.95†ttti 'ee' g at an up Y'h In a... d Cm â€can ‘1...†and nut with". and I“ - lone tuber “sepia; W in crating tensitkuhh am in the In. true. Th trttti2t,rt ot the Berlin " w ta' Association has tak - In! to one“ the menu: and . retttha B being (manned no“; w mailers and iiberalty signed, asking the GoverttmesttiA to pass the mu " presented. f No person, firm tshall distribute or "muted [tom door medicinqs. A sunny ot "the proposed men an val handed to . T'eiegraph to rreserrtsti" which will .be of Inter est to our readers".-. With every sample shall be tram; mined in he of -----doOrs, au- thereafter at; annual tee shall newn- Iailing which the pertsua'ts News? v.15 lapse. _ [ Every manutartuter or inner!“ 0 medicine- uul every agent of smh im porter sun, belon- otiering my mad m Iorwa1e, send a sample to Up (Sacrament tor inspection aod analy 818. With this be Elli“ send an ath Civil. sttrtiug whether the mullcin‘ contains alcohol; mail so, 0.: pet vantage thereof, or wlmlhcr it our. him: any other substance Gaugvr"u to health in too large quantity. It upu: amalgam the und.cin- 1 Iouud not to tontain too mum ale: hol or other dangerous substance ll Government ml] grant sud: pawn license, otherwise a liccnso to a} will not te granud. Each package yr bottle shall. soon as tuhd haw attathed [In-r an imam! revenue stamp [or an mount of duty varying according the retail price of the medicine container. The siamps of the med cine manufactured m Canada mam attached to the pacxages before tlw leafs the man'ulacturer, and 1!.0» on "medicirre imported behin- ll:- leave the custom horse. [ While it is perfectly right that lit Government should exercise pmpt supervision over the sale oi sutl medicine§ to prevent the sale of in articlts that are 'worthless or dai- gerous to the health, there are con: provisions or this till, that will in considerable disr4vor with the had at least. The stamp provisirn i, example, btside hem; utiiust to th retail dealer, is a turf antiquatu method oi dealing with the questiin The idea carries us back a humin years and over lo the days "I th notorious Stamp. Act anti tthgm ,suvi methods. And the lmuslit'v of " wn become apparent lo anyone upun t moment's consideration. For exam. ple at manufacturer ttrvys that It? mun Mix say a two-ttnl stunt]: In a hot tle of medicine that gun-rally rrtatl at 50 ctnts. He will at tinct- at: those two (outs to his pritm to th wholesaler, who in his turn will atl two cents plus his profit on bie tu, cents to his-price to the retailcr Tl, retailer ou' the othvi‘ hand minim marge more than the wire markrtl or the bomb-5|! (rt-ts. “v has th It fore to bear the uhule lass, ixlnr is manifestly a givat injustn‘t" The ohju'l at the hill is, up lit', it, to rout out worils.s or I|.llllill ratent "ndicitus, Hut Irvsidvri tl, worthless ot' lui‘inlul (mos tin-x; at many medicim's that are just as gm as any doctor1s prescrittiitrrs, are, l tact, doctur's pi-cscriptims. 'i'hey'hat done much good and are a rvriecl n tessity in the house for (“MS uv serious ormgh to call int a tint-tun or in cases v.fuae the tlm'tm‘ I" tn away and tannin be got at :lmlt n the Why tio, Bll‘tultl this Mum utctlitxl ite ttsed to collect Hum") t Pay tor the otorceuuttt of this "itt" any more than for the o_rtitritt t certain other acts, It “Ullltl lw in may roasouaua- to vequir" sum“ it ioty other. article M omsutuy1u'tr thu is inspct'tril for atlultvultum smith canned fish, tuvats and truth, gum; hortcsy, cit" To tthe a tuodvtn clan phrase: We are of tlu. upinun im- the pvoile Ill this tic" [nullity w mainly tht- retail drains 01 I .to-n and proraietaiy nu-du-inm, “MEI nu stm'l tor that Hill of thinr" The important subiert ot dlscus- Mon was the car shortage, which has been repeatedly up. and which han been hampering the (mentions ot Western (Intarin millors for some time. Lack of mauve .0ch seems to be the root ot the trouble Ind the large railway yards are crowded with an whirh the tratvtportaiion “not find it impossible to tttOCC. Kor um reason they will not tum-pl or- dain tor delivery out of Toronto. “I! tor delivery out of Toronto. Sectehry Wntttr was instructed to win we the matter up with tho Dominion Railway Communion, 'but it, too, is felt to be no overcro.wded with work as to render it doubtful - they can ko info the qua- Naa with the urn-my whhh it new to humid BUBBERS 00 UP, TM um “I! mum 8ealrrs but (ut,',,)" “an mm! iiit?.iti?i'i that "m . W . In. termed a? Guelph, March t'c--'rlse Wvtitturt (In tario section ol the Dominion Mil- lcrl' Aresociatiop. which mrvismon thir at some point west ul Toronto, was in session to-day at the Wet lington Hotel, A considerable amount ol routin" business was discussod during 10w lormoon’. and in the afternoon the committees settled down to the work tmotte" to them. CAR SHORTAGE . oi'"""iU. Me-age lupus-in M3" “mutual-cu toeDr.thrt.tFsttain law "amt. t'r.--'rlte Wt-slcln on the Domiuiun Mil . which Inn-13 mon '0utortgc,,stt" or communal cause to be dis to door,sanipks u n- statutes tttstunt""'" ration, mu hulk, a; an .3 J "", i-" _ _’ . W-_v rv..' ' Oil-hulk. , " =:w'rs.. Gib! Rm ol _ ', l . at a! Forum. m [any Itâ€- A - thaw Gibb to lb smiling M all et'trtT a. tl Bt 1'2UT, ' at 8, pencil u I lh'h"d'l hull WM thar bent.- lelt sorrow by their simmum Prom 2 to b" o'clock in the‘ after. ass: noon the body tnr.in state, and L steady stream at humanity trom lax NE and near went try the coma. mm; a last look at the la'oe ut him wit Turoat had in his lite exemplified that most today tl excellent gult‘ul plunly, and who [all the hide behind him the remembrance ot what will met: one man could do In bringing together and will thousands of mm in the hoods Os Elliott l iraternity and uniting them in_ dew (ill-IS" " lion to What great order which la Camilla. deceased mud its commencement am. children. its unparalleled progress. The pr One of the most lwautilul col Stvvensn luctiuus ol tlowers cwr witnessed in is the cl the city was that suit by the man) made tot (Hands. cl ptwcusaNl, The entire Iron th' bcliew of thc lug stage was llllt‘d will uiore tir. wreaths, gates agar, pillows am its' known oiosses. The back ot the stage Wan opinion , heavily "raped in crepe, and aidcq tbat Mr Mark lmml was' hum; aioug, tht the posit Mmh- huglh ot the luuvr balcony. Cire umlt A cot-alive ostmmtv would In .‘vnsun t that fully 10,000 muons vicwed th, accorded ously in (he "ttcruoo, and till Lil. Thom: last night " crowd passed by tin as tho lv Lollin. 44.4ng at tlw Alt-all. Ttrc (us must m at was munch-d by kiiiglrts liraltn material from thr Temple Icicuuspntcut ul th ti $10,0t Kohl Foresters, "sho took halt liott G. hour watches lhroughuut the day am 'urn tu: night. _ uravliw, Ham-wk pr ercly. ' ml I (In MIC on ol bar trip liingsh n c the Htratiu the rlo o o crowd (no un'l losllcd the ice It was .tfrrrttt 7.15 o'ciock _ Mt YI. It. limvlvs, tiw organist, plays the upon-mg notes of the ,beuutilu hymn, "Now the Laborer's Task i WM." urul the Int-murial service wa, W. J. Outer from and WM," and [he Int-mutual service wa, begun. lh-L W. U. Wilkinson, who can ductvd the service, read the opeuim smut-nu :1 from Jul) 14:25, 26, 2r, j timothy tp'. 7, and Jab l: 21, and Psa is). Ml‘ssrs. Meteali, Iteitwr, Han uislvr and DuMoulut rcndcrvd “Blrss ed are the departed," and RM. Ax., McCrillii:ray rvad the impressin Scriptural brssoa, so imbuud with th, cvrhnn hupr of immortality, from f Chess. 11348, and ij' 1-11, and Jo', 29:12 "llttr hynms, “For lu'ver “ill Th" Loud" and "yiared by Grace,' " Mr, [humid C. MacGregor won indium-11 hy appropriate prayers, tlp, hymn, "'i'he Sands of Time are Sink mg," ar.dtlie "enc:lictirm, The fun vral dmnul’sr Wdh' delivered by RM W. J. McCanghan, Chicago, Suprctm HIV 1 I) H gatur Kings" n Iv vvsprxt, and 501-4 nd halt Toroisto, Mare tlcparttutnt “as The rhdlgr Miss. L. hi, who lives at and MM‘aul diary". that nurm- in homo is HCI gain lust. n “In; I: that terday (my. i Ill‘l' th Hricn , the tlt, notiucd Miss slulw. drvss, at $7 suit, After In? nunu! ml the Mst goal I the Shadow net tor "Well, "rtutger, Um mayor ot these nggln'I. Btt' I'm let law ottorcement. We‘re got In ordinance what says no Noon nun ho nearer than 800 (out may . church. I gun 'en um. 'sr' to m as church." Inuir tlt Tim I 'oy Mr R1110“ hymn. _theryMttt, payout-m in Mr re scutrd more on tl “in Fuller’s pass ‘ulud m the mound In Ja' tdredge.) T What no may moving the thumb tll In " II ACCUSED OF THEFT Fauna! Srnlu- Begins W, Fl I F, WOOL to, March t'c--Tltts deitwtiw, unl “as advised by Ielvgrart an thal Miss "cairice Hray “mum! lttut. on il charge 0 as urrvstvd in Hrarttiocd yes atiord man 0 [it the m Mu Mn Ill ll Full 's'TR. Ulal- [1105a, r.sl lllll'll at $1.0; u our suit, value I†" shooting. Tr, " " at half“ “or of [hr II ame the pl irut" hr Mm Min: .1 tlw l'l Phh trol in minutes' pl goal tot th, O'ltrien, " the mum sin-(15L 3 Miss 1tray at tM) M wk In. mum"! ASI must her is laid Town! pl \' "ray "rdertel so! wht) shl' "irl ttty' mt Miss “my huh [lull lit-on "raiicd t, In! mi this Miss O' " the tlrvssrs, Who pl bnihvoutinir, rh 1 ',s,-'ll llâ€: Hr n was" HM: he Ach sou“ unplaqu as ' 1|anqu hm: Hr I‘l, The followin “rs alll-gul to I. rnltoui at tr8, on I; am suit. uluo Hun! at $38; on , half, but sh uw showing ‘5 In Rkhu UH Am ll W F, S T 1'r' is hid by it drvssurarit r of Queer Miss (l'lh'in y rrrderol so! slu. tlid tut' some ot dcmonsu , omcial Vondav l Hm )ll Ulih [mm ll “I ll muff tram s v leluml‘rx Vanhm n on m nl ll Mi " It [In 'll " tlt H'l M " Toronto. Hunt 1.-lt‘ was learned today that the executive council oi the Independent Order ot Fountain will meet Saturday at the Temple and will in all pruhabiiity appoint Elliott G. Stevenson suprcmc chiel (anger at the order. He was born in Canada. and has a wife and three children. The ‘preseut' supreme councillor, Mr. Stevenson'n appellation at this time. is the choice that Dr. Ororthyateuo made tor his sm‘ccssor, altlmugh it tti belieu'tl he did not, in life, Ill) more than express bis prcierener. " t8 known also that the muse-Imus ol opinion of the executive council ie that Mr. h'sivtattiott is the man for the position, and “new is a tum- ‘.ive understanding that it Mr. Htc- it‘ll-$0" will actwpt the burnt will be accorded to him, The (llsllm‘liun utmlm-al by a ma" as the hunt oi this great mgunimliun must be weighed against purvly material considerations. The salary .5 $10,110" a your. but friends of El. Mott G. Stevenson say that he can "aru twice that bum in his primlc "lattice. while at the sanw time they tio nut attempt to belittle the importance of the post at supreme "ltief runner ot the order. It Cr.Astehenson is a man of ex- ecutin- alrillly, comparatively young, thuut 10 years old, with the ag,gres- my. and mental power, that must aint in the sueeessur to Dr. orouhya- trklm. m that the probabilities are u- will hr the choice at the meeting Saturday. his It I! th, n Heat vn (‘33P rulm "c. rm I lrr mph-I m quit-Hy lo ltr InL'Jy nu tlw ammarhrd In plldm hum stul4culy laitsvs 1 'xtra WI, "ilest In ii thcrts Ileavrstc' 'l h: u†Asilecp, Too lull lor sound and hum When that which drrw trcm I boundléss deep Turns again home. Turm mam ttrome. Twilight and cvrnim; be") And alter Hunt the dark! Ami mar there he no sadness of late- well, “when l embark; For, though from out our tonne of time “d place _ The t1ood my bear In In. [hm to not my Pttotum, to taco VIM I In" cmmd‘blm.‘ will he 'vpvahui, and liwnscs Tru' an†M- granlrnl as fullde: $35 I. .151 trot and SI" [all h atldilional In rt annum. Hm Raga dllllUllI Aml nu Ind may bar, Ithrn I The Council of Guelph have d the lulluwiu; schedule of as, 1rhih will go into â€TH" nn'mL r'oller Riu's, $1M! [or 31mm"! Hkaliu; Rinks, Mucu- huz‘kry 1ayel, $23. Music Halls. $3!“ per mum"). Mvrry-iro-roo.d, S2 par day. youth hands, $10 first tabk. 3 vac]: midnional (Able. lragatcllv iahlrs, $III lu'l' tart p arly ll.ll y h m! u IN leH-IH'I’AIU-lR‘S INS-"RIP THIN. tyr Bylaw Nu LICENSE FEES IN GUELPH Ipri an»; tttil “ply it" .5, totel, 111mm ot the lau‘pr. ng' up ltr M holvl NEXT SUPREME CHIEF N " Hm v'dit.t w "I. tr a' shut“: l the fum Mr, and III l'rrtctt HUSSINU THE BAR dun tur, u: yaIlnu-q, Cr, Pl House and Thtsattts ass in "mu In M d 1hvr at Toronto rm-uuly Lupin-:1 to the um wreath, the Iihh \Mlll Ihe, hm "arr." ML Mull: tirl rump, "ire shall Iuwnslail hvr Pth ilve b, hull th mu W" sh Sold duly in Sealed Lgagd Rackets. in,“ 4tto, to: an In path. AT ALL uncanny. HIGHEST AWARD, ST. Louta, ANU. Hun yer “mull“ , 1alrcre Imam-y call miyunn NFL]: lun my Ito was out 1 lnluih Ir, NWT ml. Th 1 m IIIva mksunul 1licd 1el uwlir sur, l tur me! o moaning ol ll â€will 1M In at Mama vilml the jl "' v,hith lu rltr' â€Mm" v ,hc autumn all. Sides. 1 ttto Mill old ling, me.- would always is no Numb-m yrtutsvlr Mr d lhe pit-111W: Ind printed to y siartrrt in trcm out the hum ll nu} [I ) al "io 'itRauttt $100 pm 1d li ata ipt tta' AH: h in ,llngbl Hi HIM tlt Tannin, Hulk. 7.-AI. the {unw- Il Ducting ot the sperm tolumittu of the Legitimate whim will town er u): problem ot child knot, L'U! new“ Monteith, Minlalcr ot Agri culture, In: selected to act as duh mu. It seems evident that the “I quiry. will be gist" wide s ope, an: evidenw will be heard (mm cad-4h. oi the hawks. departmtnt employ ms, la' or nrganizatiuns and ol we tiuual an'l [numb anthuliult in up oiug the meeting Hun. Mr; Monteit'. u-frnxd to ttus immunc importance 0 tle alum-:1 below the comtuittce, t the country and ils tulul'v. Dunn Hu- "writing, the opinions ot Kactor Inspvclor Burk as hard. He [cl that 1qu h of tite H’uuulv was muse» by tlt' not [hat para-ls and gum“! isns were ohm guilty ul taluilyin their certirtcates as lo the agm l their thildtuqt Mun "tuployed in [an iorips and :lru 3. Mr. I’m-sh n (13mm favored the atppoinimcut of an om mu to issue contiliculrs lo the eiiee that Io.s or girls are of the legs Age. [ GIRL LAUGHED FOR 8 HOURS I. varly, N.d., dammit!) mart Alter right blurs of Umlilluol; laughter Miss “albam Uarr, hum, so wruaruttyd t.lut shy was in gun danger oi collapse. Tu. str: tux lauylnu: tit passrd " and s.its is IN morn-ring. Miss Barr was visit'n 30mg wmmn frirnds, “hr" sum on- Prt'wh'l mad" a willy u-mm‘ til "My love for you," the port wrntr, "No mortal cw: new. Ott, M um brntho. if In “use words: "tatm-ttr Jodi: n _ ram ()0 m In Bcluw will Itv'foumi' .1 w, arlian aurl Auwricart patent If guymlvd through llttr am Messirri. Maron & Marian, " turuey x, Muull‘ml, k at 1tasisingn n. n.c. Any unfurnmtinn cm llu- Ml n , illu, ()1 l1f3,oil- All (Ullum Journal.) ll H commonly uhm'rvul that (it mairraus are long-lirval. Tlicrt' aloha statistics to Prove that they are (he longest livcd at any law at people, but instances of lungrvity are so cmnnmn in this country that it is probably the New that no other na- tion ('qu ulmw " nmn- trlllng rrcord, As an rxamplr. take the obituary column of the kunrnt numbrr ot the llrmllnion Presbytvrian. Then an thirterurieaths recorded, seven ol them worm-n ondsix mun Being Presbyterian, practically all at them are ot Scottish dost-rut, which may in Canada, yet this Is an obituary rc- cord taken at undom. and it would seem to establish this country as l plum where the evening at our days la long. 30mg wmmn frirnds, uhcn sum on- prt'seh'l mad" a will; u-mm “him made crvrylngjy I.-.u;.rll. Mis Fur “as unable to stop ttltttt H, desired, but kept u: hughin; yp. laughing till 111: whtrle comp.rti w: more or less atiecutt. Finally " bu mnu' a mum- serious main-r, and " young woman was taken [mum in mmv a mot young won]: laughirg. All sorts of fevicvs bit'rf' ttsoric to in vGurts My stop the ttcontrol attle impulse, but hour altar In: (In unlurlunatc girl continued f 'tutFaiv. Two (hu'lurs used lhrir ut nus! s'dll to rclieve height" not m til 10 o'clock at Illghl, cighi o0ut after the ftt suited her, otuhl slw ge any rilivr. Thin she sun? imo slun bur,,wc.1hvnrtl by her slnn‘mus m rrliuns. Oddly niaugh, "ex1 mum ing she bad no recoilttiiou of “In the jo'c was, PATENT REPORT ti13 I“ WILL HAVE WIDE ssopt ny ml mm In l Iw In m" A MUNOLIN H TRAGEDY 1'ANADIAN LoNGrn ITY ml. Q (I --.Moiio: L. Iliiniulu, r ml., lianlway Hail Chair --Frrulvtick Walton, ip rnglaml, “in-ch ul Mote oilttu mad ttlticlvs. -Courad MANN." Chu ll ()lll’ Chair, -- l "Inn " tiemu T John A', Trolley Guard l'nllul Malt-x idtsl;url Chat L n I, xv. Alanna for g.- " audit II " ft m hm All nor-punt [or their lunge- mw n! the thirtvtm Was 8 ot age, mo of Ihem ' and Me of them uwr Tt us»; (En mum-4 m l‘almda, Canada it!“ u m oi than: I†118080) HI mum-NU are an country that it is that no other na- mhn- tcllieig "Cord take the obituary wnl numbrr ot the rrian. Then arc worded, seven or six mun Bring tically all of them PSCPM, which may Ad, itsr , ul'ull l) tur, Hallway exceptional. i an ohllumy a d .m Mont I cal l ppm at us tt,t , (minim. Howl an: My 'att of Srwin clock ml r l wtl Inn; It MIL At an ul at ill ml in Ttattarr't how gym Pygmy? uanu' hwy " your mu I’llglaml, div-l inlet). family hate In" pun 2m my of lip low: I .Iu; In Gall. and (hm and Mi ada," puititshol ( Ivo/stock, Ont. I with lulliglnllnn [MP on flur y mums tltc uumlu' ihe many paprrs ing that Dr Mu wrong in his to -iGiil "if -r can bout A'at Tttl tttse ,'8fh'll'r"ll.h'l, -_-p"- 1iGiiVtiiG Fa “pay-Man mi Mr '50 no 1,ta"lrabi; lt trtgt't, an urn-I ' than. chat. an: "dine-nub ,ouiiIu-zi to lite hoitl [or tour and m) 1'app'r wvn- they to rub wtth th" “In†that many t, had cot 11km lime to wear and cools, Win. 'l'olioch, a rulusunuliw uanu' hwy " your um! hit? Hg Tlw i'. ’l'urnbull h'uitling Co , ur- ui (mu/s oldest acd mm! lluunaiuu; urluxllirs, is alurat to (“large its iactury [Willis s"to a mum! -ml le Ch- tent. '1 he itcrcusc will 1:1.â€th the works. _ Gull it'ct iy own lo tlmcl‘cnrrs in \‘u-ws â€laugh llw'Dmmr makes a goo" br- xinniuz, and knowing hiygrouml. will be well am" to defend his posirion m any "suliing'cottirovr'rtt _ Tr wonderful manm‘r in which putrlit' opium" is moving all mm the com tlent in connection will: the protec- tion uf fsl, and game is well human by the special descriptive amount"! tle two dayu' cunkrencn of the North Aux-man Fish m1 Game Protective Asuoclatipn at Quobrc, At that Con- lcrrn‘e progress svttsteportrd an alarm thr 1in, 'there ks rlnny u! "mun amour “talus. twinning m: nun-ml of tir' hunt â€manned mr the Canadian Iiifir Railway, In! those who hae had their inh-n-sl aroused Ill any "'NU wonderful opium" is Hunt in co lion trf [sh u cum. - "leo, mu. m". unm- the Galt Allâ€! Rum; morning at Ma â€was. ‘All the†dim-un- tm ateriougi" them selves. asad it not pmuzptly cure] in tlo mly men are the certain forerunner:; " Consumption in its most terrible forum Psychine conquers and mm columnâ€) Lion, hut it in much and" and utter u prevent in development by axing Psr chine. Mere is sumplo M thus-sand.- u voluntary and unsolicited statements {mu “I over Canada '. (Inn his Jail yvsitlcnls will least: with lllal there is Am) pmbahmly of ; ond outbreak. A 12m: to.it'ned i .sulation hospital “In livvt‘Yupre' Jisz‘aSc resembling smaHyox, has Geatictitou.--t teet it my duty by mh'hl- vn ol the mmknbk‘ cII-e afrctted be \unr Pagan and O-tttabut. " mm have come under m per-mud outcrulion, Three mru. “on knmm l Inc. Mbert Townund. "and “In." lull Jun McKay, I" pl Ehclhume (Emmy. Wt‘n- " nounmd by the bed "mum! men lo lvr. ro,1'2.1',1','tt,i,',ti Ind to be vaunlub .an hen-ml tl rem-ho medium! aid. They wed Pn‘rhnm m. oxplnul9m and ll_\cy are nova-1.10m} lwxxhh was at (IIL'U rehu and the qum’uul (mm tite mm. tits time wenuler liqu-n purple wk (ll-or so hurried} ,uuiiIn-J to lite 1 Dr. T. A, 6)oeaat, [Aligned I fevi in duty Iuwe to sum-(Ir: lunmmilv t, late than turn.- for the beaettt ofutttertutrerers (mm this lemme mane. Your: very tt My. “SANDER wxmvzm, J P, Psychinn, pronounred Fi-keen. is for sale at all tfp-to-date dealers. If you: druggilrt or gemeral More (‘axmot supply fl'll', write Dr. T. A, S'locum, umikd, 179 'ing Street West, Toronto. Gnu, March, IC-Thu'" is up small, ,‘ux in Galt. 'this statrrmnl Was 'nlmally made mun-ht by Mayor Thumiscn. liming once cxporioncm the tetrtrs of a smallpox cpidcmir Gall .rctiitlcttts will least: with relic closely examirttd a_r.ruivday it 'r..1 declqrcd that u was not stualtpos. Tiw Ctutral Ilutvl. from MIMI ur, mun-:1 h ul he'll l‘sntusmi and “him had ret'tt quarcntinetl since 'rueetlay, was at 1n:'e rele.wsek from s.:rveill,rnh and the quarantine placard 1vtiurtrl Tllli .MAlU ll "HUI! m w igtlt"'tt"t 'eNl,',1'flgt,'h trtt'gt'tf,e thm" chat. an; clout-la. nine mum-nu] Eairit iuraG "W" Fas',",',?.'?,?,':,'.""',':',,','))"'.').,'") “an; n Sfgtditt,', gfttd 'iiiiitifi,1ihfl i,liht,tit,'t' 1','iiieli."eili, b I “can can toe r, w Mmm, but!“ Coughs. 1tuthv, luI.l Th lull. lit [ML N0 SMALLPOX Ill GALT In: at shop, thu uumlu'l. and will papcrs ml Willa-s " Murduh, Ilu. his ct"rclttsictvc m In Jitteretivcts I)“ lack of m In- Mandi nun xml Motor " tshol try w, J on. Dog hum In mull whil: at Mat'lél't'xul (in had ll.l' little I wry Milly r hunt†wouud l lulu) ' llt HIM attWOtt Chili an! In". â€an Ito-mu 60ml Walnut: "mate Troubles. Full. AM. 110th. Night "on“. W». Catarrh of the Stomach. The» "I at th, am tumbl‘d nu They had I Willa-s us rtlt, Ilu. writ .m- lim- I. "iool M? ul (s wtll In this am fur gram)- trrrtrtatimt. The hon in I piper all spunnmrn s will live sunn- Crush Ehrlich Ns, passm; h, aut LVN, whi ill [uilll ml la u Tay lor, ‘s will run Ilur T h (I in th " l un bee da ' h tl is Itod 'Ull a l' uh at ll i S. Sander K8ti, " Niamm lruu growers say San Jose scale IS slit! mvugmg trees. Cam- paign of "xtcrutittation is planned for spring. A man was arrested in Hamilton charged will: complicity in Dresden post ottice robbery. Provincial insirvctorraidmi a hotel at 19rwell, timiing considerable liquor on premises. Mrs. Perkins was suit lor trial. [ Miss Sadie Irolmes will he allowed (u'pi'act‘u-c dentistry tor two years win-n she must fuss e.otttinations. Pram-sum Minn-l Khalil in Mout- uul um tu-tTI Sahib Maxwell me- "torial school. A Miss Sumo- Mishap. â€ruch'ilh'. Mllllul Imilm, clrmrmnl hvrsclt in KL luminm' Hui-in I hanke- special â€h‘“‘h and: M Baku, ovum, Tue, Mite ing A Input-non trom Guelph will ml Government sputum to comm-w (In otaaoNateg â€tool than. Winnipeg‘t tum “.000 A In: Ind "I: the brigadv ot Patis Hrreaectt to rain m a may it their number is n-rhm d hum Mly to "mis-ttre. John hh Jameson ot "rttnttord,died slylidcnly Tuerrdar. lie in M you- old, Iron. John Contipn's tteat tor Vie fork-Madallms' a in the (‘ommcm has Mon new by Hun MKhaud, Liberal, William GletttttorrU, appoint“! to succeed the late (‘oanvl Cameron is 'rrttrrlntertttrnt ol the St: Nation: In, dium at Bunuord, has! mm.- d " m . Vault‘- nnjcc. “I†1. a... that. ttiilttil, 'Ci "F? , 'Ill!), . a mu}. woo. 600, 7.00 -" a? Ai' Ill, an. ad black a 35.00, a oo, t.00 "i iiliiil59,iil, l C Chm. only “do! ktiiii'ia2 Miss Fulln- Mishap. mtsckviue, alum] Inulw, "rowm.;t lu-rsoll in St, lmxurmuv Inn-r. Th.- Parry Sound Council will give “mum" [mum "or "stablishmrnt ot sun-HM In vutploy IINI iuands. Anrbassador llryrc ire fuming to 1'anuda 1n mulm' willl Earl (in-y nu mattvrs lwlm'cn Vuitv0 SHIPS hyulohh-L Mr, i'mhmnc'u minim: laxaiionlti0, was summrlml by hulk silk-s ot Imm- Lulvmn nomIm-r tum. Your the man we can suit to . "r." . We bun the rapt†of Suits and Overcous an the tight kind of print. _' tc SIGN OF GOLD thum. THE SimiiflliilO BANK ill? CANADA KING STREET EAST HEAD OFFICE. . . . . . . . . . . 'C" . .TQRONTQ. Randolph Macdonald, President. . and l'llMul " Sic-\'r!|.\un, l l,, will protrahly won't 11‘ " fee N 746’ , [ .ss' ï¬â€˜gfï¬Ã©â€™\J «y , 2" "(' 415"“, r. , _ I r,'cr.eac'tF. cr, , K 'f ,» _ ._ rd.,-, ' l 2.3.224; If?†Capital Sdbectlbod. Capital fully paid.. Reserve fund...... Amtlovor........ GENERAL BANKING . SAUDER _ dt CO. d luula Berlin, Unwed, St. Jams, lilvcrton, Kw name. iili\ 1’ o I l (if-57'5“ : 9": w-rw/J:2° 'rt-k", M. WILDFANE: BE gun's GREAI EST' currattii. PURELY CANADIAN INC 'Jmttta DEPMTIIIT Interest credited quarterly. A. A, Allan Vice President. In to mm “I loam“!!- Port llur In. trrmt M Wq've will mi new“ for the mm you-511mm vats eve cry style kill a." pit; thrown into " artit and mt. f We‘ve suits and ovum.“ In conscrvative style-Slab ll WW mu de lights to “up um don’t know Nat Vlad ,yon vat come here-and our disphy will than It to you. It you do knew just what you want you'll thd it here it if! tor present or spring your. Bora' , piece mite, 82.50, 83, $3.50 to $7. (Jamar-1' a piece sum; 31.79, $2, $2.50 to w. . Young Ken's. and “en's Suits, $3.95, M, 30, 88.50 to 815. T Aid. G'atrawa'election in Lortdcrt, has [min Cunurmtd by Judy- Mutt-ml]. London's Bond ot Kdttcation 1|:- scuts istimates totalling Slismtm. Mm Gcorge Clive. an aunt of Hall Grey, is dead. At Campden they are twinning u burn two mich and a lull. William Bates of Dumlaa brolv it leg as the result ot a ball. William Wilson was iiml 3.30:! fur Selling liguor to an lull-am at "rats, don, 'Man. _ The police ot Hatutl.ton ate .‘u'llwly mtryingon arrusmlc against gamle hug. Joseph will, n momma“ ol Bella! due, dropped " iron tat and mero- by cruIln-d amoral ortitt torn. The Men Ncholat6ip Commit- tpe ot selection tor “to west have chosen Andrew “ovum Miller. The tlt a w qtrtree " at Mrs. (Turks M. Garvvy, of Sauna, dropped dead on the doorway at her home. 1huttpbelltord is ittihuous' to have the lower om! sit the Trrnt" canal camping. The urea “any of Hatniittta haw tshed that any tor the Amount ot their Indebtedness to it. Special tarlhtUonts tor the “all M Jun-ion melting taken up LI (It Roman Catholic (lunches ttt Hana ttton. C VA lute stone mind at m Ctll‘mcnl golf but». ma' “who! Woman. B.t' during a course W. schools. Hamilton will ftgltt the application of the Radial Railway for " Damn- ion chant-r. Jotm Gray, ’4)! Aylmer, touk' mm Gonna by mistake and narrowly vs raped death. The tgt. Catharina Hoard ot'Traie In": nub-Mu tor the "tensiott d the C.N.K. through Ontario. It is expected {int 100 new town will spring up on the route at we G.T.R. between Winnipeg “a limo-- There is a chance igit the C, P. R. wilt build botwovn vaul aml 1telleville. H. S. Howard, English mash-r ot [hr Owen Sound ColtNiate Instr um. .iH (haul. Permits fun building in Edmonton. Alla]. lot the "ninth ot February, tot calla! $306,390 Ion The Samlwkb Salt and lmmhcr Co. will remove tht4rptatst "an Bund- wioh to Thcaulou. Stewart Genera Manet“: eare-itt ot cool mud ot one man and um ot hm â€an: " I BERLIN. ONT is thinking of intro- ol music In the pub- I 3 908,000 " 4,o--o,0oo " 1.255.000 425,000 000 out ot I 7 Wm. at “I‘m BERLIN. t m