_lllii1., Estate _ my and *“Insuranee Brokers CASCARA BROMIDE :QUININ Phone 217. V l .‘lltciuk’h "cl: U. . Ill'rtll Illull “.n‘ ttttttte I.“ MI te J. ' Fauna! I trpirit ot loyal†to m CURES A COLD OR GlllPl’E IN A FEW HOURS. It does the work and leaves no bad after effects. . The box only 25 ctr. at "har. Poitan Read Mcnireal, Mt m Ir?†ttansterred to Tun: Mr. Emil Fnulriw Us to the tailoring stall of Hitler. Mr. 0. M. Umbach and family Elmira rercovcd from that .riaVe Waterloo on Tuesday and will rem here permanently. Rev. Mr. Lev, pastor of the Pushy tetian church, will may]: in th Methodist church next Sunday morn. ing. Boys patent lmlhur _ firmaticn at $3.00 and J. S. Roos Shoe Co. The annual meeting of the )lsrcal tile Fire Ins. Co., will be lull] 'i, .the head ottice Waterloo, on Monk: Hard) lath. WW9 6W In the Methodist (hutch, S: Wenfng. Mr. D. B. Mussolman “I: solo, “The Kinny and t vary treceptably. Our $4.00 “Derby Shoe" made In “but Colt, is the shut oi thr. town. The J. H. Itoos Shoe Co'y. “WWW A horse, buggy arid 2 mm wagons' - Ids. Apply to Cr. Has n‘l-xg, Wa- Moo. Repairing neatly dore at Zick's. Mr. FranLLIin (mud has schl um of " " on Albeit street, nun the PHI! to Mr. Fred l’cruhhachvr, “hi "wilt "an a n-sidinm on it The Wanderers of Watertoo were defaced at Badvn ina hockey match, Weanday owning, by a score 'or Chiidren's shoes from 7 Don't buy trash to shoe , It Won't pay. The J, S. Co'y. A mush] fancy dress _ It. held in We Waterloo In any aiming. A goodly mm! geared od the ice in (Indium Mr. J33. Mitchell ot Fa vho trpestt the summer hm “a! bis tather's rarm m Waterloo, consisting ot I. smo "ehere legroom." Club “ill be hel City Holql‘pn fr.ida.r rwning Th? members ot the Prvshyivtia" no. yiwtoraryc?1v1 un‘uycd tt my Nye'" social cun‘ng at llr, Gri; GaiiiiikGen M his and three Mr metal In mm. and weighing - m .W‘“ pounds. Who can Sabin» Presidtm, Mrs â€at on Monday evtaitig, 1.. Bible can ot an. Mr. Lee. â€total the Pmbytorln dance]. - Iv . plan“ slashing in!†My evening and um um enjoysblo drtm wen entertained n the home cl II. M O‘Dolurl when all Ar. Goo. AIM ot Ertsaviile rorvnt- tt (on! A goon a“ ot .extraordimrry lap. my; nine n4 . mm inch About my ("and Mr no Mrs Mlttt than» NW am. “(new M, his My min: on an y taLItt'3tt of their , L 41! my m‘ iruii" , - hour or two " hp No. [Clover Seal. one m d ltmmollu Clout Seed, and n “In at In! ot Timothy "a, ill Multan. mum tor ale at Mt“ prism.. Apply to G. Hum- 1Wt, mum. V . $3.50 buss sum shoes .n Zwk Zick svil s chtld Buy Conhrruation shoes ut Zick‘s See Zick tor new Spring Fischer’s latch" Shop Phone 215, Waterloo, Local News. CITY DRUG STOKE. 311. Dautsclm Apolhclw WATERLOO E. M. Devitt will makr u's rubber boots w oi tlte Amti ' t has rrcenti.vrvt 1tto. tlwo punt- dress camival :loo rink Mon- “UPS for . " $3 50 at lh 15c to $1.50. Ilu. children. . Ruus Shoe In en added Mr. John shoes c Ins pur- rrlhwcsl ol at In! nu ap " V all! “I wanna“ ... a. uttering a name'- duuu‘ at lb. ninth and jump. od the Bond tst Trade," mm " "aunt's “out 1My owning ad " may Hm Holy eham.Ugiud n hung-beta 3 0:.c ot Ike way best think has ya é hem held by the Inca! Board at Tred . i fnleChes were of . but can: mi Very Largely Attended and Splendid Speeches} Delivered in Response to Touts. j JLWH ad the town‘s . lnztltuucn, “hit-h wu most mmmndabls. 'lite nggcsticu: wereâ€. ll [allowed out, would assuredly new". in “In turn: or upbuildiug ot tha Best Town in (tuna... . ll Hwnly alter “gm. o'clock all sat down to the excellent Input. provided by Mine Host J. Wculoh. the follow In; bung presot:-Presideiw. G. Welchl, Vice-President, J. B. Hush cs, Surctaxy, .E. P. Fllnlolt, and Messrs. Mayor bl. F. anagram, A. Werdrutuutut1er, M. t2. mum-I, J, H. Hues, n. M. Snyder, S. B. Bug-Let, E. M. Dewitt, l". U. lluglns, F, Hchierltoitz F. Keil, H. J, Itoos, k K, Brandt, W. Kutt, C, II. Bechtel LILo S. Bum, Fied Snider, 0.(hige| Banner. J. G. Meyer, A. F. i.eti lira l [m tum g Mueller, E. M. Devin Hchierhottz F, K, Brandt, W Him S. Bani Eggner, J. Itch“, J, A â€Minn-maid, tral, W. S Hr. rm mam It' Ill'l W. liells Aflvl {all jtv-iicr' had bt." the soul things Iro.ititul tin lint v.11, procetdsi with, Mr Weichel acting as cluu'man i J. I}. “whoa as \icc-dnlnm Vrttiidciit Weidvet :uhlrmssm] tr‘c‘ly to 1h.s? Ircseat and r' thattls far thc Imnnl‘ annuit- M. M spent ing S upon "W.ti ten the thy le , with a Toast (d 1‘10] with and an†lr'sllily druid"; thr Toast to the King, III: chairman cc" 'ri rum the last Ptvsithml, lir. J M. Muir, who in (nurse oi a will sputh exprcssed his pleasure a' v0 ing S) many prcstnl and reruarkrd upon the impetus the Board of Trad. would receive were all who atttmltl the banquet present at the month], meetings. Ile made roletcm-v oi 1h successful efforts ot the Hoard m Trade in securing two new Vdusttir and trusted that those present noun assist in making the Board of Trad, still more represtntatir" ot puhl'y opini n of the town by [heir altar darr:e at the meetings. irogressivrn:ss oi oi Watrrro. In Ifugrll of Trade lr (onlial relations that bully all?! wool! mumâ€: . Heard of Trade “ m 1m? th . tlesirahil taCy to I) II? ' a" Il'pscd lo bo " mcmhu st th? Buaul ot Tradu of Iluu- lawn M Waterloo which had at [HIM‘HV NHL ty-thrs'" mlu<llu~s located In“: lh. slid not hunt Oe acluisninn â€Hunts irdusirics "mil a (-ulnpally has mu tnrrnul and hotisrs Mortal in rrIn-u- the situation in this rmwrcl. “I‘M in the past tcw days Tour lauuili _ had lu-vn "nsurcvviful in llu-n qut'sl .11th hotrves. The spruvkvr made Iv- Irrcnccs to tlu. prupnsrd mumm- lm'uts in tite Fire Deparhmul And m limatrd thal the ('ol-ncil would 11.1w lo ask tlr, town tor an adriitirud $2000 to make the dxsired impluxv- uwnls in the? Fire Htttl and the m qulsition ot a [mm ot horsrrt 'lh necessity of paving King street was iourtred upon and me “Mn-t of th library and an Ipplication for an ml diuotttrl guilt of $2000 from Anln-n Cunegie. He stiro referred to th growing popularity ot the Walcrlnn Pulls. the improvement' at the s-v: er “mi. and the excellent shown": nude by _ttte local Lite Asumn t ‘Compmieu In the recent inveuma Mott try the Ron] Commission Brrd, B. Fiche! In course of 2 mm speech touched upon the' pro- Mem of better roads and favored pay- ing tor the Work under the {robust "strait. A certain Rum nth your should be let aside tor unproven!!! ot attach an as to make the Work perrmtnot. The speaker "(and to (In med of a Home tor consumptiv- " and tttwght that the Bonds ot Trade 40nd Cutmrttg of the scvrl'al‘ Munmmm» who“! roman ml 'e area the Gown-an the tii',') “any ot "tqlistsing one ht this mum. Tho mutation Ind ml me that a: - out Ila-Hull an“. In my. gamma; iiaa a» "W P ly, “miles as xive-Otirmau, PT.sidciit Width?! altllrlssml hints 'cny to th.tie Ircseat and vxpnss Allis fur thc hunnl‘ avroru'etl hull acting him to the position oi Pre, nt of the Bunnl of Ticdis of l awn of Watruho, an lt nor "t “In . was deeply appreciative. Ht' on el the County of Waterloo m “uh " um"; thp wmar!s Hunt (1:30 hy Pr. A. S. Vimgt ai ",hc 1:1 banquet {urn him by the ci I18 ot Toronto, in v.hith lie . T pa darned tribute to the uncrgy a l h put th. tlesit '4an at tl ,(lwr, I1. Hilluld ' .12 ll' ttt " Boa a trust to the Town of Walrrln trmxt honored ,aml was rvspomll \' Mann's. Mayot Seagmm J. I l h 'ti. l {\‘njdm‘ ', J. Lilhtitlt, Is, A. Il.. "ell: Ii. Hum, I. Gro. Dennison , ast d a all, N ayhill, The Town C A. My)": licllnul, W J. ll. N04 Jfcr Hilll Nagl " (I a lip: llul ttr, list Ma " he'icrl Harpvr J, RI! a TIN hu D was to ability of Bu'hlnl and Mayor Svagl ll Wow, in id, l Alum“ " w. l "tlar km "er to tho (1131‘; the banner I' re'iertrtt t truslu] llut existing bl" , Walt-flu!) Mo Hum t‘ I' an! It otuet , ll dcr inlm st cali xt M (all: n. [Hum xt [mrxde a tr Arm _ittis, tis 1 t I Ar, hairmanccll rr b, mt, lir. J/up t 1 oi a ""31 lui a isure at um» I n-_.d aid remark d t "OW' D“ n P. II. lt llillmlcl Damn I _ (D dun I) isc all] M ille, Fl: l Ir 'lustlis: " “an†, Trad" ‘ puhl; altar Moy: ll It oi lh [’lm in otlwi scvtrrNfre he an! irtt y tux-'mum it this kind! .1992! n toa cuin itlis:r ll citi- paid an:' M ll ( " . now had more thm Mm agl.. I'm; losiur, 700 or 8th dt ' (mud a' oA l In ,11 Mi l who Wire h lying al, n; th :Ulfll’; interttits, The I fr" 1mm send MANN-Jam Hr. of n-anutactutvs Ilunugh ‘uH a showing equal to an; adv , I.“ Mr Sn‘drr u-Liu ll Hi {XL B. E. W8,“ o? , i'thfryuereettayt-treoan .' , c.l, byuetr ulna-d to & lulu-oi lllel l'loluuidlotb " .‘ “wind the lugut amount. which wu t mum-d in rep-mu “new Hep L2 11010" $3500 or $3000 hull horn wept ackeg “All you in this way, but no 3mm Dwell tmptuvemuat In to be notui in th. . wads. A my mount must be " prices. pended so u to make the mama permanent and lasting. He expressed Ihis opinion that the only solution " the questku ut ruining the “33155813. J money Wats by the local improvemen method “hit-n system seemrd to war alilght in case ot the building (I P sidewall. He tittd 1hree diGero . I kinds of roads, namely, paving mien prices. aslhzit block and Bitulithi: paw want. Ol these three he Itwored line hat: ot the p‘-lug, bsick'xtiich {is L; --- liered was the best, Toronto had many unlvs oi the brick pavement . and it gave good satisfaction and was lllUlll mum hating than other l “lids Ll pawments put down. The suggestibli at Mr. E. W. Ir Snider cuncclnu:sr the cstabl'plureut ot " tac;utiei in a tactury svctirti away il‘nm thrilmu. pruprr might he cl Huh! but he (Nil ttrt think it Pracit g" crl msmmuh Uh it matiarar'turt'r 1h In built. H- “: to imm- LII ot impothlux. _ Mr. Snider stated that ire accepted lll.‘ imilallun w'he prestnt this ev- wing and was glad to respond iotlu mast. He nan spot his boyhood in Waterloo and lite place at that lime [Ltd a population of our, or All“) pour He and the only induslrks Wire a Hunt and saw mill, a distillery and a brewery. ll-c Intuit, proiurly ray oltim to being the oldest "ranuiaetur- rr burn in Ratetloa liming lived hen up to th. time he was twclic Years ul ug; Great mien omznl has beer, null: since that tinw and the town now had more Hun (Milly industries tvmilooiur, 700 or 800 Innis whit]. a (mud a' oA on? ,to vath Cunil) who wire h lying £1.11; the ur.mutac tuiir; iniet'itits, The local manular tt 123.: send “Jim-3:00 to “500,00 of n-anuractutes thrcuphout Canada " sunning equal to any in tht. pro l in“, Mr. .‘n‘du‘ tct.'urwol the pow- er qucxtiui Much had ban mooted \ixw 9x1 Massed by cur. bi. W. 13.8m- (1 1' as lo Ilut desirability ot setting ugart a certain portion of land asa Factory district aul hem-Nd it would 'alll'aut manuractuting con- cerns. t The nest was! was to “Out Im dcstrial Inlcn'sls“ coupIrd with the names ol Mr. E. W. H. Nutter oi St. da-obs, and Mr. Gco. Mame. {In low ire uhixrd mum" cd that every branch c; incline! to extend beyn mrrrrially was this tht wars. Hr 1hr Mr.nro. Moore spoke word: alum» Mr. A. M'uw mendannn ot the present. ('mmril and ine to the tonst "tocght that the Board ot Trade Wm: H. upon the pm a \my nrcemry tttd helphll mum- lhc gtrust missit raUrn in promoting the welfare M ihv puhtir' mind the (own And Wu glad io $00 A live "WWW and rnrrgrtir mm like Mr, Warm-l as Mr t hm y4 Presitlot', He, IN" reterrprt in Inch "Pâ€! io the h irtmrs oi rune lo Ihe forming rtrttt-, Ins bnnlun v mum‘y ot this mun: and it Ihmr at 13 Is o‘clock pdcstrr a" mum. Mud Lung Sin M. W. Lee in . etc-nut ad ML, Ttta not“ a ninth m - t my»: the mud! 11"iu"llla'trft'k; Js1tti,2lte,,t.t, _ -7 s-e-r, _ta.rss' irrres tor water sumly, hH'wtt",". c. Ike did not Inn-or mummy mu through the retiidctitial dis Erin In rolclrnw h ratarpcial mat H he uhisrd cannon as hr brim- I that every branch ot irade was clinei to extend beyond their moan-I '", Mr. 'idta' “win-ma the pow- questir" which had ban mooted ' years 3:0 at a Lnn'luol ul tho " loo l'osrd oi Trade He " It rrcd tc _ report rrrsicnttd by th" Coautir n of whi It Le was Hymns", Tht on lursevpr, did II‘H' rm: IN: tb .nlioll it should haw and the nu l 019'. uuluslriM Gttcrcsis " tws " 'IIII of ll Iuervrrr' u. Bork sulnnil I0 alul itriustrictt d hunting th or pmliun to in! th I! the n case in "TN math I tht that (zuvrrn- Aruudinz to In Tort nto, hm high at il Hull the would be H appoint n "sti. " pre I ll pre- mun-Id“ Ir' first lhnl‘ln- l I Elli th _ Just received ttge/tttttg'. on lot of New Dres- Goo s, black and colored Si ks, blankand white Saunas. silk tlat.', black cashmere Shawls in single arid double self fringe, Dwelling, Table Linens, Linoleums, Rugs. etc, at inspeciion Shoes at Schondelmayer’s spiritual we.liarc of Un- ritisvrrs, Km- cess tl:1~m:d d ulmn In ty, Wp mus“ work togeiher along busitrss lines u, all of us have a (-nmmun inn-I’m! u. can: otherus welfare. lie cited lln city ot Troy, 'N.Y., whrn‘ tlie Cluircl. to which he r.eicttr,cd, had p, miuihstet as a ieprcsvtilative in the Troy Laban Contil .11] though Hui it was Ili' We?†thing that the minislcr:hour4 tale an inhlrst in “w wu‘hinzman He was rleased lo leara that tyaltr, !oo. was a writable hire of industry, hating 33 industries and 1h.- prothuus sent out amounted to $1,500,:m0 alsv "sierra',' to the large amount at busim'ss done by the Insurance Fm:- parties. He allvocqtml loyalty In the home town and the gnuds shipped sherrldurear the label, Mad? in Wai- erloo. Ln it be not quan‘itg; hut quality. Ths torsit to the La pity prorosed by Mr. . and rvsmndml io by Sonxtrvillc and Ii. P. Were Tlry happy in 1h this inttresting subltct, Mr. J. B. Hughes in a iyw brim-f rr» man" s as xitc'e-ehairman, spokv a won d as to the adcisability of lite yum: men taming forward and taking an interest in the meetings oi,the Bond ot Trade. Mr. Thrs llrlliarrl in reply to llu: toast lo "Our iiindtwial lrrtrnsts" reterrrd to llte rcpulation of Water- loo's manufacturers in the west and throughout Canada. Ile made rc- Ierrnre to the fact that Waterloo was the home ul Litc Insurance l'omparr- is! ot which" we lrave mo and also are, Fire Insurance Cumpanies. lie revicwed the report of th: Royal Conr- missrrn “him he had just rtcciud, He was" not at all ptvascd with thy report and thought tlut the Com- mission haul nraguircd the laults at the compartirs out of all proportion to their imrorlatitrv. Notlrrrrg com- ment’at'rry Gd hr-cn said of any cout- pny. 1rrlrr,000,tr00 ot rnsuram-e was held by tlrv lilr- rnnuarrrrs III Cam, ada, ul whirl: t'anarlian Companies held tvro thirds and this Was a wry held " o excellrnt ment’at'lry Ind been said of any cout- paly. 1rrlrr,000,tr00 oi ianani-e was held by the lilu- innuanns III Cam, ada, ul whirl: t'auarlian Companies held lino thitrls and [his wan a very excellent showing in view nl the Tact that they have no proivctim1 against foreign coutpaittes. The Royal Com, million should have taken note that there has (not been Llailure in 30 yum among the insuranvc companies and not a single. claimant has Jailed to lune his rinim paid by the Conv pulics. The Bill presentml‘ to Up Rouge by the l‘ommission is modelled liter the. New York State legislation which prim-.1 Very disoti1rous to the business of the companies there which last many millions 01 dollars and he was contiOnt the same result would in low hen.- it the bill were passed, Mr W. H. Naylor also responded in the man He urged- the lniponmee oi young men attending meetings ot nroard ot Trnde. All ciliun: ouyhl lo unite and work together and Him; nuny thirrg-tfd W11» 'lhe aren't-r all) sin-3e nt 1lte, CS- cellunl syslem of Banking in 1':anvlt, Mr, A. Wcidrnhammrr m usrmu " to the toast to the Puss, unlar 1| upon the pom-r of the Prom m “r l um n mm" min ., 'tr'"'"'" . . "My io the tottst I Th" auction sale ot the tarm and . nnplvmrn's of the late John Sup, Ttts trattptet wt" brawl†io ao"."'. near St Agstttu, was a Tery “my " " otitsk " the “"§"‘S d cesslul out The Inn: campxliau DO tld Laog Bras. uns was sold In: the hunch: cum Ttta "out! 'ra',','.',,',,',,',":','],?. by ot "dl,t,21/"lil wu "%fdl',' n Pf.“ cl " arched: tht ' ' tht JD. ' um m ttttFmt. ,'ill"Glit ititirlitLetrete,rete,, P. s. Also loo bus. Choice Clover and Timothy at old Um Finaneia1 " The The Frets nimlnn " has in mind and mould Ladit s Mr. J. A. Harp: lo by 1hssrs. W l P. Fri.t It, Ll) noun Your Are _ . Looking For Utli: s Waterloo was "we Pompan- u\o and also “panics. lie L.' Royal Com- just rtcciud, (aura! in I " public IS hag - Harprt 'd Follow this advice. and while it may cost you at. tirat. it .lwuyu par. in the Ind. Y. u'll tfrul [Indy ' l"best"in this Monk. fur no matter what you "lee! it'lt be flue best of its kind. We hare spent time and experience in huying and tast" in making xt so. A mighty good piece of wavice tot all ottcasituU-9rorn the shooting of a man's "best. girl" to the aelecling from ur fine “no of Having purchased thegmeat busi- ness formerly carried on by Mr. H. B. Duering it will be my en- deavor to merit a continuance oi of the patronage extended in the past. . Customers and friends may be assured that only the choicest and best meats will be kepton hand. Businsss Henry Reuel A rlmrlrr has hen-n (Hum-1| umh'l’ the Ontario Compattirs Act. rivaling and constituting Samuel Memo! pl Rollin, Abs. Merner, "when Samuel "only Merner and any olhrrs who have subscrihvul to the agtm‘mrnt a rorporauon to mnnulucluro and w" W3. thrcslwrsr, agricultural im- plemertts and machinery. tht. empor- ate mmv of the Company to be Thr Mernor Manufacturing Company, Ltd. the slmro capital to be "00,000 " vim-d into 3000 tharrs M $100, the heart rmm- in he at Alliston, County M Simeon ontario. The Provisional directors are Sam- url Mrrnor. Mm, Homer and Irertwrt 1 good tirrtAoepintr gunme- of Decimal Watche- Aro their not! attractive points They an built with ac much tenancy, by mum of the decimal Bystom, that they can never vary the when friction of I minimum. Conuquenco It. they keep such good time, and give such good Batufaction that It in l pin-m for u: to tell them. Wewonldlik-boxphlnhyou about than. THE hobo-l construction and (cod time-heating qualities of THE MERNER MFG. CO :JEWELLER. nt ml Block. W8 V WATERLOO (Dueringhs Old Stand.) Prop. City Meat Market, Mm ttpt E. J. RODS SHC ES Change Water lo, Untrimmed IGts at Me, 50e, Trimmed Hats $3.50, now 81 " 3.00, " 1 Trimmed Hats $3.50, now $1.75. Trimmed Hats $7.00, now 33.5%} " 3.00, " 1.50. " 12.00, " 5.355 Ladies' and Misses' Caps, Infants' Headwear, Colored Silk Velvcts out I' Colored Velveteens. an endless variety. . Black Silk Velvet and Velveteen. Black Silk Mocklin or Net and Voil'mg. t Colored Silk Mcclllin, a very large assortment, sold by the bulk at 153. Black and Colored Salim and Colored Silks of all descriptions. _ Applique Dress Trimmings, Allover Laces, Allover Chiffon, Plain Dress Trimmings, Etc. Scat-l and Gold Buckles for Dress Trimmings. Chiffon and Ituehittgts. Black Silk Laces, an immense stock from 5e up. ‘ . White, Black and Cream Silk Insertions. _ Val. Lace and Insertions, White, Black and Colored Silk Braids for Miillliirieryr"'ii' Opening Plaids, Dresden, Plain Silk and Velvet Ribbons, wide and narrow. I have u surplus stock of above Ribbons which will be sold at any price. Ostrich Feathers, Ospmys, Mounts, Wings, Breasts, Quins, Flowers, om. Fancy Collars, Cuffs and Collars in Sets, Collar Frames 2 for 50. Belts, Hose Supporters, Fancy Back Combs and Hair Pins. Embroidery Silk, Etc. Come and see for yourself, as my stock is too large to enumerate. In our buying, selling and repairing departments, we no fortué nuts in hnving men who have made the aloe business a life long study. We buy, sell and use only solid lemher. We are under no obligttionl 'O buy from any particular manufacturer or jobbing house. Mrs. C. Steuernagel, kirtget.i"urhto. ulna in Toronto. Mi 2 Dclh Winter at I'restrut, ed M ndl in INerloo (n Sm: Mr Jas. LIVlngslun of Ltad' a visitor in Waterloo thmla’ Mt E. H. Zick bas [Muruul busing; HIP Io Mon'rnl Mrs, Eli" ll Good l, ‘1 some time with Mend: In AH Mrs A Wernor of Elmira Tutefheo Intends on Fllvhr Mu RltHet ttt ShPtrsprn" gum. u we Rome of Mt in: S. Finn. tm an. BAttt d Papaya sitji.)ii'iii,..i.it-.,ict,,,,r,jii, Social and Personal All Millinery Trimmed and Unmanned " Your Own Prices Go_0ds Must Be Cleared Out Regardless of Price. Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday. March 19th, 20th,and 218i. PHONE 367 CLEARING SALE _,., _ AVery Important Factor Going Out of Business ht Val“ NW7- H. Webb is spun!" The Boot and Shoe Business is Experience in connection wita any business, especially RIBBONS ---0N ill! a Vas 75c and $1.00. Tinit ndm " Dress Goods Wash Fabrics Linens Embroideries _ Laces Trimmings Spring lantles Ready-to-wegr - Carafay Waists and Skirts Mr, Ittiut Ruiz ot lrirmis in WatrNon Mr. no If! , who u» ample; with . J. . 'hai scum tgottM put, "in“. In. In Ruth O M Mr, T. Agenda 1 uxitm' at Mrs n oth, r, tor th uotlur, Mrs, Wiedrrhold, ttrtirsley, ior sPvrral "yri, Mr. Edward Mitthell Mt today (Tuesday) tot Sukuclmwu wig-re,†owns . ml! section of had. Mess“; Norman and Ed. Style! d Tmon'n won- nsitun in “math. Mrs Tues " Keno:- Hun or. l ' R, Eul. Superinknden! for the Mutual Lite, W, t the head nmro. Rik-Ike mud "are Ions tot “In: (“use has: nothttnn i, Wicdr WATERIDO. F.lmira called on n Tuesday. is slstuug bet 'rhold, Wollrslvy, ‘13"; I.