of Ahe ‘Hay 4nd to extind/greetings lor many.<hippy â€" Mre. ~George Smith,: of ~Durbam, is spend‘ng: a~ wee? with het ‘Parohais, Mr. ind Mrs. Johi Hamilter. _ < â€" * Mr» Ed. Watson, of i{lfln. visited his"uncle, Mr. James Mitché}, on Sunâ€" day., . 533 ge ie y . oo o. on on hn . ue s t ï¬a‘ David B.â€"Letson p:; u,:: ky;-y. doring: the Jast week moving & frame hovse from the Lundy farm to‘ his old homnestoad. l?t:d moving of A:?M was.qccomplished by means _ W‘ Hc;mm- have more house gccomâ€" modation. £4 P o K o Cn Friday ovening, Ajrit/ 12th.. th* se.ond dramatic playâ€"was given _ in the Hall uner "the iitle otf "Th> OM pistrict Schrol,"" a. ’;;%?qï¬.t_&"f!fl th : School days of aixty yearsâ€"ago in the New E:iigland States. A fair n:nyber ~were present considering. Ahe Bad state of ;t&rom ‘The. _ greâ€" grammé was ~well. cendered â€"ant Millard deserves ‘great ctedit for i able manver in which . ho comducted the cntertainment. >~ eP rra en ~Miss Dal ,W,,. . .of London, v it . fricnds~here . during »the Easter w Mâ€" days. oo i o hn I en o c agean o .. Miss ,L.;u::[Mrw;ud ‘Miss © Florâ€" ence Daly, ~of ‘Guelph, spent +Faster Holidays among friends here,. . _ . Mrs: Hakrison, â€"st., of Ponsenby, visited her dn:<ï¬; Mrs, """“; is 4n ; Tast weok, . * .2) 29. lies, + r. Anthany m::& olt.sg ments, spent a couple ys his trotiers t,n y 5 ux Mss* Anaie May Schammer, of. 8t CJ:ments, spent: Saturday. msm ‘at‘ Fran C Hâ€" SchammerԤ. â€"â€"~~â€"â€">~ " Miss Alterta © Haid ~spent Sunda: at ‘her home: néar Hawkesyillc. . â€" . Mr F.â€"A. Bakerâ€"called con. tricnd at Ahs }th Time: Saturday." ~~â€" * Mt.<Josepliâ€" Hayes ‘has‘ a (carload of firstâ€"class potatoes ‘for sale. . >\ â€"‘ Mr. Alex Kochel spent Sunday i: €t¢. Clements.~ *‘ .. T Mt. REd. Hartung Spentâ€"Sunday _ iw Hebiclnerg.. >‘ ~ 7 . 1. + puccess in his now tnierprise. _‘ Mr. ‘George _Hen&ugmd- i â€"te puild "a new dwelling this summecr. â€" Fall wheat is ‘suffering considerably cn account "of the severe frosts. _ "Allan wears a father broad. smile these days. < "IW‘s a boy." ~Mr. M.â€"Ha‘lman. spent Sunday witl krd- in Berlin. <â€" yR s "The M.sses â€" Jda and Lovins Von» ‘Uraw of Preston, vistted. friends bere a Tew days (itis week. = ~>)" 0000 . Mr. â€" John Knight of Guel h â€" W* in Aown Friday. ~ C ... /. 0t> "‘Mr. * Pen Ballatd, of Hawkesvil}e was in town on Mcnday.‘ â€" . â€" Mirs Cassie‘ Baker _ returned Arom London _ on Monday...«= _ <.. â€" _â€" $Our Busy Neigh EeDA #04+0000000¢ OPDSQ ODO0¢ OSAADOOSON® ohbe0+ Death of Wat, Mogk.â€" On Tm':‘ Aprilâ€"9th Mr. Caspet lm&rcll , word of the death of his Â¥ ‘son, William, who ‘residés* at ‘Oak ~ Park, I!1., after ‘an illness from preamonia. The intelligence of his deathk was‘ a shock (to the hnlg:flsï¬'ld no m-: ol his: . He was 40 years and 7 months of age and leaves a wilé and two children. Mr. Moogk t Ahe .neit . ameeting of the Edward NII Literaty Society, m held ¢n the 20th inst. a good programme is beint ~prepatcd. ~ All // mre welcome. D# A few cases of ‘measles have : been reported in the qvmoa. aud #son Harry and his Miss Liszic and Mrs. temded the duneral at Mrs. Wilion of Tor: h Br m L.J l'm&ad Nï¬m‘:c uim ~6f . was . gtan * nmts«:twne TALWA Y MANNHEIM LINWOOD PE ELMIRA M W Du&EEY in County: and District W ‘Cleâ€" with d&!. and _A : ‘SÂ¥ent: S paten ts, Mr DOFD. Items ot: Interest.â€"The " ‘continuté deplorable condition :of the: roads : in t?mmh!:‘ï¬eï¬ of & the ratepayers everyâ€"one who: has to travel these ï¬Â«&% estcd : in . the. Good~ Roads® movement, forâ€"it is in the spring and I4H when good roads are necded and not ~when the :dry season has come whon nvarly all roads are good. Mr. Helse of Préstca wal ness Visitor in this village 1 "Mt. and Mrs: Eecra ‘Hun#l Mr. and Mts." Joseph Kréa ed "the Cuneral of ; ~Mr. Hh father~at, Grimsby , Supday Fhdstiar Gea i e ï¬::v calling on old triend$ fi_‘,‘flh‘ iL lage. se o9 Age io OME k . ~Many. attended the Palmerston ~and‘ class stailions. : Farmers are: beginâ€"‘ uoumvm ‘Shows _ â€" ofâ€" high . nâ€"u? t9 take a greatet intérest : theretore cxercise m‘gxc in: :gi gclection of ‘the horse they desite to ‘ breed Aroim, :As %md horses ; lras raiged â€"so high â€" the â€"past few ‘years the farniets know * it_pays to raise colts bred: {ropm the Mi Farmery Aare anmnously>waiting the arrival <of seciling ?pei : Many farmers we dear are : a little »disposcd to talk about the weather in such a spirit a6 mu&zu 10‘ infer: â€" from ccive nfl'the*lg’n from. the: Crestof yet â€"they ‘Jail to. return: anly ‘ ~expresâ€" sions "of gratitudeforâ€"these _many The WallaceCouncilâ€"miet on â€" Saturâ€" day‘" April "13th,© at ‘the. hall, Gowansâ€" town,: for sthe: purpose~ of â€" appointing the path ‘masters, pounk keepers and tonce viewets forâ€" thevcoming year». Mrt.â€" Walter Hamilton. has â€" returned trom.: theâ€"Ontario " Agricultural ~â€" Colâ€" short : raining * priot <to commencing his dutics as instructor in the Making pt checse and butter ‘in The Strathroy distrit t <Mr.~Hamilton is receiving a ‘â€"Rev. . J. ‘B, Kennedy preachedâ€" on Babbath obscrvance‘"‘.. on _ Sunda last." He : earnostly urgedâ€"the aecez sity of strictly obeyulhmn%- ment,‘Refiember the Sabbath _ day to.keep it holy."" _ ~/.>>=/ a hardsome salary.. He is a lambful, @nergetic: worker, and willâ€"always. be tound ‘at Pis post and ‘the W.‘C._ and B. â€"Co. sustain‘a heavy ‘1os®... / ~â€"~ ~â€"Mr. Frod Neil fhas been cngaged as %cfl.-n by Mt. Walter Hapmilton in Wallate cheese factory . tor ‘the commng yÂ¥EaR. _ > _1 00t 93. L2 vall og 5s Mrs. Haug: and < Miss Flossie are spending a few weeks with . Rev.. S, Haug and ftiends in Toronto. . ~ > 'iig ."r?;ufu to vii?ï¬;'th\ ?m-‘ L. H.â€"Etaulfer in on the road ~to> 1e« cmry;'gc has been suffering * The past two : woeeks with an abécks . in hert ~head.» *% C ie 4e t in Mr. Schaster ‘opened his . brickya fust Mongay:_ 16 4s rohhlak . to 13 Jull capgelty..>, â€">~ /. ..> /2 " C Waterloo, â€"~Ont.. «~â€" Canads, *‘Qur school is closed~this week . owâ€" ing to a lafige nmhs_rl r.of S&olï¬ti i having the meastes, . The teacher Mr. Nt#n&y has gone to his home in BHranchton. __ ols A. 0 HAENNEL‘8, The Druggist ‘Mr, Menno Maderâ€" went to Toronto last Saturdayâ€"with a <atload of cal~ 1e He is getting quite,a reputation a8 â€"a drovets ©>~~ M P croca it ~Mt. Stautter ~and Mr. Dedelsâ€" made large shipments of hogs on Monday. .:‘?‘Mfldn is improving. . . in Mrs." Nancy Devitt is stil} . on the sick M8t and remains about the safte, ELORA HORSE .FAIR \Therée will be a .4 Exchange \ in â€"Blora 18th.~ J you want exchanze horses be DR. LEON‘S . SARSAPARILLA A Vegetable Compound The Best Blood Purifer M WALLACE BRESLAU be a . Hotse â€" Fair . and Blora on . Friday,â€" Apeil wntl,ouy.sé\ or ses "be : there. . â€"=>> . s > aivd. ~M amojion on 8 ale hore his village Friday. oseph Krease attendâ€" t > ~Mr. Hunsberger‘s fnvders Drug Biove euts H.:~S. Shantz, â€"flling at bridge _ ~ Lloyd~Rrb, ‘bonus forâ€"â€" 32:~ 'Ojg Â¥) B t waing marioges . + MB ‘CU, K CA . And deaths for 3 mcnths endâ€" "~ e . ons m * 4e . * Treas. Tpâ€" !luulné L *z tot ;A D. %, f .430 John Hyde, 4 cost of gravel on > N. E.. M.‘Tp. Line (1900), © ~%45 On Motion councéil adjourned / until the 27th day of May, 1907, whn "a Court of â€"Revisign will be held© ~and Patiimasters : will recejve theit ~ inâ€" structions, * mal ns hz 14 Nothing but praise and appreciation have we heard from the many who have inspected our advantt spring sbowing. ‘Attractive an it is, and well worth.every b«g:’- attention in it« varicty and Bovelty; but a foretaste of that ra‘e display we ars preparing for. Take promp® advantage of wh + proliwiasry offerâ€" ing and remember that a full »howing in lines 206 fully represented is a10n to come. <\; > $ï¬ â€˜Moved by. C. Stogser,. secondéd . by P. Berg that,the following accounts be passod.and that the Jtcove â€" isgue theâ€"orders ol the Treasurer in \ payâ€" ment. of . the_same, viz:â€" ® Hy.:Stoeser,~repairing road, _ $2.00 Goods 900 and $1.00 Good add : strong 50, 65 â€"and 75¢ Frost Coll Spring © Wire ~ 3c lb._ §tep Ladders 180 7§¢. ‘:‘&?’gu men t â€" With: peed‘cs 3 coards for Lavely. Goods from ato 15c a yard You‘ll need ‘one 200 of these Jardinleres Oil Stoves <pades 4 sizes WATERLOO Laces 7b¢. r.-fl I5C 15C §¢ Said byâ€"law. také eBect: 0 1907\ â€" Pass that 4y Wool ¢. HQOLWBLL â€" Tp. Clerk; aSSC d a CC Come carly and Cushion Cords See our new extra vel. ‘Others at 5o, 60 and 75¢. Morse â€" BsE o. Assorted Subjects 3 %um 17 ~distinct pat teros, 12 ft. wide £to 15¢ a Weiche!‘s Weekly â€"Store News 15, 20 and 25¢ " J hpem in Ond Cranite Pails $1.75a yard Waseh Machinges 30 and 35¢. 8 and 0 incb. Assorted colors Safety Pins The Victor, Shovels itc each Piotures Ribbons $1.50 5C ID . Weichel & Son 6\ soke" y â€"~ NEW Cas ver to € f north A S . ~ Spring me . "to t ~siid d seeâ€" ~Jackets ; be . We have just passed through the _ .. f cus,tomtm';mt into ï¬;“&h ott; _first shipment of s oo NEW SPRING JACKETS hood aha thaing" w0 King Street East, Berlin. A 5 siting broo: x i atiing. broom Liwilled, ready. to / Malleatle â€"Iron rakes at 250, 400 up to 81:580° 25 & rs 806- Sac each Proâ€" serve Rettice 6 and 10 quart,. 25 and 350 5, to and 15¢ Assorted styles Emb roidery Isec a pair From 5e to 18c a yard Trowels Brooms in threeâ€"quarter lengths.: CHILDâ€" DREN‘S gnd llSS_Eguigght color. 5C Goods now on sale. do 4. Just.â€"arrived,. : Be on {ime. SMYTH BROS. Going next week. Unpeeled â€" willow 25, 30 and 35¢ Write for prices. +2 dozen _ Pearl Buttons for > §c 10c and 14e <| 5c 10¢ and t36~| §¢ toc and sc Made: of steel, 15, zo, 25 and Carpenter‘s Tools _ 5/ 10 and 15¢ Rubbor bails Big assortment Crope Pagoer Lots of choice A sorted colors Bushel 4C 1b. Buttons Boads se roll 5C The same price 400 new Copies received m 3 cards for 68 and 10,~ . ; < #5¢, 85¢ and $1 Call in atd sse us 750 and . $1 00 Class Tumblers us about this. Hooks and Eyes y * The Townsesd. Cobbler Setts Japaness goods Black and white Mair Brushc Two satyles Painteor‘s Supplies Stratcher 15¢ and asc fimeh Baskets 5c copy Shovels $1.00 Musio sizss. No. .E NUMBER willow Casnand One Price PHONE 21 No. No. ‘x‘,n' no‘s Empnlqv‘ $17 00 and i o ragges: No. May‘s~ _ Northern Ground. Reotal A good line at 100 wa‘er juge. Holds 1 quart. . :â€" Bolt Buckies Carden Seods Two styles A bBly range 13¢ and 23¢ 6 buncher for Shears § and 100. Pdork/ Tackie Blooks Whisks Brushas Churns 2 for 5¢ $1.50 Jdugse 100 5C t ie Es ach d